Dialogue of cultures: definition, levels, examples. Dialogue of cultures. Culture of dialogue: in search of advanced socio-humanitarian practices with various new subjects

MBDOU No. 27



modern approach to dialogue of cultures

It is known that the historical experience of coexistence and interaction different cultures is based on an indispensable consideration of their real specifics, which makes it possible to determine the most preferable options for intercultural integration and optimal forms of the process of intercultural exchange and interaction.

According to many cultural scientists, the positivity of the modern era lies in the clearly observed departure from a monocultural view of the surrounding reality.

Understanding culture as a reflection of the sphere of human social consciousness led to the construction of an advanced form of human relations - a dialogue of cultures and forms of intercultural interaction.

At present, when the population of almost all regions of Russia has lost its monoculturalism and monoethics, there is a need to design such an approach to the dialogue of cultures, which would involve not the interaction of subjects and programs with each other within the framework of one general educational institution, but the organization of the process of education and upbringing from preschool childhood to senior school age, based on the ideas of intercultural dialogue, cross-culturalism and personal interaction.

Because the preschool age- this is the period when the basis of personal culture begins to form, this is the most favorable time for the child to develop interest and respect for his native culture, accept the diversity and specificity of ethnic cultures, and cultivate a friendly attitude towards people, regardless of their ethnicity.

Modern approaches to preschool education require the creation of conditions for familiarization with national values, the history of the native land, and its orientation toward the dialogue of cultures of ethnic groups in a pedagogical multinational preschool institution. Of course, this is possible in the context of the implementation of the goals of the humanistic education system, the organization pedagogical process in accordance with the main directions of introducing children to various aspects

multinational culture, their modern development.

The attempt to standardize the content of preschool upbringing and education at a new modern level through the implementation of a dialogue of cultures, undertaken in the “COLORFUL PLANET” program, distinguishes it from other modern preschool programs (standard and variable) and determines the special target orientation of the new program.

Main strategic purpose program “COLORFUL PLANET” is the development of a child’s personality based on national and universal values.

Basic task program "MULTI-COLORED PLANET" is to provide every little Russian with equal conditions (an equal start) for the development of cultural values his home country.

To implement the program in multicultural education of preschool children, we use a variety of means:

communication with representatives of different nationalities;



game, folk toy and national doll;

decorative and applied arts, painting;


national dishes.

But the universal unit for organizing training and education in our work has become FAIRY TALE , work on which is carried out in an interdisciplinary and communicative-cognitive manner.

Teacher second

junior group

Shilova I.V.

From work experience:

In my group, I adapted the educational and methodological complex with complications.

In 2014, I developed a series of classes under the general title “EBIEM SANDYGY” (GRANDMOTHER’S CHEST).

In these classes the main thing is acting character is EBI (grandmother), whom we really love to visit.

Ebi is an experienced elderly woman who knows a lot and can tell us a lot. EBI has a magic chest in which many magical secrets are kept.

In classes for the development of complete

gaming communication I use gaming

situations in which EBI finds itself.

Through the game plot we get to know each other

with various new items

from the chest, we look at it in detail

we study them, examine them , we play with them.

The game character provides an opportunity for me, the teacher,

put the child in the position of a subject of cognitive activity.

This chest may contain various characters

famous fairy tales with which we create dramatization games

and theatrical games...

The “Colorful Planet” program is designed to provide every child living in Russia with an equal start, which will allow him in the future to successfully study both in Russian and in other languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation. The development of the child in the program is carried out integratively, through the organization play activity children based on a fairy tale; involves the implementation of a dialogue between the cultures of the peoples of Russia, as well as a general acquaintance of children with world heritage. The bilingual and multicultural structure of the “Colorful Planet” program allows, if necessary, to include any native language in the educational and educational space, which makes the program unique.

Middle group teacher

Shafieva F.R.

From work experience:


to us

Dialogue of cultures in a multinational educational environment

The people in the most pure form always presented by children.

When the national dies in children, this means the beginning of the death of the nation.

