Introduction. The image of man as the most important ideological and moral problem of literature. Abstract: The image of a person as the most important ideological and moral problem of literature. The relationship between characters and circumstances in a work of art

1. General provisions

1.1. In order to maintain business reputation and ensure compliance with federal legislation, the Federal State Institution State Research Institute of Technology "Informika" (hereinafter referred to as the Company) considers the most important task ensuring the legitimacy of processing and security of personal data of subjects in the Company’s business processes.

1.2. To solve this problem, the Company has introduced, operates and undergoes periodic review (monitoring) of a personal data protection system.

1.3. The processing of personal data in the Company is based on following principles:

The legality of the purposes and methods of processing personal data and integrity;

Compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with the goals predetermined and stated when collecting personal data, as well as with the powers of the Company;

Correspondence of the volume and nature of the processed personal data, methods of processing personal data to the purposes of processing personal data;

The reliability of personal data, their relevance and sufficiency for the purposes of processing, the inadmissibility of processing personal data that is excessive in relation to the purposes of collecting personal data;

The legitimacy of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data;

Continuous improvement of the level of knowledge of Company employees in the field of ensuring the security of personal data during their processing;

Striving for continuous improvement of the personal data protection system.

2. Purposes of processing personal data

2.1. In accordance with the principles of processing personal data, the Company has determined the composition and purposes of processing.

Purposes of processing personal data:

Conclusion, support, change, termination employment contracts, which are the basis for the establishment or termination of labor relations between the Company and its employees;

Providing a portal and services personal account for students, parents and teachers;

Storage of learning results;

Fulfillment of obligations provided for by federal legislation and other regulatory legal acts;

3. Rules for processing personal data

3.1. The Company processes only those personal data that are presented in the approved List of personal data processed in the Federal State Autonomous Institution State Scientific Research Institute of Technology "Informika"

3.2. The Company does not allow the processing of the following categories of personal data:


Political Views;

Philosophical beliefs;

About the state of health;

State intimate life;


Religious Beliefs.

3.3. The Company does not process biometric personal data (information that characterizes physiological and biological features person, on the basis of which his identity can be established).

3.4. The Company does not carry out cross-border transfer of personal data (transfer of personal data to the territory foreign country authority of a foreign state, foreign to an individual or a foreign legal entity).

3.5. The Company prohibits making decisions regarding personal data subjects based solely on automated processing of their personal data.

3.6. The Company does not process data on subjects' criminal records.

3.7. The company does not publish the subject’s personal data in publicly available sources without his prior consent.

4. Implemented requirements to ensure the security of personal data

4.1. In order to ensure the security of personal data during its processing, the Company implements the requirements of the following regulatory documents of the Russian Federation in the field of processing and ensuring the security of personal data:

the federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”;

Government Decree Russian Federation dated November 1, 2012 N 1119 “On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 15, 2008 No. 687 “On approval of the Regulations on the specifics of processing personal data carried out without the use of automation tools”;

Order of the FSTEC of Russia dated February 18, 2013 N 21 “On approval of the composition and content of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems”;

Basic model of threats to the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems (approved by the Deputy Director of the FSTEC of Russia on February 15, 2008);

Methodology for determining current threats to the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems (approved by the Deputy Director of the FSTEC of Russia on February 14, 2008).

4.2. The company assesses the harm that may be caused to personal data subjects and identifies threats to the security of personal data. In accordance with identified current threats, the Company applies necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures, including the use of information security tools, detection of unauthorized access, restoration of personal data, establishment of rules for access to personal data, as well as monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures applied.

4.3. The Company has appointed persons responsible for organizing the processing and ensuring the security of personal data.

4.4. The Company's management is aware of the need and is interested in ensuring an adequate level of security for personal data processed as part of the Company's core business, both in terms of the requirements of regulatory documents of the Russian Federation and justified from the point of view of assessing business risks.

