Webinar: sand-art method. basic course of working with sand on light tables. Drawing lessons with colored sand on a light table for children Colored backgrounds

The Sand-Art sand painting method has existed relatively recently, about 30 years. This trend originated in the USA and, at first, it was only a spectacular spectacle during various show programs. Later, experts proved that it can be effectively used to work with a variety of psychological problems, as well as for educational and developmental purposes. It has no age restrictions and can be used from 2 years old.

The program is addressed a wide range of practical psychologists, additional education teachers, specialists in the education system and social sphere, students of specialized universities, parents of preschool and primary school children.

As a result of the training, participants will be able to:

  • get acquainted with the Sand-Art sand painting method;
  • learn about the possibilities of its use in the work of a psychologist;
  • develop basic practical work skills.

In a programme:

  • History of the development of the method.
  • Areas of application: possibilities and limitations.
  • Introduction to equipment for working with sand: light tables and tablets, sand and other bulk materials.
  • Technical characteristics of the equipment. Its certification.
  • Features of organizing individual and group classes with children of different ages:
    • duration of classes;
    • sanitary and hygienic requirements;
    • equipping a sand studio for group and individual work;
    • organization of individual and complex classes.
  • Specifics of application in private and public institutions.
  • Working with sand on light tables as a synthesis of psychotherapeutic methods: sand therapy, music and color therapy.
  • Introduction to sand painting technology:
    • techniques for drawing with sand and on sand (fingers, fists, edge of the palm, edge of the thumb, pinch, little finger);
    • techniques for drawing with sand (simultaneously, symmetrically, cutting off, pouring).
  • Possibilities of the Sand-Art method in the practice of psychological counseling:
    • diagnosis of emotional state;
    • development of imagination and creative abilities;
    • developing constructive communication skills;
    • stabilization and harmonization of psycho-emotional state.
  • Examples of working with children and adults using the Sand-Art method. Similarities and differences. Features of interaction.

Video presentation of the webinar program

Forms of work:

mini-lectures, viewing of multimedia presentations, photo and video materials, workshop.


Classes are held from 11:00 to 14:00 or from 14:00 to 17:00 (Moscow time). One day in the program is allocated for completing homework and practicing practical skills. Based on the results of the training, a certificate of advanced training is issued.

After participating in several webinars of the author - current, "", "" and "" in accordance with Federal Law No. 273-FZ participants can combine received certificates into a single document on advanced training (per total number of hours) in the field of psychological counseling and art therapy.

During the seminar, participants will be able to purchase sand drawing tablet in the educational and methodological collection “The World of Psychologist” with a 5% discount.

Sand art (sand animation)

See eternity in one moment,

A huge world in a grain of sand,

a single handful - infinity

And the sky is in the cup of a flower.
William Blake

Sand painting as an unconventional art form is extremely expressive and extremely popular all over the world. This type of drawing is one of the most unusual ways of creative activity, as children create unique masterpieces with their own hands in the sand. In an amazing way, a handful of sand turns into a landscape, starry sky, forest or sea. This unusual type of art is called Sand art, i.e. “sand art”. Sand is the same paint, but it works on the principle of “light and shadow” and perfectly conveys human feelings, thoughts and aspirations. Sand drawing is one of the most important means of understanding the world and developing aesthetic perception, since it is closely related to independent and creative activity. This is one of the ways to depict the world around us.

How can sand painting classes benefit a child? Like any other art activity - creativity, sand painting (including communication with natural materials) - develops tactile sensitivity and finger motor skills, spatial perception, thinking and attention, imagination and fantasy, artistic abilities, free use of both hands - all this contributes to the harmonious development of the child’s personality. Sand is a meditative material that grounds all negative emotions.

Sand remains the most attractive material for children. Drawing with sand is a new and at the same time simple type of visual activity for preschoolers, accessible to almost everyone and not requiring special training. And for the teacher, this is another way to understand the child’s feelings.

Preschool childhood is the period of a child’s familiarization with the knowledge of the world around him, his initial socialization, when cognitive interest and curiosity develop. It has been scientifically proven that a child very early acquires the ability to perceive not only the shape and size, structure of objects, but also the beauty of the surrounding reality. In this regard, the education of preschoolers’ artistic taste, the formation of their creative skills, and a sense of beauty is of particular relevance.

Visual activity is one of the few types of artistic creativity that provides a child with the opportunity to create on his own, and not just learn and perform poems, songs or dances created by someone else. There are many different techniques of non-traditional drawing known - blotography, monotype, drawing with cotton swabs, crumpled paper, stencil printing, etc. A technique such as sand drawing is of particular interest to children and adults. And this is no coincidence. The malleability of sand and its natural magic are fascinating. From early childhood, playing in the sandbox or on the river bank, children involuntarily try to draw with their hands or palms.

Who said that you only need to draw with a brush, pencil or felt-tip pen? After all, the hand and fingers are such a help. Moreover, the index finger of the right hand obeys the child even better than a pencil. It's good to learn to use not only your index finger, but also the rest to be creative.

