How to win the jackpot - the secrets of winning. The biggest winnings in Russia

Jackpot and won $758.7 million - the largest prize ever awarded to a single lottery ticket. The largest winnings paid to lottery participants are in the RBC photo gallery.

Biggest jackpot in history

In January 2016, the American Powerball lottery had the largest jackpot in history worth more than $1.5 billion. Guess winning combination The winners of three tickets succeeded, each of whom decided to receive the prize immediately, and not over the course of 30 years. For this reason, the payment amounted to $327.8 million each. The lottery caused a major stir in the country, with organizers expecting ticket revenue to reach $1.3 million per minute during the evening rush hour.

Biggest win on a single ticket to date

In July 2016, participants in another popular American lottery, Mega millions, were able to hit a jackpot worth $536 million. The winners, who bought a ticket in Indiana, chose not to reveal their identities so as not to endanger their children. They also preferred to receive their winnings in one payment - it amounted to about $378 million.

Most big win in Powerball until today

To date, the biggest Powerball win on a single ticket was in 2013. Then $590.5 million was drawn in the same lottery, and the owner happy ticket became an 84-year-old American woman from Florida. The winner chose to receive her winnings in one payment; its amount was $370.8 million.

$487 million jackpot

The winner of another big Powerball win in July 2016 was married couple from New Hampshire. The lottery jackpot was $487 million. The winners also decided to receive their winnings in one payment of $341.7 million. They immediately spent part of this amount on charity.

Real shock

Two months earlier, a Powerball jackpot of $429.6 million was won. The winners were a 70-year-old New Jersey woman and her seven daughters, one of whom called the incident “God’s intervention” and “a real shock.” According to her, the family decided to pay off the mortgage and student loans first. They also decided not to extend the payments over 30 years, so they received $284 million.

European record

Photo: Simon Jacobs/Zuma/Global Look Press

In Europe's most popular lottery, EuroMillions, the winning amounts are also huge. Biggest jackpot here is €190 million and has been won twice since the lottery was founded in 2004. In 2012, the winners of this amount were Adrian and Gillian Bayford from the UK, and in 2014, the winning combination was guessed by a resident of Portugal.

Two months before the record

In June 2017, two months before the current record, Powerball hit another major jackpot of $447.8 million ($279.1 in a lump sum). The winner bought the ticket in California, at a small store that sells alcohol. The lottery organizers decided to reward the sellers, who received a check for $1 million.

Russian record

Photo: Sergey Kiselev / Kommersant

Biggest win ever Russian lotteries in May 2017, it went to a Sochi resident who bought a Gosloto ticket “6 out of 45.” The winnings amounted to 364.686 million rubles. The record came in the 2943rd circulation. The previous record win for Russia (358 million) took place in 2016, and was won by a resident of Novosibirsk.

Envy, threats, betrayal of a loved one, often death - all this can be won in the lottery along with the main prize. “360” recalled cases when sudden luck turned into a real nightmare.

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The lottery gives its participants a rare chance to become an instant millionaire. You can, of course, receive a huge inheritance, but this option, unlike a lottery ticket, is not available to everyone.

But not a single lottery is complete without losers - millions of people buy tickets, but only a few win millions of prizes. But winners can also turn out to be losers - nothing changes life more dramatically than sudden wealth.

Lost happiness

More than a million dollars is a resident of Thailand, Jiravut Pongphan. Falling asleep an ordinary person, he woke up already a millionaire - the ticket he bought the day before turned out to be lucky. Last November, a 42-year-old man won a prize of 42 million baht (about 76 million rubles).

Pongfan was so happy that he decided to "wash" unexpected luck. The Thai gathered his family and friends for a festive party, and the next morning he woke up again as an ordinary person - the ticket mysteriously disappeared, and the fabulous winnings disappeared with it.

The man was so shocked that he became depressed and stopped going to work. On January 31, he took his own life, leaving suicide note with the only request - not to insult his family, because he really won the lottery.

The ticket has not yet been found. According to the Daily Mail, it is unknown whether it was stolen or simply disappeared. Who will ultimately receive the prize is also a mystery. One can only hope that if the prize document is discovered, it will not be “cursed.” Easy millions often ruin, break and change the lives of people who have the chance to hit the jackpot.

