Belyanchikova, Yulia Vasilievna. Yulia Belyanchikova - biography, information, personal life Training courses, master classes

", Honored Doctor of the RSFSR.

Yulia Vasilievna Belyanchikova born July 12, 1940 in Moscow. Her mother was a doctor, but her daughter was in no hurry to follow in her footsteps. Yulia entered the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University, but already in her first year she realized that her calling still lay in another field. She transferred to the Faculty of General Medicine at the 1st Medical Institute named after I.M. Sechenov. In residency Yulia Belyanchikova was dealing with anemia, so after completing her studies she went to work at the Central Institute of Blood Transfusion (now the Hematological Institute science Center RAMS). At the same time, she continued her graduate studies and translated scientific articles for magazines. Upon completion of graduate school, she defended her PhD thesis on leukemia and became a candidate of medical sciences.

In 1968 Yulia Belyanchikova invited to work on television in the department of natural science and socio-political programs. She hesitated for a long time, because she did not want to leave medical practice, but then agreed. On February 23, 1969, Belyanchikova made her broadcast debut as the host of the “Health” program. Before her, the program, which first aired in 1960, was hosted by a journalist Alla Melik-Pashaeva. With the arrival of Belyanchikova, the tone of the program changed. Being a professional physician, Yulia Vasilyevna easily found mutual language with doctors, scientists and specialists invited to the studio. At the same time, she could simply and clearly explain complex medical terms unprepared audience, which made the program very popular among the general population. The presenter told the audience about new medicines and treatment methods, about scientific discoveries in the field of medicine and gave advice on what to do in critical situations.

"Health" with Yulia Belyanchikova was one of the most popular programs on Soviet television. The editors of the program received up to 160 thousand letters a year. At the insistence of the leading editorial staff, several doctors were hired to answer questions from viewers.

According to the recollections of the TV presenter herself, one of best issues there was a program about cholera with the participation of Vladimir Nikolaevich Nikiforov and the creator of Soviet penicillin, Zinaida Vissarionovna Ermolyeva.

Yulia Belyanchikova was the permanent presenter of “Health” for 23 years. In 1992, due to a change in the broadcast schedule, the program left the air.

In 1988 Yulia Belyanchikova headed the Health magazine, where she worked until 1992.

In the fall of 1994, something happened to her tragic story. To the apartment famous TV presenter The thief broke in when Yulia Vasilyevna was at home. As a result, she was admitted to the Central Clinical Hospital with a traumatic brain injury. It took several months to recover and recover. But in the end Yulia Belyanchikova returned to active work, including on television.

In the 90s she hosted medical and educational programs “Medical Review”, “City. Health", "Healthy morning".

In the 2000s Yulia Belyanchikova hosted a medical program on the radio.

Interesting facts about Julia Belyanchikova / Julia Belyanchikova

The husband of the famous TV presenter Yuri Kirillovich worked as an engineer. They have a son, Kirill, who became a dentist, and a granddaughter, Maria.

When Yulia Belyanchikova became the presenter of “Health”, she did not have a TV at home. She bought her first television when she started receiving royalties from television.

The “Health” program was one of the first programs on domestic television, in which she appeared computer graphics. Long before that Yulia Belyanchikova introduced the practice of illustration, encouraging guests to accompany their stories with drawings.

In 2006, Yulia Belyanchikova received the Telegrand award in the nomination “For high professional skill and great personal contribution to popularize healthy image life on television."

Death of Julia Belyanchikova / Julia Belyanchikova

At the beginning of May 2011, Yulia Belyanchikova was admitted to the hospital with a severe fracture of the femoral neck. She underwent surgery, but her heart could not withstand the stress. Yulia Vasilievna Belyanchikova died in a Moscow clinic on June 5, 2011. She was buried on June 8, 2011 at the Babushkinskoye cemetery.

Programs with the participation of Julia Belyanchikova / Julia Belyanchikova

  • Medical Review
  • City. Health
  • Healthy morning

Yulia Vasilievna Belyanchikova (nee Voronkova). Born on July 12, 1940 in Moscow - died on June 5, 2011 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian physician, journalist, radio presenter, TV presenter, host of the popular science television program “Health”. Honored Doctor of the RSFSR.

Yulia Voronkova, who became widely known under the name Belyanchikova, was born on July 12, 1940 in Moscow.