As the child masters the sand painting technique, the child’s inner world is enriched and developed. This type of creativity as a means of mental correction allows the little artist to overcome the feeling of fear, moving away from objective representation and depiction with traditional materials, to express feelings and emotions in the drawing, gives freedom, and instills confidence in their abilities. Having mastered the technique of drawing with sand, the child gets the opportunity to choose, which, in turn, ensures the creative nature of children's productive activities.

The goals of this methodological development are:

  • stimulating children's independence and creativity in visual arts using sand painting techniques;
  • harmonization of the psycho-emotional state of preschool children;
  • development of hand-eye coordination;
  • fluent use of both hands.

In accordance with the goals, the following tasks are solved in the process of teaching children sand drawing techniques:

  • developing the ability to convey the shape, structure of an object and its parts, the correct proportions of parts, using different shades of light and shadow;
  • learning to create static sand paintings taking into account rhythm and symmetry;
  • development of compositional skills when depicting groups of objects or a plot;
  • exercise of fingers and hands;
  • development of artistic and aesthetic taste.

This technique is taught as part of the entire drawing course and has characteristic features.

Firstly, this is the focus of educational activities on the development of the child, and not on imparting to him the amount of knowledge.

Secondly, creating a friendly, creative atmosphere so that a preschooler can express his thoughts out loud without fear of criticism.

And thirdly, the educational process is built using games and play exercises aimed at developing creativity, activity and independence in visual activities.

Visual arts teacher Bobrova A.Yu.

When teaching children the technique of sand painting, the developments of the following authors are used: T.V. Akhutina, Z.M. Boguslavskaya, O.I. Bochkareva, N.N. Vasilyeva, A. Viktorova, N.K. Vinokurova, R.R. Kalinina, T.S. Komarova, K.V. Tarasova. - Note. auto.

Municipal budget preschool

educational institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 70"

with the Leaver : Petunina n.v.

educational psychologist mbdou No. 70

Chita, 2016

Teaching preschoolers how to draw with sand

Sand remains the most attractive material for children. Drawing with sand is a new and at the same time simple type of visual activity for preschoolers, accessible to almost everyone and not requiring special training. And for the teacher, this is another way to understand the child’s feelings.

The concept of preschool education provides for the development of the child’s personality, taking into account his individual characteristics in the physical, mental and emotional spheres.

In one moment you can see eternity, a huge world - in a grain of sand, a single handful - infinity, and the sky - in a cup of a flower. William Blake

A mound of sand to realize a creative idea

Preschool childhood is the period of a child’s familiarization with the knowledge of the world around him, his initial socialization, when cognitive interest and curiosity develop. It has been scientifically proven that a child very early acquires the ability to perceive not only the shape and size, structure of objects, but also the beauty of the surrounding reality. In this regard, the education of preschoolers’ artistic taste, the formation of their creative skills, and a sense of beauty is of particular relevance.

Visual activities - one of the few types of artistic creativity that gives the child the opportunity to create on his own, and not just learn and perform poems, songs or dances created by someone else. There are many different techniques of unconventional drawing known -blotography , monotype, drawing with cotton swabs, crumpled paper, stencil printing, etc. Of particular interest to children and adults is such a technique assand painting . And this is no coincidence. The malleability of sand and its natural magic are fascinating. From early childhood, playing in the sandbox or on the river bank, children involuntarily try to draw with their hands or palms.

This type of drawing is one of the most unusual ways of creative activity, as children create unique masterpieces with their own hands in the sand. In an amazing way, a handful of sand turns into a landscape, starry sky, forest or sea. This unusual type of art is called Sand art, i.e. “sand art”. Sand is the same paint, but it works on the principle of “light and shadow” and perfectly conveys human feelings, thoughts and aspirations. Sand drawing is one of the most important means of understanding the world and developing aesthetic perception, since it is closely related to independent and creative activity. This is one of the ways to depict the world around us.

Who said that you only need to draw with a brush, pencil or felt-tip pen? After all, the hand and fingers are such a help! Moreover, the index finger of the right hand obeys the child even better than a pencil.It's good to learn to use not only your index finger, but also the rest to be creative.

As the child masters the sand painting technique, the child’s inner world is enriched and developed. This type of creativity as a means of mental correction allows the little artist to overcome the feeling of fear, moving away from objective representation and depiction with traditional materials, to express feelings and emotions in the drawing, gives freedom, and instills confidence in their abilities. Having mastered the technique of drawing with sand, the child gets the opportunity to choose, which, in turn, ensures the creative nature of children's productive activities.

Taking this into account, in the MBDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 70" in Chita, an original methodological development on artistic and aesthetic development in the additional education system "Sand Fantasy" was created and adapted, which is aimed at teaching children of the preparatory group the technique of drawing with sand.

When teaching children the technique of sand painting, the developments of the following authors are used: T.V. Akhutina, Z.M. Boguslavskaya, O.I. Bochkareva, N.N. Vasilyeva, A. Viktorova, N.K. Vinokurova, R.R. Kalinina, T.S. Komarova, K.V. Tarasova. - Note. auto.

The goals of this methodological development are:

    stimulating children's independence and creativity in visual arts using sand painting techniques;

    harmonization of the psycho-emotional state of preschool children;

    development of hand-eye coordination;

    fluent use of both hands.

In accordance with the goals, the following tasks are solved in the process of teaching children sand drawing techniques:

    developing the ability to convey the shape, structure of an object and its parts, the correct proportions of parts, using different shades of light and shadow;

    learning to create static sand paintings taking into account rhythm and symmetry;

    development of compositional skills when depicting groups of objects or a plot;

    exercise of fingers and hands;

    development of artistic and aesthetic taste.

Training in this technique is carried out throughoutdrawing course and has characteristic features.

    Firstly, this is the focus of educational activities on the development of the child, and not on imparting to him the amount of knowledge.

    Secondly, creating a friendly, creative atmosphere so that a preschooler can express his thoughts out loud without fear of criticism.

    And thirdly, the educational process is built using games and play exercises aimed at developing creativity, activity and independence in visual activities. The learning process is divided into four stages.

At the preparatory stage (in summer) The independent productive activities of children of senior preschool age are monitored in order to identify their aptitude for the fine arts.

Diagnostic examination The level of development in children of creative thinking, imagination, perception, fine motor skills of the fingers at the beginning of the school year is ensured at the second stage (Appendix 1).

Sand painting is a relatively young art.

It originated in the 70s of the last century. The founder of this technique was the American animator Caroline Leaf, who created the first sand animated film “Sand, or Peter and the Gray Wolf.”

Caroline's most famous work is the animated film "The Street", released in 1976. The film, created using the technique of oil painting on glass under the camera of "animated painting", is included in the top ten best animated works in the history of animation. Later, her experience was adopted by many animators, including Ferenc Csacko, who tried to create a dynamic sand film, that is, without editing, in one go. His successful experience marked the beginning of a new art form - sand painting.

The art of sand painting has many names - sand paintings, sand drawings, sand show, sand paintings, sand art, sand painting show.

Sand show is first of all, a self-sufficient and spectacular art form, the ancestor of which sand animation is rightfully considered. There are few people in the world who do sand animation at a high level. Real masters include Ferenc Csacko (Hungary), Ilana Yahav (Israel), Joe Castilio (Spain), Arthur Kirilov (Russia), Ksenia Simonova (Ukraine).

The third stage islearning how to draw lines directly , dots, curls; use of geometric shapes; adding sand for color saturation; creating drawings based on geometric shapes: circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle; plot drawing according to the proposed themes and design; "coloring" drawings.

The final stage is summing up the work according to this methodological development, the final diagnosis according to certain criteria (Appendix 2).

Contents of educational activities

Sand painting techniques are taught to a subgroup of children (8-10 people) once a week for 25-30 minutes in an art studio in accordance with the thematic plan (Appendix 3), which includes three cycles:

    1st - initial - acquaintance with sand, preparing the hand, developing imagination and the ability to draw with sand;

    2nd - plot drawing according to the theme and design;

    3rd - “coloring” pictures using colored paper.

Topics of visual activities can be changed and supplemented depending on the imagination and creative concept of the child. To organize educational activities, you need appropriate equipment - a table with glass or a tablet measuring 50 x 30 with backlight. For drawing, fine white sand is used, which is stored in a special compartment in a box on the table (tablet).

During the learning process, preschoolers learn to formulate an idea and maintain it throughout the activity; evaluate their drawings and the works of other children, noting their quality, content, correspondence to reality, and aesthetic appeal.

To realize each idea, a certain amount of sand is used, the central figure conceived by the child is highlighted, and the remaining details are drawn additionally. By adding handfuls of sand, children learn to make the drawing dark, bright, or, by removing the excess, light, transparent, and try to convey their mood, feelings and thoughts in the drawing.

To add color to the image, colored sand is used depending on the theme of the visual activity or the child’s plan, for example “Golden Autumn” - yellow sand, “Summer Forest” - green sand, “Sea inhabitants” - blue and/or blue, etc. But it is advisable to “color” the drawing in this way at the end of training, when preschoolers have fully mastered the technique of drawing with sand.

Since drawing is done directly with your fingers in the sand, this technique involves:

    development of smoothness, grace and precision of movements;

    ability to work with the hand and fingers of both hands;

    hand-eye coordination;

    mastering technical skills: regulation of the strength of movements, a certain amplitude, speed, rhythm; the ability to change the scope and direction of hand movement when drawing; a harmonious combination of lines, color and shadow.

Each meeting with children in the art studio consists of preparatory, introductory, main and final parts.

In the preparatory part exercises are conducted to develop fine motor skills, observation, prepare the hand for drawing, psycho-gymnastics to develop the emotional sphere, attention, memory and imagination (Appendix 4-6).

Introductory part involves the use of artistic words; playing games to attract children's attention; conversation on the topic. The teacher can fantasize with the children about who will draw what, what shapes and strokes should be used.

Main part - directly working with sand on the topic. Musical accompaniment plays an important role in this. Music is selected based on the theme and is played throughout the activity. Thus, a teacher can use works of classical music by P. Tchaikovsky, W. Mozart, A. Vivaldi, J. Bach, F. Chopin, R. Strauss, C. Debussy; recordings of nature sounds (water elements, sounds of gardens, jungles, tropical forests, etc.).

It is mandatory to conduct a physical education session (15-20 minutes depending on the physical condition of the students).

