Interesting and original surnames. Project “What does my last name mean? Etymology of the Chasnykh surname

Research project"The origin of Russian surnames"

Direction: Russian language.

Completed by students of grade 8a of the municipal educational institution Kipenskaya sosh

Andreeva Victoria, Gorbunova Elizaveta, Kosheleva Karina

Head Trubacheva T.M.

teacher of Russian language and literature

Municipal educational institution Kipenskaya sosh

2013-2014 academic year

Subject of study

origin of surnames of 8th grade students of Municipal Educational Institution Kipenskaya Secondary School

Goal of the work :

to reveal the essence of the origin and formation of Russian surnames.

Research objectives:

  • 1) study the literature on this issue;
  • 2) describe the history of the issue of the origin of Russian surnames;
  • 3) identify the peculiarities of the origin of Russian surnames;
  • 4) determine the methods of origin of Russian surnames;
  • 5) determine the origin of Russian surnames, taking into account the mixture of nationalities;
  • 6) analyze the features of the origin and meaning of the surnames of students in grade 8a of the Kipenskaya sosh municipal educational institution.


The research will help us learn more about our distant ancestors and our family roots.

Relevance of the topic:

studying the origin of surnames can provide useful information for both historians and researchers of the Russian language, because some words that disappeared from the Russian language could remain in the surname.

Results of a survey of students of the Municipal Educational Institution Kipenskaya Secondary School

They are interested in the history of their surname and can explain its origin

They are interested in the history of their surname, but cannot explain its formation

Never thought about it

They love their last name

Indifferent to their surname


  • Word "surname" - of Latin origin. In the Roman Empire, it denoted a community consisting of a family of masters and their slaves. In the general case A surname is a hereditary family name that indicates a person’s belonging to a specific clan.

Formation of surnames

  • Most often, surnames are formed from personal names through possessive adjectives. Russian surnames often have suffixes -ov/-ev, -in , from the answer to the question “whose?”

Formation of surnames

  • The difference is purely formal: -s added to nicknames or names with a hard consonant ( Bogdan - Bogdanov , Mikhail - Mikhailov )
  • -ev to names or nicknames with a soft consonant ( Ignatius - Ignatiev , Golodyay - Golodyaev ), -in to the basics on -and I (Erema - Eremin , Ilya - Ilyin ).

Formation of surnames

  • Another group of Russian surnames was formed from the names settlements, church holidays and names of saints using a suffix and ending -sky/-tsky (Ilyinsky , Christmas - from Elias, Nativity Church, Makovetsky - owner of Makovets, Gorsky - owner Gore).

Surname structure

  • The surname consists, first of all, of the root stem (which has or has had in the past some lexical meaning), but can also include prefixes, suffixes and endings.
  • The basis of a surname often comes from a personal name or a nickname that carries one or another lexical meaning.
  • Prefix and ending

Family prefix. Family ending

Male and female surnames

  • From male Russian surnames to -s , -ev , -in, inflected according to the paradigm of short possessive adjectives, forms of female surnames with inflection are formed -A, inflected according to the paradigm of short possessive adjectives of the feminine gender (for example, “at Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova”).

Male and female surnames

  • From last names to -th , th , -Ouch, inflected according to the paradigm of full adjectives, forms of female surnames with inflection are formed -and I, inflected according to the paradigm of full feminine adjectives (for example, “from Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya”).

Male and female surnames

  • For others (except Slavic surnames on -and I, declining according to the paradigm of nouns of the 1st declension) of surnames, the feminine form coincides with the masculine, and is not declined, even if it is declined in the masculine gender (for example, “at Anna Pavlovna Sherer”).

Ivanov is the son of Ivanov. This also includes surnames derived from nicknames associated with the profession: Goncharov, Melnikov, Krasilnikov. "width="640"

Meaning and etymology

  • Russian surnames are mainly formed as patronymics from ecclesiastical or non-ecclesiastical personal names or nicknames, for example, Ivan Ivanov son of Ivanov . This also includes surnames derived from nicknames associated with the profession: Goncharov, Melnikov, Krasilnikov.

Meaning and etymology

  • Much less often - from the names of the area, for example Belozersky from Beloozero. This method of formation is especially characteristic of princely families, however (unlike Western Europe) is not typical for nobles.

Meaning and etymology

  • It should be noted here that in the ancient Russian naming system it was also customary to call babies security names , amulets- names with negative content - for protection, scaring away evil forces or for the reverse effect of the name. This is how it is still customary to scold those taking an exam, or to wish a hunter “no feather, no feather.” It was believed that Dur will grow up smart Nekras handsome, and Hunger will always be full. Security names then they became familiar nicknames, and then a surname.

The origin of Russian surnames

  • In various social strata, surnames appeared in different time. The first in the Russian lands to acquire surnames were citizens of Veliky Novgorod and its vast possessions in the north, stretching from the Baltic Sea to the Ural Range.

The origin of Russian surnames

  • Somewhat later, in XIV - XV centuries, family names appeared among princes and boyars. The princes were nicknamed by the name of their inheritance, and the moment of the emergence of the surname should be considered the moment when the prince, having lost his inheritance, still retained its name as a nickname for himself and his descendants: Shuisky , Obolensky , Vyazemsky etc. A minority of princely surnames come from nicknames: Loons, Humpbacks, Big-Eyed, Lykovs, Scriabins etc. Surnames like Lobanov-Rostovsky connect the name of the reign with the nickname. Boyar and noble families were also formed from nicknames or from the names of their ancestors.

The origin of Russian surnames

At the end 15th century Among Russian nobles, the first surnames of foreign origin appear, primarily Polish-Lithuanian and Greek surnames (for example. Philosophical) immigrants; V XVII century to them are added such surnames of Western origin as Fonvizins , Lermontovs . The surnames of the descendants of Tatar immigrants were reminiscent of the names of these immigrants: Yusupov , Akhmatov , Kara-Murza Karamzin (also from Kara-Murza). However, it should be noted that the eastern origin of a surname does not always indicate eastern origin its bearers: in some cases, they come from Tatar nicknames that were in fashion in Muscovite Rus'.

The origin of Russian surnames

During this period, peasants usually did not have surnames; their function was performed by nicknames and patronymics, as well as the mention of their owner. : “Ivan Mikitin’s son, and his nickname is Menshik,” recording 1568 : “Onton Mikiforov’s son, and his nickname is Zhdan” Peasants northern Russia, former Novgorod possessions, could have real surnames in this era, since serfdom did not apply to these areas. Probably the most famous example of this kind is Mikhailo Lomonosov. You can also remember Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva- Novgorod peasant woman, Pushkin’s nanny.

The origin of Russian surnames

Finally, the entire population of the USSR began to have surnames only in the 1930s. XX century in the era of universal certification .

Last name and nationality

The linguistic affiliation of names and surnames is determined not so much by the foundations of which language they are composed of, but by the language in which they are used. It turns out that the most traditional Russian name Ivan of Hebrew origin, and surnames formed from numerous folk forms of this name like Ivakin, Ivanaev, Ivanyaev, Vankaev, Vankin, Vanshin, Ivashkin may belong not only to Russians, but also to Chuvash, Mordvins, Mari and other peoples inhabiting Russian Federation. They are used both in Russian and in the languages ​​of other peoples. Thus, a person’s nationality and the linguistic affiliation of his surname often do not coincide.

Last name and nationality

  • The main thing for the assimilation of foreigners was the act of baptism. They learned the Russian language, their children were brought up in Russian culture, and only the surname reminded them of the origin of their fathers.
  • Many figures of Russian culture were born from mixed marriages. Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky was the son of a Russian nobleman and a captured Turkish woman, and received his surname from his godfather. The mother of Alexander Ivanovich Herzen was a German woman who was not legally married to his father, and his surname was invented from the German word “herzen” - “heartfelt” as a symbol of the parents’ heartfelt affection.

Last name and nationality

  • Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin is a descendant of a knight of the Order of the Sword, captured under Ivan the Terrible. The father of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov came from the Scottish family Leirmont. One of the representatives of this family, Georg Lermont, switched to Russian service in 1613. “The Sun of Russian Poetry,” Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, was a descendant of Ibrahim Petrovich Hannibal, the Arab of Peter the Great.

Last name and nationality

  • As a result of the interaction of languages different nations Some surnames of Russian citizens cannot be unambiguously interpreted as coming from some word. The multitude of languages ​​involved in their formation, fairly short stems, an abundance of homonyms and folk etymology have contributed to the fact that sometimes surnames have up to five possible interpretations.

Last name and nationality

Babin, Babich, Babichev- these surnames can come from the Russian word woman- “woman, wife”, also from Turkic woman'- “father, grandfather.”

  • Goryunov- from goryun(grieving man), but there is also an archaic ethnic group Goryuny in Polesie.
  • The examples can be continued. But this is enough to show the complexity of defining the concept "Russian surname" .

the most common Russian surnames

  • Smirnov
  • Ivanov
  • Kuznetsov
  • Sokolov
  • Popov
  • Lebedev
  • Kozlov
  • Novikov
  • Morozov
  • Solovyov

Frequency of Russian surnames in the municipal educational institution Kipenskaya sosh.

  • Smirnov (6 people)
  • Ivanov (4 people)
  • Alekseev, Lugachev, Tychkin (3 people each)

Analysis of the names of students in grade 8a, Kipenskaya secondary school

The basis of the surname was the church canonical name

The basis of the surname was a nickname, which is one of the professional names

Andreeva, Emelyanova, Ivanova, Ilyina, Ishutin, Matyushkin, Mikhailova, Osipov, Filimonov, Yakimova, Yakovlev

The surname was based on a street nickname

Blagochinov, Tokareva (1), Trubacheva

The basis of the surname was the name of the place of residence

Bormatova, Gorbunova, Dolganov (1), Zelenaya, Komarov, Kosheleva, Lugachev

The surname was based on a secular name

Zazersky, Dolganov (2)

Tokareva (2)

Andreeva Victoria

The basis of the surname Andreev was church name Andrey. The surname Andreev goes back to the canonical male name Andrei, which translated from ancient Greek means “courageous.” This is the name of one of the apostles of Jesus Christ - Andrew the First-Called.

Blagochinov Kirill

Most likely, the nickname Dean is one of the “professional” titles and indicates the person’s occupation. In the Orthodox Church, a dean is a special position designed to oversee order in a specific church district within a diocese. However, it is possible that the nickname Dean indicated the character of the person. Thus, a devout, pious parishioner could be called Dean. Dean, eventually received the surname Blagochinnov.

Bormatova Yulia

The surname BormOtov is derived from the nickname Bormot, which goes back to the verb “to mumble.” Its meaning is defined by V.I. Dal in the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” as “to speak indistinctly, quickly and under one’s breath; grumble, coo." According to this, the founder of the Bormotov family could have poor diction. It is less likely that the nickname Murmur is derived from the name of one of the varieties of crested hairy-footed pigeons - the mumbling pigeon or mumbling pigeon. In this case, such a nickname could be given to a person with an unusual appearance.

Gorbunova Elizaveta

The nickname underlying the surname goes back to the common nouns “hump”, “humpbacked” - “stooped, crooked, curved”. The nickname Hunchback can be associated with the word “hunchback” in another meaning: in Siberian dialects this was the name for a runaway tramp. Similar nicknames were widespread in Rus' in all segments of the population. Hunchback, eventually received the surname Gorbunov.

Dolganov Igor

The surname Dolganov comes from the nickname Dolgan: this is how he called tall people, tall people. However, this word also has another meaning. Dolgans are a people living in Taimyr Autonomous Okrug. In this case, the nickname Dolgan could be received by a representative of this nationality or by someone who lived among the Dolgans for some time.

