Let's get acquainted with French names and surnames. French names Russian names in French for women

French names beautiful and original, they have their own complex, but interesting story. Among them there are especially popular ones, containing options that are fashionable today, as well as the names of saints. The latter are not only attractive, but are also talismans that protect their owner throughout his life.

4.09.2016 / 09:18 | Varvara Pokrovskaya

French names for girls and men are especially popular in many countries around the world. Therefore, you can often find people wearing beautiful names originally from France, no matter what country or city you are in. These names sound harmonious and melodic, giving their owner a touch of exoticism, romance and elegance.

Features of French names

Names appeared in France a very long time ago - the period is calculated in tens of centuries. Over time, names changed, which was influenced by how historical events, and fashion trends. In France during the time of Gaul, among the nicknames there was a large number of Greek and Celtic, later Jewish names appeared on the territory of the state.

In the Middle Ages, when German conquerors came to the country, German nicknames appeared, and already in the 18th century a law was created requiring parents to name their children after people who were in one way or another related to the church. Soon, foreign nicknames lost their relevance, as citizens preferred to give them Catholic or truly French ones. Today, such laws have lost force, and the French give their babies any names.

When choosing a name today, parents adhere to European rules: A person may have one or two given names and a single surname. Many citizens continue to observe traditions and give preference to the names of saints. Often a child receives two personal names. This is done with the aim of granting the baby the protection of two saints at once. However, in life a person uses only one name, which he likes the most. This approach is considered practical - this is exactly what the French say. If a citizen, after reaching adulthood, decides to change his frequently used nickname, he can use any of his names. In this way, he can avoid paperwork and the lengthy process of replacing documents.

To one more interesting feature French names are polite terms. A title is often used for this purpose. If your interlocutor is a man, you should say “Monsignor”, ​​but if the address is directed to an unmarried lady, you can tactfully say “Mademoiselle” if we're talking about about divorced or married woman- “Madam.” However, today everything is much simpler, and a young girl is always addressed as “Mademoiselle”, and scary ladies as “Madame”. By the way, addressing a person only by name in France is a sign of ignorance and illiteracy. This is only allowed among family or friends.

State law also states that every citizen can have two names. The first is used personally, for use at school, work and in other areas of life. The second fits into the documents.

But according to the traditions of the country, children are given three names:

  1. The first-born male will be named in honor of the paternal grandfather, then a second name is given in honor of the maternal grandfather, then the name of the saint is used (chosen and given on the day of baptism).
  2. The first-born females are called by the name belonging to the female grandmother, then by the second male grandmother, the third nickname is chosen from the names of saints.
  3. The second boy in the family is named in honor of his paternal great-grandfather, then his maternal great-grandfather, and the third invariably is named in honor of the saint.
  4. The youngest girl is given the name of her maternal great-grandmother, the second is her paternal great-grandmother, and the third is the name of a saint.

French female names

The names of French women are distinguished by their beauty and melody. In Catholic families, a woman must have three names, the last of which refers to the saint commemorated on the day of baptism. Parents believe that the third nickname gives their daughter a protector who will accompany her throughout her life and help her avoid difficulties and problems.

If a woman has three names, this does not mean that she will be called differently. It will be called the main one, recorded in the identity document. When a girl becomes an adult, she can change her primary name to whatever her parents gave her.

IN modern France Russian names are back in fashion. The most popular ones include: Adele, Elvira, Camilla, Violeta. In turn, the French offer everyone their beautiful names, which are used to call babies all over the world:

  • Amelie;
  • Veronica;
  • Irene;
  • Carolina;
  • Claire;
  • Katherine;
  • Monica;
  • Morion;
  • Celine;
  • Sylvia;
  • Jeannette;
  • Emma.

The above list does not only contain French names. So, the name Jeannette has Jewish roots, Veronica - Greek. There are a lot of borrowed names, all of them are used by many modern parents.

French male names

Men, just like women, receive three names at birth: the main name, the second name and the nickname of a saint. Boys are named after their fathers and grandfathers - traditions are rarely observed, and not all parents want to give European, American and other names to their sons.

The most popular names of representatives of the stronger half include:

  • Gin;
  • Michelle;
  • Philip;
  • Allen;
  • Patrick;
  • Pierre;
  • Nicolas;
  • Christophe;
  • Christian;
  • Daniel.