Statements of great people about the meaning of the book and its benefits reading-Books enlighten the soul, raise and strengthen a person, awaken in him
the best aspirations will sharpen his mind and soften his heart. William Thackeray
- Just as rubles are made from pennies, so are they made from grains
knowledge is formed by reading. V.I.Dal
-A good book is like a conversation with smart person. Reader
receives from her knowledge and generalization of reality,
the ability to understand life. L.N. Tolstoy
-A book is a fairy-tale lamp that gives a person light on the most
the distant and dark roads of life. Andrey Upit
-Books are children of the mind. Jonathan Swift

Man with a book on artists' canvases

1) Are all works from the list of literature for summer reading
did you read?
2) Which work do you remember most? Why?
3) Which writer and his work are you ready to talk about?
literature lessons?
4) Which writer would you like to know more about?
5) Which book characters are close to you, who would you like to imitate?
6) What work would you like to re-read? Name it (them).
7) What work would you recommend reading?
8) Name 5 reasons why reading books is useful.

A book is a great thing as long as a person knows how to use it. (A. Blok)
Bad reading is like a window smeared with dirt through which you can’t see anything. (IN.
Those who were not captivated by a serious book deserve the greatest regret... (Yuri
Tell me what you're reading and I'll tell you who you are. It is possible to formulate the correct concept
about the mind and character of a person, having examined his library. (Charles Blanc French art critic, historian, art historian and engraver, member
French Academy.)
Looking through or leafing through a book is not reading. You need to read as you listen
a person's confession. Delving into the book. Then she will reveal herself and you will comprehend her
lovely. (K.A. Fedin)
Six to seven years of study classical literature tell the mind this
nobility, such grace, strength and beauty that cannot be achieved by any other
means. (A.France- French writer and literary critic.)
Reading made Don Quixote a knight, and believing what he read made him
crazy. (George Bernard Shaw)
The main thing in reading is not the text itself, but thoughts, feelings, images, questions,
which are born in the reader's soul. (N.A. Rubakin)

Literary Dictionary: Literature (Latin: “Littera” - “letter”, and “litteratura” - “written”) is a type of art (art

Literary dictionary:
Literature (Latin: "Littera" - "letter", and "litteratura" - "written")
type of art (word art).
Art – creative reflection, reproduction
reality in artistic images.
The image in literature and art is a generalized artistic
reflection of reality, clothed in form
specific phenomenon.
The most important task of literature is the image of a person

An artistic image is not only the image of a hero, but also an image of nature, time, life of a certain era, etc.

Artistic reality is not equal to an ordinary copy
life. This is a transformed reality, assessed from the perspective
aesthetic ideal.
The aesthetic ideal is perfection, the idea of
beautiful in human life.
In art, the subjective is added to the objective.
the author's attitude towards the reality he depicts.

An idea is the main idea that summarizes the semantic, figurative, emotional content of a literary work. Moral

- system of rules of conduct
personality, his worldview, thoughts.
Problem - (translated from ancient Greek - “task,
task") - sharp, complex issue, delivered
by the author in work of art. ChapterI. Explanatory note.

The work program is compiled on the basis of the Federal component of the state standard of general education (2004) and the “Literature program for grades 5-11” (authors: V.Ya. Korovina, V.P. Zhuravlev, V.I. Korovin, I. S. Zbarsky, V.P. Polukhina).

The author's program basically corresponds to the State Standard (its federal component); in addition, it includes additional works for study: A.S. Pushkin “Poltava” (excerpt), “ Bronze Horseman"excerpt), "Boris Godunov" (scene in the Chudov Monastery); L.N. Andreev “Bite”; D.S. Likhachev “Native Land”; songs based on the words of Russian poets. The work program includes all of the above works.

Taking into account the recommendations set out in the “Methodological letter on teaching the academic subject “Literature” in the context of the introduction of the Federal component of the state standard of general education,” the work program allocates hours for speech development and extracurricular reading lessons.

This working programm is focused on the content of the author's program, on the textbook-reader that provides the learning process.

ChapterII. Contents of the training course topics.


Contents of the material

Number of hours


Introduction. The image of man as the most important ideological moral problem literature.


Legends as a poetic autobiography of the people. Historical events in legends.


The concept of epic. "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich." Moral ideals of the Russian people in the image of the main character.


Ext. Thurs. Novgorod cycle of epics. "Sadko." originality of the epic. Poetry of language. "Kalevala" is a Karelian-Finnish mythological epic.


Proverbs and sayings. Proverbs of the peoples of the world. Features of the meaning and language of proverbs.


Old Russian literature. “Teaching” by Vladimir Monomakh (excerpt). Teaching as a genre ancient Russian literature. Moral covenants Ancient Rus'.


"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom." High moral character main character. Glorifying love and fidelity.