Emelyanova Anna

The basis of the Emelyanov surname was the church name Emelyan. The surname Emelyanov comes from the church male name Emelyan. This name is of Greek origin and translates as “flattering.” Emelyan, eventually received the surname Emelyanov.

Zazersky Danil

The surname Zazersky is derived from the place of residence - beyond the lake. During numerous censuses of surnames, the vowel o at the base was lost.

Green Yana

The surname Zelenaya is derived from the nickname Green. It originates from a similar adjective. It is possible that this nickname had a special meaning associated with the symbolism of the color green, which in the ideas of many peoples personified spring, ripening, fertility, resurrection, and life. Besides, green color signified continuity. The expression “evergreen” already in ancient times implied immortality, as a derivative of a mixture of yellow (earth) and blue (sky). However, green is the color of immaturity. Therefore, the nickname Green could be given to a young, inexperienced person.

Ivanova Irina

The surname Ivanov is a common type of Russian surname and is derived from the baptismal name. The surname Ivanov goes back to the Russian version of the canonical male name John (from Hebrew - “mercy of God”). It is known that in ancient Judea it was pronounced Yohanaan. The Russian name probably comes from the progenitor of the Slavs, Van, since in ancient times all the Slavs were called “Vani.” Christianity added only one letter “and” to the name.

Ilyina Ksenia

The basis of the surname Ilyin was the church name Ilya. The surname Ilyina comes from the male baptismal name Ilya, which is a modified form biblical name Eliyahu. The latter is translated from Hebrew as “my God is the Lord,” that is, “My God is the true God.” The patron of this name is Elijah the Prophet - a legendary figure in the Jewish and Christian tradition, a miracle worker and soothsayer, a formidable denouncer of idolatry.

Ishutin Ivan

The surname Ishutin is derived from the name Ishuta, a diminutive form of the male personal name Ivan. It historically goes back to the canonical male personal name John, which translated from Hebrew means “mercy of God.”

Komarov Artyom

Surnames derived from the names of insects are few in number compared to “bird” and “animal” surnames. Nevertheless, the surname Komarov entered the top hundred most common Russian surnames. It goes back to the nickname Mosquito. This could be the name given to a person who was short, had a thin voice, or was somewhat annoying.

Kosheleva Karina

The surname Koshelev, according to one hypothesis, goes back to the noun “purse” meaning “a bag for storing money.” In this case, the nickname Koshel could be given to a rich but stingy person. However, most likely, the surname originates from the nickname Koshel, which was given to a clumsy, awkward person. Koshel eventually received the surname Koshelev.

Lugachev Vitaly

The nickname Lugach most likely goes back to the common noun “meadow” - “small grass plain”. Consequently, this could be the nickname for both the owner of the meadow and the person who lived in the meadow or in a settlement with a name derived from the word “meadow”. Lugach, eventually received the surname Lugachev.

Matyushkin Denis

The basis of the surname Matyushkin was the church name Matvey. The surname Matyushkin goes back to the male name Matyushka, a colloquial diminutive form of the baptismal name Matvey. Translated from Hebrew, it means “man of God.”

Mikhailova Ksenia

The basis of the Mikhailov surname was the church name Mikhail. The male baptismal name Michael translated from Hebrew means “equal, like God.” The surname Mikhailov was based on its ancient everyday form - Mikhailo.

Osipov Denis

The surname Osipov is most likely formed from the name Osip, folk form baptismal male name Joseph. It, in turn, is of Hebrew origin and translated means “God will increase” or “God will add.”

Tokareva Anastasia

The surname Tokarev probably comes from the nickname Tokar, which goes back to a similar common noun. Obviously, such a nickname refers to the so-called “professional” names, indicating the type of activity of a person: most likely, the founder of the Tokarev family was a master engaged in turning. According to another hypothesis, the surname Tokarev is based not on a nickname, but on the worldly name Tokar, which goes back to the common noun “turner” - popular name black grouse birds.

Trubacheva Tatyana Mikhailovna (class teacher).

The surname Trubachev is derived from the nickname Trubach. Most likely, it refers to the so-called “professional” names, containing an indication of the person’s occupation. Typically, in the past, a trumpet player was a musician who played the trumpet, then a chimney sweep, and in the 19th century, a fireman who blew a trumpet when the team was leaving. It is also possible that the seller had this nickname musical instruments or a master who makes them. The trumpeter eventually received the surname Trubachev.

Filimonov Konstantin

The basis of the Filimonov surname was the church name Filimon. The surname Filimonov goes back to the church male name Filimon. This name came into Russian from ancient Greek and is derived from the verb “phileo”, which means “to love”. Filimon eventually received the surname Filimonov.

Yakimova Anastasia

The basis of the Yakimov surname was the church name Joachim. The name Yakim is a common variant of the male name Joachim, which translated from Hebrew means “ordained by God.” Initially, the name Joakim in the Russian language began to sound like Akim, and in some areas, under the influence of “ekka” or “yak” dialects, as Ekim or Yakim. One should also not exclude the possibility of the formation of the surname Yakimov from the nickname Yakim: sometimes this name was used as a common noun meaning “simpleton.”

Yakovlev Alexey

The surname Yakovlev comes from the baptismal male name Yakov, which is the secular analogue of the church name Jacob. This name is translated from Hebrew as “second-born.” Most likely, the founder of the Yakovlev family received this name from his parents in honor of the patron saint of James Zebedee, the apostle of Jesus Christ.


Research convinced us that surnames can be an interesting source for historical, sociological, and linguistic research, since they reflect time and a person - his social status and spiritual world.

Personal attitude towards the work done

With our work we would like to encourage people to study the origins of their surname. It's very educational, exciting and interesting activity. Ancient Russian surnames, including the surnames of our classmates, provide rich material for studying the historical past of both our country and each of us. History is written in the language of the people. And what, no matter how proper names (surnames, given names), can give us answers to many questions!

Hypothesis proven

We learned about the origins of our surnames, this allowed us to expand our understanding of family roots, of our distant ancestors.


  • Barashkov V. F. Surnames with calendar names as a basis / V. F. Barashkov // Anthroponymics. - M.: Nauka, 1970. - P. 110-114.
  • Ganzhina I.M. Dictionary of modern Russian surnames. - M.: Astrel, AST, 2001. - 672 p. - ISBN 5-271-00127-X, ISBN 5-237-04101-9.
  • Nikonov V. A. Dictionary of Russian surnames / Comp. E. L. Krushelnitsky; preface R. Sh. Dzharylgasinova. - M.: Shkola-Press, 1993. - 224 p. - ISBN 5-88527-011-2.
  • Nikonov V. A. Geography of surnames / Rep. ed. S. I. Brook; preface R. Sh. Dzharylgasinova. - 3rd ed., stereotypical. - M.: KomKniga, 2007. - 200 p. - ISBN 978-5-484-00762-2.
  • Systems of personal names among the peoples of the world: Sat. Art. - M.: Science (GRVL), 1989.

  • Superanskaya A.V., Suslova A.V. Modern Russian surnames / Rep. ed. Corresponding member USSR Academy of Sciences F. P. Filin - M.: Nauka, 1981/1984. - 176 p. - (Literary criticism and linguistics). - Additional, shooting range, 100,000 copies. (region)
  • Unbegaun B.O. Russian surnames = Russian surnames / Transl. from English: L. Kurkina, V. Neroznak, E. Squires; total ed. B. A. Uspensky. - M., 1989. - 448 p. - 50,000 copies. - ISBN 5-01-001045-3 (reg.)
  • Unbegaun B.O. Russian surnames = Russian surnames / Transl. from English; total ed. B. A. Uspensky. - 2nd ed., rev. - M.: Progress Publishing Group, 1995. - 448 p. -50,000 copies - ISBN 5-01-004266-5 (super region)
  • Fedosyuk Yu. A. Russian surnames: Popular etymological dictionary. - 5th ed. - M.: Flint, The science, 2004. - 240 p. - ISBN 5-89349-216-1, ISBN 5-02-002782-0.; - 6th ed., rev. - M.: Flinta, Nauka, 2004. - 240 s.

Municipal budget educational institution

Main comprehensive school No. 25 Anapa


“The origin and meaning of the surnames of my classmates”

Completed by 8th grade student: Elizaveta Tsyganenko

Project manager: Elena Ivanovna Prokhorova

teacher of Russian language literature.


Who was your great-grandfather in Rus'?

Ask for your last name.

They sound like music, like poetry

Surnames are simple.

Look closely and you will see in them

History of Russia.

G. Graubin.

Every person has a first and last name from birth. They are written in our passport and birth certificate and accompany us throughout our lives. The name is given to us by the choice of our parents, and the surname comes from the father, who inherited it from his father. Consequently, we have the surname that our predecessors bore and therefore it is important, in my opinion, to know our ancestry, it is important to be a link in the chain of our generation. At all times they were proud of the family name; people wanted it to live as long as possible. Therefore, in every family everyone wanted to give birth to boys, because this was the guarantee that the family name would continue to exist. But how many people know: where did their surname come from and what did it mean when it appeared? I think that the question of the origin of the surname, what the surname means, what word it came from, how it changed over time is very important for every person who cares about the history of their family, the history of their country, since a surname is a kind of living history.

The topic of my research work is “The origin and meaning of the surnames of my classmates.” Interest in the question arose while studying the topic “Vocabulary” in Russian language lessons while studying the topic “Etymology”. One of the tasks on this topic was to determine the etymology of one’s last name.

This is how it appeared target my job: find out the meaning of my last name and the last names of my classmates.

To achieve the goal, the following were identified tasks:

* Consider what “onomastics” is; anthroponymy.

* Study the history and origin of the word “surname”

*Find out the origin of my own surname and the surnames of my classmates.

* Classification of the names of my classmates.

Subject of study: last names of 8th grade students

Research methods: search, research.

Hypothesis work is the assumption that the surnames of my classmates are formed from proper names, names of objects and crafts that our ancestors were engaged in.

This project allows you to turn to the origins of surnames and increase interest in the history of your family and country. kind of, because every person would like to know the meaning of his surname and his predecessors. Therefore, the theme of the project can be considered relevant

1 The science that studies surnames is anthroponymy.

From the school course of the Russian language we know that people's names, their patronymics and surnames belong to proper nouns. Having studied the scientific literature, I learned that proper nouns are studied by such a branch of linguistics as onomastics(from the Greek onomastikos - related to the name, onyma - name, title). People’s proper names and their origins are usually called anthroponyms (from the Greek word anthropos “man” + onoma “name”), and the science that studies anthroponyms is called anthroponymy.” Thus, the modern Russian anthroponymic system includes three elements in the name of a person: first name, patronymic and last name (for example, Oleg Petrovich Skvortsov). In many Western European countries, the personal name system consists of a first and last name (for example, Charles Dickens), but double or even triple names are widely used there (for example, Jean-Francois Ducie, Henri-Dominique Lallemant, Marie-Virginie-Catherine Delville).

Using Russian history as an example, let’s look at how our anthroponymic system arose. In ancient times, when people lived in small groups, a name was enough to distinguish one person from another. Ancient Slavic names(Slavs are the ancestors of Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and other peoples) consisted of two bases or one base. For example, the two-basic names Svyatoslav, Vsevolod, Rostislav, Mechislav, Ratibor, Dorogobud, Svyatopolk, Vladimir. Such two-basic names were characteristic primarily of the top of the then society, mainly of princes. The names of warriors and ordinary people also came from Slavic roots, but had the same basis: Dobrynya, Gordyata, Vyshata, Putyata.

In 988 Ancient Rus' accepted Christianity. The rite of baptism also included the naming of a name from a strictly defined list of saints, placed in the calendar - the church calendar. These names are usually called calendar names. Calendar names were of Hebrew, Greek, Roman, and Persian origin. Many calendar names have been adapted (that is, adapted) to Russian pronunciation. For example, John - Ivan, Georgy - Yuri and Egor, Jacob - Yakov.
Church names were spread with great difficulty. Until the 13th – 14th centuries, most princes were called by old Slavic names, and the names received at baptism were sometimes even kept secret to avoid the evil eye. The famous Kyiv princes Vladimir the Red Sun (Vasily), Yaroslav the Wise (George), Vladimir Monomakh (Vasily) are known by their Slavic names.
But already in the Middle Ages, some Slavic names that belonged to princes who were canonized became included in the calendar. For example, Vladimir, Boris, Gleb, Vsevolod, Igor, Svyatopolk. Thus, these names also became calendar names.

Non-calendar names remained as the main ones for many people for a long time. In XV – 16th centuries they were widespread even among the nobles. For example, Menshik, Tretyak, Nechay, Pyat, Zhdan, Rusin, Molchak, Shestak, Nevezha, Ugrim, Sample. Many names sounded offensive from a modern point of view and were probably given because of the evil eye. So, there were people with the names Fool, Scoundrel, Brekh, Bad, Bad, Thief (thief). Before the emergence of surnames, non-calendar names served as an additional identifying feature.
Among ordinary people, the names of animals (animals, livestock, birds, insects, etc.) were common as non-calendar names: Ram, Bull, Goby, Wolf, Crow, Dove, Crane, Hare, Boar, Goat, Mosquito, Cow , Kite, Swan, Fox, Bear, Ant, Rooster, Tit, Hawk, etc.

The patronymic is the second element of the personal name system. The patronymic appeared approximately in the 10th – 11th centuries and was used as a dignification for the father’s name. Initially, it had a complex form, so the word son was added to the father’s name: Ivan Petrov son, Vasily Semyonov son. Later, patronymics take on a shorter form with the help of the suffixes “-vich”, “-evna” among noble people (Ivan Petrovich, Elena Andreevna); among the middle layers using the suffixes “-ov”, “-ev”, “-in” (Ivan Petrov, Semyon Andreev); simple people got by without a middle name.

2. History and originthe words "surname"

Today it is impossible to imagine our life without a surname. This is our family name. However, not everyone thinks about the fact that even before mid-19th centuries, the surname was rather an exception to the rule. The history of the word “surname” itself is interesting. By its origin, Latin also entered the Russian language as part of borrowed languages ​​from Western Europe. But in Russia, the word “surname” was initially used to mean “family.” And only in the 19th century the word gradually acquired its second meaning, which then became the main one.

So what does the word surname mean? For a more precise definition of the meaning of the word “surname”, let us turn to the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegova: “A surname is a hereditary family name added to a personal name.” That is, it is passed down from generation to generation, from older family members to younger ones. Surnames were not invented just like that, each of them is the life story of more than one person

I was interested: where did the surname come from, when did it first appear, and what did this or that surname mean when it appeared?

Accordingly, in order to find out what the meaning and secret of a surname is, you need to turn to its origins, understand what its history and origin are.

Surnames appeared among Russian feudal lords (noble people) in the 15th – 16th centuries. At this time, a unified state was being created in Russia. Previously, when there were small principalities, a name and patronymic (sometimes with the addition of a non-calendar name) was enough to distinguish one from another among the few feudal lords. But in the second half of the 15th century, when Russian state is becoming more and more, the number of feudal lords is growing rapidly and in these conditions only a first name and patronymic is no longer enough for noble people. The establishment of mandatory service for all feudal lords required the compilation of lists of service people, in which recording these people only by first name and patronymic could lead to confusion. When inheriting land and other property, it was necessary to prove membership in a certain clan, and only a clan name could prove it. A non-calendar name did not indicate that the feudal lord belonged to a particular clan. Princely surnames were created largely on the basis of adjectives indicating the land or principality where one or another prince reigned: Belozersky, Shuisky, Beloselsky, Staritsky, Volynsky.
Among the boyars and nobles, surnames were mainly formed from the name of the father: Romanovs, Velyaminovs, Dmitrievs, Tretyakov, Shestakov.
TO XVII century the process of forming surnames among feudal lords ended. Now, in order to change the surname, special permission from the king was required.
In the second half of the 17th century, surnames began to appear among city residents and some peasants who went to work in the cities. With the introduction of passports and more strict population registration under Peter I, the entire urban population and a significant part of state (free) peasants also received surnames. Serfs (landowners) received surnames only after the abolition of serfdom (1861). Those serfs who went to work in the cities received surnames earlier, since going to the city required a passport in which the surname had to be written down.

Surnames were formed:
by the name of the feudal lord or the estate that belonged to him (Sheremetyev, Shuisky);
by the names of their fathers (Ivanov, Petrov, Semyonov, Fedorov);
by place of residence (Moskvichev, Novgorodtsev, Pskovin, Kungurtsev);
by profession (Kuznetsov, Slesarev, Rybakov, Rukavishnikov, Kozhevnikov);
by the name of religious holidays (Pokrovsky, Rozhdestvensky, Easter);
by character traits (Nekhoroshev, Boltunov);
by the names of animals, birds, fish, plants (Medvedev, Golubev, Ershov, Muravyov, Berezkin), etc.;
according to localities mentioned in the Bible, from foreign words (Jerusalem, Jordan, Modestov - modest /Latin language/);
in honor of an event (October).

Surnames were formed using the suffixes “-sky”, “-ov”, “-ev”, “-in”, “-yn”.
By the beginning of the 20th century, Russian surnames had already become established. Facilitation of the procedure for changing a surname in the first years Soviet power led to many people changing their old surnames. Nowadays, surnames have become quite stable (unchangeable)

3. The origin of my own surname and the surnames of my classmates.

Having received the necessary theoretical information, I decided to analyze the history of the origin of the surnames of my classmates and my own surname. There are only 6 people in my class: Zinoviev Rodion, Kovalchuk Elizaveta, Timofeev Danil, Shpilevaya Elizaveta, Chasnykh Anastasia and I - Tsyganenko Elizaveta. Analyzing the surnames of my classmates, I came to the conclusion that Russian surnames are an encyclopedia of the history of our country, everyday life, ethnography. They are rooted in ancient times and carry certain information about events, phenomena, objects of a certain era.

Etymology of the surname Zinoviev

The surname Zinoviev is formed from a proper name and belongs to a common type of Russian surnames.

After 988, every Slav, during an official baptism ceremony, received a baptismal name from the priest, which served only one purpose - to provide the person with a personal name. Baptismal names corresponded to the names of saints and were therefore common Christian names.

The surname Zinoviev came from the male name Zinovy ​​(from the Greek Zeus - “Zeus” and bios - “life”), who in everyday life was called Zina or Zina.

In the Orthodox name book, this name appeared in memory of Saint Zenobius, who, together with his sister, suffered martyrdom in 285 in Cilicia.

From childhood, he and his sister adopted the holy Christian faith from their parents and led a pious, chaste life. In their mature years, alien to the love of money, they distributed all their property, which they received as an inheritance, to the poor.

For his charity and holy life, the Lord rewarded Zinovy ​​with the gift of healing various diseases. He was elected bishop of the Christian community in Cilicia. Saint Zenobius zealously spread the Christian faith among the pagans.

When Emperor Diocletian began the persecution of Christians, Bishop Zinovy ​​was the first to be captured and brought to trial before the ruler Lysias. By his order, the saint was nailed to the cross and began to be tortured. The bishop's sister, seeing her brother's suffering, wanted to share it with him. She fearlessly confessed her faith in Christ before her persecutors, for which she was also given over to be tortured. By the power of the Lord, the saints who survived the torture were beheaded.

So, the basis of the surname Zinoviev was church name Zinovy. Often the ancient Slavs added the name of his father to the name of a newborn, thereby denoting belonging to a certain clan. This is due to the fact that there were relatively few baptismal names, and they were often repeated. The addition to a person’s name in the form of a patronymic helped solve the problem of identification.

Already in the 15th–16th centuries in Rus', surnames began to be fixed and passed on from generation to generation, indicating a person’s belonging to a specific family. These were possessive adjectives with the suffixes -ov/-ev, -in, which initially indicated the name of the head of the family. Thus, the descendants of a man with the name Zinovy ​​eventually received the surname Zinoviev.

It is currently difficult to talk about the exact place and time of the origin of the Zinoviev surname, since the process of formation of surnames was quite long. Nevertheless, the surname Zinoviev is a wonderful monument of Slavic writing and culture.

Etymology of the surname Kovalchuk

Representatives of the Kovalchuk family can be proud of their ancestors, information about which is contained in various documents confirming the mark they left in the history of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. Of course, over time, bearers of this surname can live in other historical areas.

The surname Kovalchuk belongs to a common type of ancient Slavic surnames, formed from nicknames related to professional activity one of the ancestors.

Such professional nicknames have existed in Rus' since time immemorial, and after the adoption of Christianity, that is, with the advent of mandatory baptismal names, they served as additional nicknames. In official documents they helped highlight specific person in the mass of people who bore the same baptismal name, and in everyday life they often completely replaced baptismal names, which were less numerous and therefore often repeated.

The nickname Koval was formed from the dialect word “koval/kaval” - “blacksmith”. Since ancient times, blacksmiths have enjoyed special honor, and their art is surrounded by legends. It was believed that the people who practiced this craft had superhuman strength and abilities and were shamans. A seasoned, experienced person was also called a farrier, including one who was especially successful in matters of the heart. In the villages it was believed that a blacksmith could not only forge a plow or a sword, but also heal illnesses, arrange weddings, cast a spell, ward off evil spirits.

Due to the fact that in almost all nations the blacksmith was a respected (and fairly wealthy) person, the most widely based professions are based on this profession. famous names in the world: English Smith, German Schmidt, French Ferran, Spanish Herrero. The prevalence of such surnames is confirmed by a number of ancient documents that mention their possible ancestors: Kovalenok Peter, peasant, 1628, Belev; Koval, peasant, 1545, Novgorod; Kovanka Stepan Ivanov, peasant, 1624, Kurmysh; Kovach Ermak, peasant, early 15th century. Beloozero; Ivan Kovachev, peasant, 1627, Belev.

In conditions when the bulk of farms had a “natural” character, master craftsmen stood out strongly from the general mass of peasants, and therefore the “family” nickname quickly took root when applied to their descendants. During times Kievan Rus the patronymic suffix -chuk meant patronymic or affiliation (Koval's son or Kovalchuk). However, this suffix denoted not only sons, but also young people - the master’s students. Thus, this surname could also be attached to the talented assistant of the farrier, who soon replaced him in the forge.

Among the representatives of this family there are many famous and outstanding personalities: Russian actress Kovalchuk Anna Leonidovna, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Kovalchuk Boris Mikhailovich and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Kovalchuk Mikhail Valentinovich, Russian hockey player Kovalchuk Ilya Valerievich and many others.

Etymology of the surname Timofeev

The etymology of the surname Timofeev, which belongs to the oldest type of original Russian surnames, goes back to the proper name. The basis of the surname Timofeev became the church name Timofey. The canonical names were contained in the church calendar - the calendar. Canonical names became an active basis for the creation of surnames. The surname Timofeev goes back to the canonical male name Timofey (ancient Greek timotheos - “who worships God”).

The prevalence of the name Timothy is probably explained by the fact that it was borne by the Apostle Timothy of Ephesus, one of the most faithful and beloved disciples of the Apostle Paul, who said the following about Timothy: “My beloved and faithful son in the Lord”; "our brother and servant of God." Timothy, despite his youth, carried out a number of important assignments for the apostle - he preached to the Thessalonians and instructed the Corinthians in the faith. Sending Timothy to the Philippians, Paul admonished: “For I have no one equally diligent who cares for you so sincerely; his faithfulness is known to you, because he served me like a son to his father in the gospel.” According to church tradition, Timothy suffered martyrdom from the pagans in the year 80. His relics were transferred to Constantinople in the 4th century. The memory in the Orthodox Church is celebrated on February 4 (January 22, old style), as well as on January 17 (January 4, old style) on the day of the Council of the Apostles of the Seventy; and in the Catholic Church - January 26.

Most likely, the founder of the Timofeev family was a man from privileged class. The fact is that surnames formed from full form name, had mainly the social elite, the nobility, or families who enjoyed great authority in a given area, whose representatives were respectfully called by their neighbors by their full name, in contrast to other classes, who were called, as a rule, by diminutive, derivative, everyday names.

Already in the 15th–16th centuries, among wealthy people, surnames began to be fixed and passed on from generation to generation, indicating a person’s belonging to a specific family. These were possessive adjectives with the suffixes -ov/-ev, -in, which initially indicated the name of the head of the family. Thus, the descendants of a man with the name Timofey eventually received the surname Timofeev. . Naturally, Timofeev, Timofeichev, Timofeykin, Timofeychik originate from Timofey.

Among the famous representatives of this family it is worth noting Nikolai Dmitrievich Timofeev, a Russian general, participant in the Crimean War; Valery Vasilievich Timofeev, Russian poet, prose writer, author of more than three dozen books; Nikolai Vladimirovich Timofeev-Resovsky, an outstanding Russian biologist who worked on the problems of radiation genetics, population genetics and microevolution.

Since the process of forming surnames was quite long, it is currently difficult to talk about the exact place and time of the appearance of the surname Timofeev. However, we can say with confidence that it belongs to the oldest Russian family names and is a wonderful monument of Slavic writing and culture.

Etymology of the name Shpilevaya

Since ancient times, the Slavs had a tradition of giving a person a nickname in addition to the name he received at baptism. This was due to the fact that there were relatively few church names, and they were often repeated. Nickname it made it easy to distinguish a person in society. This was very convenient, since the supply of nicknames was truly inexhaustible. The sources could be: an indication of the character or appearance of a person, a designation of the nationality or locality from which the person came. Sometimes nicknames, originally attached to baptismal names, completely replaced names not only in Everyday life, but also in official documents. The surname Shpileva goes back to the noun “spire”. This word formed the basis of the nickname in one of the following meanings.

1 value

Typically, a “pin” or “hairpin” was a knitting needle, a pin, or a wire fork for a woman’s hairstyle. The spire also denoted one of the samples of Russian hats. Accordingly, the nickname Spire could be given to a spire master or a spire seller. In addition, the word “spire” meant “big nail.” Typically, such nails were used to sew ship plating. The “spire” is also a standing gate for lifting anchors and other weights. Therefore, the ancestor of the owner of this surname could have been a shipbuilder or a sailor. It is possible that the nickname Spiel goes back to the verb “to spire”, i.e. “to reproach in indirect terms.” This is most likely how a malicious person could be called. Shpil, over time, received the surname Shpilevoy.

2 value. What does the name Shpileva mean? The Shpilevs' surname is Cossack. The Zaporozhye Cossacks had a guard who sat high on a tower and looked out for approaching enemies. These towers were called spiers. Hence the nickname of those Cossacks. whoever was looking forward was the spire. And, as you know. the surnames of the Zaporozhye Cossacks came from nicknames. So the surname Shpileva is primarily Cossack. And of course, sea, as noted above. It is not for nothing that Shpilevs are often found among military sailors. But the Zaporozhye Cossacks were also excellent sailors.

Etymology of the Chasnykh surname

Last names on -their/s came from a nickname that characterized the family - Short, White, Red, Large, Small etc. - and are a form of the genitive (or prepositional) case plural possessive adjective, which was formed by adding a patronymic suffix to the root of the nickname. Doctor of Philological Sciences A.V. Superanskaya describes the mechanism of formation of these surnames as follows: “The head of the family is called Zolotoy, the whole family is called Zolotoy. A native or descendants of a family in next generation- Zolotykh". According to the norms of the literary language, ending with -their And -s surnames are not declined. The surname Chasnyk is formed from a proper name and belongs to a common type of Ukrainian surnames. The basis of the surname Chasnyk was the secular name Chasnyk. The surname Chasnyk is most likely derived from non-church name Chasnyk. It originates from Ukrainian word“chasnik”, which is translated into Russian as “garlic”. It should be noted that before the introduction of Christianity in Rus', naming a child with a name representing the name of a plant was a very common tradition. This corresponded to man's pagan ideas about the world. Old Russian man, who lived according to the laws of nature, imagined himself as a part of nature. Garlic was especially revered by the Slavs. Since ancient times, garlic was considered a kind of amulet. And it is no coincidence that in the old days during a meal on the Carol holiday of the birth of light-fire, a head of garlic was placed on the table in front of each guest. This was done to ward off evil forces and all diseases. The worship of garlic probably arose for its special “burning” properties and strong, pungent odor. It was a “mythical, magical potion” in the full sense of the word. Herodotus also noted that the Alazan Scythians, who lived between the Bug and the Dnieper, were engaged in agriculture and ate garlic and onions. Magical, enchanted garlic was grown in a special way, by planting it in the ground in a raw consecrated egg. Then it blossomed at the very midnight of Kupala. It was believed that anyone who possessed such a plant could work miracles, communicate with evil spirits and all sorts of sorcerers, and could even ride on a witch, like on a horse, even to other countries. Thus, the concept of garlic merged with the concept of cleansing from all charm and damage. Thus, a descendant of a person with the name Chasnyk eventually received the surname Chasnyk

Etymology of the surname Tsyganenko

A study of the history of the origin of the Tsyganenko surname reveals forgotten pages the life and culture of our ancestors and can tell a lot of interesting things about the distant past.

The family name Tsyganenko is derived from a personal nickname and belongs to a common type of Russian surnames.

Since ancient times, the Slavs had a tradition of giving a person a nickname in addition to the name he received at baptism. The fact is that there were relatively few church names, and they were often repeated. Truly an inexhaustible supply nicknames made it easy to distinguish a person in society. The sources could be: an indication of the occupation, the characteristics of the person’s character or appearance, nationality, or the area from which the person came.

The surname Tsyganenko can be interpreted ambiguously. It is possible that some bearers of a similar surname were indeed descendants of gypsies. So, L.M. Shchetinin argues that most of the same-root surnames that arose on the Don should be considered as direct evidence of the ethnicity of the ancestor - this is also confirmed by the collective nicknames of the residents of some villages. According to this hypothesis of the formation of the surname, the ancestor of the Tsyganov family could belong to the Gypsies and bore the nickname Gypsy.

However, a dark-skinned, dark-haired person could also receive the nickname Gypsy. In addition, in Russian dialects, “gypsies” were called “money dealers, rogues, resellers.”

As you know, the gypsies have long been famous for their magical abilities. It is possible that the ancestor of the Tsyganenko family was distinguished by the ability to predict the future by reading his hand and to cast a spell.

During the times of Kievan Rus, the patronymic suffix -enko among the southern Slavs meant “small” or “son of so-and-so.” In the XIII-XV centuries. a considerable part of family nicknames recorded in Ukraine, in the southern lands of White Rus' and in the southwest of Moscow Rus' were formed with the participation of this suffix. Only later, in the 16th-18th centuries, did the late Great Russian form of family nicknames in -ov/ev and -in, which became official, prevail in these lands. This is the reason for the prevalence of surnames with the suffix -enko in Ukraine, as well as in the south of Belarus and Russia. Later, the ancient suffix -enko ceased to be understood literally and was preserved only as a family suffix. So, based on the nickname Gypsy, the surname Tsyganenko appeared.

The family’s acceptance of the ancestor’s personal nickname as their family name means that the founder of the Tsyganenko surname was a great authority for the household, as well as a well-known and respected person in his native settlement.

It's obvious that old surname Tsyganenko testifies to the variety of ways in which surnames arose and, undoubtedly, has an interesting centuries-old history. Nowadays, the Ukrainian surname Tsyganenko can be found in a variety of historical areas, which indicates close ties between various Slavic peoples.

4. Classification of the names of my classmates. .

Having analyzed my surname and the surnames of my classmates, I came to the conclusion that these surnames came from proper nouns, nicknames, nicknames associated with the professional activities of their ancestors, namely:

Church name

secular (non-church) name

professional nickname







5. Conclusion.

Thus, I believe that the goal of my research work has been achieved. I was able to obtain the necessary information about the history of the emergence of Russian surnames and consider the main methods of their formation. The etymology of the surnames of my classmates was analyzed.

The hypothesis that the surnames of my classmates are formed from proper names has been proven.

I found this work interesting and fascinating and convinced me that surnames can be an interesting source for research, since they reflect time and a person - his social position and spiritual world.


1. Dictionary of modern Russian surnames (Ganzhina I.M.),

2. Encyclopedia of Russian surnames Secrets of origin and meaning (Vedina T.F.),

3.Russian surnames: popular etymological dictionary (Fedosyuk Yu.A.),

4.Encyclopedia of Russian surnames (Khigir B.Yu.)

5. Unbegaun B.O. Russian surnames.

6. Explanatory dictionary of V. Dahl in 4 volumes.

7. Tupikov N.M. Dictionary of Old Russian personal proper names.

8.Redko Yu.K. Guide to Ukrainian surnames.

9. Internet sites: http: //

my secret

municipal autonomous

educational institution

"Secondary school No. 30"

4th grade b

scientific adviser

Trofimova Natalya Nikolaevna


    Introduction 2 - 3

Relevance of the project

Project goals and objectives

Research methods

Literature review

    Main part 4 - 8

    Conclusion 9

    References 10


The word "surname" comes from the Latin familia - family. Once upon a time in

in Russian, “surname” could mean “family”, they remind us of this

expressions “family resemblance”, “family traditions”. Connection between

the words “family” and “surname” are not accidental, the surname is a family

a name added to a person’s first and patronymic. A name for everyone

Our parents chose us. The patronymic is formed from the father's name, which, in

in turn, it was given to him by his parents - our grandparents. Last name

us, too, as a rule, is paternal, and passed on to my father from my grandfather, to my grandfather from my great-grandfather...

Who first came up with it, and where did it come from?

After looking through the list of names of students in our class, I came to the conclusion

that I find it difficult to explain the meaning of even very familiar and familiar

surnames such as Vorobyova, Androsov, Nikitina. But every initial

the word from which the surname was formed meant something! Through surnames

Hundreds and thousands of words have reached us that have completely disappeared from the living language or

preserved only in local dialects. The greater the number

We “decipher” obscure surnames, the more we learn forgotten words.

And thereby we will discover a lot of new things about our ancestors, their occupations, way of life,

beliefs, the broader and more complete will be our ideas about our past

Motherland. And the material for these discoveries is not located somewhere in a museum,

archive or behind seven seals, but literally everywhere: we say hourly,

We hear from our interlocutors, we read the names of different people in books. We read, but

let's not think about it. Let's try to make sure that our names are kept in

itself a lot of interesting secrets.

The magic key to unlocking these secrets is the science of anthroponymy.

This science has existed since the 60s of the 20th century. The word "anthroponymy"

translated from Greek as “anthropo” - person and “onima” - name. The science

studies personal names, patronymics, surnames, and nicknames of people. Development

The main issues of anthroponymy were dealt with by famous philologists:

A.V.Superanskaya, V.D. Bondaletov, I.A. Korolev, T.F. Vedina. This science

young, just developing, there are still many questions to be answered

find answers for scientists (for example, it is not known exactly how many surnames

exists in Russia - it is believed that from 500 thousand to 2 million).

The purpose of our research work: study the history of origin and

the meaning of my last name and the last names of my classmates.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following


Study materials on the history of origin and meaning of surnames in Rus';

Find out what factors influenced the process of surname formation;

Conduct a study “What is the most common surname in our

Create a cool album “Grade 4 B. The Secret of Our Surnames.”

When writing our research paper we used the following

methods: collection of information and materials on this topic, analysis of collected

materials, interviewing and surveying my family members, questionnaires

4th grade students and parents, comparing different points

views and opinions on this topic.

When a person is born, he receives not only a name, but also inherits the surname of his

ancestors And everyone, sooner or later, thinks about the question “What

what does my last name mean? So I asked myself this question, but to answer immediately

I couldn’t do it. At the very beginning of our work, we conducted a survey

among parents and fourth grade students “Do you know (do you know)

what does your (your) last name mean?” Survey results again

proved the relevance of work on this topic. Of the 54 children interviewed

6 gave a positive answer, and 48 did not know the meaning of their surname.

Of the 56 parents interviewed, 11 tried to explain the meaning of their

surnames, 45 – gave a negative answer. (see appendix)

I tried to involve my classmates in my research work,

interest them in this topic, and I succeeded. The guys had fun

engaged in work on this topic.

Having collected and studied materials from various sources of information (books,

dictionaries, Internet), here's what we learned:

1. The word “surname” is of Latin origin: “famulus” means “slave”,

"servant". And initially the “surname” in Ancient Rome called everyone

slaves owned by one person. This is a later cognate word

“familia” began to mean family, clan. In Russia the word "surname" is also

At first it was used to mean “family.” In the 17th and 18th centuries it was still common

the word “nickname”: in those days it meant, called a surname. AND

Only in the 19th century did the word “surname” acquire its second meaning, which became

main In the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov it is written:

“Last name is a hereditary family name added to the personal

2. The first surnames in the now known sense arose in the 10th-11th centuries in

Northern Italy.

In Russia, princes were the first to receive the right to have surnames back in the 14th and 15th centuries.

and boyars. Since the 16th century, nobles began to have surnames.

At the beginning of the 18th century, Russian Emperor Peter I issued a Decree: “Record everyone

people living in localities, by names from fathers and nicknames.”

In the 18th-19th centuries, servicemen and merchants received surnames, in the 19th century -

Russian clergy, at the end of the 19th century and up to the 30s of the 20th century -

peasants (after the abolition of serfdom in 1861). Before

Serfs in Rus' were not given a surname.

3. Most often, Russian surnames are formed from nicknames and personal names through

possessive adjectives. They have the suffixes –ov/-ev, -in and

answer the question “Whose? Whose will you be?” The difference lies in which

the sound ends with the generating word: -ov was added to names and

nicknames with a solid consonant (Ignat-Ignatov, Mikhail - Mikhailov),

Ev to names and nicknames with a soft consonant (Grigory-Grigoriev,

Ignatius-Ignatiev), -in – to the basics with –a, -ya (Erema-Eremin, Ilya-Ilyin).

4.According to scientists, Russian surnames can be divided into 5 main groups:

1) formed from Christian male baptismal names (Sergeev,

Andreev). This is the largest group of surnames, which indicates

deep Orthodox faith Russian people. So, for example, the name Ivan

(John), translated as “the grace of God,” was the most

common in Russia. Hence one of the most common

in Rus' the surnames are Ivanov (Vanin, Vanyushin, Ivannikov).

In our class, out of 26 surnames, 10 are derived from male names (see appendix).

2) surnames that retained secular ones at their core (which were given without

church participation) names and nicknames. Our ancestors received nicknames for

some distinctive feature, for example, height - Korotkov, gait -

Volokushin, etc. According to research, the most common

surname in Russia is Smirnov. Why? It turns out that earlier in a large

family, peasant parents sighed with relief if they were born quiet,

quiet children. This is a rather rare quality and is captured in the name

Smirnaya. It, therefore, was often the main name of a person in life,

because the church was immediately forgotten.

In our class, 11 surnames are formed from worldly names and nicknames (Gushchina,

Vyguzov, Shishkin, etc.).

3) surnames derived from the professional nicknames of their ancestors,

telling which of them did what. In our class of such surnames -

4 (Baybara, Wagner, Gurnik, Konopkin).

4) surnames formed from the name of the area where one of them was from

ancestors The basis of such surnames was geographical names

(Novgorodtsev, Moskvina)

5) surnames that belonged to the Orthodox clergy (Troitsky - in

honor of the Holy Trinity, Rozhdestvensky - in honor of Christmas).

5.Thus, after analyzing all the collected materials, we came to

I came to the conclusion that my last name (Grigorieva) came from the name Grigory. From

the name was formed by a patronymic (Grigoriev’s son), and then a surname

Grigoriev. What does it mean?

The Grigoriev family name refers to a common type of Russian

surnames The baptismal name Gregory goes back to the Greek verb

"grigoreo" - "to stay awake." Gregory is one of the few actually

Christian names that appeared in the era of the formation of Christianity,

the name was metaphorically compared with the personal qualities of the ideal

Christian. The name Gregory was associated with many saints, but before

in total - with St. Gregory the Wonderworker, probably the first bearer

this name. The high religious and historical status of the name determined it

frequent use in church circles, both Catholic and

Orthodox tradition: bearers of the name were 16 popes and

7 Patriarchs of Constantinople.

Our ancestors believed that when forming a surname from the baptismal name

the patronage of the saints extends to the entire family. Most likely the founder

The Grigoriev family was a man from a privileged class. The thing is

that surnames formed from the full form of the name had mainly

social nobility or families who enjoyed great wealth in a given area

other classes, usually called diminutive derivatives,

everyday names (Grishkin, Grishunin, etc.)

Of course, the Grigoriev surname represents a wonderful

monument of Slavic writing and culture. No wonder that

Having started to study the meaning of my surname, the origins of its origin, I

I wanted to know my ancestry. And this topic, I think, will become

continuation of our further research work.

6. The number of surnames derived from given names is great. This

prompted us to do a little research. On everyone's lips

the most common surnames: Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov. But is it so

is this for real? What is the most common surname in our school?

and what place does my last name take on this list?

Analysis of the lists by class allowed us to conclude: the most common

the surname at our school is Popov, and my surname makes up 0.16% of

total number surnames (1236), (see appendix).

There may be many reasons for the widespread use of the Popov surname.

Not all Popovs are descendants of priests. Pop (or Popko)

as a personal name it was quite common among the laity. Religious

Parents happily named their children this name. This is the umpteenth time

testifies to the deep Orthodox faith of the Russian people.


The history of the surname is the history of my ancestors, the history of my family, and

to come into contact with history means to take a step towards knowledge of one’s kind,

to compile and preserve the pedigree of your family.

This research work is the result of collaboration between scientific

leader, students and parents of our class for several

months. There are 26 people in our class. The topic of our work was

interesting to classmates, they also wanted to solve the mystery of their

surnames. We shared the results of our work with other students

classes who were enthusiastically involved in studying this topic.

To systematize and generalize the accumulated material, we are preparing

collection "4th B class. The secret of our surnames."

We have achieved our goal, but we do not consider that our work is finished.

Interest in studying surnames instills in us a love for our family, our

origins, respect for the history of both our own and other peoples. Exists

a large number of dictionaries, books, scientific works on this topic. And the topic

always remains interesting and relevant.


    About Russian surnames

/A.V.Superanskaya, A.V.Suslova. : School Press, 1993.

    Russian surnames. Popular etymological dictionary

/Yu.A.Fedosyuk. : Flint: Science, 2006.

    A sweet gift, or the Mystery of names and nicknames

/A. Ktorova: Gamma-Press, 2002.

    Dictionary of Russian surnames

/Compiled by E.L. Krushelsky. : School-Press, 1993.

/B. Higir. : AST Astrel, 2006.

    Encyclopedia of Russian surnames. Secrets of origin and meaning

/T.F.Vedina: AST Astrel, 2007.



Parents and children were asked the question “Do you know what it means

Your last name?"

Number of participants: 110 people.

    Analysis of students' surnames according to their method of education.

Goal: Determine the most common method of education

surnames among students in two classes.

Number of participants: 54 people.

    Analysis of student lists of MAOU Secondary School No. 30 in Tambov.

Goal: Identifying the most common surnames among students

our school.

Number of participants: 1236 people.

The 15 most common surnames in our school (in descending order):

3. Belyakov (Belyaev)

4. Mikhailov (Mikhalin)


11.Nikulin (Nikolin, Nikolaev)




This project - collaboration teacher Trofimova N.N. and students

4 B class Yulia Grigorieva.

When a person is born, he receives not only a name, but also inherits the surname of his

ancestors And everyone, sooner or later, thinks about the question “What

what does my last name mean? Unfortunately, most of us will find it difficult

explain the meaning of even very familiar and familiar surnames. But

the original word from which the surname was formed meant something!

Through surnames, hundreds and thousands of words have reached us that have disappeared from the living

language. The greater the number of incomprehensible and familiar surnames we

“we decipher”, the more we learn forgotten words. And thus we will open

a lot of new things about our ancestors, their occupations, way of life, and beliefs. And the material

for these discoveries is located somewhere in a museum, archive or family

seals, but literally everywhere: we every hour pronounce, hear from

interlocutors, we read the names of different people in books.

Explore the origin story

and the meaning of your last name and the last names of your classmates.

The history of the surname is the history of our ancestors, the history of the family, and

to come into contact with history means to take a step towards knowledge of one’s kind,

to compile and preserve the pedigree of your family.



A surname is a family name added to a person’s first and patronymic. Our parents chose a name for each of us. The patronymic is formed from the father's name. Our surname is also, as a rule, paternal, and passed on to our father from our grandfather...(problematic question)

After looking through the list of surnames of students in our class, I came to the conclusion that it was difficult to explain the meaning of even very familiar surnames. But every original word from which the surname was formed meant something! Through surnames, hundreds and thousands of words that have disappeared from the living language have reached us. The more incomprehensible surnames we “decipher,” the more forgotten words we learn. And thereby we will discover a lot of new things about our ancestors, their occupations, life, beliefs, the wider and more complete will be our ideas about the past of our Motherland.(hypothesis)

And the material for these discoveries is not located somewhere in a museum, archive or behind seven seals, but literally everywhere: we pronounce, hear from interlocutors, read in books the names of different people every hour. We read, but don’t think about it. Let's try to make sure that our surnames keep many interesting secrets.

Purpose of the research work:studying the history of the origin and meaning of one’s surname and the surnames of classmates.


Study materials on the history of the origin and meaning of surnames in Rus';

Identify what factors influenced the process of formation of surnames;


methods : collecting information and materials on this topic, analyzing the collected materials, interviewing and surveying my family members, surveying 4th grade students and parents, comparing different points of view and opinions on this topic.

what does my last name mean? So I asked myself this question, but I couldn’t answer it right away. At the very beginning of our work, we conducted a survey

among parents and fourth grade students “Do you (do you know) what your (your) last name means?” Survey results again

6 gave a positive answer.


1. The magic key to unlocking these secrets of our surnames is science. anthroponymy.

This science has existed since the 60s of the 20th century. Word"anthroponymy"

translated from Greek as " anthropo" - a person and "onima" - a name. The science

studies personal names, patronymics, surnames, and nicknames of people.

Famous philologists dealt with issues of anthroponymy:

A.V.Superanskaya, V.D. Bondaletov, I.A. Korolev, T.F. Vedina.

2. The word "surname" is of Latin origin: "famulus" means "slave",

“A surname is a hereditary family name added to a personal name.”

3 .The first surnames in the now known sense arose in the 10th-11th centuries in

Northern Italy.

In Russia, the first people to receive the right to have surnames werein the 14th-15th centuries princes and boyars.

Since the 16th century began to have surnames nobles.

In the 18th and 19th centuries surnames receivedservants and merchants, in the 19th century –

Russian clergy, V the end of the 19th century and up to the 30s of the 20th century

peasants ( after the abolition of serfdom in 1861). Before

4 .Most often Russians surnames are formed from nicknames and personal namesthrough possessive adjectives. They have suffixes–ov/-ev, -in and answer the question"Whose? Whose will you be?”The difference is in what sound the producing word ends with:-s added to names and

Nicknames to a hard consonant(Ignat-Ignatov, Mikhail - Mikhailov),

Ev to names and nicknamesto a soft consonant(Grigory-Grigoriev,

Ignatius-Ignatiev),-in – to the basics with –a, -ya (Erema-Eremin, Ilya-Ilyin).

5 .According to scientists, Russian surnames can be divided into 5 main groups:

1 ) derived from Christian male baptismal names(Sergeev,

Andreev). This is the largest group of surnames. So, for example, the name Ivan

In our class, out of 26 surnames, 10 are derived from male names.

2 ) surnames that have retained at their core secular (which were given without the participation of the church) names and nicknames.

Our ancestors received nicknames for a certain distinctive feature, for example, height - Korotkov, gait - Volokushin, etc. According to research, the most common surname in Russia is Smirnov. Why? It turns out that previously, in a large family, peasant parents sighed with relief if quiet, non-shouting children were born. This is a rather rare quality and is captured in the name Smirna. It, therefore, was often the main name of a person in life, since the church name was immediately forgotten. In our class, 11 surnames are derived from worldly names and nicknames (Gushchina, Vyguzova, etc.).

3 ) surnames derived from the professional nicknames of ancestors, telling which of them did what. In our class there are 4 such surnames (Baybara, Wagner, Gurnik, Konopkin).

4) surnames formed from the name of the area where one of the ancestors was from.The basis of such surnames became geographical names (Moskvina)

5) surnames belonging to the Orthodox clergy(Trinity - in honor of the Holy Trinity, Rozhdestvensky - in honor of Christmas).

6. Thus, after analyzing all the collected materials, we came to

I conclude that my last name is Grigorieva came from the name Gregory. From

Grigoriev. What does it mean? The baptismal name Gregory goes back to the Greek verb “grigoreo” - “to stay awake.” The name Gregory was associated with many saints, but primarily with St. Gregory the Wonderworker, probably the first bearer of this name. The high religious and historical status of the name led to its frequent use in church circles, both in the Catholic and Orthodox traditions: 16 Popes and 7 Patriarchs of Constantinople were bearers of the name.

The fact is that surnames formed from the full form of the name had families that enjoyed great authority in the area. Their neighbors respectfully called them by their full names, unlike other classes, who were usually called by diminutive names (Grishkin, Grishunin, etc.)

Having begun to study the meaning of my surname, the origins of its origin, I

7 .The number of surnames derived from given names is great. This

This is for real? What is the most common surname in our school?

Analysis of the lists by class allowed us to conclude: the most common surname in our school- Popovs , and my surname makes up 0.16% of the total number of surnames (1236).

There may be many reasons for the widespread use of the Popov surname. Not all Popovs are descendants of priests. Pop (or Popko) as a personal name was quite common among the laity. Religious parents happily named their children this name. This once again testifies to the deep Orthodox faith of the Russian people.


There are 26 people in our class. The topic of our work was

In order to systematize and summarize the accumulated material, we have prepared the album “Grade 4 B. The Secret of Our Surnames.”

origins. There are a large number of dictionaries, books, and scientific papers on this topic. And the topic always remains interesting and relevant.


To use presentation previews, create an account for yourself ( account) Google and log in:

Slide captions:

The secret of my last name

“Who was your great-grandfather in Rus'? Ask for your last name...” G. Graudin

Problematic question: Where did surnames come from and who invented them?

Hypothesis: Our surnames contain many interesting secrets and are closely connected with the history of our Motherland.

Goal: Study the history of the origin and meaning of your last name and the last names of your classmates.

Objectives: Study materials on the history of the origin and meaning of surnames in Rus'. Identify what factors influenced the process of surname formation. Conduct a study “What is the most common surname in our school?” Create a cool album “4th grade. The secret of our surnames."

Results of the survey: At the very beginning of our work, we conducted a survey among parents and fourth grade students “Do you know (do you know) what your (your) last name means?” children parents Number of people 54 56 Positive answer 6 11 Negative answer 48 45

Anthroponymy (Greek a ntropos - “man”) - the science of proper names people is one of the youngest philological disciplines.

Surname The word “surname” is of Latin origin. Among the ancient Romans, it did not apply to spouses and children, but only to slaves. "Familia" are slaves owned by one person

SURNAME – a hereditary family name added to a personal name. “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova

When did the first surnames appear? In Europe: X – XI centuries. V. - Northern Italy, France, then England, Denmark, Germany (X I - X I X centuries) In Russia: X IV -X V centuries. – princes, boyars of the 16th - 18th centuries. - nobles of the 10th - 10th centuries. – servicemen and merchants of the 11th century – Russian clergy End of the 19th century (until the 30s of the 20th century) – peasants

Decree of Peter I: “Record all people living in ... localities by names, fathers and nicknames” (

Formation of surnames from personal names and nicknames

Groups of surnames by meaning:

Formation of the surname Grigoriev The basis of the surname Grigoriev was the church name Grigory. Baptismal male name Gregory in Greek means “awake, awake, vigilant.” One of the patrons of this name is considered to be Saint Gregory, Patriarch of Antioch, who became famous for his piety, modesty and desire to make the life of believers, especially people from the people, less difficult. Among the eminent representatives of the family are Vasily Vasilyevich Grigoriev (1816-1881), an orientalist, a nobleman of the Vladimir province by birth; Pyotr Grigorievich Grigoriev (1807-1854), Russian actor and playwright.

The most common surnames in our school: 1. Popov 2. Ivanov 3. Belyakov (Belyaev) 4. Mikhailov (Mikhalin) 5. Ushakov 6. Petrov 7. Fomin 8. Filatov 9. Uvarov 10. Pavlov 11. Nikulin (Nikolin, Nikolaev ) 12.Miloserdov 13.Matveev 14.Makarov 15.Kuznetsov

The result of our work:

Conclusions: The history of the surname is the history of my ancestors, the history of my family, and to come into contact with history means to take a step towards knowledge of one’s family, towards compiling and preserving the pedigree of one’s family. Interest in studying surnames instills in us a love for our family, our origins, and respect for the history of both our own and other peoples.

Some surnames arose from place names. From them you can get an idea of ​​how the settlement of this area took place. Many surnames are reminiscent of disappeared professions: Bortnikov, Konovalov, Luchnikov, Mechnikov, Sokolnikov and others. The history of work and life has left its mark on surnames, the lexical basis of which meant social relations (Batrakov, Polovnikov), items of clothing (Laptev, Nogovitsyn), food (Shangin, Sbitnev), customs and rituals (Panikhidin, Ryazhenykh). Many surnames tell about past superstitions: in families where children often died, newborns, in order to deceive the “evil spirits,” were given amulets names: Nayden, Nenash, Nakhodka, patronymics from which later became surnames - Naydenov, Nenashev, Nakhodkin. The surnames Nekrasov, Fools, and Scoundrels are associated with amulets.

Research work has convinced us that surnames can be an interesting source for historical, sociological, and linguistic research, since they reflect time and a person - his social status and spiritual world.

Sources of information: About Russian surnames / A.V.Superanskaya, A.V.Suslova. : School Press, 1993. Russian surnames. Popular etymological dictionary / Yu.A. Fedosyuk. : Flinta: Science, 2006. Sweet gift, or the Mystery of names and nicknames /A. Ktorova: Gamma-Press, 2002. Dictionary of Russian surnames / Compiled by E.L. Krushelsky. : School-Press, 1993. Encyclopedia of Russian surnames. Secrets of origin and meaning / T.F. Vedina.: AST Astrel, 2007. http:// ru.


my secret


municipal autonomous

General educational institution

"Secondary school No. 30"

4th grade b

Scientific director

Trofimova Natalya Nikolaevna


  1. Contents 1
  1. Introduction 2 - 3

Relevance of the project

Project goals and objectives

Research methods

Literature review

  1. Main part 4 - 8
  1. Conclusion 9
  1. References 10
  1. Applications

The word "surname" comes from the Latin familia - family. Once upon a time in

in Russian, “surname” could mean “family”, they remind us of this

expressions “family resemblance”, “family traditions”. Connection between

the words “family” and “surname” are not accidental, the surname is a family

a name added to a person’s first and patronymic. A name for everyone

Our parents chose us. The patronymic is formed from the father's name, which, in

in turn, it was given to him by his parents - our grandparents. Last name

us, too, as a rule, is paternal, and passed on to my father from my grandfather, to my grandfather from my great-grandfather...

Who first came up with it, and where did it come from?

After looking through the list of names of students in our class, I came to the conclusion

that I find it difficult to explain the meaning of even very familiar and familiar

surnames such as Vorobyova, Androsov, Nikitina. But every initial

the word from which the surname was formed meant something! Through surnames

Hundreds and thousands of words have reached us that have completely disappeared from the living language or

preserved only in local dialects. The greater the number

We “decipher” obscure surnames, the more we learn forgotten words.

And thereby we will discover a lot of new things about our ancestors, their occupations, way of life,

beliefs, the broader and more complete will be our ideas about our past

Motherland. And the material for these discoveries is not located somewhere in a museum,

archive or behind seven seals, but literally everywhere: we say hourly,

We hear from our interlocutors, we read the names of different people in books. We read, but

let's not think about it. Let's try to make sure that our names are kept in

itself a lot of interesting secrets.

The magic key to unlocking these secrets is the science of anthroponymy.

This science has existed since the 60s of the 20th century. The word "anthroponymy"

translated from Greek as “anthropo” - person and “onima” - name. The science

studies personal names, patronymics, surnames, and nicknames of people. Development

The main issues of anthroponymy were dealt with by famous philologists:

A.V.Superanskaya, V.D. Bondaletov, I.A. Korolev, T.F. Vedina. This science

young, just developing, there are still many questions to be answered

find answers for scientists (for example, it is not known exactly how many surnames

exists in Russia - it is believed that from 500 thousand to 2 million).

The purpose of our research work:study the history of origin and

the meaning of my last name and the last names of my classmates.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following


Study materials on the history of origin and meaning of surnames in Rus';

Find out what factors influenced the process of surname formation;

Conduct a study “What is the most common surname in our


Create a cool album “Grade 4 B. The Secret of Our Surnames.”

When writing our research paper we used the following

methods: collection of information and materials on this topic, analysis of collected

materials, interviewing and surveying my family members, questionnaires

4th grade students and parents, comparing different points

views and opinions on this topic.

When a person is born, he receives not only a name, but also inherits the surname of his

Ancestors. And everyone, sooner or later, thinks about the question “What

what does my last name mean? So I asked myself this question, but to answer immediately

I couldn’t do it. At the very beginning of our work, we conducted a survey

among parents and fourth grade students “Do you know (do you know)

what does your (your) last name mean?” Survey results again

proved the relevance of work on this topic. Of the 54 children interviewed

6 gave a positive answer, and 48 did not know the meaning of their surname.

Of the 56 parents interviewed, 11 tried to explain the meaning of their

surnames, 45 – gave a negative answer. (see appendix)

I tried to involve my classmates in my research work,

interest them in this topic, and I succeeded. The guys had fun

engaged in work on this topic.

Having collected and studied materials from various sources of information (books,

dictionaries, Internet), here's what we learned:

1. The word “surname” is of Latin origin: “famulus” means “slave”,

"servant". And initially everyone was called a “surname” in Ancient Rome

Slaves owned by one person. This is a later cognate word

“familia” began to mean family, clan. In Russia the word "surname" is also

At first it was used to mean “family.” In the 17th and 18th centuries it was still common

The word “nickname”: in those days it meant, called a surname. AND

Only in the 19th century did the word “surname” acquire its second meaning, which became

Main. In the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov it is written:

“Last name is a hereditary family name added to the personal


2. The first surnames in the now known sense arose in the 10th-11th centuries in

Northern Italy.

In Russia, princes were the first to receive the right to have surnames back in the 14th and 15th centuries.

And the boyars. Since the 16th century, nobles began to have surnames.

At the beginning of the 18th century, Russian Emperor Peter I issued a Decree: “Record everyone

People living in localities have names like their fathers and nicknames.”

In the 18th-19th centuries, servicemen and merchants received surnames, in the 19th century -

Russian clergy, at the end of the 19th century and up to the 30s of the 20th century -

Peasants (after the abolition of serfdom in 1861). Before

Serfs in Rus' were not given a surname.

3. Most often, Russian surnames are formed from nicknames and personal names through

Possessive adjectives. They have the suffixes –ov/-ev, -in and

They answer the question “Whose? Whose will you be?” The difference lies in which

The sound ends with the producing word: -ov was added to names and

Nicknames with a solid consonant (Ignat-Ignatov, Mikhail - Mikhailov),

Ev to names and nicknames with a soft consonant (Grigory-Grigoriev,

Ignatius-Ignatiev), -in – to the basics with –a, -ya (Erema-Eremin, Ilya-Ilyin).

4.According to scientists, Russian surnames can be divided into 5 main groups:

1) formed from Christian male baptismal names (Sergeev,

Andreev). This is the largest group of surnames, which indicates

The deep Orthodox faith of the Russian people. So, for example, the name Ivan

(John), translated as “the grace of God,” was the most

Widespread in Russia. Hence one of the most common

In Rus' the surnames are Ivanov (Vanin, Vanyushin, Ivannikov).

In our class, out of 26 surnames, 10 are derived from male names (see appendix).

2) surnames that retained secular ones at their core (which were given without

Church participation) names and nicknames. Our ancestors received nicknames for

Some distinctive feature, for example, height - Korotkov, gait -

Volokushin, etc. According to research, the most common

The surname in Russia is Smirnov. Why? It turns out that earlier in a large

The family's peasant parents sighed with relief if they were born quiet,

Silent children. This is a rather rare quality and is captured in the name

Smirnaya. It, therefore, was often the main name of a person in life,

Because the church was immediately forgotten.

In our class, 11 surnames are formed from worldly names and nicknames (Gushchina,

Vyguzov, Shishkin, etc.).

3) surnames derived from the professional nicknames of their ancestors,

Telling who of them did what. In our class of such surnames -

4 (Baybara, Wagner, Gurnik, Konopkin).

4) surnames formed from the name of the area where one of them was from

Ancestors. The basis of such surnames became geographical names

(Novgorodtsev, Moskvina)

5) surnames that belonged to the Orthodox clergy (Troitsky - in

Honor of the Holy Trinity, Rozhdestvensky - in honor of Christmas).

5.Thus, after analyzing all the collected materials, we came to

I conclude that my last name (Grigorieva) comes from the name Grigory. From

The name was formed into a patronymic (Grigoriev’s son), and then a surname

Grigoriev. What does it mean?

The Grigoriev family name refers to a common type of Russian

Surnames. The baptismal name Gregory goes back to the Greek verb

"grigoreo" - "to stay awake." Gregory is one of the few actually

Christian names that appeared in the era of the emergence of Christianity,

The name was metaphorically compared with the personal qualities of the ideal

Christian. The name Gregory was associated with many saints, but before

In total - with St. Gregory the Wonderworker, probably the first bearer

This name. The high religious and historical status of the name determined it

Frequently used in church circles, both Catholic and

Orthodox tradition: bearers of the name were 16 popes and

7 Patriarchs of Constantinople.

Our ancestors believed that when forming a surname from the baptismal name

The patronage of the saints extends to the entire family. Most likely the founder

The Grigoriev family was a man from a privileged class. The thing is

The fact that surnames formed from the full form of the name were mainly

Social nobility or families who enjoyed great wealth in a given area

Other classes, usually called diminutive derivatives,

Everyday names (Grishkin, Grishunin, etc.)

Of course, the Grigoriev surname represents a wonderful

Monument to Slavic writing and culture. No wonder that

Having begun to study the meaning of my surname, the origins of its origin, I

I wanted to know my ancestry. And this topic, I think, will become

Continuation of our further research work.

6. The number of surnames derived from given names is great. This

Prompted us to do a little research. On everyone's lips

The most common surnames: Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov. But is it so

Is this for real? What is the most common surname in our school?

And what place does my name take on this list?

Analysis of the lists by class allowed us to conclude: the most common

The surname at our school is Popov, and my surname is 0.16% of

Total number of surnames (1236), (see appendix).

There may be many reasons for the widespread use of the Popov surname.

Not all Popovs are descendants of priests. Pop (or Popko)

As a personal name it was quite common among the laity. Religious

Parents happily named their children this name. This is the umpteenth time

Testifies to the deep Orthodox faith of the Russian people.


The history of the surname is the history of my ancestors, the history of my family, and

to come into contact with history means to take a step towards knowledge of one’s kind,

to compile and preserve the pedigree of your family.

This research work is the result of collaboration between scientific

leader, students and parents of our class for several

months. There are 26 people in our class. The topic of our work was

Interesting to classmates, they also wanted to solve the mystery of their

Surnames. We shared the results of our work with other students

classes who were enthusiastically involved in studying this topic.

To systematize and generalize the accumulated material, we are preparing

collection "4th B class. The secret of our surnames."

We have achieved our goal, but we do not consider that our work is finished.

Interest in studying surnames instills in us a love for our family, our

origins, respect for the history of both our own and other peoples. Exists

a large number of dictionaries, books, scientific works on this topic. And the topic

always remains interesting and relevant.


  1. About Russian surnames

/A.V.Superanskaya, A.V.Suslova. : School Press, 1993.

  1. Russian surnames. Popular etymological dictionary

/Yu.A.Fedosyuk. : Flint: Science, 2006.

  1. A sweet gift, or the Mystery of names and nicknames

/A. Ktorova: Gamma-Press, 2002.

  1. Dictionary of Russian surnames

/Compiled by E.L. Krushelsky. : School-Press, 1993.

  1. Surnames

/B. Higir. : AST Astrel, 2006.

  1. Encyclopedia of Russian surnames. Secrets of origin and meaning

/T.F.Vedina: AST Astrel, 2007.


  1. Mini-survey.

Parents and children were asked the question “Do you know what it means

Your last name?"

Number of participants: 110 people.

  1. Analysis of students' surnames according to their method of education.

Goal: Determine the most common method of education

Surnames among students in two classes.

Number of participants: 54 people.

  1. Analysis of student lists of MAOU Secondary School No. 30 in Tambov.

Goal: Identifying the most common surnames among students

Our school.

Number of participants: 1236 people.

The 15 most common surnames in our school (in descending order):



3. Belyakov (Belyaev)

4. Mikhailov (Mikhalin)

5. Ushakov




9. Uvarov


11.Nikulin (Nikolin, Nikolaev)





International Festival “Stars of the New Century” - 2017

Humanities (14 to 17 years old)

Research project “Origin of Russian surnames”

10th grade student

Head of work:

a history teacher,

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 22


1.1. Methods of forming surnames………………………..

1.2. Surname structure………………………………………………………………

1.3. Female and male surnames………………......

Chapter 2. From the history of the issue

2.1. Meaning and etymology……………………………………………………………

2.2. The origin of Russian surnames……………………………..

2.Z. Last name and nationality……………………………………..

2.4. The most common Russian surnames……….

Chapter 3. The origin and meaning of the surnames of my classmates



Application ………………………………………………………………………


The order was once Russian:
Ask: “Whose are you, what gender are you?”
The answer was clear, proud in Russian:
“I am the son of Peter. I am Petrov."

Lyudmila Onuchina

A person hears his name many times a day, his last name - albeit less often than his first name, but also often. And the question inevitably arises: what does my name mean and how did I get such a surname? There may be even more questions about the surname, because the history of the surname is the history of the family, this is the history of our ancestors, which every person who respects their Motherland should know.

The topic of my research work is “The origin of Russian surnames.” Today, in our modern age, it has become fashionable to take an interest in one’s ancestry and draw up a family tree. Studying the origin of surnames can provide useful information for both historians and researchers of the Russian language, since some words that disappeared from the Russian language could have been preserved in the surname, this is precisely the relevance of our research. After all, it is so important for everyone to feel not like an individual whose life is short, but as part of a whole family, a link in a chain of generations. Our work will highlight historical moments related to the origin of the names of my classmates. Interest in the issue arose during the preparation family tree in history lessons, when the teacher was asked to complete a task determining the etymological beginning in the origin of surnames.

This is how the goal of our work emerged: to identify the essence of the origin and formation of Russian surnames.

To achieve the goal, we have put forward the following tasks:

1) study the literature on this issue;

2) describe the history of the issue of the origin of Russian surnames;

3) identify the peculiarities of the origin of Russian surnames;

4) determine the methods of origin of Russian surnames;

5) determine the origin of Russian surnames, taking into account the mixture of nationalities;

6) Find out more about your last name

Object of study: Russian surnames and surnames of classmates.

Subject of research: history of the origin of Russian surnames.

Research method: comparison and synthesis, analysis and synthesis.

The hypothesis of the work is a study that will help to learn more about our distant ancestors, about our family roots.

Our work is based on systematizing information about surnames.

As a result of the research, we studied the monographic works “Onomasticon”, “Name and Society” and other works presented in the list of used literature.

The theoretical significance of our work lies in the possibility of using the work material as additional material in preparation for Russian language lessons, history, and Olympiads. Applied value lies in drawing the attention of the younger generation to the origins of their family and in cultivating patriotic feelings for their small and large Motherland, as well as attracting the public to the issues of preserving the traditions of peoples associated with family and clan.

Thus, our work is based not only on historical facts, but also on the material of modern sources.

Chapter 1. History of the origin of the word surname

1.1. Methods of forming surnames

To study the methods of forming surnames, it is necessary to involve onomastics and its sections - anthroponymy and toponymy. Anthroponymy is a section of onomastics that studies the names of people and their individual components (personal names, patronymics, surnames, nicknames), their origin, patterns and functioning. Anthroponymy as a section was defined in the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century.7

They were engaged in the development of the main issues of anthroponymy, etc. Domestic anthroponymy in the 1980-90s of the 20th century was replenished with works

, eva, yonova,

Scientists-anthroponymists emphasize that the study of the origin of surnames can provide useful information for both historians and researchers of the Russian language, since some words that have disappeared from modern language, could remain in the surname. By restoring such words, we can restore some details of the life of our ancestors.

Toponymy - (from the Greek topos - place and onyma - name, title) - component onomastics, which studies geographical names (toponyms), their meaning, structure, origin and distribution area.7 The set of toponyms on any territory constitutes its toponymy. Microtoponymy includes the names of small geographical objects: tracts, springs, whirlpools, agricultural land, etc. Toponymy develops in close interaction with geography, history, and ethnography.
To answer the question: how surnames were formed, as an example, the author of the article “Why Fedor’s children became Fedorovs” chose his surname. Partly because, until now, nowhere in the literature have I found an affirmative answer to the question: what word does the surname “Olenev” come from? However, the conclusion made at the end of the chapter is common to all surnames! In onomastics, formants are usually understood as those repeating parts of proper names that form it as a proper name. They can be suffixes, endings, a combination of a suffix and an ending, and finally, even a noun. Thus, the formants are the suffixes - ov-, - ev-, - in - in Russian surnames. The surname “Olenev” is formed by the formant - ev-, and the surname “Olenin” - by the formant - in-. In his scientific work, the author examines in detail the history of the formation of surnames by these formants.8

Most often, surnames are formed from personal names through possessive adjectives. Russian surnames often have the suffixes -ov/-ev, -in, from the answer to the question “whose?”

The difference is purely formal: - ov was added to nicknames or names with a hard consonant (Bogdan - Bogdanov, Mikhail - Mikhailov)

Ev to names or nicknames with a soft consonant (Ignaty - Ignatiev, Golodyay - Golodyaev), - in to the basics with - a, - ya (Erema - Eremin, Ilya - Ilyin).
In most cases, the formant - еv- formed surnames when the father's name/nickname ended in - ь - (or with the consonant - й-), - й-: Khaziy = Khaziev, Karabay = Karabaev, Bersen = Bersenyev, Yuri = Yuryev, Kremen = Kremnev, Skobel = Skobelev, Begich = Begichev, etc. Formant - in - formed surnames when the father's name/nickname ended in a vowel (mostly - o-, - a-): Gaifulla = Gaifullin, Galimulla = Galimullin, Skovoroda = Skovorodin, Repnya = Repnin, Poltina = Poltinin, etc. Thus, if we go “from the opposite”, it turns out that the surname “Olenin” should have been formed from a nickname that ends in a vowel, and in those considered by the author examples, this is “deer”. Therefore, most likely, the transformation path looks like this: Olenya = Olenin’s son = Olenin.8
And the surname “Olenev” was supposed to be formed from a nickname that ends in - ь-, and in the examples under consideration, it is “deer” (using a soft sign in the middle of the word, which subsequently fell out of use): Olen = Olenev’s son = Olen = b = ev = Olenev.8
Independent logical conclusions are confirmed by other researchers. Thus, he writes: “Russian surnames, when they arose, in the overwhelming majority of cases had possessive forms (that is, they were given according to ancestors, less often to owners, and answered the question “whose”?). Therefore, the bulk of Russian surnames have the suffixes - ov (-ev), - in. The difference between them is formal: the suffix - ov was added to nicknames or names with a hard consonant, - o or to nicknames - adjectives (Kutuz - Kutuzov, Ignat - Ignatov, Gavrilo - Gavrilov, Smirnoy - Smirnov)." 2

Another group of Russian surnames was formed from the names of settlements, church holidays and names of saints using a suffix and ending -sky/-tsky (Ilyinsky, Christmas - from Elias, Nativity Church, Makovetsky - owner of Makovets, Gorsky - owner Gore).

Russian researchers have been studying Russian surnames quite recently. Among the works devoted to this topic are the dictionary “Russian Surnames”, the collection “Name and Society”, “Onomasticon”. From these works we were able to learn that the first Russian surnames are found in the ancient Russian documents of the 15th century that have reached us, but they could have existed earlier. In the 19th century, almost every Russian already had a surname. But they received strict heredity and legal status in 1930.

Consequently, not all questions have yet been answered, which is a wide field for research.

Having studied the works of research scientists, we found that most scientists agree: surnames by origin can be divided into the following groups:

1. Surnames formed from forms of given names.

2. Surnames formed from the name of the area where one of the ancestors was from (the basis of such surnames was various geographical names - cities, villages, villages, rivers, lakes, etc.): Meshcheryakov, Novgorod, etc.

3. Surnames formed from the professional nicknames of ancestors, telling which of them did what. Hence the Arakcheevs, Goncharovs, Ovsyannikovs, Kovalis, etc.

4. A group of surnames that students of religious institutions received; these were either names of parishes, or foreign words, decorated with Russian suffixes, or some exotic names, or church holidays. Hence the Trinity, Rozhdestvensky, Giatsintov and Kiparisov.

5. Surnames formed from the names of representatives of the animal world. Hence the Zaitsevs, Vorobyovs, Medvedevs, etc.

By analogy with the above groups, we conducted our own research, the subject of which was the names of my classmates, 10th grade students. To successfully complete this task, we needed existing dictionaries of surnames and explanatory dictionaries with the help of which we looked for a surname, or the word that formed the basis of the surname.

1.2. Surname structure

The surname consists primarily of the root stem (which has or had in the past some lexical meaning), but can also include prefixes, suffixes and endings.

The basis of a surname often comes from a personal name or a nickname that carries one or another lexical meaning.

1.3. Female and male surnames

From male Russian surnames to -s, -ev, -in, inflected according to the paradigm of short possessive adjectives, forms of female surnames with inflection are formed -A, inflected according to the paradigm of short possessive adjectives of the feminine gender (for example, “at Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova”).

From last names to -th, th, -Ouch, inflected according to the paradigm of full adjectives, forms of female surnames with inflection are formed -and I, inflected according to the paradigm of full feminine adjectives (for example, “from Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya”).

Chapter 2. From the history of the issue

2 .1. Meaning and etymology

Origin of the surname Gorbachev

According to the first hypothesis, surname Gorbachev derived from the nickname Hunchback, which goes back to the word “hump,” that is, “an ugly bulge on the back, and sometimes on the chest.” Consequently, Hunchback could be a nickname for a stooped, possibly crippled man.

According to another version, the surname is associated with the nickname Gorbach, which in some dialects meant “runaway tramp.” It is possible that the ancestor of the Gorbachev family could have been such a person.

There is also the expression “bend your back, bend your back,” that is, “work hard, work hard.” Based on this, the Gorbachevs’ ancestor could have been a very hardworking, efficient, diligent worker.

It is also possible that the surname under study came from the nickname Gorbyl/Gorbach/Horbun. This is how in some dialects the fish of the species “laskir” (sea crucian) was called - a coastal schooling fish that lives in the Black Sea and part of the Sea of ​​​​Azov. In this case, the Gorbachevs' ancestor had the nickname Gorbyl/Gorbach/Humpback, as he was a fisherman.

Origin of the surname Malyarevich

The surname Malyarevich belongs to a common type of Ukrainian-Belarusian surnames and is derived from a personal nickname. So, the surname Malyarevich originates from the nickname Malyar. The nickname Painter is derived from a similar common noun, which in the old days was used to call a craftsman who writes signs, as well as an artist or painter.

The word “painter” itself comes from the German Maler, where it had several meanings: “artist, painter”, “painter”, “storyteller”. Obviously, the nickname “Painter” is one of the “professional” names containing an indication of the activities of the founder of the family. Later the nickname Malyar, for the surname Malyarevich.

The origin of my surname Astafiev (Ostafievs) - noble family.

The suffix -ev, which is part of the surname, is a Great Russian patronymic particle and indicates the origin of the patronymic Astafiev in Russia no earlier than the 16th century.

This is the history of all “registered” surnames. Real surnames among Russians were formed only in the 16th century. Their introduction in Russia in the 16th-17th centuries. stimulated by the strengthening of a new social stratum, becoming the ruling one - the landowners.

The basis of the surname Astafyev was the church name Evstachy. The surname Astafyev comes from the Christian personal name Evstachy. This name is translated from Greek and means “well built, balanced, strong, healthy.” There is another version. According to it, the basis of the surname is the Tatar word asytqy - “kvass, leaven.”

Most anthroponymic scientists, when compiling dictionaries of Russian surnames, note that there are a lot of surnames and it is unthinkable to find out the meaning of each, therefore it is very important to identify groups according to the meaning of the words underlying the surnames, and to correlate this or that surname with these groups.

The secret of your last name can be revealed by the symbols that each last name contains. To do this, you need to analyze the letters included in it.


A- symbolizes the beginning - the creator, discoverer, creator of the idea.

E – self-criticism, self-expression, originality, generosity.

E – hot temper, lack of restraint.

And - a peaceful nature, a kind and vulnerable soul.

O – the desire to understand all life’s laws and purposes, the ability to reason.

U – a tendency to openly express one’s thoughts, generosity.

E – vanity and incorrect display, curiosity, nosy.

Yu – love for social sciences, the ability to commit cruel acts.

I am the ability to achieve goals and defend my positions.


B – financial independence.

IN - creative person, communication skills.

G – curiosity, desire for greater knowledge.

D – thoughtfulness, caution in making any decisions, goodwill.

F – lofty views, reserved nature.

Z – cowardice, excellent intuition.

K – the ability to keep everything to oneself, secretiveness of nature.

L – the desire to find and fulfill one’s purpose.

M – great love to nature, practicality.

N – self-sufficiency, pride, creative hidden abilities.

P – a large number of ideas, initiative, tendency to generalize.

R – self-confidence, intelligence, courage, determination.

C – irritability, dissatisfaction with others, short temper, but quick resignation.

T – inability to soberly assess one’s capabilities, maximalism.

F – exaggeration of the significance of one’s personality, a tendency to feel oneself as the center of the universe, deceit.

X – stability, strength, good financial position, independence.

C – ambition, arrogant nature.

H – the predominance of collectivism to the detriment of the individual, a developed sense of duty, altruism.

Ш - the ability to hold your head high, a sense of the importance of your own person.

Ш – desire to always help, generosity, ability to lead.

This method of determining the meaning of a surname makes the research fascinating, as there is a desire to reveal the secret that we inherited from our distant ancestors.


in his book “In the World of Names and Appellations” he writes: “A surname is a very valuable material for research in various fields of knowledge: philology, history, ethnography.”3 Each surname is a riddle that can be solved if you are very attentive to the word; This is a unique and inimitable phenomenon of our culture, living history. We assumed that most surnames are formed from personal names.

Research work has convinced us that surnames can be an interesting source for historical, sociological, and linguistic research, since they reflect time and a person - his social status and spiritual world.

Our hypothesis was confirmed. You and I learned about the origins of our surnames, this allowed us to expand our understanding of family roots, of our distant ancestors.

And also this work can be continued in several directions, it is possible to significantly expand the list of studied surnames, it is possible to create a more accurate classification of surnames, it is possible to find out the meanings of those surnames that we could not accurately determine within the framework of this work, for this we will need additional dictionaries. Investigating the methods of forming Russian and other surnames, we concluded that it is necessary to involve the science of onomastics and its sections - anthroponymy and toponymy. Research work has convinced us that surnames can be an interesting source for research, since they reflect time and a person - his social position and spiritual world.

Personal attitude towards the work done

With my work I would like to encourage people to study the origins of their surname. After all, this is a very educational, exciting and interesting activity. Ancient Russian surnames, including the surnames of our classmates, provide rich material for studying the historical past of both our country and each of us.


1. Surnames with calendar names as a basis / V. F. Barashkov // Anthroponymy. - M.: Nauka, 1970. - P. 110-114.

2. Veselovsky. M.: 1974

3. Dictionary of modern Russian surnames. - M.: Astrel, AST, 2001. - 672 p. - ISBN 5-271-00127-X, ISBN 5-237-04101-9.

4. Nikonov of Russian surnames / Comp. ; preface .- M.: Shkola-Press, 1993. - 224 p. - ISBN 5-88527-011-2.

5. Geography of surnames / Rep. ed. S. I. Brook; preface R. Sh. Dzharylgasinova. - 3rd ed., stereotypical. - M.: KomKniga, 2007. - 200 p. - ISBN 978-5-484-00762-2.

6. Ozhegov Russian language dictionary. Together with. – M.: 1992

7. Olenin, Fedor’s children became Fedorovs. Electronic journal “Researched in Russia”. 2002. 171/021118, pp. 1896-1909

8. Systems of personal names among the peoples of the world: Sat. Art. - M.: Science (GRVL), 1989.

9. Fedosyuk surnames: a popular etymological dictionary. M.: 2006

Internet sites:

1. www. ufolog. ru

3. www. famili. info


Results of a survey among students of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 22