Final part involves children analyzing their own works and the drawings of their comrades; disclosure of creative ideas. After summing up the educational activities, children's work is photographed. At the end of the training, the best works are compiled into a photo exhibition and photo album for each child.

Using sand in visual arts has a number of advantages. Sand gives children the opportunity to change their creative concept as they create an image, correct mistakes, and most importantly, quickly achieve the desired result. The good thing about the sand drawing technique is that during the activity you can change the drawing, draw a new one, add details, characters, etc. When drawing with sand, you don’t have to wait for it to dry, you don’t have to use an eraser.

In the process of working with sand, children's tactile sensitivity increases and fine motor skills develop.In addition, this is an excellent, active form of recreation that preschoolers enjoy. The properties of sand, such as softness, ductility and a pleasant roughness to the touch, create conditions for relaxation.

The use of sand in the course of visual arts helps children develop skills such as conveying composition, image proportions, mastery of shades of light and shadow. Preschoolers develop accuracy and coordination of hand and eye movements, hand flexibility, mental processes (attention, logical thinking, imagination, visual and auditory perception, memory, speech), the ability to act according to verbal instructions, independently achieve a planned goal, and ensure control over their own actions .

Modern research proves that by drawing with sand, a child not only masters practical skills and realizes creative ideas, but also broadens his horizons, develops artistic taste, acquires the ability to find beauty in the ordinary, and learns to think creatively.

Annex 1

Diagnosis of children at the beginning of the school year

The teacher sits at the table opposite the child and asks him to extend one hand. Covers the palm and fingers of this hand from him with his hand. With the other hand he touches the fingers of the child’s outstretched hand and asks him to stretch out on the other hand the finger that the teacher is touching at that moment.

A 6-7 year old child can easily distinguish between the thumb, little finger and index finger. Distinguishing between the middle and ring fingers is also difficult for a seven-year-old child. The teacher should keep in mind that a right-handed child, as a rule, distinguishes the fingers on the right hand somewhat better than on the left

Quiz "Silhouettes"

The teacher asks the children to find out what is shown in the proposed picture. Then they trace the objects and color them with pencils. Task completion time - 15 minutes.

Indicators for a child 6-7 years old: names 15 objects - high level; 10-12 items - average; 5-6 items - low

Test "Complete the objects"

The child is asked to look at the pictures and list what objects he sees. You need to name these objects and finish drawing them using felt-tip pens or colored pencils. Task completion time - 10 minutes.

Indicators for a child 6-7 years old: names 12 objects - high level; 8-9 items - average; 5 items - low

Appendix 2

Final diagnostics at the end of the school year

Appendix 3

Approximate thematic plan for visual activities in the preparatory group

Total: 36

Appendix 4

Exercises to develop fine motor skills

The first drops fell
(lightly tap two fingers of each hand on the table)
The spiders were scared.
(the inner side of the palm is lowered down; bend the fingers slightly and, moving them, you should show how the spiders scatter)
The rain began to pound harder.
(knock on the table with all fingers of both hands)
The birds disappeared among the branches.
(cross your arms, place your palms together with the backs of your hands; wave your fingers clenched together)
The rain poured down like buckets,
(knock harder on the table with all fingers of both hands)
The children ran away.
(the index and middle fingers of both hands run across the table, depicting little men; the remaining fingers are pressed to the palm)
Lightning flashes in the sky,
Thunder breaks the whole sky.
(draw lightning in the air with your finger) (drum with your fists and then clap your hands)
And then the sun came out of the clouds
(raise both hands up with fingers open)
He'll look out the window for us again!
Children perform movements with their fingers in accordance with the text:
In our group on the window, (
clench and unclench your fists)
In a green country,
(show “pots” with palms)
In painted pots
(raise palms up vertically)
The flowers have grown.
Here is rosean, geranium, crassula,
Family of spiny cacti.
(bend the fingers on both hands, starting with the thumb)
We'll water them early,
(water from an imaginary watering can) (fold the palms of both hands)
Me and all my friends!

Children perform movements with their fingers in accordance with the text:
- Don-don-don, -
The bell is ringing.
(move the fingers of both hands)
- La-la-la, -
He says something.
(raise the index fingers of both hands to your mouth)
Ding-ding-ding, -
Tilts his head.
(put your palms down)
Bom-bom-bom, -
I messed up my whole hair.
(run your hands through your hair)
Ding-ding-ding, -
He smiled at the sun.
(smile and clap your hands)
Finally woke up.
(tap the fingers of one hand on the fingers of the other)

Appendix 5

Developmental kinesiological exercises

The child alternately and as quickly as possible moves his fingers, connecting the index finger, middle finger, etc. in a ring with the thumb. The test is performed in the forward (from the index finger to the little finger) and in the reverse (from the little finger to the index finger) order. First, the exercise is performed with each hand separately, then together.

"Fist - rib - palm"

The child is shown three positions of the hand on the plane of the table, successively replacing each other. The palm is on a plane, the palm is clenched into a fist, the palm is edged on the table plane, the palm is straightened on the table plane. The child performs the test together with the teacher, then from memory for 8-10 repetitions of the motor program. The test is performed first with the right hand, then with the left, then with both hands together. When mastering the program or if there are difficulties in performing the exercise, the teacher invites the child to help himself with commands (“fist - rib - palm”), pronounced out loud or silently.

