What are the health benefits of belly dancing? Oriental dancing benefits and harm for women

Victoria Losetskaya |

04/2/2015 | 3495

Victoria Losetskaya 04/2/2015 3495

Belly dancing was inherited from oriental beauties who drove their beloved husbands crazy with their sexuality and flexibility. And he contributed to the development of these qualities precisely sensual dance . Let's see why this is useful dance direction

for women.

Belly dancing is also called bellydance, or oriental dance.

Benefits for body beauty

Rarely is a woman happy with her figure: some don’t like a protruding belly, some are annoyed by the “ears” on their hips, some literally hate sagging buttocks. And here summer is just around the corner, and a beach holiday with the whole family is looming on the horizon.

In general, we need to do something with this goodness! If diets and grueling jogging are not your option, then you can use a much more pleasant means of losing weight - belly dancing.

  1. Why do oriental dances help you lose weight and sculpt your figure? Components of classes bellydance : beautiful outfit, mesmerizing music, interesting choreography
  2. . A woman gets a lot of pleasure from all this, endorphins are released into the blood, her hand no longer reaches for chocolate and cakes (which previously were the main sources of these same “joy hormones”). Giving up sweets brings you closer to your cherished goal.
  3. Belly dancing consists of very energetic movements such as shaking, figure eights and kicks, so in an hour of practice you can lose at least 400 calories.

During oriental dance, almost all muscle groups work, especially the abs and hips (quite a problem area for many women).

Benefit for health

  • Belly dancing is very good for health and, by the way, is an excellent prevention of a number of diseases.
  • This dance style improves coordination and strengthens the vestibular system. As a result, you will become much more flexible and flexible.
  • Belly dancing is an excellent preventative against blood stagnation in the pelvic organs and, consequently, many female diseases. Dancing has an effect positive influence
  • on the spine and alleviate the condition of osteochondrosis.
  • Bellydance classes improve joint flexibility.
  • The basis of belly dancing is rhythmic breathing. This factor leads to a reduction in stress levels and also helps get rid of apathy.

Contraindications for oriental dance classes: 3rd degree flat feet; benign and malignant tumors; hernia; heart disease and heart attack; hypertension, tuberculosis.

Benefits for the soul

By attending classes, you can significantly expand your circle of friends and find new friends. Dancing will become an excellent alternative viewing in free time series and television shows. In addition, this hobby can “give birth” to another one: many women sew their own belly dance costumes and decorate them with beads, pearls and rhinestones themselves.

Benefits for relationships with husband

Oriental dances can add color to your intimate relationships with my spouse. For example, he will be pleasantly surprised when you dance such a, frankly, sexy dance in front of him. And if you also wear a special suit and a couple of accessories like a fan or wings, the effect will be completely stunning.

But, according to the observations of many women involved in this type of dance, not only their intimate life switched to new level. Tenderness and even romance returned to relationships with husbands. Men began to pamper their other halves with romantic gifts and bouquets.

If there are no contraindications to the classes, you can safely go to the gym to learn the basics of such a captivating and useful oriental dance.

What benefits do oriental dances bring to women?

The benefits of this type of oriental art for women are very extensive. Regular practice of this type of art makes all the muscles that are involved in the birth process elastic and strong. In addition, with the help of belly dancing you can reduce the spasms that occur during menstrual cycle. Oriental dance is characterized by such an exercise as shaking the hips. This exercise helps increase blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This has an irreplaceable benefit in restoring the functioning of the ovaries, as well as the uterine mucosa. Smooth and soft movements of the hips during this dance massage the woman’s internal genital organs. Oriental dancing is a wonderful help for the female body.

Oriental dancing is very useful for joints, and with the help of exercises, posture and elasticity of the intervertebral discs improve. When practicing this type of art, weight decreases, hips become elastic, and the stomach tightens. With regular dancing, women suffering from arthritis completely forget what pain is. With the help of various exercises, the back muscles are stretched, fatigue and tension are relieved. The chest opens, pain in the head, which is caused by tension in the neck, gradually recedes.

Belly dancing undoubtedly enhances the sexuality of any woman. A woman begins to love and feel her body, which has a positive effect on personal life. Also, the benefits of dancing are felt throughout the female body. During these dances, the muscles of all organs are used. At the same time, the functioning of the intestinal functions, cardiovascular system, and brain improves, the skin becomes more elastic, and the respiratory system is normalized. In addition, the gait becomes easier, the functions of all systems increase.

What other benefits do oriental dancing bring?

