In the world of musical instruments. Holiday scenario using musical instruments

Journey to the world musical instruments(concert of ONI students and teachers). Presenter's introduction. Singing "Hello!" Timokha will travel with us. Timokha: Hello kids - girls and boys! And also dear adults! (bows). I am very glad to see you at our music school. I study here and am very proud of it! Suitable for Erokha. Timokha: Who do I see!!! Hello, Erokha! Erokha: Hello, Timokha! Timokha: Why are you sitting there, bored, shaking your leg? Erokha: My life is ordinary: I eat, sleep, watch TV. I'll eat again, sleep, and watch TV again. Timokha: Your life is boring! But we never get bored! Do you want to go on a trip with us? Erokha: I’d better eat, sleep and watch TV. Timokha: And we will go to the land of musical instruments. Erokha: Same for me, I came up with it... But there is no such country. I know the tools - hammer, saw, plane. Timokha: And I’m telling you about musical instruments. Guess the riddle, and the guys will help. Which instrument has both strings and a pedal? What is this? Undoubtedly, this is our glorious... (Piano) (curtain) Erokha: How big! Where did he come from? Timokha: Mister Archivist will tell us. Archivist: (Slide No. 2) 300 years ago Italian master Bartolomeo Cristofori made an instrument in which, using keys and hammers located inside the body, both loud sounds - forte, and quiet sounds - piano were produced (shows on the instrument). That's why the instrument got the name piano. And this instrument is its relative. It is called a piano, which means “royal”. It is big, beautiful, and stands on three legs. His place is always in the concert hall. Timokha: See how interesting it is! Anton Shetko will play the play “Dance of the Dwarfs” on the piano. Dance of the Dwarves - Shetko A. Ved: The piano will help us on our journey. Let's set off with our companion - song. (Slide No. 3) “It’s fun to walk together” Erokha: (Slide No. 4) Timokha, where have we come? Timokha: And we came to visit the instrument, the piano is an accordion. who is somewhat reminiscent of Danila Shestakov, will perform the play “Bagpipes” on the accordion. “Bagpipes” - Shestakov D. Timokha: Do you know, Erokha, that the accordion is a keyboard and wind instrument. Erokha: Why to the brass? Timokha: Because the sound appears after air pressure is applied to the valve. That is, when you stretch the fur. With the accordion we go further and sing. (Slide No. 5) “It’s fun to walk together” Erokha: I see some kind of old chest, probably grandma’s! Let's open it (domra sounds). Musical sounds do they live here? What instrument does it sound like? Timokha: This is a domra - an old Russian stringed musical instrument. Erokha: (Slide No. 6) I wonder how and when domra appeared in Rus'? Timokha: Let's ask the Archivist. (Slide No. 7) Archivist: The first mentions of domra were found in sources of the 16th century. Buffoon musicians played on it. At the royal court there was an entire “Amusement Chamber” - a musical and entertainment group of domrists. But here comes the most dramatic moment in the history of the domra. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich issued a decree on mass extermination innocent instruments. Both musicians and buffoonery in general were persecuted. But the domra was destined to literally be reborn from the ashes! This happened thanks to the activities of the outstanding researcher and musician Vasily Andreev. (Slide No. 8) Timokha: Thank you. Let's listen to domra. Artem Menshikov will perform “Breakdancing”. At the piano is Tatyana Nikolaevna Tsymbal. “Breakdance” Erokha: Another instrument was hidden in the chest. Quiet. I hear sounds (harp sounds) (pause). It seems that domra is sounding