Also popular are Bernard, Eric, Frederic Laurent, Stefan, Pascal, David, Gerard, Julien, Olivier, Jacques.

Many people in the country use double names, for example, Jean-Pierre, Paul-Henry, Anna-Laura, Marie-Louise. Both words are written with a hyphen and belong to the same gender. But there are times when two words are used, masculine and female. For a man, the first name is masculine, for example, Jean-Marie, for a girl, it is feminine - Anna-Vincent. It is worth knowing that if the name of your interlocutor consists of two parts, this is how you should address him: Jean-Pierre, Anna-Laura, etc.

Many names for the weaker sex are derived from male ones, to which the suffixes “ette”, “ine” and others are added. Often such additions affect the pronunciation: Arman - Armand, Daniel - Danielle.

A little about surnames. They first appeared in the 16th century. Then the king ordered all citizens to choose their surnames. She could have become the name of the father of the family (Bernard, Robert, Henry and others). A second word was added to the name, denoting a character trait, appearance features, locality(big, short, dark, dark).

French boy names

French is considered one of the most melodic and beautiful of all existing languages. Names for young male citizens are also distinguished by their euphony. This is due, first of all, to the origin of names, which was influenced by historical events, the Catholic faith and other factors.

Popular boy names today include:


French girl names

The French are devout Catholics, giving their children several names, one of which has church overtones. This applies to both boys and girls. The chosen patron is especially important for the latter, because women are considered weak and tender, so more men need the strength of a protector.

Traditionally, girls are named in a way: the first name is from their grandmothers on both the female and male lines. The second is dictated by the day the baby was baptized.

The second girl in the family receives the names of her great-grandmothers plus the name of the saint. Despite the fact that this tradition is many years old, modern youth happily adheres to it. However, among parents there are also followers of fashion who are ready to reward their daughter with any name they like. Both Russian and European are popular unusual names, for example, Dylan, Kilian, Ocean, Ains.

Beautiful French names and their meanings

France is the owner of hundreds of beautiful, euphonious names. Every year the list is updated with new options.

Beautiful female names:

  • Emma is one of the rating names that has not left the first place for ten years. In France, every 7th newborn girl is called this.
  • Lolita or Lola - derived from Luisa. A beautiful, playful name, not suitable for little girls, but just right for adults and business women.
  • Chloe - became fashionable during the popularization of black culture.
  • Lea is an inexpressive name at first glance, but despite this, it is in demand among the French.
  • Mano - derived from Mari. A noble name by French standards.
  • Louise is a “retro” name, sending us back half a century.
  • Zoya - used not only in Russia, but also in France. Translated as “life”.
  • Lilu or Lily - interesting name, evoking associations with a fairyland.
  • Lena is a familiar name that the French today call their babies.
  • Sarah - Jewish name, which has remained in fashion for decades.
  • Kamiya is a name for all times, winning in all situations.
  • Lina - derived from Angelina.
  • Eve is the name of Adam's girlfriend, and therefore remains in demand always.
  • Alice - has a number of other options: Alicia, Alice, etc.
  • Rimma is the mistress of Rome.

Beautiful male names:

  • Nathan is a leader in the chart of male names. More than ten children are in first place. If your name is Artem and you are going to France, know that they will call you Nathan there!
  • Enzo is a nickname that owes its popularity to the famous film masterpiece from Luc Besson - the film “Abyss Blue”.
  • Louis - brevity and royal charm in one nickname.
  • Gabrielle is a new fashion trend that many couples who have become parents use today.
  • Jules is a proper name that belonged to Julius Caesar. But today this nickname evokes associations with France.
  • Arthur is the name of a great king and a popular name for boys these days.
  • Timeo - names ending with “o” are all the rage.
  • Raphael is a beautiful name for little boy, adult males with this name are called Rafami.
  • Mael - the nickname means something like “chief”, “royal person”.
  • Adam - especially for Eve.

Popular French names

IN last years Russians do not choose native Russian names, but prefer foreign ones, including French ones. They can be increasingly heard in educational institutions, kindergartens, medical institutions. Among the popular ones are Daniel, Adele, Anabelle, Anais, Ismina, Marcel, Margot, Marietta, Mathieu, Thomas, Emile.

