A huge selection of gifts for a faience wedding. Nine wedding anniversary

After four metal anniversaries - cast iron, zinc, copper and tin - the turn of the earthenware wedding came. The nine years lived could have made the family’s life fun and happy, despite the difficulties that had befallen them, or they could have created cracks in the relationship. Let's try to understand: 9 wedding years - what kind of wedding?

Symbolism of 9 wedding years

This anniversary has two symbols: chamomile and earthenware, as well as two opposing interpretations of the last symbol.

  • Chamomile has long been associated with summer, sunshine, warmth and love. Which girl hasn’t told fortunes on the petals of a daisy for the love of her chosen one? But on the day of a chamomile wedding, a bouquet of these flowers should remain untouched, because the years we have lived together have already answered the question of whether he loves or not. From this day on, family relationships symbolically begin to flourish.
  • Faience is a material that is created from three types of clay. By this time, a family usually has at least three people: husband, wife and child. Most types of everyday tableware are made from earthenware. Optimists claim that with every day spent together, a family becomes stronger, and family relationships are like a faience cup filled with strong aromatic tea - a symbol of a close-knit and friendly family. Faience is stability and a comfortable life. The opposite version considers the ninth year to be a turning point in the life of a family, because at this time the divorce rate increases. The fragility of relationships is reflected in sayings about a broken cup that cannot be mended and the gift of fragile dishes made of earthenware, porcelain and crystal.

Facts and traditions of the faience anniversary

Since faience consists of several types of clay, it has the ability to absorb the negative energy of food and environment, and in return highlight the positive. This is what makes it necessary to thoroughly wash the dishes and periodically replace them with new ones that do not have a negative history. A short stay under running water cleans the dishes, but not completely. To completely “erase” the energy, you need to keep clean dishes in the sun for at least 12 hours. After all, it was not for nothing that in the villages they hung pots and jars on the fence to dry in the summer - thus, the dishes acquired the necessary properties. Nowadays, dishes can be kept on a balcony or loggia.

Apparently, the subconscious desire to “zero” the energy of the family gave rise to the tradition of celebrating earthenware weddings among very close people, if possible in nature. The most memorable and fun tradition is breaking dishes. It allows you to get rid of the negative energy accumulated over the past years. There are several options for this action.

  1. Break all the old earthenware that is in the house. By breaking tired sets, spouses seem to get rid of unforgotten grievances and unresolved problems of their past life. The pieces from the first plate are put into a beautiful box and kept as a family heirloom. New dishes, presented on the anniversary or purchased together, seem to renew family relationships, making them more stable and strong.
  2. You can arrange a competition by involving other married couples in this entertainment. The conditions are very different - depending on who will break the required number of plates faster, who will have more fragments, etc. The only immutable condition is that you only need to break old dishes.
  3. The festive feast begins with the spouses breaking nine old plates, holding their edges together. At this time, guests count out loud. After all nine plates are broken, the newlyweds exchange a kiss, which should also end when the count is nine. The fragments cannot be removed until the end of the holiday, so it is advisable to break the dishes in a place where they cannot be stepped on.

Another tradition is cleaning up the fragments: spouses must do this together. The friendly sweeping away of the fragments will once again prove that the past years of family life have united and strengthened this union, and many years of a happy life lie ahead.

If during the wedding they tested the bride, whether she is a neat person or a housewife, then on the day of the earthenware wedding this test can be repeated. While breaking the dishes, change is scattered, and then they see what the subject will do first - collect money or clean up the trash. This test can also be turned into a fun competition - which of the spouses will collect more money or fragments. Whoever has more money is the owner, and whoever has more fragments is the keeper of the hearth.

Gifts for 9th wedding anniversary

Of course, on this day it is customary to give all types of faience - from a tea mug to a faience bathtub or sink.

  • They give tea and table sets, simple everyday dishes, figurines and decorative plates with beautiful pictures. Any, even the most ordinary dish, can be made exclusive if you put a photograph of the spouses or their entire family on it.
  • The dishes can also be made of glass or crystal, but then it is advisable to pack them in paper with the image of daisies.
  • A classic gift is Gzhel. This beautiful earthenware will long preserve memories of celebrating the ninth anniversary of marriage and will add special comfort to any apartment.
  • Of course, flowers! A bouquet of daisies given by your spouse will prove without any fortune-telling that he really loves you. Daisies given by guests will become a symbol of sunny relationships in the family, which will not be overshadowed by any disagreements.