again. Timokha: (Slide No. 9) No. This is Russian string instrument, but not domra. This is a harp. IN ancient times played the harp Old Russian singer and the storyteller Bayan. He sang old stories, that is, epics, and was the author and performer of his own songs. Erokha: And in our time, where can you hear the harp? Timokha: At the concert. Let's take a look for a minute. (Video) Erokha: Timokha, that means I was mistaken in thinking that the button accordion is a musical instrument. Timokha: (Slide No. 10) No, I was not mistaken. St. Petersburg master Pyotr Sterligov named this instrument in honor of the storyteller Bayan in 1907. Sasha Pershin will play “Song about the Sword” on the button accordion. “Song about the Sword” Erokha: I liked the way Sasha plays. Timokha: Yes, he is a 2nd grade student. And my friend Artem Torgovtsev is in 3rd grade. He will perform the play “Boniface's Vacation” on the button accordion. Eh, stretch the button accordion, Artem, play it, friend. Erokha: And we will go outside the outskirts, to a green meadow (they leave the hall) “Boniface’s Vacation” Erokha: Look, Timokha, what I found (plays the balalaika) (Slide No. 11) Timokha: (covers his ears) Oh, oh, oh . You don't know how to play the balalaika. Erokha: It only has 3 strings and what do you need to learn too? Timokha: Not only learn to play, but also sing. The balalaika is a symbol of the Russian people; they live happily, dance and sing with it. Erokha: Who here knows how to play and even sing with a balalaika? You? Can you do it? Timokha: I invite you folklore ensemble"Flirting." Head Lukashova Olga Ivanovna. Chatushki (Slide No. 12) Timokha: (Slide No. 13) Well, Erokha, did you remember the instruments that were played today? (Erokha scratches the back of his head and shrugs). Then listen to the riddle, and the guys will help. Oh, it's ringing, it's ringing! She is round and cheerful, and she only needs three strings for music. (domra) While the domra is playing, you choose the instrument you will learn to play. On stage Alina Kokareva, accompanist Oksana Anatolyevna Stupina. “Kumanek, visit me” Kumanek, visit me Timokha: And here’s another riddle. There are bellows and buttons without any flaw in the Russian folk cheerful ... (accordion). I invite Ivan Korotkov. Play "Promenade" "Promenade" Timokha: Listen to the next riddle. He looks like a brother to the button accordion, where there is fun, there he is, I won’t give you any hints, everyone knows it... (accordion) The accordion sounds! “Walk along Swing Avenue” performed by Christina Tukhvatulina! “Walk along Swing Avenue” Erokha: Timokha, can you and I play two accordions? Timokha: I think not. But Kristina and Masha Terentyeva will perform the fiery “Rumba” together. “Rumba” Timokha: Erokha, do you know the name of an ensemble of two performers? Erokha: Probably twins. Timokha: Well, it made me laugh. You need to study. The ensemble is called a duet. On stage is the duet of Vladimir Mikhailovich Bulyanok and Alena Vladimirovna Novikova. Bach "Joke" Duet. Bach (the curtain closes) Erokha: That's great. Timokha: Well, Erokha, what instrument do you want to learn to play? Erokha: We need to consult with the audience. Raise your hand, who advises me to learn to play the button accordion? What about the accordion? What about domra? Or maybe take a balalaika and sing songs? Who's with me? music school coming to study? Timokha: Our journey is coming to an end and now all the instruments will sound in the ensemble of the school teachers. Head Novikova Alena Vladimirovna. Erokha: Soloist Likhanova Marina Vitalievna. Timokha: Music by the teacher of the Bulyanok school, Vladimir Mikhailovich. Together: The city of my life. Goodbye! See you again! (Slide No. 14)