"Mirror drawing"

The child is asked to take pencils or felt-tip pens in both hands and simultaneously draw mirror-symmetrical drawings and letters on a blank sheet of paper with both hands. When performing this exercise, your eyes and hands relax. When the activity of both hemispheres is synchronized, the efficiency of the brain significantly increases.

"Ear - Nose"

The child, when shown by an adult, then independently takes hold of the tip of his nose with his left hand, and the opposite ear with his right hand. Simultaneously releasing his ear and nose, he claps his hands and changes the position of his hands “exactly the opposite.” The exercise is repeated several times.

"Horizontal Eight"

The teacher asks the child to draw the number eight in the air in a horizontal plane three times: first with one hand, then with the other, then with both hands at the same time.

"Symmetrical drawings"

The teacher invites the child to draw mirror-symmetrical designs in the air with both hands at the same time: a flower, a spruce, etc.

"Bear Jiggle"

The teacher invites the child to sway from side to side, imitating a bear. Then connect your hands and come up with a plot.

The exercise is performed standing. The teacher invites the children to imagine that each of them is a freshly made snowman. His body should be tense, like frozen snow. But then spring came, the sun warmed up, and the snowman began to melt. First, the head “melts” and hangs, then the shoulders drop, the arms relax, etc. At the end of the exercise, the children gently fall to the floor and lie down.

"Let's pump up the muscles"

While sitting, children bend their elbows, clench and unclench their hands, gradually speeding up the pace. The exercise is performed until the hands are maximally tired. Then you need to relax your hands and shake them.

Children perform free eye movements from side to side and rotation.

The teacher invites children to show various faces, performing facial movements: puffing out their cheeks, sticking out their tongue, stretching out their lips with a tube, opening their mouth.


Children try rolling nuts or balls first in each palm and then between their fingers.

"Water bicycle"

The exercise is performed in pairs: children stand opposite each other, touch their palms to their partner’s palms and make movements similar to riding a bicycle.


The teacher invites the child to play the piano. To do this, he asks him to press his palm to the surface of the table and, first in order, and then randomly raise his fingers one at a time and name them.

Appendix 6

Psycho-gymnastics for the development of the emotional sphere

Game "Shadow"

The game is aimed at developing attention, memory and observation skills. Two children are walking along the road: one in front, the other two or three steps behind. The second child is a “shadow” of the first. “Shadow” must exactly repeat all the actions of the first child, who will either pick a flower on the side of the road, or bend over for a beautiful pebble, or jump on one leg, etc.

Game "Forbidden Number"

The game is aimed at developing attention, memory and observation skills. Children stand in a circle. A number is chosen that cannot be pronounced. Preschoolers count in turns and clap their hands instead of the forbidden number.

Game "Here he is"

The game is aimed at developing attention, memory and observation skills. The child, without words, using expressive gestures, “tells” about the sizes and shapes of objects well known to him: small, large, pointed, round, quadrangular, small, long, short.

Exercise "How are you feeling?"

The exercise is aimed at developing attentiveness, empathy and the ability to feel the mood of another. Performed in a circle. Each child carefully looks at his neighbor on the left, tries to guess how he feels, and talks about it. The preschooler, whose state is being described, listens and then agrees or disagrees with what was said, complements.

Exercise "My mood"

The exercise is aimed at developing empathy, the ability to describe one’s mood and recognize the mood of others. The child is asked to tell others about his mood: it can be drawn, compared with some color, or shown in motion - it all depends on the imagination and desire of the preschooler.

Exercise "Communication in pairs"

The exercise is aimed at developing attention and memory. Children are divided into pairs and sit back to back. One whispers about something, then asks the other what he was talking about. While telling the story, the child should try to describe his feelings.

Exercise "Sitting - standing"

The exercise is aimed at developing the emotional sphere. The child, standing and looking at the person sitting, says a phrase suggested by the teacher or composed independently with different feelings: cheerfully, with fear, angrily, calmly.

Exercise "Face Study"

The exercise is aimed at developing tactile memory. Children stand in two lines, facing each other. Preschoolers in one line close their eyes, in the other they change places (at random) and come closer to the first line. Children with closed eyes feel the face and hair of the person who comes up and call their names. Condition: do not touch clothes.

Exercise "Mirror"

The exercise is aimed at developing the ability to understand and convey other people's emotions. Children are divided into pairs, face each other and look into each other's eyes. One begins to perform some movement, the other repeats it in a mirror image. Then the teacher invites children to convey different emotional states in gestures and facial expressions: sadness, joy, fear, pain, disgust, etc.

Exercises "Animals"

The exercise is aimed at developing imagination. The teacher invites the children to depict some animal: a nimble child - a bear, a slow one - a hare, a squirrel, a cowardly one - a tiger, a lion, etc.

Exercise "Dance to Music"

The exercise is aimed at overcoming timidity and strengthening self-confidence. Children sit in a circle, the most withdrawn one is placed in the center. The music turns on - the children stand up, the child dances in a circle. Preschoolers can also dance while standing still.