When performing movements in oriental dance, the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle are actively used. Thanks to this, the tone of the intercostal muscles increases, which makes the woman’s breasts firm and toned.

Combination of some elements oriental dances(shaking, blows, plastic) gives flexibility and mobility to the abdominal muscles. The skin in the abdominal area loses its cellulite layer and sagging, and gains elasticity. The female figure gradually becomes harmonious, acquiring smooth curves and outlines.

Oriental dance classes are a great opportunity to relieve stress. They perfectly relax the whole body, relieve mental stress after working day. This type art can be compared with dynamic meditation. By immersing yourself in dance, you completely concentrate your attention on it and are distracted from problems. Eastern dances liberate the mind. A person becomes more creative and emotional. Self-created belly dance, using intuition and music, helps remove the barrier between body and mind. A person becomes a real artist, which increases his self-esteem. This state continues after classes for a long time. Self-confidence helps a woman to reveal herself to others various fields activities.

Full and rhythmic breathing during oriental dance classes has a beneficial effect on the centers responsible for pleasure. This manifests itself in the emotional state and well-being due to the release of endorphins and improves mood.

The benefits of practicing such dances are very great. Gradually, the woman gets so used to them that she simply cannot do without another portion of positive emotions. But you should know that before you start classes, you need to consult with the instructor and your doctor. Since oriental dances also have contraindications.

Cardio training makes the heart and lungs work harder, actively saturating the body with oxygen. This process is closely related to metabolism, which begins to accelerate, promoting fat burning and weight loss. Dancing in the oriental style involves continuous movement to the music, which is also a cardio exercise. On average, during a dance session (60 minutes) you can burn 400–450 kilocalories.

Oriental dances for figure

Ideal option female figure considered to be an hourglass type. Most sports complexes for women are aimed at bringing the curves of the body closer to this type - making the waist thinner, eliminating the belly, creating a neat hip line. Oriental dancing for weight loss “works” in the same direction - due to rhythmic contractions of the abdomen, the rectus and oblique muscles are tightened, and the smooth forward movements of the hips form their graceful bend.

Eastern dancers actively use their arms - this gets rid of drooping triceps and tightens other muscles. Due to the development of the shoulder girdle, the muscles supporting the chest also pump up and become stronger. Fat deposits in problem areas begin to melt, giving way to muscle tissue. In order for work on yourself to bear fruit, in addition to dancing, it is advisable to optimize your diet.

Positive influence of oriental dances on women's health

In addition to the obvious benefits for the female figure, oriental dancing has health benefits. Regular exercises bring a positive effect, affecting different organs and systems:

  • Due to the work of the legs, blood circulation is activated outer surface thighs, buttocks. This tones the skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite.
  • Oriental dance for weight loss – good way form beautiful posture, learn to control the body - during training you need to maintain balance and move smoothly.
  • External and internal muscles pelvis, which is the prevention of urinary incontinence in women. Due to the work of the pelvic and abdominal muscles, the gastrointestinal tract is massaged, which improves intestinal motility and eliminates constipation.
  • Cardio exercise strengthens the heart muscle and is useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Saturating muscles with oxygen helps improve performance, which has a positive effect on other areas of life.
  • Oriental dance is a series of practiced and verified movements that train endurance. Such training relieves stress, therefore it is recommended for nervous, not always balanced people.

Basic movements of oriental dances for weight loss

In order to achieve results - learn to move beautifully to music, acquire graceful forms and feel the positive impact on health - you need to practice regularly. It is recommended to devote three days a week to training, duration – 45–60 minutes. At the same time, before starting intense exercise, spend 10-15 minutes preparing the muscles, warming them up - swinging your legs, bending your torso. This will help you avoid sprains and injuries, and work more effectively on losing weight.


The basic movement present in almost all types of oriental dances is the horizontal figure eight:

  1. To perform it, take a standing position, place your feet shoulder-width apart, then push your right thigh forward, slightly turning your body. Top part the body remains motionless.
  2. Make a semicircle with your right thigh, moving backwards in a horizontal plane. As soon as the right hip is in the back extreme point, the left one moves forward. Then a similar semicircle is made with the left thigh.
  3. The figure eight forms a rounded hip line and helps to lose weight in problem areas.

Rocking chair

Another key element of oriental dance is the rocking chair:

  1. Stand straight, legs together, knees slightly bent. Move your hips forward a little so as not to injure your spine.
  2. Raise one hip, straightening the leg, while simultaneously bending the other leg at the knee. This movement is performed non-stop - the hips sway up and down without accents or stops.
  3. The rocking chair stimulates the intestines, tightens the stomach and buttocks.


