Eyeliner for the sun dance. Poems about different dances. Introduction to the dance “Cossack polka with tambourines”

SUMMARY TO THE DANCE "Invite me, dad, to a waltz!"

My mom recently told me:
I'm telling you, baby, so you know,
Even if you dance well,
It is indecent to invite a boy.

Well, I don’t need a boy
None from our garden.
I'm just friends with the boys,
I go to the same group with them.

And I offer my palm
Only for dad, I dream about this,
He will invite me with a smile,
And the waltz will spin us around the hall.

When sweet childhood ends,
And I will become a happy bride,
We will dance with you at the wedding,
Do you promise, my dear dad?

Let's sing and spin quietly
And love and be proud of each other!
In the meantime, I'm a baby, now
Invite me, dad, to a waltz!

Tips for the DANCE "Stomp, my foot"

1.Legs don’t stand still
Apparently they want to dance?
So, the legs are naughty,
Dance and running!
We need to start dancing
I can't resist anymore!

2 So what if it’s small!
Remote girl!
And the little eyes are mischievous!
All the boys are in groups
They're looking at me,
They want to dance with me!
Well, I won’t refuse!
I’ll dance “Stamp your foot!”

Conclusion to the SONG "Stamp, my foot"

So what if it’s small!
Remote girl!
And the little eyes are mischievous!
All the boys are in groups
They're looking at me,
They want to please me!
I'll sing for them now
I ring my song!


There are so many dolls, you can’t count them,

Tanya is there, Marishka is there,
There is curly Natasha,
And with pigtails Milasha,

Olya in a red sundress,
Wind-up doll Anya,
There are Winx and Barbie too,
I’m telling you, you can’t count them.

A whole doll kindergarten,
And each has its own outfit.
They are all my friends...
But I whispered in my ear

Daddy has his wish
"Dad, give me a promise
Should I buy a new doll?
I promise not to be naughty!”

I saw it in the window
The Mashenka doll was standing.
Blue eyes,
And the hairs are flaxen.

She looked at me
And she wanted to come to me!
She's hot and stuffy in the window,
We need to save Mashenka!

She's wearing warm clothes:
Scarf, mittens, boots...
Her hat is made of drape...
….Give me a doll, dad!


A little chick was sitting on a branch,
He happily sang a song about the sun.
The sun heard that song,
It shone brighter with rays!

And it winked at the sparrow:
I like to listen to your song,
Hey, Sparrow, fluffy ball,
Let me kiss your side!

We all sang a song about the sun,
We wanted the sun to like it!
Today we will ask him very much:
Give us a kiss, sunshine, on our cheeks and nose!


We need to release the birds today
At our graduation ball,
Pigeons! Fly over the kindergarten
In sky blue lace!

The feathers have grown stronger and fledged
The little doves have grown up,
They grew up and set off on a long journey,
Leaving us, graduates!

We wish you blue skies,
Warm native breeze!
The future is bright, big,
Pigeons, fly to the clouds!

Summation to the song “The baby tooth fell out”
I'm growing up unnoticed
I'm leaving kindergarten soon,
And I grow up hour by hour:
I can do everything myself!

They bought me boots -
Thirty-six is ​​the size of your feet!
I deny tights
I only choose trousers!

They say it's milky
Will soon fall out, fragile,
But it sits in my mouth stubbornly
And it puts me to shame!

I downloaded it for two days,
Then he pushed with his tongue,
Apple, carrot gnawed,
And I achieved it! What a surprise!

A tooth fell out, there was a hole in my mouth...
So it's time for me to go to school!
No milk, no teeth
I'm ready to go to school!

The school will be very happy:
They need grown up kids!
And with baby teeth
Sit in the nursery yourself!

Sections: Extracurricular activities

Lesson objectives:

  • introduce children to the customs of the Kuban people;
  • awaken interest in folk art;
  • develop speech, memory;
  • cultivate kindness and respect for customs.

Equipment: household items, towels, posters, balls.

Stage decoration: household items, bundles of bagels, costumes, embroidered tablecloths.

The stage is decorated in Russian folk style: there is a house decoration on the backdrop, benches at the edges, towels and a samovar on the table. On the backdrop there is a poster “Time for business, time for fun.” There are 4 microphones on the proscenium. The curtain is closed.

