Attitude towards women in Lezgin traditions. Lezgins: nationality, description, history and interesting facts Lezgins guy and girl

We are introducing a new section, topic and problem into the activities of the NCA “Moscow Lezgins”, which has arisen more than once in one form or another in one form or another. Now we will be interested in this problem purposefully, directly and directly, realizing that it has many aspects, among which the following are of particular importance. Firstly, speaking about ethnicity, we must talk about the self-awareness and psychological make-up of people, individuals who preserve and develop culture in various realities. Secondly, it is interesting to us from the point of view of the features common to Lezgins and distinguishing them from other peoples - this is how we form an idea of ​​psychotypes and characters. Thirdly, the features that determine the behavior, thinking, emotions, and communications of Lezgins are important for us - knowledge of such features is fundamental for understanding, explaining and predicting behavior. They also carry an important semantic load in matters of adaptation, growth and personal development.

In a broad sense, the question of the psychology of Lezgins arises in connection with the phenomenon of ethnic and ethnocultural identity, which determines not only the unity and identity of the individual, but also that unique, peculiar thing that is characteristic of the Lezgins. The special significance of Lezgin psychology arises in connection with the problem of preserving and developing Lezgin culture in its various forms. Cultural activity is determined by the subject of this activity. The question of the subject of cultural activity is also a question of human personality and, therefore, of personogenesis or the psychology of human personality. Another important topic that requires studying the psychology of Lezgins is the problem of the Lezgin ethnic group, a divided people. A divided people, by its fact of dissociation, strives for unity, unity, integrity. The slogan “Sadval” - unity, is the driving force of the ethnocultural activity of the Lezgins. Our data show that with a high focus on communication and affiliation, nevertheless, in the psychology of Lezgins a separation focus, exaggerated self-affirmation, belief in one’s infallibility and possession of absolute truth and truth often occupy a special place. Lezgin psychology also introduces us to the problem of sociocultural development of the human personality, the formation of humanity in man. The problem of Lezgin psychology arose in the activities of the autonomy since 2011, when the cultural work of which was mainly carried out by the regional organization (in contrast to the mission of the Lezgin people - the main direction of the work of the FLNCA), together with the Club of Lezgin Intellectuals (Lezgin Intellectual Club) was joined by the intellectual- creative activity and socio-spiritual practices.

Another important point emerged when explaining the phenomenon of “Sisyphean labor” and “Groundhog Day” in the cultural activities of Lezgin organizations, including the Moscow Lezgins. The same tasks were posed many times, but they remained unsolved - as they say, things are still there. Let me give you an example of the Great Lezgin Encyclopedia project. The question about it arose a long time ago, and different figures dealt with it at different times. This project was resumed through the efforts of RAS Academician A.A. Huseynov, who returned to him in 2009 when creating the Club of Lezgin Intellectuals (Lezgin Intellectual Club). The central idea of ​​the project implied, in addition to a space for free dialogue, also the creation of a fundamental work that would serve the cause of preserving and developing the cultural heritage of the Lezgin people. Subsequently, at a joint meeting of the Club of Lezgin Intellectuals and the Council of the NCA “Moscow Lezgins”, this task was transferred to the responsibility of the autonomy. As part of the Club, a group of three people worked on the encyclopedia. Subsequently, due to some interpersonal disagreements, the work went wrong, as a result of which it became clear that management was needed to overcome such issues of joint activities and cohesion of the publishing group.

So, to explain and overcome this kind of problems, the leading reasons were considered to be psychological factors, mentality, personality traits - the psychology of Lezgins. In this regard, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.A. Guseinov invited me to highlight this problem to the Moscow Lezgins based on my own observations since 2009. This topic has not only theoretical, but also practical significance for increasing the effectiveness of cultural activities. Thus, the scientific project “Psychology of Lezgins” was opened by the Department of Psychological Assistance and Resocialization of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, on the site of which, in fact, the activities of the Moscow Lezgins unfold. By the way, let us remind you that the 5th anniversary of autonomy was celebrated using the resources of the department, and its 3rd anniversary took place in the Freud cafe, owned by the Psychoanalytic Association of the Russian Federation, of which I am the president.

