What a curse of the series "Capercaillie" kills its actors one by one. Seven famous musicians killed by gunfire

Celebrities often impersonate other people on stage and on stage. film set, but in real life their misdeeds can have critical consequences. What about murders? We know several actors, musicians and just famous personalities who - accidentally or intentionally - killed a person, or even several. Who are these people?

Sid Vicious

Sid Vicious (aka John Simon Ritchie) is known to us as the bassist of the punk band Sex Pistols from Great Britain. The musician and his girlfriend Nancy Spungen were heroin addicts. One of the doses was the girl’s last, but not due to an overdose. As it said official version police investigating Nancy's death, after taking a drug, Sid passed out in the hotel room, and when he came to, he found his girlfriend stabbed to death in the bathroom. He called it himself ambulance and in every possible way denied guilt, since he treated Nancy well and never showed cruelty to her. Already in prison, the musician tried to commit suicide, but the attempt ended in failure. Once free after posting bail, he took a large dose of heroin and this time fell asleep for good.

Waltraud Mayer

German opera diva went to murder because of the thirst for money. Her elderly husband Herman Hill (the age difference between the spouses was almost 20 years) had 5.5 million euros in her accounts. He was a rich fish merchant. 55-year-old Waltraud killed her husband (he was declared missing), and then arranged a “casting” for his role.

The singer's plan was simple: to pass off the impostor as her husband, force him to transfer money to her and release him on all four sides with a reward. She hoped that no one would notice the substitution: the couple lived modestly in a small village and rarely caught the eye of their neighbors. But cruel woman was handed over to the police by one of the men who participated in the “listening” but was refused. Police called the case a perfect murder in the style of a Hitchcock thriller.

Leonid Yakubovich

Permanent capital show host“Field of Miracles” has been driving confidently for many years. Despite his extensive experience, in 2001 he killed 30-year-old Kyrgyz resident Sergei Nikitenko in his Hyundai Accent. The young man died in hospital a few days later. The investigation established that the culprit of the accident was a drunken pedestrian who threw himself under the wheels at a red signal, and not the driver, so Leonid Yakubovich escaped with severe nervous shock. Law enforcement closed the case a couple of weeks after the incident.

Konstantin Meladze

A couple of days before the New Year 2013, producer Konstantin Meladze killed a 30-year-old Ukrainian woman and mother of two children from the village of Kozin. It happened in the area pedestrian crossing on the highway Kyiv - Obukhov. The driver was sober, did not flee the crime scene and did not deny that he was driving. Law enforcement officers opened a criminal case, but for some reason Meladze was included in it as a witness. He entered into an out-of-court agreement with the relatives of the deceased, according to which he undertook to support the children whom he had made orphans.

Don King

King is perhaps the most famous organizer of boxing matches in the world. However " Godfather"American boxer is also an experienced killer. For the first time, his actions were recognized as justified self-defense: he shot the robber who was attacking him when he tried to escape from the crime scene. The second time he faced justice was 12 years later - after with my own hands strangled the athlete Sam Garrett, who owed him some $600.

At that time, the star of the boxing world owned millions and was going to avoid punishment at all costs. Don King intimidated witnesses, bribed witnesses, but the verdict was inexorable: murder of the second degree. But one more meeting with the judge - and now King is accused of just murder by sudden intent. As a result, he spent a little more than three years behind bars.

Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg, aka Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr., is one of the most prominent musical figures in the foreign rap scene. In 1993, he was arrested during the MTV awards on suspicion of murdering rival gang member Phillip Voldermarium. Among the suspects were also two people from the rapper’s inner circle, including Snoop’s bodyguard, who personally shot Philip. The star's lawyers managed to prove that the murder was an act of self-defense - Voldermarium allegedly threatened Snoop Dogg and his friends with a weapon.

Mikhail Kazakov

Star of "Jumble" and the sitcom " father's daughters“Mikhail Kazakov, better known to viewers as Bochkin and Ilya Polezhaikin, has dark pages in his biography. In 2005, he defended his classmate Victoria, who was being threatened by a jealous young man, and in the heat of a fight, he stabbed the offender several times. The victim, Kirill Gurkin, died in the hospital. On young actor A criminal case was opened, and he still had to spend one year in prison, after which Kazakov was acquitted, recognizing his act as exceeding the limits of necessary defense. A year later, Mikhail returned to cinema.