The plot is that musical instruments argue about who is the boss. During the concert, children become familiar with the features of some musical instruments. The script also presents riddles about musical instruments.



Scenario of the Children's Philharmonic concert

“A true story about musical instruments”

(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 1)

Once upon a time, musical instruments gathered together and let’s argue: which of them is the most important.

Guys, do you want to know the answer to this question?

(Children answer yes).

Then listen true story about musical instruments...

This story happened in a musical instrument store. One night, when everyone was sleeping, the musical instruments began to argue about who was the most important and why.

(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 2)The accordion spoke first. Bayan can tell a lot about himself. Look at him - how handsome he is!

It's amazing how similar it is to an accordion.

Of course,” the instrument hummed in a rich, thick bass. - Accordion is my blood brother. Those who don't take a closer look confuse us. In fact, at the Accordion(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 3)There are keys on one side, like a Grand Piano, and buttons on the other. And Bayan has buttons on both the right and left. That seems to be the whole difference.

(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 4)Here the button accordion told its story.

I come from the ancient Russian city of Tula. Came from a large family of Harmosheks. My proud, epic name is accordion! I feel heroic strength in myself,” said the instrument, finishing the story. - I can play any music, the most complex. I can enter into competition with the famous Grand Piano and the mighty Organ.

No. 1. Prozorova Nastya V. Korovitsyn “Song without words” (accordion)

Hello, neighbor! I came to you to chat about this and that.
- Your name, dear? - I asked.
- If you guess the riddle, you will find out the name.

Triangular board,
And there are three hairs on it.
The hair is thin,
Voice - ringing (balalaika)(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 5)

You’re a babble, neighbor,” Bayan grumbled in a deep voice. - You should joke about everything.
No wonder your name is...BALALAYKA.
And in response she struck her three strings – dashingly and dancing. Listen!

No. 2. Dvornikova Nastya V. Gavrilin “Ditty” (balalaika)

Here all the instruments were indignant: but we, too, are not born with bast and we all think that we are important in this world!

(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 6)The violin could not resist and decided to tell its story.

And the violin sang its song.

No. 3. Fagyashev Ruslan Estonian folk song“I play the violin” (violin)

How can you do without percussion instruments, - the bells were indignant, - we ring so loudly and beautifully! Listen!

(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 7, 8)

No. 4. Khismatullina Alisa K. Gurlit “The bells are ringing” (bells)

What would you guys and I do if there were no musical instruments in the world? After all, there would be no music, songs in the world... boring and sad...

Guess riddles about musical instruments.

I stand on three legs
Feet in black boots.
White teeth, pedal.

What's my name? (piano)(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 9)

It's easy to go hiking with me,
It's fun with me on the way,
And I'm a screamer, and I'm a brawler,
I am ringing, round... (drum)(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 10)

Know that they are neighbors with the drum.
They are made of copper.
You need to wave your hands in time,
Strike loudly, then rest.
Their party is not a trifle, not a trifle,
In music there are also...(Cymbals) (Presentation “Musical instruments slide 11)

He has a pleated shirt
He loves to dance in a squat position,
He dances and sings -
If you get your hands on it.
Forty buttons on it
With mother-of-pearl fire.
A merry fellow, not a brawler. My vociferous one... (accordion)(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 12)

It also looks like a button accordion. What will you call him? (accordion)(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 13)

In the forest it is carved, smoothly hewn, sings and flows. What's it called? (violin)(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 14)

Sings very cheerfully
If you blow into it,
Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
This is how she always sings.
Not a stick, not a tube, but what is it? ...(pipe)(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 15)

What musical instrument
can I have some cabbage soup? (spoon)(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 16)

What kind of instrument is this, the height of a whole house?
In pipes, dressed in wood, decorations on it.
This sonorous giant has many voices.
He is sometimes affectionate, sometimes strict, and his name is...(Organ) (Presentation “Musical instruments slide 17)

What instrument do each of you always have with you? (voice)(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 18)

Let us now sing a song with you using sounding gestures.

No. 5. Kostareva N.L., Pavlova Yu.V. “Let's do everything like I do!”

And now the question: can’t our voice and our sounds compete for the title of the main musical instrument?

(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 19)But then the piano spoke. Have you forgotten about me?

And I want to tell you my story. Inside me there are wooden hammers that strike the strings. And the strings cry, and sing tenderly, and laugh, and are indignant. My name comes from two Italian words: forte and piano. In Russian it means loud - quiet.(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 20)And I also have a brother - piano, which means “royal”.

No. 6. I want to perform for you the Estonian folk song “Everyone has their own instrument” Ruslan Fagyashev (piano)

(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 21)

Hello, bassoon, said the flute!

Hello, flute, answered the bassoon.

The instruments were silent for a while, or, speaking musically, they paused.