Doctor of Psychology, Professor,

Head of the Department of Psychological Assistance and Resocialization

Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov,

Chairman of the Council of the NCA "Moscow Lezgins"

M.Sh. Magomed-Eminov

Lezgins are a people who historically lived in the southern regions of Turkey, Georgia, present-day Dagestan and northern Azerbaijan.

Now the number of Lezgins in the world is about 1.5 million people, who always honor their traditions and do not forget about their ancestors. The Lezgin language belongs to the ancient Nakh-Dagestan language family. The main religion of the Lezgins is Islam, but only of the Sunni persuasion.

Anthropologically, modern Lezgins are representatives of the Caucasian type. The famous dance of the peoples of the Caucasus, the Lezginka, is even named after them.

We bring to your attention a small photo rating of the most beautiful and at the same time world-famous Lezgin girls.

9th place: Nigar Rzakuliyeva - model from Azerbaijan, winner of the international beauty contest "Miss Transcaucasia",

8th place: Khatima Nisredova - journalist

7th place: Samira Gadzhieva - singer

6th place: Diana Yuzbekova - correspondent on the Muz-TV channel

5th place: Alina Alieva - model from Tver

4th place: Gulnara Alimuradova - model, Miss Azerbaijan 2010.

3rd place: Faina Abdullaeva - model, worked with the Muslim clothing brand "Rezeda Suleyman".

2nd place: Svetlana Saidova - model

The most beautiful Lezgin woman is the Turkish-Belgian singer Hadise Acikgöz.

Every nation wants its history to be remembered, traditions and culture to be respected. There are no two identical states on Earth. Each has its own roots and unique features - a highlight. It is one of these wonderful peoples that we will discuss further.

The Caucasus is a region of high mountains, excellent wines and hot Caucasian blood. However, many years ago, when this region was still wild and untamed, the amazing Lezgin people (Caucasian nationality) lived here, awakening the modern civilized Caucasus to life. These were people with a rich and ancient history. For many centuries they were better known as “legs” or “leki”. Living in the south, he constantly defended himself from the great ancient conquerors of Persia and Rome.

Nationality "Lezgins": history

A long time ago, several original mountain tribes united in order to create their own state, unlike anyone else, with its own spiritual culture and deep traditions. It was the beginning of the 13th century. Well, they succeeded very well, because today the Lezgins (nationality) live in the southernmost territories of Russia and the Republic of Azerbaijan. For a long time they inhabited the Dagestan region, which every now and then passed into the possession of new invaders. The inhabitants of that area at that time were called “emirs of Lezgistan.” Over time, the state split into many small khanates that fought for their independence.

People who honor traditions

Let's take a closer look at this nationality. Lezgins have a rather bright and explosive character. For a long time, these Caucasian people have honored the customs of hospitality, kunakism and, of course, blood feud. It is noteworthy that the proper upbringing of children plays a very important role in their culture. Surprisingly, they begin to raise the baby even when he is in the mother’s womb. This is probably what distinguishes Lezgins. The nationality has many interesting traditions. Here is one of them.

If women could not have children, that is, they were childless, they were sent to the sacred places of the Caucasus. In case of success, namely the birth of children of different sexes, families who were friends with each other promised each other to marry their children in the future. They sincerely believed in the healing power of sacred places and took such trips very seriously. Some argue that such a custom was formed as a result of the desire to strengthen friendly and family ties between certain families.

Ancient rituals and modern life

Lezgin - what kind of nation is this? Let's take a closer look below. Despite their small numbers, the Lezgins have fairly fundamental moral standards that are associated with long-standing traditions.

