How old is Alena Kravets, a socialite. Singer and model Alena Kravets was beaten by her ex-husband

At the end of September (issue dated September 29, 2016), after the release of the program “Let Them Talk,” it became known how 31-year-old model and singer Alena, after she was found with her lover by her millionaire husband Ruslan Kravets, became a victim of physical violence in front of her daughter.

Scandal and beatings

Upon the fact of the beating, he admitted that the reason was the mother’s prohibition of communication with the child, and his fears that Daniela would see a “macho man” in her father’s house. The oligarch threatens his wife that he will take away her 9-year-old daughter, now she is forced to strengthen security and initiate a criminal case.

The model's ex-husband faces 2 years in prison or public Works, the man is not going to apologize for the conflict, because he considers himself to be right: “There was no need to stage a porn scene in front of my daughter,” Ruslan Kravets, a millionaire, justifies himself. What Alena is doing - said her lawyer Maya Sandler (defender of the singer P. Chaliapin and the star of “House-2” S. Menshikov), explaining that the divorce took place in 2010, the property was divided according to the terms of the agreement, the singer did not interfere with the oligarch’s communication with Daniela , he was engaged in its maintenance.

The birth of great love

The husband of the singer, known from the “Kino” video, is businessman Ruslan Kravets. The couple met when the girl worked as a model (from the age of 16). After marriage, the native Muscovite took up a career as a singer. Together they bought a huge apartment in the capital and Vacation home. Alena liked living on fresh air, but she experienced inconvenience getting from there to the center. Together with her husband and child, the woman moved into the 13th floor of a new building, from the windows of which a wonderful view of the Kremlin opened.

Alena’s husband gave up his dream of living within the walls of an old mansion, indulging the aspiring singer in everything. Vesta they traveled around different countries where they acquired beautiful things for home decoration. A housewife worked in the mansion, and in the apartment the millionaire’s wife preferred homework do it yourself. She has repeatedly admitted that her husband likes the way she works magic at the stove and pleases him with new dishes.

After living together for 9 years, they filed for divorce. After the breakup, the husband left Alena and Daniela a house worth 750 million rubles. on Rublyovka, and covered the costs of their maintenance. Ruslan Kravets claims that he and his wife agreed not to bring strangers into the house. Against this backdrop, a scandal broke out.


Alena Kravets is a popular Russian model and socialite. Born in May 1985 in Moscow. The girl lives on Rublevka in a luxurious mansion, which, along with furniture and luxurious decorations, was left to her by her ex-husband Ruslan Kravets.

Millionaire from Moscow

Ruslan Kravets, a millionaire from Moscow and Alena’s ex-husband, is far from a public figure. And unlike his ex-wife, he always remained in the shadows and rarely appeared at various parties or events.

Ruslan became known to the general public after the broadcast of Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk.” Main actor It was Alena who complained about being beaten by her husband. Moreover, as the girl claimed, everything happened in front of their little daughter.

Since each of them ex-wife pulls the blanket over himself and tries to expose himself to better light, real reasons It was not possible to find out for divorce. It is only known that once Ruslan found his wife, as he claims, with her lover. She was almost naked, and the young man willingly showed signs of attention to the beautiful blonde.

According to Alena, her longtime friend and photographer was next to her, and she had no clothes on because Ruslan came at the time of the photo shoot. The press could not completely decide which of the two was lying. However, Ruslan, how normal man I couldn’t stand having a stranger next to my wife. A fight broke out, and Alena appeared in the show studio with black eyes.

Ruslan believes that his wife got what she deserved, otherwise how else could you react when you are caught off guard by betrayal? loved one. After the beating, Ruslan was even threatened with prison, and their divorce was so loud that the couple became frequent guests in various shows on Channel One.

Start of a relationship

But how did the relationship between Ruslan and Alena begin? The exact age of the man is not known. Based on the information provided in various sources, one can guess The age difference is about 12-15 years. And if Alena is now 32 years old, then after carrying out simple mathematical calculations we can assume that Ruslan is about 45 years old.

Interesting notes:

Alena is a native Muscovite, Ruslan is a newcomer. However, he earned his first million in the capital, and this is where his business was established, which brings in a lot of money. What kind of activity this is is not known.

Their acquaintance occurred in 2001, when Alena, being young attractive girl, worked as a contract model in the USA. At that time, Ruslan’s name was not yet listed in Forbes magazine, but he already owned a luxurious mansion on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway. And this one at least talks about millions in accounts that are not his.

Despite the fact that in last years Ruslan became quite a public person, his professional activity he still doesn't advertise it. It is only known that he receives his income from investments.

A tall blonde with a model figure immediately won the man’s heart, and after a short relationship, Ruslan proposed to Alena. By the way, he already had experience in starting a family - he was married several times and had children from previous marriages. In 2007, the couple had a daughter, who was named Danielle. Ruslan asked his wife to say goodbye to the modeling business and start raising the baby.

After this, the girl plunged headlong into family life- She devoted all her time to raising her daughter and caring for her pets - a dachshund, a cat and a chinchilla. In addition, their mansion had a luxurious winter Garden, which also required special care. Also the couple had a huge apartment in the center of Moscow, however most They still spent their time outdoors in a luxurious house on Rublyovka.