Father - Vasily Vasilyevich Voronkov, civil engineer.

Mother - Maria Ivanovna Voronkova, doctor, graduated from the Moscow Medical and Dental Institute.

In total there were three children in the family.

Soon after her birth, the war began and her father was sent to build a plant in the Khabarovsk Territory, and her mother was appointed chief physician of the local hospital there.

After the war, the family returned to Moscow.

WITH early years Julia dreamed of becoming a doctor. However, after school, at the insistence of her mother, who did not want her daughter to become a doctor, she entered the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University - mathematics was easy for her. However, her passion for medicine still took its toll and after the first year she left Moscow State University and entered the First medical school. “Even if I hadn’t entered, I would have gone to medical school, worked as a nurse, just to help the sick,” said Yulia Vasilievna.

After graduating from the institute, she was assigned to the Central Institute of Blood Transfusion (now the Hematological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), and she also studied in graduate school.

In 1969, the International Congress on Blood Transfusion was held in Moscow. And since Julia knew well English language(she even worked part-time as translations for a scientific journal), she was assigned to a group of foreigners. She was the secretary of the meeting, which was led by an American - the head of the medical department of the troops in Vietnam. The event was filmed on television. And after it ended, television representatives approached Yulia and offered to host a program about health. At first she refused, being sure that she was absolutely unsuitable for working on television. However, the television people showed persistence and gave Soviet viewers one of their most beloved presenters.

She was accepted at central television to the department of natural science and socio-political programs, where she began hosting a television program "Health". Her teacher was director Alexander Gurevich, a famous documentarian.

The first broadcast of the program with her participation took place on February 23, 1969. She told about him: “And here is the first program, a conversation with Elena Severyanovna Ketiladze. We came with her in advance, I’m missing a tooth. I want to say how scared I am, to lean on a stronger shoulder, and suddenly she says: “ I'm so worried, so worried. You are an experienced person, and this is only my second time on television...” Fortunately, I was smart enough not to say that I was actually the first! Because then we would certainly have failed. So on the very first program I realized , that I myself can die of fear, but the interlocutor should not feel this. After all, I’m not the main one in the program, but he.”

For more than 20 years, Yulia Belyanchikova was the permanent host of the “Health” program, which, with her participation, became one of the most popular on Soviet television. She recalled: “When I first came to TV, our program received 60 letters a month, and a few years later - 15 thousand. And for me, letters from viewers were like the pulse of a patient. They taught me a lot.”

Viewers' questions were answered both during the broadcast and in personal correspondence. For this purpose, the program employed four qualified doctors.

Then for several years Yulia Vasilievna Belyanchikova was the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Health”.

In the fall of 1994, Yulia Belyanchikova was attacked by a burglar. She was taken to the Central Clinical Hospital with a severe traumatic brain injury. After recovery, since 1995 she continued to host medical programs “Medical Review”, “City. Health" and "Healthy Morning".

In 2006, she was awarded the Telegrand Prize - “For high professional excellence and great personal contribution to the popularization of a healthy lifestyle on television.”

IN last years Yulia Belyanchikova hosted a medical program on the radio.

“The whole society must understand that the most important wealth of the state is the health of the people. Until officials or deputies try to at least a little put themselves in the place of a person who has a problem, feel his pain, nothing will work out. In my opinion, the main healthcare principles are modern high tech in medicine, the true compassion of every physician and the availability of medical care for everyone. Plus, of course, the development of domestic medical equipment and the pharmaceutical industry, medical examinations that were unfortunately lost and are now being restored, and extensive educational work in the fight for a healthy lifestyle,” said Belyanchikova.

Illness and death of Yulia Belyanchikova

Belyanchikova had heart problems. In March 2010, she contacted doctors with heart complaints, after which she was under the supervision of doctors.

In early May 2011, after an unsuccessful fall, she was hospitalized with a diagnosis of a femoral neck fracture. Belyanchikova did complex operation, but the body did not survive its consequences.

The farewell took place on June 8 at the morgue of City Hospital No. 55. She was buried at Babushkinskoye Cemetery.

Personal life of Yulia Belyanchikova:

Husband - Yuri Kirillovich Belyanchikov, engineer.

Son - Kirill Yurievich Belyanchikov, dentist.