Philip Kirkorov

Star Russian stage It would be a stretch to include in the list. In the April 2017 episode of the show “Secret to a Million,” Philip Kirkorov admitted that in 2003, during a concert in the United States, he accidentally pushed a 70-year-old security guard away from him. The man fell and hit his head. A few months later, the security guard died, and the artist was accused of murder. The case ended only in 2010, and the jury acquitted the artist by a margin of only 2%.

Matthew Broderick

Actor Matthew Broderick became a murderer by coincidence, as a result of an accident. In 1987, he collided with another car while traveling in Ireland, killing the other two passengers. Matthew was investigated, but was eventually acquitted. However, this incident seriously affected his personal life: after the tragedy, he broke up with his girlfriend, actress Jennifer Gray, and then for several years he had a hard time recovering from a deep nervous shock.

Lane Garrison

Actor Lane Garrison became famous for his role as the Outcast in the TV series Prison Break. As in the case of Broderick, he was responsible for a serious fatal accident, but this time the star guy was still found guilty. In a state of severe alcohol and drug intoxication, he crashed into a tree, while there were three minors in the car with him: two girls and a guy who died on the spot.

The dose of alcohol in the actor’s blood was twice the permissible limit, and forensic experts also found traces of cocaine in his body. At the same time, the court gave Lane a rather lenient sentence - 40 months in prison, and the criminal did not serve all of that, but only half - he was released on parole for good behavior.

Mike Jace

Fans of the series know Mike Jace for his roles in “The Shield” and “The Mentalist,” but law enforcement officers know how brutal killer. In May 2014, the black actor apparently decided to end his film career, otherwise how else to explain his terrible act?

With the words “Do you like to run? Then run!” Jace shot his own wife in the back, then in the legs. Their two sons witnessed the crime. He immediately called the police, but was too late: the cops were already rushing to his house, having received a message from neighbors. The court sentenced Michael to 40 years in prison for domestic violence and the subsequent death of his wife.

Edward Radzinsky

In 2011, 74-year-old writer Edward Radzinsky became the culprit of an accident: he drove around a traffic jam in the oncoming lane and crashed into a car driven by 25-year-old Kirill Choporov. Maria Kulikova, 24, who was sitting next to her, died from the impact. In the protocol, the writer admitted guilt; according to eyewitnesses, he behaved adequately at the scene of the accident: he did not threaten, did not call “higher authorities,” and did not boast of his status. The appointed examination found Choporov partially guilty of the accident. Although a criminal case was opened against Radzinsky, it was stopped in 2014 due to an amnesty dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The writer paid the relatives of the deceased 2 million rubles.

Igor Petrenko

Igor Petrenko personally did not kill anyone, but served time as an accomplice to murder. He found himself in the dock at the age of 15 after his friend Sasha owed one person about 100 thousand rubles and, realizing that he could not repay the debt, decided to intimidate the creditor with a shotgun, taking Igor as his assistant. The case turned into a murder, and Igor spent a year in “Matrosskaya Tishina” awaiting the verdict (later a more lenient preventive measure was chosen). In 1997, he was sentenced to 8 years probation.

Rebecca Gayheart accidentally hit 9-year-old boy

William Burroughs

Writer William Burroughs is famous among fans literary movement Beatniks as a person are very eccentric. Moreover, in his youth he did not even think about becoming a writer. Together with his wife Joan, he bought stolen goods and sold drugs. Both were on drugs: he was on morphine, she was on amphetamine. One September day in 1951, he came up with the idea of ​​“playing William Tell.” He put a glass on his wife’s head, since they didn’t have the apple that was in the legend about Tell, and shot at him, but missed and hit the woman exactly on the forehead. The future writer got away with murder - he had fairly wealthy parents who helped hush up the case.

We invite you to read about famous actors who had to endure extreme stress and torment in order to get into character.
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Khasanov Vasil Kalmakatovich

About some Soviet and Russian actors and actresses who were killed

In this work, I will briefly talk about some Soviet and Russian film and theater actors and actresses who were killed. It is clear that the reasons for the murder are different, as are the circumstances of the crime committed.