After 9 years life together the spouses separated. Since a marriage contract was drawn up before registering the marriage, it came into force immediately after the divorce. According to him, the mansion on Rublyovka, the cost of which was estimated at 750 million rubles, was left to Alena and their daughter.

In addition, even when the former spouses began to live separately, Ruslan continued to pay utility bills and all expenses related to providing for a child. After the divorce, communication between Ruslan and Alena did not pass without scandals, sometimes ending in fights.

One of the conditions of the marriage contract, according to which the mansion was transferred to Alena’s use, was a complete ban on the presence of other people’s men on the territory of the house. However, in 2016, when Ruslan came to visit his daughter again, he found Alena with another man, after which he stole the child and did not allow her to see her mother for about six months.

In addition, Ruslan angrily beat his ex-wife in front of his daughter. After this, Alena even filed a statement with the police, after which a criminal case was opened. According to some information, Ruslan faces up to two years or correctional labor

The other day this shocking news spread all over the Internet - singer Alena Kravets was beaten by her ex-husband. Alena lived in marriage with Ruslan for nine years, during which time they had a daughter, Daniella, but 6 years ago their family happiness came to an end - they divorced. After the divorce, millionaire Ruslan continued to provide for Alena and his daughter, and ex-wife he left a mansion on Rublyovka worth almost a billion rubles.

As Ruslan himself said, they had an agreement that the mansion that he built and left to Alena was not intended for other men. But a few days ago, namely on September 24, the ex-husband severely beat Alena Kravets and he did it in front of their common daughter, who is only 9 years old. He got jealous ex-wife to her new lover. Ruslan saw a gigolo in him and jealousy surged in him - he grabbed Alena by the hands, she broke free and fell to the floor, hitting her head. Ex-wife I am sure that Ruslan was driven to severe beatings by insane jealousy. Despite the fact that they had been divorced for a long time, he constantly controlled her personal life- He often asked even his little daughter who her mother was dating, who she was communicating with, and who was coming to their home. He just can’t leave her alone and even six years later he continues to sort things out with her.

On September 29, Channel One hosted next issue popular program “Let Them Talk”, the guest of the studio was one of the parties to this dramatic conflict - Alena Kravets. Also came to the studio cousin Yulia Kruglikova and the singer’s friends - Anna Kalashnikova, Oksana Romanenko and Ksenia Merts. They stood up for Alena and fully supported her. The victim of the star conflict herself wants her ex-husband to get what he deserves and answer for his actions. The guests of the program immediately emphasized that she herself provoked Ruslan, and that since he left her this luxury house and keeps the family on his support, then she must endure all his antics. But the ex-wife herself stated that the mansion worth 750 million rubles belongs to her and that she built it herself with the support of her dad, in financial support she is also not in need and that she can provide for her family herself. Of course, Ruslan helped his wife, but this does not give him the right to control her personal life even after their official divorce.

Now the girl’s life is not in danger - she escaped with a slight concussion and a black eye, but she is very afraid for her life and asks for help to protect her from the attacks of her jealous ex-husband. Moreover, Ruslan stated that if another man appears in Alena’s life, he will be forced to take the child with him. It’s another matter if this man is a worthy and self-sufficient person, and not some gigolo pretending to have what the woman has. Ruslan does not want his daughter to have another dad, she will have only one father - himself. But in fact, the reason for all this discord is terrible jealousy - Ruslan continues to love Alena and does not want someone else to get her...

Alyona Kravets came on stage from the catwalk - before that, the singer worked as a model in the USA and Europe. Alyona At the age of 16, she went abroad from Moscow to try her hand at modeling. Strict parents, the teachers of the famous technical university named after Bauman naturally opposed their daughter’s departure and set the condition that Alyona I certainly received a “real”, stable specialty. And the daughter, already working on the podium, restrained given word: graduated from the university with a law course, and a few years later, after returning to Moscow, she received a second higher education- this time psychological. Of course, it was difficult - there were lack of sleep, nerves, problems, constant flights and transfers, but the girl purposefully moved towards her intended goal.

However, over the years she became more and more drawn to own creativity. Despite many other projects, Alyona went to Alla Dukhova’s dance studio “Todes”. It helped her tie a row interesting acquaintances. And she came into contact with music almost by accident. At his birthday, in the presence of several representatives of show business, Alyona I jokingly risked performing a couple of songs.

This trick did not go unnoticed. Believing that talent Kravets deserves closer attention, they decided to help her try herself as a singer. She was convinced that she should try to record songs in the studio and release an album. Alyona I immediately agreed to change it modeling career to show business, since singing was much more interesting for her. Moreover, everything is new Kravets plunges headlong - enthusiastically and inspired. And here is the result: Alena’s arsenal of songs already covers a couple of albums, four videos, numerous interviews, filming, photo shoots, the most eminent figures of domestic show business collaborate with the singer - directors Irina Mironova, Rezo Gigineishvili, the trio "Fresh Art", composer Kim Breitburg , actor Sergei Astakhov and others.

