Aquarius man: a loyal and devoted friend or a free romantic. Aquarius man: characteristics, what kind of women he likes

Many girls dream of attracting an Aquarius man. Who is able to unconditionally resist the charms of a representative of this controversial sign? An independent idealist, an active sloth with a significant share of adventurism, daring and mysterious with his inventiveness, he attracts women to him like fire attracts a butterfly. He knows how to please and does it willingly. Who can captivate such a man? what kind of girls do Aquarius like?? It is very difficult to find a definite answer to this question, but it is worth trying. After all, Aquarians, having found their ideal, remain faithful to it to the end. You definitely won’t be bored with him.
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Enchanting and sparkling Aquarius takes a very responsible approach to finding his chosen one. Having once created in his imagination the image of an ideal woman, he will subconsciously adjust each new girlfriend to him. Then, what kind of girls does Aquarius like, how can you best match his ideas? As a rule, he wants to see in his ideal a like-minded woman rather than a lover. Aquarius has a specific attitude towards love: he loves everyone and no one, plays with feelings and is afraid to lose. As soon as he realizes that he has fallen into a network, life takes on different colors for him. Although he can achieve feelings beautifully and brightly. He is ready to neglect love for the sake of friendship. That is why his chosen one should become a friend first and foremost. This implies a lack of display of feelings. It is better to show your love for him in the form of care.

You will have to adapt to Aquarius, although this is not easy to do because of the contradictory nature of his actions. His notorious maximalism and idealism give way to an adventurous streak and then he is capable of recklessness. It is best to accept it as it is; all attempts to remake it turn into a utopia. In front of Aquarius, you simply need to be open and sincere; his excessive suspicion and desire for total control can turn a small omission or lie into a theater of the absurd.

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Aquarians, sociable and inventive themselves, look for unpredictability in women and the ability to captivate their interlocutor. At the first sign of boredom, they may not give a second chance and will simply go “nowhere”. The desire to control their life may also seem boring to them. Control is their prerogative and they always reserve this right for themselves.

What will ruin the chances of love for Aquarius

Before finding out what kind of women Aquarius men like, you should find out what they categorically do not accept. Aquarians have one mysterious trait - they miraculously manage not to hear other people's opinions, believing that it simply cannot exist. Therefore, a girl prone to arguments literally has no chance of becoming a companion on the life path of Aquarius. At the very first argument, she will become an enemy, without ever having had time to be a friend.

Aquarius men are amazing creatures who can turn their woman’s life into a continuous exotic carnival. The main thing is to find a way to them.

Each zodiac sign has different preferences. For some, strong and powerful people who want to lead are suitable. Some go to the other extreme: modest individuals with an excellent student complex are suitable for them. Everyone has completely different tastes. The representative of this sign is a rather mysterious person and needs a person with a similar character. Young people born under this constellation are fair, friendly, and tolerant of others. They strive to create a couple with a sincere partner.

Preferences in appearance

What kind of women do Aquarius men love? This question is asked by many who have chosen a representative of this zodiac sign and want to live up to his ideal. He is unlikely to change his beloved, he does not want to see pretense, he wants her to always remain herself and behave naturally, but at the same time keep her in her soul, so that he will be interested in unraveling her throughout his life. He prefers girls who strive to start a family, give their children everything that is most important, pamper them, surprise and delight them.

For him, she should always look well-groomed and beautiful. He will not tolerate a young lady next to him who does not take care of her figure and hairstyle, does not play sports, and does not strive for something better. For such guys, people with bright and rich hair color will suit them, who attract attention and look quite interesting. His beloved should have taste in clothes and her own style. She is not necessarily tall and very skinny. He is also suitable for petite young ladies whom he wants to protect.

Personality preferences

She must first of all remain a mystery: constantly intrigue him, prepare some surprises. He will certainly appreciate it. This young man likes to discover new character traits in his beloved every day. She must certainly be cheerful and cheerful. He is also attracted to inaccessible ladies who always remain at arm's length.

What kind of girls do Aquarius like? They are attracted to friendly and open personalities with whom they can talk about various topics. They enjoy talking about computer games, sports, and human rights. She must certainly be educated and smart enough to be able to support a conversation on such topics. The ideal would be someone who has similar interests. They will play board games, play sports, and watch movies together.

He will never be pleased with someone who will make scenes of jealousy and envy others. He needs an open and respectable person. But she must be able to surprise him in order to temporarily push routine and everyday life aside. He wants to be looked after when he is sick, to make him laugh when he is sad. If she succeeds, he will consider her a real ideal. At the same time, she should be cheerful and cheerful. He values ​​these qualities above all else. The main thing is that he is interested. For her, he will do everything possible so that she finally becomes happy.

The girl of his dreams should have the following characteristics:

  • openness;
  • emotionality;
  • sexuality.

Such a person will never choose a narcissistic person who cares only about her comfort and material wealth. He needs a person who will be on the same wavelength with him. And he appreciates girls who engage in self-development. It is necessary that she treats his pets well; by this sign he can understand how open she is. After all, if she loves animals, then she will treat him well. What kind of woman does an Aquarius man need? He will like an open and emotional soul mate who will not be shy about expressing his feelings openly.

He does not like women who have the following traits:

  • secrecy;
  • lack of emotion;
  • dryness.

Most of all he values ​​his own freedom. Therefore, if you want to break off relations with him, try to limit his freedom. He also needs someone who will not pull the blanket over herself and think only about herself; he needs a caring young lady who will understand him and believe in him. This is the only way to gain his trust and become a support for him. He must know that he is expected and received with joy. He must return from business trips and be sure that he will be welcomed with open arms. He is able to fully provide for his family, so the woman may not work at all. He is able to ensure her future, but will never limit her freedom, since freedom means a lot to him.

If she wants a family, then registering the relationship is the first necessity. However, a serious relationship can scare him away. For this reason, he should be brought to this decision slowly so that he understands that he really wants it. In sexual terms, he will not be particularly demanding of his partner, since sex for him is, first of all, a unity of souls, and not carnal pleasure. He is cold in bed, so he prefers a passionate and emotional personality who can rock him. He dreams of such a relationship that he is understood perfectly.

Aquarius women are bright, sociable, sincere and completely unusual. Such girls literally burst into another person’s life and make it completely different. And their natural attractiveness, extraordinary appearance and lack of complexes make them extremely popular among members of the opposite sex. And today many are interested in what an Aquarius woman is like in love? What qualities does he have? How to make her happy?

Aquarius woman: general characteristics of the sign

Without a twinge of conscience, such women can be called incredibly bright personalities. This is facilitated by their unusual appearance, as well as their passion for original outfits. For example, a girl can wear her great-grandmother's blouse without embarrassment and this approach always gives them the opportunity to remain in the center of attention - which is what they crave.

Such a woman is incredibly sociable - she always has many friends, of both sexes. Often it is she who becomes the soul of the company. The purpose of her life is the search for originality, the race for something new and unusual. Routine and gray everyday life make her deathly melancholy, even to the point of depression.

Aquarius in communication

As already mentioned, representatives of this sign cannot imagine their lives without constant communication and new acquaintances - they need this no less than air. They are erudite and well-read, so conversation with them is easy.

Such a woman chooses friends regardless of gender, age, nationality, religious beliefs - the main thing is that the person is interesting to communicate with. Since she openly discusses intimate topics, many men may perceive her as an object for bed pleasures - Aquarius cannot stand this, since she wants to be appreciated primarily as a person.

What job is suitable for an Aquarius woman?

Any profession that gives the opportunity to express and use one’s creative potential is suitable for such a lady. Don't forget that Aquarius is always looking for something new. A woman will devote herself completely to any work.

Such girls make good gardeners, fashion designers, designers - these activities provide enormous scope for constant experimentation. Often, Aquarius women choose for themselves or a teacher - here they are constantly trying to improve their teaching techniques, teaching children a non-standard approach.

In fact, any more or less creative profession is suitable for such a woman. But for them it is extremely important that there is a prospect of growth: as soon as the highest limit is reached, the work becomes uninteresting.

Aquarius woman: love horoscope

Such a woman is changeable in love. She often starts short-term affairs, but it is not always easy to persuade her to marry, since these obligations are perceived as a kind of cage.

Often behaves coldly, and sometimes a little distant. This doesn’t make her an “ice queen” at all; it’s just that showing her emotions, especially in public, is not easy.

Don't worry if your date doesn't ask about your life - it's likely that she's done a great job of getting to know you before the relationship began. Such people tend to remember even little things, carefully analyzing them and drawing up a portrait of their partner.

Such a woman is not too emotional, never finds fault with little things, is not jealous or offended, and always shows tolerance. Some men consider her an ideal partner who never causes unnecessary problems. On the other hand, you should respect her personal space, love her friends and not demand too much - excessive affection and attempts to control everything will make a woman leave.

Aquarius Woman: Sexual Horoscope

It’s worth saying right away that women born under this sign are almost completely devoid of any complexes. They don’t even try to hide their sexuality, and therefore often have short-term affairs.

An Aquarius woman in love strives for complete dedication. Accordingly, in bed she will do everything necessary to satisfy her beloved man. Such partners receive equal pleasure from giving and receiving affection. Any whim or fantasy of a partner is fulfilled almost instantly - the Aquarius woman does not have any persistent psychological prejudices.

By the way, this feature often forces a girl to connect her life with older, and sometimes even elderly, partners who need care and consolation. An Aquarius woman can have an affair with an insecure man, as with him she will be able to fully exploit her potential.

If we are talking about a long-term relationship or marriage, then sex for a woman becomes something routine, but obligatory - a kind of ritual before bed. Such a wife will rarely refuse her husband, as she loves to pay attention.

What kind of man is suitable for a woman of this sign?

Of course, an Aquarius woman in love can become a real treasure. But she is special, so for complete happiness she needs an appropriate partner. She needs a person who can not only accept all her “oddities” and some character traits, but also help her discover something new in herself. So what kind of man is suitable for an Aquarius woman?

This sign has a good relationship with Aries, who are ready to praise the charms of a woman, engender confidence and self-love in her. But those born under the sign of Aquarius will be able to recognize themselves from a completely different side - this couple will always be open to new proposals and ready for extreme, sometimes even reckless tricks.

The union of Aquarius and Leo will be wonderful. Despite the fact that at first the woman will feel a little constrained by Leo’s possessive habits, she will be able to realize herself. Leos, in turn, can expand their worldview.

Libra is suitable for Aquarius women. These men are also a little “out of this world” and do not burden themselves with thoughts about the future or eternal fidelity. Together they will be able to sincerely enjoy today, forgetting about future problems.

The union of Aquarius and Sagittarius can become harmonious. A man will be pleased to see a spectacular woman next to him, while his partner will appreciate the easy attention of her beloved. Together they can indulge in their dreams.

By the way, such a woman would be perfectly suited to an Aquarius man, who would understand her perfectly. But such couples rarely have children, because they are so absorbed in each other that a third (even a child) will always be superfluous.

Let's look further at the love horoscope. An Aquarius woman is unlikely to get along with a man born under the signs of Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer. Naturally, such pairs often form, and at the initial stages all the differences in character and worldview even seem very tempting. But relationships usually end quickly.

What will a woman be like in marriage?

An Aquarius woman is just as extraordinary and unpredictable in love as in other areas of life. Quite often such girls get married at an early age, and just as often their first marriage ends in divorce.

If you dream of tying such a woman to the kitchen and loading her with household chores, then you can give up such attempts. Your wife will do first of all what she considers necessary. And although Aquarians rarely go into conflict, if they need to defend their own principles or views on life, the woman will stand her ground to the last.

It should be noted that some other features that such a girl has in love should include another important character trait - she is not prone to suspicion. This is not the wife who will rummage through your things or look through your phone call lists. After all, she has so many interests that there is no time left for surveillance. On the other hand, if you give her serious reasons for mistrust, the woman will simply leave.

Most often, Aquarius spouses remain faithful. On the other hand, an affair on the side is not excluded, especially if the woman manages to meet the right man. But in this case, she will most likely simply end the relationship, which has fallen into disrepair.

Aquarius woman as mother

In fact, such a woman often finds it difficult to adapt to the role of a mother. After all, there are so many colors in her life, so many things worthy of attention. And now the child becomes the center of her life - this can cause confusion.

But, be that as it may, Aquarius adapts to the situation relatively quickly. Such women become good, caring mothers who, from childhood, teach their children to be sincere and truthful.

Famous women born under this sign

In order to more accurately demonstrate the character traits of a woman of this sign, it is worth mentioning some famous representatives of the fair sex.

Many extraordinary women were born under this star, including the world-famous soothsayer Vanga, as well as the singer Anna German. Also Aquarius are Irina Slutskaya, Lyubov Orlova, Jennifer Aniston, Vera Brezhneva, Yulia Savicheva and Paris Hilton. Each of them became famous precisely because of their outstanding appearance, natural charm and complex character.

Aquarius man. Give him a foothold, and he will change the whole world. Then he will do it again and again, not because the world really needs improvement, but simply because Aquarius likes to feel like a creator. No not like this. CREATOR!

He craves change for the sake of change itself, and not for what it can bring him. And if this man is not restrained, he will easily turn his life and the lives of those around him into unintelligible chaos.

The Aquarius man is Goodwin. Great and terrible. He loves profanity and provocation, he likes to play with the feelings of others and train reality. And even if among the millions of his crazy ideas there are a couple of truly brilliant ones, he will not have enough strength and determination to implement them to the end. True, this does not prevent him from being successful in career and in demand by women.

His adventurism attracts attention to him - managers appreciate his unconventional solutions, and women are crazy about his mysterious actions. True, very often an Aquarius man is not forgiven for his mistakes, so it is difficult for him to build any long-term relationships.

The Aquarius man himself is looking for an ideal relationship. He is a maximalist to the core, compromises are not characteristic of him. Do you want to conquer an Aquarius man? He will have to live up to his ideas about the ideal world and the ideal woman.

The catch is that he often doesn’t know what his ideal woman should look like. He tries to look for her empirically, or one day he invents a certain Lady for himself and throughout his life he adapts all his women to this image. Often - unsuccessfully.

Aquarius is the strangest sign of the zodiac. And just as there are no two Aquarius women alike, there are no two identical men belonging to this sign. Therefore, we can only talk about a certain outline, about certain hints that give an approximate understanding of such people. And yet the site will try to figure out how to please such a man.

Character and behavior of an Aquarius man

Character and behavior of an Aquarius man

Lazy "perpetual motion machine"

The Aquarius man sometimes talks a lot, promises, but often does little. It’s easier for him to lie on the couch and dream than to get off the couch and do something. But if he gets up from this sofa, then you can forget about peace. He gushes with ideas in such a way that after just a little time you get a strong feeling that it would be better for him to continue lying there.

He can be both a great charlatan and a great genius - it all depends on whether he likes to be serious or whether he perceives the world as a big game library, as a platform for entertainment and pranks.

Condescension for the sake of condescension

The Aquarius man is condescending to others, but not because he is kind, but because he senses the imperfection of the world with every fiber of his soul. He doesn't turn a blind eye to flaws others, he puts up with them because he understands that he will still have to deal with what is. However, he suffers from the fact that those around him cannot live up to his ideas about the ideal world.

Help for the sake of help

The Aquarius man will be happy to help a friend or lover; he likes to take care of, be above circumstances, and solve other people's problems. It lifts him up self-esteem helps once again to feel like a Creator and Savior. Yes, yes, these are his ambitions. But we must give him his due - he does not demonstrate this. These sensations, so to speak, are exclusively for his internal use. Therefore, he does not expect gratitude for his actions. He is simply carrying his cross.

Craving for beauty

The Aquarius man really values ​​comfort and coziness, he likes beautiful and sophisticated things. True, sometimes his concept of beauty borders on bad taste and kitsch, but this is only if he grew up in a creative environment or is related to the world of art. In other cases, he is an impeccable pragmatist with subtle taste and instinct.

Life on a whim

The Aquarius man is well versed in technology and people, so he can prove himself in any field. Moreover, in all areas of his activity he uses the basics of psychology, which helps him avoid sharp corners in communication. Often he does not have system knowledge, but his inspiration is enormous, so he can “shoot” rarely, but very accurately. Sometimes other people use his ideas and the fruits of his labors, but this does not upset the Aquarius man very much, since his gaze is directed forward, and not into the past.

Lost heaven

But in his personal life, the Aquarius man often turns to relationships that ended a long time ago. Moreover, he tends to idealize these relationships. His problem is longing for the “lost paradise.” Therefore, if you want to be with him, be prepared for the fact that you will have to compete with his former lovers, since Aquarius sees the merits of past relationships only when these the relationship is over.

Idealism as a reason for loneliness

The desire for an ideal world and an ideal relationship often leads to the Aquarius man remaining lonely. No, he is not a recluse, but sometimes, having married early, become disillusioned and divorced, he no longer seeks to tie himself into a new marriage. He quickly finds the charm in bachelor life, and it is extremely rare to lure him down the aisle again.

He likes lonely evenings in silence, with a plate of something tasty and a book of a philosophical nature. Or in front of the TV, where he often chooses something from the realm of black humor. However, with no less pleasure he goes to visit people or goes to public places, but he prefers to treat fatigue with solitude.

You can talk about the Aquarius man endlessly, because he is so different, so multifaceted, so exceptional. We have already said the main thing, but every woman has her own Aquarius man, unlike anyone else. It is much more important to know how to please such a man, how a woman should behave in order not only to win such a man, but also to keep him.

How to please an Aquarius man

How to please an Aquarius man?

Be unconventional

First of all, the Aquarius man appreciates originality in women. And he is happy to “peck” at everything new. The main thing is that a woman is slightly crazy, ready for extravagant actions, something unconventional. This can be expressed in clothing, behavior, and thoughts.

Aquarius man: how to win him /

If you want to win Aquarius, don’t be like everyone else. Just remember that your difference from others is only a reason for acquaintance and for one-time sex. Then everything is much more complicated.

Don't let him get bored

An Aquarius man should not be bored with you. He must be constantly surprised and kept in good shape and in suspense. As soon as he realizes that he knows what next phrase you will say, how you will react to his action, how you will act in given circumstances, he will disappear into a thick fog.

Your predictability is the enemy of a relationship with such a man. Along with the “lost paradise,” he constantly yearns for “elusive beauty.” And if you can become a haze that is difficult to hold in your hands, he will become attached to you with all his soul.

But this, again, is at the stage of seduction. Since the contradictory Aquarius needs either everything or nothing, treason he won't forgive. And if you want to be with him, you will have to forget about other men - he will not forgive you even for light flirting on the side.

Study it and adapt

Aquarius's maximalism knows no bounds, and you have to come to terms with it. Be prepared for the fact that he is ready to discern signs of betrayal even in the most innocent act, and since his way of thinking, as a rule, differs sharply from the way of thinking of other people, it is difficult to even predict what he might react to inappropriately.

Give him a report

Wanting to always know where his woman is, the Aquarius man himself will never give an account of where he is, what he is doing, and when he will return. Total control on his part is annoying due to the fact that he himself does not allow anyone to encroach on his love of freedom.

What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull. And period. So, under no circumstances try to throw tantrums at him if he is late at work. And even more so, God forbid, turn off your phone if you are staying at a friend’s house or just want to be alone. He will easily understand and accept your plans, but only if he knows about them.

You can tie an Aquarius man to you by playing on his responsibility. For all his frivolity and recklessness, for all his brilliant ideas and desire for change, he has an amazing sense of duty. He is sensitive to children, to family and to obligations to those whom he has “tamed.”

On the one hand, for him this is just another, albeit peculiar, game, but on the other, as has already been said, he feels like a Savior, and he is very comfortable living with this feeling. And, perhaps, this is his weakest and most vulnerable place.

Do you want an Aquarius man to stay with you? Then convince him that without him you will be lost. And he will try to be there, even if you do not fit into the ideal framework. Although, who knows, maybe in fact the ideal woman for an Aquarius man is the one for whom he is the only means of survival.

There are weak Aquarius men and strong ones. In general, this is the unity of the devil and the angel.

They do not like acting, do not want to produce an effect, do not respect grandeur, but do not mind shocking others. They know how to do something nice, but mostly for themselves. They don’t want to be like anyone else, they want to be free from material values.

They always strive for power, prestige, and a high position in society.

Curious, drawn to the unknown. They will not stop until they know the truth. They never rush headlong into the pool. Generous and insightful.

There may be something soft, smooth, subtle about Aquarius men. Often they cannot choose between reason and instinct.

Many representatives of this sign are mystical and religious. Vegetarianism is respected. Always full of good intentions towards every person. They don't know what hatred is. They are simple, polite, trusting. The latter quality brings many problems.

Sometimes Aquarians are too naive and uninsightful. Such people lack a sense of remorse and guilt. They rarely restrain their sensitivity and step aside for a while in the event of an incorrect action.

Representatives of this sign always achieve their goal, albeit slowly.

If they are constantly told what to do or restrained, they can become unfriendly, unfriendly, rude, jealous, imprudent, and insensitive.

Which girls are attracted to?

In an emotional sense, such men practically do not open up.

They love to dream, however, they do not strive to realize their desires in life. This quality often prevents them from pursuing the woman they like.

They prefer to create illusions about their chosen one, then, having gotten to know her better, they are disappointed, preferring friendly relationships to love.

In rare cases, they show their negative traits to the person they like. They become detached, inaccessible, cold, rude, sometimes cynical, disgusting.

The idea that they can be affected by the difficulties of life and love is a mistaken idea. Failure may upset him, but don't break your heart into pieces. Such men will quickly recover and move on.

They cannot stand relationships that resemble a “birdcage.” They rarely put on wedding rings, for fear of plunging into the abyss of everyday problems. If they are subjugated by a relationship, they dream only of liberation, which they prepare in silence.

