Why is Karen Ace in a wheelchair. Cross Ace - the history of the project. – What does the stage name Karen ACE mean?

(This creative biographical information includes exclusively stages of musical activity and does not contain information about other activities, works and facts from personal life).

Hobbies: kickboxing, exotic travel, cooking delicious food.

Horoscope: Leo, gen. in the year of the Dog.

Favorite strong drink: 60% water :).

Favorite color: black.

He has been studying music since early childhood: at the age of 5 he entered a music school to study violin. After completing it, he himself learned to play the guitar and, at the age of 13, began his professional musical career - in the ensemble of the Intourist restaurant as a bass guitarist and vocalist.

While serving in the army, in the special forces, he also created his own group, and around the same time he began to write his first songs.

After the service, he entered a music school to study guitar, and then, having decided to get a higher technical education, he successfully entered a university. In parallel with his studies, he continues to compose his own songs, working both with the institute group and on dance floors and in restaurants in Moscow. Having gathered a group of like-minded people, he begins to successfully perform “underground” concerts in the Moscow region and in other cities, performing exclusively songs of his own composition, and after the government decree was issued banning this type of concert activity, he works in many other professional groups. Having completed his studies and received a higher education, in order to make his dream come true and earn money to record his own songs, he begins to work as a concert administrator, while still performing in the first department (“opening up”) for pop stars. He worked in programs with Zhanna Aguzarova, Marina Zhuravleva, Irina Allegrova and many other artists, and toured the country a lot.

Then the “studio period” of work begins. For several years in a row, until 1995, Vladimir worked as a professional arranger and sound engineer - first in Moscow studios, and then abroad, fully mastering all the intricacies of these musical professions. During this time, under different pseudonyms, he released five of his solo albums, which were released by well-known recording companies: “Zvuk”, “J.S.P”, “Soyuz” and “Polygram”, created more than a thousand arrangements in various musical styles, his songs began to be performed (and still performed) by many pop stars, incl. Honored and People's Artists of Russia.

After a forced break from creative activity, in 1997 he began working on his new project, which he called “Ace of the Cross”. (The name was invented by chance, based on the first card of the deck that he bought at one of the Moscow train stations). This name became

In 1998, the first album of “Ace of the Cross” was released, which, despite the crisis that gripped the country at that time, immediately became one of the best-selling albums in the genre.

Today "Ace of the Cross" is one of the most popular and sought-after projects in the chanson style. Thirteen official albums have already been released (as of 2006) (not counting numerous “pirated” ones). Songs from them were included (only according to official data) in more than 350 collections, and on many of them the songs of “Ace of the Cross” are the title songs. A large advertising campaign was carried out for the album "Champion" on radio, TV and other media. Based on the results of sales of audio media, "Cross Ace" is consistently included in the leading group of the best performers of the genre.

The uniqueness and main advantage of the project is that Vladimir, combining several musical professions at once, is the ONLY PERFORMER-AUTHOR IN THE GENRE, who, without involving a single (!) outsider in the production process, does everything completely himself, starting from the idea verse and song, and ending with arrangement, sound engineering, recording and mixing of voices, instruments, as well as digital mastering and design of the finished CD, while playing everyone, incl. and “live” instruments in the author’s own studio, completed by him, constantly updated and equipped taking into account all the most modern requirements.

Vladimir's songs are very diverse - they include patriotism ("Soldier", etc.), and sports themes ("Champion", "Fight without Rules", etc.), and lyrics, and humorous songs (the series "New Russian Cat" etc.), but the greatest fame and popularity were brought by songs of social orientation, colloquially called songs “for life”, which enjoy the constant love of listeners. :)

And each of these songs contains a piece of the author’s soul and heart...


"CROSS ACE" - the first card in the deck.