Can’t you and I, bassoon, says the flute, be the main instruments?

Quite, answered the bassoon, because you and I are related, it’s not for nothing that we are called woodwind instruments.

You know, bassoon, says the flute, “I envy you at times because, it seems, I can sing so tenderly that everyone can listen, and I can fall apart with light passages.” Yes, I’m used to singing everything in high tones. Sometimes you really want to say something as solidly, in a low voice as you can. But when I go down to the low sounds, it becomes difficult, my breath takes away.

And sometimes I envy you, flute,” the bassoon admitted. - I'm used to speaking loudly. And sometimes I feel like singing – I can’t stand it! I try to go higher by the sounds, but my throat seems to be squeezing.

My name - flute - comes from Latin word breath. A your name– bassoon – not too poetic – a bundle of firewood.

Eh, life... - the flute and bassoon sighed, as befits wind instruments, and sang their song.

No. 7. Julia Kalugina Russian folk song “Like Along the Sea” (bassoon, flute)

(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 22)

Suddenly the sounds of a harp sounded.

Oh my God! What are you talking about, look at me - where will you find a more beautiful instrument than me, the harp said importantly, - who else but me should be the most important instrument, I’m already, perhaps, five thousand years old, - ten, or maybe even all twenty... Who knows?
Harp looks great for his advanced age. Graceful, like the wing of a giant butterfly, it looks royal: at the bottom the pedals sparkle with gold, at the top on the column there is something like a small carved crown. And the thinnest cape of 46 strings.
- What is your origin?
- Divine! One learned monk wrote in ancient times that the god Mercury invented me. No, another objected: the Harp was given to people by the son of Zeus Ampheon. And the third defended his own in a scientific dispute: this is an instrument of the Egyptian god Thoth.
Harp's voice is quiet, gentle, and affectionate. It gurgles like a forest stream. Listen!

No. 8. Prozorova Nastya R. Schumann “Fantastic Dance” (harp)

(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 23)

“I have nothing against you, dear instruments,” said the organ, but don’t you think that I am the most important musical instrument, because the largest, the size of a house? Shouldn't I argue with you? – the mighty instrument – ​​the giant – spoke up.

- Who are you, your omnipotence?

“Tool,” answered the instrument. This is my name - instrument, in Latin - organ.

What a name! A tool named tool. It’s like a person called a person, great and very interesting.

My sound is huge, inside me there are pipes, pipes, pipes...maybe hundreds, maybe thousands. And air flows through my pipes, thanks to which sound appears. Listen to my voice!

No. 9. N.L. Kostareva G.F. Handel “Chaconne” (organ)

(Presentation “Musical instruments slide 24)

The instruments argued and argued about which of them was the most important, but nothing was decided... and you guys, what do you think, which of the instruments is the most important?

And with that, morning came and customers came to the musical instrument store again...

Concert script

Leading: Hello guys! Today we have gathered here to do a small but very interesting trip to the land of musical instruments. There are so many different instruments in this country that we won’t be able to talk about them all at once today. Musical instruments are big and small, similar to each other, and completely different. You can play on some different music, on others tap the rhythm. Today we will get to know and listen to how they sound, just some of them. And the music school students will help us with this.
- How many of you guys know what musical instrument each person has? And you too?
- Yes, this is a singing voice. But sing beautifully and correctly, i.e. Not everyone can naturally master this instrument. Singing beautifully takes a long time to learn. Now our guys will show how they learned to sing.
For a minute, a multi-colored miracle bridge grew into the ground.

The miracle master made a high bridge without railings. (rainbow)

Voc.ans. Rainbow song

- The ancestor of the bayan and accordion was the hand harmonica; once upon a time it was brought from abroad by merchants and very quickly turned from a souvenir into folk instrument. Over the years, the harmonica has improved, changed, and become more complex. In ancient times, people loved songs and dances accompanied by button accordion and accordion during celebrations. Now these are beautiful and complex concert instruments. They are capable of not only songs, but also large, serious works. Our guys are just beginning to learn to play these instruments, so their pieces are still small.