When choosing a name for your baby, do not be lazy to familiarize yourself with its meaning, because both the French and we believe that popular name will bring good luck to the baby, and the nickname, denoting a bright character trait, magic symbol, natural forces, will give happiness, health and well-being!

Residents of France, like many Catholic families, give their children several names, thus, as it were, they provide the child with the protection of several Saints. In everyday life, only one name is used, for example, on the child’s birth certificate it is written “Antoine Michel Nicolas”, the everyday French name in this case will be Antoine, and the child may be called Tony or Titi. In adult life, if a person wants to change his name, he can take one of these names. And he will not need to go through lengthy official procedures. It should be noted that double names hyphenated on documents, such as Marie-Laure, will be considered one name.

Traditionally, French names for girls are given in this way: the first daughter is given the names of her maternal and paternal grandmothers and given the name of the Saint, revered on the day of the baby’s baptism. The second daughter may be given the name of her paternal great-grandmother, the name of her maternal grandmother, and the name of a Saint. Modern youth extremely rarely observe these traditions; young parents can call their newborn daughter any name they like. IN Lately French girls began to give unusual, unconventional names, such as Dylan, Killian, Oceane, Ines.

French names for girls:

Adilyn - noble

Gilbert - pledge

Okin - ocean

Adelaide - noble look

Julien - youth

Pirret - rock, stone

Agate - agate

Giselle is the pledge

Placence - nice

Amber - amber

Zephyrine - west wind

Pauline - small

Angelik - angelic

Isabelle - God is my oath

Plakaid - calm

Avril - open

Ireni - peaceful

Pascaline - Easter's daughter

Anet - benefit, grace

Yvonne - yew tree

Flight - small

Aurora - dawn

Yolande - purple flower

Perrain - rock, stone

Isadora - a gift from Isis

Ijern - Igraine

Penelope - needle and bobbin

Adeleis - noble look

Iseult - fair aspect

Raymand - wise protector

Aimi - much loved

Kolet - victory of the people

Rosemond - protector of horses

Adeline - noble

Corinne - maiden

Rosel - elevated

Adele - noble

Constance - stable

Rebecca - Trapper

Abel the shepherdess

Karol is a man

Regina is the queen

Abelia - shepherdess

Katherine is pure

Rein is the queen

Albertina - bright nobility

Clasild - famous battle

Renee - born again

Agnis - saint

Claudette - a little lame

Celeste - heavenly

Arlet - small eagle

Caitline is pure

Cerise - cherry

Alfonsain - noble

Claire - clear, bright

Sealine - heaven

Axell - my father - the world

Camilla - Guardian

Cyril - lord

Agas - good

Carolyn is a person

Cecile is blind

Alaine - beautiful

Clarice - fame

Suzanne - lily

Aurelie - golden

Bows - light

Serafin - burnt

Angeline - angel, messenger

Lukill - small, light

Simone - listener

Berenice - bringer of victories

Lukind - light

Silvian - from the forest

Brigitte - exalted

Leonne is a lion

Sylvain - from the forest

Bernardette - brave as a bear

Leanne - Liana

Solange - religious

Beatrice - traveler

Leontyne - lion-like

Silvianne - from the forest

Barb - foreign, strange

Lulu - famous warrior

Sandrine - Protector of Humanity

Bernadette - brave as a bear

Lorette - small laurel

Celestina - heavenly

Blancheflower - white flower

Lacres - rich

Sindrillon - small ash

Benedict - blessed one

Liana - liana

Sophie - wisdom

Blanche - white

Lor - laurel

Sabina - from the Sabine tribe

Banjamin - blessed one

Luce - from Lucania

Terese - the reaper

Violet - purple flower

Louise - famous warrior

Tatin - father

Victoir - victory

Lea - tired

Toinet - invaluable

Valentine - healthy, strong

Lilian - lily

Filipina - horse lover

Valerie is strong

Marin - from the sea

Phylisi - lucky

Gwenael - holy and generous

Marcellette - warlike

Franket - free

Gwenevere - white and smooth

Marjolein - marjoram

Felice - lucky

Gaell - holy and generous

Morgaine - sea circle

Francoiz - free

Deline - noble

Marjorie - pearls

Fostain - lucky

Georgine - peasant girl

Merode - emerald

Felikin - lucky

Jermaine - sister

Maximilinn is the biggest

Flavy - yellow hair

Dorian - from the Dorian tribe

Maryse - lover

Henrite - Household Ruler

Daniele - God is my judge

Marion - little sweetheart

Hortens - garden

Jannet - good god

Mireayo - admirable

Honorine - honor, valor

Julie - young, youth

Marcelline - militant

Honori - honor, valor

Jacket - displacing

Maritte - little sweetheart

Hyacinthe - hyacinth flower

Jji - peasant woman

Michell - who is like God?