Exercise "Drawing on the back"

The exercise develops sensitivity and imagination. Children are divided into pairs: the child draws geometric shapes, simple images with his finger on the other’s back: a house, a Christmas tree, the sun, a ladder, etc., block letters; the other child must guess what it is.

Little children love to get dirty, tinker with loose materials, create fantasy images, and devote themselves entirely to the creative process. Combine your child's hobbies into one whole and you'll get drawing in the sand.

Surely you yourself watched in fascination such performances on TV, watched gorgeous animations by famous world authors. Try repeating the show at home with your child. And our article will tell you how to draw with sand on glass and how to teach your child to make sand compositions.

From this article you will learn

What is the benefit of this activity

American cartoon director Carolyn Leaf presented an interesting idea to teachers and parents on how to organize children’s leisure time and develop multidirectional skills at the same time.

She created a sand video. The heroes came to life and acted on the luminous board. The artist painted them with her fingers using sand. The idea was picked up by other animators. The method of creating images and plots has been highly praised.

Gradually, drawing on a special board with sand came into the lives of ordinary people. Teachers began to practice such classes with children of different ages. The fascinating method of pedagogical work was studied from the point of view of psychology, physiology, and didactics. Teachers and preschool educators who practice innovation have noticed the following beneficial properties of such activities:

  • Drawing with sand on glass is fun and interesting. 99% of children receive a charge of positive emotions during the lesson and entertainment.
  • The method has no special rules. The baby can draw with his palm, one or more fingers, create any shapes and erase them quickly if something doesn’t work out.
  • The absence of restrictions relieves emotional stress. Children are relaxed, moderately excited, and feel like the creators of a unique masterpiece.
  • Motor skills develop. Kindergarteners are tired of plasticine and pencils; practicing finger dexterity with a light tablet and sand is no less useful. Speech develops simultaneously with motor skills.
  • Graphomotor skills are improved. Schoolchildren develop the ability to follow a contour, hold a pen correctly, and observe the rhythm of movements.
  • Suitable for any age. Nursery children, schoolchildren and adults enjoy drawing on the board. The magic of free-flowing animation leaves almost no one indifferent.
  • Relief from stress. Working with sand is included in a course of psychotherapy for the treatment of neuroses, tics, and insomnia. Healthy children also calm down during classes, find peace of mind, and forget about troubles.
  • A unique method helps to reveal creative potential and find yourself. The child shows imagination, shows hidden abilities, and is not afraid to evaluate the result.

If we consider the methodology from the point of view of organization and material costs, the following advantages are revealed:

  • Consumables are cheap. It is not necessary to buy sand; use semolina or ground coffee.
  • You can make a drawing tablet with your own hands. You will need a lamp, plexiglass, and a wooden box. The equipment takes up little space in the room and does not require special care.
  • Any mother, father, or grandmother can teach a child to draw with sand. No special education or courses are required for classes. Look at examples of work on the Internet and feel free to start creating.

Materials and tools for drawing

Without special homemade or store-bought equipment, you won’t be able to learn how to draw in the sand. The set of tools and consumables is small:

On a note! Buy quartz sand at pet stores or shopping centers in the “Toys” and “Everything for Creativity” departments.

Drawing Techniques

The art of creating animations is based on simple drawing techniques. In kindergarten or at home, show your child how to hold his hands and pour out sand so that the picture turns out clear, bright and real. Use the following techniques for beginners.

Pour sand from one palm to another

A great way to start classes. Kids get ready to work, get acquainted with the material, feel its weight, warmth or coolness, texture.

We collect sand in a fist and scatter it

You need to watch how much sand the preschooler picks up in his palm. There should be little of it so that the movements are easy, the layer of material on the glass is thin.

Sprinkle sand in a stream

Using a stream from their palm, children draw lines of different thicknesses. If you hold the pen high and release it in a thin stream, you will get a light version of the line. If you pour roughly, almost unclenching your fist, you will draw a dark, wide curve. At this stage, it is important to practice both techniques so that the child controls the color saturation of the drawing and creates almost invisible lines.

Finger painting

Children can use each finger individually or the entire palm. Let them depict grass, hair, trees. Large objects are drawn with a fist - a mountain, a stone. The pads are fruits, stars.

For schoolchildren who have mastered simple drawing methods, offer these exciting exercises.

Maple Leaf

Draw an outline for the maple leaf, being careful to follow its shape. Adjust the lines with your fingers. Push the excess sand towards the edge of the drawn sheet to make the outline darker. Draw the petiole. Use your fingernail to draw internal lines (veins). Place a circle in the petiole area with your fingertip.


The material is scattered onto the glass from the palm of your hand or with a pinch. Leveled. On this background, write the letters of the Latin or Slavic alphabet according to the model. The child learns to be attentive and repeat the pattern. Graphomotor skills develop.


Sprinkle sand over the entire surface of the container. Using four or five widely spaced fingers, draw wavy lines. Make horizontal lines with your fingernail - these are ripples. Then draw the horizon and remove excess at the top of the glass. Draw clouds on the same composition.