Several pieces performed by button accordion and accordion

- Guys, who knows the fairy tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Blackbird”? What instrument did the cat play when he called the fox out of the hole to save the cockerel?
- Yes, on the harp.
The jingle jingle, the golden strings.
Is the fox at home?
- Gusli is an ancient Russian folk instrument. He is mentioned in many Russian fairy tales, as magic instrument- the samogudy harp played itself, making everyone cry and dance.

Several plays on the harp

- The next tool is also not easy. Many fairy tales and legends around the world are associated with it. One day, this instrument saved an entire city; its magical sounds carried huge hordes of rats into the sea, which came from nowhere and filled the entire city, so that people could no longer live there. Then alone young musician took out his instrument and began to play, magical sounds flowed throughout the city and the rats, as if spellbound, moved to their call. The musician left the city and went to the sea, and the evil huge rats followed the sounds and drowned in the sea. A wonderful instrument and its beautiful music saved the city and its inhabitants.
- This magical instrument is called a flute.

Flute pieces

- Now it’s the turn for an amazing instrument - an orchestra instrument. This musical instrument can do a lot; it can make both the quietest and loudest sounds, “growl”, “grow” with bass, “chirp” like a bird or depict the twinkling of stars in the sky - with high, “crystal” sounds. This instrument can be used to perform any music, from simple children's songs to very complex, serious concert pieces. And the name of this instrument is also amazing.
I stand on three legs, wearing black boots.
Teeth are white. Pedal. And my name is……. (piano).
-The piano is a concert instrument for large halls, but for home music playing designed to be small in size - a piano. A common name these two instruments are the piano.

Block of piano pieces

-The next tool appeared relatively recently. This is modern electronic instrument, a small computer is hidden inside, which performs many functions: it can sound like a whole orchestra, or it can imitate the sound of individual instruments, the sound is produced using keys like on a piano. The synthesizer can produce very unusual “fantastic” and “cosmic” sounds.

Synthesizer sounds (several pieces)

- Well, guys, our little trip is over. I hope it was interesting. And according to tradition, at the end of our meeting there is a song performed by junior group choir.

Song Golden Bell

Thank you for your attention. Goodbye!

Yurzhonkova L.D.

Music living room scenario

"In the land of musical instruments"

Leading: Hello guys! Today we have gathered here to make a short but very interesting journey to the land of musical instruments. There are so many different instruments in this country that we won’t be able to talk about them all at once today. Musical instruments are big and small, similar to each other, and completely different. On some you can play different music, on others you can tap the rhythm. Today we will get to know and listen to how they sound, just some of them. And students from the associations of the music and art department will help us with this.

Throughout human history, people have created many musical instruments. Both the drum and the shepherd's horn claim to be the oldest of them, but the most important, the very first and, by the way, the most perfect musical instrument is the voice.

But sing beautifully and correctly, i.e. Not everyone can naturally master this instrument. Singing beautifully takes a long time to learn.

And now Nastya Brekhova will perform the song “Cuckoo”

Musical number

- The ancestor of the bayan and accordion was the hand harmonica; once upon a time it was brought from abroad by merchants and very quickly turned from a souvenir into a folk instrument. Over the years, the harmonica has improved, changed, and become more complex. In ancient times, people loved songs and dances accompanied by button accordion and accordion during celebrations. Now these are beautiful and complex concert instruments. They are capable of not only songs, but also large, serious works.

Let's listen to "" performed by G.P. Mendeev.

- Now it’s the turn for an amazing instrument - the orchestra instrument. This musical instrument can do a lot; it can make both the quietest and loudest sounds, “growl”, “grow” with bass, “chirp” like a bird or depict the twinkling of stars in the sky - with high, “crystal” sounds. This instrument can be used to perform any music, from simple children's songs to very complex, serious concert pieces. And the name of this instrument is also amazing.
I stand on three legs, wearing black boots.
Teeth are white. Pedal. And my name is…….
- The word piano means “royal”. It is big, beautiful, and stands on three legs. A grand piano is a concert instrument for large halls, but a small piano is intended for home music playing. And the common name of these two instruments is piano.

