Valeria: “My life with Shulgin was a complete nightmare.” Details of the personal life of Alexander Shulgin appeared in the media. What is Shulgin doing now? Valeria's ex-husband

Anna and Artemy remembered how Alexander Shulgin beat them

Anna and Artemy remembered how Alexander Shulgin beat them.

Singer Valeria met her second husband in one of the Moscow nightclubs - there future star I worked part-time by performing musical orders. She fell in love with Alexander almost at first sight. Valeria was married at the time of her marriage proposal, but divorced Shulgin for the sake of marriage. Soon the couple had a daughter, Anna. This began the horrors in the singer’s life.

Alexander began beating Valeria when their daughter was only three months old. When the second child, son Artemy, was born, the situation only worsened. On the air of the program “You Won’t Believe” Anna and Artemy talked about their childhood.

“I was very afraid, all I experienced throughout my childhood was wild fear,” Anna said on the air of the program. She went through difficult trials. Judging by the girl’s stories, Shulgin sophisticatedly mocked his children. So, he put Anna outside in a night light, threw his son into an enclosure with dogs, and forced both of them to watch horror films against their will. And, of course, when something didn’t go according to his plan, he raised his hand against the children.

Valeria, in one of her interviews after breaking up with Shulgin, said: “He scary man. I still can’t forget how our Artyom got sick in the car and Shulgin hit him in the face so hard that the child’s ear turned black. Moreover, Shulgin locked him as punishment in an enclosure with a dog, which Tema was very afraid of. This attitude towards the child was present from birth - he was not yet a year old, and the “loving” daddy threw him and said: “Piece of crap.” It was impossible to look at it, and I couldn’t do anything. “I tried to take him to my parents as often as possible.”

Valeria's third child, son Arseny, was born in secret from his father. Only after giving birth to a child, Valeria informed Shulgin about this. Arseny was luckier than his brother and sister. Alexander did not carry out any physical violence against him. A few years later, Arseny found Shulgin on one of the social networks and began corresponding. However, after talking for a short time, the boy realized that he had nothing in common with his father and ended the conversation.

Valeria tried to protect her children by sending them to her parents. But Anna and Artemy could not stay with them all the time; their husband had questions. She was unable to decide on divorce right away.

Meeting Joseph Prigogine was life-saving for Valeria. The children did not immediately accept their mother’s new man, but gradually he gained their favor.


Alexander wrote his first poem in primary school. And it, naturally, was dedicated to my mother.

In the sixth grade, Sasha became interested in music. He began taking music from high school students and transcribing it onto reels. It turned out that on one side there were “ABBA” records, on the other - songs “ Led Zeppelin" At the age of 12, Shulgin played in the school ensemble. Life was filled with playing the guitar, singing and constant rehearsals.

Initially, the school band played those songs that were part of the generally accepted school repertoire of that time. For example, the compositions of the group “Gems”, then foreign songs were used, as well as the music of “Time Machine” and “Sunday”.

On graduation party the band was already playing their own songs. Naturally, at that time the guys did not have equipment. Parents bought guitars for the members of the ensemble, but the guys made the amplifier themselves from improvised materials.

One summer, older kids stole a megaphone from the city park. They began to pass a bass guitar through it. The ensemble was rehearsing in a government building and its director saw the musicians have a megaphone. When he found out about his origin, he immediately contacted the police. As a result, all the boys were given two years probation. Alexandra was not brought to trial because of his age - he was under 14 years old.

This incident did not force me to give up music. The guys started designing speakers, and then completely changed the technology. At this time, Shulgin plunged headlong into composing music. At the same time, he managed to do well in school. By the way, in seventh grade future composer I even represented Irkutsk at the Mathematical Olympiad and returned with a victory.

After school, Sasha entered college, but did not give up music. Sometimes he performed with musicians on city dance floors.