Sand is clenched in a fist. We make circular movements with our hands with a small amplitude, scattering the material in the sandbox. You can then draw small lines with your fingernail to make the clouds look lush.

Young artists at the initial stage of mastering a fascinating hobby will enjoy such exercises using additional tools.


Take stamps, coffee stencils, plastic bottle caps. Leave marks on the sand table with them. With the help of different figures, large plot compositions are created.


It is much easier to disperse sand through a baby sieve. You can form mountains, make a thin coating on glass. The next step is to paint with your fingers on the resulting sand space.


A wide-necked tool helps make a high mound. Children watch the sand stream with enthusiasm and repeat the action using their fist.

Drawing animal tracks

This exercise requires careful finger work. Draw the marks with your fist, making the main background. Small details are drawn with sticks, fingertips, and marigolds.


Attach beads of different sizes to the ropes. Swing the pendulum so that traces of the load remain on the glass. Kids learn to control strength and observe the rhythm of movements. This is an excellent therapy for emotional overload.

Colored backgrounds

Colored cardboard and colorful pictures are placed on the glass. Sand is scattered on top in a thin layer. Children draw circles and zigzags. The colored fragment protrudes partially. The result is an original picture.

Pattern prints

You can play with a non-standard object with patterns - a toilet paper roll. Apply designs to it with a glue gun and let dry. Run the tool along the thin surface of the sand, leaving a mark. Girls love this type of work.

There are many options for selecting additional elements and tools for creating a sand masterpiece:

  • Take combs with rare or frequent teeth - you get a wave.
  • Toothpicks help to draw the finest lines, making the image of the hero expressive and real.
  • Children's rakes are suitable for drawing out relief in landscape compositions.

Fantasize, do not limit yourself and your child in the creative process.

Sand animation

The child will be able to perform the first simple animation in three to four lessons, having mastered the technical basics of drawing. Invite the student to draw an apple tree on the glass. A step-by-step master class is given below:

  1. Prepare sand and screen. Treat the surface of the table with an antistatic agent and remove excess.
  2. Take some sand into your fist and scatter it on the light table. The surface should be covered evenly.
  3. Draw the trunk with your thumb and press down on the entire pad.
  4. Rising to the top of the apple tree, sharpen the line. Draw not all with a pillow, but with a half, then with a nail.
  5. Use your little finger and index finger to draw thin and thick branches. Curve the lines to make the apple tree look like a real one.
  6. Draw a crown. Take sand, pour it generously around the branches, at the top.
  7. Leave a little for the bottom of the picture. Scatter it under a tree. It will be weed.
  8. Using your fingerprints, draw apples on the branches. Determine their number yourself. It is important that the circles are not blurry, the edges should be clear.
  9. If you draw three or four apples under a tree, on the ground, you will get an autumn version of the picture.
  10. Now clear the background. Draw a contour around the crown, remove excess sand from the surface. The tree will have a shape.

On a note! For animation, use a multi-colored drawing set. Using green, yellow, white, gray sand and changing the hue of the image illumination, professionals achieve the effect of a living picture.

How to draw a pig

How to draw a mouse

How to draw a hippopotamus

Game exercises

At home, in kindergarten, and in early development classes, children learn through play. This is the best way to teach the complex through the simple. A tabletop sandbox with high sides and play exercises for preschoolers will help you with this.

Training your fingers

Start your first acquaintance with animation not with theory, but with practice. Give the opportunity to touch, smell, and explore the material. Turn on the lighting in the sandbox. You can play soft music so that the kids are completely immersed in the process and understand that something unusual is about to happen.

Ask preschoolers to draw any object or figure on the glass with their finger. Let them tinker with the sand to their heart's content. At the same time, motor skills, imagination, and attention develop.

Let's play hide and seek

You will need a rake, shovels and a thick layer of sand. Give students small toys (Kinder figurines). Ask to bury it unnoticed by others. Have a competition to see who can find a friend's toy faster with their eyes closed using their fingers.

What a surprise I have

The teacher hides various small objects (buttons, rags, pieces of paper, figurines, balls, coins) in the sandbox. The children's task is to find one object each with their hands, guess what it is by touch. In the process of understanding and feeling an object, you need to talk about your feelings and assumptions.


The sand needs to be poured into a deep container or chest. Place pirate treasures inside: beads, coins, map, “gems”. You need to look for treasure with one finger. Attach a fascinating story to every discovery. Tell it yourself or come up with it with your children.


Find a cobblestone on the street. Let it be unpleasant to the touch: cold, slippery, rough, etc. Bury the item in the sand. Ask the children to touch an unknown object at the same time, tell them how they feel, why they feel uncomfortable, and the like.

Continue exploring as a group when the stone is removed from the sandbox. Tactile sensations are responsible for the formation of speech and train emotional endurance.

Important! For games of hide and seek, when children cannot see the object under the sand, choose toys with rounded edges, made of fabric, rubber, so that the little ones do not hurt their fingers.