300 years ago, the Italian master Bartolomeo Cristofori made an instrument in which, using keys and hammers located inside the body, both loud sounds - forte, and quiet sounds - piano were produced (shows on the instrument). That's why the instrument got its name - piano.

(So, on stage one of the most young participants our concert)

Sounds piano piece (children of Fadeeva I.N.)

The smooth movements of the bow make the strings tremble

The tune sounds from afar - it sings about the noisy wind,

How clear the sounds are overflowing, there is joy and a smile in them,

A dreamy tune sounds - its name is ... violin.

Violin - stringed - bowed musical instrument of high register. Stringed - because it has strings. And bowed - because the sound is produced with the help of fingers and a bow, which is made of a wooden cane and horsehair.

Violin one of essential tools modern symphony orchestra.

No other instrument has such a combination of beauty, expressiveness of sound and technical agility.

The shapes of the violin have settled to XVI century. By this century and early XVII centuries include famous violin makers - the Amati family. Their instruments are beautifully shaped and made of excellent materials. The violin is solo instrument from the 17th century.

The violin has four strings tuned in fifths.

The body of the violin has an oval shape with rounded grooves on the sides forming the “waist”. The neck of a violin is a long plate made of ebony or plastic.

Let's quickly hear how it sounds.

Piece performed on the violin (Serkova L. E)

Now we are heading to the beautiful warm country of Spain. This country is famous for its arenas where people have competed with bulls since ancient times. And many centuries ago, brave knights danced at royal receptions, composed and sang serenades. And the instrument on which they accompanied themselves is known to everyone. Thisguitar.

Look at her (show). It has a flat body and is shaped like a figure eight. It has a neck and 6 strings, which is why it is called a string instrument. The strings are attached to the pegs. The sound is produced using the fingers.

Loved the guitar different peoples and began to consider it their folk instrument.

“Spanish beauty, we all really like it!” And now we will hear its sound.

Musical number on guitar (played by V. G. Kosyakov)

And you probably recognize this tool. This is a balalaika!

Balalaika - Russian folk stringed musical instrument. The balalaika has a triangular body and three strings. A typical technique for producing sound on a balalaika is rattling - hitting all the strings with a finger at the same time.

The balalaika is one of the instruments that, along with the accordion, has become a symbol of the Russian people. The most famous Russian instrument.

There is no unambiguous point of view on the origin of the balalaika. It is believed that the balalaika became widespread with late XVII century. Modern look The balalaika acquired thanks to the musician-educator Vasily Andreev and masters V. Ivanov, F. Paserbsky, S.I. Nalimov and others, who in 1883 began improving it. Andreev V.V. proposed making the soundboard from spruce, and making the back of the balalaika from beech, and also shortening it to 60-70 cm. The family of balalaikas made by F. Paserbsky (piccolo, prima, alto, tenor, bass, double bass) became the basis of the Russian folk orchestra.

The length of the balalaika ranges from 60-70 cm (prima balalaika) to 1.7 meters (double bass balalaika). Triangular body (in XVIII-XIX centuries also oval), slightly curved in shape. The headstock is slightly bent back. The strings are metal (in the 18th century, two of them were gut; modern balalaikas have nylon or carbon). The sound is clear, but soft. The most common techniques for producing sound are rattling, pizzicato, double pizzicato, single pizzicato, vibrato, tremolo, rolls and guitar techniques.

A duet of balalaika players sounds

Pathetic. The word “zhaleika” is not found in any ancient Russian written monument. The first mention of pity is in the notes of A. Tuchkov relating to end of the XVIII century. There is reason to believe that the pity was present before this in the form of another instrument.

The origin of the word "pity" is unknown. Some researchers associate it with “jelly” or “regrets” - funeral rite, which includes in some areas the game of pity.

