What time will the broadcast start? They are looking for talented children: Channel One has announced a casting for the project “The Best of All!” Expert in all sciences

With the beginning of the next school year, the most enchanting children's talent show returns to Channel One. The latest episodes of the “Best of All” program, which will appear on air in September 2018, will be hosted by Maxim Galkin, as always. Young talents aged from 3 to twelve years old will come to his studio.

The heroes of this wonderful program are still children, but they already demonstrate extraordinary abilities and knowledge in various fields. If your child sings better than anyone, shows excellent results in sports or dances well, and at the same time feels free on stage. Then you simply have to get on this TV project!

According to established tradition, in the show “Best of All” new season which will air on Channel 1 on Sundays, there will not be a strict jury or judges. Participants are judged solely by television viewers. Only they will decide who was the most artistic and memorable. As the creators of the project assure, in the new releases we will see even more stunning, funny and amusing performances.

Each contestant is interesting and gifted in their own way. Aspiring chefs and ballerinas, gymnasts and dancers, scientists and artists - each of them wants to demonstrate their talent and please the audience. It may not be long before we see many of them on price Bolshoi Theater or the Olympics.

For little geniuses, participating in such a TV show is a responsible step, so Maxim Galkin always supports them. Who can easily work part-time as a child psychologist. Don't miss the long-awaited premiere!

Watch online show Best of All latest releases 2018 on First for free in good quality

Genre: TV show
Country: Russia

Number of issues: 16
Video available on: YouTube, Android, Tablets, Phones, iPhone and Smart TV

Official website: 1tv.ru/shows/luchshie-deti-strany-obedinyaytes
Presenter: Maxim Galkin

The show “Best of All” with Maxim Galkin, which is broadcast by Channel One, is suspected of deception by viewers. They believe that participants are given unequal gifts, which can cause children to suffer psychological trauma.

The show “Best of All” is a deception of the audience: the program gathers a large audience in front of the screens of Channel One

Last year, on Russian television, children's television shows have become especially popular. Since these transmissions are collecting large audience TV viewers - they increase the rating. IN lately, Channel One pays special attention to programs for children.

The program “Best of All,” in which the guys demonstrate their talents throughout the country, was especially interesting for television viewers. The show is hosted by Maxim Galkin. The program has become rated, so it will continue to be broadcast in 2018.

The “Best of All” project is a TV show in which children with disabilities take part. different talents. These are magicians, musicians and singers, acrobats, dancers, readers and athletes.

The show “Best of All” deceives the audience: children receive unequal gifts

Recently, incidents began to appear on the “Best of All” show. Viewers of the TV show began to vigorously discuss the situation with gifts for children. They were outraged that not all participants received equal prizes.

Obviously, each child evaluates his own gift and the gift of the other participant. If they are noticeably different, children may become very upset.

TV viewers are very excited about the prizes. They cannot find an explanation for the fact that not all participants receive, in addition to a medal, a children's backpack with toys and candies. Spectators are shocked by where the experts are looking. They fear that children may suffer psychological trauma.

The show “Best of All” is deceiving the audience: users of social networks believe that participation in the show is paid

After the situation with unequal prizes for participants in the “Best of All” show, users social networks More and more people began to leave their comments about the fact that participation in the program is supposedly paid. They believe that those children whose parents will pay for participation are selected for the show.

The same thing happens with gifts. TV viewers noted the fact that there were fewer and fewer children on the program who were truly unique and unusual.

At the same time, the project gathers a large audience of its fans on TV screens. Ratings are growing. This once again proves that viewers like to watch talented children who are revealing themselves more and more from different sides.

The first season of the project about talented kids has come to an end. Dozens of children took part in the show and amazed the whole country with their skills. New episodes are ahead of us, but for now the editors of Woman’s Day decided to remember the guys who surprised the audience the most.

Expert in all sciences

Five year old Alexander Kravchenko from the city of Torzhok immediately told Maxim Galkin that he liked to look at the periodic table.

“I’m generally interested in chemistry, physics, mathematics, nanotechnology, and I study string theory,” the kid stunned the presenter. - I want to become an agent, a scientist, a magician, and also a builder and researcher.

To test Alexander’s wide-ranging knowledge, Galkin invited the chief specialist in tricky questions- host of the game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Dmitry Dibrov.

Sasha was not at all embarrassed and sat down to play. Imagine the surprise of Maxim and Dmitry when the boy accurately named the speed of light, the designation of the factorial of the number 7. Only the question about the name of the annoying dog from Krylov’s fable slightly confused Sasha (but this is not surprising, after all, the question was not from the field of science) , the child prodigy remembered in time about the elephant and Moska and, however, answered all subsequent questions.

The spectators were amazed. The boy hasn’t even gone to school yet, but he already has such knowledge!

A girl with a phenomenal memory

Daria Skomoroschenko There are also only five from Brest, but she has already read more than 100 books. Hearing this, Galkin admitted that he only learned to read at school!

But main talent Daria is not in this. As soon as she reads a book, she remembers it.

Maxim Galkin came up with a difficult test for Daria: an improvised library appeared in the studio, Galkin randomly poked his pointer at the spine of any book on the shelf, opened it to the first page he came across, read one sentence and asked the girl to continue.

“The Princess and the Pea. “Suddenly someone knocked on the city gate,” Galkin began to read.

“And the old king went to unlock it. The princess stood outside the gate...” Daria continued.

The baby passed six such tests with flying colors. Then the writer, author of “Bad Advice” Grigory Oster was invited to the studio. He read an excerpt from the book to the participant, and she told it to the end.

With such a skill, the girl will clearly have no equal among her classmates.

Discoverer of the Stars

Eight year old Platon Kachalin from Moscow became interested in the stars after his grandmother showed him pictures of near space.

My favorite exoplanet is Bellerophon,” the young scientist shared. - I'm going to Mars in 2030, I'll take my family with me.

Plato has already discovered 4 stars! They all bear his last name. The first discovery happened last year, and the last one just recently - in November. And this at eight years old! Imagine how many Kachalin stars will appear by the time he comes of age!

As a test of knowledge, Galkin suggested that Plato travel into space. The boy correctly named all the stars that make up the constellations Sagittarius, Draco, Cygnus and Eagle.

Virtuoso balalaika player

Curly baby Anastasia Tyurina from Tambov 6 years old, and she is in her hometown already a star.

This is my instrument,” Nastya showed the balalaika. - I recently turned six, I’ve been playing since I was 4 years old, last year there were 24 concerts.

First, Nastya demonstrated her skills to Maxim Galkin, and then a special guest came to the studio - singer Polina Gagarina. She admitted that she herself only knows how to play the piano, and therefore will sing to the accompaniment of Nastya.

The girl chose the jazz composition “Summertime” for the duet performance.

“This is phenomenal,” commented little Gagarin’s performance.

But we think that this talented performer everything is ahead.


In his big family six year old Sofia Abramovskaya from Arkhangelsk, the only one of four children who performs under the circus dome. Mom sent her daughter to this section because of its flexibility and she was right.

“I climb 10 meters under the dome,” Sonya told Galkin.

And when Maxim asked what the girl liked most about her hobby, the gymnast replied that she liked to do a cliff, that is, let go of her hands and remain under the dome with only a cable on one leg.

In order not to explain the technology of the trick for a long time, Sonya decided to demonstrate it. She climbed up to the ceiling of the studio and suddenly made the same cliff out of the twine, throwing off the cable and hanging upside down on one leg.

The audience in the hall gasped and were simply speechless. Definitely a future circus princess.

Speed ​​mathematician

11 year old Ali Bayzhigit from Kazakhstan loves to play football, and he can also add complex numbers instantly.

For example, what is 143 plus 287? - asked Galkin.

430,” Ali replied less than a second later.

Next, Galkin decided to give the mathematical genius a more difficult test. Maxim armed himself with a calculator, and in the meantime, pictures with various foods and their calorie content began to be shown on the screen. Ali's task was to add up all the numbers and calculate the result.

Need I say that the boy managed it faster than Galkin and the equipment?

Future grandmaster

When a three year old Misha Osipov from Moscow came to the studio and confidently declared: “I’m interested in chess, I like the way it moves,” Galkin immediately invited the kid to play a game.

The boy enthusiastically agreed, and then... surprise. Former world chess champion Anatoly Karpov came out from behind the scenes.

Misha, seeing the idol, was not at all confused and accepted the challenge. However, in the process, he lost time and burst into tears from excitement.

In fact, he never cries if he loses,” the boy’s father, Yuri, later said. - He always accepts defeat with dignity, congratulates his opponent on his victory, and then asks me to analyze the mistakes in order to understand what went wrong.

Misha just got worried in the studio, which, of course, greatly touched the audience.

By the way, Karpov said that the kid played amazingly for his age. I wish I could master this in three years the most difficult game like chess! It's just a gift.

Geography genius

Five year old Timofey Tsoi from Moscow learned to read early, at only two years 10 months and at will. In the same way, without any help from his parents, Tim discovered geography and learned absolutely all the capitals and flags of countries.

At first, Galkin simply asked the boy questions, and when he correctly named the capitals of Paraguay, Madagascar and Honduras, he decided to chase him through the flags. Tim looked at the images and instantly answered which country and capital the flag belonged to.

The boy even demonstrated his extraordinary skills to our president.

At the Russian Prize Geographical Society Timofey met Vladimir Putin.

You can guess the countries, right? - the president addressed the baby. - Ouagadougou is the capital of which country?

Burkina Faso,” Tima responded immediately.

Such an educated boy will certainly have a great future ahead of him.

Galkin’s program with children “The Best of All!” causes mixed impressions among viewers and participants. Some praise, share pleasant feelings, others consider this television show to be unsuccessful.

General information about transfer

Children aged three to twelve years are invited to participate in the program. The project allows each of them to announce themselves throughout the country. We are not talking about any phenomenal abilities, although many young participants leave viewers impressed.

According to the plan, children with extraordinary abilities in sports, creativity or science take part in the show, which surprise:

  • · magnificent singing;
  • · excellent dancing skills;
  • · masterful juggling and demonstration of tricks;
  • · amazing memory even by adult standards.

Bead dancers and football players, gymnasts and taekwondo athletes perform on stage. The latter skillfully demonstrate the execution of a side kick to a high-set paw.

The first episode of the program was released on November 6, 2016. Presenter: Maxim Galkin. The first participant is six-year-old ballet dancer Stefan Otto, who has previously demonstrated his skills on the stage of the Musical Hall and the Alexandria Theater.

How is it removed?

To become a participant in the program, you must have outstanding abilities. This must be indicated in the application.

Preparation for the program begins with the work of editors who are looking for young participants through various sources, viewing and studying:

  • · hundreds and thousands of profiles;
  • · regional news;
  • · links on the web;
  • · stories from friends.

Thus, there are children who blog professionally or have extraordinary knowledge about the myths of Greece.

The effect of surprise that is demonstrated on stage when Maxim Galkin meets the young talent is not feigned.

The presenter actually meets the child on stage for the first time. This allows you to convey the effect of real acquaintance and surprise. However, such conditions sometimes violate the written script - it is difficult to predict the baby’s reaction, as was the case with a three-year-old chess player, who took even experienced operators by surprise with his crying.

Children's achievements

The children's performances do not leave the audience indifferent, no matter in what area their talent appears. Yaroslava Degtyareva, at the age of 8, performed a song on Maxim Galkin’s show Queen"The Show Must Go On"

Six-year-old Varya Gordeeva, who made the audience applaud with her gymnastic performance, was awarded a medal and a gift personally from the presenter - a Cocker Spaniel puppy. Unable to regularly attend gymnasiums, the girl studies using recordings of Alina Kabaeva’s performances.

Four-year-old Sofia from Podolsk impressed with her knowledge of geography, easily naming the capitals of France, Brussels or the Philippines. And five-year-old Daniil demonstrated his climbing skills by conquering a height of 6 meters.

Alexander Beyleryan surprised the audience and spectators with his phenomenal memory. At six, he calmly declared Shakespeare in the original. Backstage, he admitted that he could sing songs and poems in Italian, Spanish, French, Georgian and Korean. Admitted that last language the most difficult, and to confirm that these are not easy words, he immediately sang his favorite song Chans de lise.

Whose ambitions are satisfied by children performing in television shows, who manages to get on them and how, how it changes life young talents and their parents? Maria Portnyagina recorded the story of a person who has rich and varied experience in participating in such projects

The hit of the TV season is a show with gifted children. As soon as they appeared, these programs immediately shot to the top of television ratings. The new fashion on TV, exploiting parental ambition and viewer sentimentality, has generated not only a chain reaction (similar competitions are now held in cities and at the regional level), but also an entire industry - a market for services for promoting little stars has already formed and is growing rapidly. "Ogonyok" investigated the phenomenon and found out that the new hobby is far from harmless. For children first of all.

Apollinaria Rtishcheva, who knows her at personal experience: as a child she starred in famous project, now works on TV, and recently her little daughter participated in a TV show.

About personal and general

About the casting for the program "Best of All!" I found out on TV that they were looking for talented children for a new show. There were also posts and reposts on Facebook. My daughter, she is 4 years old, reads poetry quite well. I shot a video, sent it, and we were called to the casting. Parents are not allowed to audition in front of the camera, even with the smallest ones. As a result, my daughter did not tell poems, but her own fairy tales, which she sometimes makes up for her little brother, he is 2 years old. I was sure that they wouldn’t take her to the shoot, but it turned out that the concept of the program is not for children to read poetry and dance (this is really interesting for parents only when performed own child), but in creating unusual numbers. For example, one wonderful girl Nicole read many different poems, and at the end - words from Baskov’s song as if it were poetry Silver Age, at least. It turned out funny. They came up with a number for my daughter " Puppet theater". She was supposed to write a story together with Galkin about puppet characters. They didn’t send us the script; there had to be improvisation on my daughter’s part. We tried to prepare at home, made up stories with toys, but I didn’t think that the fairy tale would be about a traffic cop and... again, Baskov. On the day of the shooting, we arrived at 4 o’clock, but only got to the shooting at 8 pm, and even then they let us in out of turn. Editors and directors, it must be said, are not to blame for such delays. In my years of working in television and film, I have never encountered a project where everything happened according to schedule, due to many reasons. For my part, I am grateful to the director and editor for their patience and kind attitude towards Yulenka. The director will forever remain for me a model of patience and love for children. He even personally brought a handkerchief to one little girl when she announced that she wanted to blow her nose.

As a result, Yulia, who cheerfully makes up stories at home and sprinkles pearls, smiled joyfully in front of the camera and didn’t say anything particularly funny. And now I don’t even know if it will even make it into one of the episodes of the program. As a mother, I am, of course, proud of her: in any case, she overcame her fatigue, got her first serious experience of performing, was not afraid, and did not run away. It is impossible to demand improvisation from a child. One can only hope for those same childhood pearls. Yulka herself was delighted with the filming, felt like a queen and enjoyed every moment. It was as if she had found herself in a fairy tale, where a performance was being shown for her and she was applauded. Such numbers look touching, because it is impossible to outplay small children.

I didn’t see a single unhappy child, depressed by their parents or the atmosphere of filming, behind the scenes of the project. There really are a lot of talented children, and no one forces them to perform. Children have ambitions too early age. And when they succeed at something, they glow with happiness.

I myself starred in “Jumble” as a child. Although I didn’t become an actress, immersion in the world of cinema played a role: now I’m a TV screenwriter. I remember my childhood filming as the brightest and happiest episodes. And I want my children, if possible, to receive the same emotions. Of course, if my daughter cried at the word “poems” or at the sight of a camera, I would not force her. But she herself said that she wants to be an actress and asks her to be filmed at home.

About casting and scammers

There are open castings, which are announced on the channel, on the website, and editors post information about them on social networks. There is classified information. It mainly concerns small actors and models. This is, for example, auditions for advertising. If parents want their child to act in film, they need to place the child’s profile in acting agencies. This is a paid service. There may be indefinite placement, or for a year. The portfolio needs to be constantly updated: children grow quickly, so every six months you need to take a photo. A professional portfolio in Moscow costs from 5 thousand rubles. The first selection is always based on the photo. Then children begin to be invited to auditions. And here everything is like with adults: you can go a hundred times, stand in two-hour queues, but still not get to the shooting. Parents of child actors are reluctant to share information: the fewer competitors, the greater the chances. But there are also mothers who are very willing to communicate and understand that the child’s choice is based on type. If, for example, her son is not suitable, then they still won’t take him. And the more information, the greater the chances of getting somewhere else.

There is also an outright scam for money. These are mainly projects with descriptions like “urgent, casting, for the main role, children from 3 to 16 years old.” Think about how many main roles there can be? And how can age be so blurry? And after the casting they call back, praise the child, offer to do a photo shoot for 25 thousand rubles or take courses to definitely get the role. And the price tag is already from 80 thousand. Parents, obsessed with fame and not with the fulfillment of their children, often fall for this. The contract states that the children will be provided with photographs or training, but not a guarantee of filming in leading role. After the training, parents are told that their child is great, but someone else is approved for the role. There are no complaints: the service was performed in accordance with the contract.

About mothers with ambitions

Parents often try to realize their ambitions in their children. According to the principle “but my child will have an opportunity,” But what comes out more often is not an opportunity, but hard labor. I know this from my own example. I went to music school, because my mother dreamed of playing the piano as a child. Musical ear I never got one, and after finishing my studies I never sat down at the instrument again. At the same time, I tell my daughter about musical instruments, she has a toy piano, and if she wants to learn to play the piano, I will take her to a music school. The “just not like I had in childhood” path is also wrong.

For mothers with buried ambitions, most often modeling and acting, it is better not to give up on themselves and study music themselves or even go to castings for non-professional actors. Nowadays there are many opportunities for adults to learn something from scratch. And torturing children is cruel. Especially with expectations of high results, disappointments like “well, you weren’t accepted again, you probably forgot the text again, I rehearsed with you all night.” This suppresses children's self-esteem, then, when the child grows up, he will feel like a zero in case of any failure.

About parenting stress

Parents sometimes watch enough TV shows and run to “train” their child. And then they are told from all sides: “After three it’s too late.” When a child develops an interest in football and you take his seven-year-old child to a section, it turns out that he goes to a group for beginners, and kids who started training at the age of 2 are running nearby. Naturally, if they have already reached seven, they will create tough competition. And so you look at a three-month-old baby and think: “It seems to react to music. Maybe singing for one-year-olds? And if at the age of 5 your daughter wants to become a figure skater, they won’t take her, maybe she should already run somewhere? And if at seven It will turn out that she is too big, she will have to start from scratch in something that everyone will already be successful in for five years!”

About super episodes

IN Soviet era They made a lot of films with children. I have memories of how, for the sake of a convincing shot, children were brought to tears and greatly frightened. It didn't seem abnormal. Is it any wonder that almost all child actors did not become actors? Now there are laws to protect the rights of children. They are required to be fed during filming and not to film for more than a certain number of hours. Now no one will insult a child or yell at him. But you shouldn’t relax either. We must remember that on television, first of all, you need a show, something that evokes vivid emotions. In the same project “The Best of All!” they showed a little chess player who lost to Karpov and burst into tears. It was a super episode for the program, and then everyone “posted” it and discussed it. Of course it's touching. Is this good for the child? He is clearly unable to appreciate that he was forced to play with an obviously stronger opponent and defeat was inevitable. Maybe such a loss and the disappointment he experienced will motivate him to play even better. Maybe he will be left with a feeling of helplessness, which will later come back to haunt him. adult life. Maybe he will watch this video with laughter when he grows up, or maybe he will be offended by his parents for putting him on public display in such a situation. We cannot know this.

Parents who take their child to the show must understand that they are taking responsibility for their child, his psyche, his future. And ultimately for his attitude towards them when he grows up.

About surprises

After "Best of all!" Yulia was invited to participate in Andrei Malakhov’s program “Tonight”: they celebrated the birthday of Roman Grigoryevich Viktyuk. Julia was supposed to read poetry and congratulate the director. The beginning was made when Roman Grigorievich remembered the first girl, who was 4 years old, and he touched her nipples. It’s clear that this is shocking, but it offended me. When Yulia came out to congratulate her, Roman Grigorievich did not let her read poetry, but began to teach her how to kiss. Julia was confused. I was shocked. The editors were shocked. It all looked like shocking stuff and jokes; I joked myself to somehow defuse the situation. Viktyuk is a brilliant director, but big baby and a well-known provocateur. At heart he is no older than my daughter. And I saw in his eyes that he definitely didn’t want to offend the child. He wanted to misbehave. But Yulia experienced stress and read poetry without inspiration. For me this is a very controversial story. How did the four-year-old girl perceive the situation? She was surprised and now doesn’t remember anything. But when she grows up, will she suddenly be disgusted with kissing, even if this incident itself is erased from her memory? I have a feeling that I could not protect my child. Although it was also not right to create a scandal. For some on TV this story will look like pedophilia, for others it will look like a unique chance for a child to communicate with a genius. I take extremes, but in any case there will be many opinions and not all of them are pleasant.

On command, the young chefs raise their hands up: now their dishes will be evaluated by the judges. And the guys are also accustomed to shouting in unison: “Yes, boss!”

I blame myself for allowing this situation to happen, and I came to the conclusion that Yulia will no longer participate in adult programs. As for children's programs... No matter how much you would like to get there, I advise parents to first find out what the essence of the show is, how best to prepare their child. It is important to remember that in a program like this, you and your child are part of the show. Whatever they tell you before the start of shooting, after the command “Motor!” everything can go wrong and you won't be able to stop it. And you either have to agree to surprises that you don’t expect, or don’t start. It’s bad that we decide for children, but they can’t decide. If parents take on this responsibility, they must be prepared for reproaches both for “Mom, why did you drag me around filming” and for “Mom, why did they take others, but you didn’t take me?”

About investments

About great hopes

Parents who are far from the world of television and cinema often take their children to such programs in the hope that they will be noticed and invited to the cinema. Someone wants to show off. Someone will receive compensation for sleepless nights, for investing in the child. Many people sincerely admire their child and want the whole world to share this admiration. Parents have the right to ambition and moral reward. I don’t think that this somehow infringes on children, unless it turns into terror (“you’ll study for 8 hours every day”) and humiliation in case of failure. There are parents who believe that this is how they develop their child and provide them with more opportunities. The main thing is not to break the child, not to place too high hopes, which he will then painfully try to justify. Parents set this line at their own responsibility.

Parents take their children to TV shows in the hope that they will be noticed and invited to the movies.

Prepared by Maria Portnyagina


Minute of glory

According to the majority, the participation of a child in a television show is rash step parents

Parents who send their children to television shows...