Draw the head of a giraffe. Draw a giraffe with a pencil together with the children. Short poems about giraffes

Do children know which animal is the tallest land animal on our planet? It's an African giraffe!

Looking at pictures of a giraffe, a child will be able to estimate the size of this giant. He will learn what the animal eats and how it sleeps, and will discover many new and useful things for himself. general development information.

Using a simple diagram, your child will draw his own giraffe, which can live right on his desk.

Giraffe pictures for children, interesting facts

At the zoo, children look up at a giraffe. Not surprising, because the longneck reaches a height of 5-6 meters. Its weight is also not small, from 900 to 1,200 kg, despite the fact that the animal prefers to feed exclusively on tree leaves.

Giraffes are spotted. The color of the spots is somewhat darker. What is the main color of the animal. If you look closely at the pictures for children with a giraffe on a white background, you will see that the shape and size of the spots, as well as the pattern they form, are never repeated.

The African giant is distinguished not only by its high stature, but also by its very long neck. Thanks to it, the giraffe can feast on leaves at the very top of the trees. Since no other animal is able to compete with it, the longneck is never left without food. His favorite delicacy is acacia.

Cool and funny photos

Surprisingly, the tall giraffe's closest relative is the deer. These animals have a common ancestor. Like deer and other mammals, the giraffe has only seven cervical vertebrae. Therefore, the neck is not flexible; the animal cannot bend directly to the ground and lift anything from it.
The tongue of the African lanky is also unusually long, about 50 cm. In the photo you can see that it is black.

Giraffes can sleep standing up. But such a dream is short-lived; as a rule, it does not last more than 5 minutes. If the animal wants to take a good nap, it touchingly curls up into a ball and seems to wrap itself in its long neck. This is very clearly visible in one of the photos.

Typically, giraffes move along the savannah at a measured pace. But if necessary, they can gallop at speeds of up to 55 km per hour. They maintain such a fast pace for only 3 minutes. The animals run very funny: first they lift their two front legs off the ground, then their two hind legs.

Giraffe family, giraffe

My first life test The baby giraffe passes at the moment of birth - it falls from a height of about two meters. Unlike a human child, who begins to stand after 6 months and walk after a year, the giraffe quite deftly follows its mother within an hour after it was born.

Giraffes live in herds of up to 12 individuals. Young mothers organize something similar to a kindergarten in their garden: one female giraffe watches over the cubs while everyone else searches for food.
The child will be interested to see cool pictures, which depict adult giraffes with their young. They show how kindly a mother treats her baby.

Cartoon giraffe. Guess the cartoon from the picture

How many cartoons about giraffes does your child know? Let him look at a picture of a cartoon giraffe and remember his name. Surely, the child will have something to tell about the adventures of this character.

Drawn funny animals, giraffe pencil drawings

The painted colored giraffes are very cute. When depicting these animals, artists enjoy imagining. In one picture, a longneck is tenderly looking at a butterfly flying past, in another, daydreaming, it is swinging on a swing. And on realistic drawing giraffe with a pencil, mother and baby are very tenderly reaching out to each other.

How to draw a giraffe with a pencil: step by step for children and beginners

Having seen an animal at the zoo, children will think about how to draw a giraffe with a pencil, paints or felt-tip pens. Of course, they can fantasize and portray him as he seems to them. But if the child wants to draw a realistic giraffe easily with a pencil step by step, parents can offer him simple diagram for beginners.
You can also invite your child to draw with a simple pencil, and then color the giraffe, elephant, zebra, kitten and other animals. These will be illustrations for his own encyclopedia of animals.


How to start drawing a giraffe so that its long neck fits on a piece of paper? The author of the video instructions will tell you about this.

Rhymes and videos of giraffes for kindergarten and primary school children

Having learned a poem about a giraffe and watched an instructive cartoon about it, the child will have a lot of fun and benefit from it. It seems that the longneck looks down on everyone and sees no equal. That is why in rhymes and cartoons for children 5 years old, funny things happen to him.

Short poems about giraffes

How long should a scarf be so that it wraps around a giraffe’s neck? The first poem is dedicated to a grandmother who spent a lot of thread to cover her grandson's neck.
Thanks to information technology, photographs and videos, the giraffe is no longer a curiosity. However, children and adults never cease to be amazed by his long neck and tall. But is the animal really as arrogant as described in the third verse?

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Video about giraffe for children

Longnecks see this very well in nature. The cartoon giraffe wears glasses. What will happen to her if they suddenly break? Children will learn about this by watching interesting cartoon"Giraffe and glasses."

For curious children from 1 year old - an interesting and informative cartoon “Lessons from Aunt Owl - Giraffe”.

Drawing a giraffe step by step for preschoolers

“Drawing a giraffe” Master class with step-by-step photos.

Using paper tones in drawing.

Sidorova Zoya Grigorievna, teacher at MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 8 "Stork" Michurinsk
Description: this master class intended for children from 6 years old, educators, teachers additional education, loving parents and creative people.
Purpose: for decorating a room, a gift, can serve as work for an exhibition, competition.
Target: execution of the drawing in mixed media drawing.
1. Introduce techniques for using paper tones in drawing.
2. Learn to depict a savanna landscape, a giraffe in gouache on a sheet of colored paper, using different techniques drawing: creating a sketch with a simple pencil, printing, poking, drawing with the tip of a brush.
3. Develop the ability to mix paints on a sheet of paper or on a palette.
4. To develop the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in a drawing.

Dear colleagues, today I would like to present a master class on drawing on colored cardboard. This type of drawing allows you not to color or draw the entire sheet, leaving and using a tone of paper that complements the main idea. Today I took cardboard to draw the savannah orange color, which corresponds to the tonality of the intended landscape.

He is a spotted giant -
The neck is long, like a faucet:
There's a "count" walking around the safari
And his name is ( giraffe)

Walking in hot Africa,
The long neck surprises
It's tall, like a closet,
Yellow, with spots... (giraffe)
The longest necks in the world...
The giraffe is the tallest animal on earth, its height reaches 4.5-5 meters and its weight is about half a ton. This is a very elegant and beautiful animal with graceful movements and, by the way, is a good runner (it reaches a speed of 50 km/h). Giraffes live in African savannas and feed on leaves and young branches, daily ration the animal is about 100 kg of greenery.
Dark and light spots scattered on the giraffe’s body make it difficult to catch the characteristic outlines of the animal against the background of foliage; thanks to this coloring feature, giraffes have remarkable ability appearing and disappearing unexpectedly.
The long neck, so convenient for obtaining food, causes the animals a lot of trouble at the watering place: they have to spread their legs wide and reach for the water. This position makes them vulnerable, and it is no coincidence that predators lie in wait for giraffes at the watering hole. Giraffes often come to water in pairs, and they take turns keeping watch: one looks around while the other drinks.

Giraffes defend themselves from lions and leopards with kicks, the strength of which allows them to pierce the animal’s skull. That's why the giraffe never kicks the giraffe. In general, these animals have a peaceful character; quarrels and conflicts in the herd are rare. The female's pregnancy lasts more than 14 months, the cub is born almost two meters tall and after a few days is ready to follow the mother. The first weeks of life are dangerous for young animals, of which approximately one in three dies from the teeth of predators. Adult giraffes usually live to be 20-30 years old.

Let's get to work. For the drawing we will need: orange cardboard; gouache, two brushes: pony or squirrel No. 1 and No. 2; double sippy cup for water, a simple pencil, a palette.

Using a simple pencil, draw a horizon line in the middle of the sheet

Use pink and white gouache to shade the sky near the horizon (mix the colors on the palette)

Drawing the sultry sun of the savannah: white circle, around it there are white semi-arcs

Use brown and white gouache to draw irregularities on the soil surface (dilute the gouache with water on the palette so that it is not thick)

Along the horizon line we draw the mountains in blue, purple

Drawing a giraffe
We draw with a simple pencil a diagram of the torso, neck, head (large oval, small oval, line connecting these ovals)

Using the diagram we draw the giraffe’s neck

We denote large joints in circles and draw lines from them to the legs.