(or the first interview of the most mysterious character in “Russian Chanson”)

Sometimes you listen to some song, and somewhere already on the third line you know what will be discussed next and how the whole thing will end... Remember, as the unforgettable Eldar Ryazanov used to say: “What is this movie about? - Yes, about nothing!” . Approximately 90% of all music production today is made up of such background music, consisting of equally fashionable “format” rhythms and a set of words: “Like, I’m somehow not happy without you, come to me quickly before you sit down.” "battery" (or something like that). It seems that all these songs are written exclusively for Beavis and But-Head (or their relatives). There are, of course, bright sparks, but, unfortunately, there are very few of them. Therefore, when you listen to a song and you get goosebumps, some nostalgic, almost forgotten feeling of “sucking in the pit of your stomach” involuntarily arises, you understand - the song “catches”, and it’s a hit for a long time! , as they said before, you want to listen to it again and again... There is something in these songs that touches the heart and soul, which has become rather coarsened over the past, oh, what difficult years...
These are the associations that arose for me when listening to many songs by Vladimir Kozyrev, better known as the author of the project “CROSS ACE”...

-Vladimir, why such a strange name?
- Everything turned out quite unexpectedly. In the summer of 1997, I decided to create a new project, or rather, a group, but I couldn’t think of what to call it, so I decided to do what they call “as the cards fall” - I bought a deck of cards at a kiosk at the station and decided: which one would be the first? will lie, that’s what I’ll call the group! The first one was the cross ace...
- What if it was a six?
- ... (Pause) ... But there was an ace lying there! Ha ha! By the way, I later found out that in almost all new decks the first one is either the Joker or the ace of the cross - I didn’t know that then...
- Well, okay, the name is clear, but where is the group?
“I said: I just planned to create a group, but the group, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, did not work out: two people could not take part in it for good reasons, and two more refused to work.” for the future." You know how it is with us: everyone wants a lot of everything at once, but here you have to wait for a long time: “will it work” or “won’t it work”?.. - you understand...
- Now they probably regret it?.
- Maybe…
- What, “rolled”?
- Yes, it seems like it’s “rolling”! Pah-pah-pah! (laughs, knocks on wood)
- And whyYou said: “The group, maybe luckily it didn’t work out”?
- Do you know how almost all groups usually end up? From the Beatles to some kind of “Green Cockroaches” (this is figurative)?.. Just about... Breakup and solo projects, if, of course, someone can do them. There are a lot of examples... In general, while my potential “accomplices”, like Hamlets, were deciding “To be or not to be,” I recorded the first album of “Ace of the Cross” called “Lucky Life” on my own, for which I had to sell my car and garage, and For about six months, I had to eat exclusively Vietnamese vermicelli from bags due to a lack of material resources - (art requires sacrifices!). In short, life was “lucky” to the fullest! (Ha ha!). But I bought the most sophisticated keyboards (in the sense of a sampler and a synthesizer) and a computer, and I had my own guitars for a long time... And, not depending on anyone, I could now make arrangements for my songs myself. And since he also did the poetry, music, recording, mixing and mastering in the studio himself, he became absolutely independent of anyone - that’s where the thrill is! “I play myself, I sing myself, it’s a pity, but I don’t sleep much.”
- Why?
- But there is no time - “We can’t even dream of peace!”
- When should I sleep?
- Let's sleep it off in the next world! (Laughs). I'm a workaholic! We need to write songs!
- How long have you been making music?
- From the age of five - first violin, then drums, bass guitar, guitar... Imagine, at the age of 13 I was already playing in Intourist in a restaurant! And, moreover, he sang all the songs exclusively in English and Italian. Boy, at 13(!) years old! Such guys played with me - I called them by their first and patronymic names... And then there were a lot of different groups, performances... Around the age of 18, I started writing my first songs - serious ones. Before that, I also tried to write, but it was just like “baby talk on the lawn.” Then the army, special forces, but even there I managed to create my own group - we gathered at night in the boiler room under the club and rehearsed, rehearsed... until we dropped dead from fatigue. By the way, when they bought me my first guitar at the age of 12, I played it for 10-12 hours a day, until my fingers bled, and after 4 months I was already playing in a band and was one of the best guitarists in the city - that’s what I mean, that anything can be achieved if you want to.
- What happened next?
- And then – like Zhvanetsky, remember? – “Conservatory, criminal structures, prison, Siberia...” (laughs)
- So, maybe we can fix something at the conservatory?.. (we laugh together)
- Yes, I managed to get a higher education, but then they “announced perestroika” and everyone rushed in all directions... Personally, I entered the boiling waters of professional show business. For several years he worked as a concert administrator - he took almost all the stars of the then Soviet Union to concerts.
- And then?

- And then - I earned money, made my own program, assembled a group, and we began to work as a “warm-up” (that is, in the first part) for our superstars, gradually switching to solo activities. We traveled all over our native CIS with concerts.

- Who did you work with?
- With Zhanna Aguzarova, Larisa Dolina, Marina Zhuravleva, Irina Allegrova... Yes, you’d better ask who you haven’t worked with - there will be much fewer of them - I’ve never had the opportunity to work with Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, it’s a shame, but with the rest, probably with everyone...
- Well, how are our superstars on tour?..
- Well, you know... You better ask them!

- Okay, what then?

- And then perestroika ended unanimously and everyone had no time for concerts - first they needed bread, and then circuses, - as one of the ancients said, and many people had nothing to eat...
- What were you doing at this time?
- Yes, so, we somehow interrupted... - then all the musicians got into business: some traded shares, some traded in shoelaces under GUM...
- And you?
- And I worked as an arranger. First - in Moscow studios, then - in Thailand, in a transvestite show.
- ?!!…
- Not a transvestite, of course (Ha-ha!), - an arranger.
- Why do transvestites need an arranger?!...
- I say: “They are from the Show!” – remember how in advertising? (Ha ha!). By the way, they weren’t transvestites at all, but transsexuals - with a complete change of gender, I’ll show you photographs - you’ll be amazed at what “girls” they are! (Ha ha!)

- What does music have to do with it?
- Well, how about - Show, they sing, and someone should write music for them, right?.. They have three performances a day, sold out, no tickets to get - it’s a complete plague! Two more worked with me: an American and an Englishman, the entire repertoire is “firm”: Tina Turner, Toni Braxton, Freddie Mercury, etc., in general, a thorough school!
- It must have been hard to return to snowy Russia?
- No, it’s good everywhere, but it’s better at home... Only then there were several years that I don’t want to remember at all, and even an injury, because of which I almost completely lost my left arm. Thank God, everything turned out with “little blood” - I spent six months on anabolic steroids and medications - but my hand is almost intact, only now I can’t play the guitar... It’s a great pity, the guitar is my favorite instrument in the world. And now I do all the arrangements on the keys practically with one hand - first one part, then another, and so on...
- So we returned to the “Ace of the Cross”.
- Yes, so - the first album of “Ace of the Cross” was released and, almost simultaneously with it, a collection called “Ace of Diamonds”, which greatly confused the listeners - everyone thought that this was a series of collections, but not a solo project. And then, within 2-3 months, about forty collections were published (of which, of course, more than half were “pirate”), which included my songs, and many were labeled as “the group of the Cross Ace,” which finally confused everyone to no avail. It got to the point of being funny: at “Gorbushka” one cassette seller spent a long time proving to me that “Cross Ace” is a group, there are three soloists, and, personally, he likes one of them, and “You, man (that’s him to me) , I’m sorry, of course, but you don’t understand anything about this music!”... I was left with my “mitten” open...
- Yes, it's fun! Why did he decide this?
- Yes, because I have a range of three octaves, and I sing as I want: sometimes high, sometimes low, sometimes with “sand” in my voice, sometimes without, so he thought that several people were singing, and then there’s these collections are “group”, yes “group”... In general, it’s a complete misunderstanding! But the name has already “gone”, it has already become a little “promoted” - well, I decided not to change anything and recorded a new album, “The Businessman’s Wife,” again under the “Cross Ace” label.
- Unusual album title...
- Yes, according to the title of one of the songs (sings: “Makar” was lying around with a silencer, and its barrel had already cooled down... Sashok the Afghan walked away, not knowing who he “killed”...)
- Where does the theme come from?
- But where from? From life, of course!
- Do you take all your themes from life?
- Well, I can’t say for sure that 100% all the characters in my songs are real people, and all the plots are real stories - of course not! Yes, if this were so, then competent comrades from the relevant authorities would have found me long ago, and having carried out preliminary processing, they would have tried to find out from me... well, the address, for example, of “Seryoga the Liquidator” or one of my other characters . Although I sing mostly in the first person, any work of art is a fusion of some real events and the creative imagination of the author. For example, in the series about the “New Russian Cat”, all the characters are fabulous: the Cat, the Mermaid, the Goblin, Baba Yaga...
- By the way, an interesting feature - to continue the series from songs from album to album, I had a blast with this "Cat"!
- Yes, this, one might say, is my “know-how” - in my opinion, no one has done this before me. Moreover, if you noticed: all the episodes are based on the same melody, only the arrangement is different. And I wrote the very first episode on the fly - in about 20 minutes - there was just not enough short song for three minutes on one side of the cassette... And then there were so many positive reviews about this very “Cat” that I decided to continue writing about it...