At the beginning of the holiday, a theme is sounded.

Presenters come to the microphones on the front stage from different sides.

HOST: We live in a huge country - Russia. This is a great power. People of different nationalities and religions live here. But we are united by one thing - our common Motherland. We will be strong and united only when we respect the traditions and history of different peoples. Today we will tell you about the customs of the Russian people.

HOST: In the old days, the Russian people had such a custom: when they finished field work (they harvested the crops and put the grain in bins), they whiled away the autumn days and evenings together, and had gatherings. As the Russian proverb says: “Out of boredom, take matters into your own hands.” So we spent time doing our favorite handicrafts. It was fun. Either they would sing a song, or exchange jokes, and if the guys came, then the noisy folk games, dances and round dances made it all the more fun. They knew how to work in Rus', they knew how to relax.

HOST: We invite you, dear guests, to village gatherings. You are welcome to join us for some fun fun.

HOST: As they say, time for business, time for fun.

(Cheerful music sounds. The curtain opens)

The story has a beginning -
This is the first line.
Starts from the pier
A sailor's path across the sea.

The sadness has a reason
Poems have a plot of words.
Starts from the beginning
Fairy tale, song and love.

We all gathered together, when
As they say: “Chinom rank”,
We start with bread and salt,
Our beginning is with a good song!

Girls in Russian costumes come out with bread and salt.

“Bread and salt” group:

We started to get a role,
Do not confuse with loads,
We brought you bread and salt
Russians for get-togethers.
The tradition is alive.
Alive - from the older generation
Rituals and words are important
From the past from ours

And therefore, please accept
The one who came to the gatherings
On this festive plate
From our hands both bread and salt!

Girls with bread and salt descend from the stage into the hall and treat the guests to a loaf of bread. Against the background of folk music, children in folk costumes - participants in the “get-togethers” - begin to appear on stage from different scenes.

On the ground, in the light
Or on some logs
There were gatherings
Old and young.

Did you sit by the torch?
Or under the bright sky -
They talked and sang songs
Yes, they did a round dance.

We treated ourselves to good tea
With honey, obviously without sweets.
As now, we communicated, -
There is no life without communication.

How did you play? On the burners!
Ah, the burners are good.
In a word, these gatherings
They were a celebration of the soul.

The life of people is marked by centuries.
The old world has changed.
Nowadays we're all screwed
Personal dachas, own apartments.

Our leisure time is sometimes shallow
And what can I say?
It's boring to live without gatherings,
They should be revived.

If you are “at ease”
And they didn’t come to us for an hour,
We offer gatherings
Spend that hour here.

The fire of the soul does not go out,
There is nothing “suddenly” in life.
Let's remember the joy of Russian cuisine,
Grandfathers' sincere leisure!

Rest is not trifles -
Time for games and news.

Let's start the gatherings!

We are opening gatherings!

For friends and guests!

Students of 1st and 2nd grades come to the microphones and invite them to take part in a ditty competition

Hey girls - laugh out loud!
Sing some ditties!
Sing quickly
To please the guests.

Eh, I'll stamp my foot
Let me trample the other one,
I can't stand still
Such character!

I'm starting the chorus
The first, initial,
I want to cheer
The audience is sad.

Ditties “Wall to wall”

Give your circle wider, wider,
I'll break up, I'll break up!
I'm a fighting girl
And I'm not afraid of walls!

There used to be threads
And now the coils.
There used to be girls
And now - fatties.

Don't boast. That you are beautiful
No more beautiful people.
Wasn't it you in the stables
Did you scare the horses?

You, girlfriend, start singing
But don't bother me.
If you want to argue -
Let's fight, come on!
You are good, you are handsome -
Looks like a teacher.
How do you put on your jacket?
A real fool.

Oh, dear friend,
You're dancing well.
Like a frog out of water
You're waving your legs.
You guys aren't proud
You're no good.
Not to be soldiers, not to be sailors -
Just lubricate the wheels.

Well, friend, I crushed it,
Like a sparrow in chaff.
It would be better not to go out
I wouldn't make people laugh.

What are you yelling at, my friend?
Even my ears were numb.
I thought: pig
They brought it to us on stage.

