Rules for organizing effective rest in time management. Take care of youself. To do this, he proposed using two rules

It would be great to always have a universal collection of time management tools on hand. We have prepared a universal list of 25 time management techniques, divided into categories for prioritizing, planning and organizing the process of work and rest.


1. ABC Analysis

This technique is based on expressing the most important and least important items as a percentage. All tasks are divided into three classes depending on their importance:

A. The most important matters, which make up 15% of total number affairs and their contribution to achieving goals is 65%.

B. Important tasks – 20% of their total number, significance for achieving the goal is 20%.

C. Less important tasks are equal to 65% of their total number, and their importance is 15%.

To use ABC analysis, you must do the following:

  • make a list of all future tasks;
  • divide them by importance and establish a priority;
  • evaluate tasks accordingly in categories A, B and C;

2. Eisenhower Matrix.

Tasks are divided into groups according to urgency and importance:

A – Urgent and important matter

B – Not urgent, but the matter is more important

C – Urgent but not important matter

D – Not urgent or important

Depending on the group in which the task falls, the order of its execution or delegation depends.

3. Pareto method

The Pareto method represents the distribution of tasks according to the 80/20 principle: 80% of problems can be solved in 20% of the time spent; The remaining 20% ​​of tasks consume 80% of the time spent.


4. List of all things to do

Writing down absolutely everything will help when planning the amount of work for the day, week, month. And also you can clearly see your workload and the ratio of important and not so important important tasks. Moreover, if such a list is always at hand, the question “What to do?” will be resolved immediately.

5. Accounting for biological rhythms

When planning your tasks, you should take into account not only whether you are a morning person or a night owl, but also your peak productivity. It can be determined by observing your performance throughout the day. It would also be a good idea to determine a suitable time for lunch. rest and self-development.

6. Keep diaries

Organize previously recorded tasks into the system: an entry in a diary, an excel table, an application on your phone, etc. The main thing is that you have an idea of ​​the amount of work for the day and do not forget even the smallest assignment.

7. The right tools

All kinds of applications are our weapon in the fight against procrastination and time traps, so it’s better to update your arsenal. The most convenient and proven programs and applications for making lists and teamwork read .

8. “Timekeeping” technique

The “Timekeeping” technique is the recording of time for any task, even for such primitive ones as morning work-out or lunch. You write down every task you spend time on, so within a week you can solve the following tasks:

  • determine where your time is being spent;
  • identify chronophages, that is, “time eaters”;
  • develop a “sense of efficiency” and a “sense of time.”

9. Formula 10-3-2-1-0

To use this technique, you need to remember the formula that describes a healthy work and personal time schedule and stick to it when creating a daily plan.

10 hours before bed: no caffeine.

3 hours before bedtime: no food or alcohol.

2 hours before bed: no work.

1 hour before bed: no electronic gadgets.

0 times: This is the number of times you can press the snooze button on the alarm clock.

10. Gantt chart

A Gantt chart is a reliable technique for visually displaying tasks and time. On one scale of the schedule, tasks are indicated, and on the other, the time to complete them. Ideal for lovers of graphs that can be compiled in MS Project, Excel.

Organization of work and rest

11. Pomodoro technique

How to do it: set a timer for 25 minutes, work concentratedly, without distractions until the timer rings, then take a break for 5 minutes. After 4 repetitions, we take a long break - 20-25 minutes. This way you constantly alternate between work and rest, change activities and avoid overwork.

12. Eat a frog

A frog is the most unpleasant thing. It's best to deal with it first. After completing it, the task itself will seem less scary and disgusting, and other tasks will seem completely easy.

13. Salami method

How to eat a stick of sausage without being noticed? Cutting off small pieces. You need to do the same with all complex, multi-component tasks: divide them into small parts and complete one every day.

14. Delegation

If you are a leader, delegate those tasks that take away a large number of time and do not differ in importance, and focus on more strategically important tasks.

15. Keep things in stages

Strive to do things sequentially, finish one thing first, and only then start another. We have already told you that when switching from one task to another, it takes about 10-15 minutes to fully concentrate on the process. Constantly jumping from task to task, you waste time, although it creates the illusion of hard work.

16. At least 10 minutes

This technique does not relate to work matters, but rather to personal growth and self-development. For example, if you have long wanted to learn or remember a foreign language, try to devote at least 10 minutes a day to it. The same goes for sports, books, etc.

17. "Found Time"

The essence of the technique: identify in advance a list of 15-20 small tasks for which you do not have enough time, and be ready to do them when you have any suitable “window”. Constantly add to the list.

18. Work is the best way to start doing something.

There are days when productivity is at zero and work is hard. In this case, to overclock it, it is better to start working with small tasks: mail, calls, tasks that will take no more than 20 minutes to complete.

19. Make important appointments in the morning

20. Divide your work time into blocks

Divide your work processes into blocks: calls and mail, meetings, work on a project, etc. This will help you create time for focused work throughout the day.

21. Set deadlines for everything

Even the smallest task must have a deadline, otherwise the flow of tasks “for later” will drag on forever.

22. Immersion in work

Take a day or two to decide. priority tasks, eliminating distractions such as calls and meetings.

23. Say “no”

“No” is a powerful word. When you say no to a new commitment, you show respect for the ones you've already made and give yourself the opportunity to successfully keep them. Remember that when giving consent, you must refuse or cancel something.

24. Fight the “tyranny of the urgent”

The “tyranny of the urgent” refers to small, unimportant tasks that need to be completed right now. This creates a big problem because immediate action usually has very little effect. Having succumbed to the “tyranny of the urgent,” it will be difficult to get rid of it and, accordingly, to allocate time for something more important.