You need to master an unconventional method for early development and entertainment of children after watching video lessons or recommendations from professionals. It is useful for beginners to know the following:

  1. Place dots with the pads of different fingers. Remember how big they will be. This will help you not to make a mistake in choosing a finger when drawing eyes, fruits, or drawings on the body of animals.
  2. Before the lesson, try to pour an even layer of sand onto the glass. Use a sieve, funnels, and a little later your fists.
  3. Do not level the surface with your fingers. Fingerprints leave an unaesthetic mark.
  4. When kids learn to create simple images, try creating compositions from small parts using available tools.
  5. Professionals minimize the number of touches to sand. Movements should be sweeping and confident.
  6. Choose the best picture option for your level. Practice the technique of creating it to perfection. Rehearse the pattern several times.
  7. Before applying a stroke, consider its length and width.
  8. You can draw with sand on a light and sound board, a black polished table, or a kitchen baking sheet. The most important thing is the contrast between the surface and the bulk material.

Important! Watch master classes for free on the Internet. Periodically show children complex compositions on video. This gives impetus to development, spurs interest and desire to improve drawing techniques.

How to make a table for sand animation with your own hands

Playful activities with the family are much more beneficial for young children than group classes in development centers. A backlit sand drawing tablet can be made at home from scrap materials. Dads will need:

  • wooden box;
  • a suitable piece of plexiglass;
  • nails;
  • electrical tape, scotch tape;
  • wood paint;
  • flashlight, lamp.

The manufacturing process will take no more than 1–2 hours, and children's joy will know no bounds. Make the table bigger so the whole family can use it at the same time. The instructions consist of the following steps:

  1. Clean the wooden box from excess, reduce the height of the sides. The average depth of space is 10–15 centimeters.
  2. Remove the bottom cover or make a slot to install the glass.
  3. Place the transparent part on the bottom half.
  4. Carefully secure the glass with strips from below.
  5. Make compartments on the sides for storing small items (sticks, sieves, rakes). To do this, nail the planks, retreating a couple of centimeters from the edge.
  6. Install the legs to the table. Choose the height according to the height and age of the youngest child.
  7. Place a bright flashlight or an electric lamp with good power under the table.
  8. The workspace for the little artist is ready.

Watch the video tutorial on how to make your own sand painting light table at home:

Interesting fact! In Tibet and India, traditions of creating images of the Supreme God using multi-colored grains of sand have been preserved. This art has a name - mandala. Bright round pictures are made only by monks initiated into tantric secrets. It takes 1–2 weeks to make one mandala. The picture consists of millions of grains of sand.

Sand compositions cannot be hung on the wall or left as souvenirs to show to friends and relatives. This is the only disadvantage of such creativity. But there is a way out. Record successful activities on camera, take pictures of the drawings. Make a video with music on the slides.

IMPORTANT! *When copying article materials, be sure to include an active link to the original

Age: from 15 years old

Groups: 6 people

Frequency of classes: 2 times per week

Appointment by phone in Moscow:

7 (495) 785-61-95


course duration

frequency of classes

Introductory master class

one and a half hour lesson before the main course

Basic course "Sand painting techniques"

1.5 months

2 lessons per week

Basic course combined with classical drawing classes

1.5 months

  • sand drawing - 1 lesson per week;
  • classical drawing – 1 lesson per week

Advanced course "Dynamic sand drawing"

1.5 months

2 lessons per week

Description of the sand painting program for adults:

Have you decided to master the art of sand painting? You probably think that this is almost the same as classical drawing? But no - this is a radically different type of drawing, which, however, will give you less, and sometimes even more, pleasure than drawing with familiar materials.

Sand drawing has a number of important aspects that classical drawing does not provide. This is, first of all, the development of fine motor skills. Yes, yes, not only two-year-old children have fine motor skills, but also you, older children! Only in adults it works for other purposes - for example, it improves memory, develops coordination, plasticity, directly improves brain function and you literally begin to think faster and better. Activities that develop fine motor skills include anything related to needlework - knitting, beading, macrame, etc. - all this is very good for your brain! This includes drawing with sand - by touching the sand with your fingers, your nerve endings send signals to the brain and begin to stimulate its work. Over and over again, by practicing systematically, you begin to think even more productively.

The second, no less significant advantage of sand drawing is the unique properties of sand - ductility, softness, pleasant roughness - which have a downright mesmerizing effect on a person. When painting with sand, a person gradually withdraws into himself - enters a light meditative state, which gives him the opportunity to truly relax and unwind. It is in this state that stress is best relieved, internal pressures are relieved, unresolved issues cease to be unresolved, the subconscious begins to work, which copes with such “unsolvable” problems even without your strong-willed conscious participation. And, in addition, sand has the amazing property of “grounding” negative emotions - which is also why sand activities have meditative properties.

And finally, the third aspect is sand painting as an art. You will master sand painting techniques and eventually learn how to create dynamic sand films - which, in fact, is the culmination of training. If you haven't seen the sand films yet, you can watch them in our gallery. Rest assured, you will learn to draw at least the same way, and you will probably be able to do even better!

For those who are simply curious and do not plan to study in our main programs, we conduct introductory one-hour Master classes on sand drawing. They are held regularly every month. At the master class you will get acquainted with sand, with the teacher, with the basic technical elements of sand drawing and will be able to experience all of the above properties of sand. Whether you want to become a professional sand artist or practice sand drawing for your soul, we will definitely support you in your endeavors!

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