Winter months in English. Months in English or “Hello, January

    January in English will be January, transcription: dnju()ri;

    February in English will be February, transcription: febru()ri ;

    March in English will be March, transcription; m:t ;

    April in English April, transcription: eipr()l ;

    May in English May, transcription: mei;

    June in English will be June, transcription: du:n;

    July in English will be July, transcription: dulai;

    August in English August, transcription:gst;

    September in English will be September, transcription septemb;

    October in English will be October, ktub transcription;

    November in English will be November, transcription nuvemb ;

    December in English will be December, transcription disemb.

    Winter months - December/January/February

    Spring 3 months - March/April/May

    3 months of hot summer - June/July/August

    Cold autumn - September/October/November

    This is how months are written in English

    So you need to learn them and remember them as a little counting rhyme

    12 months in English and Russian in order:

    January - January 1.

    February - February 2.

    March - March 3.

    April - April 4.

    June - June 6.

    July - July 7.

    August - August 8.

    September - September 9.

    October - October 10.

    November - November 11.

    December - December 12.

    This is how the names of all twelve months of the year are written in English.

    Let's write January as January.

    Let's write February.

    Let's write March.

    April we will write April.

    Let's write May.

    Let's write June.

    We write July as July.

    August will be written as August.

    September is written as September.

    Let's write October.

    November is written in English as November.

    And December is written December.

    By the way, some English names, both female and male, are taken from the names of the months and sound quite beautiful: Martha, Augusta April, June.

    If you have any problems with how to write the twelve months of the year, you can use this tablet. This table contains all twelve months and is very easy to understand even for a beginner in language learning:

    In the year 12 months. We'll write to English language all twelve months:

    First month of the year: January in English: January

    Second month: February in English will be - February

    Third month (beginning of spring): March in English - March

    Fourth month: April in English: April

    Fifth month: May in English: May

    Sixth month (it’s already summer, holidays): June in English will be June

    Seventh month: July in English: July

    Eighth month: August in English: August

    Ninth month (time for school, autumn): September in English will be September

    Tenth month: October in English - October

    Eleventh month: November in English will be - November

    Twelfth month (winter, New Year is coming): December in English: December

    January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. In English, unlike Russian, the names of months are written with a capital letter. You can listen to the pronunciation of these words in the Abby Lingvo dictionary. Enjoy learning!

    Writing the names of the months in English is definitely not Chinese writing, they are well known:

    • First line: January - February
    • Second line: March - April
    • Third stripe: May - June
    • Fourth stripe: July - August
    • Fifth line: September - October
    • Last line: November - December

    Pronouncing the months is a much more complex topic. The difference between the American and British variants is insignificant; if you don’t know which one to follow, proceed from what is convenient for you, because any of the pronunciation options is better than the Tambov one.

    To help those who want to get the correct pronunciation, I offer several videos, one of which offers the British version:

    Even individual sounds are explained here

    Here they dwell on the difference in stressed and unstressed syllables using the names of months as an example.

    Just listing them in the correct order with a British accent.

    Here they are, all 12 months:

    January - January.

    February - February.

    March - March.

    April - April.

    June - June.

    July - July.

    August - August.

    September - September.

    October - October.

    November - November.

    December - December.

    Learning the names of the months is quite simple; the names (by pronunciation) are easy to guess. Even as you read, notice how similar the Russian and English names are. I think that after reading it a couple of times you will be able to learn them without any problems.

    With the arrival of the school year, this question is gaining popularity among schoolchildren.

    Despite the fact that English and Russian are absolutely different languages, the names of the months in these languages ​​have similar pronunciation. For example, May and May (may).

    To find out the names of the months, as well as their spelling and transcription, you can refer to this table.

    In the diagram above, the names of the months of the year are given by season, but the first month of the year is January *January*, followed by *February* - *February*, then *March* - *March*, followed by March *April* - *April* , *May* - *May*.

    This is where the spring months end and the summer months begin: *June* - *June*, *July* - *July*, *August* - *August*, then the autumn months: *September* - *September*, *October* - * October*, *November* - *November*.

    And the last month of the year is winter - *December* - *December*.

    Not only children at school, but also everyone else, would do well to know how all twelve months of the year are written in English. Often calendars have month symbols in this language, so it is better to remember these English words.

    In order to remember better, of course, it is better to have visual pictures before your eyes.

    with indications of the seasons:

    The year begins with January or January in English, then the second month is February or February, etc. The calendar year ends with December or, in English, December.