25. Prepare for tomorrow before leaving the office.

A great way to end your workday is to prepare for the next one. Summarize the day, make a plan for the next day, put your desk in order.

Time management, basic, especially relevant rules.

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It’s no secret that we live in a world where events, days, years replace each other with great speed and often give up because you feel like you’re spinning like a squirrel in a wheel and never get anything done.

How often do you wish there were at least 30 hours in a day. And how often a lack of time leads to growing dissatisfaction with life, with oneself, and this is a direct path to depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and illness.

Is there a way out of this situation? Let's figure it out.

Time management - those who don't have time are late. How to get everything done in a day

IN modern world time is the main wealth and resource, correct use which leads to success. And for an information businessman, time is money, and if you catch yourself thinking that you are sitting at the computer for 2-3 hours, but in fact have done nothing to benefit your Internet business, then this can be equated to losing money.

If such thoughts occur every day, it means that every day you are losing money. And this situation needs to be changed. Time is a limited resource, if you lose it today, you will not be able to make it up tomorrow.

And in general, each of us is given a certain amount of time, and we cannot increase this limit for any amount of money. So let's learn to use our time productively.
How many things have not been done, and how many still remain to be done. Joke.

And so that the joke does not become an everyday ballast that pulls you back, we begin to study ways to manage everything in a day, how to put things in order in our heads and accustom our bodies to a consistent series of actions.

Time management - time management

There is a special teaching - time management, which teaches techniques for properly managing your time. There are a large number of trainings and seminars on time management.

There are separate areas of Time management: time management for women, time management for children, time management for managers and even extreme time management.

If you think that the problem of lack of time and the ability to manage it is only a problem of our time, it is not so. So, back in the 20s of the 20th century, entire institutes were created that studied the scientific organization of labor and the efficient use of time.

A central labor institute was created, the director of which was A.K. Gastev. The method of biologist A.A. was known. Lyubishchev - timing, which consists of analyzing the amount of time a person spends on a particular action and developing the most effective management of his time.

Department of Time management

There is also a department of time management, which was opened today in 2007 on the basis of the Synergy Financial and Industrial University.

In modern days effective management time, this is an important direction and necessary knowledge, without which it cannot be built successful business, which is very important, including for beginning information businessmen.

After all, the task of an information businessman, and indeed of any person conducting his business via the Internet, is freedom, that is, the opportunity to spend more time doing what he loves, being with his family, traveling, and here one cannot do without having time management skills.

I want to warn you right away, do not hope that after reading a bunch of popular books on time management, you will immediately be able to organize your life the way you want.

Yes, gradually it will happen, but first you will have to work hard. To do this, you need to acquire a skill - the skill of regular actions that will save a lot of time and allow you to perform more useful actions, distinguish the important from the secondary and choose priorities.

Time management, or how to manage everything at work in a day. Time management for managers, women, children

His motto is to have time to live and work. In the organization of time Gleb Arkhangelsky great attention adds to the organization of recreation. And both breaks during the working day, and vacation and even sleep. Believing that proper rest increases productivity.

The famous information businessman has a book “Extreme Time Management”, which is easy to download on the Internet. I recommend to read.

IN in electronic format The book by Nikolai Mrochkovsky and Alexey Tolkachev “Extreme Time Management” can be downloaded by following the link by clicking the social network button below

The essence of the book by Nikolai Mrochkovsky is that in a light, unobtrusive form it is described as in a week the loser Gleb, who does not manage to do anything in life, under the guidance of his successful neighbor Max, changes his life.

Moreover, in all areas, at work, with relatives, with girls, following Max’s recommendations, Gleb changes and becomes more successful.

The book is easy to read as it is written in an artistic style.
For myself personally, after studying the works of various authors on time management, I formulated the following rules, which I try to adhere to.

Time management rules

  • First Rule of Time Management

Decide what you want and why you need it. Set goals. It should be noted that the goals must be real, even if you have several of them, one will flow into another, but you must know exactly how to achieve these goals.

  • Second Rule of Time Management

Are planning. I do this on a marker board, which is in front of my eyes while working. I write what needs to be done the next day before going to bed. The marker board is divided into two columns.

On the left is a column with hard tasks, on the right is a column with soft tasks, that is, secondary ones.

In the hard tasks we include a mandatory task for the next day, which cannot be done, unless, of course, force majeure occurs (the wife gives birth, the neighbors are flooded, a meteorite falls on the house, the car is stolen).

By the way, the football game of your favorite team does not change your plans. You need to do the task and that's it. There can be no other way.

Or add football to your list too. The point is clear planning and developing execution skills.

A strict task in terms of execution time should not take more than half a day. In this regard, it is necessary to more realistically assess the volume of work.

It comes with experience and cannot be called difficult. If solving a problem requires several actions, then it is better to divide it into stages. Why is it better to write on a marker board?

It’s convenient when you always have a priority task hanging before your eyes. When the job is done, you wash it, feeling satisfied.

Celebrating small achievements

And the greatest thrill is when in the evening you have a completely clean board in front of you, on which there is space to write things to do for the next day. That is, motivation trainers even have a mandatory condition for success training - celebrating small achievements.

Thus, by celebrating small things, solving small problems, we eat pieces of the big elephant - our global goals that we strive for.

Previously, I wrote about an information businessman who has a useful motivational video where he tells how to eat a big elephant. Watch this video, it's impressive.

Planning should be done on time, because what’s the point if you do everything you plan, but at the same time deprive yourself of sleep and health activities.

