Draw a willow tree with a pencil for a child. How to draw trees? We draw oak, pine and weeping willow in stages. Step-by-step lesson: “How to draw a willow tree”

Many stories have been invented about the willow, this interesting “weeping” tree. Why does it still “cry”? Few people know that this plant is capable of accumulating a lot of water, sometimes too much. Therefore, in the morning or at night, silvery drops of moisture collect on the leaves, they roll along the leaves, fall to the ground and it seems that the tree is shedding its tears. Some believe that the willow lowers its branches to touch the water and cries over its variability. After all, the water runs without stopping, and the tree is sad because it is impossible to “catch” it and stop it even for a moment. Willows often grow along the banks of rivers and ponds, so let's try to draw a willow over a river. To draw a willow, we will need an eraser, special paper and any watercolor paint or acrylic, gouache, whatever suits you.

The drawing is quite difficult for beginning artists, so be patient and we will figure out how to draw a willow step by step.

  1. First of all, with a pencil we do easy sketch our future landscape. We will have several “plans” of the drawing - in the foreground there is water and the willow itself, in the background there is a bush behind it and in the background there is a small grove. It is important to correctly outline the contour of the willow, to show how its branches and lashes descend in a cascade. Anyone who has held a willow in their hands or simply watched how a willow grows in nature knows how flexible its branches are. Under the weight of the leaves they will hang smoothly like a frozen waterfall. Let's denote the river bank, a small bush and a background with a solid wall of trees.

  2. To avoid messing up anything when coloring, mark where the shadows will be. Dark areas will also be on the water and under the willow.

  3. Let's start painting with watercolors. Using transparent paint with added water, we paint the sky. This will be a gradient from saturated of blue color to transparent soft pink with the addition of purple. We make the river with cooler shades. We paint the tree with yellow-green watercolor with small shades of green on the right, in the shadow. We draw the background in general, only in silhouette, using blue, violet and light blue shades. We outline the second plan with warm green paint.

  4. At this stage we paint shadows, but be careful in the area where the willow branches come into contact with the surface of the water. This piece needs to be carefully written out, we need to show the structure of the branches, thin drooping leaves. Since this place in the drawing will be the brightest and most contrasting, try to make it clearer and with a thin brush. We make the shadows a little lighter throughout the tree; the thickest ones will be below, near the ground. Making a reflection in the water. We draw a slightly blurry shape of the willow, intensifying the shades of blue and blue, and also adding short strokes of dark green watercolor and ocher.

  5. Using an almost dry thin brush you need to show the direction of the narrow leaves of the tree, as they are lowered down. We make the shadows in the depths of the foliage more contrasting, but do not forget that the densest shadow will be at the bottom, and towards the top the shadows will be shorter and not so thick.

  6. Wait until the previous layers dry completely. Using a soft, damp, wide brush, create a general shadow on the tree on the right; it will be a cool blue shade. We increase the contrast by foreground, the reflection in the water will be very dark. Aquatic plants - water lilies or duckweed - usually float on the surface of the river, so we do not paint over the light green “islands”, but simply outline them. The water becomes lighter closer to us, add more water in watercolor. Draw the background with the bush, make it more voluminous due to the shadows below. With a thin, almost dry brush, paint the reeds on the shore, use dark ocher with the addition of blue or light blue so that the whole drawing is in one color scheme. The sky above can be enhanced by adding blue or purple. The area above the distant trees - we almost do not touch the thin strip and do not paint over it. If you go to the river bank in the summer, take a sketchbook with you to draw a willow tree or a landscape with these unusual trees that will probably be there.

The willow is so unusual and beautiful that it is worth capturing it as a souvenir not only with a camera. The technique will not convey the soulfulness of the drawing, and what is it worth just to draw by the river in the fresh air.

Trees may seem like some of the easiest subjects to draw. If you have never drawn, the task may be too simple...

...or too literal:

In none of the drawings do we see anything similar to real objects. The first is just a symbol of a tree, and the second suggests the definition of a tree. Your job as an artist is to paint what we see, not what we know. Drawing trees– a great exercise for developing this skill!

In this lesson I will show you, how to draw oak, pine and weeping willow trees in a simple and realistic way.

What you will need:

- Several sheets of paper;

— Hard pencil (HB);

— Pencil of medium softness (2B);

— Soft pencil (5B or less);

- Sharpener.

Usually a pair of hard pencils (HB) is enough, but this set is not universal for all drawings. To get dark shadows, we need soft pencils. There is no need to choose expensive ones - I bought the most common ones, and they perform their function perfectly. If you doubt whether you need to draw, then a set of pencils of different degrees of hardness will not be a big loss on your budget, and drawing with these is much easier!

You will also need a sharpener. A dull tip leaves lighter strokes and does not achieve the expected effect. Always keep your pencils sharp and remember that soft pencils wear out faster!

Regarding paper: it can be anything. Regular printer paper will also work. However, you should not draw on a whole sheet - than smaller figure, the less detail you will need to add. In reality, my drawings are about 9 cm in height.

Soft pencils help make shadows darker, which cannot be said about hard pencils. Hard pencils are not as dark, even if you press hard on them!


Step 1

The brain works in an unusual way: first it grasps big picture and then pays attention to details. Therefore, you should not start drawing with details - you will need to create a base first.

Draw the general shape of the tree with a few faint strokes and dots. To do this, use a hard (HB) pencil, do not press on it. These strokes will not be part of the finished image - they will not be visible in the finished drawing; The camera and scanner don't recognize them (I used Photoshop so you can see them!).

Step 2

Draw the trunk. Don't forget - the lower part should expand downwards. How bigger tree, the shorter and thicker its trunk.

Step 3

Draw the branches at the top of the trunk.

Continue drawing the branches, gradually lowering the line as they lengthen.

Step 4

Add other branches to each branch (the longer, the lower they go). The strokes should be light.

Step 5

Using short, sharp strokes, draw the shape of the tree's crown. It doesn't have to be smooth and neat.

Step 6

Using the same method, draw small “clouds” of leaves inside the crown. Leave some areas empty so that parts of the branches are visible - this structure looks more interesting.

Step 7

Add thickness to the branches in places where they are not covered by leaves.

Step 8

Before you start applying shadows, determine which parts of the tree will be bright and which parts will have shadows. You can identify them by simple shading.

Step 9

Take a soft (2B) pencil (make sure it's sharp) and create texture on the trunk. Remember to also leave white areas - this is important for texture.

Step 10

Take soft pencils (2B and 5B) and darken the barrel according to the original light distribution plan. Don't be afraid to click on soft pencil to get the shade you need, but don't overdo it! The fewer black areas in the picture, the more impressive it looks.

Step 11

Take hard pencil and sketch out the outlines of the leaves. Draw them in relaxed circles, quickly, with sharp movements.

Step 12

Each branch also has its own small crown (these are the “clouds” that you drew). They need to be shaded in the same way as if they were separate trees.

First, use a soft (2B) pencil to draw darker circles on the dark side. Don't press too hard at first so you can correct any mistakes.

Once you're sure you've got the dark sides right, add shadows and depth to them, and add some transition between the light and dark parts.

Step 13

Use a soft (2B) pencil to add some stray leaves throughout the crown and "little crowns." This will create the effect of additional, barely visible branches.

Step 14

Take the softest pencil and add some dark accents in the darkest places. The crown will be more contrasting. Also make sure that all leaves are darker than the “sky” background - leaves cannot be transparent! You can go over the lightest areas again with a hard pencil.


Step 1

Again, we start drawing with the general outline of the tree. Take a hard pencil and draw light lines.

Step 2

Draw the branches. Don't try to get them exactly right, just sketch them out.

Step 3

As with the oak tree, draw “clouds” on the branches. This time they should be narrower and even more uneven. Leave plenty of free space between them.

Step 4

Draw the outline of the trunk - long and narrow.

Step 5

Use a soft (2B) pencil to darken the barrel...

...and then a softer pencil to highlight the darkest side.

Step 6

This time there is no need to fill in the “clouds” with circles; fill them instead with sharp and chaotic strokes.

Step 7

Use a soft (2B) pencil to draw needles along the outline of the clouds. They should be thin and sharp.

Step 8

Draw the branches and darken them with two soft pencils.

Step 9

Draw even more needles inside the “clouds” with a soft (2B) pencil).

Step 10

Use the softest pencil to darken the clouds. If you want, you can simply darken them completely - evergreen trees are usually dark themselves.

Step 11

Finally, use your softest pencil to draw in the completely dark “clouds” between the branches.


Step 1

We will draw according to the same scheme. Let's draw general outline willows are something like a fountain.

Step 2

Draw the outline of the trunk.

Step 3

Draw the branches away from the trunk...

... descending with length.

Step 4

Draw the outlines of the “clouds”; this time they will look more like curtains.

Step 5

Fill in the trunk and branches with shading using a soft (2B) pencil.

Step 6

Darken the trunk and branches with the softest pencil.

Step 7

Take a soft (2B) pencil and draw ribbon-like lines along the “curtains”. They should form an arc at the very beginning.

Step 8

Darken the "curtains" with darker and wider curling lines in the spaces.

