When should you do morning exercises? When is the best time to exercise?

“As the morning begins, so will the whole day pass” - everyone has known about this folk wisdom since childhood.

Morning exercise is the best way to wake up and invigorate.

People who exercise every morning feel alert and energetic throughout the day. Morning exercises should not take you much time, as it is designed to wake up the body and get your body into working condition.

By doing morning exercises every day for 10-15 minutes for a month, you can lose a couple of kilograms of excess weight. Weight loss occurs due to the acceleration of metabolism.

Where to start charging?

Doctors recommend waking up every morning not to the sound of an alarm clock, since such a sound puts the body into a state of stress. They say that you need to get out of sleep only naturally, when, after getting enough sleep, you open your eyes without external irritants.

But the modern world forces humanity to get up early and go to bed late. Try to wake up to the sound of your alarm clock, smile and mentally tell yourself that a wonderful day awaits you ahead. Stretch thoroughly to feel each muscle.

Morning exercises should be aimed at stretching, no strength loads.

The set of exercises given in this article is a complete morning exercise. And strength “male” exercises should not be performed when waking up in the morning, because this can lead to severe stress on the heart.

There are two stages of morning exercises

The first stage includes exercises that are performed right in bed:

The second stage includes physical activity that is performed after you get out of bed.

If the weather is nice and warm outside, the second stage can be done outdoors.

These exercises of the second stage of charging can be performed by men, women and children. You just need to control the load level - gradually increase the load every day.

These exercises are enough to tone your body and prepare you for the day ahead.

The warm-up can be completed with water procedures. If there is no opportunity and time for this, then limit yourself to simple rubdowns.

Morning water treatments

After finishing your morning exercises and feeling a surge of strength, drink a glass of purified water without gas. Drinking water on an empty stomach helps wake up your stomach and speed up your metabolism.

Then we go to the bathroom to harden the body. Perform a contrast shower. If you are not yet ready for such “entertainment”, do a rubdown - wet a terry towel with cold water and wipe your entire body with it.

Do not wet your hair while showering

  • boosts immunity;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • improves skin condition;
  • helps get rid of cellulite.

How to take a contrast shower correctly?

First, prepare yourself for this procedure, prepare a hard terry towel so that after a shower you can rub well and improve blood circulation.

From the first seconds the water should be comfortable and warm, then increase the water temperature. The main thing is not to get scalded. Make sure that there is no tension in the body; the body should be relaxed.

How to do exercises correctly?

The awakening of the human body occurs gradually, and accordingly it must be loaded in the same way. You should start with a warm-up, which should affect all muscle groups, helping to increase blood circulation in them, saturate the cells with oxygen, and prepare the muscles for more significant loads. Without a good warm-up, you cannot start performing the main set of exercises to avoid injury. Warm-up is also important for the heart muscle, a sharp increase in load on which is extremely undesirable.

Of course, warm-up exercises alone are not enough to charge the body with energy for the whole day and give the necessary tone. Therefore, after warming up, you can go wash your face, drink a glass of water, go out to get some fresh air on the balcony, and then start the basic set of exercises. A great option is to do exercises while listening to music. It will set the desired rhythm, increase the level of motivation and lift your spirits.

After finishing your morning exercises, you should feel a surge of strength, vigor and energy, and a desire to do your favorite things. If after gymnastics you feel tired and want to rest, then the load level is chosen incorrectly and needs to be reduced.

It is better to start exercising by warming up your legs and pelvic muscles, for which you can simply walk in place or roll from toe to heel. To obtain the desired effect, it is recommended to do 10-20 repetitions of this exercise.