Therefore, plans must be realistic, feasible within the allotted time work time. Yes, this is possible, because, having a clear plan of action, you will not be distracted by things that are not planned, which means you will manage to do everything.

After all, if you analyze how much time is spent on communication in in social networks, ICQ, smoking breaks, breaks, distractions to other things, then it becomes obvious why you don’t have time to do anything.

Check your email and social media pages once in the morning and don’t engage in empty correspondence. Anyone who does not plan will always be behind schedule, distracted by unimportant tasks, and will be a failure, blaming others, although the point is the inability to organize their work.

The second rule of time management turned out to be as detailed as this. Let's move on to the third rule, very important rule successful people - the rule of setting priorities.

  • Third Rule of Time Management

We distribute all tasks according to their importance. At the top we have the most important things, and then the secondary ones. We do the most important things in the morning.

Not a task that is easy to do or quick to complete, but the most important thing for today. It is very important.

There is even a rule from a famous business consultant (about whose success story you can read an article on the blog) called “eat the frog.”

To put it simply, if you did the most difficult task at the beginning of the day (ate a frog), then it will be much easier later, because the most unpleasant thing has already happened to you.

This is how David Eisenhower’s matrix or square also works here. The idea is that all matters are divided into four groups: important and urgent, important and non-urgent, unimportant and urgent, unimportant and non-urgent.

In addition, it happens that some unimportant or non-urgent things, as they say, dissolve, that is, lose their relevance, for a number of reasons beyond your control, and you simply don’t need to do them anymore.

Here it should also be mentioned that you need to determine for yourself a list of those things that will not bring you closer to your goal at all, but will take up your time.

It’s better to make a list of such things and gradually, while analyzing your day, add more and more new things to it that you can say no to.

The Third Rule of Time Management also didn’t work out well for us, as it is very important and requires reflection. Let's move on to the Fourth Rule of Time Management.

  • Fourth Rule of Time Management

Order and success in business means order in your workplace. Yes, yes, the connection is direct. Think about how much time you spend searching for the paper you need or the file you need on your computer.

Organize your workplace so that you enjoy being there.

I display all program shortcuts in the top horizontal line, and put the recycle bin shortcut at the bottom right. I have nothing except this plus the weather and time widget.

You say that you have a lot of programs and the icons barely fit on five lines. So, create two or three folders: a folder with browsers, important programs and a folder with rarely used programs.

Most shortcuts can be placed in these folders and, as needed, you can open them by opening the folder.

Look at the screenshot of how it looks on my computer. The screenshot is clickable and can be enlarged.

This way, you will get rid of the clutter on your desktop and the clutter in your head. Without order, be sure that there will definitely be a mess in your head.

Once upon a time, my desktop was completely different. Thanks to the “Antikasha in the Head” training, which helped me understand the importance of order.

Not only for me good feedback about the training “Antikasha in the head”, my partners also speak positively about the benefits for themselves after completing the training.

And we move on to the Fifth Rule of Time Management.

  • Fifth Rule of Time Management

Don't forget to use your travel time, for example, driving or waiting for something.

While driving or public transport you can listen to audiobooks. For example, Nikolai Mrochkovsky “Extreme Time Management”, or Gleb Arkhangelsky “Time Drive. How to have time to live and work.”

And put the advice into practice in the workplace.

  • Sixth Rule of Time Management

If someone can complete your task at a lower cost than you yourself, delegate this task to him. In the time management system, this is called the delegation method.

For example, when blogging, you can give some articles to copywriters to write. Read the article about, where there are links to content exchanges. There you can order an article.

  • Seventh Rule of Time Management

We use it in building our business scientific approach, namely Pareto's law. It lies in the fact that 20% of efforts lead to 80% of results, and the remaining 80% of efforts lead to 20% of results.

Thus, we concentrate on the first 20% of efforts. For example, we single out those clients or those cases that bring 80% of the profit and concentrate on their implementation.

If you are engaged, then do what brings you money. In the remaining time, you can engage in blogging, SEO optimization, promotion and blog promotion.

  • Eighth Rule of Time Management

Love yourself, give yourself bonuses for completed tasks. Moreover, let these rewards not be at the end of a big business, but in the middle or even at the beginning, in advance.

The best books on time management

I present a selection of useful books on time management.

  • David Allen: Getting Things Done. The Art of Stress-Free Productivity"
  • Gleb Arkhangelsky “Time Drive”
  • Brian Tracy "Leave the disgust, eat the frog"
  • Tracy "Effective Time Management"

  • "Manage your Time"
  • Matthew Edlung Time is money. How to subjugate time and make it work for you: in business, in creativity, in personal life»
  • Julia Morgenstern “Time Management. The art of planning and managing your time and your life"
  • Steve Prentice "Integrated Time Management"
  • Don Aslett, Carol Cartaino “How to manage life and work”
  • Lothar Seiwert “Your time is in your hands”
  • "Tight time management"

  • Timati Ferris “How to work 4 hours a week and not be stuck in the office from bell to bell, live anywhere and get rich”
  • Alan Lakein "The Art of Keeping Up"
  • Regina Leeds “Complete order. A weekly plan for dealing with chaos at work, at home and in your head"
  • Carrie Gleason “Work less, accomplish more. Personal effectiveness program"

Life sometimes sets a very high pace, and a lot of things fall on us. And although everyone has the same amount of time in a day, not everyone uses it profitably. Some people have time to exercise, work, and devote time to self-development and their loved ones. And someone may work all day and be surprised to discover that they have not accomplished anything important.

