Why wives cheat on their husbands: reasons, opinions of scientists. How to understand that a girl is cheating

Male infidelity hardly surprises anyone, and in some cultures polygamy is even considered acceptable. Fewer and fewer representatives of the weaker half of humanity believe in the devotion of their spouses. Society treats female infidelity in a completely different way, and yet today this phenomenon is gaining momentum. Why do wives cheat on their husbands? We will look at the reasons for this in this article.

Sex and love

So why do wives cheat on their husbands, what makes them commit such immoral acts? There are two main reasons for this: new love and the desire to take revenge on the husband. Moreover, in most cases, female infidelities occur in dysfunctional families, while men tend to “go to the left” even when they consider their marriage to be quite successful. For a man, love and sex are not the same thing, but for the fair sex these concepts are inseparable.

By and large, women cannot imagine sex without love and commitment. Married ladies, all the more, will not behave inappropriately, unless they have a sufficiently compelling reason for it. Sex for a woman is not just a process of intercourse, but something very significant, one might even say spiritual.

What is cheating for a woman?

Female infidelity rarely occurs spontaneously. Most often, ladies decide to do this only after they have carefully thought and weighed everything. At the same time, we can say that cheating on her husband for a representative of the fairer sex is in some sense a desperate step. Usually, only when family well-being is not visible and there is no faith in a happy marriage, a woman is able to decide to cheat. This is why wives cheat, because sometimes this scenario seems to be the only way out of the current situation for a woman.

And if a man who has acted in the same way can return home to his family as if nothing had happened, then for a woman, as a rule, there is no turning back. From the moment of betrayal, she is seized by new feelings, and there may no longer be room in her heart for her once beloved husband. The world she is used to is collapsing, everything becomes different, different - for real.

Lack of attention from husband

The answer to the question of why wives begin to cheat on their husbands can be found in the depths of female psychology. One of the reasons for unsuccessful marriages may be cooling in the relationship between the spouses. This often happens when over time they get tired of each other and begin to move away. When a husband does not pay enough attention to his wife, she feels abandoned, unhappy and unloved.

Loss of mutual interest, reluctance to give in, or find a compromise - these are not all the possible options for the deterioration of relations in a couple. Over time, in such a family the situation may become tense, the spouses will quarrel and conflict over various trifles. Eventually, the husband becomes so distant from his wife that he simply stops noticing her. He does not pay attention to her, spends more and more time with friends, prefers to work on his car or play computer games. Unfortunately, a man simply ceases to be interested in his wife as a woman. It’s understandable why wives cheat in such an environment.

Is it the woman's fault?

Many women, when they get married, forget about their belonging to the fair half of humanity. Previously, they tried to be beautiful and charming, but now, when the marriage has already taken place, they turn into nondescript housewives, and their outfits are aprons and dressing gowns. However, there is nothing wrong with this, especially since family life requires its sacrifices, but nevertheless, a man may be little attracted to the curlers on the head of his chosen one. As a result, a woman becomes less desirable to her man, which leads to many disagreements that occur in married couples.

In fact, all of the above may most likely be the reason for male betrayal or even leaving the family. But if you are looking for an answer to the question of why wives cheat on their husbands, these factors should also be considered. The prerequisites for such female behavior lie precisely in the lack of attention of husbands to their other halves.

Constant absence of husband

Sometimes it happens that a woman seems to take care of herself and looks quite attractive, and her man loves her and idolizes her. But even in such families, not everything always goes smoothly. So why do wives cheat on their husbands, what is the reason for this behavior? In this case, a woman may lack the attention of her beloved husband due to the fact that he is constantly absent from home. He tries to provide for his family, earns a living and is often forced to go on business trips, attend business negotiations, or simply stay late at work. The woman understands that this is necessary and appreciates her caring husband, but she still feels lonely.

At such moments, another man may appear in a woman’s life, one who can be nearby, who will be able to give what she lacks: warmth, care and love. Cheating occurs because this other man is nearby and with him the woman feels needed by someone.

Revenge on husband for cheating

In the modern world, women quite often betray their husbands in retaliation for the betrayal they committed. They act on the principle of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” thinking that this is the best way to punish a traitor. It often happens that an offended lady can cheat on her husband with the first man she comes across.

Revenge is a dish best served chilled. But why do wives cheat on their husbands in response to their betrayal, if by doing so they only aggravate the situation and, in addition to their spouses, also harm themselves? Of course, not everyone will take such a step, because a man is able to forgive his soulmate anything, but not betrayal. Even if he says that everything is fine, or does not find out about the betrayal at all, the woman will no longer be able to remain the same. She will always remember her betrayal, for which she will blame her husband, and will also despise both him and herself for this.

Looking for new sensations

Unfortunately, the relationships of many married couples eventually reach a dead end and become somehow gray and monotonous. Both men and women may lack drive, that feeling that captured them at the very beginning, when they first met and realized that they loved each other. But each new day becomes more and more similar to the previous one, and the fire of their feelings gradually fades away. Such a family is held together by children; the spouses are already accustomed to each other and are even sure that their love is mutual. But something is missing.

A woman who knows her husband like the back of her hand, when her husband becomes predictable, seeks new sensations. This is the answer to the question of why wives cheat. Scientists' opinions on this matter boil down to elementary physiology. As feelings weaken, the body's production of certain hormones, the presence of which makes a person happy and content, also decreases. Sometimes, in search of thrills, a woman can cheat on her husband.

Sexual dissatisfaction

Often the reason for a woman’s infidelity lies in her husband’s inability to satisfy her sexually. However, the reasons for this may be due to other factors. For example, certain living conditions do not allow spouses to be alone when they want. Also, a similar problem can arise in a large family. In the end, a woman may decide to cheat in order to diversify her sex life and fulfill unrealized sexual fantasies. It’s banal, but this happens too.

What's the point of looking for someone to blame in such cases? It is more correct to think not about why wives cheat, but about how to prevent it. If a married couple has any difficulties sexually, then they need to look for ways to solve them, because cheating will not solve these problems, but will only aggravate them and add new ones.

A woman who believes she deserves better

This reason for betrayal is perhaps the most inexplicable. However, here, rather, all of the above factors are at play - a little of everything. These are cases in which a woman is not satisfied with the marriage for various reasons, but she is also not ready to get a divorce. A woman may have a psychological attitude that she deserves better, consider herself in some sense free, so she provides herself with almost unlimited opportunities for maneuver. For her, marriage is just a social status. When trying to understand why wives cheat on their husbands on vacation or on a business trip, you should not lose sight of this factor.

Having cheated, such a woman does not feel guilty and even considers her behavior to be completely natural. Such an emotional attitude is initially dangerous, because a man, feeling that he is not appreciated, can also begin to behave accordingly.

Why wives cheat on their husbands. Scientists' opinions

Finally, it is worth citing here a few excerpts from the results of various studies on the topic of betrayal. Thus, it is quite obvious that women who are unhappy in marriage cheat more often - compared to prosperous families, in such couples, affairs on the side occur 2.6 times more often. The likelihood that a sexually unsatisfied wife will betray her husband increases by 2.9 times. From these statistics it is clear why wives cheat on their husbands, the reasons are always the same. And here are the statistics about those men with whom unfaithful wives have affairs:

  • 12% - a guy who made advances in a public place;
  • 20% - old friend;
  • 13% - former;
  • 10% - colleague;
  • 1% - one of her man's friends;
  • 44% - someone else.

British scientists surprised us by saying that women cheat more often than men. However, representatives of the fairer sex value their reputation as a “good wife” and also prefer not to brag about their adventures. They are much more careful and sophisticated both in the betrayals themselves and in hiding their tracks.


Unfortunately, people face all sorts of difficulties in their family life. Both husbands and their significant other cheat. But if everything is more or less clear with men, then why do wives cheat? The psychology of human relationships, which has been formed over the centuries, has established a woman as a faithful guardian of the family hearth. Betrayal itself contradicts her essence, because by betraying her husband, she betrays her family, her children and even herself.

After cheating, there is no turning back for a woman. She will always remember her action and is unlikely to be able to look her husband in the eyes as before. Obviously, both men and women need to work on marriage and relationships. Married couples should solve all problems and difficulties that arise together, together, and then, perhaps, no one will have a reason to cheat.

The article will tell men how to detect signs of female infidelity and accurately determine the infidelity of their spouse.

It is equally unpleasant for both women and men to find themselves in the role of a deceived spouse. However, if they are actively discussed, and wives do not hesitate to share details of love affairs “on the side” of their unfaithful “halves,” then deceived men often try to hide the real situation in the family from prying eyes until the last moment.

If a man doubts his wife’s fidelity, he will have to watch her for a while and only then draw conclusions.

How to understand that your wife is cheating? Clear signs of a wife's betrayal

The most conclusive and irrefutable evidence of his wife’s infidelity can be straight Talk, in which she herself admits what happened. After such recognition, you will no longer have to look for any hidden signs and be tormented by guesses.

However, if you believe the statistics, less than 2% of wives who had sex “on the side” at least once admitted it to their spouse.

IMPORTANT: A man who suspects his wife of cheating needs to be patient and under no circumstances blame his wife for anything or try to sort things out ahead of time.

A sharp change in the wife’s mood, both for the better and for the worse, should alert you. And if, in addition, your wife began to actively update her wardrobe and experiment with her appearance, carefully read the article further.

The first sign of female infidelity

Periodic mood swings can occur even among the most faithful wives. Also, a sudden desire to change her appearance can occur in a woman who does not even think about cheating.

What is the first sign that will tell your husband that family happiness is under threat?

First of all, in such a familiar and dear woman a riddle appears. A look, a smile, words or actions will definitely give her away sooner or later. And she will become distant. Thoughts about another man will come first, so a dreamy expression on her face and deep thoughtfulness are also some of the signs of cheating.

How to recognize your wife's cheating behavior?

You can understand that your spouse is unfaithful by changing behavior. Often a woman, having started a romantic relationship “on the side,” quickly loses interest in what is happening in her own family, from household chores and hobbies to sex with her husband.

All the lady’s thoughts are occupied with the new man. They are distracted by the need to cook food, keep the house in order, and take care of the children. All this begins to noticeably irritate, the woman tries to avoid doing her usual household chores, avoiding the company of household members, preferring to be alone with her phone or tablet.

However, some married ladies, subconsciously trying to make amends and hide the fact of betrayal, begin to behave unnaturally friendly and caring. This is the second common extreme of behavior among women who have broken their promise to be faithful spouses.

IMPORTANT: Any obvious change in the wife’s behavior may be the “first bell.” But this does not mean that betrayal has already happened. Perhaps, tired of everyday life and an uninteresting husband, the woman just decided to add bright colors to her own life.

Signs of female infidelity: 15 points

An unexpected change in a wife’s appearance and behavior is not all that can hint to her husband about her infidelity. There are many other signs, and here are the most obvious ones:

  1. She always has her phone with her, messages on social media. networks are hidden. Even if the cheating wife doesn’t betray herself outwardly, she will keep the phone as far away from her husband’s eyes as possible. If a woman corresponds with her lover online, then she will probably change the passwords for the pages.
  2. Diet, fitness, swimming pool. The wife suddenly began to actively take care of herself, she is very concerned about how she looks. For no apparent reason she went on a diet or joined a gym. Well, we don’t even need to talk about the fact that a woman who had lost weight and pumped up urgently needed new dresses and several sets of openwork underwear. Of course, she will also change her hairstyle and do a manicure. It's simple. She needs to impress her new partner.
  3. Her best friend needs help more and more often. Today she tearfully asks to sit with the children for a day, and next week to help with wallpapering. A few days later, there is again an urgent matter that the friend is not able to handle on her own. In general, this very friend began to appear in your life too often. But only she herself may not be aware of this, and all the stories about her friend may in fact turn out to be a cover. When the spouse once again goes to “help”, it will be enough to surprise the women and visit them. Perhaps no more evidence will be needed.
  4. The wife began to stay late at work, attend corporate events, and spend her free time in a new company. She returns from such meetings in high spirits, but it quickly deteriorates at home.
  5. The wife began to criticize and compare, using other men as an example., although before everything suited her.
  6. The woman no longer seeks to spend time together. There are no more cozy family evening gatherings in the kitchen over a cup of tea, she does not ask her husband about work, does not talk about her affairs.
  7. The wife stopped arguing and begging. She no longer proves that she is right. She silently steps over the socks scattered around the apartment, and silently carefully puts the kitchen cabinet door hanging on one hinge into place.
  8. She now prefers to visit friends and relatives herself. She explains this to her husband in different ways, but there are always reasons not to go together. He also doesn’t allow himself to be met in the evening.
  9. She started missing calls. Then suddenly it turns out that the phone is “malfunctioning”, discharged, or even left at home. Of course, none of this is true.
  10. Advanced training courses, trainings, failure at work- all these are reasons to stay. Well, the phone, of course, will turn on only after the end of the “training”.
  11. The woman began to avoid looking at her. And if he suddenly meets his husband’s eyes by chance, he will hasten to turn away or leave the room with a preoccupied look.
  12. She is irritated by any physical contact. Gentle hugs and kisses are a thing of the past. If the husband expresses his dissatisfaction, the wife suggests taking a mistress.
  13. She complains about lack of communication. She blames her husband for this, although she herself pushes him away at the man’s first attempt to improve the relationship.
  14. She no longer meets halfway in conversations and actions. All the husband's actions are harshly criticized or ridiculed. It seems that she no longer cares whether the family survives.
  15. Changes in sex. Marital sex will not remain the same. The wife may completely lose interest in the once desirable man, or, on the contrary, she may suddenly take the initiative and offer a new position or game in bed. But this is worth talking about separately.

One of the signs of female infidelity is indifference to her husband

Sexual signs of wife's infidelity

A wife's attempts in all ways can be considered a sexual sign of female infidelity avoid sex. She either falls asleep before her husband, or finds “urgent” things to do around the house and finishes them when her husband has already fallen asleep. This can go on for quite a long time, and when the deceived husband still manages to get sex from his legal wife, surprises may await him in bed:

  • She became cold and indifferent. Passion, mutual caresses and hugs, kisses and games - it’s all as if it never happened. It seems that she tolerates sex with her husband, and does not enjoy it.
  • My wife unexpectedly asked me to diversify sex. Perhaps she has developed new techniques, she has become more relaxed or demanding. This behavior can be perceived as an attempt to compare a husband with a lover - who can give more in sex?
  • In a fit of passion, the name of another man flew out of the lips of his beloved wife. There is no need to comment here.

One of the signs of female infidelity is reluctance to have sex with your husband

Physiological signs of female infidelity

A woman's body can also tell the story of infidelity. Evidence of infidelity may include:

  • Foreign odors. Be it the smell of men's perfume, sweat, or, conversely, body odor after a shower. Many men will be able to accurately determine by smell whether their spouse had sex “on the side.” By the way, if after sex with her lover she had time to swim, then she probably updated her makeup and hairstyle.
  • Facial skin irritation. After a passionate encounter, a woman’s cheeks and chin may remain irritated and reddened by male stubble.
  • Bruises of unknown origin. On the chest, legs, arms, thighs. And you never know where else. It is advisable for the wife to explain their origin.

Bruises of unknown origin on a woman’s body are one of the signs of infidelity

How to recognize your wife's infidelity by looking at your underpants?

Those who are looking for a way to recognize their wife’s infidelity by looking at their underpants will be quite surprised. This sign is not any marks left on the underwear during sex, but the underwear itself.

If buying a new set at least once a week has recently become a pattern, most likely the woman quite often enters into sexual contact with someone she wants to impress. If this lucky man is not a husband, then any other signs of betrayal become secondary.