RIA Novosti / Maxim Bogodvid

Lost love

A resident of the Canadian city of Chatham was even less fortunate than the Thai - her lucky ticket disappeared along with her loved one. The Toronto Star newspaper provides details of the case.

They bought lottery tickets together, hoping that if they won, they would spend the winnings together. Denise Robertson dreamed of her own family nest - a big one modern house. And a miracle happened. Last September, her partner Maurice Thibault bought the ticket, which brought the couple six million dollars.

Denise: 12 million...2 winners - Chatham and Quebec

Maurice: How nice it would be to [win] . I don't need everything, just a small part

Denise: Oh yes! I'm starting to plan what the new house will look like.

Lovers share the millions they won, quote fromVice.

Denise couldn't remember how happy she was, but not only was she divided in two. Grand Prize, but also her family. Returning home the next day, the woman discovered that there was no trace of Maurice. He collected his personal belongings, took his passport and departed in an unknown direction. The shocked woman was even more shocked when she found out that her ex-lover quit my job via SMS.

The resourceful Canadian sent his boss a photo of the lucky ticket and went to Toronto to receive his winnings. They only paid him half - broken heart It’s expensive, the woman decided and filed a lawsuit. In addition to the rest of the prize, she demands 500 thousand dollars for moral damage. Now the court has to understand whether the couple really intended to spend the money together. Similar cases have already happened - previous joint expenses serve as evidence in the case. Hearings may take 12 to 18 months.

Half a billion for anonymous

The fate of the Thai man and the Canadian woman are just two recent examples of the “jackpot curse” - the press is full of stories about slum millionaires who were confused by winning a huge sum and ended up losing everything. Sometimes they are helped by “well-wishers” - the names of the winners are heard on the air, published on the main pages of news sites, and now petitioners, scammers and outright bandits appear on their doorstep.

Less than three years have passed since the 2009 lottery winner, who won a $30 million jackpot, was found in a shallow grave in the US state of Florida. His killer gained the trust of the unfortunate man and tried to take possession of the prize, only to end up being sentenced to life imprisonment. There was a similar case in Illinois, where a man won 20 million and was later killed by his daughter-in-law and her lover. In Georgia, a 42-year-old woman won only five million in 2007, but a year later she was found stabbed to death - her ex-boyfriend was accused of murder.

This is only a small fraction of all cases - lottery winners are often killed, cheated and robbed. This is one of the reasons why the owner of the $560 million ticket is seeking a gag order, the New York Times writes.

The seventh-largest jackpot in US history was won by a New Hampshire woman who immediately filed a lawsuit to keep her identity secret. She doesn’t want to traditionally pose with a huge prize ticket or delete all pages in in social networks, as it happened to the Russian woman Natalya Vlasova - who won half a billion in “ Russian lotto"and picked the biggest lottery jackpot In the history of Russia, a pensioner became afraid to leave the house after a wave of threats and requests for help fell upon her.

As a lottery winner, Miss Doe is part of a small demographic group that has historically suffered from unscrupulous behavior with life-threatening consequences

— Quote from the "Jane Doe" lawsuit.

The American woman, known only as "Jane Doe", is confident that after receiving the money, she will no longer be able to walk quietly or go to the store without being recognized and harassed. unknown people, not to mention the possibility of robbery or murder. If she manages to achieve anonymity, it will be a truly historic decision, because most of the problems of the previous “lucky ones” were associated with excessive press attention.

It’s interesting that psychiatrist Vladimir Fainzilberg gave the same recipe in a conversation with “360”. According to him, it is better for the jackpot owner to “lay low” for a while. At least so that friends and relatives do not torture phone calls and requests. It’s difficult to say how effective this advice is, but pensioner Vlasova seems to have followed it. She and her daughter left their native village, Komsomolskaya Pravda reported on Tuesday.

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Who hasn’t dreamed of getting a cash trophy without really straining? But someone, as in that joke, asks God to win without bothering to buy lottery ticket, and someone takes risks with the hope of luck and as a result becomes the owner of a large sum.