We really want to do everything. Demand creates supply: many books on personal effectiveness, productivity courses and coaching with training for success and motivation have appeared. And further-time management systems. the site understands what time management is, when it helps you get everything done, and when it turns out to be useless and ineffective.

What is time management

Time management - These are ways of managing time that increase the efficiency of its use.

There are many different time management systems: the same approaches are used to load staff and calculate work hours, for personal needs-other. Time management helps not only to complete work tasks, but also to devote enough time to relaxation, sports and communication with loved ones.

When time management is useless

Time management is important for those who have the ability to manage their time independently. If you work according to a strict schedule that cannot be changed in any way,It will only be possible to plan weekends. But there are other situations in which time management is useless.

Time management - this is not a magic pill that will help manage everything. Because really time management-It’s not about having to do everything. It’s about keeping up with what’s important and keeping away from what’s unimportant.- refuse.

Time management is not a means of motivation.Time management will not make you more productive and your motivation will not fall from heaven if you are deeply disgusted with what you are doing. The most important-make sure you really want to do these things. Perhaps you need to change your professional field, rather than try to do more and better.

Time management does not guarantee success.Some coaches convince you that you just need to learn their technique-and you will immediately get rich, solve problems in your family, and start playing sports. But it doesn't work that way. Time management-just a tool that is useless without your efforts. It's like buying a pen to write down ideas with. great writer, and hope that these ideas will now begin to come to you.

Time management techniques are not universal, they are not suitable for everyone.Any author's technique-this is only the experience of its creator. But we are individual, so not all methods can always be applied. If the technique doesn’t work, then don’t force yourself-just look for another one. Even better-watch yourself. You know yourself best and how you are most comfortable working. Some people are productive in the morning, others in the evening or even at night.

Time management doesn't force you to get over yourself. Getting up at 5 am or sleeping for 4 hours and feeling bad-This is not time management. Also, don’t beat yourself up if you can’t solve problems effectively right away. Give yourself permission to make mistakes. Some methods will not work-try others. So it is possible.

How to manage time

In time management there is different techniques and tools. They help at different stages: planning, prioritizing, evaluating results.

Plan: set goals and objectives

Planning - an important part of time management and efficiency. You can plan either in the evening for the next day or at the beginning of the day. When planning, it is important to separate goals and objectives. Target-general and global. Goals are broken down into small and specific tasks. For example, goal-submit quarterly reports. We break it down into small specific tasks: collect data for 3 months, summarize it in a table, create dynamics graphs, make a presentation.

Create task lists for the day and longer periods-a week or a month. For each task, you need to determine a deadline by which it must be completed. You can use paper or electronic planners for this. A daily planner, sticky note board, or planning apps will do the trick.-for example Trello or Wunderlist.

This is what a task board looks like in Trello-This is an electronic analogue of a board with sticky notes. Lists and cards can be organized in any way that suits you.

You can also break a task down into steps and mark when you complete each one. In addition, you need to determine a deadline for the task and try not to move it. Always take plenty of time: you need 3 days-lay down 4. Things always don’t go as we plan.

Set your priorities

You can write down dozens of tasks. They need to be prioritized, and some may even be abandoned altogether.

There are two popular ways to prioritize: ABC and the Eisenhower Matrix.

ABC method

Take a list of tasks and assign a priority level to each one. letters A,B,C(some also use the letters D and E).

  • A - important and urgent tasks, highest priority to complete. These are those things whose failure or delay can have unpleasant or serious consequences. For example, fixing an error that caused the website to stop working, especially if the business is losing money due to delay.
  • B - important but non-urgent tasks or those whose failure to complete will not lead to serious consequences. An example is to implement a development that will help increase sales. This is important, but if you move it a little, it’s unlikely that anything irreparable will happen.
  • C - tasks that would be nice to complete: spend an evening with friends or arrange dinner for your wife.

To level D include tasks that can be delegated to subordinates, and E- which should be abandoned altogether.

Eisenhower Matrix

The method is named after its creator-US President Dwight Eisenhower. He had a lot of tasks, so he prioritized them, distributing them into categories:

  • urgent, important;
  • important, non-urgent;
  • urgent, unimportant;
  • unimportant, not urgent.

The sheet is divided into 4 squares, into which the tasks fit.

Eisenhower Matrix: 4 squares with different urgency and importance. Some paper planners come already lined into squares like these.

Do urgent and important things first. They have direct significance for you and the future, they cannot be delegated to anyone. Important but non-urgent tasks can be carried out calmly and comfortably yourself or delegated to subordinates and cooperated with them during their implementation. Try to pass on urgent and unimportant things to others. You should completely abandon the non-urgent and unimportant.

It is most convenient to prioritize tasks immediately when you add them to the scheduler,-this way nothing unnecessary will get into it.

Complete tasks

Schedule tasks and prioritize them-only half the job. Now we need to complete them. Moreover, usually everything does not go according to plan: new tasks are pouring in, we procrastinate, do not take into account some nuances, which ultimately shift the deadlines of the task, and at the same time move subsequent tasks. You won’t be able to plan for everything, but you can still take some things into account to keep interference to a minimum.

Don't try to multitask

Brain - not a multitasking computer. We do not speed up the process if we try to do everything at the same time, but are scattered between tasks. We get distracted, miss important things, slow down, get stressed, constantly switch between tasks and delve into them anew each time.

Remove anything that prevents you from concentrating on the task

Close social networks and instant messengers, turn off the sound on your phone, clean up your workplace. If you work from home, choose a time and place when you will not be interrupted by family members. Otherwise, you will scatter your attention or even begin to procrastinate.