A wife can buy sexy underwear before another betrayal

Those men who are looking for a way to bring their wife out into the open actually need to start from a completely different side, namely from themselves. While the missus is once again “late at work,” it’s worth thinking about why everything happened this way.

Perhaps the woman’s infidelity was preceded by her requests to be heard, loved and desired? After all, it is often husbands who push women into the arms of strange men.

In many cases, female infidelity occurs at the moment when the husband turns away in difficult times, instead of lending a shoulder. A woman needs male attention, and if she doesn’t get it in the family, she will definitely get it on the side.

Perhaps now is the time to “gather stones”? And if this is really the case, the right thing to do would not be to look for signs of his wife’s infidelity, but to have a frank conversation with his wife, which may still be able to save the family.

Video: Does a girl cheat? Signs and how to check

Almost every woman has thought about cheating on her husband. Some caught him with his mistress, others suspect, and still others believe that he cannot do this. Of course, it’s good if such a topic is of concern only for its own development, but if this has already happened, then you need to be able to recognize it. Moreover, it can be prevented.

Betrayal greatly traumatizes the heart and drives you to rage. It refers to the relationship of a married man with any other woman other than his wife. There are 2 types of betrayal:

  1. Constant betrayal. The connection did not happen by chance, it happens over a long period of time.

  2. Accidental betrayal. It was not planned and happened once.

Psychologists believe that in terms of frequency, infidelity in men and women occurs equally. But their reactions are different. For men, sex is a physical act, and for women it is affection. This means that cheating on your husband is very traumatic.

Men experience less emotion during sexual intercourse. According to psychologists, certain types of men have a tendency to cheat:

  1. Macho. Such men want to constantly increase their importance. Women's attention boosts their self-esteem. Macho men consider cheating to be a sign of strength.

  2. Sissy. Such a man has been dependent on his mother since childhood. In his youth, he has a lot of complexes and tries to assert himself by looking for lovers.

  3. An aging womanizer. These men are constantly trying to look younger. By cheating on his wife with a young woman, his self-esteem increases. This type of behavior occurs in men over 40 years of age.

  4. Justified by status. Currently, a man who is in a high position and does not have a mistress can cause various suspicions, for example, he is sick, of the wrong orientation, etc.

In some cases, a man who is not one of the above types may also cheat.

Everyone has long known the image of an ideal man who should have an athletic build, care for a woman, etc. And it would seem that nothing else is needed for the happiness of a married couple, but this is not so.

Psychologists say that there are certain reasons for male infidelity:

  1. Emotional discomfort at home. Mostly men have to work hard. After which the man needs to have a good rest. If, instead of rest, the wife reproaches and demands something, then betrayal is very close. A man will find a woman who will be grateful to him.

  2. Cheating wife. If a woman cheated, then the man wants to answer her in kind.

  3. My wife became uninteresting. This case is not uncommon. Mostly attention is lost due to different interests. For example, a businessman is interested in management methods, while a woman prefers the topic of cooking.

Over time, the spouses have no common affairs, and they prefer only personal interests. For such a man, betrayal is not meaningful and sexual intercourse becomes a technical process.

Also, a man’s betrayal can occur due to insufficient attention from his beloved. Victims include certain types of wives.

What kind of women get cheated on

Why do some wives manage to live in happiness and joy, while others constantly experience betrayal? Psychologists say that the couple themselves builds and destroys relationships, and betrayal can be caused by the woman’s behavior.

Men cheat on spouses who:

  1. Estranged from family. Family is not just about cooking, having a romantic evening or watching TV. Real relationships begin with concessions, with decisions that will help relatives, with an understanding of the activities of the husband and children. If there is no mutual understanding, then betrayal occurs.

  2. Powerful. The husband will not long agree with the power of a woman over himself, but he himself will look to the left, and later go there.

  3. Fatal. Women who manipulate men lose their happiness very quickly. Infidelities begin to appear.

To prevent such an incident from happening in the family, a woman must pay attention to her behavior. It is important to remember that betrayal cannot happen in a vacuum; there must be a reason.