After this, you can move on to the arms and pectoral muscles. You can tone them with separate exercises or one exercise that covers several muscle groups at once. Since the main goal of exercise is a complex effect on the body, and not the development of some individual muscle groups, we will focus on the second option. The most popular exercise of this nature is performed as follows: feet are placed shoulder-width apart, arms spread to the sides. While inhaling slowly, the arms are raised up, which can be completed by clapping your hands. With the same slow exhalation, the hands are lowered to the hips. Number of repetitions of the exercise: 5-10 times. It works well with calf raises with your heels together. To warm up your neck, perform 5-7 repetitions of circular movements.

After such a warm-up, you can proceed directly to performing morning exercises. They are also best done from the bottom up. You can start with one of the simplest, but incredibly effective exercises - squats. They are done as follows: the legs are brought together, the back is kept straight, the arms are extended in front perpendicular to the body. When you inhale, bend your knees, that is, squat; when you exhale, you return to the starting position. It is extremely important during the execution to ensure that your back is as straight as possible.

The well-known twisting exercise is perfect for training your torso muscles. To obtain the necessary charge of vigor and activate the work of all systems, you should perform from 25 to 50 repetitions. If you regularly do morning exercises, this exercise should be included in the program every other day.

To tone the muscles of the shoulder girdle, it is advisable to take small dumbbells weighing about a kilogram. From the starting position, in which the legs are shoulder-width apart and the arms are lowered down, as you inhale, smoothly move the dumbbells forward, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. The following exercise is also highly effective: from the starting position, in which the arms are held in front of you parallel to the floor, as you inhale, the dumbbells rise up, and as you exhale, they lower down. It is recommended to do 15-20 repetitions of this exercise.

Even if you limit yourself to doing only these exercises, you can ensure that your body is constantly in good shape and in good functional readiness without visiting any gyms.

You can select exercises for a complex of morning exercises according to your taste and preferences; there are no restrictions in this regard. During exercise, it is advisable to perform exercises both to prepare for the physical activity to come during the day, and to stretch, which is useful for all people at any age.

After waking up in the morning, every person initially feels a certain lethargy, so the body needs about several hours to finally leave the state of rest and awaken. A surge of energy is provided by traditional morning hygiene procedures that send impulses to the nerve centers, including washing, showering, and brushing your teeth. However, complete awakening occurs only when the muscles and joints begin to work well, so in order to quickly get into the working rhythm, morning exercises are necessary.

You can achieve the maximum effect from morning exercises only if you do it regularly. At the same time, over time, you can improve and complicate the set of exercises included in it, however, there is also no need to overdo it in this case. Regular morning exercises allow you to overcome hypokinesia syndrome, which manifests itself in excessive irritability and increased drowsiness, a feeling of constant fatigue, bad mood, lethargy, and decreased vitality.

Many people today underestimate the importance of morning exercises, even those who regularly exercise. People who go to the gym argue that they do not want to do gymnastics in the morning by saying that they get enough physical activity and they do not need additional exercise. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong, because training in the gym, as a rule, is aimed at losing weight or building muscle mass, while exercise is necessary to maintain the body in good shape, providing the basis for the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

Morning exercises are of particular importance for women during difficult periods of life, for example, during recovery after childbirth, during age-related hormonal changes, etc. Thanks to daily morning exercises, muscles are strengthened, immunity is improved, and resistance to negative environmental influences increases.

In the morning hours, the body is especially susceptible to positive intervention in its work, and the rhythm set from the very beginning will help you spend the whole day actively and productively.

It is important to understand that exercise is not a workout. It has a completely different goal - to charge the body with energy for the whole next day. Training involves excessively high loads and muscle strain, so after it it’s difficult to talk about vivacity and a surge of strength. After a quality workout, you want to relax and sleep, and after exercise, you want to actively create.

People often try to combine exercises with a set of strength exercises, but this requires much more time than regular gymnastics. In addition, again, the body receives excessive stress, which in no way contributes to a surge of strength and vigor. Charging should be a set of exercises aimed at warming up joints and muscles, toning them, but without overloading. Of course, exercise may include some strength exercises, but there should not be a lot of them.

We can talk almost endlessly about the positive effects of exercises done in the morning. Here are just a few of its advantages:

  • Helps set the desired rhythm for the whole day. It is in the morning hours that the body accumulates the strength and energy necessary for productive work throughout the day. Without morning exercises, this energy will not exist, and throughout the day you will feel some weakness and drowsiness.
  • Trains the heart. Everyone knows that the duration of our life largely depends on the proper functioning of the heart. Trained heart muscles smooth out the negative impact of overload, stress and other factors on our main organ. To train the heart, morning exercises play an invaluable role, as it ensures the gradual inclusion of all other muscles in our body. In this way, the load on the heart falls evenly, and not with frantic overload, as is the case if you immediately begin hard work without proper preparation. Regular morning exercises will ensure full saturation of the blood with oxygen, improve blood circulation, and prevent the development of heart pathologies associated with a sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity, and poor physical fitness.
  • Provides complete nutrition to all organs and systems. In order for the body to work like a clock, to maintain its youth and resistance to negative external influences for as long as possible, all its organs must receive nutrition in a timely manner in the form of useful substances that are carried along with the blood.
  • Helps maintain blood vessels and capillaries in good condition. Exercising ensures that additional oxygen enters the blood, preventing the development of age-related diseases and premature aging. For the full functioning of the entire cardiovascular system, it is important that the capillaries and other vessels have good permeability and are sufficiently elastic. In this case, the risk of aneurysms will be minimal. Regular physical activity in moderate quantities strengthens arteries, veins and capillaries, facilitates blood flow, and improves the patency of blood vessels.
  • Thins the blood. Daily 15-minute morning exercise helps thin the blood, which is of great importance for preventing the development of atherosclerosis, blood clots and other similar problems.
  • Helps to develop, increases intelligence. By saturating the brain with additional oxygen, memory improves and concentration increases. This is extremely important both for pupils or students who constantly have to deal with a large amount of information and the need to remember a lot of new things, and for all other people.

The greatest positive effect from morning exercises can be achieved if you do the exercises outdoors. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to go to the nearest park every morning, so you can simply open the door to the balcony during class to fill the room with fresh air. You can also do gymnastics directly on the balcony or loggia, if there is enough space there.

As has been repeatedly mentioned, exercise should be done regularly, and for this it should not cause associations with heavy physical exercise, variety is also important. To prevent classes from becoming boring, it is necessary to periodically change the complexes, introduce something new into them, experiment, so that the exercises bring pleasure every time.

I decided to do a little work on my figure, and as always, I’m eager to do it together with you. Well, what can I do, that’s the kind of person I am, I’m ready to do anything, as long as I’m in good company.

Admit it, did you gain it over the winter? Are you losing weight? As you all know, I am an overweight young lady, and therefore for me the issue of losing weight is always in the first place. But today I want to talk not about diets, but about physical activity. Or more precisely, how to do exercises to be beautiful and cheerful, and at the same time not kill anyone in the morning.

Why do you need charging?

I don’t know how you wake up, but for me it happens like this - first I hear the nervous squeak of the alarm clock, then the clatter of dog claws on the parquet, and after that my morning begins.

Whether I like it or not, dogs are sure that if the alarm clock rings, it’s time to get up. Fortunately, I don't have to walk with them in the morning, and so after a short cuddle, my morning begins with the usual hygiene procedures, followed by a cup of coffee, getting ready, and finally the drive to work. I have been living in this mode for the last five years.

I can’t say whether I like it or not - there was no way to compare it with anything. But just recently I went on a business trip with a colleague, and she did exercises in the morning - it turned out that I was inspired and did it with her. So what can I say guys? If you know how to do gymnastics, then start tomorrow - the buzz is incredible. However, first things first.

When I asked a colleague why she needed this (and she, I note, is in excellent shape and goes to the gym every day), she told me why she needs exercise.