R/R. Preparing for written work " Folk wisdom in the works of UNT."


M.V. Lomonosov. "To the statue of Peter the Great." “Ode on the Day of Ascension...” The author's thoughts about the Motherland, Russian science and its creators. The concept of the ode genre.


G.R. Derzhavin. “The river of times in its aspiration...”, “At the bird...”, “Confession.” Philosophical reflections on the meaning of life and freedom of creativity.


A.S. Pushkin. "Poltava" (excerpt). Mastery in depicting the Battle of Poltava, glorifying the courage and bravery of Russian soldiers.


A.S. Pushkin. “The Bronze Horseman” (excerpt). An expression of love for the Motherland. Image of Peter I, author.


A.S. Pushkin. "Song of prophetic Oleg"and its chronicle source. Artistic reproduction of the life and customs of Ancient Rus'.


R/R. A.S. Pushkin. "Boris Godunov": scene in the Chudov Monastery. The image of the chronicler Pimen. Preparing for a home essay “History of Russia in the works of A.S. Pushkin."


A.S. Pushkin. “The Station Agent” is a work from the series “Belkin’s Tales”. Image " little man", his position in society.


Dunya and Minsky. Analysis of the episode “Samson Vyrin at Minsky’s”. Development of the concept of the story..


M.Yu. Lermontov. “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich...” Paintings life XVI centuries and their role in understanding the characters and ideas of the poem.


Moral duel between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich and Ivan the Terrible. Folklore beginnings in “Song...”.


M.Yu. Lermontov. “When the yellowing field is agitated...” The problem of harmony between man and nature. "Prayer", "Angel". The poet's skill in creating artistic images.


Test work on the creativity of A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov.


N.V. Gogol. “Taras Bulba”. Historical and folklore basis of the story. The moral character of Taras Bulba and his comrades.


The meaning of the contrast between Ostap and Andriy. Patriotic pathos of the story. Features of the depiction of nature and people in Gogol's story.


R/R. Preparation for an essay based on the story by N.V. Gogol’s “Taras Bulba”: “The author’s assessment of the image of Taras Bulba”, “The meaning of counter-pictures of nature in understanding human characters (based on N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”).


I.S. Turgenev. The cycle of stories “Notes of a Hunter” and their humanistic pathos. “Biryuk” as a work about the powerless and disadvantaged.


R/R. I.S. Turgenev. Poems in prose. “Russian Language”, “Twins”, “Two Rich Men”. Features of the genre.


ON THE. Nekrasov. “Russian Women”: “Princess Trubetskoy”. Historical the basis of the poem. Analysis of the episode “Meeting of Princess Trubetskoy with the Governor of Irkutsk.”


Ext. Thurs. ON THE. Nekrasov. “Reflections at the Main Entrance” and other poems about the fate of the people. Image of the Motherland.


Ext. Thurs. A.K. Tolstoy. Historical ballads"Vasily Shibanov" and "Mikhailo Repnin". Truth and fiction.


M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. "Fairy tales for children of considerable age" “The story of how one man fed two generals.” Satirical image moral vices of society.


R/R. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. " Wild landowner" The meaning of the fairy tale title. Preparing for a home essay “Means for creating the comic in fairy tales by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin".


Literary ring“Problems and heroes of the works of N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgeneva, N.A. Nekrasova, M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin.”


L.N. Tolstoy. "Childhood". Autobiographical nature of the story. The complexity of relationships between children and adults.


The main character of the story L.N. Tolstoy's "Childhood". His feelings, actions and spiritual world.


I.A. Bunin. "Numbers". Difficulty in mutual understanding between children and adults.


R/R. I.A. Bunin. "Lapti." Moral meaning story. Preparing for an essay " Golden time childhood" in the works of L.N. Tolstoy and I.A. Bunin."


A.P. Chekhov. "Chameleon". A living picture of morals. Ridicule of mental vices. The meaning of the story's title.


Means of creating the comic in A.P.’s story Chekhov's "Chameleon". Development of concepts of humor and satire.


Two faces of Russia in the story by A.P. Chekhov "The Intruder".


Ext. Thurs. Laughter and tears in the stories of A.P. Chekhov's “Tosca”, “The Slut”, etc.


Poems by Russian poets of the 19th century about native nature. V.A. Zhukovsky. A.K. Tolstoy. I.A. Bunin. Preparing for a home essay on Russian poetry of the 19th century.