Yulia Vasilievna Belyanchikova (Voronkova)(July 12, 1940, Moscow - June 5, 2011, ibid.) - Soviet and Russian physician, journalist, radio presenter, TV presenter, host of the popular science television program “Health,” aired on Soviet television. Honored Doctor of the RSFSR.


She graduated from the First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Institute named after I.M. Sechenov with a degree in General Medicine. She worked at the Central Institute of Blood Transfusion (now the Hematological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences).

In 1968, she was invited to television in the department of natural science and socio-political programs, where she began hosting the television program “Health.” The first broadcast of the program with her participation took place on February 23, 1969. For more than 20 years she was the permanent host of the program, which, with her participation, became one of the most popular on Soviet television. During the time she hosted the program, the flow of letters from viewers to the Health program increased from 60 letters a year to 160 thousand. Viewers' questions were answered both during the broadcast and in personal correspondence. For this purpose, the program employed four qualified doctors.

Then for several years Yulia Vasilievna Belyanchikova was the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Health”.

In the fall of 1994, Yulia Belyanchikova was attacked by a burglar. She was taken to the Central Clinical Hospital with a severe traumatic brain injury. After recovery, since 1995 she continued to host medical programs “Medical Review”, “City. Health" and "Healthy Morning".

Until recently, Yu. V. Belyanchikova hosted a medical program on the radio.

In 2006, she was awarded the Telegrand Prize - “For high professional excellence and great personal contribution to the popularization of a healthy lifestyle on television.”

Illness and death

In March 2010, Yulia Belyanchikova turned to doctors with heart complaints, after which she was under the supervision of doctors. In early May 2011, after an unsuccessful fall, she was hospitalized with a diagnosis of a femoral neck fracture. Belyanchikova underwent a complex operation, but her body did not survive its consequences. On June 5, 2011, she died in one of the Moscow clinics. The funeral took place on June 8, farewell took place in the morgue of City Hospital No. 55. She was buried at Babushkinskoye Cemetery.


Husband Yuri Kirillovich is an engineer, son Kirill is a dentist, granddaughter Maria is a schoolgirl.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Yulia Vasilievna Belyanchikova
Birth name:

Yulia Vasilievna Voronkova


Vasily Vasilievich Voronkov


Maria Ivanovna Voronkova


Belyanchikov Yuri Kirillovich


son - Belyanchikov Kirill Yurievich

Awards and prizes:

Yulia Vasilievna Belyanchikova (Voronkova)(July 12, Moscow, USSR - June 5, Moscow, Russian Federation) - Soviet and Russian physician, journalist, radio presenter, TV presenter, host of the popular science television program “Health”, aired on Soviet television. Honored Doctor of the RSFSR.


In 1968, she was invited to television in the department of natural science and socio-political programs, where she began hosting the television program Health. The first broadcast of the program with her participation took place on February 23, 1969. For more than 20 years she was the permanent host of the program, which, with her participation, became one of the most popular on Soviet television. During the time she hosted the program, the flow of letters from viewers to the “Health” program increased from 60 letters per year to 160 thousand per year. Viewers' questions were answered both during the broadcast and in personal correspondence. For this purpose, the program employed four qualified doctors.

Then for several years Yu. V. Belyanchikova was the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Health”.

In the fall of 1994, Yulia Belyanchikova was attacked by a burglar. She was taken to the Central Clinical Hospital with a severe traumatic brain injury.

After recovery, since 1995 she continued to host medical programs “Medical Review”, “City. Health", "Healthy morning".

Until recently, Yu. V. Belyanchikova hosted a medical program on the radio.

In 2006, she was awarded the Telegrand Prize - “For high professional excellence and great personal contribution to the popularization of a healthy lifestyle on television.”

Illness and death

In March 2010, Yulia Belyanchikova turned to doctors with heart complaints, after which she was under the supervision of doctors. In early May 2011, after an unsuccessful fall, she was hospitalized with a diagnosis of a femoral neck fracture. Belyanchikova underwent a complex operation, but her body did not survive its consequences.
On June 5, 2011, Yulia Vasilievna died in one of the Moscow clinics. The funeral of the famous TV presenter took place on June 8, 2011, the farewell took place in the morgue of City Hospital No. 55. The TV presenter was buried at Babushkinskoye Cemetery.


Husband Yuri Kirillovich is an engineer, son Kirill is a dentist, granddaughter Maria is a schoolgirl.

