Italy what happened over the past 10 years. Russian experts predicted an earthquake in Italy

MOSCOW, August 24 – RIA Novosti. A powerful earthquake occurred in central Italy; according to preliminary data, more than ten people were killed.

After the tremors, a landslide was recorded, as a result of which the city of Amatrice was destroyed. According to the mayor, half the population center has “disappeared.”

What's happened?

The heaviest impact of the disaster occurred in the province of Rietti (metropolitan area of ​​Lazio). The first shock in the area of ​​​​the city of Akkumoli was recorded here at 3.36 (4.36 Moscow time), after which several more movements of the earth's crust followed.

According to the European seismological center EMSC, the magnitude of the earthquake was 6.1. The US Geological Survey (USGS) estimated the strength of the tremors at 6.2.

The earthquake was felt by residents of many Italian cities, and the shock wave reached the capital of the country, Rome.

Half the city has disappeared

According to preliminary data, the city of Amatrice, which is home to about three thousand people, suffered the most. According to Mayor Sergio Pirozzi, the situation was complicated by a landslide that followed the earthquake.

"The roads leading in and out of the city are blocked. Half the city has disappeared. People are under rubble," Pirozzi said on state television channel RAI.

Now special equipment has been sent to Amatrice to clear the rubble.

Serious damage was also recorded in other cities, and there were injuries, the head of the city told reporters. national service Civil Defense Fabrizio Curcio. According to incoming data, populated areas have been damaged in at least three provinces: Ascoli Piceno, Fermo and Macerata (Marche region).

Russia offered its assistance to the Italian authorities in eliminating the consequences of the earthquake.

What is known about the dead?

There is still little information about the earthquake victims. Authorities confirmed the death of six people, two of them residents of the town of Arquata del Tronto in the Marche region. At the same time, media reported that at least 14 people were killed.

In Italy, they compared the current earthquake with the disaster in L'Aquila in 2009The epicenter of the earthquake, which occurred on Wednesday night, was near the city of Accumoli in the capital region of Lazio at a depth of about four kilometers from the earth's surface.

In Akkumoli, six people were among the dead, with several people remaining under the rubble.

Five people died in the destruction of Amatrice, but this figure could still rise. Local authorities call the situation "dramatic."

“I hear moans and screams and I can’t do anything. People are under destroyed houses. We need specialists to extract people from the rubble,” said the city’s mayor, Sergio Pirozzi.

Two more people became victims of the disaster in Arquata del Tronto, and in the town of Pescara del Tronto a child died, whose parents are still under the rubble.

The Russian embassy in Italy told RIA Novosti that there is no data on casualties among Russians yet.

About major earthquakes in the world in 2016

A strong earthquake in Italy with a magnitude of 6.2 occurred on Wednesday night. The regions of Lazio, Umbria and Marche suffered severe destruction. The death toll reached 250 people, the injured - 365. In total, about 500 tremors were recorded during this time.

The earthquake in Italy damaged or destroyed almost 300 historic houses of great historical significance.

1. This is what some areas of Italy look like now. (Photo by Massimo Percossi):

2. In areas of central Italy. (Photo by Gregorio Borgia):

3. According to scientific classification, according to the depth of occurrence, earthquakes are divided into 3 groups: “normal” - 33 - 70 km, “intermediate” - up to 300 km, “deep focus” - over 300 km.

The epicenter of the first earthquake in Italy was at a depth of only 4 km. The next tremors were at a depth of about 8 km. (Photo by Massimo Percossi):

4. Currently, round-the-clock rescue operations are ongoing, involving over 5.5 thousand people. (Photo by Massimo Percossi):

5. The most valuable thing is with you. (Photo by Filippo Monteforte):

6. In a year on Earth, approximately:

  • 1 earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0 or higher;
  • 10 - with a magnitude of 7.0-7.9;
  • 100 - with a magnitude of 6.0-6.9;
  • 1000 - with a magnitude of 5.0-5.9.

(Photo by Alessandra Tarantino):

8. To detect and record all types of seismic waves, special instruments are used - seismographs. In most cases, the seismograph has a weight with a spring attachment, which during an earthquake remains motionless, while the rest of the device (body, support) begins to move and shifts relative to the load. Some seismographs are sensitive to horizontal movements, others to vertical ones. (Photo by Gregorio Borgia):

9. Search for missing people after the earthquake in Italy, August 24, 2016/ (Photo by Ciro Luca | Reuters):

10. And the places here are beautiful. (Photo by Giuseppe Bellini):

11. Collapsed house and rescuers. (Photo by Massimo Percossi):

12. (Photo by Filippo Monteforte):

13. (Photo by Ciro Luca | Reuters):

The earthquake in Central Italy could become one of the most destructive in the country's history. The disaster occurred in old towns with unstable houses in mountainous areas, and already in the afternoon authorities reported 73 victims

Consequences of the earthquake in Italy (Photo: ANSA via AP)

​In the heart of Italy

On the night of August 24, a serious earthquake struck Central Italy. According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), a shock of magnitude 6.2 was recorded at 3:36 a.m. local time (4:36 Moscow time) at a depth of less than 10 km, just south of the city Norcia, at the junction of the regions of Umbria, Lazio and Marche. The tremors were felt throughout central Italy, with repeated tremors subsequently felt until noon Moscow time.