Single pity It is a small tube made of willow or elderberry, 10 to 20 cm long, into the upper end of which a squeak with a single tongue made of reeds or goose feather is inserted, and at the lower end there is a bell made of cow horn or birch bark. The tongue is sometimes cut on the tube itself. The barrel has from 3 to 7 playing holes, thanks to which you can change the pitch of the sound.

The pity scale is diatonic. The range depends on the number of playing holes. The timbre of the pitiful woman is shrill and nasal, sad and pitiful.

Listen, guys, how pathetic it sounds (played by G. P. Mendeev)

Well, guys, our little trip is over. I hope it was interesting.

And according to tradition, at the end of our meeting there is a song performed by

vocal and pop ensemble “BravoBis” “Lighting up the stars”

Musical number

Municipal Autonomous educational institution additional education children

Children's Creativity Center

municipal formation Timashevsky district



Creative association "RONDO"

Teacher d.o. Golubyatnikova T.V.


2014-2015 academic year


Teach meaningful, expressive, artistic performance.

Development musical ear, memory, sense of rhythm, singing voice, ability to empathize, creative imagination as a motivational component of readiness for further self-development.

Cultivate interest in artistic creativity and to music in general, to develop children’s horizons.

Equipment: 1. Audio files; 2. Laptop; 3. Audio equipment; 4. Microphone; 5.Fairy costume, hat, wand Fairies.


Leading: Guys, today we will have an unusual trip - we will go to a musical country! And the sorceress Fairy NOTKA will help us go on this journey.


Fairy NOTE: To make life in the world more fun, - We open the world of music to children: Songs, riddles, games, dances, Every day, as if in a fairy tale! We have the honor, we have the honor to open the Journey, We will not regret the songs, And believe that we will be able to give you a good mood! So! We are starting the journey and we invite all the guys.


Leading: Fairy Note! How will we travel? We don’t know where this country is, how can we get to the land of Music?

Fairy NOTE: Don't forget that I am a sorceress. And to get to the magical land of Music, you first need to guess musical riddles. Are you ready to guess them, guys?

1. What is the most musical flower? (Bell)

2. What is the largest musical instrument? (Organ)

3. Mom sang this song when she rocked the cradle for us. (Lullaby)

4. I put the pipe to my lips, a trill flowed through the forest

That very fragile instrument is called... (pipe)

5. If the notes in steel are in a row, These notes are... (scale)

6.Accordion, guitar, balalaika. Their in general terms call it! (Tools)

8. He can play both “forte” and “piano”, for this they called him... (Piano)

Leading: Well, Fairy Notka, the guys have guessed all your riddles, where are we traveling next?


Fairy Note: Guys, you will need to guess the songs and sing them. Be careful! Listen to music and guess the songs. Let's begin!

(Melodies of popular children's songs sound, children guess them and sing).

Leading: On what a cheerful island in music country you and I visited Fairy Notka! Thank you!

Fairy Note: But in the land of Music there are many different cheerful islands and wonders. By the way, I have a magic musical hat!

Leading: Oh, maybe this is an invisibility hat?

Fairy Note: No, this hat can guess the thoughts of who will put it on, music will immediately start playing and we will find out who is thinking about what!

Leading: Guys! Do you think this is true? Well then. Fairy Notka, let's find out the thoughts of the guys, who do you choose?


(The Fairy selects the children for the competition. The children move in a circle to the music, the Fairy inside the circle puts a hat on the children’s heads one by one and the children’s thoughts are “voiced”)

Leading: Oh. What an interesting hat! What a fun time we had. Where are we traveling next?

Fairy Note: Well, now I want to offer you a trip to the island of dance.


Fairy Note:.Guys! Dance bolder and more fun, and I will show you the moves, repeat them after me!

Dance block.

Leading: Thank you, Fairy Notka for cheerful dance. But a signal sounds, which means that the journey through the land of Music ends. So it’s time for the guys to say goodbye to you. Thank you for such an interesting trip!

Fairy Note: Goodbye guys! I'll be waiting for you in my magical land Music!!!