G.N. Volkov

Dialogue of cultures is a situation of collision of “cultures of thinking, different forms of understanding” that are fundamentally irreducible to each other.

This concept is included in programs and curricula, in the concept of educational development, and is voiced in lecture courses for teaching staff during advanced training. It can be found in the most different areas knowledge - in art history, in cultural studies, in literary criticism, in pedagogy related to the education of representatives of ethnic cultures, as well as in sections of linguistics.

Formation of intercultural competencies of students and teachers, teaching tolerance skills, constructive interactions based on intercultural dialogue, as well as in the process of designing an educational environment, mutual understanding with the properties of multiculturalism, is one of important conditions, building positive relationships with representatives of other cultures.

Multicultural pedagogy has its own history. Outstanding thinkers and teachers of the past dedicated their works to it.

Based on the concept of the community of people, their aspirations and needs, Ya.A. Komensky, considered the program of universal education of the entire human race, from the point of view of developing in children the ability to fulfill mutual responsibilities, the ability to respect and love people, and live in peace with others.

In the development of personality, for understanding the role of multicultural education, the ideas of P.F. have become valuable. Kapterev on the relationship between the universal and the national in pedagogy. P.F. Kapterev considered teaching one’s native language as an introduction to universal human values, along with national and spiritual values. He called for turning in education not to one people, but to many, as he insisted on the idea that the only bearer of true culture can be not only the native people, but also the peoples of other nationalities.

B.C. Regulations Bibler and M.M. Bakhtin make a significant contribution to understanding the essence of multicultural education. A person becomes unique in the world of culture, where more preference is given to knowledge, thought, word, and dialogue. Through communication with others, the comprehension of one’s own “I” occurs; in general, preference is given to the development of personality in historical environments through the comprehension of cultures, awareness of culture with manifestations in space and time, as well as the definition of man in the modern world, promotes dialogue on issues of their reproduction and interactions.

The concept of “multicultural education”, as one of the first normative definitions, was given in 1977: “Education, including the organization and content of the pedagogical process, in which two or more cultures are represented that differ in language, ethnicity, nationality or race.”

However, despite the fact that multiculturalism has been inherent in the human community throughout its history, in Russia today the issue of educating the younger generation has become acute.

Based on the concept of the development of multicultural education in various institutions (kindergartens, schools), which states that all citizens of Russia are an integral part of the great Russian nation, regardless of ethnic, racial and religious affiliation, we can conclude thatthe need to introduce multiculturalism to form a positive attitude towards representatives of other nationalities must begin from birth. Since the child is younger age open to everything new, as well as to any human culture, in the national sense.

To form a basis, a foundation in a multinational society for integration and socialization in the modern world, is one of the missions of preschool and school education.

In order to form a versatile creative personality, capable of effective and active life in a multinational educational environment, with an understanding of the Motherland, its history, traditions and customs, and also able to live with people of other nationalities in peace and harmony, it is necessary to apply certain forms and methods aimed at developing the social behavior skills of each student.

When teaching children of primary school age, it is expected to become familiar with the identity of a small ethnic group and the cultures of the Russian people, world and all-Russian culture, paying attention to common and special features.

For children of different nationalities, it is purposeful to organize an intercultural dialogue in the educational environment, which involves studying the language, history, culture of the native people, mastering universal ethical, national and moral norms.

The implementation of an additional education program may undergo certain changes that take into account both the age characteristics of the child and the educational process of the multicultural component in the operating conditions of the institutions. Areas of work: teaching languages ​​other than a particular nationality, outdoor folk games and songs, folk crafts, choreography (national dances). In my practice, in various lessons, I conduct physical exercises, with elements of active folk games and national dances, to create a favorable psychological climate in a children's group.

The development of the surrounding space by school-age children within the framework of multicultural education in a multinational educational environment can be presented in the following table:

Table 1.

At each stage of a child’s life, there is a recognition of oneself as a harmoniously developed personality, included in the process of transmitting a unique ethnocultural heritage in a multinational educational environment. The logic of constructing the stages is structured in such a way that the perception of the culture and customs of the family closely intersects with the culture of one’s own and neighboring peoples, where the child understands his common belonging to world culture.