- And how many episodes are there already?
- Nine! Five of them have been published. I think maybe they should release a separate album about this “Cat”? This will be a trick! – ten songs to the same melody! Such a “maxi-single”, as is fashionable now! (Laughs). By the way, they recently shot a video for the first episode (for which I am extremely grateful to my friend Sergei Gerasimov), and the role of “Cat” was simply brilliantly played by another friend of mine, Igor Pudovkin. I hope that the audience will also soon be able to make fun of it when we show it on TV. Recently, by the way, a video cassette “Stars of Russian Chanson” was released, which also contains this clip. But it seems we got distracted...
- So what after the second album?
- That’s where it started... They started calling, inviting me to concerts, some kind of interest just suddenly showed up, otherwise I was completely desperate - I thought, no one needs anything, I’m doing everything in vain... It turns out that it’s not in vain, it turns out , need to…
- And do they invite you often?
- Now often - probably, not only you liked my songs...
- How do they announce you at concerts?
- And so they announce: “Vladimir Kozyrev is the author of the “Cross Ace” project! I also gave a transcript on my fourth album - so that everything would be clear: “who is who!” (as our first president said:)
- Do you always perform on stage alone, like many performers in the “chanson” genre?
- Not at all, - I perform alone extremely rarely, because I believe that in any pop genre (no matter whether it’s “chanson” or something else), there must be at least a small, but still element of show - so that the viewer, who came to the concert, it was not only interesting to listen to the songs, but also to look at the stage, so one or two people usually help me on stage: a backing vocalist and a dancer or guitarist. We sing “live,” as the musicians say, with “minus” (this is instrumental accompaniment, recorded in the studio and played by me in turn on all instruments), because I can’t afford to take a large symphony orchestra with me, and no one needs it at all these days.
- What is the name of your fourth album?
- "Prison is a prison..."
- Yes, the name is serious...
- Well, let's say it's specific! I dedicated this album to everyone who knows the feeling of lack of freedom... But before that I actually had the album “The Hitman”...
- Why such names?
- Yes, because life is like that! You watch the TV program, read the titles of movies in the program, go to any book tray, or, finally, just open any newspaper... What a life - such songs. You can’t erase the words from a song, just as you can’t erase the chronicle of events from life... Alas, this is only a reflection of the realities of today... We are not ostriches to bury our heads in the sand and think that everything is fine. Nowadays news broadcasts or some “Highway Patrol” are cooler than any horror movie. But people are still interested in knowing the truth... But you also need to joke, otherwise you can go straight to the cemetery to lie down...
- Yes, let's not talk about sad things... So what about the third album?
- With the third? Oh, yes! So: fate decided to deal me another blow - probably punishment for some past sins - on Friday the 13th (don’t believe in omens then!) I turned on the computer and it burned with a blue flame (literally) with an album ready for release... Almost a year of work - "down the drain"... For me it was the same as for television people - a fire on the Ostankino TV tower! I almost died from frustration. I had to start everything from scratch... I won’t tell you how it all happened, but I made the album again, and it was released, and at the end of 2000 my album “Prison-Prison...” was released, the sales results of which surpassed even the most daring expectations.
- What are you planning next?
- I performed at the first international festival of Russian chanson “Star Blizzard” at the Olimpiysky sports complex, five videos have already been shot for my songs, we will soon be filming the sixth, and of course, a new album is being prepared for release, this, by the way, will be my anniversary, tenth solo album...
- What a news?!..
- Yes, even before “Cross Ace”, five of my CDs were released at the Soyuz, Zvuk, J.S.P and Polygram studios under different pseudonyms...
- Under which ones?
- Let this remain my little secret...
- What will the new album of “Cross Ace” be called?
- “Champion”, according to the title of one of the songs, is also, by the way, an anniversary – the fifth! God willing, not the last...
- Yes, indeed, God willing! I sincerely wish you good luck, Vladimir, despite all the vicissitudes of fate! To be honest, I really liked your songs, which happens to me very rarely lately, especially “Gypsy”, “Soldier”, “Verka’s Fate”, “Wolves”, “Walls, Bricks...”, “Near Leninsko-Kuznetsk” ... Somehow they turn my soul inside out... Thank you for them! I wonder if “pirates” like them too?
- I’ll say this: over the three years of the existence of “Ace of the Cross”, more than two hundred different collections in our genre have been published (these are only those that I personally know about), most of them, of course, are “pirate”, and practically none of them can't do without my songs.
- But this speaks of popularity!
- Yes, probably…
- Well, thank you, Vladimir, for the interesting conversation, and great creative success to you!
- And I, in turn, want to thank all those who listen to my cassettes and records, who have already been, or will still come to my performances to listen to the songs, in each of which, honestly, I put a piece of my soul and heart!

