How to draw a real hare. Master class "how to draw a bunny". How to draw a hare with a carrot

Among the most common wild animals, of course, the hare stands out. Every child knows about the existence of this forest inhabitant not only from stories and poems, but also from cartoons.

This interesting animal is of great interest to children, because appearance The hare is very similar to the rabbit, the differences between them are not significant. The hare has more developed limbs, since constant motor activity has allowed the paw muscles to be well developed, unlike ordinary rabbits.

Drawing a hare is not so difficult, but there are still some peculiarities in creating a sketch of this animal. It is best to start drawing with your children with light sketches, which will be represented by simple geometric shapes.

It is not necessary to draw lines too precisely and evenly, because they will only serve as a guide and will help determine the proportions of the hare and its location on a sheet of paper. It will be much easier for children to create a sketch step by step if the first stages of drawing take place under the supervision of an adult.

If you look at the drawing of a bunny, you can roughly divide its body into three parts: the head, the front and the back. Thanks to the marking of a sheet of paper and three circles of different sizes, you will be able to sketch out the first initial contours wild animal.

It is also necessary to decide at what time we will draw the hare, because in spring and summer its coat color is gray, and in winter it is white. Everyone knows that the process of changing fur is a vital necessity for a bunny, in this way it camouflages itself from predators in the environment.

Taking into account this feature, you don’t have to paint over the finished sketch of the animal, thanks to this you will be able to draw a hare in winter time– white. Although it will be possible to clarify with children exactly what color of the animal they want to see in their own drawing.

Having figured out the details of the future sketch of the hare, you can start drawing it step by step. By strictly following the following recommendations, you will be able to reproduce a realistic image of a bunny. Of course, this task will be quite difficult for children; parental assistance at every stage of drawing is required.

The process of creating an image of a wild animal

  • To draw a bunny, you need to divide a sheet of paper into 9 equal-sized squares. The marking lines should be drawn carefully and thinly so that later they can be easily removed with an eraser.

Now it won’t be difficult to draw 3 circles step by step, so we sketch the image of a sitting bunny.

  • Once the initial contours have been drawn, the marking lines can be deleted. Now you can draw an animal without auxiliary lines. We draw with a pencil several circles, from which the limbs will later be depicted.

  • We continue to draw the paws; this task will be quite difficult for children, so this stage is best done by adults. It is worth considering that the hare's hind legs are long; in the sketch they will practically touch the front ones.

We draw the contours, do not put excessive pressure on the sheet of paper with a pencil, since then you will have to erase some of them. In the upper circle you need to draw the area where the muzzle will be placed. Don't forget to draw two circles to represent the ears.

  • If you managed to accurately depict all the contours as in the figure, then most of the work has already been done. First, we begin to draw the contours of the animal’s ears, draw the eyes, and after that we outline the created image. This kind of work will be very interesting for children.

You should start drawing a contour line from the head to the side towards the hind legs. We draw the obligatory element of the sketch - the tail, detail the body, and draw a line in front. Now you can start removing lines that are outside the boundaries of the contours.

  • We draw the details of the face, and then we begin to draw the animal’s “fur coat” with a pencil. Now the hare's face is almost ready, this is exactly what it should look like at the penultimate stage.

  • We give the image a realistic look, depicting the details of the face. We draw the pupil, detail the ears along with the nose and mouth, and don’t forget to draw a mustache.

  • Now the drawing of the hare, created in stages, is ready; if desired, you can paint it using colored pencils. Landscape on background, green grass and blue sky will help “revive” the created image.

The ability to draw animals is special art, which anyone can learn if they want. When drawing these living creatures, it is important to remember that animals are very mobile, so the picture should convey all the dynamism of their behavior. Accordingly, the more active the animal behaves, the more difficult it is to draw it. Perhaps one of the most popular representatives of the fauna, which they most often try to portray, is the hare.

Many people ask the question: “How to draw a hare so that it turns out beautiful and looks like a living one?” To do this, you need to perform several standard drawing steps. And the hare will look like a living one.

Before you draw a hare, you need to decide what kind of animal you want or an ordinary long-eared one. This choice largely determines the steps that will have to be taken during drawing in order for the image to turn out beautiful and neat.

Let's consider the first option (if you want to draw a cartoon hare using a simple pencil).

Then a logical question will arise: “How to draw a hare with a pencil?” In this case, you can first draw the outline of the animal’s face. Then draw out all the details: eyes, nose, ears, mouth and teeth. The next step is to draw the legs and body of the animal. Then you need to add the hind legs and complete the missing small details of the animal’s appearance: forelock, claws, fur and others.