​In close proximity to the epicenter of the earthquake was the town of Amatrice (province of Lazio), whose population is about 2.8 thousand. The earthquake occurred in the middle of the Central Apennines mountain range - there, just to the south, is the city of L'Aquila, where there was already an earthquake of the same amplitude in the spring of 2009. Then 279 people died.

The overwhelming number of earthquake victims were buried under the ruins of their own homes while sleeping, it was reported local authorities. Now many people remain under the rubble, and rescuers cannot reach some places due to destroyed roads, authorities and local rescue services report. On at the moment The death of 73 people has been confirmed, Reuters reports, citing the press secretary of the government department of civil security, Immacolata Postiglione, data on the missing is being clarified, according to preliminary estimates, there are over a hundred of them.

There is no information about whether Russians were injured during the earthquake, Maria Kuchuk, press attaché of the Russian Embassy in Italy, told RBC. The mountain range of Central Italy, in principle, is not considered a tourist region, Irina Tyurina, a representative of the Russian Union of Tour Operators, explained to RBC, but a tourist bus route runs not far from the epicenter, and a Russian tourist group will pass there on Sunday.

Rescue teams with special equipment were sent to the areas affected by the disaster, and the Ministry of Defense also involved army units. The newspaper Corriere della Sera notes that the authorities of the Lazio region sent a humanitarian convoy to the region: four field kitchens, 20 trucks, 71 tents, 500 beds, etc. Already, according to Rai News, the number of people who have lost their homes reaches 2.5 thousand.

“We will not abandon any family from any area, but we will work hard to rescue survivors from the rubble and restore hope to these cities,” said Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. “Italy knows what to do in difficult times.”

More than 15 thousand people are being housed in hotels and temporary accommodation centers in central Italy, where an earthquake of magnitude 6.6 occurred on Sunday, October 30. In the service responsible for civil protection population, reported that more than 4.5 thousand people found temporary shelter in hotels on the Adriatic coast and in the area of ​​​​Lake Trasimene. Another 10 thousand people are in emergency centers in the regions of Umbria and Marche (east coast of Italy).


The country's Prime Minister Matteo Renzi promised to restore development in the regions affected by the natural disaster. At the same time, the prime minister assured that he would not allow funds allocated for reconstruction projects to be stolen by corrupt officials.

"Not one cent will be wasted. We must demonstrate that we know how to conduct public works without the waste and embezzlement that has occurred in a number of cases in the past,” Reuters quoted excerpts from Renzi’s newsletter on Monday, October 31.

The task is to save cultural heritage sites

Firefighters and government officials responsible for the earthquake's aftermath were confronted with significant damage to cultural heritage sites. Thus, in the commune of Norcia (in the region of Umbria), the 13th century Basilica of St. Benedict was almost completely destroyed. Only the facade has survived from it.

"We will try to save everything cultural heritage, which survived the earthquake, but we are at the very epicenter seismic activity", explained firefighter Domenico de Vita.

On Monday, October 31, all schools in Rome were closed. Crews need to ensure that no damage has been caused to buildings and update evacuation plans.

In central Italy on Sunday, October 30, there was powerful earthquake. According to the German Helmholtz Center for Earth Research in Potsdam, the magnitude of the earthquake was 6.5. Italian seismologists say 6.6. Several dozen people received injuries of varying severity. There was no information about casualties. Most residents of central Italy were quickly evacuated from their living quarters.


  • Italy after the earthquake

    Church tower above the ruins

    On August 24 at 3.36 am, an earthquake of magnitude 6.2 occurred in central Italy. Tremors were felt in the provinces of Lazio, Umbria and Marche. The disaster found people sleeping. The destruction was particularly severe in the village of Amatrice, with a population of 2,600 people, where many buildings were damaged. Only the church tower rises above the ruins.

  • Italy after the earthquake

    Ruins and tears

    Victims of the devastating earthquake in Amatrice include local residents and tourists. Among them is a group of children who spent time here summer holidays. The tremors were felt 150 kilometers from Rome. Pope Francis expressed his condolences to the families of the victims. According to the pontiff, he was deeply touched by the news that children were among the victims.

    Italy after the earthquake

    Once the most beautiful village in Italy

    Amatrice, with its medieval buildings in the central part, was named the most beautiful village in Italy last year. But it’s the old ones stone walls scattered into small pieces by the earthquake. Due to the fact that the houses were too close to each other, says Ulf Langemayer, an employee of the German technical assistance service (THW), many people died, suffocating under the rubble.