O. NEPOMNASCHY (January 2001)

Karen ACE is the singer's stage name Karen Arturovich Movsiyan. He was born on August 11, 1989 in the city of Tashir, Republic of Armenia, under the sign of Leo, which determined his “predatory” character. The boy did not grow up alone in the family; he also had an older sister. In 2011, Karen and her family moved to Russia, to the city of Kaluga.
Since childhood, Karen has been passionate about sports and has always led a healthy lifestyle. His musical passion began with the songs of rapper 2Pac. At the age of 13, Karen began writing texts that were extremely popular among friends.
After graduating from 9th grade in 2005, Karen decides to get serious about hip-hop culture. But an injury to the cervical vertebrae, which resulted in the loss of legs, became a turning point. Karen continues treatment now, but without losing faith in his own strength, the guy continues what he once started.
In 2009, he began a solo career under the pseudonym Karen Tuz. Ace, since it is the most important card in the deck, means that Karen is very important in turnips. And the signs that are on the ace card, which are the heart and the cross (chirva and clubs), are explained as “from the heart and closer to God.”
In 2010, Karen became a finalist in the “Music of Our City” competition and recorded a collection of songs under the same name. In 2011, he became a participant in the International Youth Festival of Hip-Hop, R’n’B and Rap Cultures, where he received the “Audience Award” and “Discovery of the Month” nominations. More detailed information Read the agent's website about Karen Tuz on the official website.

Karen ACE - photo and video. Invite, book an artist for the holiday:

A budding star of Russian rap, whose lyrics touch the soul and do not leave anyone indifferent. This is Karen ACE. Biography, what happened to him - all these questions concern everyone who has ever heard the work of this extraordinary person.

In what city was Karen ACE born?

Rising young rapper Karen Movsisyan, known by his stage name "Karen ACE", born August 11, 1989 years on the territory of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic.