Chloe - Green Hunt

Jorget - peasant woman

Marte - lady

Charline is a person

Joseth - multiplying

Michele - who is like God?

Chantal - stone place

Jissel - collateral

Ninon - benefit, grace

Elise - God is my oath

Dorota - a gift from God

Nadiya - hope

Elodie - foreign god

Jehane - good god

Noel - Christmas

Elaine - torch, moon

Johann - God is good

Noell - Christmas

Elin - noble

Juliane - young, youth

Natalia - birthday

Alison - noble look

Jeanette - Virgo

Nadine - hope

Elian - sun

Dianne - divine, heavenly

Nicole - victory of the people

Avon - yew tree

Jozian - multiplying

Natalie - birthday

Emmanuel - God - is with us

Jisel - collateral

Ozainn - liberating

Eloise is very healthy

Danil - God is my judge

Orabelle - golden beautiful

Edwige - struggling

Josie - multiplier

Ouida - famous warrior

Ann - utility, grace

Dionne - Zeus

Dressed as a little rich girl

Elvir - foreign

Giustine - fair

Odile - rich

Estelle is a star

Jacqueline - displacing

Od - noble

Eugenie - well born

A correctly chosen name has a strong impact on a person’s character, aura and destiny. positive influence. Actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and condition, strengthens health, removes various negative programs of the unconscious. But how to choose the perfect name?

Despite the fact that in culture there are poetic interpretations of what women's names mean, in reality the influence of the name on each girl is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, preventing the child from developing. Attempts to use astrology are no longer applicable; astrology and numerology for choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate over the centuries.

Christmastide calendars, holy people, without consulting a seeing, perspicacious specialist, do not provide any real assistance in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

Popular lists, happy, beautiful, melodious female names are essentially generalizations, and completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, and soul of the child.

Beautiful and modern French names should first of all suit the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who don't care about your child's life.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive features name, negative traits name, choice of profession by name, influence of a name on business, influence of a name on health, psychology of a name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of the character, energy structure, task for life and gender of a particular child.

Name Compatibility Topic(and not the characters of people) is an absurdity that turns the interaction inside out different people internal mechanisms of influence of a name on the state of its bearer. And it cancels the entire psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

Meaning of the name does not give full impact, it is only a small part of the impact. For example, Aimi (everyone's favorite), this does not mean that the girl will be happy in family life, and bearers of other names are unhappy. The name can weaken her health, block her heart center and she will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, another girl will be helped to solve problems related to love or family, which will make life and achieving goals much easier. The third girl may not have any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics. And the same name. But fates are different.

The most popular French names for girls are also misleading. 95% of girls are called names that do not make their fate easier. You can only focus on the child’s innate character, spiritual vision and the wisdom of a specialist. And experience, experience and once again the experience of understanding what is happening.

Secret female name , as a program of the unconscious, sound wave, vibration is revealed in a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name destroys a child, then no matter how beautiful, melodious with the patronymic, astrologically accurate, blissful it is, it will still be harmful, destroy character, complicate life and burden fate.

Below is a list of French names. Try to choose several that you think are most suitable for your child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the name’s influence on fate, .

List of female French names in alphabetical order:

Abelia - shepherdess
Abel - shepherdess
Aveline is a small bird
Avril - open
Aurora - dawn
Agas - good
Agate - agate
Agnis - chaste, holy
Adelaide - noble look
Adeline - noble
Adele - noble
Adele - noble
Adeleis - noble look
Adilyn - noble
Adrienne - from Hadria
Aimi - much loved
Isadora - a gift from Isis
Axell - my father - the world
Alexandri - defender of humanity
Alexandrine - defender of humanity
Alfonsain - noble
Albertina - bright nobility
Alaina is beautiful
Alaine - beautiful
Amandine - attractive
Amaraint - unfading
Amber - amber
Amelie - work
Amoret - a little love
Anastasi - recovery
Anastase - recovery
Angel - angel, messenger
Angeline - angel, messenger
Angelik - angelic
Andri - man, warrior
Anet - benefit, grace
Annette - usefulness, grace
Antoinette - invaluable
Anais - benefit, grace
Apolline - destroyer
Arabel - a request that is answered
Ariane is completely pure
Arin - completely pure
Arlet - a small eagle
Armel - the stone princess
Arnod - the power of the eagle
Aurelie - golden

Banjamin - blessed one
Barb - foreign, strange
Barbara - foreign, strange
Beatrice - traveler (in life)
Benedict - blessed one
Benoite - blessed one
Berenice - bringer of victories
Berze - bright
Bernadine - brave as a bear
Bernadette - brave as a bear
Bernardine - brave as a bear
Bernardette - brave as a bear
Blancheflower - white flower
Blanche - white
Brigitte - exalted

Valentine - healthy, strong
Valerie - strong
Veva - white race
Verene - sacred wisdom
Veronique - bringer of victory
Vivienne - alive, animated
Victoir - victory
Victorine - victory
Violet - purple flower
Virginie - maiden, virginal

Gabriella - strong by God
Gaell - holy and generous
Gaetain - from Caita (Gaeta, Italy)
Gwenael - holy and generous
Gwenevere - white and smooth
Godeliv - good, dear

Dion - Zeus
Dionne - Zeus
Daniele - God is my judge
Danil - God is my judge
Desiree - desired
Deline - noble
Dolphin - Delphinium flower
Dany - follower of Dionysus
Denise - follower of Dionysus
Jaquinze - hyacinth flower
Jacket - displacing
Jakkui - displacing
Jannet - good god
Jji - peasant woman
Jermaine - sister
Jeunes - youth
Jehane - good god
Jin is a good god
Ginevra - white and smooth
Ginette - maiden, virgin, queen
Jinnayn - good god
Jisel - collateral
Jissel - collateral
Joell - Yahweh - God
Joseph - multiplier
Jozian - multiplying
Jorget - peasant woman
Jorgin - peasant woman
Georgine - peasant woman
Joset - multiplying
Josie - multiplier
Johann - good god
Julie - young, youth
Juliane - young, youth
Giustine - fair
Diana - divine, heavenly
Dianne - divine, heavenly
Didian - desired
Diudonni - given by God
Dominic - belonging to the lord
Donatine - given by God
Dorian - from the Dorian tribe
Dorota - a gift from God

Jacqueline - repressive
Genevieve - white race
Giselle is the pledge
Gilbert - pledge
Josephine - multiplying
Julien - youth
Juliet - youth

Zephyrine - West Wind
Zibille - fortune teller
Zidoni - from Sidon
Zoe - life

Yvette - yew tree
Yvonne - yew tree
Ijern - Igraine
Isabelle - God is my oath
Iseult - fair aspect
Isidora - a gift from Isis
Ines - chaste, saint
Yolande - purple flower
Irene - peace
Ireni - peaceful

Camilla - guardian (for the temple)
Kapukain - nasturtium
Carolyn is a person
Karol is a man
Caitline is pure
Clarice - fame
Clasild - famous battle
Clemens - tender, merciful
Claude - lame
Claudine - a little lame
Claudette - a little lame
Claudie - a little lame
Claire - clear, bright
Kolet - victory of the people
Colomb - dove
Constance - stable
Corentyne - hurricane, storm
Corinne - maiden
Corneli - horn
Cossette is a small thing
Christel - follower of Christ
Christian - follower of Christ
Christina - follower of Christ
Kyungond - who survived the war
Katherine is pure

Lacres - rich
Lea - tired
Leonie is a lion
Leonn is a lion
Leontyne - lion-like
Liana - liana
Leanne - Liana
Lidi - from Lydia
Lilian - lily
Liset - God - my oath
Lor - laurel
Laurentyne - from Laurentum
Lorette - small laurel
Ludivine - predictive
Louise - famous warrior
Bows - light
Lukill - small, light
Lukind - light
Lulu - famous warrior
Lunet - idol
Luce - from Lucania
Lusayann - easy