As a rule, newly-minted rich people prefer to remain anonymous and spend money on sales own desires or to help loved ones (most often for the purchase of cars, apartments, business promotion). Money makes some people happy, while others are upset that they couldn’t make good use of their chance.

How to spend 29 million rubles in 5 years?

As an example of the fact that big money is an obvious way to quickly become poor (the idea belongs to Veselin Georgiev), we can cite a family from Ufa. The unemployed Mukhametzyanov spouses were lucky.

Having made a spontaneous bet in the Bingo Show lottery in 2001, Nadezhda and Rustem instantly became millionaires. It seemed that here was a chance to make life better. However, the editors of uznayvsyo.rf sadly report that in 5 years, from 29 million, except for the purchased apartment, there was nothing left. Nadezhda fell ill and died. The tragedy was preceded by long-term alcohol abuse.

The money “catch” was invested in fishing

Muscovite Evgeniy Sidorov decided to spend the 35 million rubles he won in Gosloto on fish farming - carp breeding. In 2009, the former mechanic went with his family to the countryside to implement his plans. The happy transformation of a mechanic into a goldfish maker took place thanks to a bet of 560 rubles.

47 million – for the dreams of loved ones

The 42-year-old Voronezh resident, whose bet of 120 rubles in Stoloto made him a millionaire, for the most part He shared his winnings with his relatives and spent the rest on home renovations and solving other everyday issues. The man hopes that he will be lucky again.

Instead of moving overseas - debts

In 2009, fortune on a “golden platter” brought a 36-year-old resident of the Leningrad region 100 million rubles. Having successfully guessed 6 numbers out of 45 in the Gosloto game, Albert Begrakyan began to change his life. I bought several apartments and expensive cars in St. Petersburg, and bought a plot for the construction of a hotel.

He lent an impressive amount - 12 million - to friends, who, however, were in no hurry to return what they had borrowed. As a result, after two years, the money won evaporated, and the debt to the state amounted to 4.5 million rubles. for not paying on time the tax on the winnings remained. According to Albert, if he had another chance, he would spend the money on traveling overseas.

Housing on the Mediterranean Sea

The super prize - 121.8 million rubles - was shared in June 2013 by Volgograd resident Olga, who received 61.5 million rubles, the rest of the amount went to Valery from Perm. Both lucky people decided to spend the money on buying real estate.

A childhood dream come true

In May 2015, the fortune of a 37-year-old resident of the Kaliningrad region increased by 126.9 million rubles. An engineer by profession made a rich ticket for 800 rubles, purchased at the salon mobile communications. The winner said that he had played the lottery since childhood and dreamed of gaining fame thanks to a “lucky” ticket.

To warmer climes

184 million rubles - this lottery prize went to a builder from Omsk. Winning ticket cost the 48-year-old father of three children 810 rubles. The editors of the site clarify that a man named Valery decided to spend the acquired capital on buying a home by the sea.

Months of shock

A 45-year-old resident became rich by 202.4 million rubles in August 2014 Nizhny Novgorod Mikhail F. The father of two children received the cash prize a month after the drawing, because all this time he was in a state of shock. Its owner decided not to share his plans for spending his million-dollar fortune with the public.

Build a business in Moscow

A resident of Novosibirsk, who took second place in the ranking of the site in terms of amount cash prize, guessed 6 numbers out of 45 in Gosloto. This happened in February 2016. The lucky one did not immediately apply for his 358 million rubles. Having read the news about the super prize, the man at first did not understand that he himself had become the hero of these messages.

He compared the number combination on his ticket with the winning one several times before he was sure that fortune was on his side. A 47-year-old doctor made a lucky bet at a local retail point, cost 1800 rubles. He took part in the lottery for two years in a row. The winner said that the money will be used to buy a house in the capital and develop a business.

Contribution to the party treasury

"Palm of the Championship" in terms of amount lottery winnings is held by a resident of Sochi named Hasmik. She became the lucky winner of the record prize in May 2017. A fabulous 364 million rubles was brought to her by a bet of 700 rubles, paid with the help of mobile application, in the Gosloto lottery. The newly-made millionaire, who worked in the cultural sector, planned to contribute a third of the winnings to the election fund of one of the Russian political parties.