Why do you need to do exercises in the morning:

  • this helps to warm up and stretch the muscles, making them less tired during the day;
  • thanks to exercise, you can wake up faster and better than with coffee;
  • vitality and mood increase.
In general, it sounded very convincing, and I decided to try it. The entire time I spent on the business trip, I got up and forced myself to study with her. The results pleased me - my muscles tightened (my palm began to fit freely through the waistband of my skirt), my complexion evened out, and I began to sleep better. All that remains is to figure out how you can force yourself to do this at home.

Rules for good morning exercise

I’m sharing secrets from a colleague - I tried all of them on my own carcass, and I can vouch for each one.
  1. You need to exercise regularly. Even if you are very lazy. After all, a quick charge will literally take ten minutes.
  2. If you can't bring yourself to get out of bed, start doing exercises right there. Yes, it is less useful than on a hard surface. But this is much more useful than being lazy.
  3. Open a window or balcony when doing exercises in the morning - this will help saturate the blood with oxygen.
  4. You only need to take care of yourself positively - if you suffer every morning and literally try to force yourself, it will bring neither pleasure nor benefit.
  5. Charging should be short - just motivate yourself for ten minutes, this is quite enough.
  6. Get into the habit of doing “lazy gymnastics” sometimes - choose the most enjoyable, most favorite exercises for you, and do them when you are really lazy. If you are lazy more than once a week, then reconsider the set of exercises you are doing.

How to practice at home

If you are thinking about how to do morning exercises correctly, then you are on the right track - it is very important to do the exercises correctly. The fact is that in the morning our muscles are sleepy, sluggish and therefore very susceptible to injury (confess, how many of you regularly trip or twist your leg in the morning?).

This means that great attention must be paid to safety precautions. It’s not that I was a bore, but on the very first morning, not caring about my colleague’s recommendations and the offer to at least lay a towel on the floor, I tried doing lunges directly on the floor. It all ended with a sprain.

Therefore, I strongly advise you - you also need to follow safety precautions at home! To practice at home, a regular T-shirt and sweatpants will do; shoes are not required. If you, like me, have no love for dressing up, then you can get by with a long T-shirt and underwear.

Train yourself and your body to the same set of exercises. I am guided by what my colleague taught me - she took some exercises from the bodyflex system, some asanas from yoga, and added dance elements and stretching. It turned out to be a good leisurely complex that can be easily done at home.

By the way, pay attention - leisurely! Of course, this depends on your character and temperament, but remember that you need to gradually set yourself up for drive, otherwise your body will experience stress every morning.

Working out at home is as easy as shelling pears, you just need to turn on good music, open the window and stay alone in the room. After a couple of days, you will realize that it is much easier to force yourself to get out of bed, and after a few more days you will notice obvious results. The main one is physical comfort during the day and a good mood.

Well, as a young lady of Rubensian shape, I cannot help but note that morning exercises clearly benefited my figure - muscle tone and skin turgor improved.

Pay attention to bodyflex - this technique seems to me most suitable for a working adult woman who is focused on results (well, like all of us). What I like most is that the full complex only takes fifteen minutes.

I wish you success and good health!

From childhood, many of us were taught that doing exercises is useful and even necessary, then at school various exercises were forced to do. Now, as an adult, if anyone listens to experts, he remains unconvinced.

There are many supporters of morning exercises, however, some experts claim that it is harmful. In their opinion, any physical activity can have both positive and negative effects on the body. According to some doctors, it is impossible to force the muscles and heart to work hard without prior preparation. Before charging, you definitely need a stage that will prepare the body for work. It’s good if a person first goes, washes himself and feels the world around him. But there are also those who, before they even have time to open their eyes and feel their feet on the floor, are eager to get on the treadmill. In such a situation, it is very difficult for the body. Over time, the heart gets tired of working hard and begins to become lazy. Then such a person, trying to catch his breath, talks about the dangers of morning exercises.

Is charging harmful?