When presenting your gift, wish the couple a strong and sunny relationship, but at the same time do not forget about their fragility, which can destroy what was created with a careless word or action.

9 years of marriage have passed. What kind of wedding is up to the husband and wife to decide: the safety of the family depends equally on both spouses. There are porcelain sets that were created centuries ago and still do not have a single crack. So let every union be like such a service!

- Sale of great items for gifts.

A faience (chamomile) wedding is celebrated after 9 years of marriage. During this time, the family has become strong and is unlikely to fall apart. Many of you are already wondering why the 9th wedding anniversary was named after such a fragile material? There are rumors that the ninth year is one of the most difficult years in life together. It is also called the “critical year”. Also, earthenware is a symbol of successful life. Therefore, this anniversary is a milestone after which permanence and stability appear. It is logical to assume that porcelain items should be given as gifts on this date, especially since, according to tradition, husband and wife break dishes for good luck. Therefore, don’t be too surprised if the next day only fragments remain of the plate you gave. You can also give a figurine. The figurine can depict a couple in love or doves - as a symbol of peace and goodness.

But the wedding is not only earthenware, but also chamomile. Chamomile has long been considered a symbol of love. It is no coincidence that our ancestors used daisies to tell fortunes. Chamomile is also a symbol of summer. This date symbolizes the approaching blossoming of married life. Some even advise celebrating this anniversary in nature. Therefore, you can use a picture with a flower meadow as a gift. Towels and tablecloths with a chamomile pattern can also serve as a gift. The most important thing when choosing a gift is to think about whether it will be useful to the spouses.

But if you settled on a porcelain theme, then perhaps it’s worth giving something else, because it may turn out that the couple will be overwhelmed with sets and plates from other guests of the celebration. There are many alternatives. For example, a beautiful decorative plate that will stand on the kitchen shelf. As an option, a cup that will hint that a broken cup cannot be mended. By the way, the European name for this anniversary is willow (or willow).

Creative people can be given a still life depicting some kind of dishes. You can also give a monetary gift with the plate. If you like symbolic gifts, you can do the following: give the spouses a modeling kit from which they must make a plate, and if they wish, they can paint it. The gift will symbolize the importance of the spouses in each other’s lives. This will be a hint that they themselves are the “creators” of their relationships, and they themselves determine the colors in their lives.

People who love adventure and hiking can take an excursion to a porcelain factory. When they see how fragile this material is, the couple may want to strengthen their relationship. And the excursion will be fun.

If you like banality, then give a huge vase of daisies. Daisies will leave an indelible impression on the owners of the house, and the vase will remain and serve as a long-lasting memory of this pleasant gift.

Don't forget about the souvenir shops. This is the joker in any difficult gift choice. You can literally find everything here. Experienced and competent sellers will advise you and help you choose the right gift. All you have to do is purchase it and solemnly present it.

And finally, a few words about what to give spouses to each other. The wife might want to give her husband a toilet or washbasin. Yes Yes! It is the toilet or washbasin. This will be a hint that it may be time to make repairs, and thereby encourage him to do this. If you don’t need repairs, then a gift in the form of a faience beer mug is quite possible. If your husband doesn’t even need a beer mug, then you can give him any item, giving along with this gift a porcelain figurine. By doing so, you will preserve the traditions of wedding anniversaries.

According to popular tradition, anniversaries of family life are celebrated every year. Any wedding date is symbolic and has its own name. If you are thinking about what to give your husband for his 9th wedding anniversary, you need to look for gifts for a earthenware wedding. This is what the 9-year wedding anniversary is called. There are different opinions about why such an anniversary is named this way. Some people believe that after 9 years of marriage, a relationship becomes as fragile as porcelain. But at the same time, there are beliefs that, on the contrary, a nine-year marriage is strong and difficult to break up. However, you can't do without an anniversary gift.

The name of this date in itself inspires many to give dishes as a present, but any husband, even the most economical one, is unlikely to be incredibly pleased with such a gift, so let’s take a break from tradition and try to include creativity.

For those who are deciding what to give their husband for his 9th wedding anniversary, we recommend paying attention to gift awards. A gift reward is the ideal solution for those who believe that their other half lacks words of love and gratitude. Moreover, the occasion is most suitable. Give your beloved spouse an Award figurine *To your beloved husband for faith and fidelity* or an order with the inscription “To the most caring.” One of these awards will cause a good mood for a long time and a firm belief that, despite the everyday bustle of the family, the spouse always remembers him and appreciates everything that her husband does for her.

Of course, there is always the possibility of choosing an award model with any other engraving suitable for the situation. In this case, you can choose a product without a specific inscription; such a solution is suitable for lovers of original and unique ideas. In this case, the hero of the occasion will receive a personal award made especially for him.

However, in addition to the rewards, you can always pick up something original and interesting. So, when thinking about what to give your husband for his 9 year wedding anniversary, give him the “Who cares” Anti-Watch. This is an extraordinary watch that will surprise you with both its extraordinary design and its paradoxical operating principle. The fact is that the hands of this clock go in the opposite direction. So it’s not possible to find out what time it is from them. And is it necessary when you have your beloved and caring wife nearby for almost ten years?

Another successful example of a worthy present for the Ninth Wedding Anniversary is the stylish Globus Bar. Such a stylish piece of furniture has a masculine character and will never go unnoticed by guests of a hospitable home. Bottles with your favorite alcoholic drinks will fit here, as well as several wine glasses for comfortable drinking. You can present this gift already filled.

9 years is the wedding anniversary, which is called earthenware. The first anniversary will come only in a year, but for now the family is going through a very interesting period. On the one hand, the relationship has become strong, there are no secrets between husband and wife. On the other hand, this harmony can be disrupted at any moment. It’s the same with earthenware - the material is strong, but dishes made from it easily break into small fragments. Over the years, relationships harden, and what awaits ahead is as a symbol of the strength of the relationship. It is interesting to compare similar materials - porcelain is harder, and earthenware is porous. In the meantime, he is waiting for his family. What gifts for a faience wedding will be relevant – we’ll tell you all about it in the article. Interestingly, this date is also called the chamomile wedding. This flower is a symbol of tenderness and pure love.

Gifts for husband

Men love practical gifts, so a present for your husband should be useful. We offer you such interesting ideas.

  • A high-quality beer mug made of earthenware, possibly with the symbols of your favorite type of foamy drink. He will be happy to taste it from his personal dishes.
  • If your spouse smokes, give him a good ashtray. Smoking is a kind of relaxation; let him be surrounded by beautiful things in moments of relaxation.
  • For lovers of fine tobacco, you can give a good hookah with a faience base for 9 years from your wedding day. Don’t forget to buy coal and several types of tobacco with your spouse’s favorite flavors.
  • Since the wedding has the second name of chamomile, you can present a high-quality tea cup with the image of these flowers.

Gifts for wife

If you don’t know what to give your wife for her 9th wedding anniversary, if she has everything, then our tips will help you. In everyday life, among household chores, there is always a place for celebration.

  • Be sure to wake up your beloved in the morning with a beautiful bouquet of daisies. You can also decorate the bedroom with inflatable daisies made from balloons while she is sleeping, ordering them in advance by courier for the morning.
  • As a gift, you can present a set of stylish jewelry with earthenware inserts: brooch, bracelet, ring, earrings and pendant.
  • A beautiful sundress with daisies or other clothes with this pattern. You just need to choose exactly the size and favorite style. If there is even the slightest doubt, it is better to go to the store together.
  • Women love stylish trinkets, so beautiful figurines, napkin holders and plates to decorate the kitchen will be a great gift option.

General gifts for family

If you have been invited to a celebration and you don’t know what you can give for your 9th wedding anniversary for the whole family, then our advice will definitely come in handy. Below we will also present interesting ideas for a couple who wants to buy something to make this day memorable.

  • Practical gifts made of earthenware - a tea set or table set will be a good gift option for the family.
  • If you order a cake, be sure to decorate it with mastic daisies. And to go with it, buy chamomile tea for a family tea party from new cups.
  • You can also bake a pie in the shape of a chamomile and decorate it with cream, it will be both delicious and symbolic.
  • You can order now fashionable ceramic plates with a picture of a family photo, which will then decorate the living room.
  • Another option for a modern gift is to make an imprint of the hands of all household members on earthenware and arrange it in the form of a picture to hang on the wall. It can be decorated with a memorable inscription.
  • A good gift option for spouses would be a flowerpot with decorative chamomile flowers, which will decorate their bedroom.
  • For creativity, you can buy a special set, which includes earthenware and molds for making various crafts from it.

Gifts for children

Of what parents usually give to their children, useful and practical gifts predominate. Be sure to respect the lady of the house with a bouquet of daisies. We also offer such interesting options.

  • Set of bed linen with daisy print. You can also give a chair cover and a blanket.
  • Faience candlesticks with a set of beautiful candles will come in handy for a romantic dinner.
  • And so that the dinner can be held in a special atmosphere for the children, you can take the grandchildren to your place for a couple of days.

Gifts for parents

Older people find memorabilia especially valuable. You can give them everything that we listed above, as well as earthenware gifts that are dear to your heart.

  • Faience amulets for an apartment - for example, wind chimes or figurines with zodiac signs.
  • A baking dish for mom in the shape of a daisy or a set of beautiful dishes with drawings of these flowers. Or muffin tins.
  • You can find an original pancake pan in the shape of a chamomile on sale, so that your mother will delight you and your grandchildren with delicious pancakes when you visit.

Symbolic and inexpensive gifts

It is not at all necessary to give something expensive - after all, the main thing is not the gift, but the attention. Presents from the heart are what is always appreciated.

  • Personalized earthenware pendants with names are a great memorial option. You can pack them in a box with daisy paper.
  • You can order pancakes from the confectionery with cream daisies, with notes with wishes hidden inside.
  • Earthenware cups with photographs are cool gift options, especially since they are inexpensive, but always bring a lot of positive emotions.

DIY gifts

If all of the above gift ideas do not suit you, we offer excellent handmade gift ideas.

  • A crocheted panel or poncho made from daisy details is not so difficult, but very original.
  • Bake a cake or pancakes and decorate them with fondant daisies. You can eat them with pleasure.
  • Plant a decorative indoor chamomile in a pot in advance and present it to the family, let it decorate the house.
  • Embroidered tablecloths or personalized napkins with daisies will come in handy; this is a gift that is valued very highly, because the soul is invested in it.
  • If you weave from beads, you can make a symbolic daisy and give it to your other half.
  • Don’t forget to also decorate each gift with a hand-made daisy made from paper or felt to emphasize its symbolism.
  • Make a daisy out of earthenware with your own hands, paint it and apply a memorable inscription.

Original gifts and jokes

If all of the above does not suit you, there is nothing better than treating your family and friends with something special. We offer such interesting creative gifts on the occasion of the 9th wedding anniversary.

  • Buy a chessboard with alcohol checkers, the glasses of which are made of earthenware, from a joke store. Such a gift will greatly please an adult company.
  • A bottle of homemade chamomile vodka will definitely come to the table; you can accompany it with a toast about the benefits of this plant with wishes of health and longevity.
  • And to make family leisure even more interesting, you can go to the amusement park and see the Romashka carousel.

Universal gifts

If you don’t want to give themed gifts, then there is a list of options that will always come in handy for any occasion.

  • Any hobby-themed gifts are ideal. For the husband - fishing gear or a scarf with the symbols of his favorite football team. And for my wife - a set of good knitting needles and high-quality threads.
  • Household appliances that will make the housewife's work easier: an egg cooker, an omelette maker, a popcorn maker or a marinator, something original and useful for the home.
  • Original gift ideas for the whole family - give a photo session in a chamomile field; it usually blooms in early summer. Also a good option would be a trip out of town or to the sea, where everyone can finally be together.

What flowers to give for a faience anniversary

As we noted above, 9 years of marriage is also a chamomile wedding. Therefore, be sure to add a bouquet of these delicate flowers to all gifts.

bouquet of daisies

What is the name of the anniversary of 9 years together, what kind of wedding is celebrated at this time, what to give to a husband or wife on such a day, and what traditions should be taken into account when congratulating the spouses? Let's consider these issues in more detail.

According to folk superstitions, the ninth is earthenware or chamomile.

What do these names mean?

In a year, the couple will celebrate their first serious anniversary, which means it’s time to take stock, solve problems, and strengthen everyday life.

On the one hand, the husband and wife are already accustomed to each other’s shortcomings and do not notice them, but on the other hand, it is during this period that long-standing misunderstandings often develop into insoluble contradictions and the marriage becomes the most vulnerable.

These features of 9 years of marriage reflect such different designations of the event.

Chamomile is a flower that symbolizes love in Russian culture. An unmarried girl tells fortunes with a chamomile, picking off the petals and dreaming of a future wedding. And after so many years of marriage, the flowers in the bouquet remain intact, because feelings have been verified and there is no longer any need to doubt them.

Relationships in a nine-year marriage are full of trust and confidence in each other

Faience wedding is the second name of this date. It is believed that during this period a certain crisis occurs in the relationship. They become fragile, like earthenware.