We are fighting girls
You haven't seen anything like this.
If you sing, then in three voices,
Dance for five.
There's a dance going on
A birch tree grew in the garden -
White - white.
I'm a fighting girl
And also brave.

I have a big braid
There is a tape of about five meters at the cash register.
Behind my big cash register
There are a lot of guys chasing.

O-ha-ha, o-ha-ha,
Why am I a bad girl?
The skirt is burgundy.
I myself am black-browed.
They say I'm a fighter
Combat, but not me.
Fighting pair of legs,
Yes my smile.

Right! Right!
She chanted correctly!
- Right, wrong,
Who cares?!

We are fighting girls
We won't stay as girls.
Well, there will be grief for that,
Who will get us?
There is a fontanel under the willow,
The water is silver
Soon the boys will come to us,
Let's have fun.

Oh, someone's coming
In an embroidered shirt?
Oh, someone's carrying it
Candy in a piece of paper?

We're walking down the street
And we hand out candy.
Meet us, girls:
We're going with the accordionist!

My dear Vanechka,
sit with me on the bench.
You will play the accordion
I'm wearing a balalaika.

The balalaika is ringing,
Iron string.
Play for me
Dear, kind.

And I won’t powder myself, -
My darling won't come.
For others - not interesting, -
The powder will go to waste!

Okay, friends, for you, -
You sit in the corners.
And I, miserable one,
Wherever I sit, I’m superfluous.

Oh, dear friend,
Now there are new rights.
If the guy doesn't suit you,
Then pull the sleeves.

Oh, dear friend,
She pulled and tried.
I pulled, I tried -
Left with the sleeve.

A cat sits on the window
With white kittens.
Shame on you, girls,
Run after the guys?!

Don't laugh, guys -
We'll make you laugh ourselves:
We'll put clamps on you,
We'll take you to the field to plow.

Leading up to the dance

Oh, girls, it’s just amazing
Well, you sang beautifully.
Let's start dancing
We don't know how to start
One - there, two - here,
And then around yourself.

There's a song playing “Fir-trees-pines”

Children perform a dance composition

Groups of child buffoons appear in the aisles of the hall. They invite spectators to take part in a round dance.

Hey, dancers, accordion players, guslar players, the button accordion has been calling you for a long time,

All together: To a merry round dance.

A cheerful round dance melody sounds. The buffoons bring chains of children onto the stage and start a round dance.

The party's on
Night looked into the yard.
The beginning has a warm-up,
Like a thread, a cobweb -
The one that keeps the conversation going.

As once in the ancient century,
In those distant years
Conducted quizzes
Like “What, where and when.”
How then, friends, for you
Let's do it now.


Finish the proverb:

It's warm in the sun, with mother... (good)
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without... (song)

And now we are for detente
Let us tell you riddles.
Who will give the correct answer
We'll give him some candy.

Walks importantly around the yard,
It wakes up the village in the morning.
Beautiful, with a beak, there are spurs,
With a shimmer of feathers, all in shine.
Screams so loud it takes your breath away
Did you find out? This is our... (rooster)

It comes with oatmeal,
With rice, meat and millet,
It's sweet with cherries.
First they put him in the oven.
How will he get out of there?
Then they put it on a dish.
Well, now call the guys!
They will eat everything one piece at a time. (pie)

Brew in a teapot
Boiling boiling water.
Granny drinks from a saucer
Grandpa - with sugar.
I drink it in the morning
It is useful to me and to you. (tea)

The presenters are holding a tongue twister competition

There is a vine on the cart, and a goat on the cart.
Little cat on the window
I ate the porridge bit by bit.
Our Polkan fell into a trap.

The hosts reward the competition participants with dry goods

Game block

Buffoon: We sang and danced,
But we didn’t play.
Who has a gloomy look there?
The music starts again!
Get ready, kids.
A Russian game is waiting for you.

Skomorokh: We continue the program
For guests, friends, for everyone.
Let's start the panorama
Amazing fun.

To the rope: Well done, guys, guys
We call you to the rope.
Ten on the left, ten on the right,
Only the muscles are cracking.

Guys from the audience are invited for a tug-of-war competition

Power: Goy you are weight lifters,
Show strength with your hands.
Who will raise two pounds here,
He will bring a big dish!