According to the diagram, we draw the legs of the animal, partially outlining the auxiliary circles

Remove with an eraser auxiliary lines

Draw the head. Make the muzzle sharper, draw horns and ears

Draw a mane along the neck, a long tail with a tassel

Paint the silhouette of a giraffe with yellow gouache

Let's liven up the sun a little yellow

Based on the yellow background of the giraffe’s silhouette, we begin to draw the spotted color of the animal, which resembles quadrangles. We leave a yellow gap between them.

Towards the stomach, the spots become smaller and disappear completely (there are no spots on the stomach and legs from the knee)

Use black to paint the mane, hooves, tip of the tail, eye, and draw some other things with thin lines using the tip of the brush.

Drawing trees
We need to explain to children that in Africa the trees are different, the branches grow more to the sides. The crown is not dense, almost transparent.
We draw with black gouache small tree almost on the horizon. It is small because it is located far away.

Using the same black gouache we draw the trunk of the second tree. It is larger because it is closer to us

Draw small branches with the tip of the brush

Drawing grass and leaves
To draw grass using the printing technique, we will use a small piece of cardboard (2 cm wide) and brown gouache, poured into a gouache lid (can be diluted on a palette)

To draw grass, dip the end of a cardboard rectangle in gouache and apply it to the sheet

Add green paint

Using the same piece of cardboard and green gouache, we draw leaves in the tree crowns, placing the cardboard parallel bottom edge sheet

The drawing is ready

Can be framed

We have already drawn animals more than once. And, and, and, and, and other animals. And in today's lesson we will learn how to draw a giraffe with a pencil. This is a very unusual animal. Its neck exceeds 1.5 meters in length. Although the number of vertebrae in it is exactly the same as in other mammals: seven. The height of this animal is also quite large: up to 5.5 m, and weight up to 900 kg. The giraffe is also very strong and can run fast. It reaches speeds of up to 55 km/h. He walks interestingly: he moves both right legs at the same time, and then both left legs, and so on. Oh, I got distracted, it's time to start drawing.

Step one. First, let's define the basics of the giraffe figure and draw almost geometric figures. First, an uneven triangle in the center of the sheet. If you look closely, the animal’s body has exactly this shape. From the triangle upwards at an angle we draw an elongated quadrangle - this is the neck. Please note that the neck has a slight curve, although it looks like a rectangle. We’ll also show the hip joint by drawing an oval.

Step two.

Let's draw the head. It is shaped like a trapezoid. If you haven’t drawn an even, neat figure, that’s okay. These are just contours and auxiliary lines, which we will make smooth a little later. Let's show the joint of the front leg by drawing another smaller oval. Next we draw the legs, consisting of two parts. Step three. Let's add small horns to the head. Let's draw a couple more legs and hooves. Go ahead. Step four. Now we need to draw the details: the mouth, nostrils and chin, etc. Let's make a smooth transition from the neck to the body, along the back and all the way to the tail. The tail is quite long and ends in a tassel. Let's draw a line for the tummy, don't leave a triangle. Step five. The main details of the giraffe have already been drawn. Now we must erase the auxiliary lines, outline the outline, drawing out the shape of the horns, and then draw the color of the camel. By the way, each giraffe has its own “pattern” of spots, just like a human fingerprint.

The giraffe is one of the most amazing animals on Earth. It differs from others in its rather absurd body structure: an unusually long neck and legs (with the hind legs being shorter than the front ones), a back with a diagonal slope, meaningless horns... But all this does not prevent giraffes from being quite graceful creatures, moreover, the tallest on the planet. planet.

All this contributes to the fact that the image of these animals is very popular in artistic arts. Their characteristic silhouette immediately evokes associations with the hot countries where they live. Therefore, the question of how to draw a giraffe interests quite a few artists, both beginners and experienced. In particular, how to correctly depict the proportions of an animal and emphasize its structural features.