Magali - pearls
Magalaya - pearls
Madeleine - from Magdala
Maximilinn is the biggest
Manon - beloved
Margot - pearl
Margox - pearls
Marjolein - marjoram
Maryse - lover
Maril - beloved
Marin - from the sea
Maritte - little sweetheart
Markel - militant
Marceline - militant
Marcelline - warlike
Marcellette - warlike
Martin - from Mars
Marte - lady
Matilde - powerful in battle
Mahot - powerful in battle
Megan - pearl
Melanie - black, dark
Mélisande is a strong worker
Melisende is a strong worker
Melisent is a strong worker
Melissa - honey bee
Merode - emerald
Michele - who is like God?
Mireayo - admirable
Mireil - admiring
Micheline - who is like God?
Michell - who is like God?
Monique - reporting, advising
Morgan - sea circle
Morgaine - sea circle
Marjorie - pearl
Mary - beloved
Marian - beloved
Marion - little sweetheart

Nadine - hope
Nadiya - hope
Natalie - birthday, Christmas
Natalia - birthday, Christmas
Nicolet - victory of the people
Nicole - victory for the people
Ninet - Nina
Ninon - benefit, grace
Noel - Christmas, God's birthday
Noell - Christmas, God's birthday
Noella - Christmas, God's birthday
Noemi - nice

Od - noble
Odile - rich
Dressed as a little rich girl
Ozanne - liberating
Ozainn - liberating
Okin - ocean
Olivi - Elf Army
Olympus - from Olympus
Orabel - golden beautiful
Orian - gold
Oriann - golden
Ouida - famous warrior

Pascaline - daughter of Easter
Pascale - daughter of Easter
Penelope - needle and bobbin
Perrain - rock, stone
Pirret - rock, stone
Plakaid - calm
Placence - nice
Flight - small
Pauline - small
Paul - small

Rebecca - the trapper
Regina is the queen
Rein is the queen
Renee - born again
Rosalie - like a rose
Rosel - like a rose
Rosemond - protector of horses
Roset - like a rose
Rosin - like a rose
Romaine - Roman
Roser - rosary
Rochell - rest
Raymand - wise protector

Sabina - from the Sabine tribe
Salomi - peace
Sandrine - Protector of Humanity
Sacha - protector of humanity
Sebastine - from Sebeist (a city in Asia Minor)
Severine - strict
Celeste - heavenly
Celestina - heavenly
Cerise - cherry
Serafin, Serafina - from Seraphim
Cecile is blind
Sybil - fortune teller
Sealine - heaven
Silvi - from the forest
Silvian - from the forest
Silvianne - from the forest
Sylvain - from the forest
Simone - listener
Simonet - listener
Sindrillon - small ash
Cyril - lord
Solange - religious
Sophie - wisdom
Stephanie - crown
Suzanne - lily
Suzette - lily

Tatin - like a father
Toinet is invaluable
Therese - the reaper

Fabayann - as Fabius
Felikaite - good luck
Felikin - lucky
Felice - lucky
Fernand - ready to go
Filipina - horse lover
Phylisi - lucky
Fifi - multiplying
Flavy - yellow hair
Flor - flower
Florenz - blooming
Floret - a small flower
Fostain - lucky
Franket - free
Francoiz - free
Frederic - peaceful ruler

Hadrinn - from Hadria
Helen - torch, moon or (more likely) elopement
Helewiz – very healthy
Henrite - Household Ruler
Chloe - green hunt
Honorine - honor, valor
Honori - honor, valor
Hortens - garden
Hyacinthe - hyacinth flower

Charline is a person

Chantal - stone place
Charlotte is a person

Evet - yew tree
Avon - yew tree
Edvizh - fighting, militant
Edith - prosperity and struggle
Elaine - torch, moon, or (more likely) elopement
Elian - sun
Elise - God is my oath
Elin - noble
Elinor - foreign, different
Alison - noble look
Elodie - foreign wealth
Eloise is very healthy
Eloise is very healthy
Elonora - foreign, different
Elvir - foreign, true
Emeline - competitive
Emily is competitive
Emmanuel - God - is with us
Ann - utility, grace
Esm - respected, beloved
Estelle is a star
Esty is a star

Eugenie - well born
Yulali - polite
Yufemi - polite

Destiny is character. Character is adjusted, including through thoughts. The most the main idea This name. The name introduces changes in character. Then the character changes fate and future. Since all people are different, any generalizations that ignore a person’s individuality are incorrect.