    You just need to remember that in English the names of all months of the year should be written with a capital, that is, capital, letter.

    Months in English sound like this:

    January - January

    February - February

    March - March

    Ahuil - April

    August - August

    September - September

    October - October

    November - November

    The audio article contains British and American accents - audio versions:

    And here I posted the information as it will be in English

    Seasons in English

    • Winter - Winter - [ˈwintəɹ]
    • Spring - Spring -
    • Summer - Summer - [ˈsʌməɹ]
    • Autumn – Autumn /brit/ – [ˈɔːtəm]
    • Autumn - Fall - /amer/ -

    Pronunciation of seasons - British accent

    Pronunciation of month names - British accent

    Pronunciation of the names of the months - American accent

    It wouldn't hurt to hear how to pronounce the word Months. Pronunciation of this word sometimes causes difficulties, because... This word contains the sound ‘th’, which is difficult to pronounce for Russians.
    And also, below, I have posted sentences with translation using the months of the year in English.

    How to pronounce Months in English

    Secure the material.
    Answer the questions in English.

    1. What season is now?
    What time of year is it now?
    2. When is New Year?

    When is New Year?

    3. When is your birthday? When's your birthday?
    Example answers:
    1. It's Summer. It's Spring.

    It's summer, spring.

    1. I’ll see you in January.
    See you in January. 2. In February it snows a lot.
    There is a lot of snow in February. 3. In March it seems like it’s always raining.
    It always seems to rain in March. 4. Last April we went to Europe.
    Last April we went to Europe.
    5. My birthday is May 5th.
    My birthday is May 5th. 6. In June Summer begins.
    Summer begins in June. 7. In July we celebrate the birthday of America.
    In July we celebrate America's birthday. 8. In August it’s always so hot.
    It's always so hot in August. 9. In September we begin our school year.
    Our school year begins in September. 10. October is the beginning of Fall.
    October is the beginning of autumn. 11. November is my favorite month.

    November is my favorite month.

    12. In December we have Christmas.

    We have Christmas in December.

    The more you study and learn English, the more confident you will be.

    How are months written and spoken in English? The English names of the months are mostly consonant with the Russian sound. But there are, of course, exceptions.

    So, like in Russian, in English there are 12 months a year.

    From the article you will learn:

    Names of the months with translation into Russian with transcription

    How to not only write correctly, but also how to correctly list the English months in order? Very simple.

    It is worth noting that in English, all months, when used anywhere in a sentence, are written with a capital letter.

    Example sentences

    1. My favorite month is December. — My favorite month is December.
      I arrived in Ufa last July. — I arrived in Ufa last July.
    2. Using prepositions with months With the word month, use the prepositions “in, for, by.” For a month, in a month, by th month.
    3. used in circumstances of time. In February - in February. Late in October - at the end of October.
      Combined with expressions such as last, all, one, every, next, this/that, any, every
    4. Using prepositions with months , no preposition is used. Every August
      - every August.
    5. Using prepositions with months used when there is an indication of the day or a specific date. On February 28, 1968 - January 28, 1968.
      On a cold January evening - on a cold January evening. Of is used in the following case.

    A magazine of April the 1st


    — magazine dated April 1.

    Abbreviations of months


    December, January and February are winter months.— December, January and February are the winter months.

    March, April and May are spring months.— March, April and May are the spring months.

    June, July and August are summer months.— June, July and August are the summer months.

    September, October and November are autumn months - September, October and November - autumn months

    Below is a video in which you can learn all the names of the months in English in a visual associative form.

    Hello! For comfortable communication in English, it is very important to know the names of the seasons, but it is equally important, for both children and adults, to be able to name the months. In daily conversations we use these words - we name dates, birthdays, holidays, schedules. Therefore, at the very first stages of learning a foreign language, you need to learn this vocabulary.

    Names of months in English In English, as in Russian, there are 12 months in a year. But besides the difference in names, there are other significant differences. So, we have 3 months in each season. In the US it's the same, but in Britain it's different. They have two seasons of 2 months, and two seasons of 4 months, which, in general, also amounts to 12 months of the year. But for children this information is not so important, but it will be useful for you to know.

    First, let's name them with translation and transcription:

    In general, you will gain spelling skills over time by constantly doing practical exercises and by regularly reading English literature.

    Features of the distribution of months in Britain

    As I already said, in the UK the months are distributed according to the seasons differently. For them, November, December, January and February are considered winter months; March and April - spring; May, June, July, August - summer; and September and October are autumn. In America, everything is as we are used to.