Step 9

Use your softest pencil to draw dark “curtains” on the other, darkened side of the tree. You can also add leaves to the branches to make them more detailed.

Your trees are ready!

As you can see, draw trees- an easy task; you just need to convey their appearance, not their definition. However, this is just the beginning of learning - if you want to become a real professional in drawing trees, take a notepad with you on your walk. Observe the trees you pass by and try to make them quick sketches. This way you can develop intuitive drawing. If you prefer to stay at home, look at photos of trees on the Internet.

Translation of an article from design.tutsplus.com.

Drawing is not only fun, but also useful activity. It develops coordination fine motor skills, observation, sense of color and shape. Many people dream of doing art, but are afraid to pick up a pencil or brush, believing that they do not have enough talent. In fact, anyone can master the skill of a painter. Our lesson will teach you how to draw a willow. Step-by-step execution will help even a beginner to cope with the task.

Where to begin

First, prepare workplace. You will need the following materials and tools:

  • white thick paper with a grainy structure (that is, not glossy) A-4 format or larger;
  • some simple pencils good quality different markings (TT, TM, MM);
  • soft eraser.

Beginning artists can work at a regular desk, but if their hobby develops into something serious, they cannot do without an easel.

If you plan to create a color drawing, then you will additionally need colored pencils or paints with a brush.

Let's imagine a drawing object

The topic of today's lesson is “How to draw a willow,” so it is necessary to outline the features of this plant.

Willow (broom or willow) is a very common tree in central Russia. It loves humidity and dampness, so it is often found near bodies of water. Appearance The plant is characteristic: on a strong trunk there are branches lowered down, which is why the crown has the appearance of a tent. Twig-like stems with green oblong leaves grow down from the main branches. The downward branches of the willow give it the sad image of a “crying” tree, more than once sung by poets.

Step-by-step lesson: “How to draw a willow tree”

This is one of the most simple lessons. Following the advice of the master, even a novice artist can easily master the technique of this elementary sketch in just 4 steps.

Step one - draw the trunk and roots.

At the bottom of the sheet we draw a horizontal line - the “foundation” of the future tree. Divide the line in half and from its middle draw a line upward, diverging upward into two others (outwardly, the vertical part is very reminiscent of the printed letter “U” or a slingshot). This “slingshot” is needed to indicate the contour of the trunk and main branches.

Now you need to design the resulting “skeleton” of the tree. To do this, draw thick roots at the base, and use vertical lines to outline a strong, elongated trunk and branches. For clarity, refer to the figure above.

Step two - draw the base of the tent crown.

More experienced artists draw the downward branches of a weeping willow in detail. We are interested in how to draw a willow easily and simply, so we use an unconventional technique. “Hang” two horse tails of different lengths on tree branches, using them to depict sections of the crown. We will draw the same sections (or layers) in the form of ponytails on the sides of the branches - about 3-4 on each side.

Step three is the final design of the weeping willow crown.

Continue drawing layers of the crown as you work your way up the paper. You'll soon notice that your tree will look like a tiered wedding cake. That's how it should be. Please note that the upper sections gradually become smaller and smaller, as if slightly rounding the “tent”.

When trying to draw a willow step by step, be sure to rely on examples. With a little diligence, your picture will turn out even better than that of a professional artist.

Step four, final - detailing the work.

Using a soft eraser, you need to carefully remove all unnecessary contours and extra lines, and use auxiliary strokes to give the drawing a natural look. Check the sample: if you did everything correctly, then your sketch will look like the work of a master.

Now that you know how to draw a willow with a pencil, you can experiment with paints and paint the crown in green color, and make the trunk brown.

Willow - big beautiful tree, the basis of many Russian landscapes. Looks especially impressive near bodies of water. This is a reason to understand how to draw a willow tree over a river.

Final word

In order for your hand to become firm and your eye to become sharp and accurately identify the characteristic details of objects, you need to practice a lot. Exercise daily. Starting with simple lessons, gradually increase the complexity of the tasks. Soon you will be able to depict buildings, animals, people.

Once you feel confident, start drawing from life. This step will be the next one on the path to professionalism.

Many stories have been invented about the willow, this interesting “weeping” tree.

Why is it still “crying”? Few people know that this plant is capable of accumulating a lot of water, sometimes too much. Therefore, in the morning or at night, silvery drops of moisture collect on the leaves, they roll along the leaves, fall to the ground and it seems that the tree is shedding its tears. Some believe that the willow lowers its branches to touch the water and cries over its variability. After all, the water runs without stopping, and the tree is sad because it is impossible to “catch” it and stop it even for a moment. Willows often grow along the banks of rivers and ponds, so let's try to draw a willow over a river. To draw a willow, we will need an eraser, special paper and any watercolor or acrylic paint, gouache, whatever suits you.