M. Gorky. "Childhood". Autobiographical nature of the story. Image " leaden abominations life." Grandfather Kashirin. Depiction of everyday life and characters.


“Bright, healthy, creative in Russian life: grandmother Akulina Ivanovna, Alyosha Peshkov, Tsyganok, Good Deed.


Learning to analyze an episode from M. Gorky’s story “Childhood.” Portrait as a means of characterizing the hero.


Ext. Thurs. “The Legend of Danko” from the story of M. Gorky. "Old Isergil". Romantic character of the legend.


V.V. Mayakovsky. “An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha.” The author's humor.


Ext. Thurs. V.V. Mayakovsky. " Good attitude to the horses." Two views of the world.


L.N. Andreev. "Nipper". Compassion and heartlessness as criteria of human morality.


A.P. Platonov. "Yushka." Friends and enemies of the main character. A call for compassion and respect.


Ext. Thurs. A.P. Platonov. "In beauty and furious world" Labor as the basis of morality.


R/R. Preparing for your homework essay “Do you need empathy and compassion in life?” (based on the works of writers of the 20th century).


B.L. Parsnip. “July”, “No one will be in the house...”. The originality of pictures of nature in Pasternak's lyrics.


Test " Written analysis episode or one poem."


The difficulties and joys of the terrible years of war in the poems of A. Akhmatova, K. Simonov, A. Surkov, A. Tvardovsky, N. Tikhonov and others.


F. Abramov. "What do horses cry about?" Aesthetic and moral ecological problems story.


E.I. Nosov. “Doll” (“Akimych”). Moral problems of the story. " Living flame».


Ext. Thurs. Yu.P. Kazakov "Quiet Morning". The characters of the story and their actions. Mutual assistance as a measure of human morality.


Ext. Thurs. Poems by poets of the 20th century about the Motherland, native nature, perception of the surrounding world (V. Bryusov, F. Sologub, S. Yesenin, N. Rubtsov, N. Zabolotsky). Unity of man and nature.


A.T. Tvardovsky. “The snow will darken blue...”, “July is the crown of summer...”, “At the bottom of my life...”. philosophical problems in Tvardovsky's lyrics.


Ext. Thurs. D.S. Likhachev. “Native Land” as a spiritual message to youth.


MM. Zoshchenko. "Trouble." Funny and sad in the writer's stories.


Ext. Thurs. Songs based on the words of Russian poets of the 20th century. A. Vertinsky “Daughters”; I. Goff “Russian Field”; B.Sh. Okudzhava “On the Smolensk road...”.


Rasul Gamzatov. The poet's reflections on the origins and foundations of life. Peculiarities artistic imagery Dagestan poet.


R. Burns. "Honest Poverty" and other poems. The poet's ideas about justice and honesty.


J. G. Byron. “You have ended your life, hero...” as a glorification of a feat in the name of the freedom of the Motherland.


Japanese haiku (haiku). Features of the genre.


Moral problems in works foreign writers. O.Henry. "Gifts of the Magi." Devotion and sacrifice in the name of love.


R.D. Bradbury. "Holidays". Fantastic story - warning. The dream of the victory of good.


Level detection literary development 7th grade students. Results of the year and assignments for the summer.


Reserve lesson.


Reserve lesson.

ChapterIII. Requirements for the level of student preparation for the 7th grade literature course.

Students should know:

  • authors and content of the studied works of art;

  • basic theoretical and literary concepts: epics, runes, mythological epic, teaching, ode, grotesque, the concept of the theme and idea of ​​a work, lyric, tonic versification, interviews as a genre of journalism, memoirs as a journalistic genre, features of the genre of haiku (haiku), (initial performance); legend, hyperbole, proverbs, sayings, chronicle, ballad, story, folklorism of literature, epic, literary hero, poem, three-syllable verse meters, autobiographical work of art, hero-narrator, satire and humor, lyrical hero, journalism (development of ideas).
Students should be able to:

  • see the uniqueness of moral ideals in works of literature of different genres;

  • distinguish features of plot, characters, composition, conflict, methods of expression author's position in epic, dramatic and lyrical works;

  • see the individual, national and universal in the character of the hero of the work

  • explain the feelings that arise when reading lyrical works, find an analogue in your own life experience;

  • see the setting of the action in a particular scene of the play, draw with words a portrait of a character in a certain situation, determine the change in intonation in the speech of the characters in the play;