In 1981, according to sources, Soviet theater and film actor Yuri Yuryevich Kamorny (1944 - 1981) was killed by a police officer. According to sources, on November 27, 1981, the deceased did not have a single gram of alcohol in his blood. According to other sources, the actor was drunk on the day of the murder. You don't know what to believe.

The policeman was not involved in criminal liability, since it was thanks to him, according to sources, that they managed to save the woman whose throat the actor had put a knife to. Other sources deny the presence of a woman who had a knife held to her throat.

According to the first sources, Kamorny was killed with a pistol that was in service with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to another source, the actor was killed with a weapon used by KGB officers. Everything is confusing. It turns out that Kamorny was killed under unclear circumstances.

Yuri Yuryevich starred in such films as “Everyday Life of Criminal Investigation” (1973), “Strange Adults” (1974), “Blue Lightning” (1978), “The Truth of Lieutenant Klimov” (1981) and others.

On February 11, 1985, Soviet film actor Talgat Kadyrovich Nigmatulin (1949 - 1985) was killed in Vilnius. According to sources, the actor's body was found in the bathroom with 119 injuries.

There are no particular differences between experts regarding the circumstances of the death of this Soviet actor, since it is clear that a murder was committed.

The only discrepancy between experts is that some of them claim that not all persons involved in the murder of Talgat were brought to justice, and that some managed to escape punishment. Another part of historians, lawyers and other specialists believe that all persons involved in the murder of Talgat Nigmatulin have been brought to criminal responsibility. Who is right and who is wrong is still not clear.

I note that the court sentenced Talgat Nigmatulin’s killers to varying terms of imprisonment. The question remains open: are the experts right in their statement, who believe that not all persons involved in the murder of actor Nigmatulin were brought to justice.

I hope everyone remembers the pirate Saleh from the film “Pirates of the Twentieth Century” (1979). Talgat Nigmatulin, born into an Uzbek-Tatar family, can also be seen in films such as “The Seventh Bullet” (1972), “Armed and Very Dangerous” (1977), “The Right to Shoot” (1981) and others.

Sergei Yuryevich Shevkunenko (1959 - 1995) was not only a film actor, but also the ex-leader of a criminal gang. On February 11, 1995, he was killed in his Moscow apartment along with his mother Polina Vasilievna Shevkunenko. The crime has still not been solved. I would like to note that actor Shevkunenko had five convictions during his life and spent 14.5 years in penitentiary institutions.

Does everyone remember Misha Polyakov from the films “Dirk” (1973) and “The Bronze Bird” (1974)? And Mitya from the film “The Lost Expedition” (1975)? Yes, Dear Reader, you are right, these roles were played by Sergei Shevkunenko.

On December 13, 2008, criminals entered the house of theater and film actor Fyodor Viktorovich Smirnov (1957 - 2008) for the purpose of robbery and killed the owner of the house.

Fyodor Viktorovich can be seen in such films as “Complicity in Murder” (1985), “Called the Beast” (1990), “I Want to Go to Prison” (1998), “Storm Gates” (2006) and others.

In the history of Soviet and Russian cinema, there were cases of murder not only of actors, but also of actresses. On December 11, 1981, Soviet film actress Zoya Alekseevna Fedorova (1907 - 1981) was shot in the back of the head from a German pistol. I note that the murder has not yet been solved.

I hope everyone remembers Aunt Zoya, Lida’s neighbor, from the film “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik” (1965). And who doesn’t remember Gorpina Dormidontovna from the film “Wedding in Malinovka” (1967)! Zoya Alekseevna also starred in films such as “ Honeymoon"(1956), "Give complaint book"(1965), "Attention, turtle!" (1970), “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” (1979) and others.

On June 3, 1993, a Soviet woman was stabbed to death in her apartment. Russian actress theater and cinema Anastasia Semyonovna Ivanova (1958 - 1993). She was 34 years old on the day of the murder.

The most famous role in the cinema - this is Lida from the film “I Can’t Say Goodbye” (1982). Anastasia Semyonovna can also be seen in the films “Breath of a Thunderstorm” (1982), “Sparrow on Ice” (1983) and “Boys” (1990).

I note that the killer was identified, but he could not be brought to justice, since he himself was later killed in a domestic quarrel by the son of his mistress.

On February 3, 2016, Soviet and Russian theater and film actress Alexandra Semyonovna Zavyalova (1936 - 2016) was killed. Her son is suspected of her murder.

Humanity will forever remember Pistimea Makarovna Morozova from the film “Shadows Disappear at Noon” (1971)! Alexandra Semyonovna can also be seen in such films as “Alyoshkina’s Love” (1960), “Meeting at the Old Mosque” (1969), “White Clothes” (1992) and others.

Murdered Soviet and Russian actors and actresses cannot be brought back. I hope that the murders that have not been solved so far will be solved in the near or distant future. The murderers will be brought to justice and will be punished as they should be.

Sergei Bezdushny is already the fourth actor who has passed away in Lately

On July 13, it became known about the death of actor Sergei Bezdushny, who played in the first season of the acclaimed TV series “Capercaillie”. He was only 53 years old. The actor's health problems arose when he suffered a head injury several years ago. In 2013, the artist underwent surgery after an intracranial hematoma caused by an injury. Doctors then diagnosed him with a brain tumor. The doctors fought for the life of Sergei Bezdushny as best they could, but to no avail.

After the death of the actor, fans of the series new strength they started talking about the curse of the "Capercaillie". Over the past six years, several actors from the television project have tragically died. One death is more mysterious than the other.

Vyacheslav Titov: strangled under strange circumstances

A series of “mystical deaths” began in 2011. Vyacheslav Titov, who played the role of a drug dealer, was found dead in his apartment in the center of Moscow on Novorogozhskaya Street. Oleg Shilkin by nickname Awl. As forensic experts established, the actor was strangled.

Titov’s friends said that he loved to meet men on social networks and often invited them to his house. His relatives warned him more than once - they say, be careful, now is not the time when the doors can be wide open. He laughed it off. And here's the result. Two years later, Vyacheslav Titov’s killer was identified. He turned out to be a 23-year-old David Zaseev, whom the murdered man met through social networks. The court sentenced the killer to nine years in prison.

Anatoly Otradnov: frozen to death

A month after the death of Vyacheslav Titov, Anatoly Otradnov, who performed one of the roles in the TV series “Capercaillie. Continuation,” was found in a village near Mytishchi near Moscow. Eyewitnesses say that the actor was lying near the garbage dumps with his face in the snow. By the time the ambulance arrived, he was still breathing, but died in the ambulance due to hypothermia.

A forensic examination showed that death was the result of an overdose of alcohol and the drug clozapine. A criminal case was initiated, because it is known that robbers often use clonidine to poison the victim and then rob him. However, the killer was never found. Four months later, the actor’s widow gave birth to a daughter, who was named Sonya just like her father wanted. The actor was really looking forward to the birth of the baby. He broke the news to his beloved teacher like this: “I married the best woman in the world, and soon we will have a child."

Sergei Sharoshkin: died due to an exploding grenade

In March 2012, another actor of the series, Sergei Sharoshkin, died. He was found in his village home in Ryazan region. The investigation showed that there were no signs of violent death, the actor himself was to blame for the death - he was collecting a grenade, which exploded in his hands. There are also many strange things in this death. Relatives say that they cannot imagine that Sergei would suddenly decide to tinker with weapons and assume that someone pushed Sharoshkin to do this. But who could “help” him remains unclear.

In addition to a series of deaths, strange troubles constantly happen to the actors of the series. So, one of the artists Arseny Postnov, was robbed and severely beaten, but fortunately survived. Some psychics say that the project is cursed, and there are several more deaths of artists ahead. However, the producer of "Capercaillie" Efim Lyubinsky doesn't believe it. He appeals to logic. About two thousand actors starred in the series. The producer asks not to create horror, but adherents of the “curse” theory of the popular series have their own opinion.

In real life, there are tragedies much worse than in the most irrepressible imagination of the scriptwriters. And it happened that the main characters of these dramas were those who on the screen more than once experienced grief and violence - famous actors. It’s just that they didn’t manage to get out of the real alterations alive. This review is about actresses—famous and up-and-coming—who were killed off-screen.

Sharon Tate

At the end of August 1969, director Roman Polanski and actress Sharon Tate were about to give birth to a long-awaited child. Sharon was preparing to give birth in Los Angeles. On the evening of August 8, family friends spent the night at her house. Polanski himself was in London. At night, followers of the Charles Manson sect burst into the house, who didn’t care who they killed: the death of the innocent was supposed to be a “signal” for the beginning of a great reorganization of the world.

Everyone died at the hands of the killers: pregnant Sharon, her guests, and even the actress’s favorite Yorkshire terrier. The investigation lasted six months. An incident helped to find the killers: one of the criminals was jailed for theft and prostitution. She boasted about her “exploits” to her cellmate.

At the trial, the girls who killed Polanski’s wife boasted about the cruelty of their crime and enthusiastically told how exactly she resisted and what she screamed at the same time.

Anastasia Ivanova

Her name is known to Russian audiences from the film “I Can’t Say Goodbye.” Unfortunately, she had no other star roles. Ivanova was selected for the role in the film “Battalions Ask for Fire,” but the director last moment preferred another actress.

In the early nineties, there was a crisis in cinema. Anastasia's husband, actor Boris Nevzorov, seeing that his wife was suffering from lack of fulfillment, invited her to play in his film. But the plans were not destined to come true. In the summer of 1993, Nevzorov entered the apartment and found the bloody body of his wife.

It soon became clear that Ivanova herself opened the door to the killer; there were no signs of a struggle in the house. A few minutes before the tragedy, her mother called her: there was nothing suspicious in her daughter’s voice. The culprit was found: he turned out to be a relative of family friends. Ivanova herself invited him to visit. Sergei Prosvetov, twice convicted of murder (including another actress), attacked a woman with a knife and then strangled her. Soon after the crime, Prosvetov himself was killed by the son of his partner.

Dominic Dunn

In 1982, the film “Poltergeist” was released, which made this young actress famous. At the end of October of the same year, Dominique was rehearsing one of the scenes of the new mini-series with partner David Packer.

After some time, her boyfriend John Thomas Sweeney arrived. The actress had long wanted to break up with him because of his jealousy and penchant for assault. This time Sweeney was nervous and insisted on talking. Dunn agreed to talk to him on the porch. Soon Packer heard screams and called the police, but law enforcement officers refused to go to the scene. Then the actor left the house through the back door, walked around it and saw Dominique lying and Sweeney over her body.

The killer surrendered to the arriving police without resistance. Dunn was in a coma and never regained consciousness. A few days later she died.

Rebecca Schaeffer

Rebecca starred in the series “My Sister Sam,” where she was seen by Robert John Bardo, who became the actress’s stalker. He began pursuing her as a sixteen-year-old teenager: he wrote letters, and in 1987 he came to the film studio, where security did not allow him to approach the actress. A month later he showed up with a knife, but was again stopped by guards. After this, for several years Bardot switched to other objects of adoration.

In 1989 he saw Rebecca in bed scene in her new film. Following the example of another fan-stalker, Bardot paid a detective agency for the actress's address, and his brother helped him get a weapon. The killer tried several times to force Schaeffer to open the door for him and killed her as soon as she did.

Schaeffer's story led to changes in California law aimed at protecting privacy and preventing harassment.

Alexandra Zavyalova

The elderly actress lived in St. Petersburg and had almost no contact with friends and colleagues. She had not acted for a long time and led a half-starved existence on a small pension. Her son Peter lived with her, who drank, did not work and repeatedly embezzled money that was collected to help the actress. Helped my mother and brother with groceries eldest daughter Tatiana.

On the night of February 3, 2016, Peter, while in drunk, began to insult his mother. A scandal ensued. After that, he stabbed the woman several times, causing her to die on the spot. Soon he called his sister and confessed to what he had done. Peter was his mother's favorite, the son of a wealthy American businessman, with whom the actress had a whirlwind romance.

Meenakshi Thapar

Meenakshi was 26 years old and had a successful career in Bollywood. There, on the set of the next film, she began to communicate with a couple of actors, to whom she told that her family was influential and wealthy. “Colleagues” who were looking for fame and easy money were impressed by Meenakshi’s stories.

They invited her on a trip to see Buddhist temples in the small town of Gorakhpur. There, the actress was taken hostage, and the kidnappers sent her mother a letter threatening to sell the girl to a porn studio. They wanted about one and a half million rupees. Turning out to be not as rich as expected, the mother sent a small part - sixty thousand. This did not satisfy the couple and Meenakshi was strangled, then beheaded, and her body was cut and scattered in different places.

Zoya Fedorova

Star of Soviet cinema, Beria's favorite, lover of an American diplomat and prisoner - fast paced life Fedorova could become the basis for a blockbuster. The mystery of the actress’s death has still not been solved: in 1981 she was killed in own apartment shot in the back of the head.

There are versions that this was done by people from the “diamond mafia” or KGB officers. Zoya was going to go to America to visit her daughter, and, as reported in the case materials, she was a frequent visitor to antiques stores. Perhaps she was transporting valuables abroad. Tags from jewelry were found in the apartment, but the jewelry itself disappeared.

Shortly before the murder, Fedorova bought an expensive diamond ring, which she wanted to give to her daughter. According to one version, a certain acquaintance who was planning to fly to the USA to visit her son could have killed the actress and stolen the ring. Perhaps Fedorova gave her the jewelry for her daughter, and the woman in need of money decided to kill the owner and steal the valuable item.

Among the favorite and popular were and. They didn't finish their last role.

Virginia Rapp

In the 1920s, Virginia Rapp was known as one of the most beautiful starlets in Hollywood. Her unexpected death happened a few days after Roscoe Arbuckle's noisy party, which he threw about a successful contract with Paramount. Some eyewitnesses to the spree claim that Rapp was beaten and brutally raped during a drunken orgy, which resulted in damage to internal organs pelvis and death from peritonitis. Arbuckle was declared the rapist, but the criminal court failed to bring any charges against the comedian three times, considering that Rapp could have been the victim of a botched abortion that led to sepsis and death.

William Desmond Taylor

William Desmond Taylor, who managed to make nearly six dozen films between 1914 and 1922, was considered one of the most promising Hollywood directors, but the director’s life was interrupted by a shot in the back within the walls of his own home. The first suspicion fell on actress Mabel Normand, who was the last to see Taylor alive, but investigators could not find evidence of Normand’s guilt. The investigation was greatly hampered by the fact that numerous friends of the director arrived at the crime scene before the police and “trampled” the evidence, however for a long time The main versions of what happened were the revenge of drug dealers, from whom Taylor tried to protect his mistress, and the jealousy of the rejected actress Mary Miles Minter. Alas, the case fell apart due to lack of evidence.

Thelma Todd

Thelma Todd began her career back in the era of silent films, the actress starred with Buster Keaton and the Marx Brothers. With the advent of the sound era, Todd successfully moved from comedies to dramas and melodramas, but by the end of 1935 her financial position deteriorated sharply. This was the reason to consider Telma’s poisoning from exhaust fumes to be suicide - the actress was found dead in her car. Todd's body was cremated and no autopsy was performed, but some witnesses say the 29-year-old blonde's face was disfigured by bruises and her car's upholstery was marred by blood stains. Suspected of violence ex-husband actress, as well as the famous gangster Lucky Luciano, allegedly rejected by the star, but no evidence of these versions was found.

Elizabeth Short

Elizabeth Short, who was working as a waitress at the time of her death, can only be called a movie star with the strongest stretch - what made her a celebrity in the world of cinema was not the modest roles she managed to sign up for, but her acquaintance with the Los Angeles establishment and the interest in her history of screenwriters and writers that followed the murder. directors. Nicknamed the Black Dahlia (or in the Russian localization, the Black Orchid) for her passion for the color black in clothing, Short was found dead in January 1947. Her body was dismembered, her face was mutilated, the blood was thoroughly washed away, Elizabeth was tortured, beaten and sexual violence. Despite the large number of suspects, the police were unable to find the killer, and Short's death remains unpunished.

George Reeves

The Kryptonian made one of the first performers of the role of Superman, George Reeves, famous, but not invulnerable. In the summer of 1959, the actor was found with a fatal gunshot wound to the head, and everything pointed to suicide, except for a couple strange circumstances: The four people who were with Reeves in his house were in no hurry to call the police, and pistol cartridges scattered in the room could indicate a struggle preceding the fatal shot. The police suspected the abandoned wife of George Reeves, as well as MGM studio director Eddie Mannix, whose wife Tony allegedly slept with “Superman” the day before. In 1999, information appeared about Toni Mannix confessing to the murder of Reeves, but no confirmation of this was found.