Carier start

One day the Carnival group came to Irkutsk. The musicians met Alexander Shulgin and invited him to Moscow. The young man went to the capital and met the Cruise group there. At that time, a decree was issued banning rock bands. Alexander began going through the authorities and got the Cruise program accepted by the state commission. The musicians called themselves a chamber-instrumental ensemble that played classics with a modern twist. At that time, own songs were strictly prohibited. After a series of concerts, the guys ended up in Germany. They lived there for four years. Well, after that “Cruise” ceased to exist. Relationships in the team deteriorated due to ambitions.

Shulgin remained in Germany and began to learn the entire show business system. He worked with world celebrities in the studio, implemented several local projects and returned to Moscow. And in Russian capital Shulgin began to engage in entrepreneurship: he opened companies and joint ventures.

However, Alexander Shulgin did not forget about creativity. He continued to write. Music and words were born and stored in memory.

Meet Valeria

Just at that time, foreign specialists arrived in Moscow to implement the project. They could only be invited to one place - a bar on Taganka. It was him that all foreigners and diplomats visited. Shulgin visited there often and knew very well who worked there. By the way, Igor Matvienko and Sergei Mazaev sang there.

Alexander and his partners came to the club and saw a young singer whom Shulgin did not know. Colleagues noticed that the girl had a very beautiful voice. After the concert, the musician plucked up courage and approached the artist. He left his phone number and explained that he would like to cooperate. This girl turned out to be Alexander's future wife, singer Valeria.

The next day the artist called, and within a couple of weeks she was recording in the studio. However, at first it didn’t work out well, because there were eternal creative disputes. The work was almost finished; by the way, in the end the cooperation went like clockwork.

Alexander Shulgin on video

And at this stage, Valeria and Sasha realized that they were interested in each other not only as work partners. As a result, Shulgin confessed his love. At that time, the singer was married, but two months later she divorced and began to live with her former colleague. A few months later, Valeria became pregnant. Daughter Anya was born.

From the outside, the marriage seemed ideal. But later Valeria told what she had experienced over the years. The husband’s incomprehensible aggression began to manifest itself as soon as the wife and daughter were discharged from the maternity hospital. One day at dinner, Alexander says, Valeria thought she said something wrong. Shulgin immediately plunged a knife into her knee so that blood sprayed in all directions.

But after such an incident, Valeria did not leave her husband. She was held by feelings, then new album. During the preparation of the record, it just turned out that the artist was pregnant for the second time - with her son Artem.

“I still can’t forget,” says Valeria, “how little Artem got sick in the car. Shulgin hit him in the face so hard that the one-year-old baby’s ear turned black. Moreover, the father locked his son in an enclosure with a dog as punishment. Then he called the child nothing more than “a piece of shit.”

Alexander Shulgin. While everyone is home 2001

In November 1998, the Shulgins gave birth to their third child, Arseny. By the way, while still pregnant, Valeria filed for divorce. At that time, Alexander did not live with his family and knew nothing about the third child. As soon as he found out about interesting position wife, then began to beg to return. Then they entered into a marriage contract - Shulgin promised to improve. But this did not happen and Valeria and the children went to their parents. By the way, Shulgin himself denies all the accusations of his ex-wife.

And at this time a lot of invitations rained down on Shulgin. In particular, he was invited to the “Become a Star” project. Later he was accused of abandoning the collective of factory workers “Other Rules”. Shulgin withstood about 50 trials and a number of scandalous publications, including revelations from singer Valeria.

Now Alexander Shulgin manages his group of companies “Family”. She works in the field of new media, entertainment industry, and publishing business.

And in 2008, Shulgin presented “Triptych”. That's three albums instrumental music own composition. “Triptych” is a combination of traditional urban jazz and modern chill-out style.

Composer and producer Alexander Shulgin, better known as ex-husband singer Valeria, again found himself at the center of a scandal. The team he worked with while preparing for a new project blames him for still not being paid.

“There was no equipment in his office.”

Alexander has been organizing the International Innovation Forum for three years now. In March, the producer recruited a new team. It also included Elena Kukina, who came to him as a PR manager.