    Italy after the earthquake

    Solidarity with Italians

    Hundreds of rescuers and volunteers are trying to help earthquake victims. Support also comes from abroad. US President Barack Obama offered assistance to the Italians in carrying out rescue operations and restoring the destroyed settlements. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in a telegram addressed to the head of the Italian government, Matteo Renzi, wrote that “the picture of destruction is shocking.”

    Italy after the earthquake

    The number of victims is growing

    Rescuers continue to search for people who survived under the rubble. Rescue work continues day and night in the city of Pescara del Tronto, which was among the settlements most affected by the earthquake. This photo shows an engineer showing rescuers where to search to avoid further collapse of the building.

    Italy after the earthquake

    Survivors? The chances are getting smaller

    To find as many survivors as possible under the rubble, rescue efforts are carried out using seismographs that can detect sounds and noises that people under the rubble of buildings may make. But time goes by, after four days without water and food, those under the rubble have less and less chance of salvation. However, miracles still happen. And hope is still alive.

    Italy after the earthquake

    125 earthquakes in Italy since 1900

    From 1900 to the present day, 125 significant earthquakes have occurred in Italy. 12 of them - within the last 16 years. The magnitude 6.2 earthquake (August 24, 2016) was one of the most powerful in history. last century. Italy experienced the strongest fluctuations in the earth's surface in 2009. Then, in the city of L'Aquila, tremors measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale were recorded.

The first earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0, according to seismologists, occurred at 03.36 (04.36 Moscow time). The epicenter of the earthquake was near the cities of Accumoli and Amatrice in the Lazio metropolitan area at a depth of about four kilometers from the earth's surface. The second shock of magnitude 5.4 was recorded at 04.34 (05.34 Moscow time) in the Umbria region. The vibrations of the earth's surface were felt in a number of cities in central Italy, including Rome, Florence and Bologna. Destruction occurred in three areas - Lazio, Umbria and Marche.

On the morning of August 25 in the central regions of Italy there was a magnitude of 4.7. The earthquake was recorded 7 kilometers east of the commune of Norcia. The source of the earthquake lay at a depth of 10 kilometers.

Seismic for several days. In total, since August 24, more than 1,800 tremors have been registered in central Italy, according to seismologists.

299 people became victims of the natural disaster, several hundred were from under the rubble.

More than four thousand people took part in search and rescue operations, including 70 teams with search dogs.

As a result of the earthquake, the cities of Accumoli and Amatrice were severely destroyed.

According to the mayor of Accumoli, Stefano Petrucci, there is not a single building suitable for habitation left in the city. The population of Accumoli is about 700 people, but, according to Petrucci, at the time of the earthquake there were about two thousand vacationers who came to visit relatives and friends. In turn, the mayor of Amatrice, Sergio Pirozzi, said that almost half of the city, in which about three thousand people lived, “no longer exists.”

In Italy, through the so-called “Solidarity SMS”, in the first three days after the devastating earthquake, 6.1 million euros were collected to help those affected by the natural disaster.

In addition to collecting funds through SMS, various Italian companies offered assistance to the victims. Thus, Internet operator Fastweb announced its intention to send 600 smartphones with free SIM cards to the population of the affected areas. In turn, the automobile company Fiat Chrysler made a fleet of cars available to services providing assistance to earthquake victims.

In addition, on the initiative of the Italian Ministry of Culture, all proceeds state museums, received on Sunday, August 28, also to the affected areas.

Assistance to Italy in overcoming the consequences of the devastating earthquake, including Russia.

Italy had enough of its own resources to conduct a search and rescue operation, but no less important task The problem that had to be solved in order to ensure the safety of the population was the assessment of the seismic resistance of socially significant objects and structures. Since Russian rescuers had already worked in Italy after the earthquake in L'Aquila (2009) and this experience was very successful, the Italian side again turned to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations with a request for assistance. Thus, Russia became the only country whose help Italy accepted. The combined detachment of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived in Italy on September 1 at the request of the authorities of this country; during their work, Russian specialists examined 92 socially significant objects.

On October 11, 2016, the Council of Ministers of Italy approved a decree on the restoration of territories in the central part of the country affected by strong earthquake August 24.

According to the decree, the first tranche of 200 million euros was allocated for the restoration of destroyed cities. In addition, the decree provided assistance to small and medium-sized businesses in the amount of up to 30 thousand euros each to renew their activities for a period of ten years with a zero interest rate.

Companies located only in the affected territories can receive a loan from the state of up to 600 thousand euros for a period of eight years, also with a zero interest rate.

The government is spending a total of 4.5 billion euros on the restoration of areas destroyed by the strong earthquake.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources