Fortune telling gypsy layout. Fortune telling with gypsy cards

Fortune telling by the gypsy Aza will help you get a forecast for the near future. Press the "guess" button, then the "shuffle deck" button, and then the "get prediction" button. Wait a little while the gypsy lays out the cards for you. To make the forecast accurate, we recommend using Aza’s fortune telling no more than once a day.

You may be interested in other online fortune telling: What does fate have in store for you?

From time immemorial, people have used fortune telling to look into the coming day. The priests and esotericists of antiquity developed numerous techniques to predict the future. For example, Celtic Druids told fortunes by reading the entrails of animals and birds, and Egyptian magicians had great respect for natural signs and astrology. The Aztecs and some other Mexican tribes used captured warriors, whom they “gifted” to their gods in exchange for secret knowledge.

The most widespread predictions are made using cards, which include Aza’s fortune-telling. There are quite a few card decks in the world with which you can look into the future. Almost everyone knows Tarot cards, the authorship of which is attributed by some to the Egyptian priests, others to the Sumerians, and some to the mythological gods Anunnaki, who are also found in Sumerian legends.

If you want to find out what surprises fate has in store for you, then it’s time to lay out the cards! To make Aza’s fortune telling as truthful as possible, carry it out by adhering to the following rules:

  • Tell fortunes in this way no more than once a day;
  • Focus as much as possible on the question you want to answer;
  • Lay out cards only for yourself, and not for another person;
  • Postpone fortune telling until another time if you are not feeling well.

Will the coming day bring long-awaited good news, or will you be disappointed? Are the plans being implemented, or are they not destined to come true? Who is really your friend and who can't be trusted? With the help of Aza's online fortune telling, you can get detailed answers to these and many other questions!

You can believe in card predictions, or you can consider them self-deception. But sometimes, when faced with an important decision or in anticipation of change, a simple layout can give confidence. Since ancient times, Gypsy fortune tellers have been famous for their accurate fortune telling. One of them is the gypsy layout with 10 cards.

The deck will predict important events of the future, allow you to make the right decision in the present and hint about something important from the past. The cards will read what’s in a person’s heart, calm them down, or help them prepare for a test.

Preparing for the schedule

For successful fortune telling, a regular deck of 36 cards is enough. You can do the layout yourself, so there is no need for outsiders. Before starting the ritual, you need to shuffle the deck and move the cards toward you with your left hand. Now you can start fortune telling. But first, let's recall a few important rules.

10 secrets of successful fortune telling

Most fortune tellers identify 10 main rules that you need to know during fortune telling.

  • The main thing is a person’s strong desire to know the future. Mere curiosity is not enough. Cards help only those who sincerely rely on their advice.
  • Fortune telling will not work for skeptics, because any magic is based on unconditional faith in one’s abilities and a serious attitude towards the ritual on the part of the client.
  • During fortune telling, nothing should distract a person.
  • The best time for the ritual is late evening: from 19 to 23 hours.
  • No less reliable predictions are obtained at 8-9 am, when a person wakes up fresh and full of energy.
  • In order not to wash away the truth, you should not engage in gypsy fortune-telling using 10 cards in rainy weather.
  • The card must be removed with the left hand towards the heart. This establishes a better energetic connection with the deck.
  • After fortune telling, it is strictly forbidden to repeat the layout, otherwise the mystical connection between the person and the cards may be interrupted. As a result, this and all subsequent fortune telling may not come true.
  • Cards don't like fuss. You should only contact them for important reasons.
  • Don't despair if the situation turns out to be unfavorable.
  • Remember, a person can always change his destiny. The cards are just a warning, not an inevitable fate.

    Step-by-step plan for successful prediction
  • The topmost card, it is called Fortune, will say what is on your soul. These are the thoughts and desires that constantly haunt a person, passing with him through the past, present and future.
  • The first row is your past.
  • The second represents current events.
  • The bottom row will predict the future.
  • The layout looks like this: Please note that the first card is at its base and not on top.

    After drawing up the layout, it is necessary to interpret each card. Then the overall picture is studied and a holistic prediction is made.

    In addition to the general layout, there are two common special options that may also be of interest.

    Love triangle fortune telling

    Relationships between a man and a woman are fraught with many difficulties. The appearance of a third person can further confuse the tangle of feelings. The gypsy layout can help you understand the triangle.

    Triangle fortune telling helps you find out:

    • The reasons for the appearance of a rival or rival.
    • Chances of keeping your partner.
    • The feelings of the participants in the triangle and their attitude towards each other.

    Unlike the classic layout, in this case 11 cards are removed and laid out in a certain sequence.

    • 1 - will show the character of your loved one;
    • 2 - personifies the most important qualities for a person who destroys a couple;
    • 3 - speaks about the attitude of your lover or beloved towards you;
    • 4 - the map can be used to judge the partner’s feelings towards the opponent;
    • 5 - reasons for your loved one’s thoughts;
    • 6 - how important you are to your partner;
    • 7 - how important the opponent is to him or her;
    • 8 - your lover’s plans for you;
    • 9 - plans for the opponent;
    • 10 - prospects for relationships with a partner;
    • 11 - the future of the relationship if the partner does not choose you.

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    Alignment for future events

    Another special layout to find out what to expect from the future. Unlike traditional fortune telling using 10 cards, it will give a more detailed result.

    Methods for deciphering the last two layouts may differ from classic gypsy fortune telling with 10 cards. They should be studied in specialized literature.

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    How to read the layout and meaning of each card

    A card is interpreted by its suit and meaning. Let's look at all the options in the table.

    Map Meaning
    Kresti is a suit that speaks of a person’s work activity and his creativity.
    6 Long trip, business trip.
    7 Prospective business meeting.
    8 Long work meeting.
    9 A special relationship with a colleague.
    10 Bonus or pay increase.
    JackTroubles at work, unexpected difficulties.
    LadyBusiness partner.
    KingA man or a leader, the emergence of common affairs with him.
    AceAn important project, serious work.
    The peaks speak of possible troubles and trials that distance a person from happiness.
    6 Long journey.
    7 Unpleasant meeting, insult.
    8 A quarrel or a difficult conversation with a loved one.
    9 Disease.
    10 Crash of plans.
    JackExperience for one reason or another.
    LadyAn enemy trying to strike.
    KingLoss or serious challenge.
    AceBad news.
    Hearts are the suit of love. The cards will tell you about your relationship with your partner.
    6 Long trip with your loved one.
    7 Romantic date.
    8 Intimate conversation.
    9 New love.
    10 Fulfillment of desires.
    JackLove yearnings.
    LadyYour man is cheating (you will meet a younger woman).
    KingYou (the woman) can secretly meet a man from your lover (your woman is cheating on you).
    AceStability and family harmony.
    Diamonds will tell you about hidden desires and hopes.
    6 Finding a destination, probably during a long journey.
    7 Change of job, career growth.
    8 A frank conversation is needed.
    9 Flirting with someone you know.
    10 Implementation of plans in a favorable situation.
    JackLasting experiences.
    LadyRivalry on the love front.
    KingYou (your beloved) are looking for a real man.
    AceWaiting for fateful news.

    During fortune telling, it is important to pay attention to the appearance of four cards with the same value.

  • All aces promise the fulfillment of cherished desires.
  • Kings are an omen of an imminent crowded event.
  • Ladies, there are unpleasant conversations going on around you, and gossipers are spreading false rumors.
  • Jacks are a sign of troubles in the household.
  • All tens foreshadow marriage or marriage.
  • Nines act as an omen of dramatic changes.
  • Eights are a prediction of trouble.
  • Sevens have the same meaning as eights, but the difficulties will be less significant, and you
  • you can easily overcome.
  • Sixes predict travel or business trips.
  • Four identical cards in the layout is a general conclusion based on the results of fortune telling. It should be interpreted as a main phenomenon passing through the past, present and future of a person or as the result of a certain period of life.

    Any fortune telling is carried out on general principles. In order for the prediction to be as detailed as possible and definitely come true, they should be guided during the ritual.

    The main thing in fortune telling is the presence of cards that have not been defiled by the game. A played deck does not have the energy necessary to establish a mystical connection, so it is not recommended to use it for prediction purposes.

    Some psychics offer special gypsy cards, printed in the traditional colors of the free people - black and red. They carry more powerful energy and are suitable even for those who are completely deprived of the gift of prediction.

    Why the prediction doesn't come true

    Fate is capricious, and failure can occur even with an experienced psychic. It’s no wonder that this often happens to beginners using a regular deck of cards.

    Failures typically occur under the following circumstances.

  • An important factor is the right attitude. The results of fortune telling can be distorted by household chores, fatigue, stress, or insufficient concentration on the ritual of any of its participants.
  • If the person being told fortunes wants something very badly, the cards can show not the truth, but his dreams and current desires.
  • Fortune telling does not come true well if the alignment was made in places with very strong or abnormally weak energy.
  • There is a possibility that what was predicted will come true, but the person will not notice it. If he lives the most eventful life possible, what is predicted for him, for example, for a year can happen in a month. In this case, the person will not have enough time to think about what happened, so he may simply not notice how what the cards showed happened to him.

    You can also be disappointed in a prediction because your life is not full enough. In this case, what is indicated in the cards may not happen in a month, but only in six months.

    The 10 card method does not require any special skills or special gifts. It is enough to have minimal abilities. No special artifacts are needed; a playing deck will do.

    The considered method allows you to learn lessons from the past, think about the present and get a prediction. However, one should not despair in case of a bad prediction; a person is free to change his destiny.

    Perhaps no other people are shrouded in such mystery and mysticism as the gypsies. We hear every now and then about the gypsy love spell, gypsy hypnosis, and, of course, gypsy fortune telling. Where would we be without him?! More than six hundred years have passed since the first maps appeared. And now it’s difficult to say for sure in whose hands the first deck was. Perhaps in the hands of a gypsy?

    We are pleased to present you a traditional deck of Gypsy cards for fortune telling for all occasions. This deck contains thirty-six cards and the Bianca card (symbolizing the Client). The meaning of cards can be interpreted both in a literal and figurative (metaphorical) sense. So, for example, the drawn “Death” card does not always mean the end of someone’s physical life. In some cases, it can mean global changes, a situation where something old “dies” and something new comes in its place. The “Disease” card does not always mean illness in the generally accepted sense of the word. After all, mental anguish, painful doubts, fears that make the heart feel heavy can also be called the general word “illness.”

    When starting to interpret the situation that has fallen out, do not rush. Think about it. Try to literally feel what the card is telling you, what it is warning you about, what it is drawing your attention to. And only after that make a final decision and draw conclusions.

    Free online fortune telling with Gypsy cards is an excellent opportunity to tell your fortune on a situation or simply make a reading in order to see what awaits you in the future.

    Gypsy online fortune telling is considered one of the most mystical and most accurate. Thanks to him, you can find answers to questions that have long interested you.

    In order to tell fortunes online using gypsy cards, you need to decide on a question or a situation that you would like to clarify. Once you have decided, click the “Get Prediction” button.

    Man is designed in such a way that, at least sometimes, he strives to lift the veil of secrecy and look into his future. The easiest way to do this is to resort to gypsy card fortune telling. In order to learn how to make layouts and give them the correct explanation, it does not take much time; it is enough to master classical techniques that will prompt answers to life’s most important questions.

    How to prepare for the schedule

    In order for gypsy fortune-telling on playing cards to be truthful and not distort reality, it is better to do it on Christmas Day or on Friday the thirteenth.

    You need to take a new deck of 36 cards that has not previously been used for the game. It should belong exclusively to the fortuneteller. Even the slightest touch of another person to the fortune-telling cards is not allowed, not to mention shuffling, laying them out, etc. It is important to observe this condition so that the energy connection between the deck and its owner is not broken.

    Before moving directly to the layouts, you need to tune in in a special way. To do this, you need to pick up the deck, direct your inner gaze at it and mentally focus on the upcoming process. Then, shuffling it, say the tongue twister:

    “Sisters, brothers and comrades! Do me a faithful service, report the whole truth about the past and the future. Four suits, save from misfortune, reveal the truth: what happened? What will happen? How will the heart calm down?

    After the ritual, you can conduct fortune telling on cards; the gypsy layout is one of the simplest. Take any card from the deck and put it down. She talks about the true desires of the fortuneteller.

    The first column represents relatives and friends, the middle column represents the person who is being told fortunes, and the last column represents the rest of the person’s surroundings.

    Alignment according to desire

    Mentally formulate a desire. Then, as the deck is shuffled, one card is drawn at random. Its meaning will be the answer to the question posed.

    Aces and kings indicate that your wish will come true in the near future. Queens and Jacks predict the realization of a dream, but for this you will have to work and do everything possible to fulfill your plans. The remaining cards give a negative answer to the question.

    Love spread

    Choose a king who will symbolize the chosen one:

    • the king of clubs is a dark-haired middle-aged man;
    • king of spades - an older man;
    • the king of hearts is a blond, middle-aged man;
    • the king of diamonds is a young man.

    Place the cards in a row one at a time and say:

    “My beloved is on the road, already on the threshold, wondering about marriage, remembering me, loving me, leaving me, finding someone better than me.”

    The answer will be the phrase that the hidden king lands on. You also need to pay attention to what lies next door. Aces, jacks and queens strengthen the main one, with a numerical value - weaken it.

    Layout for the situation

    First of all, the fortuneteller must decide on a question related to the situation of interest. It is formulated in such a way that a “yes” or “no” answer can be given.

    The cards are taken out one by one and laid out face down. Each subsequent pair is placed on the previous one with a slight downward shift. Cards of the same suit, located diagonally, are folded back, and the remaining ones are moved to the vacant space. This is how the whole deck is laid out. If in the end there are more than two cards left, the answer to the question is no.

    Fate alignment

    Draw a random card from the deck. She will tell you what is most important to the fortuneteller at the moment.

    Just below, lay out the cards in five columns, three in each (face down):

    • the first column describes the character of the fortuneteller;
    • the second talks about what worries you;
    • the third symbolizes marital status and immediate environment;
    • the fourth will tell about the past;
    • the fifth will predict the future.

    Schedule for the year

    Two cards are first drawn. One personifies the fortuneteller, the other a person or event that will influence the future. They are placed in the center.

    Place two 4x4 squares above and below them. The top symbolizes the next six months, the bottom - the next.

    On the sides of the central cards there are two more: the left one shows what will go away forever, the right one shows upcoming events.

    Interpretation of cards by suit

    In order to correctly interpret the layouts and meanings of fortune telling on playing cards, you need to use the universal method of interpretation by suit.

    Clubs (crosses):




    It is important to remember that the most reliable are the layouts on playing cards with the interpretation of not only individual meanings, but also their combinations. Therefore, you should always pay attention to your surroundings: if cards of the same value appear nearby, they reinforce each other; and “stronger” cards can neutralize the impact of “weak” ones, etc.

    There are a lot of similar nuances, but understanding them comes with experience on an intuitive level. In order to master these secrets, you need not only to learn to guess, but also to be able to analyze the correspondence of the results of the alignment to real events, regardless of whether we are talking about the past or the future.

    Common Mistakes

    It is also important to avoid common mistakes that can ruin any fortune telling. Here are some simple recommendations to help avoid them:

    • it is necessary to be extremely frank during fortune telling, since it is impossible to obtain a truthful answer to a dishonest question;
    • put aside skepticism and mistrust, avoid a mocking and playful tone;
    • formulate questions and wishes clearly and concisely, one session - one question;
    • refuse any ceremonies and rituals if the mood at the time of fortune telling is bad;
    • do not conduct more than one session per week;
    • treat cards as a tool - find a special place for them, store them carefully, avoiding their contact with other people;
    • do not ask stupid, obvious questions in order to check the veracity of the layout;
    • carry out energetic cleaning of the deck using Thursday salt;
    • do not turn fortune telling into the main source of profit;
    • Avoid thinking about personal things if a reading is being made for another person, as this may distort the result.

    The effectiveness of any magical ritual is a matter of faith in it. This statement is also true regarding card layouts. They are able to give one or another hint, but whether to use it or not depends only on the fortuneteller.

    Attention, TODAY only!

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