But some people interpret this designation in a positive sense: earthenware is expensive ceramics, which means that by the age of 9 a certain amount of prosperity had developed in the family.

There is an option that since tea is brewed especially strong in cups made of this material, relationships become so after so many years from the wedding day.

How to celebrate

It has been customary to celebrate anniversaries of marriage since time immemorial. Every anniversary should be celebrated in a special way.

The 9th wedding anniversary should be celebrated in a narrow family circle.

Cozy atmosphere, beautiful new dishes, delicious tea, a bouquet of daisies are mandatory attributes of the holiday.

A family lunch at home or a picnic in the open air will be the best way to spend time together

If the wedding took place on a summer day, then a picnic with tea would be an excellent option. In winter, you can organize gatherings in a bathhouse or sauna: you can’t invite a large group there, but those closest to you can warm up in the warmth of the family hearth; tea drinking, which is obligatory on this holiday, is especially appropriate there.

At any time of the year you can book a table in a restaurant for two or not a large number of dearest people.

However, it should be taken into account that some mandatory customs cannot be observed if the earthenware wedding is celebrated in a cafe. For a nice anniversary congratulation, watch this video:

For the celebration, guests, and especially “young” ones, are recommended to wear pink or red outfits. Or at least complement your look with clothing items in these colors.

Folk traditions

What customs are associated with a faience wedding, what should you give and remember to give to the heroes of the occasion and guests on this day?

  1. A bouquet of daisies is a must-have gift for a faience wedding. But if the wife is not sure that her beloved man or one of the guests will present a bouquet of these wildflowers, then she should definitely make sure that they are present as a decoration for the room. After all, chamomile is a special mystical flower in Slavic culture. It symbolizes love and fidelity in marriage, a strong relationship cemented for life by marriage.
  2. Tea party. An important part of the celebration that should be given special attention. A faience wedding presupposes the presence of dishes made of fine, expensive ceramics on the table. A woman can bake his favorite cake as a congratulation to her husband.
  3. Shards of dishes. According to folk superstitions, when congratulating each other, spouses should break 9 plates together. This custom symbolizes that after 9 years have passed since the wedding, no matter what problem or omission mars the relationship, the family forgets each other’s sins and grievances, just as they forget about broken dishes.
  4. Cleaning up the debris. According to one interpretation of this tradition of celebrating 9 wedding years, a man and a woman together collect pieces of broken plates and throw them away. Thus, all troubles leave the family hearth. According to another version, the fragments are put into a beautiful box, which is kept as a symbol of new life without mutual insults and reproaches.
  5. Buying new dishes. According to popular belief, all old kitchen utensils must be thrown away and replaced with new ones, preferably donated ones. A beautiful presentation for anniversaries in this video:

Gift options

The question of what to give for a faience wedding is asked by both the newlyweds and those invited to the celebration.

A woman can please her beloved with a masterpiece of homemade baking or cooking.

Such a gift reflects the warmth and reliability of the family hearth, and is also an excellent addition to the tea drinking required on this holiday. A man should definitely present his wife with daisies as a congratulation on her wedding day. The presented bouquet should be placed on the festive table as a symbol of love, fidelity and a happy married life.

A wife can please her husband with delicious pastries, and her husband with a beautiful bouquet

An excellent solution would be if the spouses exchange unusual mugs on this day, individually selected taking into account each other’s tastes and desires. You can write “9 years wedding anniversary” on the cups.

Guests can present the family with a beautiful, expensive earthenware set, and if it is difficult to find, then a porcelain set of dishes with patterns in the form of daisies or items made of fine expensive ceramics will be quite suitable.

Figurines, souvenirs, expensive photo frames, decorative vases and flower pots, wrapped in red gift paper or tied with pink ribbons, will also be good.

Graceful figurines and beautiful vases will be a good gift for spouses

Cool T-shirts are also quite suitable as a gift from spouses to each other. You can decorate them with funny inscriptions, funny pictures, or simply the words “chamomile wedding 9 years old.”

Words on the day of celebration

What to say or write in a card to the heroes of the occasion so that the wish is remembered and touched? Below are options for congratulations on your 9th wedding anniversary.

9 year wedding anniversary cards must include daisies.

It is not necessary to follow all the traditions in your congratulations, because it is impossible to take into account every sign.

But by reflecting the most striking features of this date in your gift, you can present your dear friends with an unforgettable wedding gift.