Of the wedding customs, one can highlight one of the most striking - bride kidnapping. The most interesting thing is that such a tradition was practiced both with and without the consent of the bride. As it turned out, there was no ransom as such. For the young woman, a certain payment was simply made to her parents. Perhaps today, to some, this resembles some kind of purchase and seems not entirely worthy, but practice shows that the majority of local residents treated this with joy and great enthusiasm.

Eastern traditions of hospitality

Lezgins have a special attitude towards guests and elderly people. They are shown special respect. Old people are not allowed to do difficult work, and guests are not allowed to do household chores at all, even if they urgently ask for it. Guests are given all the best: they sleep on the most comfortable bed, even if the owners may spend the night on the floor. Sometimes I wish that even today many peoples could better study their culture and learn something useful from there, especially regarding how to treat guests. People today have achieved a lot, but have lost something valuable - an understanding of the true nature of human relationships.

Eastern cultures, in principle, differ from others in their special attitudes towards women. In the East they have always been considered minor members of society. The Lezgin culture is no exception, but it is safe to say that, despite this situation, men have always treated Lezgin women with deep respect. It was considered a great shame for a Lezgin family to raise a hand against a woman or to insult her dignity in some other way.

Spiritual heritage or what is the national religion of the Lezgins?

What can be said about the spiritual heritage of the ancient Lezgins? Today the majority professes Islam. Scientists readily admit that the religious culture of the people has not been thoroughly studied, but its roots, of course, go back to paganism and are largely intertwined with folk mythology. For example, Lezgins still have a rather curious idea of ​​how the amazing planet Earth is located in space. They believe that it rests on the horns of Yaru Yatz (Red Bull), which, in turn, stands on Chiehi Yad (translated as “Big Water”). This is a rather interesting design. Although it is somewhat contrary to scientific evidence, some people believe in it very sincerely. These were the unusual ideas about the world that Lezgins had. A nationality whose religion is Islam is quite distinctive.

famous all over the world

Some are outraged by the fact that these religious teachings are filled with mythology and quite often contradict generally accepted concepts of common sense. The modern life of this people has largely adopted the principles of modernity. They certainly respect traditions, but they are much less fanatical about them than before. The national dance of Lezgins attracts special attention from tourists and travelers. Today there are very few people who have never heard of Lezginka.

This original and fascinating dance has been danced by Lezgins for a long time. This nationality is quite distinctive, and the dance is proof of this. How long ago Lezginka arose and how old it is is not known for certain. Some suggest that it originates from ritual Caucasian dances.

Lezginka is a very dynamic and movement-filled dance. By the way, it was the Russians who gave it its modern name. The cheerful and cheerful music to which this dance is performed has not left many famous composers indifferent. Some of them even slightly changed or interpreted the old traditional melody in a different way.

The attitude towards women was very contradictory. The woman enjoyed great respect in society, but at the same time she had no rights in the family, even in relation to her own children. The man treated her as a lower being, the main burden of household work fell on her: preparing clothes, food, conducting all kinds of household chores and much more. However, on this basis it is hardly justified to conclude that women are inferior.

As F. Engels correctly emphasized, “the division of labor between both sexes is determined not by the position of women in society, but by completely different reasons. Peoples in which women have to work much more than they should according to our ideas often have much more genuine respect for women than our Europeans."

A WOMAN did housework and enjoyed respect and honor among her household, although outwardly the attitude towards her was harsh. It was considered a great shame to assault a woman, insult and humiliate her in any form. He covered himself with shame if, contrary to custom, he raised his hand to a woman and, by word or action, desecrated her honor.

Insulting a wife, let alone beating her, was considered a disgusting act; society turned away from such a person; such an insult was equated to a blood offense. No matter how joyless a woman’s life may be, it must be said that among Lezghins, acts of rudeness and violence against her are extremely rare. Hitting a woman is considered disgraceful. If the family discord has reached the point of a major quarrel, the wife goes to her parents’ house and the husband begins efforts for reconciliation.

The exceptional position of the Lezgin woman in society is also evidenced by the non-extension of blood feud to her. No matter what blood feud there was between the families, a woman was never killed. If someone committed such a crime, then he incurred the greatest contempt of society.