Don't rush into new tasks right away

First, prioritize them. If you wedge new task, then you won’t have time to do the planned-and among them there may be important ones. As a rule, nothing will happen if you agree with your colleagues that you will complete the new task tomorrow. There are not many tasks that you need to rush to do right away.

Learn to refuse

Not all tasks and projects are worth taking on. Sometimes they try to blame us for something that we shouldn’t do at all. Sometimesthere's just no point in taking it new project, if you don’t have time for it and you don’t want to give up others. Even if I tearfully beg you best friend. Everyone has the right to"No " , remember this.

Work the way that suits you best

We all really different. We have different temperaments, different events occur in life, we are active in different time and in different ways. For example, if you find it difficult to concentrate on a task for a long time-try the technique"Tomato " . It is named after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer that counts down 25 minutes. Set a timer for 25 minutes and do only work during this time. Then a break of 5 or 10 minutes.

And if you have the opportunity to change your work schedule to suit you-don't give up on it.

Evaluate the result

Completed the task-analyze what was good and whatNo. Perhaps some time management tools are not suitable for you. Technique"Tomato " won't make you productive if you'd rather work for an hour and a half to two hours and then take a good break.

Pay attention to what interfered with completing the task: tired, distracted by email, or singing along to your favorite performer. Next time, try eliminating irritants.

Have a rest

An important component of time management-rest. Plan short breaks during the day, determine the time after which you will not do work. Try to have a full rest on the weekends and not take work home. No one can be productive 24/7. We need to rest and replenish our resources. Include exercise, time with loved ones, and adequate sleep into your schedule.

Also keep in mind that after an emergency you will need more time to recover.

Don't forget what's important

In addition to work tasks, projects and careers, there are many more amazing and beautiful things in life. Is it really necessary to take on the eighth project for a prestigious company or earn money for the latest car if it deprives you of time with your children and loved ones? Don't forget that not everything is measured by money and success. Plan so that you don’t regret later that you missed something very important for yourself.

“We get tired and exhausted not because we work hard, but because we work poorly, we work unorganized, we work stupidly.”

Physiologist N.E. Vvedensky

Time - manager t is a time management technique that includes rules and principles that help a person properly organize his time and achieve maximum efficiency in any activity. With the help of time management, a person can consciously control the time he spends on different types activities, while increasing the efficiency and productivity of your work or leisure. Planning, distribution, prioritization, goal setting helps a person cope with the crazy rhythm modern life. Time management helps a person manage to do everything without stress and avoid chronic fatigue.

Initially, time management techniques were used only in running a business, organizing labor activity. But now time management methods are also used in a person’s personal life in order to have time to cope with everyday issues and properly organize one’s leisure time and rest.

The history of time management

Back in the 20s, the Scientific Organization of Labor said that the efficiency of using time depends on the personal effectiveness of the person himself. The League “Time” appeared, which published articles in newspapers under the title “Fight for Time.” In the 70s, the timekeeping method developed by biologist Lyubishchev gained popularity. This method is a development tool effective thinking person, which contributes to rational management of personal time and increased personal efficiency.

In 2007, the first department of time management was opened in Moscow at the Financial and Industrial Institute. Today this direction has become very popular and popular. There are a lot of trainings, seminars on planning and rational time management.

Time manager this is the person who takes into account psychological characteristics people, working conditions and offers more efficient work schedules. He is able to reveal all his hidden reserves in a person and suggest how to increase his effectiveness.

The process of communication between a time manager and a client is similar to a psychological consultation in which he listens to the person, gives tips and advice on how to allocate time, how much time to devote to rest, how to set priorities. How to plan your day so that you can get everything done without stress.

Time - managers spend not only individual consultations. They are often invited by companies as experts to help improve the labor process. First of all, teach the manager to correctly distribute his working time and correctly distribute responsibilities in the team. They study the company's activities, required amount time to solve certain problems. After collecting information and analysis, the time manager makes adjustments to the company’s daily routine.

  • Analysis of time spent on certain tasks.
  • Setting, formulating and defining goals.
  • Making a plan to achieve the goal, as well as setting priorities.
  • Realization of the goal. A hint on what steps need to be taken according to the plan.
  • Making lists of things to do.
  • Recording time using timing.

What advantages does a person have who has learned to properly plan his time?

“Time wasted is existence; time usefully used is life.”

E. Jung

  • Achieves set goals.
  • Achieves his goals much faster than others.
  • Capable of achieving success in any field of activity.
  • Has more time to relax, communicate with family and friends.
  • Can do a lot more things in a given period of time.
  • He can increase his income and retire by correctly distributing responsibilities between employees.
  • Can get rid of chronic fatigue, is not subject to stress.
  • Always has a clear plan of action.
  • Has a sense of inner freedom and independently controls his life.

Types of time management

Now there are many different approaches to the problem of time management. Experts distinguish three main types:

  • Personal (personal) time management. It is associated with a person’s personal self-development, the ability to properly and fruitfully organize their day.
  • Professional time management helps a person do his job effectively, organize his working time correctly, or wisely distribute responsibilities in a team.
  • Social time management regulates interpersonal relationships or time management of several people. For example, corporate.

Basic concepts of time management

Time management concept- it is a way of understanding and perceiving time. The concept of time management helps to determine the reason and purpose why a person needs to learn how to manage his time. Realize the value of this process, as well as understand the basic principles of time management.

Time Management Techniques– a certain sequence of actions that will help solve a specific problem.

Time management system– a set of concepts and methods that will allow you to achieve your goal as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Improper organization of work or illiterate organization of activities by management leads to the fact that company employees feel a constant lack of time. This affects the efficiency and success of the enterprise as a whole.

