Boiled and dried sausage and horse meat. Horse sausage (kazy) - a delicacy and an ecological dish

Kazy - a traditional dish of the Kazakh people - is very famous not only in Kazakhstan, but also beyond its borders.

The nutritious and tasty delicacy was appreciated, and today it is not only a dish for special occasions and large events, but also food for ordinary everyday life. Guests are greeted with kazy; not a single wedding, funeral or wake is complete without a kazy.

At home, kazy is usually prepared in late autumn or winter, when livestock is slaughtered and sogym is prepared. Since ancient times, preparations have been made at this time of year for several reasons: meat is easier to store in winter; there will be something to eat during this period when nothing grows. This reason is associated with the nomadic lifestyle of the Kazakhs, when there were no refrigerators and supermarkets. In addition, it is in the fall that cattle gain the greatest weight.

Horse meat is considered a healthy product - having a small amount of carbohydrates, the meat is rich in valuable protein, which is well absorbed - many times faster than beef. Horse meat is considered dietary and hypoallergenic meat. Horse meat is low in cholesterol, and in addition, there are vitamins such as A, C, B vitamins, and this meat is also rich in iron. Horse fat does not freeze and even has a warming effect on the body, so since ancient times kazy have been taken on the road, going to distant lands in winter.

For weddings, wakes, funerals and other large events, it is necessary to use the meat of a specially fed oat horse, which is kept in a dark place on a leash for several months. The meat is selected especially carefully, because if kazy made from thin meat is served to guests at crowded events, this can cause gossip and talk. Preparing kazy is an important matter; it is trusted only to experienced, older women in the family.

It is believed that thicker meat is an indicator not only of the deliciousness of the kazy, but also of the wealth of the person treating it. When meat is cut from a horse's rib, its thickness is measured in the amount of a finger or a palm. The more fingers you can fit on a cut, the better. Fatty, good meat can be found in a middle-aged horse, but not in a young stallion.

Despite the fact that today you can buy meat at any time of the year, the custom of preparing sogym and making kazy in winter is still relevant to this day. However, kazy can be found at the bazaar, in almost every restaurant offering national cuisine, in shops, and so on.

Shynar has been working at the Green Bazaar in Almaty for about 20 years, selling meat. They often turn to her to buy kazy - she already has regular customers, she says. “New” customers come looking at the meat and also order.

Shynar horse meat is brought by wholesalers from Zharkent. The woman admits that Zharkent meat is very good and tasty, just like Shymkent meat. In order to prepare kazy, you need to cut the meat from the horse’s ribs, and if it is very fatty, add a layer of zhai from the thigh. It’s tastier, but more prestigious if there’s more fat.

Shynar says that meat and fat are usually added in a ratio of 70% to 30%. Fat must be present, because without it, the woman explains, it is no longer kazy, but shuzhyk.

Then the meat needs to be salted, peppered and grated with garlic minced in a meat grinder. Before our eyes, Shynar puts a handful of garlic into the meat grinder. It happens that clients ask to put less garlic or do without it and pepper altogether, then the meat is only salted.

After the meat has been rubbed with this mixture, they need to stuff the horse guts. The intestines are prepared in advance - washed thoroughly with salted water. Salt not only removes dirt better, but also removes mucus. For kazy, as a rule, they use a special duodenum from an adult horse, 10-12 meters long. The guts cost about five to six thousand tenge.

To prepare a kazy, a length of 50-60 centimeters is sufficient, but the necessary lengths are cut off only after completion of the work. For example, one and a half meters of kazy - three segments - is approximately three kilograms. This is exactly what Shynar, her regular client, ordered. The meat seller says that the customer has guests from Kokshetau today, “and they know a lot there.”

“Sometimes we make 50 kilograms, usually for restaurants. And clients take 3-5 kilograms. They take 20 kilograms for a wedding,” says Shynar.

The prepared meat, cut into even longitudinal strips, is carefully stuffed into the intestine, being careful not to tear it. The pieces of meat are carefully pushed inside, it seems as if the filling is sliding inside the shell. Preparing kazy, says Shynar, takes 10-20 minutes.

Periodically, the saleswoman flattens the meat inside the intestine and pushes it a little further so that the filling lies evenly.

“You need to put it in the gut well. Some people twist the meat and it turns out ugly. The meat should be folded flat,” she explains. In addition, the meat should be interspersed with fat in layers.

While Shynar stuffs her gut with meat, she talks in few words about herself.

“I come from Bakanas, Balkhash region. She came to Almaty in 1988. In general, I am a physician by profession, I worked as a nurse in Kalkaman, then in hospital No. 12. I worked in a kindergarten for six months to get my child into kindergarten. In 1995 I came to the market... Of course, it’s better here, but there’s no money in the hospital, but here there’s always cash...”