For many years, it was believed that the morning was the best time for exercise, since a person simply needed a shake-up just out of bed. But not everything is like that. According to research from Brunel University's Faculty of Science and Sports, exercise isn't all that beneficial. Those who constantly bring their body to the point of exhaustion with morning jogging run the risk of catching some kind of infection.

An experiment was even conducted. The “guinea pigs” were swimmers. By observing their bodies during and after exercise, scientists found that the greatest amount of cortisol, the “stress hormone,” was produced in the morning hours. It is much higher than in the evening. Therefore, a person who constantly exercises in the morning exposes his body to stress, which means “danger” for the nervous system. Thus, the body receives an almost double dose of cortisol, and the immune system is weakened.

Scientists have also determined that in the morning a person’s salivation intensity decreases, which protects against viruses. Therefore, the level of immunoglobulin contained in saliva protects the body from infections the least in the morning. According to scientists, if a person really loves exercise, then the best time to do it is in the evening.

Benefits of morning exercise. Here's what proponents of morning exercise say. Exercise has a beneficial effect on metabolism in the body, as well as on maintaining muscle tone. In addition, it will put you in a great mood for the whole day. In the morning you need to stretch after sleep, and not play sports. The transition from a sleepy state to wakefulness should be gradual and careful. You shouldn’t make any effort on yourself, it still won’t bring a good result.

And what do many people want?

Having difficulty parting with the blanket, they run into the shower to fully wake up, and then, at the same pace, back to the room to quickly do a few exercises and run to work.

Despite the fact that experts say contrary opinions, first of all you need to listen to what your body is saying. I have one friend who, when asked if he does exercises in the morning, says “Yes, but it takes me 5 minutes. Having tried many techniques, I learned a lot that was useful for my physiology and psyche. Those who see me doing morning exercises say that they are more like stretching a cat. But for me, exercise is those morning movements that help me feel great all day.” Therefore, if exercise helps you feel energized in the morning, do it! If it’s difficult to move from sleep to exercise and you don’t have a great desire to wave your arms and bend over, it’s better to postpone it until the evening.

In any case, focus on your desires and needs.

G Hypokinesia is the name given to lack of physical activity. People engaged in mental work, as well as schoolchildren and students who have to sit for a long time are its first victims. This condition is characterized by metabolic disorders, insufficient heart function, and blood supply to tissues. In people who don't move much, immunity decreases, chronic diseases worsen, and sleep is disturbed. The person becomes irritable, forgetful, and gets tired quickly. To avoid the state of hypokinesia, first of all, it is advised to do basic morning exercises, which is the same hygienic procedure as brushing your teeth and washing your face.

How does morning exercise affect the body?

It sometimes takes several hours for the human body to emerge from sleep. Is it worth talking about the well-being of a person who “invigorates” himself with a cup of coffee with a cigarette and reading news from some gadget. For those whose work involves sitting in an office, minimal physical activity in the form of exercise is simply necessary.

Exercise improves blood circulation and saturates the blood with oxygen, thus increasing tone and mood. After a correctly selected set of exercises, a person feels awakened and receives a long-lasting boost of energy. Physical activity helps activate the central nervous system, as well as the senses and vestibular apparatus, preparing the body for the challenges of the working day. Having made morning exercises a way of life, a person will soon feel an improvement in the condition of muscles and joints, notice an acceleration of metabolism, increased endurance, loss of excess weight, positive changes in the functioning of organs - lungs, heart.

If exercise in the morning becomes regular, after a while the minimum load becomes insufficient, and a desire arises to engage in some kind of sport or fitness

Anastasia Egorova,

Difference between exercise and training

Morning exercises are light physical activity, comparable to hygiene procedures in the morning. If a person has managed to make it regular, there may be a need to increase the load. There are several ways to satisfy this desire:

  • make the exercises more difficult;
  • go to the gym;
  • take up another sport.