Lack of time is observed in cases where:

  • There is no daily work schedule.
  • If the assistant manager is not aware of his daily routine.
  • Phone calls and visitors often distract from the main activity.
  • If the manager does not know how to distribute responsibilities.
  • If the work is done in a constant hurry, which leads to rapid fatigue.
  • If employees are not suitable for their positions.
  • If employees inadequately assess their capabilities and speed of work.
  • If employees are not motivated (for example, the salary is too low).

To improve the efficiency of an enterprise, it is necessary to teach employees to draw up a work plan for the day. When drawing up a plan, you need to devote 60% of your time to main tasks, 20% to unforeseen and 20% to spontaneous matters. The main thing is to teach the team to make plans for the day systematically and regularly.

The effectiveness of time management in management depends on the extent to which employees are trained in planning, prioritization, control of time to complete tasks, as well as the correct order of tasks.

To solve these problems, you can invite an expert in time management or train the manager of your enterprise, who will himself assign tasks to employees and monitor the effectiveness of their work. The manager must issue both main and several backup tasks. At the end of the day, the employee submits a report on the work done.

Managing personal time in time management

As for managing personal time, there are basic rules of time management applied in personal life:

  1. Never take work home.
  2. Organize your daily life so that it takes minimal time.
  3. To plan free time in advance. This should include emotional pleasure (going to the cinema, theater, concert, museum). And also physical (sports, dancing, etc.).
  4. For relaxation, use not only weekends, but at least one day during the week. For example, ride a bike after work or go to the sauna with friends.
  5. During vacation, limit calls, mail, and the Internet in order to truly relax.

1. The basic rule of time management is correct goal setting.

If you learn to clearly define your goals and also determine which tasks are secondary, you will save a lot of time.

If you spend your time on something, it means that at that moment you believe that it is very important. But is it? Ask yourself, will the outcome of this action help you get closer to your goal? What is a goal? A goal is a person’s desire for something, when the entire process is aimed at the final result.

When setting a goal, you must first decide on your main values.

Realize your capabilities and motivation. Analyze the problems, needs and difficulties that may arise on the way to the goal. Clearly present your goal the smallest details, its final result. Plan your actions, search for resources and begin implementation.

There are different methods for setting goals. But all methods have a common algorithm for setting goals:

  1. The goal should be as specific as possible with a clear end result.
  2. The need to achieve the goal must be justified. Why is this necessary and what will I get from it?
  3. The goal must be realistic and the mechanism for achieving it must be clear.
  4. It is necessary to clearly define the time limits within which the goal must be achieved.

2. The second basic rule of time management is prioritization.

Knowing how to prioritize is very important. There are things that are of less importance in achieving the goal, and there are those that play a major role.

3. The third basic rule of time management is planning.

After setting a goal, the next step is planning. Planning is an integral part of time management. It consists of the following main stages:

  1. Drawing up a time management plan.
  2. The stage of drawing up a project, during which you can maneuver and think through different variants achieving the goal.
  3. The stage of identifying the necessary resources.
  4. The stage of identifying people who can help you on the way to your goal.
  5. The stage of recording planning results in the form of a business project, map.

When a person begins to plan, thinking is activated, creative potential. When you make a plan, your goal becomes more specific, you begin to understand what you really want and how to achieve it. It's kind of practical guide to action.

Until a person makes a plan for realizing what he wants, he is constantly thinking about this topic. But it’s not thoughts, but actions that bring you closer to your goal. When compiled detailed plan, which takes into account different ways achieving a goal, this makes it possible to maneuver. It doesn’t work with some means and methods, you can try others. Planning develops flexibility and readiness for any situation in a person.

Making a plan gives you a high chance of success. Having a plan gives you confidence in yourself and your capabilities. All successful people and entrepreneurs are engaged in planning.

Basic planning techniques. Short description

1. ABC planning is based on the fact that it is necessary to do the most significant things first (under the letter A), and then B and C.

Category A cases are the most important. They make up 15% of all cases and bring 65% of the results. B – important matters that make up 20% of all matters and bring 20% ​​of the results. Category C are matters of the least importance, they make up 65% and give a result of 15%.

2. Pareto rule or the “80/20” principle. This principle applies to any daily activity. 80% of the things you do in a day give you 20% of the desired results. And 20% of planned important things bring you 80% closer to the result.

For example: 20% of people own 80% of the capital, 80% of people own 20% of the capital. 20% of clients give a profit of 80%, and 80% of clients give a profit of 20%.

3. Timing- this method is that you need to write down all your actions minute by minute and how much time you spent on them. This will help you understand where and what your time is spent and how to adjust your schedule.

4. Making a list of tasks- This is the simplest planning method that allows you to plan both time and tasks.

How to make a correct to-do list and follow it?

  1. First, watch yourself. How much time do you need to complete different tasks?
  2. Write a to-do list for the evening.
  3. Write down specific points. For example: go to the store. Attach a shopping list to this item.
  4. Plan your entire day, not just work.
  5. Start your day by completing easy tasks. To immediately tick the boxes and cheer up for the whole day with the thought that following the to-do list is not so difficult. For example, doing exercises and preparing breakfast.
  6. The to-do list should always be visible.
  7. Don’t put more than 7 priority things on your list, so you don’t have to worry about not getting something done.
  • Try all planning methods and choose the most suitable one.
  • Keep records.
  • Don't try to do everything. Do the most important and priority things first.
  • Plan your every day. And also make an additional plan for the week.
  • Always carry a pen and notepad with you.
  • Keep a success diary, it will motivate you and remind you that you are on the right path.
  • Learn to say “No.” This will help you avoid communicating with unnecessary people and doing unnecessary things.
  • Before you do anything, consider how urgent it is, how important it is, and how this action will bring you closer to your goal.
  • Analyze your habits, actions that waste your time. By timing it is easy to track those actions that you need to get rid of.
  • Don't do other people's business. Don't be a tool to achieve other people's goals. Focus on your goal.
  • Make time for self-improvement.
  • Don't stop there. Once you achieve one goal, set the next one.