  • convey the dynamics of feelings in expressive reading lyric poem, monologues of the characters in the play, landscape and description in the epic work;

  • see in literary text contradictory author's assessments of heroes and events; formulate questions about the work;

  • justify the assessment of characters and events with the entire structure of a work of art - from an individual trope to composition - and holistically perceive the position of the writer within the work;

  • highlight the main conflict of a work of art and consistently trace the development within the confines of a lyric poem, story, story, play;

  • compare works different writers within each literary genre;

  • compare episode epic work and its film adaptation and evaluate it from the point of view of expressing the author’s position;

  • stylistically compare the text of the work and the artists’ illustrations for it.
ChapterVI. List of educational and methodological support.

  1. Literature program for grades 5-11 / Authors: V.Ya. Korovina, V.P. Zhuravlev, V.I. Korovin, I.S. Zbarsky, V.P. Polukhina. – M. “Enlightenment”, 2010.

  2. Literature. 7th grade Textbook For general education Institutions. At 2 o'clock / auto-state V.Ya. Korovin (and others). – 9th ed. – M.: Education, 2008.

  3. Demidenko, E.L. New control and testing work on literature. 5-9 grades / E.L. Demidenko. – 3rd ed., stereopit. – M.: Bustard, 2010.

  4. Agapova I. A., Davydova M. A. Literary compositions. 5-11 grades / I. A. Agapova, M. A. Davydova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

  5. Koroleva N.S., Moshenskaya G.N. Open lessons literature: grades 5-9. – M.: VAKO. 2010. (Workshop of a language teacher).

  6. Literature. Grades 5-6: lesson notes (for work on all educational programs) / author's compilation. T.M. Ambusheva and others - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

  7. Literature. 7th grade: lesson plans based on the textbook by V.Ya. Korovina / author-comp. N.Ya. Krutova, S.B. Shadrina. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

  8. Literature. Lesson plans. Program edited by V.Ya. Korovina. 5-7 grades. Electronic manual. Publishing house "Teacher".

  9. Literature lessons in 7th grade - a manual for general education teachers. institutions / N.E. Kuteynikova. – M.: Education, 2009.

  10. Literature lessons 7-8 grade. Virtual school Cyril and Medodia.

Literature lesson in 7th grade on the topic “The image of a person as the most important ideological and moral problem literature"




    Name the works you read this summer and their authors.

    Which piece was most memorable? Why?

    Which writer and his work are you ready to talk about in literature lessons?

    Which writer would you like to know more about?

    Which characters from the books you read seemed close to you? How are they close to you?

    Are there any works that you like to re-read? Name them.

    What work would you recommend your friends and classmates read?


    Name the works you read this summer and their authors.

    Which piece was most memorable? Why?

    Which writer and his work are you ready to talk about in literature lessons?

    Which writer would you like to know more about?

    Which characters from the books you read seemed close to you? How are they close to you?

    Are there any works that you like to re-read? Name them.

    What work would you recommend your friends and classmates read?


    Name the works you read this summer and their authors.

    Which piece was most memorable? Why?

    Which writer and his work are you ready to talk about in literature lessons?

    Which writer would you like to know more about?

    Which characters from the books you read seemed close to you? How are they close to you?

    Are there any works that you like to re-read? Name them.

    What work would you recommend your friends and classmates read?

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"Lesson summary"

Subject studied: literature

Class: 7

Lesson topic:The image of man as the most important ideological and moral problem of literature.

Tasks: to identify how prepared schoolchildren are to perceive a new course in literature, what are their reading horizons, speech culture and reaction to the teacher’s questions;

Develop the ability to talk about read works, build a story about the writer and characters;

Cultivate interest in reading works of fiction as a spiritual need.

Lesson type: lesson in improving and comprehensive application of knowledge


    Organizational stage.

    Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for learning activities.

When you open an unfamiliar book, it’s as if you are left alone with a great and smart friend - a writer. You read one page, then another - and suddenly you realize that something wonderful is happening to you: you see unique pictures, travel with the heroes, help them save friends and fight enemies... Together with them you suffer defeats and win, hate and love . Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever wondered why a writer manages to captivate the reader with the power of his artistic word? Do you want to submit to this power again and again and follow the writers in your 7th grade literature lessons?

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1) Teacher's word

These days, the path to a book is not as easy as in years past.