Aquarius has the highest divorce rate compared to other signs. They prefer to give themselves to the company rather than to one person. They give more to strangers than to family.

What does an Aquarius man like in a woman? To conquer Aquarius, a woman should be able to captivate with just one glance, be mysterious and have the ability to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

He will definitely notice the lovely beauty and appreciate her.

Cheerfulness and positivity- qualities that must be present in a girl of a representative of this sign.

The chosen one who appreciates every day she lives with her beloved, never loses heart and easily overcomes all obstacles - this is the one that such a man needs.

These young people love to overcome various difficulties. Therefore, he is impressed when a girl shows signs of attention to him, but does not let him get close.

Aquarius will not appreciate a person who rushes into his arms on the very first night. Ease of accessibility is not a quality that will attract representative of this sign.

Such guys love it when his chosen one is interested in various hobbies. He likes it when a girl has something to talk about, that is, educated, erudite, with deep intellectual abilities, able to support any topic of conversation.

It won’t hurt if both have the same interests, hobbies, and hobbies.

Entrepreneurship and integrity- these are the qualities that will definitely win the heart of Aquarius. The one who knows how to restrain herself will definitely please such a man.

The chosen one should also be calm. However, you should not be too quiet, otherwise the relationship will turn into a routine.

Aquarius dreams of a woman who will take care of him and look after him. She must constantly pamper him - bring him breakfast in bed, treat him when he is sick, cheer him up in moments of despair and sadness.

Intimate life is also of particular importance for such a man. Since he is somewhat cold in bed, his chosen one must be a passionate person who can ignite the fire of passion in her partner.

Those born under this sign are quite flighty, so Frequent mentions of serious relationships or marriage can intimidate him. He will be afraid for his freedom and then all is lost.

What's not to like

Selfish. A woman who is unable to care for her man, who is accustomed to caring only about herself and who thinks about her personal needs, is unlikely to stay long in his life.

Lacking self-respect. A girl who prefers to hide from problems and difficulties behind the back of her chosen one, who has no goals and future prospects, will never attract Aquarius.

He only needs purposeful and ambitious women.

Controlling every step of your loved one. In this case, the man will suspect an attempt on his freedom. A woman who wants to be with an Aquarius needs to understand that excessive control will put an end to the relationship.

In general, Aquarius needs a girl who will clearly know what she wants, respect his opinion, decision, and support him in his endeavors and difficulties. Only in this case will she be able to win the heart of the freedom-loving chosen one.

How to get his attention

What does an Aquarius man like in a woman? To get this man's attention, a girl should be unconventional. There must be something about her that other representatives of the opposite sex do not have. For example, extravagance and the ability to perform unthinkable acts.

Boredom is perhaps the worst thing for Aquarius. Therefore, a chosen one who has a sense of humor, the ability to act quickly in certain situations, knows how to surprise, keeps her man in good shape, will win his heart forever.

The woman also should not be predictable- This is the real enemy of relationships. She should become a mystery for him that cannot be solved.

Aquarius will only become attached to the girl who will completely devote herself only to him. This man will not tolerate even the slightest flirtation from his chosen one.

In this case, we are not talking about treason at all. Representatives of this sign will never forgive the betrayal of their beloved.

Those born under the sign of Aquarius are maximalists. His girlfriend should get over it. She must:

  • be prepared for the fact that he will be able to suspect treason even in the most minor and innocent offense;
  • be able to adapt to the interests and preferences of your loved one, which, by the way, can change several times a day.

Even though Aquarius loves freedom, he treats his woman as property. The chosen one must constantly keep him informed of events and inform him where she is and where she is going to go.

Under no circumstances should a girl throw tantrums if, for example, he is late at work. And it’s not worth talking about constant calls.

Unfortunately, keeping an Aquarius man is not so easy. Women's charms alone are not enough. It should be understood that this representative of the zodiac series is quite cool, aloof and isolated.

Therefore, it is not possible to penetrate deep into his soul. He will never court or take the first steps to a woman who is waiting for just this.

Prefers initiative from the opposite sex.

He never succumbs to women's tricks and tricks. He will have sex only when friendly contact has been established.

Can love from a distance. This is an absolute advantage over representatives of other zodiac signs.

That's all there is to know about the characteristics of an Aquarius man and what kind of women he likes. Remember: you cannot be sure that this man is completely submissive. He's completely unpredictable. They say about such people: “He has seven Fridays a week.”

The girl must act slowly, each time getting closer to her chosen one.