How to choose the right, strong and suitable name for a child in 2019?

Let's analyze your name - find out right now the meaning of the name in the fate of the child! Write to WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber +7926 697 00 47

Neurosemiotics of the name
Yours, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life

Usually a Frenchman has one or more personal names and a surname. Traditionally, most people receive their names from the Roman Catholic Calendar of Saints. Only one of them (usually the first) is used in everyday practice, the others are used only in official documents such as birth, death and marriage certificates. Not to be confused with compound names Catholic tradition: Jean-Claude, Jean-Jacques. Such constructions are one (single and indivisible) name. Under no circumstances will Jean-Claude be called either Jean or Claude.

A separate article is the pronunciation of French names (and surnames) in Russian. Obvious distortions apparently occur due to the fact that the two cultures have been interacting for quite a long period of time and this interaction is (was) of a massive nature.
So, all French surnames starting with Le, for example Le Corbusier, Le Pen, etc. in Russian are read as Le Corbusier and Le Pen, while in the original it is read approximately as Le - Le Corbusier, Le Pen ( sometimes Le Pan). The same thing happens with the prefix De, as for example in marquise de Pompadour, which in the Russian version sounds like marquise de (de) Pompadour. The French version sounds approximately like de Pompadour or, another example, Honoré de Balzac.

Also included here are individual surnames, the pronunciation of which is very difficult due to the lack of corresponding sounds in the Russian language. For example, famous writer Victor Hugo the name is not Victor Hugo at all, but rather Victor U'go, where u' is a very softened vowel u, which has no correspondence in Russian.

But the most surprising case is the naming in the Russian tradition of almost all the crowned heads who have ever occupied the French throne. Most likely, their names are displayed in the Latinized version, which inevitably led to their distortion. So, Hugo Capet, in fact U'g Cape, all Henrys are Henri, all Charles are called Charles, and all Louis are Louis. What makes this all particularly confusing is the fact that in France, in parallel with the name Louis, the name Louis is common. The names of Napoleon, Philip and Robert are more or less correctly translated.

The most common French names(by number of speakers from 1940 to 2006)

Male names

1 Jean
2 Michel
3 Philippe
4 Alain
5 Patrick
6 Pierre
7 Nicholas
8 Christophe
9 Christian
10 Daniel
11 Bernard
12 Eric
13 Frederic
14 Laurent
15 Stéphane
16 Pascal
17 Sebastien
18 David
19 Gerard
20 Thierry
21 Julien
22 Olivier
23 Jacques
24 Alexandre
25 Thomas
26 Claude
27 Didier
28 François
29 Dominique

Female names

1 Marie
2 Nathalie
3 Isabelle
4 Sylvie
5 Catherine
6 Françoise
7 Martine
8 Christine
9 Monique
10 Valérie
11 Sandrine
12 Veronica
13 Nicole
14 Stéphanie
15 Sophie
16 Anne
17 Chantal
18 Celine
19 Patricia
20 Brigitte
21 Annie
22 Julie
23 Aurélie
24 Lawrence
25 Christiane
26 Jacqueline
27 Dominique
28 Virginia
29 Michele
30 Corinne

By naming a boy with a name of French origin, you take on great responsibility. The name for a person is the most important word in life, it shapes personality and can influence contacts with peers. We invite you to find out which French male names are considered the most popular.

History of the origin of French names

French names in particular, double (triple) names are difficult to pronounce or remember. Sometimes it is impossible to understand who it belongs to - a woman or a man. This discrepancy occurs because in France, names are given in the same form for both girls and boys. To understand their meaning, you need to know their origins and look into history. French names for boys attract with their elegance of pronunciation and special charm. They differ from traditional names by their unusual sound.

IN old times, representatives of the Russian nobility called their heirs with a “French accent.” Thus, they tried to improve the name. A striking proof of this phenomenon is the hero of Leo Tolstoy’s book - Peter (Pierre) Kirillovich Bezukhov. Orthodox name George took on a French meaning, like Georges. The same thing seems to be happening today, which is why parents are reluctant to give their sons traditional names. They are attracted to something especially original.