According to Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the famous books about detective Sherlock Holmes, “here, waiting for you, stand in rows of your noble silent friends. Look around their formation. Choose the one that is closer to your soul now. Now all that remains is to reach out to him and go with him to the land of dreams. Really, there is something eerie in the rows of books, and only habit dulls this feeling in us... Behind the binding of any real book hides, as it were, the essence of a living person. The authors turned into ethereal shadows, their flesh into flying dust, but the most intimate thing remaining from each of them is here at your disposal...”

Outstanding thinkers of all times and peoples spoke with sincere respect about this work. A.P. Chekhov wrote that “the education of personality requires continuous, intense effort,” “eternal reading.” Maxim Gorky, who achieved encyclopedic reading, stated: “Literature is the heart of the world, inspired by all its joys and all its sorrows, by the dreams and hopes of people, by their despair and anger, by man’s tenderness for the beauty of nature, the fear of its secrets; this heart beats restlessly and immortally with a thirst for self-knowledge.”

“...I set off on that voyage across the sea of ​​books, which I began in adolescence and continue to this day,” - this is how the poet and philosopher I.V. Goethe formulated the idea of ​​continuous cultural growth of the individual through reading as an urgent need and an inexhaustible source of spirituality. This idea is perceived today as the main requirement of the time. As sociologists have established, in a lifetime a person is able to read about three thousand books! And one cannot be indifferent to the content of reading, since it is too expensive if time is spent on poorly or randomly chosen books. What is needed are guidelines, order, consistency, thoughtfulness, and purposefulness. Literature lessons serve this purpose.

2) A survey to identify the range of reading interests of students.


    Name the works you read this summer and their authors.

    Which piece was most memorable? Why?

    Which writer and his work are you ready to talk about in literature lessons?

    Which writer would you like to know more about?

    Which characters from the books you read seemed close to you? How are they close to you?

    Are there any works that you like to re-read? Name them.

    What work would you recommend your friends and classmates read?

3) Group work with quotation material.

(The teacher distributes task cards to formed groups; after discussion for 3-4 minutes, students explain the meaning of the statement, argue their position, and give examples)


1 group

2nd group

3 group

4 group

5 group

4) Acquaintance with a textbook-reader on literature for 7th grade.



    Design of the textbook: title, endpapers; portraits of writers, photographs of their native places, offices; illustrations for works.

    Articles about writers, their role in interested reading.

    Blocks of questions and tasks.

    Materials on literary theory and expressive reading.

    Textbook reference apparatus, dictionaries.

4. Summing up the lesson.


Write down in your notebook and explain the proverbs: “It’s no good to read if you only grab tops” (Russian); “Choose writers as you choose a friend” (English).

What did you learn in today's lesson? What are you thinking about?

5. Homework.

2. Based on the humorous drawings of H. Bidstrup, compose an oral story about different types reader.

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1 group

We buy books and do not spare money on them, because the soul requires them and they are for its internal benefit, which no outsider can see. (N. Gogol)

2nd group

A book remains a book even after several centuries. Nothing can replace it. (S. Baruzdin)

3 group

Read! May there not be a single day when you do not read at least one page from a new book. (K. Paustovsky)

4 group

Every book is a collection of people different ages, nationalities, occupations, characters and actions. (K. Paustovsky)

5 group

Love the book, it will make your life easier, in a friendly way it will help you sort out the stormy confusion of thoughts and events, it will teach you to respect people and yourself. (M. Gorky)

7th grade

(sections, topics)

Number of hours

the date of the


Introduction (1 hour)

The depiction of man as the most important ideological and moral problem of literature. The relationship between characters and circumstances in a work of art. Human work, his position, attitude towards the imperfections of the world and the desire for a moral and aesthetic ideal

^ Oral folk art(4 hours)

Legends. Poetic autobiography of the people. Oral history of historical events

Epics. The embodiment of the moral properties of the Russian people in the epic, the glorification of peaceful labor. Mikula is the embodiment of the best human qualities

Kyiv cycle of epics.

Novgorod cycle of epics.

Karelo is a Finnish mythical epic.

Proverbs and sayings. Folk wisdom proverbs and sayings. Expression of the spirit in them vernacular

^ From ancient Russian literature (3 hours)

Moral precepts of Ancient Rus'.

