Within the walls of the Goritsky Monastery. Expositions of the Pereslavl Museum-Reserve. Museum of Local Lore in the Goritsky Monastery in Pereslavl-Zalessky Wooden sculpture and carving of the 16th - 19th centuries

The Pereslavl-Zalessky Museum-Reserve is located in the buildings of the abolished Goritsky Monastery. This is the main museum of the city of Pereslavl, which all tourists are required to visit. The exhibitions are very diverse, you can buy a separate ticket for each, so you can choose exhibitions that are interesting to you, or just walk around the territory of the former monastery and look at the ancient buildings.

The main exhibitions are located in the outbuildings of the former monastery: “​ Old Russian art of the 15th-18th centuries" - the collection is based on icons taken after the revolution from closed and destroyed churches and monasteries in the Pereslavl region, "​ Russian painting of the 18th-20th centuries" brings together paintings by the Itinerant artists, portraits that came to the museum in the 1920s from former noble estates, "​ Wooden sculpture and carving of the 16th-19th centuries" and "​ Russian village art» - traditional clothes and shoes, household items. You can also see the exhibition “​ Beagle sets sail", dedicated to the expedition of Charles Darwin, local history exhibitions " The amazing natural world of Zalessk region», «​ Pereslavl 100 years ago».

In the architectural monument of the 17th century - the Church of All Saints, there are exhibitions "​ Silver Pantry", where the treasures of the monastery sacristies of the 16th-19th centuries are presented, and " Wreath for estates» - visitors can see interior items from noble estates.

The buildings of the former monastery are also noteworthy. First of all, it’s worth checking Assumption Cathedral, built in the 18th century. It is surrounded from the north and south by covered galleries, and from the east by a semicircular apse. In past centuries, adjacent to it was the unpreserved building of the so-called Gethsemane. Inside you will see a luxurious baroque interior, richly decorated with stucco moldings and picturesque panels. The images for the iconostasis were created by painters from the New Jerusalem Monastery.

Note the large bell tower Church of the Epiphany above the eastern wall of the monastery. It was built intermittently throughout the 18th century, so it is noticeable that the lower and upper tiers are different. You can climb the bell tower: it offers a beautiful view of the city and Lake Pleshcheyevo.

Admire Travel (East) gate, built in the middle of the 17th century: they amaze with the variety of architectural details and are richly decorated with patterns characteristic of that time. The superstructure over the gate appeared much later - in the 19th century.

There are excursions around the territory of the museum-reserve and at individual exhibitions, which can be ordered in advance by phone or e-mail.

Museum lane, 4

Directions: From Moscow - by bus from the bus station (metro Shchelkovskaya); city ​​bus No. 1 to the "Museum" stop

Local attractions:
Pereslavl-Zalessky is located on the shore of the blue pearl of Zalesye - Lake Pleshcheyevo. The city has perfectly preserved unique earthen ramparts from the 12th century. Their length is about 2.5 km, height up to 10 m. In the center of the rampart ring on Cathedral (now Red) Square stands the white stone Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral (1152 - 1157) - the oldest monument of the Vladimir-Suzdal architectural school, a tomb Pereslavl princes. Next to the cathedral is the Church of Peter the Metropolitan (1154) - a magnificent example of ancient Russian tent-roofed architecture.
The Trinity Cathedral of the Danilov Monastery is one of the rarest monuments of ancient Russian artistic culture. In 1662 - 1668 it was painted with frescoes by the artel of the outstanding icon painter Gury Nikitin. Now the cathedral is jointly used by the monastery and the museum.
In the historical part of the city, several civil buildings of the 19th - early 20th centuries stand out. These include merchant mansions, gymnasium buildings, colleges, and factory buildings. Among them there are interesting examples of Art Nouveau style.
In a beautiful place, in the ancient part of the city, in the Fisherman's Settlement, at the mouth of the river. Trubezh, there is the Church of the Forty Martyrs, erected at the end of the 18th century.
4 kilometers from the city on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo there is a branch of the museum - the famous Botik estate. Here, at the end of the 17th century, young Peter I built a “funny” flotilla, which laid the foundation for the Russian navy. The only ship that has survived to this day, the boat "Fortune", is exhibited in a building specially built for it in 1803.
On the northeastern shore of the lake, the earthen ramparts of the chronicle predecessor of Pereslavl, the city of Kleshchina, have been preserved. Not far from the Kleshchinsky complex, almost at the very water, there is the legendary “Blue Stone” - a pagan deity - a huge boulder of gray-blue color

Museum lane, 4

Directions: From Moscow - by bus from the bus station (metro Shchelkovskaya); city ​​bus No. 1 to the "Museum" stop