The drawing is quite difficult for beginning artists, so be patient and we will figure out how to draw a willow step by step.

  1. First of all, with a pencil we make a light sketch of our future landscape. We will have several “plans” of the drawing - in the foreground there is water and the willow itself, in the background there is a bush behind it and in the background there is a small grove. It is important to correctly outline the contour of the willow, to show how its branches and lashes descend in a cascade. Anyone who has held a willow in their hands or simply watched how a willow grows in nature knows how flexible its branches are. Under the weight of the leaves they will hang smoothly like a frozen waterfall. Let's denote the river bank, a small bush and a background with a solid wall of trees.

  2. To avoid messing up anything when coloring, mark where the shadows will be. Dark areas will also be on the water and under the willow.
  3. Let's start painting with watercolors. Using transparent paint with added water, we paint the sky. This will be a gradient from rich blue to transparent soft pink with the addition of purple. We make the river with cooler shades. We paint the tree with yellow-green watercolor with small shades of green on the right, in the shadow. We draw the background in general, only in silhouette, using blue, violet and light blue shades. We outline the second plan with warm green paint.
  4. At this stage we paint shadows, but be careful in the area where the willow branches come into contact with the surface of the water. This piece needs to be carefully written out, we need to show the structure of the branches, thin drooping leaves. Since this place in the drawing will be the brightest and most contrasting, try to make it clearer and with a thin brush. We make the shadows a little lighter throughout the tree; the thickest ones will be below, near the ground. Making a reflection in the water. We draw a slightly blurry shape of the willow, intensifying the shades of blue and blue, and also adding short strokes of dark green watercolor and ocher.
  5. Using an almost dry thin brush you need to show the direction of the narrow leaves of the tree, as they are lowered down. We make the shadows in the depths of the foliage more contrasting, but do not forget that the densest shadow will be at the bottom, and towards the top the shadows will be shorter and not so thick.
  6. Wait until the previous layers dry completely.
    Using a soft, damp and wide brush, make a general shadow on the tree on the right; it will be a cool blue shade. We increase the contrast in the foreground, the reflection in the water will be very dark. Aquatic plants usually float on the surface of the river - water lilies or duckweed, so we do not paint over the light green “islands”, but simply outline them. Closer to us the water becomes lighter, add more water to the watercolor. Draw the background with the bush, making it more voluminous due to the shadows below. With a thin, almost dry brush, paint the reeds on the shore, use dark ocher with the addition of blue or light blue so that the whole drawing is in the same color scheme. The sky above can be enhanced by adding blue or purple. The area above the distant trees - we almost do not touch the thin strip and do not paint over it. If you go to the river bank in the summer, take a sketchbook with you to draw a willow tree or a landscape with these unusual trees that will probably be there.

The willow is so unusual and beautiful that it is worth capturing it as a souvenir not only with a camera. The technique will not convey the soulfulness of the drawing, and what is it worth just to draw by the river in the fresh air.

ADVICE: Expressions like, “How unfortunate I am!” they won't help you.

Thank you + 10640

How to draw a willow step by step

Already drawn +2 I want to draw +2 Thank you + 124

Step 1.

You'll start at the bottom and then work your way up. Start by creating lines. As you know, willows have surprisingly large roots that grow literally on the surface of the earth. You will need to make a foundation line for the root system and then draw two other lines for the torso and limbs.

Step 2.

Starting to use the principles you've drawn involves sketching out thick roots and then extracting them from the tree trunk.

Step 3.

Instead of drawing individual branches, I decided to make the limbs and leaves resemble pieces of hair. Start sketching out the four sections of the limbs like you see here, and be sure to make them look like they're crying.

Step 5.

Continue outlining layer by layer until complete. You will notice that this willow will start to look like a multi-tiered wedding cake.

Step 6.

As you move up the limb tree, the layers become smaller and smaller. As you sketch out the limbs and hair like leaves, you should also sketch in detail and texture definition at the same time. When the tree looks like the one you see here move on to step seven.

Step 7

I believe you have reached the last drawing step. Now all you need to do is outline the final top layer and then be sure to detail the willow so it looks absolutely beautiful. This is a great tree to use for landscape or landscaping. Erase visible guidelines or shapes.

Step 8

Here's what your tree looks like when you're all done. Now you can color it in and use what you just learned to decorate your next landscape sketch.