After Shynar finishes stuffing the intestine, she uses a deft movement of her fingers to secure the tip with a toothpick, slightly breaking its tip so that the shell does not slip off. Then he cuts off a piece and “sews it up” too. And there are three such pieces. Shynar cuts off the rest of the intestine - it will be used for the next portion of kazy. And excess fat is trimmed from the shell of the finished product.

It will be cooked at home - kazy takes at least two and a half hours to prepare - then beautifully cut and served to guests. It must be remembered that during cooking, the shell of the kazy - the intestine - must be pierced in several places. Otherwise the intestine may burst.

A kilogram of kazy at the Green Bazaar costs 2,300 tenge. Previously, the sellers say, a kilogram cost 2,500 tenge, but after the akim’s arrival, the traders were advised to reduce the price. If wholesalers increase the cost of meat, they believe, then sellers will suffer losses. However, traders hope that local meat will not become more expensive.

Homemade horse sausage or simply put, horse sausage is a meat product made from the meat of a young horse.

This tasty and aromatic dish is traditional among the Turkic peoples (nomadic Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Tatars, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks and Nogais).

It is called kazy and is served exclusively at the festive table.

You can make horse meat sausage at home by stuffing a natural casing (usually horse intestine) with fatty meat (from the animal's ribs) and spices.

Meat for kazy is used only from the most well-fed horses, whose carcasses are distinguished by a large amount of fat.

The peculiarity of preparing this type of sausage is that the intestines are filled not with chopped minced meat, but with a whole piece of horse meat.

This is how it differs from sujuk sausage, which is made from minced meat.

Many chefs like the specific taste of this sausage.

As for the benefits of kazy, it is worth knowing that of all types of meat, it is horse meat that contains the largest amount of protein.

In addition, it contains phosphorus, potassium, copper, sodium and amino acids. And virtually no cholesterol.

Currently, store-bought horse sausage is an expensive delicacy. Not everyone can afford to buy horse meat sausage in a store.

But you can make homemade kazy sausage yourself.

There is no single recipe for preparing horse sausages. It can be boiled, raw smoked, dried.

It is customary for the Kazakhs and Bashkirs to consume kazy exclusively in boiled form, and for the Tatars - smoked.

It is often boiled together with meat and served on one large dish.

This sausage is also served with another national dish - thinly rolled and sliced ​​dough, boiled in meat broth. It's called beshbarmak.

Among some Turkic peoples, homemade kazy sausage is used in tasty and satisfying main courses - naryn and pilaf.

Horsemeat sausage is made very quickly at home.

Simple horse sausage recipe


  • fresh horse meat – 1 kg
  • horse lard – 500 g
  • horse intestines or any other natural casing - 50-60 cm
  • ground black pepper – 3 g
  • cumin – 25 g
  • fine sea salt - to taste

How to make homemade horse meat sausage:

1. Rinse the meat well and cut it together with lard into strips 10 centimeters long and 4 centimeters wide.

2. Place in a deep bowl and add spices: pepper, cumin, and salt. Rub the meat with them.

3. Cover the filled container with thick gauze and leave in a cool place for 2 hours.

4. While the meat product is marinating, rinse the horse intestines in cool water, then soak them heavily in coarse sea salt and rinse 4-6 more times, but in hot water.

5. Kazakh sausage at home is formed in the same way as other sausages.

To do this, pierce one end of the horse intestine with a toothpick to allow air to escape, and then tie it with a strong thread.

On the other side, fill the natural shell with the prepared filling, alternating meat with lard.

Having filled the horse intestine with all the filling, tie its other end with threads.

To prevent swelling and subsequent damage to the shell, pierce it with a needle in several places to release air bubbles.

Most representatives of the Turkic peoples eat kazy in dry-cured form. But the process of preparing dried horse sausage takes a long time. So let's just boil it.

6. Place the sausages in a large cast iron cauldron and fill with cold water. Place on low heat and cook after the broth boils for about 2 hours, without turning up the heat, otherwise the sausage will burst.

After the water boils, a gray foam should form on the surface, which must be removed with a slotted spoon.

Now you know how to cook horse meat sausage at home, and now you need to serve it correctly.

After the kazy horse sausage is completely cooked, it must be carefully removed from the broth and cooled.

Ready homemade horse sausage is removed from the intestines and cut into circles no thicker than 1 centimeter.

Serve this appetizer with pickled onions.

Enjoy your meal!

Horse sausage (kazy) is a national Central Asian dish. In Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Mongolia, nomadic tribes still prepare horse meat sausage by hand, with the whole family involved. Men carry out the process of slaughtering 2-3 year old horses specially bred for this purpose, and also butcher the meat; women process the intestines and prepare the kazy.