The largest lottery win in Russian history

In the fall of 2017, the largest winnings in the Stoloto lottery in Russia were registered - in the amount of 506 million rubles. It is noteworthy that the winner - a 63-year-old resident of the Voronezh region named Natalya Petrovna - at first did not believe in her luck, and the organizers of the draw had to look for the owner huge money in two weeks. After the lucky girl finally came to Moscow to receive the certificate, she said that she was going to give part of the money to charity.

In any case, money is a temptation, but a very pleasant and desirable one. And, perhaps, we should agree with the opinion of Robert Orben, who believed that the phrase “money can’t buy happiness” is most often uttered by those who have neither happiness nor money. Often, rich people - especially the children of businessmen, who inherited luxury by birthright - believe that everything is allowed to them and that the law is not written. We invite you to read stories about rich young criminals.
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An incredible story with elements of thriller, paradox and frustration is now unfolding in New Hampshire. As Time writes, one of the residents of this God-saved American state (in legal documents she goes under the name Jane Doe, typical in such cases) in early January 2018 bought a ticket for the widely popular Powerball lottery in the town of Merrimack (they are sold in 44 US states, and the pranks are often sensational).

The laws of the genre require that we now spend a whole paragraph, waving our arms, waving our ears and spewing flame, to describe how she, realizing that she had won no less than 559.7 million dollars, could hardly believe her luck. But have pity on us, will you? Today we still have to drown kittens, and we will need all our skills, so let's get straight to the point.

Having carefully read the rules, the citizen clearly fulfilled all the requirements for receiving the jackpot: she wrote her real name, place of residence and the amount due on the back of the ticket, put it in a safe place and contacted a lawyer. The paradox is that the laws in New Hampshire are wolfish: on the one hand, money is not given to anonymous people, on the other hand, any inquisitive subject can get information about where the lucky winner lives and how much he won; for this you just need to fill out the appropriate form .

The lawyer explained to the client that it is possible to maintain confidentiality and take the money if you indicate not your name, but a trusted person, who will formally receive the winnings. However, the train left: you cannot change your name on the ticket, otherwise it will be cancelled.

The frustrated darling of fortune said she made a “colossal mistake” by putting her privacy and security, and sued the lottery operator, the New Hampshire Lottery Commission, demanding that her personal information not be disclosed to the public. According to lawyers, she is ready to donate part of the money to charity, and she herself is going to continue to live quietly and peacefully in hometown. It is noteworthy that the plaintiff has not yet given the ticket to the lottery operators.

“We, citizen,” responded New Hampshire Lottery Commission Executive Director Charlie McIntyre, in consultation with the state Attorney General, “on the one hand, we perfectly understand your desire to maintain anonymity: winning Powerball is a life-changing event and so on blah blah blah . But the law is the law, the lottery rules are the same for everyone, so we will process your ticket general principles" In general, the trial is on February 21 - we'll see how everything turns out.

Time notes in parentheses that Mrs. Doe has two options for receiving prize money (if, of course, there is something to receive): take a chump immediately, but a significantly smaller amount, a measly 358.5 million dollars, or get eight million in your hands immediately, and the rest - for 30 years in small doses, which will increase every year (and this does not include taxes!). Meanwhile, the publication calculated, without letting the ticket proceed, the lady loses 50 thousand dollars every day (based on a 5 percent rate).

A pensioner from the Voronezh region, Natalya Vlasova, became the owner of a record lottery win in the entire history of Russia. Having mistakenly decided that her ticket had not won, she almost threw it away: they had been looking for a winner for more than a week. By pure chance, the woman decided to double-check the numbers and came to the post office for 506 million. And now she started receiving threats. Medialeaks has collected everything that is known about the luckiest Russian woman.

Winning 506 million in the lottery is one of the most discussed stories in the last week. The winner who hit the Russian Lotto jackpot by buying a ticket with 15 matching numbers could not be found for several days, and the “lucky Voronezh resident” even managed to become a meme. In the end, 63-year-old Natalya Vlasova applied for the reward and presented her ticket.