The educational system should be based on the implementation project activities, through the idea of ​​which, in children by watching various multinational films, presentations, learning a foreign language, various types conversations, theatrical performances, outdoor games different nations, there is an adaptation of the existence of many heterogeneous cultures to different values. Interaction between children of different customs and traditions leads to ethnic tolerance among younger schoolchildren, namely the absence of a negative attitude towards another ethnic culture.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the need to develop multiculturalism and ethnic tolerance in children of primary school age is the main link in preparing them for life, subject to basic norms of behavior, in a multinational society. In the process of education and training, a civic position is formed and historically stable values ​​are consolidated.


    Bibler V. S. From scientific teaching to the logic of culture: Two philosophical introductions to the 21st century. M., 1991

    Palatkina G.V. Ethnopedagogical factors of multicultural education - M., 2003.- 403 p.

    Suprunova L. L. Multicultural education in modern Russia//Master. - 2000. - No. 3. - P. 79-81.

Dialogue of cultures. Culture of dialogue: in search of advanced socio-humanitarian practices

On April 14–16, the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the Moscow City Pedagogical University held the I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Dialogue of Cultures. Culture of dialogue: in search of advanced socio-humanitarian practices.” Teachers from the German Language Department at MGIMO took part in the conference. M. Chigasheva , A. Ionova , V. Glushak , N. Merkish , I. Belyaeva.

The conference was devoted to topical issues of a theoretical and applied nature related to improving the quality of training of teachers of linguistic and non-linguistic universities, linguists, translators, specialists in the field of intercultural communication, and foreign language teachers of secondary schools. The conference participants included 245 professors, doctors and candidates of science, doctoral students, graduate students and teachers from Russia, Austria, Bulgaria, Georgia, and Italy.

Within plenary sessions Well-known Russian scientists dealing with various issues of intercultural communication, professors and doctors of sciences V. Safonova, E. Passov, S. Ter-Minasova, E. Tareva, A. Levitsky, T. Zagryazkina, A. Berdichevsky, N. Baryshnikov, V. .Karasik, A.Shchepilova and associate professor E.Mikhailova. The speakers shared with the conference participants the results of their research related to the development of dialogue between cultures and its reflection in the modern educational paradigm. They noted the need to revise the general approach to the content of modern foreign language education, due to the state’s need for highly qualified specialists different profiles, ready to carry out their professional activity in the conditions of intercultural dialogue on a parity basis.

Work was organized in nine sections devoted to the practical implementation of dialogue of cultures in the teaching environment of schoolchildren and university students of various profiles: “Dialogue of cultures as an object of study, description and mastery”, “Culture of dialogue: linguistic aspects”, “Translation in the intercultural paradigm”, “ Foreign language as a tool of intercultural communication”, “Intercultural approach and advanced educational practices”, “Intercultural paradigm as the basis of modern socio-humanitarian knowledge”.

Teachers from the German Language Department at MGIMO had the opportunity to make presentations that aroused keen interest among the audience. I. Belyaeva considered the problems of education in her speech foreign language within the framework of an intercultural approach. A. Ionova revealed the role of linguocultural concepts in the process of teaching foreign language professional communication. V. Glushak presented scenarios for changing the mode of dialogic communication in the everyday communication of Germans. M. Chigasheva focused on the role of proper names in the political discourse of the media and the problem of their translation. N. Merkish's report was devoted to the possibility of using the principle of dialogue of cultures when working with foreign language mass media texts.

At the end of the sections, conference participants had the opportunity, within the framework of organized round tables and master classes to discuss in more detail some issues of the content of teaching foreign languages, teaching translation, to get acquainted with various strategies of equal-status intercultural communication and advanced linguistic educational practices.

Based on the results of the conference, the need was noted for further expansion and deepening of professional contacts of MGIMO teachers with teachers of other Russian and foreign universities, which will facilitate the exchange of experience and advanced methods and technologies for teaching foreign languages ​​to students various directions training within the framework of an intercultural approach.