But horse meat is not only consumed by the peoples of Asia. In ancient times, Russians also made sausage exclusively from horse meat. Now horse meat is considered a delicacy and is not cheap. But this meat has several advantages:

  • horse meat contains complete and balanced protein in amino acid composition, which gives it every right to be considered dietary meat, which is perfectly absorbed by the body (8 times faster than beef);
  • horse meat is capable of lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, has low fat content, and the fats it contains occupy an intermediate position between fats of animal and vegetable origin;
  • considerable content of vitamins and microelements, especially vitamins A, E, group B and iron;
  • horse meat is hypoallergenic.

The only drawback of horse meat is the low percentage of carbohydrates, which creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and the meat is poorly stored. Therefore, veterinary services carefully check horse meat for the presence of salmonella. But proper storage and preparation of horse meat will only help to extract the benefits of meat for the human body.

Horse sausage is a worthy decoration for a holiday table, an environmentally friendly and very tasty dish. The filling for kazy is prepared from horse ribs, which are cut into strips. The meat is then seasoned with a mixture of salt, black pepper and garlic and stuffed tightly into thoroughly washed large intestines. The shape of the sausage can be varied, but the length is no more than 60-70 cm. Kazy is left in a dry place to soak in seasoning, and then boiled, fried, dried or smoked. You need to cook raw sausage for at least two hours. Kazy is eaten both in its natural form and as an additive to pilaf.

In addition to kazy, such types of horse sausage as makhan and shuzhuk are also popular.

Mahan- this is a dry-cured or “dry” sausage, very dense and quite specific. It is prepared from horse meat and fat with spices.

Shuzhuk It is thermally processed in the same way as kazy, but the filling is presented in the form of minced meat from any part of the carcass.

In Soviet times, everyone had the pleasure of trying horse sausage. Few people now know that it can be a real delicacy. But among the Turkic peoples, not a single holiday is complete without kazylyk made from horse meat. This meat snack can be boiled, raw smoked, or dried. Most often this delicacy is boiled. It is quite difficult to prepare kazylyk, or simply kazy, at home. At the same time, you need to know what kind of meat to choose, how to prepare the intestines for stuffing, cooking technology, how long to cook kazy.

Preparation of raw materials

The main components for preparing kazy are meat and intestines. The most delicious snack is obtained if you manage to get the meat of a young horse. Anyone who cooks this dish regularly knows that the meat of fattened horses is used for kazy. They have a sufficient amount of fat. Sausage is usually made from the rib portion of the meat.

Horse or beef intestines are used as casing. To get real Kazakh sausage, it is better to take natural horse casings. They should be turned inside out, washed in cold water, scrubbed well using coarse salt, then rinsed thoroughly several more times in hot water.

Advice! For the convenience of stuffing the kazy, the prepared shells are cut into pieces 45 - 50 centimeters long.

Kazy preparation technology

Kazy is not cooked every day. Make enough of it at once to cook once. Next, the sausage is stored in the refrigerator and the required amount is cut off as needed.

It is noteworthy that minced meat is not made from meat to prepare kazy. The natural casing is stuffed with prepared pieces of meat, previously marinated. To do this, horse meat is cut into small pieces. Add crushed garlic to it and mix well. If the meat is lean, then the fat also needs to be cut into pieces and added to the meat. This whole mass is mixed well again, and then salt, pepper and season with caraway seeds to taste. The meat prepared in this way is transferred to a large cup, covered with gauze and put in the refrigerator.

On a note! It is believed that the meat will be completely ready for cooking kazy in just a couple of hours. But experienced housewives advise marinating it for at least two days, after which you can stuff the casing and cook the sausage.

The prepared half-meter pieces of shell are turned inside out. Each intestinal fragment should have one end tied with a thick thread. Now you can tightly stuff the shells with meat and tie them at the other end. All! The kazy are ready to be cooked.

Kazylyk is placed in a large pan. No matter how many sausages there are, there should be enough water so that it does not have time to boil away while the delicacy is being cooked. For flavor, kazy can be topped with dill sprigs. Then the broth, on which you can then cook soup or prepare sauce, will turn out more tasty.

Important! To prevent the sausages from cracking and falling apart while they are cooking, they need to be pierced in several places with a needle or knitting needle.

After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the kazy until tender for about two hours. From time to time the foam needs to be skimmed off so that the broth is clear. When the kazy are ready, they need to be cooled without removing them from the broth. Sausages cut into thin slices can be served as an appetizer or added to other dishes. Onions pickled in vinegar go well with this appetizer.