How Natalya Vlasova lived

Natalya Petrovna Vlasova lives in a private house in the village of Panino in the Voronezh region. She is 63 years old, she is married, and she has an adult daughter, Ekaterina, who in turn is raising a schoolgirl daughter. The family also has a dog, Alma. She guards this house where the family lives.

Before her retirement, which took place, as expected, three years ago, Natalya Petrovna worked in an insurance company. Her pension is small, so she had to earn extra money by baking pies. Every few days she brought pies to a local store for sale, which she told Komsomolskaya Pravda Voronezh about.

The Vlasova family lived very modestly, but were in good standing in the village, although they never stood out in particular. All her life, the woman dreamed of going somewhere beautiful to relax, not abroad, but at most - to the Black Sea, and buy a comfortable apartment.

How Natalya Vlasova won half a billion

The pensioner regularly bought Russian Lotto tickets at the local Russian Post office and did not miss the announcement of winnings on TV. A small family legend has already been born on this topic. Vlasova’s daughter Ekaterina told it in the Vesti Voronezh news.

And my daughter told me on Thursday: “Mom, you urgently need to get rich. Tomorrow to get rich!” And the next day we just got rich.

True, the same granddaughter almost left the family without millions. Natalya Petrovna told how it happened.

We bought two tickets, and then my granddaughter said that one won a hundred rubles, and the other did not win. I put it in the sideboard and told my daughter: “Then check it on the Internet.” And he lay there for a week, everyone was already looking for the winner. I then say: “Kat, check, maybe you really won something.” And the husband also says: “Yes, check him.”

Natalya Petrovna admits that at some point she almost threw away the ticket because “my husband doesn’t like it when there’s something extra lying there.” But when the ticket was rechecked, it turned out that all 15 numbers matched.

How they looked for the winner

The fact that the ticket that won 506 million rubles was sold in the period from October 23 to November 3, 2017 at a post office in the Paninsky district was discussed in all major publications and on federal channels for several days after the announcement of the circulation on November 5.

Russian Post sent out an official search statement to the media. Advertisements were posted in local branches about record jackpot made reports. But for two weeks no one responded (all this time the lucky lottery ticket was lying in Vlasova’s sideboard). As a result, a man from Voronezh who won half a billion in the lottery almost became a meme.

Maxim Galkin, who performed a concert in Voronezh on November 12, dedicated a reprise to this episode, writes KP Voronezh.

What are you saying, what are the problems in Voronezh? Roads? Salaries? Yeah, the man won 506 million and still hasn’t shown up. The whole country is on edge! Yes, for some regions this is an annual budget! And the psychologist told him: “Don’t take it right away, otherwise they’ll think you’re poor!”

Ivan Urgant spoke about the Voronezh millionaire on Channel One.

He announced that the lottery winner was actively being sought and joked about it in his typical manner.

Let's all be happy for this Voronezh resident. We love to rejoice for our compatriots for whom money fell from the sky, right? Yes? "Yes!" - shouted the people who are now walking with torches to this man’s house to congratulate him.

So far, Natalya Vlasova and her daughter Ekaterina have deleted all pages on social networks. The very next day, distant relatives began writing to them asking for help, and then they began receiving threats from extortionists.

However, there is still a long way to go before receiving the money. First, within a month, the ticket will be thoroughly checked for authenticity by special experts: this is a mandatory procedure. After the New Year, money will begin to be transferred to a special account, but not all at once, but in parts - and this will also take several months.

13 percent will have to be given to the state: about 65 million will go to the budget of the Voronezh region and part of it will return to the Paninsky district (in general, the amount of winnings exceeds the annual regional budget). Vlasova plans to spend the rest of the money on home renovations, helping her children and grandchildren, and traveling. After that, there will be a lot left over, so she will donate some of the winnings to charity.

Regular customers lottery tickets they win the lottery more often than others, which is not surprising. But sometimes the opposite happens. One American woman tried to teach her husband a lesson and prove the pointlessness of participating in lotteries. AND .

But the retiree from Iowa is a typical lottery fan. He had been buying tickets regularly since 1985, and the holiday had finally arrived on his street. A man won a life annuity of $25,000 a year. True, he recently turned 92 years old, but he...