Local attractions:
Pereslavl-Zalessky is located on the shore of the blue pearl of Zalesye - Lake Pleshcheyevo. The city has perfectly preserved unique earthen ramparts from the 12th century. Their length is about 2.5 km, height up to 10 m. In the center of the rampart ring on Cathedral (now Red) Square stands the white stone Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral (1152 - 1157) - the oldest monument of the Vladimir-Suzdal architectural school, a tomb Pereslavl princes. Next to the cathedral is the Church of Peter the Metropolitan (1154) - a magnificent example of ancient Russian tent-roofed architecture.
The Trinity Cathedral of the Danilov Monastery is one of the rarest monuments of ancient Russian artistic culture. In 1662 - 1668 it was painted with frescoes by the artel of the outstanding icon painter Gury Nikitin. Now the cathedral is jointly used by the monastery and the museum.
In the historical part of the city, several civil buildings of the 19th - early 20th centuries stand out. These include merchant mansions, gymnasium buildings, colleges, and factory buildings. Among them there are interesting examples of Art Nouveau style.
In a beautiful place, in the ancient part of the city, in the Fisherman's Settlement, at the mouth of the river. Trubezh, there is the Church of the Forty Martyrs, erected at the end of the 18th century.
4 kilometers from the city on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo there is a branch of the museum - the famous Botik estate. Here, at the end of the 17th century, young Peter I built a “funny” flotilla, which laid the foundation for the Russian navy. The only ship that has survived to this day, the boat "Fortune", is exhibited in a building specially built for it in 1803.
On the northeastern shore of the lake, the earthen ramparts of the chronicle predecessor of Pereslavl, the city of Kleshchina, have been preserved. Not far from the Kleshchinsky complex, almost at the very water, there is the legendary “Blue Stone” - a pagan deity - a huge boulder of gray-blue color

The history of the reserve begins in 1919. By this time, the monastery had been abandoned for a century and a half and was gradually being destroyed. So the Bolsheviks to some extent saved his buildings. I was also lucky with the director. Mikhail Ivanovich Smirnov, a local historian, the son of a local priest, was put in charge. He looked for the first exhibits for the museum in deserted noble estates.

One day Smirnov went to the village of Gagarinskaya Novoselka. There, in a small outbuilding of what was once a manor house, three women lived - Princess Natalya Gagarina and her daughters. The labor commune “Molot” settled in the house itself. When Smirnov came in, he saw the Red Guards cutting herring right on the table. And the table was not simple - made of 600 Karelian birch knots, selected according to size and glued together. The Red Guards did not resist and gave Smirnov the table, which is now kept in the museum.

Another time he came to one of the villages. There was a wide stream there, and… tombstones served as a bridge across it. Together with the peasants, they were transported to the museum. On the slabs are dates of death, mostly dating back to the first half of the 19th century.

In the Nagorsk executive committee, Smirnov found a mammoth bone that was kept in the archives of the zemstvo chief.

And once the museum employees were almost beaten. They transported weapons to the exhibition halls. Everyone was in work clothes, and the procession was mistaken for a peasant uprising.

This is how the richest collection began, which now numbers more than 90 thousand exhibits. This is one of the largest museum complexes in Russia, with several branches - the estate "Boat of Peter I", the estate of the Ganshins, the Transfiguration Cathedral of the 12th century.

Without exaggeration, treasures are stored here. Collections of Russian icons, paintings, wooden carved sculptures, rare books...

However, there was a time when all these spiritual artifacts did not suit the Soviet government. She demanded ideological artifacts, the director had to somehow get out. For example, the artist Dmitry Kardovsky helped him in this. In 1926, having received a horse and cart from the Pereslavl regional executive committee, they went to Gorki to make sketches of the manor house. After staying there all day, Kardovsky created several sketches. This is how the famous Soviet painting “V. I. Lenin in Gorki, Pereslavl district.” It is still in the museum today.

Since 1929, the vector of museum development has been officially changed - from scientific research to political and educational. Directors are also changed. Instead of Mikhail Smirnov, Konstantin Ivanov, a worker from the Red Echo factory, is appointed. Two years later he will report: “We have turned the museum into a real forge of proletarian culture, into a cultural complex.” Here are the names of some departments of that time: “Nature and productive forces”, “Socialist construction”, “Anti-religious department” (within the walls of an ancient monastery!)

Today, everything proletarian has become history and is remembered only with a smile. Some more time will pass, and perhaps they will also remember with a smile that a museum in our country was once located within the walls of a holy monastery. It is planned that the Pereslavl Reserve will soon leave the walls of the Goritsky Monastery and monastic life will be revived here.

In the meantime, the exhibition halls are operating as usual; all information about exhibitions and excursions can be found on the official website of the museum-reserve.

Roads of Russia

My attitude towards provincial local history museums is complex. Most often they are poor, quite sparse in exhibits and very similar to each other. Therefore, in the outback lately we walk extremely rare in them. Why waste time if one essentially duplicates the other?