Marilyn Monroe

The most famous blonde in Hollywood, Marilyn Monroe, is officially recognized as a suicide - this is supported by the actress’s severe psycho-emotional state in mid-1962, frequent visits to doctors, and problems with alcohol. The idea of ​​killing conspiracy theorists was prompted by the fact that the idol of millions did not leave suicide note, and the place of her death was furnished as in an ideal movie scene: several empty bottles of sleeping pills, pills on the bed and a telephone receiver in her hand. Many people think that Marilyn could have been the victim of a murder passed off as suicide, the reason for which was the actress’s relationship with the Kennedy brothers. Speculation on this matter still surfaces in the tabloids.

Krista Helm

Charming Christa Helm was just preparing to become a big Hollywood star - her career was just beginning - but she managed to reach the top solely in the matter of manipulating men. The girl quickly realized that she could move along career ladder, providing sexual services, but her habit of keeping a diary and writing there about all her adventures let her down. Moreover, Helm planned to release a book of memoirs. Krista was killed near her home; an unknown person jumped up behind her and stabbed her more than thirty times. Of course, the starlet's diary (aka the expanded list of suspects) disappeared, the book was not destined to happen. Many years later, DNA analysis showed that the killer was a woman, but this did not bring the police any closer to a solution.

Bob Crane

American actor, musician and radio host Bob Crane starred in large number films and TV series, but the public was truly excited by the films, the existence of which was revealed only after the actor’s death. It turned out that Crane, experiencing constant sexual hunger, regularly met with the most different women and with the help of his friend John Carpenter (no, not the director, just the namesake), he recorded his sex games on video. After another such “horizontal meeting,” the actor was found dead - his body was beaten, and the cord of an electrical appliance was entangled around his neck. Traces of blood of the same type as Crane's were found on the seat of Carpenter's car, but the investigation was carried out so unprofessionally that the suspect had to be released. However, the killer could be one of the actor’s mistresses or his husband, enraged by betrayal.

Natalie Wood

West Side Story and Rebel Without a Cause star Natalie Wood, 43, was found dead in November 1981 near her husband Robert Wagner's yacht. The day before, the couple was relaxing in their country house in the company of actor Christopher Walken, and initially the investigation decided that Wood went for a boat ride at night and accidentally slipped into the water. The actress’s fear of hydrophobia did not fit well into this scheme, as did the evidence of the actress’s quarrel with her husband and intimacy with Walken on the night of her death. The case was closed for 30 years, but in 2011, police again became interested in Wood's death. However, according to investigators, Wagner and Walken are above suspicion; someone else could be involved in the case.

Peter Ivers

Rock musician Peter Ivers was best known for his work in the American Theater New wave, but his numerous acquaintances with Hollywood stars, as well as writing music for films by David Lynch and Ron Howard, made Ivers a very famous person in film circles. This fame is the reason that the murder of Peter Ivers has still not been solved. In 1983, the musician was found beaten to death with a hammer in his Los Angeles apartment, but the fact that numerous friends of the deceased arrived at the crime scene before the police made a hot pursuit impossible. Many believe that Ivers' acquaintances deliberately destroyed evidence in order to shield someone famous, but it is possible that the death was the result of a botched banal robbery. So far, the case has not been solved, and the circle of suspects has not decreased.

Ronnie Chasen

Ronnie Chasen was a unique Hollywood “star” - the sister of director Larry Cohen worked as a PR person for several actors and a very famous publicist, whose support was sought by many directors, composers and producers. On the night of her murder in 2010, Chasen was returning home from the premiere of the film “Burlesque” when police found a woman shot dead behind the wheel of her Mercedes late at night. Detectives quickly determined that Ronnie was the victim of a robbery gone wrong, but some of the facts of the case didn't add up. First, the victim's wallet remained untouched. Second, a quickly identified suspect shot himself when the police came to arrest him, but this would-be killer was a simple crook, while the murder of the publicist looked like it was carried out by a professional hitman. So far, detectives are finding it difficult to say whether the murder was random or ordered and whether there is a customer for this crime.