His hometown is Tashir was founded in the middle of the 19th century by Russian settlers fleeing the persecution of tsarist despotism. The majority of the population throughout most of the city's history was Russian. That is why Karen was fluent in two languages ​​since childhood.

In 2001, the boy and his older sister were transported by his parents to Russia, to the city of Kaluga.

From a young age, Karen showed remarkable determination and perseverance in achieving the assigned task. As he noted in his later interviews, the reason for this lies in his zodiac sign. Born under the sign of the lion, he, like a true predator, is implacable and fearless, but at the same time, generous, as befits the King of Beasts.


Karen became interested in rap from a very early age. The boy was just over ten years old, and he had already become a fan of the cult hip-hop artist Tupac. The latter is considered almost the most outstanding rapper in history. The biography of this black performer with bewitching beats and capacious lyrics determined Karen’s life path.

In addition to Tupac, Karen admired such MCs as:

  1. "Dr. Dre"
  2. "Notorious B.I.G."
  3. "Eminem";
  4. "Snoop Dog".

In the sixth grade, the guy began to make his first timid attempts to record his own compositions on the built-in microphone of a tape recorder. The young man only allowed his closest friends to listen to his amateur tracks, but even behind the “handicraft” performance it was impossible to hide Karen’s nascent talent.

The injury that happened to the guy in the 9th grade took the young man by surprise, who was fond of sports and was a lover of outdoor activities.

Why is Karen Tooze disabled?

All his childhood dreams seemed to come crashing down in 2004 when terrible accident confined him to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He did not write or compose anything for three years. But, in the end, he gathered his will into a fist and decided to follow his quest to the end.

There is another disabled Russian rapper with a similar fate - Rem Digga.

Parents had different attitudes towards the young man's intention to become a rapper. The father believed that this was a passing hobby and laughed at the timid experiments of the young talent. The mother, on the contrary, fully supported her son. As Karen said in an interview with one of the Armenian TV channels, his mother once knocked on his door, gave him a piece of paper and a pen with the words: “Write.” And since then, writing texts and reading them accompanied by musical recitative became his meaning of life.

For himself, Karen chose the pseudonym “Ace”. In his opinion, such a name reflects his uncompromising life position to become the first and the best. Whatever it costs him. He understands his creativity as the unity of two card suits:

  • “Hearts” - embody all high and positive feelings: love, soul;
  • “Cross” - the sign has a religious motive and is the embodiment of unity with God.

Under this nickname, Karen announced himself in 2009. Moreover, his full stage name is as follows: “Karen ACE” (the first word is typed in Latin, the second - in Cyrillic and capital letters).

“Music of our city” - 2010

A turning point in the life of “Ace” was participation in 2010 in the “Music of Our City” competition.

This festival serves as a springboard for many regional performers who had previously been ignored by eminent metropolitan producers. Moreover, it doesn’t even matter that the composition sent to the qualifying round may initially be of poor quality. If the jury likes it, then at the expense of the festival it will be properly finalized in a professional studio. In 2010, the event was held in eight Russian cities with more than 550 competitors. The invited experts were participants in the “Umaturman” project and music critic Artemy Troitsky.

Karen represented his native Kaluga at the event. The young man managed to win the hearts of the jury, and he made it to the finals. As a result of the competition, “Tuz” released a collection of songs called “Music of Our City.”

This achievement allowed Karen to attract the attention of the public. The following year, 2011, he received the audience award at the Russian youth rap festival.

Analysis of creativity

The work of TUZ generally receives positive responses from critics. Journalists noted the general gloomy and gloomy mood of most of his compositions. And if Karen’s texts can still hardly be called mainstream in Russian rap art, then they are certainly the most convincing and spontaneous. He speaks simply about complex things, without mincing words or looking for workarounds.

Karen stated in an interview that he has no role model or authority in the world of music. As he put it, his goal is himself, only the best. However, despite his statements, the influence of many other Russian rap stars is quite clearly visible in the work of the young artist.

Among the main themes of Ace's lyrics:

  • Relationships with close friends;
  • Love;
  • Worldview and life values;
  • Real life situations;
  • Motivational songs.