1. Stephen Covey in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People considers time management as an element of self-improvement. Here are his tips:

  • Do what you have to do first. Don't put off important things until later.
  • Your goal should be a priority and important. Move towards her.
  • Perform all actions based on priorities.
  • Don't waste a lot of energy on achieving an insignificant goal. The resources spent and the final result must be commensurate.
  • Look for all the ways to make life easier.

2. David Allen advises getting organized workplace , acquire all the necessary stationery. Also, keep a file cabinet, create a corresponding folder for each case. Allen also recommends writing 4 to-do lists:

  • Make a list of things that need to be done in the near future;
  • Add projects that require integrated approach;
  • Separately make a list of projects that, for one reason or another, cannot yet be completed;
  • The "someday" list.

3.Julia Morgenstern advises first assessing how much time you spend completing your tasks. What factors distract you? You may be distracted by social media, additional responsibilities, unrealistic deadlines, or psychological obstacles.

  • A time frame must be set for each action.
  • If you cannot complete some action, then analyze whether it can be postponed for a while, delegated to other employees, or abandoned altogether.
  • Sort things and things to do, clear the space of everything you can do without. Assign each thing its place, and each task a time.
"Eat a frog for breakfast"

To prevent your thoughts from returning all day to a task that you do not want to do or that is unpleasant to you, start the day with it. This way you will be freed from emotional stress and burden that you would have to carry all day.

"Elephant steak"

If you are faced with a global task that requires many actions to be completed, then divide this work into parts. Don't make a big deal out of a case, cut it into pieces. This will make it easier to start implementing the task. This approach also contributes to a better understanding of this problem.

Learn to say no

Time management teaches you not to have time to do as much as possible, but to have time to do what needs to be done correctly. Say “no” to unnecessary things and people. Don't become a tool for anyone to achieve their goals. Focus on your goals.

Strive for automation and maximum simplification of your activities.

Do similar tasks in a row, as the brain gets used to a certain area of ​​activity. And every time he copes with them faster.

Listen to your biological rhythms. Do your work at a time when you feel especially energized and active. During periods of least activity, give yourself a rest. Listen to your body's needs. Sometimes a 15-minute break is enough to get a “second wind.”

The best books on time management that are worth reading:

  • Effective time management. B. Tracy
  • Time drive. How to have time to live and work. G. Arkhangelsky
  • Tight time management: take control of your life. D. Kennedy
  • Work less, accomplish more. K. Gleason
  • To hell with all of it! Take it and do it. R. Branson
  • Extreme time management. N. Mrochkovsky, A. Tolkachev
  • Practical course on time management. I. Abramovsky
  • How to work 4 hours a week and not be stuck in the office “from bell to bell”, live anywhere and get rich. T. Ferris
  • Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. D. Allen

The effectiveness of time management depends on your compliance with its basic rules, as well as a clear understanding of why you need it, how to manage your time and what benefits you will have.

Personal effectiveness – main secret success in all matters, and it depends, among other things, on the ability to correctly distribute time resources. Time management is amenable scientific study and planning. Exist special techniques, which will allow you to correctly allocate time so that there is enough for everything.

Time management concept

At birth, a person receives a unique, irreplaceable resource - time. A person’s success in business and his effectiveness often depend on how he manages it. Time management, or time management, is a multi-step process that includes planning, analysis and process organizing skills.

The idea of ​​time management is not at all new; back in the first years of our era, the Roman philosopher Seneca wrote that time requires special treatment, and formulated the first rules of time management: you need to keep a time diary, you need to evaluate how useful the time was spent and how eventful the time period was. Later, philosophers more than once thought about how to hold on to the flowing time, put forward theories and invented methods for saving it and rationally spending it.

But a scientific approach to managing this resource appeared only at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Frederick Taylor, an American engineer, proposed the concept of employee time management and linked this process with motivation and goal setting. Russian scientists at the beginning of the 20th century created a whole direction called the “scientific organization of labor” and laid a serious foundation for modern theory time management. The term “time management” appears only in the 70s of the 20th century, and by the beginning of the 21st century this industry has become one of the most important and well-developed parts of management.

Types of time

In order to manage something, you need to understand the essence of the object. Time is a specific object of management; in order to spend it wisely, it is worth dividing it into types. The first classification is based on the concepts of work and rest, in this case time is divided into working and leisure, or free time. Managing the seasons allows you to distinguish such types as seasonal time: high and low seasons of time consumption.

You can also classify a time resource depending on the activity to which it is dedicated, then working, personal and social time are allocated. Work time is spent on performing official duties, planning, personal time includes rest, education, entertainment, and social time is spent on family, friends, and establishing various communications. When we're talking about about planning, then usually working time is taken into account, although, of course, it is necessary to apply the acquired skills of economical use of time to all its types.

Time management functions

Any management performs the main function - the rational use of resources. The functions of time management are to plan, distribute and spend this non-renewable resource. Time management is necessary in order to make the most efficient use of the available time, which directly affects the productivity of a person or employee. The main functions of time management are planning the use of time, organizing processes for using time, monitoring compliance with principles and recording time expenditure.