“Before working with Shulgin, I worked at a charity foundation,” Lena explained. – At the interview, Alexander and my future talked to me immediate supervisor. They asked about work experience, and I immediately made it clear to them that I had no experience in PR. After all, I am a journalist by profession. To which Shulgin replied that it didn’t matter, he would teach me everything... Even during the first conversation, I felt pressure, and at one moment he almost brought me to tears. And yet, at the end of the conversation, Shulgin announced that he was hiring me.

Alexander and Elena agreed that he would pay her 50 thousand rubles monthly for her work. Kukina considered the amount sufficient, but at first she worked in two places.

“Soon I was asked to quit my first job, which I did,” Lena continues. – Shulgin’s office was located in the very center of Moscow. There was no technology there. I carried my old laptop with me. The boss even once told me: “How do you work with this?” What to do if there was nothing else? We were promised a lot of things. For example, that they will agree on the dining room. But this never happened.

Alexander Shulgin and Valeria /

“He owes me 55 thousand”

“I didn’t understand the technique of his work at all,” says Elena about Shulgin. “It was difficult with him: he didn’t listen to anyone and didn’t even want to do it.” Before that, I worked at a foundation. Alexander Oleshko came to us, Alsou came - they made a completely different impression.

Before the May holidays, Lena spoke about salary for the first time. At the interview they said that there would be no delays. But neither she nor the other team members were paid. Only after arguments were Lena given 20 thousand rubles.

“Then our patience ran out: we realized that we were being fed empty promises,” explains Lena. “I approached Shulgin again, and he answered me: “You know, I thought that the sales people would sell something, but they didn’t sell anything.”

In mid-May, Shulgin held a meeting and stated that conditions had changed for everyone.

“He said that he didn’t like our work and was not ready to give us a salary,” the girl continues. “I understand if I couldn’t complete the task alone.” But he didn’t pay anyone, and that’s eight people. He owes me 55 thousand rubles, others even more. It turns out he scammed us out of money. It’s good that we had savings - we lived on them.

Lena now communicates with Shulgin in social network, trying to get money for work. But so far their correspondence has not been crowned with success. We also tried to contact the producer, but, unfortunately, we were unable to find out his point of view. However, we are always ready to give him the opportunity to express his own opinion.

Thanks to him, the whole country learned about the existence of such talented singer like Valeria. It was he who made her a famous artist and became the father of her three children. Today you will learn the biography of Alexander Shulgin - producer and composer. How did he start his creative journey and what is he doing now? extraordinary person?

Biography of Alexander Shulgin

The future composer was born on August 25, 1964 in the city of Irkutsk. Interest in music and poetry appeared during my school years. He wrote his first verse while still a student primary classes, and dedicated it to my mother. After some time, he became interested in music, and at the age of 12 he was a full-fledged member of the school ensemble. He chose the guitar as an instrument and began to learn to play compositions from the school repertoire. Soon the group began to supplement its repertoire with the songs “Time Machines” and “Sundays”.

At the age of 14, the biography of Alexander Shulgin could be supplemented with a record of the court verdict. Only age saved him. Together with the guys, he stole a megaphone in a city park. The musicians decided to use it instead of an amplifier, but their theft was discovered by the school principal. Alexander got off with a fright, but the other participants received two years probation. This incident did not affect my love of music. In addition, the young man studied well and went to regional Olympiads.

First steps in show business

At the concert of the Carnival group, Alexander had the opportunity to meet the musicians. They were able to discern in the modest young man the tough grip and flair of an enterprising person. Together with them, Shulgin went to Moscow, where he soon joined the Cruise team. At that time, it was strictly forbidden to perform songs and music of one’s own composition, so Alexander had to go around more than a dozen authorities to achieve acceptance music program his group. After approval, they went to Germany, where they toured safely for 4 years. After the team broke up, Shulgin stayed to properly study the show business system.


Several projects implemented in Germany convinced Alexander that he was ready to return home and start a career in the world of music. First of all, he opened several companies and began looking for partners. He had grandiose plans - to find a talented performer or group and promote it in the West. Soon the first clients appeared - foreigners who wanted to do business in Russia. In order not to lose face in front of potential partners, the composer took them to the most prestigious bar on Taganka.

Significant acquaintance

The aspiring entrepreneur did not know then that this evening would completely change his life. His guests noticed a thin girl who was performing jazz in the bar. At this moment, Alla Perfilova entered the biography and personal life of Alexander Shulgin. The young man carefully watched the young performer and after the performance approached her and offered to contact him to discuss joint creativity. The young provincial girl was flattered by the attention of the capital's businessman, and soon they were already discussing the concept of her first album.

At that time, the girl was married, so at first the relationship with Shulgin was only within the framework of professional interest. After recording her first album abroad, she returned home with the sonorous pseudonym “Valeria” and filed for divorce. In 1992, two records were recorded - “Stay with me” and “Symphony of the Taiga”. Both sold well in the West, but in Russia they did not find a response in the hearts of listeners. Then there was a wedding, and soon the girl realized that she would soon become a mother.


The birth of her daughter coincided with the release of her third album. He was given the name in honor of the newborn - “Anna”. It was finest hour in the biography of composer Alexander Shulgin, four songs immediately became number one hits. “Airplane”, “Ordinary Affairs”, “With Good morning" and "Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears" take first place in the charts, and Valeria becomes a famous singer. In 1997, a new album, “Last Name, Part 1,” and a candid video for the song “Tender Night” were released. Shulgin repeated the success of “Airplane” - the video was black and white with transitions that were new for that time. But the real triumph is yet to come - in 2000, almost all the songs on the album “First Internet Album” became hits.

The final

The first year of the new millennium becomes another success in terms of creativity - “Eyes the Color of the Sky” becomes the year of the year, and the compositions “I’m melting”, “Blizzard”, “Don’t deceive”, “You’re out there somewhere” simply blow up the charts. IN personal life a turning point occurs - his wife and three children leave him and file for divorce. Devastating articles appear in the press about the real essence of the brilliant producer - he beat his wife and children for 10 years. He tries to refute these rumors, but Valeria’s words are believed much more. In the biography of Alexander Shulgin, unpleasant pages are revealed one after another.

From this moment on, the composer’s name is practically not mentioned in the press. Even his children refuse to communicate with their father. He still has a record company, where dozens of people have successfully recorded their albums. popular artists. He tries to produce other young singers, but fails to repeat his success. But all of Valeria’s songs, which her husband wrote for her, still remain hits, and the whole country sings them.

Name: Valeria (Alla Perfilova - Valeriya)

Age: 48 years old

Place of Birth: Atkarsk, Saratov region

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 59 kg

Activity: singer

Marital status: married to

Valeria - biography

Valeria is one of the most famous personalities Russian show business. The singer gained popularity in the early nineties. Today, every song of hers is a hit. But Valeria is known not only for her creativity. Her biography of her personal life is the topic of many programs and talk shows.

Valeria's childhood (Alla Perfilova)

The singer's real name is Alla Perfilova. She became Valeria at the age of twenty, from the time when her Solo career. The singer was born in the Saratov region, in a small provincial town. There was only one in this city School of Music, which was led by Valeria’s father for more than thirty years. Mother also taught at this educational institution.

In the family of the future singer, music occupied a special position. Not a single event took place without her. Not only was she directly related to her parents’ profession, but she was also important element their way of life. The future singer did not leave the piano from an early age. Therefore, at the age of five she was enrolled in a music school.

Parents worked late. But they didn’t need to control their daughter, since she studied well both in regular school and in music school. However, in those years, Valeria, or rather Alla, did not even think about a career as a singer. Until she was ten years old, she dreamed of becoming a ballerina. But one day, at a regional concert in honor of some holiday, Alla Perfilova (Valeria) had to go on stage. She sang the song in front of a small provincial audience. And from that day on I became ill with the stage.

Valeria - Music Academy

Valeria graduated from school with a gold medal, after which she went to Moscow. In the capital, the girl submitted documents to the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. Despite the fact that the competition was great, Valeria entered. She was enrolled in a course for.