Moral ideals and covenants of Ancient Rus'. Attention to personality, a hymn of love and fidelity


R/R Preparation for written work

^ From Russian literature of the 111th century (2 hours)

M.V. Lomonosov. Brief story about a scientist and poet. Lomonosov's confidence in the future of Russian science and its creators. Patriotism. A call for peace. Recognition of labor and actions for the benefit of the Motherland as the most important feature of a citizen

G.R. Derzhavin. A short story about the poet. Reflections on the meaning of life, on fate. Affirming the need for creative freedom

^ From Russian literature of the 19th century (30 hours)

A.S. Pushkin. A short story about the poet. Pushkin's interest in Russian history. Mastery in depicting the Battle of Poltava, glorifying the courage and bravery of Russian soldiers. Peter 1 and Karl X11

Portrait, presentation

Expression of feelings for the Motherland. Glorification of the acts of Peter 1. The image of the author in an excerpt from the poem

A.S. Pushkin “The Song of the Prophetic Oleg” and its chronicle source. The meaning is the comparison of Oleg and the sorcerer. Artistic reproduction of the life and customs of Ancient Rus'

R/r A.S. Pushkin “Boris Godunov” (scene in the Miracle Monastery). The image of a chronicler as an image of an ancient Russian writer. Pimen's monologue: reflections on the significance of the chronicler's work for subsequent generations

An image of a little man, his position in society. Awakening human dignity and feelings of protest. Tragic and humanistic in society

Dunya and Minsky. Analysis of the episode “Samson Vyrin at Minsky’s”

M.Yu. Lermontov. A short story about the poet. A poem about the historical past of Rus'. Pictures of everyday life of the 11th century, their significance for understanding the characters and ideas of the poem



Moral duel between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich and Ivan the Terrible. Defense of human dignity and moral ideals

The problem of harmony between man and nature. Learning to analyze one poem

Test on the works of A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov

N.V.Gogol. A short story about the writer.

"Taras Bulba". Historical and folklore basis of the story.



The meaning of the contrast between Ostap and Andriy. Patriotic pathos of the story.

R/r Preparation for an essay based on N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”

I.S. Turgenev. A short story about the writer. Cycle of stories “Notes of a Hunter.” Depiction of the life of peasants, author's attitude to the disenfranchised and disadvantaged. Forester and his daughter



R/r I.S. Turgenev. Poems in prose. Writer about the richness and beauty of the native language. Native language as a spiritual support for a person. Author's criteria of morality

N.A. Nekrasov. A short story about the poet. Historical basis of the poem. The greatness of the spirit of Russian women who followed their convicted husbands to Siberia



N.A. Nekrasov “Reflections at the Main Entrance” and other poems about the fate of the Russian people. The poet's pain for the fate of the people. Image of the Motherland

A.K. Tolstoy. A word about the poet. Historical ballads “Vasily Shibanov” and “Mikhailo Repnin”. Reproduction of the historical flavor of the era. Truth and fiction. The theme of ancient Russian “knighthood” opposing autocracy

^ Laughter through tears, or “Lessons of Shchedrin” (3 hours + 4 hours)



R/r M.E. Saltykov – Shchedrin “Wild Landowner”. The meaning of the fairy tale title.

Literary ring “Problems and heroes of the works of N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, N.A. Nekrasov, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin”

L.N. Tolstoy. A short story about the writer. Chapters from the story “Childhood”. Relationships between children and adults.


L.N. Tolstoy “Childhood”. Manifestation of the hero’s feelings, ruthlessness towards himself, analysis of his own actions

I.A.Bunin. A short story about the writer. "Numbers":

raising children in a family. The hero of the story: the complexity of mutual understanding between children and adults. Author's solution to this problem

R/r I.A.Bunin “Lapti”

The spiritual wealth of a simple peasant

^ Funny and sad side by side, or “Lessons of Chekhov” (4 hours)

A.P. Chekhov. A short story about the writer. A living picture of morals. Ridicule of cowardice and servility. The meaning of the story's title.



“Talking names” as a means of humorous characterization

Two faces of Russia in A.P. Chekhov’s story “Intruders”

The versatility of the comic in the stories of A.P. Chekhov

“You are my land, my dear land” (1 hour)

Poems by Russian poets of the 19th century about their native nature. A poetic depiction of native nature and an expression of the author’s mood and worldview

^ From Russian literature of the twentieth century (22 hours)

Maksim Gorky. A short story about the writer.