As for the origin of purely French names, they were formed under the influence significant events who left their mark on history. For example, the male name Alan means beautiful, and Dion, Isaac, was dedicated to holy deities. The names Mark, Alphonse and Gilbert appeared during the German invasion of French lands. After the adoption of the law, according to which all newborns, without exception, had to be called by names from the church (Catholic) calendar.

It was then that they primarily began to give modern (at that time) catholic names. It was believed that in this way newborns “gained” the protection of their patron saints. Over time, borrowing stopped. Children began to be called with double and triple names in honor of their ancestors. Today the French are free to give the baby any name. Only some Catholic families still adhere to these traditions.

List of beautiful French names for boys

There are many immigrants from France creative people, famous poets, actors and artists. Apparently this fact left an imprint on their names; they came up with many beautiful-sounding options with a refined accent.

The proposed list of the most beautiful names for boys will make it easy to verify this:

  • Adrian
  • Bastian
  • Valerie
  • Gilbert
  • Didier
  • Jerome
  • Kamil
  • Modest
  • Noel
  • Pascal
  • Silestine
  • Stephen
  • Theodore
  • Forest
  • Florentine
  • Emil

Looking for a beautiful name for a baby, parents begin to study their origin. It is difficult to choose a consonant name with a fateful meaning. However, in the case of French names this problem does not arise; they are all beautiful and predetermine a happy destiny.

Rare male names of French origin

The determining criteria when choosing a male name for boys is consonance with the surname and patronymic. However, in modern society, the demand for rare, as opposed to common, names, variations has increased.

Rare, undeservedly forgotten popular French names:

  • Amedi
  • Easter
  • North
  • Perrin
  • Ermenegild
  • Philibert
  • Amadiou
  • Modger

Choosing rare variants For boys, think about the meaning of the name and pay attention to their sound. No matter how rare it is, a child will live with this name all his life.

The most common male names in France and their meaning

Surely, many parents are interested in knowing which male names are popular today, directly in France itself. Judging by modern children, the vast majority of modern parents continue to call boys Daniel. It is still relevant, but not for France, where the fashion for names is completely different.

The most beautiful names for boys today look like this:

  • Hugo - fidgety
  • Alain - handsome
  • Patrick - noble
  • Pierre (Peter) - chief
  • Mathis - God's gift
  • Jean (Ivan) - merciful
  • Michelle (Mikhail) - looks like God
  • Augustine - venerable
  • Christophe - bearer of Christ
  • Christian - Christian
  • Bernard - strong
  • Arthur (Arthur) - bear man
  • Eric - leader
  • Frederic - defender
  • Dionne - dedicated to Zeus
  • Laurent - arrived from Laurentum
  • Dominic - belonging to a lord
  • Olivier - olive
  • Thierry - King of Nations
  • Francois - Frenchman

Lately, many people want to name a boy with a French name. Unfortunately, we cannot give a newborn two or three names, like the French. However, if parents have a desire to give the boy a French name, this is not prohibited.

Ancient and forgotten names

Recently there has been a tendency to name boys in an original way, bringing out old ones and many forgotten names with French roots.

  • Barthelamew - son of the plowed earth, son of the fields
  • Cola - winner of nations
  • Pascal - Easter child
  • Silestin - heavenly
  • Eugene – beautiful, noble
  • Raul - the wise wolf

The names presented in the lists are not always of purely French origin, but they sound very beautiful.

Male names common in France often have Roman, Latin, Greek and Anglo-Saxon roots.

How to choose a name for a boy depending on his date of birth

Catholic, as well as Orthodox tradition, often based on the names of saints, in calendars based on date of birth. It is worth noting that Catholic and Orthodox calendar practically do not coincide. This is due to the split of churches that occurred in the 11th century. Therefore, French names include those mentioned in the Bible, as well as Germanic, Latin and English origin. When choosing a name, you can be content with the Catholic calendar of saints. The date is chosen on the day or close to the birth of the baby.

True Catholics do not allow their name to be distorted or shortened. However, depending on the country, the ease of pronunciation of a French name may vary. For example, Maximilian will be called Max more often, and Charlemagne - Charles.