A competition is held: lifting weights, hand-wrestling, sashes.

Here is a log, and here are bags,
Come out well done!
Who will hit whom with a sack,
He will take that gift.

(A competition is being held.)

A musical game is being held with the audience “CREEK.”

Block with spoons.

Hey guys, hit the tambourines!
Don't spare your palms!
Play the harmonica
Knock on our spoons
Play from the heart
So that your feet can dance.

They sit on a bench.

Spoon boys: Tin spoons!
Wooden spoons!
Knock and jingle spoons,
Lead the music.

(Performance by a noise orchestra.)

Spoons, whatever you say,
And the guys are spoons -
- Tara-bars, rastabars,
Let's drink tea from the samovar.
- Tara-bars, rastabars,
Let's sit by the samovar.
- Let's drink some sweet tea,
Let's sing our song.

(They take out the samovar and look into it.)

Oh, but there’s no water in the samovar!

Where is Nastya?

(Taking out the doll - carousel).

Go. Nastya for water.

Nastya - I went to the fair,
I bought myself buckets.

What did you give?

Nastya - She gave me a ruble.
Rocker - one and a half.

Maiden - maiden
Go get some water

Nastya went for water
Hey, beautiful, wait.
Don't wave the bucket
Take it and give it a ride.

From the audience, buffoons invite the children to ride on a carousel doll.


In the sky. As if from whitewash.
The Milky Way lit up.
The gatherings have died down
In our festive light,
Where we had to rest.
Days of communication are milestones of happiness.
Everyone is happy for get-togethers,
Time for business, time for fun
People are happy anyway.

We shared news
We tried to entertain you.
We say goodbye to the guests.
Saying: “See you again!”

It won't go out. Won't go out
If you are not dumb, you are not deaf.
The brightest, the clearest
Russian spirit of gatherings.

Gatherings, parties,
Stars in festive weight -

These are Russian pictures
Our life in Rus'
Life is like this - not different,
Not overseas, foreign,
This is our side.

Everything that happened, remembering
Let the native country live
Very Russian, earthy,
The best country in the world!

At the end of the holiday, the song “Be healthy, live richly” sounds. All participants go on stage and sing a song.

This means that it is unconventional to announce dances at a concert or competition in order to pronounce not only their names.

Written for “Dance Spring” according to a given list of choreographic numbers.

At your concert there may not be performances with such names, but using examples it is easier to figure out how to announce the dances that you will have.

Look at the previous article - it will be clear where the Presenter should insert the given text.


Announce the performer and choreographer.

For example, pop dance group “X”, the leader of the group is... full name.

I’m writing in a list, but announce one at a time, of course.

We are little children

You and I have already guessed that little children will now appear on stage, and that these kids dance great. But if everything were simple, they would not have performed in Dance Spring. And they perform. And how they perform! Let's watch and applaud!


We don't have an airport, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be flight attendants. Meet “Flight Attendants”, not on the plane, but on our stage.


There are many different lullabies. Let's watch "Lullaby" by the group "X".

Sleep, my sunshine

The next number is “Sleep, my sunshine.” It seems that it looks like a lullaby, but now we’ll figure out what will really happen and who is whose sunshine.



“Militari” means “military” in Italian, and that’s the name of this dance. I will say one thing - I really want this word to remain only in art and clothing style. And it completely disappeared from people’s lives in its sad sense. Let's see!


Many girls at least sometimes dream of being in the role of a Princess or Princess. And some don’t even dream - because they are born right away. We’ll find out in a second which Princess the dancers from studio “Y” will show us now.

You are fire, I am water

- – about incompatible opposites. "You are fire, I am water." But in dance, they seem to complement each other perfectly.

Cheerful zebrafish

We have not been able to reliably find out who Zebrik is. Either he is a kitten, then he is the son of a zebra, and then suddenly he is an entertainment center or studio. In our version - dance. “Cheerful zebrafish” for a cheerful mood!


Let go

When we hear the word “Let go,” everyone thinks about their own. Even if specific text is attached to the word - for example, as in the song “Okeana Elzy” with the same name. Now we’ll find out what meaning our today’s stars put into this word.

Village nursery rhymes

The younger group decided to amuse us all, and we were only happy about it. Let's meet new stars!