In oriental dances there are several types of waves - hips, chest, whole body:

  1. It's easiest to practice the wave against the wall to prepare the muscles involved in this exercise. You need to stand facing the wall at a distance of 10 cm, then slide along it with your upper chest, then your stomach and hips, bending smoothly. Make sure that a small area of ​​your body touches the wall.
  2. Repeat the same wave movement, sliding along the wall with your back.
  3. The wave trains flexibility and develops the spine.

Belly blows

Classic and business card dances:

  1. To perform this movement, stand up straight with your knees slightly bent.
  2. Imagine that a rope is tied to your stomach and pulled upward. Then sharply lift the lower abdomen in the direction of movement of the imaginary rope, while the muscles of the buttocks retract and the abdomen tenses.
  3. “Belly strikes” have the opposite movement - “buttock strikes”.
  4. The exercise is effective for getting rid of belly fat and losing weight in the buttocks area.


This type of movement is a famous element of oriental dance, its unique decoration. main feature shaking is the effect it produces on the viewer. At the same time, it requires almost no effort from the dancer; while shaking, you can rest a little. There are many options for this element, but they all have common feature– shaking affects the lower body:

  1. To perform the Brazilian shake, you need to stand up straight and transfer your body weight to your toes.
  2. After this, you can begin a movement that imitates walking in place, but do not lift your socks off the floor. The knees bend and straighten slightly, but not completely. Gradually increase the tempo and decrease the amplitude.
  3. This type of shaking looks good from behind - the buttocks shake like jelly.


Oriental dancing is an ideal way to relax, learn to control your body and achieve weight loss in problem areas. This is one of the few activities that does not have an age limit. However, belly dancing for weight loss is not recommended in the following conditions:

  • during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimester;
  • after injury or surgery;
  • for diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • with pulmonary insufficiency;
  • in the presence of a hernia (umbilical, linea alba) in a severe stage.


Currently widespread Eastern culture. Oriental spices, dishes, holidays in exotic countries, and, of course, oriental dancing. Such dances are an unusually attractive, aesthetic spectacle. However, not only the aesthetic side of oriental dances plays important role, the benefits of belly dancing have great importance for women’s health, strengthening the body, normalizing functioning female organs, to solve many specific problems.

Oriental dancing, in particular belly dancing, increases blood circulation in this area of ​​the woman’s body. A beneficial effect is exerted on the pelvic organs, which often results in inflammation of the appendages, fibroids dissolving, and cysts no longer forming. Women who are having a hard time during their periods notice a relief in pain; they can do without the use of painkillers. To a large number For representatives of the fair sex, it was belly dancing that helped them cope with ovarian dysfunction.

The constant benefits of belly dancing are observed almost from the very first month of regular classes. The condition of the spine changes in better side, especially in women who have experienced any spinal injuries. Literally from the first months of oriental dance classes, women notice changes in complexion, due to the stabilization of the intestines, the work of which has become much more productive.

Oriental dance classes develop flexibility and smooth movements, without which oriental dances are impossible. Much attention The classes focus on proper breathing, which helps reduce the level of stress that a woman receives in Everyday life. These amazing dances are a wonderful prevention of hypertension, cervical osteochondrosis received by most women who deal with computers. Competent, rhythmic breathing during belly dancing effectively affects the pleasure centers of the female body, and a release occurs. Your mood improves and everyday worries go away.

The benefit of belly dancing lies in the formation of correct posture, because it is absolutely known that no beautiful clothes will not make a woman attractive without beautiful posture. A few initial lessons in belly dancing allow even a woman who is constantly slouched to open up. The result of this will be a decrease in pain in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions. Regular headaches will stop, joints will become stronger, pectoral muscles, which will allow long years maintain an attractive breast shape. In addition, it should be noted that belly dancing is a significant exercise stress. The particular value of such classes lies in the training process of the muscles of the female body, necessary for the normalization of reproductive function, which is not involved in everyday life.

There are consistent benefits of belly dancing for expectant mothers. Naturally, an individual approach and mandatory consultation with a gynecologist during this period are necessary. But if there is no pathology, then belly dancing classes are allowed until the middle of the entire period of a successful pregnancy. For expectant mothers, belly dancing is the ability to relax deep muscles to reduce painful spasms during childbirth, training the muscles of the perineum to prevent ruptures during childbirth. Belly dancing is a wonderful workout for leg veins and prevents varicose veins. The back muscles that experience heavy load as the size of a pregnant woman's belly increases.

The benefits of belly dancing include increasing the self-esteem of many naturally shy women. External attractiveness appears only after an internal understanding of one’s own beauty. Uniqueness female body is emphasized by performing the basic elements of a unique belly dance. With the inevitable increase in a woman’s self-esteem, her behavior in everyday life changes radically, she becomes more relaxed, graceful, and interesting to the people around her.

This popular dance style allows you to reveal your femininity, which requires absolutely no slim stomach. Love your body, improve it to the rhythm of oriental dance!

Many people know that dancing is good for health. Doctors also confirm this, but with a caveat: if there are no serious contraindications. There is a whole direction of healing through dance - dance therapy. After all, any of its varieties refers to physical activity, which, undoubtedly, is the main component of a healthy lifestyle and has a beneficial, healing effect on the body.

During dance moves the muscular system, heart, lungs are trained, and the blood is enriched with oxygen. In addition, the body actively produces the hormone of happiness endorphin, which contributes to good mood for a long time.

How do port de bras and oriental dances affect the body, health benefits and harms, what are they? Let's talk about this in more detail. Let us separately focus on methods that will help enhance the effect of classes:

Dancing por de bras - health benefits and harms

In general, Port de bras is translated as “hand and body movements.” It is a relatively new area of ​​fitness, which includes elements of choreography.

To be more precise, it is a combination of strength training, stretching exercises, classical cardio, Pilates with dance steps. In addition to direct physical training of the whole body, Port de Bras exercises teach you to move smoothly and harmoniously. Developed by this direction Russian choreographer Vladimir Snezhik.

It is very convenient that this type of fitness does not require prior choreographic knowledge, special physical training. For different levels In order to train the body, there is a set of dance exercises. Therefore, anyone can practice.

What are the benefits of dancing for women?

The main effect of training, important for many, is rapid, active weight loss. Since the exercises do not involve jumping elements, the movements performed are fluid, and most of the deep muscles are involved.

Approximately 450 kcal are spent in one session, so after just a month of training you will noticeably lose weight, by about 2-3 kg, and gain the first skills of mastering your own body. Regular practice of this type of dance will improve posture, coordination of movements, make the body flexible, and correct the figure: the volume of the waist and hips is noticeably reduced.

Therefore, for overweight people, dancing por de bras is an excellent opportunity to quickly lose weight without overloading the cardiovascular system.

In addition, due to gentle training (vibration) of blood vessels, exercises will gradually get rid of cellulite. Lung training will help you learn to control your own breathing and relax during dance movements.

Of course, during dance classes mood improves, irritation goes away, and the overall psycho-emotional background improves.

Is there any harm?

Let us immediately note that anyone can practice, even people with spinal disorders. If a person has suffered a minor injury, exercise will help him recover faster. However, serious injuries and pathologies of the skeletal system, in particular the spine, are a limitation for training. In any case, the decision about the possibility of practicing Port de Bras should be made together with your doctor.

If you want to get serious about this type of dancing, it is best to practice in a group with a trainer. You can also train on your own, but it’s quite difficult to get a real, high-quality video with exercises; you can end up with a useless fake. However, to be effective, you need to master correct technique performing exercises. Therefore, look for recordings of master classes by the developer himself - Vladimir Snezhik.

Belly dancing - health benefits and harms

The popularity of oriental dances is growing all over the world. They are not only extremely beautiful, graceful, feminine and erotic. They are known to be very useful for women's health and beauty. Many of them have important element- belly dance. Just like aerobics, shaping, oriental dancing helps to reduce weight, contribute to the formation of proportional, flexible, beautiful body.

What are the health benefits?

Regular exercise helps eliminate excess body fat. Training the body muscles improves the shape of the buttocks, tightens them, and makes them elastic. During training, the pelvic muscles are strengthened and posture improves. In addition, there is a pronounced therapeutic effect: muscles and all parts of the spine are trained, which makes painful sensations in the back, lower back, neck and shoulders disappear.

Women who practice oriental dances are distinguished by their regal bearing. They always have their heads raised proudly, beautiful high chests, thin waist, seductive moving hips. The back is straightened, the gait is smooth, light and free, as well as elastic skin and a healthy complexion.

Belly dancing improves coordination of movements, actively trains the muscular system, including the internal muscles of the abdomen, perineum, pelvic area, lower and upper diaphragm, which are important for maintaining women's health. This helps improve reproductive health, prepares the body for childbirth, and also helps to recover faster after the birth of a child.

In addition, during the dance, the effect of “internal” massage occurs: the work of the diaphragm, shaking, stretching stimulate the work internal organs, including the intestines. Therefore, after training there is a feeling of lightness, vigor, and an influx of energy. Since during movement the body actively produces endorphins, mood improves and overall tone increases.

Will oriental dancing cause harm?

Unfortunately, not everyone can practice oriental dancing. There are contraindications for classes. In particular, exercise can harm the health of women with varicose veins, angina pectoris, and heart defects.

You cannot exercise if you have a peptic ulcer or significant pathologies of the spine, for example, a severe vertebral hernia.

Oriental dancing is contraindicated for the following diseases: fibroids, inflammatory, tumor and purulent processes, ovarian diseases. You cannot exercise during exacerbation of bronchitis, pneumonia, or tuberculosis.

In general, a complete ban on oriental dances is rare. But in any case, before starting the visit dance group It is better to consult a doctor. Perhaps he will recommend a less mobile variety, for example, Port de Bras.

How to speed up the process of losing weight and getting healthier?

Cleansing the body and proper, balanced nutrition will help us here. Let's talk about this in more detail:


The intestines not only perform a cleansing function, they are responsible for the normal functioning of the entire immune system. Therefore, it is very important for health that it functions well. This is facilitated by deep cleansing, which always begins with an enema.

For effective cleansing, you can use a variety of folk recipes. Oat infusion has the mildest effect:

Grind the oat grains using a coffee grinder. In the morning, pour 1 tbsp. l. ground beans 200 ml. boiling water Close the dish with a lid and leave until evening. Before going to bed, take an enema with the strained infusion. It is recommended to carry out 10 nightly procedures.

Use a juicer to juice equal amounts of carrots and spinach. Drink a glass three times a day.

Get rid of constipation, improve digestion, improve general state health, melt water will help. In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink half a glass (you can find out on the website).

Liver cleansing

The normal functioning of this organ directly affects overall well-being. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically carry out cleaning procedures. There are many folk remedies, used for this purpose, some cannot be carried out without medical supervision.

The safest, but no less effective means is cleansing medicinal herbs:

Mix together 2 tbsp. l. dried plants: plantain, mint, nettle, wormwood, immortelle herb, celandine and yarrow. Add the same amount of chicory, chopped rose hips and. Mix everything well. Now you need to pour 4 tbsp. l. mixture with half a liter of boiling water for 3 hours. It is better to use a thermos for cooking. Drink the strained infusion little by little throughout the day. The cleaning process takes place over a month.

Vegetable oil has a good cleansing effect: before bed, on an empty stomach, drink 1 tbsp. l. high quality, unrefined.

Remember that any cleansing of the body can be carried out in the absence of chronic or acute diseases of these organs. If they are present, you should consult your doctor.

Proper nutrition

To enhance the effect of dancing, in particular, to speed up the process of weight loss and formation beautiful figure, experts recommend reducing the consumption of high-calorie foods, fats, and carbohydrates.

Moreover, maintaining such a diet will not be difficult if you attend classes in port de bras or. After all, training is great, so there is no need to improve your mood with another portion of sweets.

Products that cleanse the body

To cleanse yourself of toxins and eliminate fat deposits, include vegetables, fruits and cereals cooked in water in your diet. Replace traditional morning coffee. Drink during the day, and before going to bed, drink a fresh fermented milk drink.

Bran will help get rid of hunger and cleanse the body of toxins. Just add 1 tsp. bran for the evening portion of kefir. If you do this regularly, it will soon go away excess weight, the condition of the liver, gall bladder, stomach and intestines will improve.

Increase your intake of foods containing fiber, including fresh fruits and vegetables. If you want to eat, and it’s still far from lunch, you can easily afford to snack on an apple or eat.

When planning your daily diet, remember that artichokes, olive oil, fresh parsley leaves, apples, tomatoes and cucumbers improve liver function. Sorrel, oranges, rosemary and improve the condition. Well, nettle, dandelion (roots and leaves), onions, garlic will help cleanse the blood and improve its quality.

And one more thing: stop smoking, reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum, even the lightest. This is very important because bad habits seriously undermine your health and no amount of dancing will help fix it. And simply, if you smoke, you are unlikely to be able to actively train. Try to drink less sparkling water.

Remember to support healthy image life, observe a work and rest schedule, eat healthy food, cleanse the body and maintain it physical activity, should not be done from time to time, but throughout life.

So, dance, lose weight, shape your figure, but don’t forget about a healthy lifestyle. So, in aggregate, you will very soon lose overweight, improve your physical and mental health. Be healthy!

Svetlana, www.site

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