Pereslavl Museum-Reserve became a pleasant exception in this regard. Very good museum, interesting. There is a lot to see and explore here. There are many worthy exhibits, there are also masterpieces, a well-selected diverse collection of ancient Russian art of the 15th-18th centuries. (icons) and Russian painting.
When I walked through the halls of the museum, I already knew that I would definitely write about it.
First of all, I really want to show you everything I saw. Show in detail, because there is such an opportunity. Here you are allowed to take photographs in all rooms.
Secondly, I would like to invite you to visit here in person. The Pereslavl Museum-Reserve is located on the territory of the former Goritsky Monastery. There is a special atmosphere here, and everything is perceived differently.

Do you agree that museums located on the territory of monasteries, kremlins and other historical places are special? I read that by 2018 the monastery will be transferred to the church. Recently I heard the same news about the Ryazan Kremlin. My attitude towards this is complex. On the one hand, the temple in which the museum is located causes internal pain. Especially when it is in a deplorable state. Unfortunately, this is the case at the Pereslavl Museum-Reserve. On the other hand, I like that I can just buy a ticket and watch the ancient architecture in peace. There are already enough monasteries in Pereslavl-Zalessky; from some they kick out those who came without a skirt, in a very rude manner. It seems that history (and monasteries are our history) is only for the elite.

However, I have deviated from the topic. Now you can come to Goritsky Monastery, within whose walls the museum is located, with a calm heart. Buy tickets and go as much as you want. If you have any questions, please contact the caretakers. Rarely in any museum have I seen more pleasant, open, hospitable caretakers than in the Pereslavl Museum-Reserve (well, if only in the Museum-Reserve in Yuryev-Polsky, which, like this one, is in a dire situation on the territory). Caretakers are the face of the museum. They also play a role in the impression that the museum ultimately has on visitors.

So, the Pereslavl Museum-Reserve is located in the former Dormition Goritsky Monastery. I talked about its history and architecture in detail in the article. Therefore, today I will show you museum displays and exhibitions. They are located in several buildings of the monastery: the Refectory Chamber and the building of the Theological School, All Saints Church and St. Nicholas Gate Church. We visited them all. I present to you my photographs.

The first place we went was the museum, located in the Refectory and in the building of the Theological School. Here they are in the photo below.

The buildings are beautiful, but their condition leaves much to be desired.

The museum is almost 100 years old. It feels like the sign on the museum is not much older.

Iconography XV - XVIII centuries.

All the icons of the museum were collected in the first years of Soviet power from destroyed churches and monasteries. These are unique examples of Pereslavl icon painting. Pereslavl-Zalessky was one of the centers of icon painting, part of the Rostov-Suzdal school.

The icons in the photo below are from the Fedorovsky Monastery in Pereslavl-Zalessky. The icons are very old - 16th century, unique. "Hodegetria", "Trinity", "Fedor Stratilates", "Nicholas".

On the wall on the left is the first icon of the apostles Peter and Paul (XV century). On the wall on the right - “John Chrysostom”, “He rejoices in you”, “Hodegetria” (XVI century).

The royal doors of the unpreserved Vvedensky Church, which stood at the mouth of the Trubezh River opposite the Church of the Forty Martyrs. This is a real masterpiece of openwork wood carving.

Russian painting XVIII - XX centuries.

The next exhibition - paintings from the 18th - 19th centuries - also leaves a very pleasant impression. The museum was replenished with these paintings in the first years of Soviet power, when the ancient noble estates were “freed” of everything valuable. The museum's collection is of great artistic and historical value. There are paintings by Shishkin, Polenov, Korovin, Makovsky, Benois, Semiradsky, Dubovsky and others. The basis of this exhibition was the collection of the merchant Sveshnikov.

These paintings (1844) depict the children of one family - the Temerins - Nikolai, Alexandra, Peter. Author - Pavel Kolendas.

There are also paintings by unknown artists.

Henryk Semiradsky "Dangerous Lesson".

Konstantin Makovsky "Children".

Memorial exhibition of F.I. Chaliapin

In the forests of Pereslavl, the great singer Fyodor Chaliapin built himself a dacha, he was so captivated by the beauty of the local nature. The museum has a small exhibition dedicated to Chaliapin. All items are original, provided to the museum by the singer’s daughter.

A few more exhibits.

Wooden sculpture and carving of the 16th - 19th centuries.

Christ in prison.

Folk art

Exhibition "Pereslavl. One Hundred Years Ago"

I really liked the exhibition dedicated to the history of Pereslavl and its inhabitants.

Brink of War

Funeral notice.

Before leaving this museum building I took this picture. It will come in handy.

Exhibition "Wreath for Estates: First Arrivals of the Pereslavl Museum"

Paintings from the Samsonovs' estate in Bektyshevo, Pereslavl district.