Benefits of using time management

Time management gives whole line positive results. To achieve success in any activity, you need to learn how to spend your time correctly. A person who has mastered time management technologies receives the following benefits:

  • achieves goals faster and more often;
  • he creates the circumstances of his life and can control them;
  • able to achieve any goal and success in any activity;
  • experiences less nervous feelings, since there is no place for fuss and haste in his life;
  • has enough time for self-education and spiritual development;
  • has an action plan for every day, becomes more disciplined and collected;
  • rests more and therefore feels cheerful and healthy, has more opportunities to communicate with friends and family, and engage in hobbies;
  • more effective at work;
  • ultimately the person is more confident and happy.

Time management process structure

A time management system includes several basic processes:

  • analysis - in order to move somewhere, you need to know what you want and what resources you have;
  • strategic planning;
  • formulation of goals;
  • tactical and operational planning;
  • goal achievement;
  • control of resource expenditure and goal achievement.

There are other approaches to determining the structure of time management; it identifies 4 areas of developing knowledge, skills and habits, these include:

  • goal setting, mastering goal setting techniques;
  • ability to prioritize;
  • ability to use planning tools and their competent application;
  • development, consolidation and application of time management skills.

Types of time management

Like any management, basic time management can be divided into strategic and operational planning. Management of this resource can also be divided into types according to timing: long-term and short-term, which, in fact, duplicates the first classification.

Strategic planning is associated with achieving long-term, global goals, while time is distributed over a year or more. It is associated with forecasting and is based on a deep analysis of the situation.

Current time management is associated with achieving goals in a short period of time: from a month to six months. It is built into the strategic plan, but covers only the immediate part of it.

Operational time distribution is associated with drawing up weekly and daily plans. The tactical distribution of resources is related to the real, current situation, to which circumstances can make adjustments.

General principles of time management

Time management processes are based on the main principles, these include:

  • Correct goal setting. Its achievability and motivation to achieve it depend on this. Exist various techniques goal setting, the most famous and effective is the SMART model.
  • Motivation. Saving time must be conscious and related to the satisfaction of some important needs, otherwise success cannot be expected from time management.
  • Saving. Time management is necessary in order to remove or reduce time pressure and increase productivity in the same periods of time.

Time management methods

Today, various strategies and techniques for distributing and using time are known. The most famous time management methods are as follows:

Eisenhower Matrix. This method consists of filling out a matrix according to 4 characteristics: important-not important, urgent-not urgent. All tasks for the planned period are assessed on this scale and ranked for implementation. Urgent and important tasks are completed first, less urgent and important tasks are put off to second priority, the main thing is not to delay their implementation so that they do not move into the first category. If possible, urgent and less important tasks should be delegated to subordinates; non-urgent and unimportant tasks should not accumulate, so they should be delegated or not performed at all and excluded from plans.

Pyramid of B. Franklin. This thorough model requires a lot of preparation the first time, and then it is easy to use. The base of the pyramid is the global goals and life values ​​of a person. The second level is long-term goals for 10-20 years. The third is the strategic plan, decisions on ways to achieve global goals. Next is the plan for the coming year, then short term plan. Above is the plan for the day. Such a pyramid must be periodically revised and updated.

There are other time management techniques, but they are all based on the ability to separate the important from the unimportant, the skills of setting correct and achievable goals, and the motivation to save time.

Working time management: basic techniques and rules

Rational distribution of working time is the most important task for people seeking to increase their efficiency. Time management methods and management are aimed at eliminating the shortage of working time. Therefore, it is extremely important to plan your workday based on the following principles:

  • it is necessary to ensure the ability to record the time spent on various operations;
  • when drawing up a plan, you need to devote 60% of the time to planned work, 20% to unforeseen matters, 20% to spontaneous tasks;
  • it is necessary to identify “time sinks” and eliminate them as much as possible;
  • you need to rank work tasks by urgency and importance;
  • Time planning must be systematic, consistent, and reasonable.

To manage time in an organization, the ABC method is often used; it allows you to classify company resources by degree of importance. It is built on three principles:

  • the most important tasks are carried out by the manager, he spends 15% of his time on them;
  • tasks of medium importance are delegated to managers, they are allocated 20% of working time;
  • less important tasks are delegated to performers, who spend 65% of their time.

Time management in the organization

Time management in a company is a way to save up to 30% of a specialist’s working time. Therefore, it is necessary to pay due attention to this. Time management in an organization falls on the shoulders of managers who draw up operational and medium-term work plans for performers. Today there are quite a few computer programs, which allow you to plan the working time of employees, as well as monitor the completion of tasks and time spent. For example, Toggl, Bitrix “Team” and “Project”. There are three main strategies for organizing time management:

  • Acceleration. It is necessary to minimize the time spent on typical, especially repetitive operations.
  • Accumulation. It is necessary to identify reserves and priorities at each production stage, and create a time reserve to complete unforeseen tasks.
  • Ordering. Needs to be implemented efficient systems planning and control of time expenditure.

Free time management

Any person always feels a lack of free time, and it needs to be planned just as carefully as work time. To do this, you need to learn to strictly separate work from rest so that you have time to restore your performance. During vacation, you need to limit yourself from calls and messages about work in order to fully relax. You need to learn how to organize household work with maximum time savings. You need to develop the skill of identifying the most important tasks so that you have enough time not only for relaxation, but also for self-development. You should also learn to give up small routine tasks that no one needs, leaving maximum time to achieve priority goals.