The goals of training in the fitness room and exercise are completely different. A morning set of exercises is a relatively light physical activity, its purpose is to invigorate a person before the working day. Actually, the word “charging” comes from the word “charge”. During training, a person wastes energy, and after it he is unlikely to want to work. Therefore, gym sessions should be postponed until the afternoon. It takes three times as much time to train as it does to exercise.

Watch a video of morning exercises:

Morning exercise rules

When starting exercise, you should remember a few rules so that exercise brings maximum benefit.

  1. Strong physical activity is harmful immediately after waking up and sudden movements, so you need to start with smooth rotations, turns, and bends.
  2. It is better to perform exercises after some activity (not immediately from bed).
  3. Before a set of exercises, it’s a good idea to drink a glass of water.
  4. Do exercises on an empty stomach, before breakfast.
  5. For morning exercises, you can use rhythmic music.
  6. If gymnastics is more like stretching, it is more logical to turn on calmer music.
  7. Clothing for exercise should be comfortable.
  8. Charging should be done in a ventilated room, with an open window or vent (depending on the season).
  9. After gymnastics, it is advisable to take a shower.
  10. Correctly performed exercises should leave behind a feeling of vigor, not fatigue. Otherwise, you need to reduce the load.

How to choose exercises?

A set of morning exercises is an individual matter, but there are general principles that should be followed when forming your exercises. These are bends and rotations with different parts of the body, squats and breathing exercises, stretching and bridges, planks and push-ups. You need to choose your exercises based on your own feelings. Charging shouldn't be boring.

Here are some exercise options for gymnastics in the morning:

  1. To strengthen the muscles of the neck and head (tilts left and right, back and forth; circular rotations - perform smoothly).
  2. For different parts of the arms (rotations with hands clenched into a fist; rotation of the shoulders - together and alternately; rotations with the elbows and forearms; swinging the arms.
  3. Loads for the entire body (bending forward - as low as possible; bending to the sides with the upper part of the body; rotation with the pelvis.
  4. Exercises for legs (swinging legs back and forth, to the sides; squats; knee rotations).

The complex can be diluted with exercises with a hoop, expander, jump rope, abdominal pumping, exercises with light weights (dumbbells 1-5 kg), running in place.

Each exercise is performed 8-10 times. The intensity and complexity increases gradually. The starting position for all exercises is hands on the lower back, feet shoulder-width apart. All turns, tilts, and rotations should not be sharp.

How to start doing exercises?

It's never too late to start doing exercises in the morning, even if you are of retirement age. For some people, life is just beginning at this age. Now is the time to take care of the health of the body. Doing morning exercises is much cheaper than treating endless cardiovascular diseases, joints and bones suffering from hypokinesia.

To start exercising, it is better to choose a vacation time, because often a working person simply does not have enough time in the morning to exercise. In any case, you can’t force yourself. The impetus for starting classes should be a powerful motivation for recovery, weight loss, self-improvement, and increased productivity of the working day. There are always many reasons to start something.

How to develop the habit of doing morning exercises?

  1. Reschedule your morning. Remove things from your to-do list that can be done in the evening.
  2. Set your alarm 15-20 minutes earlier than your usual wake-up time.
  3. Replace the habit of lying in bed after waking up with exercise.
  4. A set of morning exercises should be written down on paper.

If a person manages to make exercise part of his daily regimen, he will very soon notice positive changes:

  • work productivity will noticeably improve, since with the acceleration of blood circulation, the supply of oxygen to the brain improves, therefore, the activation of mental activity;
  • improved blood flow also improves metabolism, which is so necessary for weight loss;
  • the person becomes more disciplined;
  • Regular physical exercise has a general strengthening effect on the body and strengthens the immune system;
  • the functioning of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels improves significantly;
  • a person suffering from physical underload is irritable.

All these points become a reality as soon as the smallest physical activity enters a person’s life, which he will soon want to increase. Exercising in the morning is a necessary minimum to help you feel young and vigorous until old age.