Therapeutic gymnastics to strengthen the pelvic muscles. Five women's exercises for sex life

No one will argue with the statement that regular training to strengthen muscles is extremely important and beneficial for our body, but at the same time, only those muscles that can be assessed with a glance come to mind for each of us. In fact, the list is much longer, and one of the first lines in it is occupied by the pelvic floor muscles.

A set of exercises to strengthen these muscles is recommended when problems and illnesses arise, operations have taken place, and also if a woman wants to ease the course of her pregnancy, wants to quickly recover after childbirth, or her goal is vivid, unforgettable sensations during sex. Kegel exercises for the pelvic floor muscles will not only help you achieve what you want, but will also be an excellent prevention of many diseases of the genital area.

Where are the pelvic floor muscles located and what functions do they perform?

The pelvic floor muscles are located between the tailbone and the pubic bone and play an extremely important role during labor. In addition, it supports the internal genital organs, the rectum, controls the activity of the bladder and prevents the prolapse of the uterus.

The loss of its elasticity and stretching, which can occur as a result of the activation of certain hormones during pregnancy or menopause, threatens the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • stress urinary incontinence (leakage of some urine when coughing or sneezing);
  • constipation;
  • weak sensations during sexual intercourse or air entering and exiting the vagina, accompanied by characteristic sounds;
  • lack of orgasm or inability to control it;
  • pain in the pelvic area;
  • prolapse of the vaginal walls or inflammation in this area.

Regularly performing Kegel exercises for the pelvic floor muscles before pregnancy will help avoid the appearance of all these abnormalities, both during pregnancy and after childbirth. Training does not pose any danger to the baby, but it is recommended to start it after the 12th week and continue until the 30th week of pregnancy.

Good tone of the pelvic muscles during pregnancy will help maintain additional weight, reduce the amount of pushing during childbirth and restore the muscles of the perineum after it.

Solving the problem of urinary incontinence

The best way to start learning Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles during urinary incontinence is to lie on your back or side. After some time, when muscle tone increases slightly, you should continue training in a sitting or standing position. It is noted that the greatest effectiveness can be achieved by performing exercises with legs spread apart.

An important rule for performing exercises for urinary incontinence is empty bladder. Gymnastics should begin by taking the correct position on your back. Then it is necessary to squeeze the pelvic muscles in the same way as when delaying the act of urination. To do this, you need to concentrate on the group of muscles surrounding the urethra.

The tension formed in the muscles must be held for 5 seconds, then relax and repeat the same thing again 10 more times. Breathing during training should be even, without delay.

You also need to make sure that during training there is no tension in the muscles of the buttocks or abdomen.

Another effective exercise that is part of Kegel gymnastics is an exercise called “In the Elevator.” To perform it, a woman needs to imagine that she is going up in an elevator, that is, with each new floor she must increase the tension in her muscles until she reaches the “top floor.”

Then, in the reverse order, you should begin to relax the vaginal muscles, as if going down in an elevator. This training will teach you proper muscle control.

Kegel exercises can be done to combat urinary incontinence. during pregnancy. However, it is necessary to remember some features. So, for example, the number of classes per day should not be more than 30 times, and after 16-18 weeks they should be done not lying down, but in a sitting or standing position. This is necessary so that, as a result of a long stay in a horizontal position on the back, there is no compression of the inferior vena cava, which is already under pressure from the enlarged uterus.

A set of exercises for uterine prolapse

Prolapse of the vaginal walls and uterus is a fairly common problem among women who have had a difficult pregnancy or childbirth, as well as those who do not exercise and have too low body weight.

Especially for such representatives of the fair sex, a separate set of workouts was developed aimed at increasing the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. However, such gymnastics is effective only in the initial stages of the disease. In stages 3 and 4, physical exercise will not help.

One of the main advantages of Kegel exercises for prolapse of the uterus is that they do not require a special space. Gymnastics does not take much time, and it can be done both sitting and standing (no matter at home or in transport).

The set of exercises includes the following steps:

  1. Tension in the muscles around the urethra (urethra). To do this, as already described above, you need to make the same effort as if you were going to stop urinating for a moment.
  2. Tension of the pelvic and pelvic floor muscles. To do this, you need to squeeze your pelvic muscles and try to pull them inward and upward. In the first lessons this should be done slowly, and later more rhythmically and quickly.
  3. Gradual contraction of the vaginal muscles from bottom to top and subsequent fixation of this position.
  4. Imitation of labor. This part of the exercise should be done as quickly and rhythmically as possible. There is no need to apply much force.