By the way, many tabloid publications for a long time Alena and Sergei Astakhov, who starred in the singer’s video for the song “I’ll survive,” had an affair. But Alyona She immediately stated: “We don’t have any romance. I’ve been happily married for several years now. My beloved husband’s name is Ruslan, and it is he who supports me in all my endeavors, consoles me in difficult times and gives me his love.” The couple recently had a daughter, Daniella, so Alena can be called a happy woman in all respects.

Besides, successful career The singer is not stopping Alena from trying herself in other roles - the filming of a black-and-white glamor movie in which the singer is starring in the title role is finishing in New York.

Alyona Kravets completely absorbed in her favorite work, which takes up all her time. "I sing with happiness literally and figuratively" - likes to repeat Alyona. Every day of the singer is scheduled - concerts, rehearsals, recording in the studio, interviews, television filming... Her videos for the compositions “Cinema”, “I’ll Survive”, “If Not You”, “Don’t Let Me Down” are rotated on the best music channels countries: because in music Alyona Kravets does everything "A". Her songs “Vanilla Sky”, “Eastern”, “According to the Rules of Love”, “Give Me Time” and many others have long found their audience.

Having spent his childhood on Chistye Prudy, Alyona loves old Moscow, its special, soulful flavor, but prefers to live outside the city. She loves the forest, field, quiet river. A household activity that gives her true pleasure is caring for flowers. Her favorite time of day is dawn, when all living things rejoice at the appearance of warmth and light and reach for the sun.

A real beauty Alyona not a supporter of radical artificial methods of achieving beauty. She believes that the main thing in order to be beautiful is to be loved.

Alenina creative person leans more toward the classics. Among the writers, she singles out Chekhov and Dovlatov. Her radio in the car is constantly tuned to Radio Classic.

Naturally very gifted, purposeful and efficient Alyona Kravets chose my path. And it would be a shame not to wish her luck!

Alena Kravets is a Russian model, singer and actress, socialite and participant in popular domestic talk shows.

Childhood and youth

Alena Kruglikova (such as maiden name singer) was born on May 30, 1985 in Moscow. She spent her childhood in the Chistye Prudy area - the actress to this day considers this part of the capital her favorite. The girl's father is a military man, her mother is a teacher at Moscow State Technical University. Bauman.

As a child, Alena did not dream of becoming a singer. According to her in my own words, she was very serious and correct. But the podium beckoned her even then - like most girls, she dreamed of beautiful outfits and everyone’s attention.

The beauty of young Alena was noticed when she was not yet 16 years old - the girl was offered to sign a contract with a modeling agency. Soon Kravets began to appear on the catwalks not only in Russia, but also abroad - in Germany, Italy and the USA.

After graduation secondary school Kravets received higher education legal education. Subsequently, she went on to a second higher education degree in child psychology. Alena never planned to work in her specialty - neither the second nor the first, she studied “for the soul and just in case.”

“Just a movie” - the first video by Alena Kravets

Singer career

At some point, Alena realized that a modeling career could hardly be considered as a lifelong endeavor and that she wanted to become a singer. The girl took courses acting with Alexey Vladimirovich Borodin and in courses pop vocals at GITIS with Nikolai Ivanovich Vasiliev, and also studied for some time at dance studio"Todes."

Alena’s debut song and video “Just a Movie” was not taken seriously by critics and listeners, but gradually show business accepted Kravets into its ranks. Alena continued to record songs and shoot video clips, collaborating with such famous creative people as composer Kim Breitburg and director Rezo Gigineshvili. The most famous hits Alena became “I’ll survive”, “I’m waiting for you” and “For You (Eastern)”.

Alena Kravets – For You (Eastern); (year 2013)

In 2007, Alena decided to try her hand at cinema, starring in an episode of the popular television series " father's daughters" A few years later, viewers were able to see Kravets in a small role in the series “Happy Together”. In 2010, Alena took part in the creation documentary film about the great French actress Brigitte Bardot, and in 2013 she played the mistress of the oligarch Gaev (Alexander Yatsko) in the series “Fatal Inheritance”. In 2014, Kravets starred in a cameo role in the TV series “Zemsky Doctor. Love in spite of”, presenting the owner of the dogs, Elena, in one of the episodes.

Over the past few years, Alena has often appeared on television as an expert or main character famous talk shows. She can often be seen in such television programs as “ Star stories”, “Live”, “Let them talk”, “Male/Female”, etc.

Personal life of Alena Kravets

Alena met her future husband Ruslan Kravets in 2001, when she was working under a contract in the States. The man’s name did not appear on the Forbes lists, but a luxurious country house on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway testified to the millions in his bank account. Ruslan still keeps the “working” part of his life a secret. According to some reports, the source of his income is investments.

At the end of 2007, the lovers had a daughter, Daniella, and her husband asked Alena to leave the modeling business in order to devote herself to raising the baby. Alena took care of her daughter, numerous pets - the rabbit dachshund Tessie, the European Shorthair cat Lavrik, a chinchilla - as well as a luxurious winter garden.