Tarantella is an Italian folk dance accompanied by a guitar, tambourine and castanets. For 200 years it was considered the only cure, can you imagine! And it’s better for you not to know what this dance was used to treat. Just watch and enjoy!


I'm sure everything will be wonderful. The main thing is that the goats do not get carried away and jump from the stage to the hall, and from there to the street.



There are different types of turntables - for guitar, for kefir, and for pike. Which ones they will show us is still a surprise. But I feel he will pleasantly surprise us.


The calendar says May, the mood is eternal spring. So why not remember winter for 5 minutes for a change? Especially when they show it to us so interestingly.


It turns out that dancing with the flood is a favorite question for the compilers of scanwords. And the answer, it seems, is that they won’t tell us now, but dance.

The country is young

Youth is always good, and not necessarily in your passport. The main thing is with your soul, head and legs. Which is what they will show us now.


Curtain, applause from an enthusiastic audience))


In this or a similar way you can present dancing at a competition or concert. Some with a joke, some with mystery, some with touching words. And it won’t be just a concert, but... Or - big. Or maybe, taking other things into account, even grandiose))

With wishes to pleasantly surprise the hall,

Tips for dances, dances and round dances

Tips for dancing and dancing

We can’t sit still, Well, let’s quickly get into pairs,

We love to have fun. Fire dance time!

We’re not too lazy to dance and sing, We’ll hit the floor with our heels,

We could dance all day! This is how you and I dance!

We sang and played, we started dancing,

But we haven’t danced for a long time! Just don't imagine

Come out into the circle quickly, You boldly gave your hand to a friend,

Yes, dance more fun. Stand in pairs in a circle

We are at a party with friends Music started playing

We'll have a great time. Fun and loud.

To make it more fun, everyone, of course, likes it

Let's start our dance. Fun polka dance!

Today is such a good day, we are called "babies"

Everyone around is having fun, But we dance with all our hearts.

They dance, clap their hands, we will spin and stomp

And we are not lagging behind! Don't forget to clap!

We sang and played, Hey friends, come in a circle,

And now they read the poems. Boldly, without fear.

To make our holiday more beautiful, Our best friend today is

We're still dancing now! The one who loves dancing!

There are many dances in the world. Legs are shaking.

And children dance them everywhere. They don't stand still.

Come out to the circle quickly, let's celebrate the holiday by dancing,

Top heels, yes top! Let's celebrate the holiday with song!

In our hall, in our hall the sun shines brightly,

Holiday - your feet are dancing on their own, It’s such a wonderful day

And we call everyone around to celebrate the holiday by dancing

In our big, cheerful circle. Let's celebrate the holiday with song.

Tips for the performance of spooners

Eh, I’ll stamp my foot, These spoons are not for porridge,

Let me stamp my feet. Not for soup, not for cabbage soup.

We are cheerful You listen to our game

There will be a dance with spoons. It will immediately become more fun.

Voiced, carved, like ours at the gate

Painted spoons. People are gathering.

The children will take them in their hands, Let's let the spoons pass ahead

The guests will begin to have fun! To amuse our guests.

Eyeliners for the dance “Made Friends”

When we wake up, everyone knows we are friends,

Sometimes we get offended, there is no way to quarrel.

But this is nothing, even they themselves were surprised:

We got up, don't stand still. We quarreled and made up

Leads to round dances

Stand up all the people Oh, what a wonderful ringing

Hurry up to the round dance. It came from all sides.

In a round dance, in a round dance, I woke up both the forest and the meadow,

Yes, with all the honest people, everything around began to dance.

We'll dance, we'll play, everyone plays and sings,

And we'll have fun with ourselves! It's just as usual

The sun is calling to you

Dance around!

In dancing, games and fun, each dance has its turn

We dance joyfully and loudly as best we can.

The holiday is spinning like a carousel. Move the round dance apart!

Every child. Come out bolder!

The Russian dance is calling

Let's join in a merry round dance!

Before you start writing the script, you need to remember that kindergarten graduation is not just an entertainment program aimed at bringing joy to children.

For information on how to prepare, read the articleBe sure to start an entertainment program ventilate the room. If a gala matinee has just ended, then you need to take into account that there were a large number of children in the hall (a whole group, and sometimes two), and with each child there were parents, grandparents, teachers, a photographer and a videographer.