Master class on painting with gouache “Weeping Willow”. Step by step drawing

Drawing an illustration for the Legend of the Weeping Willow step by step

Orlova Marina Sergeevna, teacher primary classes MAOU secondary school No. 64, Tomsk.
Purpose: painting as a gift for an exhibition of drawings. The material will be useful for working with children in art classes or extracurricular activities. Master class for children 10 – 12 years old, teachers, parents.
Target: formation of drawing skills based on the impressions after reading the legend.
- develop a sense of color, color combinations,
- develop creative imagination,
- improve the ability to work with gouache,
- expand your horizons in the field of literature,
- instill interest in fine arts and literature.
Materials: album sheet, gouache, brushes, glass of water.
Description of work: I accidentally came across this poetic legend when I was looking for material for a report with my daughter. There are many legends about the weeping willow, but this one was especially touching. This is the story about great love, unjustly taken away by Death. I don’t know the name of the author of the poem, I only have a pseudonym - Faceless. But the man is truly incredibly talented. I wanted to draw an illustration for this legend.

The Legend of the Weeping Willow...

The legend will tell us the secret of Willow,
We will learn the secret of thousands of years...
The secret about the tree, its tears,
A secret about something that has been forgotten for a long time...
In one village, at the edge of the Earth,
Beyond the horizon, by the blue water
Lived, laughed and were loved
People who did not know tears at the grave...
People who have not known a child's cry
Those who did not know the life of an aging nag...
There lived a girl named Iva in a village,
Smart and slim, graceful, beautiful...
Hair - chestnut-colored curls,
The eyes are deep, the color of the ocean...
She loved and was loved,
Life gave her almost everything she needed...
Raoul was the name of her beloved,
He dreamed of happiness with his Willow...
One day in the middle of the night in a deep forest
An old woman appeared, clutching a scythe...
She learned about the corner of the earth,
Where there is happiness, love - up to the ceiling...
She wanted to play hide and seek with people,
The old woman is smart, but people are stupid...
She heard about Raoul and Iva,
There is no hotter love than this in the whole world...
Well, if nothing in the world can destroy love,
What about Death?...
Willow sat admiring the river,
I watched the sun play with the water...
- “Beauty, hey, why are you alone?
Maybe the river knows the offense? -
The old woman asked, sitting down near Willow.
- “You really are a local diva!”
- "Resentment... resentment... What is this word?"
- "Resentment - is this new to you?"
- “Yes, new... tell me, who are you?”
- “I am Death... I... am not from this region...
Have you heard my dear,
That in your river there is a stone of goodness...
Goodness and love, whatever you want,
Everything you wish for him will come true...
- “Keep him, I don’t need him,
Tomorrow Raoul will become my husband,
I am happy, glad, loved, love,
I lived without a stone and will live...
Well, it's the wedding day,
The bride is a flower...
Their love is beautiful, like a tender sprout...
What about Raoul? He decided for the bride
Give a stone of love from the bottom...
I stood by the river in the same place
Where Death tried to seduce Willow...
- “But there is a condition, my rare friend,
Together we fly to infinity,
You will hold my hand tightly,
And you will be with Iva forever!
And Raoul jumped for his Willow
With Death to the bottom of this river...
The water closed and it became darker...
The church candles went out...
Iva was waiting and calling for Raoul,
I searched until it got dark...
I went to the river with strange feelings,
Where I sat with Raoul at night...
And a drop of water rolled off my cheek,
Salt water is tears...
They rolled and fell into the river,
The wedding roses have wilted...
There was truth in the words of that old woman -
Raoul stood near Willow...
But Iva doesn't see
Raoul is only a soul...
Now they are forever united...
Willow waited and shed tears...
Hair turned into leaves...
You can't see your eyes, you can't see your face -
The skin is covered with bark...
To this day she is waiting for her groom,
Crying, speechless with grief,
Not knowing that Raul's soul
Eternity stands next to her...
Bezlika, 2008
Stages of work: The picture is dominated by cool colors. It is quite dark, without clear lines. The girl-tree and the background merge into one, this gives the picture mystery and allows one to convey sadness and sadness.
1. Place the landscape sheet horizontally. Using a wide brush, paint the background blue from side to side.

2.Using a thin brush using sea-colored paint, draw the silhouette of a girl.

3.Using brush No. 3, 4, paint the silhouette with paint of the same color, add white to the face, chest, knees, adding volume where needed.

4.Draw the eyebrows and nose with a thin brush in sea green color, the eyes in blue, and the eyelashes in emerald color. Lips are bright pink. To make the Willow girl's face sad, the bases of the eyebrows should be raised and the ends lowered.

5. Use whitewash to mark the edges of the river.

6. Let's paint it over with its former self.