Also interesting is the aspect of materials that will most favorably emphasize the sultry atmosphere of the savannah through which the long-legged handsome man wanders. Pastel, ink, ink - there are quite a few interesting options. Therefore, we will only cover the answer to how to draw a giraffe with a pencil, pen or any other material at hand. We will give you the opportunity to add colors to the image yourself.

In this article we will look at several options for how to draw a giraffe. You will learn how to portray an adult animal in a cartoon style and a baby, which, depending on the execution, can take the form of either a completely realistic animal or a character from a children's fairy tale. Since it is difficult for a novice artist to follow general instructions, we will tell you how to draw a giraffe step by step and illustrate each step.

At the beginning of the work, you should sketch out the basic proportions of the animal. We determine the body size, neck length and muzzle shape.

Now let's add the legs.

We paint the face and add a mane, ears, horns, and tail. In these animals it is quite curly (especially in comparison with other parts of the body), with a tassel at the end.

Our drawing is almost finished. All that remains is to add the spots characteristic of the skin of a giraffe.

Now the work is finished. remove the extra lines, trace the contours and enjoy the result.

How to draw a giraffe in color? To do this, you can either use any coloring substances, such as gouache or watercolor, or scan the image and use This is what the work done in Photoshop by a non-professional user looks like:

How to draw a giraffe that has not yet reached adulthood? In principle, the technology remains the same: first, the main proportions are sketched out, and then each one is drawn. But in the case of a baby, you should remember that the longest part of the baby’s body is visually the legs. Also, the baby giraffe's horns are not yet fully formed.

So, let's start sketching out the contours.

Our cub will lie on the grass, so the legs can be ignored for now. We clarify the contour of the muzzle.

Add eyes, nostrils, ears.

Adding a neck.

Now let's work on the legs. First over the front ones.

A giraffe has only seven cervical vertebrae, like a small hamster. In a short distance he can easily outrun a racehorse, and sleeps only an hour a day. The very word “giraffe” means “decorated” - and that’s exactly what we’ll draw today! By the way, I have two whole giraffes prepared for you, but more on that later :) Let's go...

Let's start as usual - with the ear:

The horns of a giraffe are like little boletuses: let’s draw the first...

...the top of my head...

...second horn and ear.

Let's finish drawing the head. Move it to the left - our giraffe will stand half-turned:

Draw squiggles in the ears:

Now we draw a smile - almost parallel to the contour of the head. The giraffe stands slightly sideways, remember?

We move the eyes and nostrils to the left edge of the giraffe’s face. We draw the dashed eyes not vertically, but slightly obliquely (but still parallel!):

Soooo, the head is ready. Now the body: draw a squiggle like this full height. If you are confused by the fact that the giraffe looks like a children's slide, let me remind you that the giraffe is not a horse with a long neck, it has exactly the same hilly, humpbacked shape.

We lower the almost vertical line on the left to the same level: make sure that the neck is not too thick and not too thin. “Almost vertical” - that is, you can make it slightly curved, it won’t hurt the matter:

We draw vertically rectangular front legs (like those), they stand side by side:

And then we make an arch like this - much wider, but the same height. Notice that we have a hind leg; make it the same width.

Let's draw a tummy! Not a beer belly, but a small, cute belly a la Belle of the East:

And already because of the tummy we have the last leg:

...and spots all over the body (except for the tummy, although it’s up to you):

And finally a ponytail with a tassel:

To say that the giraffe is positive is to say nothing :) I think the World Association of Giraffe Artists can be proud of us. True, it can get a little awkward at first, and there is little secret: you will have to strain your eye and keep the approximate proportions. After that, you can safely hang it on the wall and in ten years sell it for a thousand miles.

As I already said, there will be two giraffes. Today we drew an ordinary giraffe that walks on four legs and breaks branches, and next time we will draw a giraffe that walks on two legs and is quite capable of sitting and drinking tea with and. A fabulous giraffe, in general. I'm not afraid of this word, anthropomorphic :)

In parting, here’s a great cartoon about how giraffes came to be. See you in touch!