Among all the songs, the composition “Orphan” stands out. Karen created it under the impression of visiting one of the orphanages. This prompted the artist to engage in charity work: he now takes part in several non-profit projects.

His life serves as an example that no obstacles can break a person on the path to his dream. His songs fascinate him and serve as the best motivation; it is in them that Karen TUZ conveys her sad life experience. Biography of what happened to him - we talked about all this in this article.

Video: interview with Karen

In this video, Karen TUZ himself will talk about his childhood, goals in life, and answer the question - what happened to him, how exactly he became disabled:

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Biography, life story of the group "Cross Ace"

He has been studying music since early childhood: at the age of 5 he entered a music school to study violin. After completing it, he himself learned to play the guitar and, at the age of 13, began his professional musical career - in the ensemble of the Intourist restaurant as a bass guitarist and vocalist.

While serving in the army, in the special forces, he also created his own group, and around the same time he began to write his first songs.
After the service, he entered a music school to study guitar, and then, having decided to get a higher technical education, he successfully entered a university. In parallel with his studies, he continues to compose his own songs, working both with the institute group and on dance floors and in restaurants in Moscow. Having gathered a group of like-minded people, he begins to successfully perform “underground” concerts in the Moscow region and in other cities, performing exclusively songs of his own composition, and after the government decree was issued banning this type of concert activity, he works in many other professional groups.

Having completed his studies and received a higher education, in order to make his dream come true and earn money to record his own songs, he begins to work as a concert administrator, while still performing in the first department (“opening up”) for pop stars. He worked in programs with Zhanna Aguzarova, Marina Zhuravleva, Irina Allegrova and many other artists, and toured the country a lot.

Then the “studio period” of work begins. For several years in a row, until 1995, Vladimir worked as a professional arranger and sound engineer - first in Moscow studios, and then abroad, fully mastering all the intricacies of these musical professions. During this time, under different pseudonyms, he released five of his solo albums, which were released by well-known recording companies: “Zvuk”, “J.S.P”, “Soyuz” and “Polygram”, created more than a thousand arrangements in various musical styles, his songs began to be performed (and still performed) by many pop stars, incl. Honored and People's Artists of Russia.


After a forced break from creative activity, in 1997 he began working on his new project, which he called “Ace of the Cross”. (The name was invented by chance, based on the first card of the deck that he bought at one of the Moscow train stations). This name became the “calling card” of the singer-songwriter Vladimir Kozyrev.

In 1998, the first album of “Ace of the Cross” was released, which, despite the crisis that gripped the country at that time, immediately became one of the best-selling albums in the genre.

Today "Ace of the Cross" is one of the most popular and sought-after projects in the chanson style. Thirteen official albums have already been released (as of 2006) (not counting numerous “pirated” ones). Songs from them were included (only according to official data) in more than 350 collections, and on many of them the songs of “Ace of the Cross” are the title songs.

A large advertising campaign was carried out for the album "Champion" on radio, TV and other media. Based on the results of sales of audio media, "Cross Ace" is consistently included in the leading group of the best performers of the genre.

The uniqueness and main advantage of the project is that Vladimir, combining several musical professions at once, is the only author-performer in the genre who, without involving a single (!) outsider in the production process, does everything completely himself, starting from the idea verse and song, and ending with arrangement, sound engineering, recording and mixing of voices, instruments, as well as digital mastering and design of the finished CD, while playing everyone, incl. and “live” instruments in the author’s own studio, completed by him, constantly updated and equipped taking into account all the most modern requirements.

Vladimir's songs are very diverse - they include patriotism ("Soldier", etc.), and sports themes ("Champion", "Fight without Rules", etc.), and lyrics, and humorous songs (the series "New Russian Cat" etc.), but the greatest fame and popularity were brought by songs of social orientation, colloquially called songs “for life”, which enjoy the constant love of listeners.

And each of these songs contains a piece of the author’s soul and heart...