Methods for preserving the finished product

A small amount of sausage can be safely stored in the refrigerator if it is expected to be eaten within two weeks. If kazy is made with a reserve, then you should take care of another storage method:

    • You can hang the sausages in a cool place, such as a basement. There shouldn't be any insects there.
  • Kazy is perfectly stored for several months under a layer of flour or bran.
  • Sausage aged three years is considered especially tasty. To preserve kazy for such a long time, sausages are hung directly in the chimneys. There they are smoked and in this form they remain there for storage.

Kazylyk has a specific taste and smell, which are appreciated by true connoisseurs of horse meat. This high-calorie product is used as a general tonic. It should be noted that kazy increases blood pressure. In addition, such an appetizer is an excellent decoration for the holiday table. Don't be afraid to surprise your loved ones. Moreover, you now know how to cook kazy correctly.

Many national cuisines of eastern countries pay especially honorable attention to horse meat. In memory of ancient times, our contemporaries prepare dishes whose recipes they inherited from their nomadic ancestors. And in the modern world of fast food and synthetic seasonings, ancient delicacies made from natural raw materials are gaining more and more popularity.

One of these delicacies is the national Uzbek dish kazy - sausage made from horse meat. Those who have tried kazy at least once in their lives will forever remember its unique taste and spicy aroma. And someone might set out to learn how to cook horse sausage on their own, because finding this delicacy on supermarket shelves is not so easy. And although the process of preparing kazy cannot be called easy, it is worth a try. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe, which has been tested for more than one century.

History and traditions

In Uzbekistan, kazy horse sausage is considered a festive dish. And this is understandable, because this delicacy deserves the main place at the most solemn feast. Kazy can be served as a snack or used as an ingredient for preparing other dishes, for example, pilaf or Naryn noodles. For residents of Uzbekistan, this sausage is not just food, but rather a national symbol, so true admirers cook it even in the most difficult times.

What do the doctor's say?

Nutritionists believe that horse sausage, which is quite high in calories, can only be beneficial if consumed in moderation. This nutritious product should not be abused so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract. In general, this delicacy brings considerable health benefits: it normalizes blood pressure, increases hemoglobin, and improves blood supply to all vital systems of the body.

Kazy on the counters

This is not to say that you can buy this delicacy everywhere. All over the world, horse sausage, the name of which is so unusual to the European ear, is sold only in specialized stores, and even then only in large cities. But in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan this delicacy can be purchased in markets. There is a wide selection of various varieties of home-made kazy. Some meat processing plants produce kazy on an industrial scale, and their products end up on the shelves of local supermarkets.

Safety precautions

Like any dish made from meat, horse sausage requires careful selection of ingredients. It is unacceptable to use low-quality raw materials, because meat is so easy to poison. The highest quality meat from young horses is used to prepare kazy.

Making horse sausage at home

True connoisseurs of kazy know that you shouldn’t overuse seasonings when preparing it. Too aromatic spices can drown out the unusual taste of horse meat. As a rule, only salt, black pepper and cumin are used. The use of any food additives, dyes or flavor enhancers is simply unacceptable. Horse intestines are used for the casing. For 1 meter of intestines you will need the following amount of products:

  • meat - 0.9 g;
  • horse lard or lard - 0.5 kg;
  • ground pepper - 1 tsp;
  • zira - 2 tsp;
  • salt - 3 tsp.

Cut the lard and meat into thin strips, put them in a bowl, and add a mixture of salt and seasonings. Knead thoroughly with your hands so that the spices are evenly distributed throughout all the pieces. Next, you need to give the meat time to salt. To do this, leave it in a bowl, covered with gauze, for a day.

We carefully prepare the intestines. To do this, they need to be scraped out with a knife from the outside and inside, rinsed in strong salt brine. We fill the prepared intestines, evenly distributing the pieces of meat with lard along the entire length. To do this, it is convenient to use a funnel of the appropriate diameter or a special attachment from a meat grinder. Next, the sausages need to be dried. To do this, hang them in a draft. Chimneys and hoods are ideal for withering. You can store kazy for quite a long time by immersing them in a container with bran or flour. Some housewives also smoke sausages in fragrant smoke over a fire made from fruit tree branches. This processing method not only adds flavor to the kazy, but also significantly increases shelf life. And by the way, this delicacy can be stored for more than one month or even one year. Three-year-old kazy horse sausages are especially popular among gourmets.


Tasty on its own, horse sausage is often served at the holiday table as a cold appetizer. Before serving, the sausage is cut into pieces with a sharp knife.

Kazy is often used to prepare hot dishes. To do this, you need to pre-boil it for 2-3 hours, piercing the skin with a needle in some places. The broth in which kazy was cooked is often used to prepare dough.