To achieve the desired result, namely to securely fix all the organs in the small pelvis, it is recommended to perform Kegel exercises regularly. The optimal number of classes per day is 3 times.

After hysterectomy

It often happens that at the beginning of the rehabilitation period after a radical hysterectomy (surgery to remove the uterus), a woman experiences various physiological problems associated with the act of urination or defecation.

This is due to the fact that during the operation not only the uterus was removed, but also part of the muscle tissue and ligaments supporting the uterus. Subsequently, this causes displacement of the pelvic organs and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles.

Kegel exercises after hysterectomy are the most effective therapeutic method. This training can be done in any body position: lying down, sitting or standing. Before starting gymnastics, it is recommended to completely empty the bladder.

The exercise itself is performed as follows: you need to tense the pelvic floor muscles in such a way as if you want to simultaneously stop the release of gases from the intestines and the process of urination. At the same time, the pelvic muscles will contract and rise slightly upward.

At first, you may not feel muscle contraction, when in fact it will occur. This phenomenon is considered quite normal and goes away over time. But if you want to make sure the muscles are working exactly, you can insert one or two fingers into the vagina. During muscle contraction, the finger will be tightly “clasped.”

When performing this workout, you need to make sure that there is no tension in the muscles of the abdomen, legs or buttocks - they should be in a relaxed state. It is recommended to do Kegel exercises several times a day after hysterectomy surgery.

To begin gymnastics, you should alternate between 2-3 seconds of compression and subsequent relaxation of the muscles, and then try to fix the muscles in a compressed state for 10 seconds or more.

Thus, Kegel therapeutic exercises are recommended for regular use by women during pregnancy, after childbirth and in case of hysterectomy. It will not only strengthen the pelvic muscles of women, but also prevent uterine prolapse, urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids and many other unpleasant diseases of the genital area.

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The names of the kegel muscles have different variations: pubococcygeus muscle, pelvic floor muscles. Calling them by different names, we always mean the assembly of muscles and tendons that support the abdominal cavity.

There is an opinion that the problem of weakened muscles is typical only for women. But it is wrong. Men also need to be vigilant about the functioning of this muscle group. Weakness of this muscle group can cause health problems.

For the first time, an American gynecologist spoke about the importance of the pelvic muscles. It was Dr. Arnold Kegel who developed exercises for the pelvic muscles. This set of exercises is aimed at improving blood circulation in the pelvic floor muscles. They should be performed not only by women, but also by men of all ages.

Nowadays, these exercises are increasingly being used to treat urinary incontinence. Also among the positive effects on the body, an increase in the tone of the pelvic floor muscles, which are practically not involved in everyday life, was noted.

What is a Kegel complex?

The main purpose of Kegel exercises is to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, urethra, bladder, uterus and rectum.

    to prepare for pregnancy and successful painless childbirth;

    for pregnant women to master the technique of relaxing those muscles that often prevent the baby from being pushed out;

    for the prevention and treatment of urinary and fecal incontinence;

    to restore tissue elasticity after childbirth;

    for the prevention and treatment of pelvic organ prolapse;

    for long-term prolongation of sexual health.

So, before we move on to doing gymnastics to strengthen the pelvic muscles, let's determine where the pelvic floor muscles are located.

1. If you go to the toilet “smallly”, you can try to stop the flow without moving your legs. The muscles that will help you do this will be the pelvic floor muscles.

2. If the first method did not help you find the desired muscles, then do the following. Insert your finger into the vaginal opening and squeeze the muscles. The desired muscles will contract around the finger. In this case, neither the muscles of the buttocks, nor the back, nor the abdomen will be involved.

Once you have identified the muscles you need, move on to doing exercises to strengthen your pelvis. Once you learn to identify the muscles you need, move directly to the exercises.

Pelvic exercises for men

Most men may also have negative symptoms of dysfunction or weakening of the pelvic organs. So they can manifest themselves in the form of urge urinary incontinence or incontinence due to a full bladder. Men should also pay attention to the prostate gland. Blood stagnation can also lead to disruption of the body's erectile function.

The treatment methods chosen will vary depending on the complexity and type of incontinence.

A set of Kegel exercises will help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which are responsible for controlling the flow of urine. In order to correctly perform exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles, you need to determine their location. They compress the anus and urethra. Try squeezing them without releasing urine. The task will be completed correctly if the muscles of the intestines and stomach are relaxed.

Gymnastics for the pelvic muscles consists of tensing and relaxing them.

This complex consists of three components:

1. First, strain your pelvic floor muscles as much as possible and hold for 4-5 seconds, then gradually relax. You need to repeat this 10-12 times.

2. At the next stage, we repeat the task of the previous one. Only now we don’t delay the tension, but rather try to shift the main aspect towards increasing the speed between tension and relaxation. Repeat for 1-2 minutes.

3. Now we squeeze the muscles and move on to pushing out without delay. Imagine as if there is something in the middle of you and you need to push it out. You need to hold for 2-3 seconds and then relax. Repeat 7-8 times.

When performing gymnastics for the pelvis, you should pay attention to the fact that only the pelvic floor muscles should be tensed. Breathing should be calm. Many people advise doing the exercises while standing, although you can sit and lie down. This will not change the effectiveness. There is no limited number of times this complex can be performed.

The main indicator of the number of approaches and repetitions should be your body. You also need to pay attention to the presence of cramps while performing Kegel exercises. If they are repeated constantly, then you should look for other exercises for the pelvic organs.

The most basic understanding should be that Kegel exercises will bring improvement in blood circulation, as well as blood supply to the pelvic organs in combination with other treatment methods.

Pelvic exercises for women

Most women experience urinary incontinence, lack of orgasm, hemorrhoids, and constipation. These problems indicate the need for training to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. A set of Kegel exercises surprises everyone with its simplicity and accessibility. It will appeal to both housewives and businesswomen.

The main exercise is to tense the pelvic floor muscles at a moderate pace. Repeat this 30-50 times. Then gradually increase the number of contractions. Once you have mastered the basics of this method, you can make it more complex.

Complex exercises for pelvic organ prolapse may include a relaxation phase, slow contraction, and step-by-step contraction of the pelvic floor muscles. Mostly exercises for men can also be used by women.

You can also independently create a set of exercises for pelvic circulation. They also help disperse blood stagnation in the body. And this, in turn, has a positive effect on the prevention of varicose veins.

Also, to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs when performing the Kegel complex, you can use vaginal exercise equipment. They will help reduce the time it takes to tone your muscles. Many people speak out against the use of any devices, but most talk about having more vivid sensations and expanding the capabilities of their body after using them.

The biggest advantage of these exercises is that you don't need to go to the gym to do them. They can be performed anywhere and at any time. Make them a part of your life. Performing this complex will help you not only tone the muscles of the pelvic organs, get rid of involuntary stool and urination, but also bring the sharpness of sensations into the intimate sphere of your life. published by

The most famous set of exercises for the pelvic muscles is, without a doubt, the exercises of Dr. Arnold Kegel. They serve to maintain female organs such as the uterus, bladder, rectum and small intestine. The doctor’s technique was first described in half of the last century, and the purpose of these exercises is to strengthen and strengthen the pelvic muscles, prevent diseases, and also simplify the process of childbirth. These muscles are rarely subjected to stress, which can cause them to weaken, so this simple set of exercises is recommended. You will find all the useful information on how to “pump up” your pelvic muscles below.

What are these trainings for?

The main reasons to start practicing:

  1. Kegel exercises prepare a woman's muscles for future pregnancy and easy, pain-free childbirth.
  2. Gymnastics will help pregnant women learn to relax the muscles that usually prevent the baby from coming out during childbirth.
  3. Classes are also useful for the prevention and treatment of incontinence problems.
  4. For better regeneration of tissues that are stretched during childbirth.
  5. For long-term maintenance of intimate health and prevention of inflammation of the genital organs.

Now you can move on to the Kegel workout itself. The first thing you need to start doing gymnastics is to determine the location of the muscles we need. There are two simple methods for identifying the target pelvic muscles.

First method: when going to the toilet, try to stop the process of urination, but without using the leg muscles. The muscles that interest us are responsible for this.

Second method: insert your finger into your vagina and try to squeeze it. Just as with the first, you cannot move or strain your back or stomach. The desired muscles should be right next to your finger, try to feel them. When you manage to find these muscles, you can go straight to gymnastics.

Main set of classes

There are two types of Kegel exercises for women, let's talk about the first one first. By the way, exercises of this type are done in stages, and each in itself is a small complex.

  • Exercise 1:

The starting position is almost irrelevant, since the pelvic muscles are small and located slightly differently than others.

The first stage: your task is to perform muscle contractions for a short period of time (let’s take 10 seconds). Do this quickly, you need to squeeze and unclench them as often as possible. Then rest for the same amount of time and repeat the cycle again. Three approaches will be enough.

Second stage: the goal is the same - compression and decompression, but now it is better to reduce the time by half, and increase the number of approaches three times compared to the first stage.

Third stage: now you need to squeeze your muscles and hold them for half a minute, then break for the same time and rest, and then repeat two more times. At the end, all that remains is to do the first stage again, and the exercise can be considered complete.

  • Exercise 2:

First stage: strain and hold the muscles for 5 seconds, then relax, and repeat the cycle 8 times.

Second stage: perform quick compressions up to 10 repetitions, do three approaches.

Third stage: we strain and squeeze the muscles for the maximum time possible, but no more than two minutes. Then we rest for a couple of minutes and do the exercise one more time.

  • Exercise 3:

First stage: in this Kegel exercise, increase the number of contractions to 30, perform them at a moderate pace. Next we move on to the second stage, and in the first stage we gradually need to achieve one hundred repetitions.

Stage two: Tighten your muscles very tightly, holding them in this state for 15 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds. We perform five approaches.

  • Exercise 4:

The final one is in the first form and simpler than the others. The intensity can be reduced: simply squeeze your pelvic muscles and then relax. Total execution time: 2-3 minutes, gradually stretching their execution to 10, 15, and then up to 20 minutes. It is recommended to do it 2-3 times a day. This exercise is quite simple, and you can do it like all the others - in absolutely any place, so it won’t be difficult.

Second type of training

Its peculiarity is that, unlike the first, it includes not only compression, but also a kind of “pushing”.

  • Exercise 1:

Remember the first method of identifying the muscles of the lower pelvis - you will need to perform the same actions as then. As you inhale, slowly tense your muscles, hold them there for 3 seconds, then relax and exhale.

  • Exercise 2:

We alternate between tension and relaxation and do it as quickly as possible.

  • Exercise 3:

Now you need to push with moderate intensity. The process is similar to childbirth.

We do all exercises 10 times per approach, and the total number of approaches should reach five per day. After a week, you can increase the number of repetitions for each exercise by 5, the total number of approaches remains the same. Thus, you should increase the number of repetitions to 30 without changing the number of sets. The result is 150 repetitions of Kegel exercises in one day. The number of repetitions is small, such exercises are quite easy to perform, and you will quickly get used to it. If you want to check whether the muscles have increased, try plunging your finger into the vagina while performing one of the exercises.

These simple tips will undoubtedly ensure good strengthening of the women's pelvic muscles, which is very beneficial for the intimate organs. By the way, there is also one special simulator that Kegel invented; he recommended combining exercises with its use. In fact, it is not at all necessary to have it, but it cannot be ignored. The simulator itself is a kind of “measurement” of the perineum. Its advantages are that it makes the muscle resistance stronger, which reduces the time it takes to tone the muscles. This means that the exercises become more effective and sufficient load appears. This simulator is also good because it shows a woman the degree of her progress after completing a set of exercises. Of course, all women would be interested to know what results she got, because awareness of progress increases motivation and provokes a desire to improve.

As was said earlier, it is not at all necessary to have a simulator; you can get all the results on your own, and excellent results are available without any equipment.

Everyone has heard from early childhood that the physical culture of a man’s body is called the key to the functional performance of the internal system. However, it is not a fact that the strong half of society at that time thought that physical exercise could influence the functionality of the intimate body parts of men, such as the pelvic organs.

In fact, completely different images, the same for men, were previously attached to the concept of the small pelvis. But age and existing pathologies change all stereotypes and ignorance of basic medical rules, heading for strengthening.

What positive results can you expect from pelvic floor training?

If a man adamantly performs special selected exercises for the pelvic muscles, they will be able to achieve the following positive results:

What are the benefits of physical activity?

  • The blood flow of the organs of the small pelvic system rapidly accelerates; due to this factor, the rapid delivery of the necessary nutrients and oxygen increases, and metabolic products are removed naturally. These processes lead to the activation of the synthesizing processes of the hormonal background of the prostate, which helps to increase potency and allows the formation of a new number of sperm in the semen to proceed as quickly and efficiently as possible. Thanks to this, the functional characteristics of each sperm individually are completely improved.
  • The flow of plasma from the vein through the vessels of the small pelvic system improves, which makes it possible to more quickly take preventive measures against the formation of a hemorrhoidal nodule, as well as the developing inflammatory process of the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and bladder. Stagnant plasma can lead to an increase in local temperatures, and also creates a favorable environment for various microorganisms to multiply rapidly, causing inflammatory pathologies.
  • The peristalsis of the lower part of the rectum increases, thereby having a positive effect on its performance, the buttock areas improve functionality.
  • In the lower part of the spinal tracts, the supporting movement is activated, that is, nutrition is activated, as well as the metabolic process in its intervertebral disc, and muscle pain is eliminated independently. This is a special preventive measure to combat the degenerative process of the intervertebral joint, such as osteochondrosis.

Thanks to these results, the strengthening ability of the muscles of the gluteal region, pelvic muscles, as well as the lower lumbar region of the abs increases, thereby improving the figure. This is the benefit.

How to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles

The pelvic floor area attracts special attention as an anatomical area that is associated with the pelvic floor in men. In fact, the pelvic floor area is a muscle complex that tends to bear the weight of all the body parts of the abdominal region, as well as the small pelvic organs inclusive.

Thus, the pelvic floor muscles cannot allow the organs to sink to the bottom, pinched by the bone matter that formed the pelvis. The pelvic area is called a kind of hammock, which tends to sag a little due to the heaviness of the organ complexes, but it can be quite elastic, not stretch, so as not to become completely exhausted.

It is especially important that the muscular characteristics of the pelvic floor muscle area are not represented by smooth tissues, but by transverse and striated tissue muscles; accordingly, it is quite trainable. Everyone knows that the muscular part of the pelvic floor is extremely active during processes that involve lifting weights, during the period when a man empties the rectum naturally, performs the act of excreting urine, and also during sexual intercourse.

The fact that one muscle, which is located at the bottom of the pelvis, is associated with such unpleasant sensations in the stronger half of society as the uncontrolled withdrawal of a certain amount of urine after a man has performed the act of emptying the urethra. Observation by medical researchers has shown that the qualities of the pelvic floor muscles are completely amenable to self-control; the muscles can develop and also tense, guided by their own desire.

As usual, the young man works on strengthening the muscular area of ​​the pelvic floor according to the recommendations prescribed by medical professionals in the field of urology. But all men should not consider such exercises unnecessary, since they allow you to stop many disorders, which very often tend to manifest themselves during age-related changes.

It is also worth noting that performing exercises with preventive measures occurs under much simpler conditions, which tend to arise when similar training complexes are used during the manifestation of any pathological process in the small pelvic area.

Workouts to benefit the pelvic floor muscles

In order to train the muscles of the small pelvic area in the stronger half of society, it is necessary to use training complexes of various types, including those that do not require special dedicated time.

Such training is comprehensively specially developed for all cases of vital necessity. There are many exercises that help strengthen the pelvic floor, but men often use three basic ones.

Exercise No. 1

Walking workout

This type of exercise involves training the muscle tissue of the small pelvic area while walking. During the walking step, it is necessary to systematically lift the muscle tissue of the pelvic floor.

Thus, she tenses up to almost half of the strongest levels of a tense nature. When tightening muscles, you need to take a couple of steps, then slowly bring the muscle to relax, after some time of walking, the exercise is repeated.

Exercise No. 2

Exercises while urinating

For interested men, these pelvic floor exercises can be performed during the urine elimination process. After a man performs an act of urination, the muscles of the pelvic floor need to be pressed as much as possible so that involuntary droplets of urine do not leak out.

It is very useful that this training is directly designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles for men who have pathologies associated with. Such cases allow the use of complicated versions of such exercises: muscle tissue tenses during the process of urination, tries to interrupt it, then the man continues urination. So you need to interrupt a couple of times.

Exercise No. 3

Exercises during intimacy

A real masculine way to strengthen the muscle tissue of the pelvic area. During the processes of sexual intercourse, a man tenses his muscle tissue so as to be able to keep his penis erect.

At the same time, you need to move at a slow, rhythmic pace. The second stage involves tensing muscle tissue so that the moments of ejaculation are delayed. Such an exercise will not only help strengthen muscles, but will significantly increase the long-term activity of sexual intercourse.

Simple workouts with tension in the pelvic area muscles are recommended to be performed throughout the day. They can be performed in a horizontal position, as well as standing, sitting and in any other poses.

Specialized training complex for the strength of the pelvic floor

In order to perform a specialized developed complex, you need to find a certain period during the day. In order to train, you need a carpet (yoga mats are the most comfortable), as well as a strong chair with a high, flat seat. It should be classic, similar to those previously used during the school process.

The initial position will be gymnastics, lying with your arms extended along your body, as if along a ruler. Take a deep breath. Following this, you need to exhale sharply and raise your limbs, pulling your knees towards the chest area. The pelvic area is fixed at the highest point, the tailbone should be directed as high as possible.
Inhale again, lowering first your right, then your left leg, and freeze in the starting position. The lesson is performed depending on the man’s level of preparedness, according to an increasing system, from 3-6 techniques to 11-16.

The next exercise involves being in the same initial position as during the first training. Inhale, and while exhaling, bend the knee and raise it to a level of forty-five degrees from the floor. The knee should be rotated, first at one angle, then at another angle. The leg drops, everything is repeated, but for the other one. This complex allows a man to increase blood circulation and also strengthen muscle balance.

Muscles, like bricks, build a beautiful and fit body. There are muscles in a woman’s body that are invisible, but they require careful development. We are talking about the pelvic floor muscles. You can do pelvic floor exercises for women anywhere. Let's discuss this topic in more detail.

General aspects

The pelvic floor muscle tissue plays a vital role in the female body. With its help, internal organs are supported, in particular the bladder, vagina, and intestines. A number of factors can trigger pelvic organ prolapse in women.

Many women are familiar with Kegel exercises. You can do them anywhere, at any time of the day. The contraction of intimate muscle tissue is imperceptible. It is important to follow three main steps:

  • reduction;
  • compression;
  • pushing out.

It is in this order that all the exercises described by the American doctor Kegel are performed. By the way, the technique of pushing out is similar to pushing during childbirth, and contraction is a rapid compression and relaxation of the intimate muscles.

On a note! Weakening muscles can lead to the development of serious illnesses, in particular, prolapse of internal organs. Many women faced with this problem complain of decreased libido and loss of sensitivity.

To understand whether exercises for the pelvic muscles for women are performed correctly, you first need to determine which muscles should be involved in the work process. You can check this easily by urinating. Try to interrupt urination and hold the stream of urine. Do this with muscle effort, not by squeezing your legs together. It is these muscles, and you will feel them, that you need to work on.

Let's talk about contraindications

Before performing exercises for pelvic circulation for women, you need to make sure that you have no contraindications. It is best to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Performing such a specific set of exercises is contraindicated in the presence of the following pathological conditions and ailments:

  • neoplasms of a malignant or benign nature;
  • inflammatory processes in the small pelvic organs;
  • erosive processes in the cervical uterus;
  • bleeding of acute or chronic type;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • increased body temperature due to the development of infectious or inflammatory processes;
  • surgical interventions.

Important! In some cases, doctors advise performing a set of exercises during pregnancy. But this is often contraindicated for expectant mothers, especially if there is a threat of premature birth, hypertonicity of the reproductive organ, gestosis or the possibility of spontaneous abortion.

If you have already consulted with a specialized doctor and you have no contraindications to performing a set of exercises to work out the muscle tissue of the pelvic floor, then start training.

Let's start with the basics. Let's immediately conduct an experiment and determine which muscles work:

  1. We lie down on a horizontal, flat surface on our back.
  2. We bend our legs at the knees.
  3. Place your hand in the perineal area.
  4. Now we squeeze the muscles, as if we are trying to delay the process of urination.
  5. By palpation we determine which part of the muscle tissue is tense at this moment.

On a note! All exercises are based on the Kegel technique. There is no need to hold your breath. Such exercises can be performed statically or progressively, for example, we pull the muscles up for several counts, and then also gradually relax.

Exercise No. 1

It is best to use a gymnastic mat for exercise:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, feet parallel to each other.
  2. Place your hand on your stomach.
  3. We begin to gradually contract the muscles and hold for a couple of seconds at the point of maximum tension.
  4. Now let's relax. This can be done smoothly or with a push. Breathing should be peritoneal. Try to breathe, as they say, with your stomach.

Exercise No. 2

We perform this exercise in the following sequence:

Exercise No. 3

We remain in the same starting position:

  1. Now we have to perform a bridge with support on the shoulders. Raise the pelvis as high as possible, focus on the feet, and the shoulders become the supporting point.
  2. In this position we contract and relax the pelvic floor muscles.
  3. Then we return to the starting position and repeat the pelvic lifts again.

Exercise #4

Let's complicate the task. By the way, when performing such a set of exercises, you will be able to work not only invisible muscle tissue, but also the abdominal muscles. We perform the exercise using the following algorithm:

Exercise #5

To perform this exercise we will need a fitball. We do it in the following sequence:

Exercise #6

This exercise is called "Frog":