    Therefore, if you are going to travel to the UK, then it will be useful for you to know this information so as not to get into an awkward situation and show your competence in this matter.

    A video lesson will help you understand how to correctly pronounce the names of all 12 months in English. I wish you success!

    The names of the seasons and months are common vocabulary, so learning their names is very important for language learners. English name English transcription Russian transcription
    Translation winter [‘wɪntə] [vinte]
    winter spring [sprin]
    spring summer [‘sʌmə] [same]
    summer autumn [‘ɔːtəm] [autumn] autumn
    (In Great Britain) fall [foul]

    autumn (in the USA)

    Etymology of month names- a science that studies the origin of words, reconstructing the vocabulary of the most ancient period.

    • Word month associated with *mænon - Moon, month.
    • The names of the months in English originate from the Julian calendar. Initially, the ancient Roman calendar had 10 months. The first month of the year was March.

    • Julian calendar- a calendar developed by a group of Alexandrian astronomers led by Sosigenes. The calendar is named after Julius Caesar, by whose decree it was introduced into the Roman Empire from January 1, 45 BC. e. The year according to the Julian calendar begins on January 1, since it was on this day from 153 BC. e. The consuls elected by the comitia took office. In 46 BC. Julius Caesar introduced the counting of the year from January 1 and changed the number of days in some months. Thus, after the introduction of the Julian calendar, the average length of the year became 365.25 days: usually a year lasted 365 days, once every four years - 366 days.
    • In the Roman calendar, four months of the year (March, May, July and October) consisted of 31 days, the remaining months had 30 days. That is, there were 304 days in a year. In the 7th century BC, the Romans made a reform and added an eleventh and twelfth month: January, (from Latin Jānuārius) - in honor of the ancient Roman god of doors, roads and beginnings Janus, who was depicted with two faces, and February(from Latin Februārius mēnsis - month of atonement), the name of which comes from the Roman festival of purification from sins februa, which was celebrated on February 15.

    • March (March) named after the ancient Roman god of war, Mars.
    • April- the name of the month comes from the Latin word aperire, which means to open, possibly because the buds open in April. According to another version, the name of the month comes from the Latin word Aprilis, which comes from the Greek word Aphro, which is a contraction of the name Aphrodite. That is, April is named after the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite.
    • May– received its name in honor of the Roman goddess of spring and earth, Maya.

    • June– the month is named after the goddess Juno, who is the goddess of marriage. To this day, some people believe and choose to get married in June.
    • July named after the ancient Roman commander Julius Caesar, who was born this month. Initially, July was called quintilis (from the Latin fifth), since it was the fifth in a row.
    • August originally called Sextilis (sixth), and then renamed in honor of the ancient Roman emperor Octavian Augustus.

    The names of the following months come from Latin numerals:

    • September - from Latin septem (seven).
    • October(October) has the root octo (eight).
    • November (november)- novem (nine).
    • December- decem (ten), respectively. The suffix -ber in these names is an adjective suffix, therefore literally the months are translated as the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth.

    Names of the months in modern English

    The names of the months are common vocabulary, which should not cause much difficulty in memorizing due to the partial similarity in the names of the months in English and Russian.

    Name of the month in English English name English transcription Russian transcription
    January [‘dʒænju(ə)ri] [January] January
    February [‘febru(ə)ri] [fabruary] February
    March [mach] March
    April [‘eipr(ə)l] [April] April
    May [May] May
    June [jun] June
    July [julay] July
    August [ɔ:’gΛst] [August]


    September [septembe]
    October [ɔk’təubə] [octobe] October
    November [novembre] november
    December [disembe]

    Using prepositions with months

    The following prepositions are used with the names of months in English: IN And ON.

    • in January- in January (if we are talking only about the name of the month)
    • on the first of January- the first of January (if we are talking about a date)
    • last January- last January (!! note the absence)
    • next January- next January (!! note the lack of preposition in English)
    • this February- in February (of this year, about the upcoming February) (!! note the absence of a preposition in English)
    • in July last year- last July
    • by next month- by next month.

    Abbreviated month names

    In the abbreviated version of the name of the months, only the first three letters of the name remain:

    • January - January - Jan.
    • February - February - Feb.
    • March - March - Mar.
    • April – April – Apr.
    • May - May - May - not abbreviated
    • June - June - June - not abbreviated
    • July - July - July - not abbreviated
    • August - August - Aug.
    • September - September - Sept., Sep.
    • October - October - Oct.
    • November - November - Nov.
    • December – December – Dec.