"Childhood". Autobiographical nature of the story. Depiction of the “leaden abominations of life.” Grandfather Kashirin. Depiction of life and characters



“Bright, healthy, creative in Russian life”: grandmother Akulina Ivanovna, Alyosha Peshkov, Tsyganok, Good Deed. Faith in the creative powers of the people

Training in the analysis of an episode from M. Gorky’s story “Childhood”. Portrait as a means of characterizing a hero

M. Gorky “Old Woman Izergil” (“The Legend of Danko”). Romantic character of the legend

V.V. Mayakovsky. A short story about the poet. “An extraordinary adventure that happened to Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha” The author’s thoughts on the role of poetry in human life and society. Author's humor



V.V. Mayakovsky “Good attitude towards horses.” Two views of the world. Concept of literary hero. Complexity and subtlety inner world lyrical hero, his humanism and compassion for all living things

L.N.Andreev. A short story about the writer. "Nipper". A feeling of compassion for our smaller brothers, the heartlessness of heroes. Humanistic pathos of the work

A.P. Platonov. A short story about the writer. "Yushka." Friends and enemies of the main character, his dissimilarity from the people around him. External and inner beauty person. A call for compassion and respect for people

A.P. Platonov “In a beautiful and furious world.” Labor as the moral content of human life. Ideas of kindness, mutual understanding, living for others. The uniqueness of Platonov's language

R/r Preparing for a home essay “Are empathy and compassion needed in life?” (based on the works of writers of the twentieth century)

B.L.Pasternak. A word about the poet. “July”, “No one will be in the house...”. Pictures of nature transformed by Pasternak's poetic vision. Similes and metaphors in art world poet

Test. Written analysis of an episode or one poem

^ On the roads of war (4 hours)

Interview with the poet - participant of the Great Patriotic War. Heroism, patriotism, dedication, difficulties and joys of the terrible years of war in the poems of poets who participated in the war

F.A. Abramov. A short story about the writer. "What do horses cry about?" Aesthetic and moral-ecological problems raised in the story

E.I. Nosov. A short story about the writer. “Doll” (“Akimych”), “Living Flame”. The power of a person's inner spiritual beauty. Protest against indifference, lack of spirituality, indifferent attitude towards people around us, nature

Y.P.Kazakov. A short story about the writer. "Quiet morning." Relationships between children, mutual assistance, mutual assistance. Features of the character of the heroes - rural and urban boys, understanding of the surrounding nature. The boy's feat and the joy of his own good deed

“My Quiet Homeland” (3 hours)

Poems and the Motherland, native nature, one’s own perception of the environment

A.T. Tvardovsky. A short story about the poet. The poet's reflections on the inseparability of the fate of man and the people



D.S. Likhachev “Native Land” (chapters from the book). Spiritual guidance to youth

^ Writers smile, or the Laughter of Mikhail Zoshchenko (1 hour)

M. Zoshchenko. A word about the writer. The story "Trouble". Funny and sad things in the writer’s stories

^ Songs based on the words of Russian poets of the twentieth century (1 hour)

S. Yesenin “The golden grove dissuaded me...”, N. Zabolotsky “In this birch grove...”, B. Okudzhava “along the Smolensk road...”. Lyrical reflections on life, the rapidly flowing time. Light sadness of experiences

^ From the literature of the peoples of Russia (1 hour)

Rasul Gamzatov. A short story about the Dagestan poet. Return to the origins, the foundations of life. Understanding the maturity of one’s own age, the maturity of society, and friendly disposition towards people of different nationalities around them


Robert Burns. Features of creativity. "Honest Poverty" People's ideas about justice and honesty. Folk-poetic character of the work

George Gordon Byron “You have finished your life, hero!” Hymn to the hero who died in the fight for the freedom of the Motherland

Japanese tercets (Haiku). An image of the life of nature and man in their indissoluble unity against the backdrop of the cycle of the seasons. A poetic picture drawn with one or two strokes

O. Henry “The Gifts of the Magi.” The power of love and devotion. Sacrifice in the name of love. Funny and sublime in the story

Ray Douglas Bradbury "Vacation". Fantasy stories Rhea Bradbury as an expression of the desire to protect people from evil and danger on Earth. Dream of a miraculous victory of good

Identification of the level of literary development of 7th grade students. Results of the year and assignment for the summer