Valeria - biography of personal life

Valeria learned that a pop department had opened in Gnesinka from the manager musical ensemble. Co school years she took part in amateur performances. But after I got the average musical education, did not submit documents to the school. Valeria wanted to finish school and go to university to study history. Leonid Yaroshevsky is the singer’s first husband and part-time director musical group- convinced her to enter Gnesinka.

Valeria's career

After graduating from the academy, Valeria got a job at the local philharmonic. Yaroshevsky invited her as a soloist to the Impulse ensemble. The decisive competition was the festival in Jurmala. However, the singer performed jazz, which the jury members reacted very coldly to. Valeria experienced a real failure. However, her acquaintance with Alexander Shulgin predetermined her fate.

Over the course of ten years, several albums were recorded and more than twenty videos were shot. After her divorce from the producer, Valeria spent some time in creative crisis. But soon she married again. And again for the producer. Today, the list of awards and prizes is so long that the singer herself hardly remembers it. And in 2013 Valeria received the title People's Artist Russia.

Marriage to this man occurred at the beginning of Valeria’s career. The life of artists in those days was often devoid of comfort. Poor provincial hotels, constant travel. However, for several years they lived in the apartment of Yaroshevsky’s parents. Harmony and mutual understanding reigned in this house. However, the aspiring artist dreamed of the big stage. And therefore, at one fine moment Valeria and Yaroshevsky decided to move to Moscow.

In Saratov, Valeria was a star. In Moscow, she realized that she was far from high skill. The vocal lessons that Gelena Velikanova gave her taught her not only voice control, but also the basics of acting. Valeria recalls this period in her biography with nostalgia. There was something to strive for and something to dream about. There was a person nearby whom you could rely on. However, the singer ended her relationship with Yaroshevsky. She preferred her first husband, a kind but dreamy and not entirely rational man, to a famous and influential producer.

As a fourth-year student at Gnesinka, Valeria found herself on the stage of the Taganka Blues bar. In advance, the singer prepared a repertoire corresponding to a prestigious establishment. Here Valeria’s first meeting with Shulgin took place. He drew attention to the young vocalist. And it was he who the smallest details thought over the image of the singer who became famous in the early nineties - Alla Perfilova, who retained only her last name. Even her mother calls her Valeria today.

According to the singer’s memoirs, her second husband claimed that without him she would have remained a “restaurant diva.” For many years, Valeria believed these words, and only after the divorce she realized that if it weren’t for Shulgin, another producer would certainly have noticed her.

The first two years of their acquaintance, Valeria and Shulgin were connected only business relationship. They recorded the album in Germany. We met periodically at the Taganka Blues bar. But one day the relationship turned from business to personal. Valeria divorced Yakushevsky and married her producer. She had already heard about the reason for Shulgin’s divorce from his first wife. The producer beat her, after which she left him. In response to her mother’s warnings and bad rumors about her chosen one’s penchant for physical violence, Valeria simply closed her eyes.

Already in the first year life together, the singer became not only a witness, but also a victim of Shulgin’s unmotivated anger. In 2003, Valeria wrote a book in which she reflected her early years, Start creative path and revealed all the secrets of her personal life. However, by that time the whole country knew about the secrets. Valeria and Alexander Shulgin often gave joint interviews. They gave the impression of a happy couple.

However, in 2002, information appeared in the press and television according to which, behind the external well-being in the family of the producer and singer, many years of psychological pressure and physical violence. Valeria not only admitted to the whole of Russia what had been happening in her house over the past ten years, but also left her husband, going to her mother in the Saratov region.

Valeria and Joseph Prigogine

After her divorce from Shulgin, Valeria decided to leave the stage. At that time freedom and quiet life seemed more important to her. However, just a year later, the singer’s fans were able to hear new songs. And a little later, information about the novel appeared in Persian famous singer with producer Joseph Prigozhin. Today they willingly give interviews in which they talk about their family happiness. For Valeria's children, Prigogine replaced their father.