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An excerpt characterizing Belyanchikova, Yulia Vasilievna

He was red and covered in sweat, despite the fact that the room was not hot. And his face was scary and pitiful, especially due to his powerless desire to appear calm.
The recording has reached fatal number forty three thousand. Rostov prepared a card, which was supposed to be an angle from the three thousand rubles that had just been given to him, when Dolokhov, knocking the deck, put it aside and, taking the chalk, quickly began, in his clear, strong handwriting, breaking the chalk, to summarize Rostov’s note.
- Dinner, time for dinner! Here come the gypsies! - Indeed, with their gypsy accent, some black men and women were already coming in from the cold and saying something. Nikolai understood that it was all over; but he said in an indifferent voice:
- Well, you won’t do it yet? And I have a nice card prepared. “It was as if he was most interested in the fun of the game itself.”
“It’s over, I’m lost! he thought. Now there’s a bullet in the forehead - only one thing remains,” and at the same time he said in a cheerful voice:
- Well, one more card.
“Okay,” answered Dolokhov, having finished the summary, “good!” “It’s 21 rubles,” he said, pointing to the number 21, which equaled exactly 43 thousand, and taking the deck, he prepared to throw. Rostov obediently turned the corner and instead of the prepared 6,000, he carefully wrote 21.
“It doesn’t matter to me,” he said, “I’m only interested in knowing whether you’ll kill or give me this ten.”
Dolokhov began throwing seriously. Oh, how Rostov at that moment hated these hands, reddish with short fingers and with hair visible from under his shirt, which had him in their power... Ten was given.
“You have 43 thousand behind you, Count,” said Dolokhov and stood up from the table, stretching. “But you get tired of sitting for so long,” he said.
“Yes, I’m tired too,” said Rostov.
Dolokhov, as if reminding him that it was indecent for him to joke, interrupted him: When will you order the money, Count?
Rostov flushed and called Dolokhov into another room.
“I can’t suddenly pay everything, you’ll take the bill,” he said.
“Listen, Rostov,” said Dolokhov, smiling clearly and looking into Nikolai’s eyes, “you know the saying: “Happy in love, unhappy in cards.” Your cousin is in love with you. I know.
"ABOUT! it’s terrible to feel so in the power of this man,” thought Rostov. Rostov understood what blow he would deal to his father and mother by announcing this loss; he understood what happiness it would be to get rid of all this, and he understood that Dolokhov knew that he could save him from this shame and grief, and now he still wanted to play with him, like a cat with a mouse.
“Your cousin...” Dolokhov wanted to say; but Nikolai interrupted him.
“My cousin has nothing to do with it, and there is nothing to talk about her!” - he shouted furiously.
- So when can I get it? – asked Dolokhov.
“Tomorrow,” said Rostov, and left the room.

It was not difficult to say “tomorrow” and maintain a tone of decency; but to come home alone, to see your sisters, brother, mother, father, to confess and ask for money to which you have no right after this honestly, it was terrible.
We weren't sleeping at home yet. The youth of the Rostov house, having returned from the theater, having had dinner, sat at the clavichord. As soon as Nikolai entered the hall, he was overwhelmed by that loving, poetic atmosphere that reigned in their house that winter and which now, after Dolokhov’s proposal and Iogel’s ball, seemed to thicken even more, like the air before a thunderstorm, over Sonya and Natasha. Sonya and Natasha, in the blue dresses they wore at the theater, pretty and knowing it, happy, smiling, stood at the clavichord. Vera and Shinshin were playing chess in the living room. The old countess, waiting for her son and husband, was playing solitaire with an old noblewoman who lived in their house. Denisov, with shining eyes and tousled hair, sat with his leg thrown back at the clavichord, clapping them with his short fingers, striking chords, and rolling his eyes, in his small, hoarse, but faithful voice, sang the poem he had composed, “The Sorceress,” to which he was trying to find music.
Sorceress, tell me what power
Draws me to abandoned strings;
What fire have you planted in your heart,
What delight flowed through my fingers!
He sang in a passionate voice, shining at the frightened and happy Natasha with his agate, black eyes.
- Wonderful! Great! – Natasha shouted. “Another verse,” she said, not noticing Nikolai.
“They have everything the same,” thought Nikolai, looking into the living room, where he saw Vera and his mother with the old woman.
- A! Here comes Nikolenka! – Natasha ran up to him.
- Is daddy at home? - he asked.