The most irreconcilable enemies stopped fighting if a woman took off her scarf and threw it between them. This was also the case with other Caucasian highlanders. Indecent expressions were absolutely not allowed in the presence of a woman. Taking revenge on a woman was considered a disgrace, unworthy of a man.

If a woman and a man walked side by side, then the woman occupied the right side, and if two men walked with her, then between them. In both cases these positions were considered the most honorable. The largest number of etiquette norms were associated with women. No matter to what extent the intoxication of the feasting men reached, no matter how cheekily the company of young people behaved, no matter how intense the bitterness of those quarreling, fighting or fighting, the mere appearance of a woman curbed the brawlers, stopped and stopped the bloodshed. An ambiguous word in the presence of women, a careless movement during dancing, and careless treatment of a girl caused condemnation from the entire society.

Who are the Lezgins, and what do you know about them, have you met them, what kind of people are they? and got the best answer

Answer from ZAKIR SELIMOV[active]
Lezgins (self-name: Lezgiar) are one of the large indigenous peoples of the Caucasus, historically living in the adjacent regions of Dagestan and Azerbaijan. According to official data, the number of Lezgins is about 600-650 thousand people. In addition to their historical places of residence, they also live in Kazakhstan (15 thousand), Kyrgyzstan (7.5 thousand), Turkey (15 thousand) and other neighboring countries. They speak the Lezgin language, which, together with the related Tabasaran, Agul, Rutul, Tsakhur, Budukh, Kryz, Archin, Khinalug and Udi belongs to the Lezgin branch of the Caucasian languages. By religion, modern Lezgins are Sunni Muslims.
From time immemorial, Lezgin-speaking peoples have been known under the name “Legi” (Leki), from which the modern ethnonym “Lezgi” subsequently originated. Endless wars with the Romans, Byzantines, Persians, Khazars and other conquerors determined the fame of the Lezgin-speaking tribes inhabiting Caucasian Albania. Until now, Georgians and Armenians call Dagestanis, and especially Lezgins, “leks,” while Persians and Arabs call them “leks.” In addition, the dance “Lezginka” among Georgians is called “Lekuri”
Lezgin language is the language of Lezgins and other Lezgin-speaking peoples. Belongs to the Caucasian languages. Together with the closely related Tabasaran, Agul, Rutul, Tsakhur, Budukh, Kryz, Archin and Udi languages, it forms the Lezgin group of Nakh-Dagestan languages. Distributed in the south of the Republic of Dagestan and in the northern regions of Azerbaijan. The number of speakers in the world is about 1.5 million. It is an ancient language of Caucasian Albania.
There are 3 main dialects: Kyurinsky, Samurian and Cuban. There are also independent dialects: Kurush, Giliyar, Fiy and Gelkhen. The sound composition of the Lezgin language: 5 vowels and about 60 consonant phonemes. There are no voiceless laterals, no geminated consonants, and there is a labial spirant “f”. The stress is forceful, fixed on the second syllable from the beginning of the word. Unlike other North Caucasian languages, it does not have categories of grammatical class and gender. Nouns have the categories of case (18 cases) and number. The verb does not change in persons and numbers, a complex system of tense forms and moods. The main constructions of a simple sentence are nominative, ergative, dative, locative. There is a variety of types of complex sentences.
P.S. I am a Lezgin myself. There are good people and there are bad people, just like in any other nation. In general, there are traits inherent in all Lezgins: hospitable, hardworking, principled, straightforward people. Source: opinion

Answer from Procul negotiis.[guru]
One of the nationalities of Dagestan, and there are more than a hundred of them... yes, I served with someone like that. He’s malicious, touchy about the man, we sycophant when it pleases him... in general, I won’t say anything good.

Answer from Vladimir Mazur[guru]
There is a Lezginka dance, and since I believe this is one of the peoples, most likely the peoples from Dagestan

Answer from Iuslan Akhmetov[guru]
one of the indigenous nationalities of Dagestan. less nervous, but still different from all of us in concepts about life. don't mess around.