It is more difficult to depict a real hare, since such a drawing will have more details. In addition, it is necessary to make the animal as similar as possible to the real one, because only in this case the drawing will turn out beautiful, complete and will attract attention. To make all this work, you need to know, step by step.

The first step to a successful depiction of the intended animal will be the designation of its body parts. The best way to do this is with ovals. In other words, first mark with ovals and circles where your hare's head will be, where the body will be, and where the paws will be. At this stage, you should decide in what pose the animal will be depicted, whether it will be drawn in motion or in a static position.

How to draw a hare completely? To do this, it is necessary to connect the resulting ovals with smooth curved lines to give the desired shape to the animal’s body. It is also important to pay attention to the proportionality of the image. After the hare’s body shapes are drawn, we proceed to depicting smaller details: eyes, nose, ears. Since we are trying to draw the most believable animal possible, at the end of the image it is necessary to indicate the shadows and also work out the fur of the hare. To make the fur beautiful, you need to apply short parallel strokes (about 0.5-1 cm in length) with a pencil, adjusting the pressure. Accordingly, you need to press harder on the pencil where the shadow falls on the hare’s fur. Where the animal's skin is sunlit, the strokes should be light.

So, now you know how to draw a hare, and you see that the process is not so difficult. The main thing in it is to enjoy the drawing itself! And then everyone without exception will admire your image!

Cartoon bunnies are very easy to draw, but drawing a hare in its natural form is a much more difficult task! But everything is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. If you have at least some drawing skills, then you will be able to draw such a wonderful animal very beautifully without any problems.

Proceed to the first step, where you need to outline the silhouette of the bunny. Next, proceed to the next stage to draw a sketch, and already at the sixth stage you can take a breath and outline your finished work marker. Finally, you should make a tone. It will give the animal color and beauty at the same time!

Necessary materials:

  • marker;
  • eraser;
  • pencil;
  • colored pencils pink and blue.

Drawing steps:

1. To depict a hare realistically, you should simple forms indicate its silhouette. Let's do this in the form of geometric shapes - circles. The large oval will be the body, and the small one will be the head.

2. Draw a pair of long ears at the top of the head with a pencil. But below we will draw the front legs on the left side, which will be folded next to each other. At the bottom right side we will definitely draw a tail for the bunny.

3. Remove the lines with an eraser.

4. We combine all the elements of the drawing into a single whole. Create the outline of the bunny. We detail the ears, paws, tail, muzzle.

5. Now you need to bring the drawing to full readiness so that you can draw a black outline and then decorate it. Finishing the drawing hind leg on foreground, long mustache, big eye. Let's go over the silhouette again and add more if necessary. small details, which will add naturalness to the finished drawing.

6. Outline the silhouette of a hare. Using gentle touches with a marker, draw small features on the face so that the lines are neat and thin.

7. Blue pencil Let's decorate the bunny's body.

8. Using stronger pressure, apply a blue tint to the darkened areas of the picture. Let's also add touches of pink. Be sure to apply color to the nose and the middle of the ears.

Children's drawing of a cute bunny is ready!

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In this lesson you will be able to draw a hare step by step. We are accustomed to thinking that a hare is white, but the color of a hare's fur depends on the time of year. In summer and spring, the hare has gray fur, like a rabbit, and only in winter does the hare change its color and become white, so that a fox or wolf cannot easily distinguish it from the background white snow. You can skip coloring the hare with colored pencils and draw white hare. This drawing of a hare was made on a tablet, but it can be used to draw a hare with a simple pencil.

1. Before drawing the hare, let's make simple outlines

To draw a hare, divide a section of the sheet into 9 identical squares. Make the lines barely noticeable so that they can be easily removed later. Now it will be easier for you to draw three circles, with which we will gradually and beautifully draw a hare sitting on the grass.

2. Contours of the hare's paws

After you have made the initial outlines, the lines dividing the drawing into squares can be removed and you can continue drawing the hare without them. Now you need to draw some circles for the paws. Since drawing them is not at all difficult, I will not comment on this step.

3. We begin to draw the hare's face

Let's finish drawing the paws first. Please note that the hare's hind legs are quite long and in the picture they almost touch the front legs. Draw all these outlines exactly like in my drawing, just do not press too hard on the pencil, since we will delete some of them. On the outline of the head, draw an area for the hare's muzzle and two circles for the ears.

4. General contour of the torso and head

If you have drawn all the contours accurately before this stage, now we will wave a pencil over the drawing and a bunny will appear, like a magician in a circus, only not from a hat, but on paper, in the form of a drawing. First draw the outlines of the hare's ears, then add the outline of the eye and then outline our entire “geometry” with a pencil. Start tracing from the head to the hind leg. Draw the outline of the tail and don't forget to draw the hare's belly and add a line in the front. Now you can remove all the extra lines and look, hare drawing almost finished.

5. Finishing touches to the picture

To completely draw a hare It is necessary to draw his face in detail and draw a fur skin with a pencil. Look how I drew the hare's face and repeat the same. Be sure to also clarify the drawing of the eye.

6. Realistic drawing of a hare

It will take a lot of time to tell in detail what needs to be done at this stage, I think you yourself know. But in order to draw a hare realistically, you definitely need to draw its face in detail. Carefully draw the pupil, nose, mouth, ears and, of course, the mustache.

7. Drawing a hare on a tablet

If you decide to color the drawing with colored pencils, you can use this picture, which I made on a tablet. To enliven the picture of a hare, you can draw the surrounding landscape, for example, green grass and the sky.

Externally, a rabbit is almost no different from a hare. Therefore, drawings of a hare and a rabbit can be used to draw these animals.

Agree, the squirrel is somewhat reminiscent of a hare. The front teeth are the same, the hind legs are larger than the front ones. But the rabbit has a very small tail (so that the fox cannot grab it by the tail), while the squirrel has a fluffy tail and ears with tufts.

Lessons "How to draw a hare" "Drawing a hamster" are intended for children. I hope you will be able to draw a hamster without mistakes the first time.

The fox is the most dangerous and cunning enemy for the hare. To protect itself from being chased by a fox, the hare even “gave up” its tail and is forced to change the color of its fur in winter. And even his hind legs are so big for a reason. With a blow from his hind paw, a hare can easily “knock out” a fox.

Look, why is a kangaroo not a hare? The same huge ears, the front legs are small and the kangaroo jumps just like a hare. Probably, after drawing a hare, a kangaroo will be quite easy to draw.

Puss in Boots from a favorite fairy tale or a favorite cat, rabbits, hares often become characters in children's drawings. But in order to draw a cat correctly, let's learn a little.

A drawing of a kitten with a simple pencil looks too faded, it is advisable to at least add a little color with colored pencils. Kittens are not rabbits and they come in the most unexpected colors.

Every child, from about one year of age, picks up a pencil and begins to draw his first scribbles, and subsequently various drawings. Thus, he tries to express all his knowledge about the world around him, acquired during the game. Activities are incredibly useful for kids, they help comprehensive development, cultivates patience, attentiveness and perseverance in the child.

Animals are of greatest interest to young children. The baby quickly begins to repeat after you how a cow, dog, cat and frog “speak”, how a horse clatters, how a tiger growls and much more. A little later he learns to show pictures of animals in a book and will certainly ask you to draw, for example, a bear, a fox or a bunny.

In this article we will tell you how to easily and correctly draw a hare step by step. To a small child He will definitely like the image of a bunny that he saw somewhere - in a cartoon or a picture book, and you can draw this character easily and quickly. For a fun and funny picture, try the following pattern.

How to draw a fairy-tale hare step by step?

At first glance, it may seem that drawing this picture is quite difficult, but if you try, you will immediately understand that this is far from the case. Let's see how even easier it is to draw funny hares with a pencil step by step.

This is how you can very easily, in just four steps, portray a funny bunny.

Using this scheme, you can easily draw a cute little bunny eating a carrot.

For older children who are already seriously mastering drawing techniques, we can offer more complex drawing a real hare.

How to draw a hare step by step?

If your child loves to draw, but his pictures are clumsy and his lines are crooked, never laugh at his creativity, but, on the contrary, be sure to encourage him. Even if your child does not become a great artist, it will not be in vain, because reflecting your thoughts in pictures is very important for kids. Through drawing they can express what words cannot say and show you what they want and what worries them.

Try to draw with your child as often as possible, making sure to voice everything that appears on paper. But if the baby has no desire for creativity, and he is not interested in sitting for a long time with a pencil in his hands, there is no need to force him. Drawing by force, according to your order, will not bring the desired results, but will only anger the child and discourage him from any desire to further development their artistic abilities.