Parents and teachers at kindergarten graduation

This is a great event for educators and parents of graduates. They did a lot to make this event happen and they deserve a holiday too! At the very least, they deserve warm words addressed to them.

That's why, Dear animators, during the program, unobtrusively, in a playful way, you should repeatedly draw the attention of children to teachers, parents, grandparents, older brothers and sisters. Express your gratitude to them.

For what?
Firstly they will be pleased and will like you. And they will recommend you to their friends.
Secondly During the gala matinee, the parents sat too long and were tired. They want to get emotions and cheer up.
Thirdly This is a good educational moment. Adult participants of the holiday will be pleased to see that you, the host, are not just a clown, but a thinking, respectable person.

One day I heard a comment from a young mother. Her words literally sounded like this:
“The child was delighted. But I didn’t like it.”
It should be noted that it was a big holiday with tickets, a rich program, then we painted with chocolate on pancakes, ate them, all the children received face painting and good prizes.
What were you doing at this time? parents? They sat in one place for almost three hours. while watching the children. Of course they were tired and wanted everything to end as soon as possible.

Since then I always involve parents in the program! Of course, I do this in an easy way, without coercion. There are a lot of people willing. Adults are happy plunge into an atmosphere of joy, feel like children.

Great! So what are we worth? We are ready to go into adulthood. (children become a train, holding on to each other) Let's look at our dear parents, wave to them, wave to our teachers. Let's go.

Children become a train and move around the playground under
BACKGROUND – 3 — Steam locomotive Antoshka

Animated dances

LEADING: Great ride. We graduated from kindergarten. Adult life lies ahead. Are you ready for it? Did they teach you anything in kindergarten? Show me how you can count.

Places children in a circle. Igrodance BACKGROUND – 4 —"Four Steps"

Amazing! Tell me, why does day give way to night, why does autumn follow summer? Why does this happen? ( in the process of communication we come to the conclusion that The earth is round and revolves around the sun)

And who spins it? Ay-ay-ay, you don’t know. Polar bears rock the earth! That's why she spins. Let's help our bears so that they can spin the earth's axis more fun and we can quickly go to school

BACKGROUND – 5 –"Bears" - a game dance with acceleration

Tired? What helps us when we are tired? What relieves stress? Best of all - Massage! Turn to the right, put your hands on your neighbor’s shoulders and let’s start giving him a massage!

BACKGROUND – 6 – Massage
During the pause, we ask the children to turn in the opposite direction, put their hands on the neighbor’s shoulders and repeat the massage on the second verse. Thus, the one who did the massage now receives it himself.

Have you rested? Then show us what else you learned in kindergarten. Have you studied foreign languages. No? Are any of you planning to go on vacation in the summer? And how will you communicate at the resort if you don’t know foreign languages?

It’s okay, I’ll teach you one language. Knowing him, you will be your man on any coast, in any company. The language is called "Soku-bachi" Does anyone know him?

If it turns out that the children know it, we ask them to show the movements and say that it has long been outdated and no one uses it that way. We show new movements: We divide into pairs and stand opposite each other. On "juice"- We slap ourselves on the knees. On "bachi"— we clap our neighbor’s palms, "viru"- also on the palms of the neighbor opposite, but at the same time we make a cross with our hands.

FON – 07 – Soku bachi

Great! It's not just a fun language, it's a language of friendship! After all, playing with a friend is much more interesting than playing on your own!

I see you are good friends. Are you well-mannered children? Kind? Brave? Are they good? Modest? Are your parents good? What about the teachers? Wow! So many good people gathered in one place.

Let's call our parents and teachers to come to us. Because this dance is about us – the best people in the world!

Parents and teachers come out to us and stand in a circle.

BACKGROUND – 9 –"I'm the one"

We ask adults to return to their seats (they can stay if they wish)

Children, you are so wonderful! I’m just flying from you and I invite you to fly with me.

Block with parachute

Before you play, you must explain to the children that for this game we need to be not brave and dexterous, but friendly and obedient. The game will only work if we do everything together. If one plays around or does something wrong, he ruins the game for everyone.

I invite you to subscribe to our channel: Valuable advice from the Main Fairy , where you will find a lot of useful information.