Answer from Bayun[guru]
Lezgins are a people living mainly on the territory of modern Dagestan. Folk craft banditry and human trafficking. They can be helpful, but until they win you over and find your position dependent. In this case, they will act with humiliation and breaking the will for complete submission and use for their own purposes.

Answer from Orlova Elena[guru]
I met good people, my cook was a Lezgin, and women worked too. Hardworking, kind, cook deliciously, hospitable.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Lezgins (self-name: Lezgiar) are one of the large indigenous peoples of the Caucasus, historically living in the adjacent regions of Dagestan and Azerbaijan. According to official data, the number of Lezgins is about 600-650 thousand people. In addition to their historical places of residence, they also live in Kazakhstan (15 thousand), Kyrgyzstan (7.5 thousand), Turkey (15 thousand) and other neighboring countries. They speak Lezgin language. Suleiman Stalsky is a Soviet poet. Like all people, different people meet. It also depends on what you are like.

Answer from Lobster[guru]
Leks (and Lezgins) in Georgia were called Avars, Laks, Dargins. That is, these are the peoples who raided Georgia. And the dance “Lezginka” is their dance and the Georgians adopted it from them. And today the dance “Lezginka” is the dance of all the peoples of Dagestan (including Nogais and Cossacks) except the Lezgins themselves. The problem is that the historical Lezgins (Avars, Laks, Dargins) are not Lezgins at all; they (Russian sources Kyurins) are Kurins. The Kyurin Khanate, the Kyurin militia, the Kyurin uprising - these are the terms from the time of the Russian-Caucasian War. The Kyurinians became Lezgins (the Kyurinians working in the oil fields in Baku, even in 1900, did not know that they were “Lezgins”) at the will of the communists.

Answer from Zalimkhan Gadzhimuradov[expert]
The Kyura Khanate is one of the khanates and free societies, the main population of which were Lezgins. Lezgins are a modified Arabic name for leks (or lek, since the Arabs do not have the letter “k”, at the end they have “zg” lezg or lakz). As for the dance, lek is translated from Lezgin as “eagle”, and Lezginka is eagle dance. There is no such word in the Avar, Dargin, or Lak languages. The Lezgins knew perfectly well who they were even before 1900.

Answer from Zulfiya Abdulazizova[active]

Answer from Magomedovich[newbie]
Lezgins are smart and hardworking people, they do not like to fake things and show off.

Answer from Aslanbek Israpilov[newbie]
Akhty, a Lezgin village in Southern Dagestan, is a unique place. Among the graduates of local secondary school No. 1 there are more than 80 candidates and doctors of science (from agricultural to philosophical). In terms of the number of scientists per capita (18,000 inhabitants), this is a world record. Lezgins are one of the most decent, intelligent and non-violent peoples of the North Caucasus.

Answer from Rustam Fazlyev[newbie]
I met a Lezginka)))) insatiable and cunning people))) well, this person for sure, told tales that she was divorced from her husband and no longer lives, and that she was pregnant from me))) in this case it was all a lie, they just wanted to scam me) )) the result is that she has a broken face and a disgrace to the whole neighborhood))) I just didn’t expect this from her, I thought a Caucasian girl should be great and I didn’t pay any attention to how we slept with her the next day after we met))) p.s I’m Tatar she is a Lezginka

Answer from Rail Batyrshin[newbie]
I lived with boys from Dagestan in a dorm from university, purebred Lezgins. Very smart, sympathetic, hardworking, non-drinking, non-smoking guys. He served in the army in the Far East and was friends with the Lezgins. They are very hospitable, they themselves are ready to go hungry, but they will feed their neighbor. I am a Tatar myself, but I respect Lezgins very much! I speak from my own experience, not by hearsay. Just respect each other, at such a moment the Chechen will put away his wolfish grin and smile!

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Who are the Lezgins, and what do you know about them, have you met them, what kind of people are they?