Drawing lesson for children 5 years old. Learning to draw a person with a pencil: step-by-step instructions. Lessons for drawing a house step by step

We draw animals Smeshariki Drawing from 4 years old from 4 years old from 5 years old from 2 years old New Year Drawing from 5 years old Development Drawing objects Sketching Drawing from 1 year old from 1 year old Drawing from 6 years old Drawing from 2 years from 6 years

Drawing lessons for children

This section contains original drawing lessons for children. Thanks to the clear structure you can find educational materials for a child of any age. Each lesson is divided into small stages, and step by step, mother and baby will draw their first masterpieces.

For what age are drawing lessons?

This section contains educational materials for children preschool age, starting with finger painting for two-year-olds and ending with the creation of stained glass for children 5-7 years old. However, the division by age is arbitrary here. A preschool child can draw all the drawings in turn, so he can develop his drawing abilities and deep creative personality.

How is drawing useful for children from 1 to 7 years old?

  1. The child's creative thinking develops. He begins to show imagination, as a result of which his own opinion is formed.
  2. Developing fine motor skills. The child coordinates his movements with his vision.
  3. Independence and organization develop, and a desire to improve one’s works of art appears.
  4. Talent develops. Perhaps talent cannot be taught. But it can be grown!
  5. Step-by-step drawing lessons for children will teach you how to correctly decompose a creative goal.

This section is constantly updated with new drawing lessons for children from 2 to 7 years old. The goal of our portal is to cover all drawing topics step by step, so that each lesson brings you a lot of benefit and a good mood.

The question “How to teach children to draw a person?” It baffles many adults: not everyone can realistically convey proportions and portrait likeness, much less explain the stages of drawing a human figure to a child. We will show simple diagrams and give recommendations on how to draw a person step by step - even an adult child can do it.


Most adults without professional activities artistic activity, stopped in their development at the “cephalopod” stage. But this is not a reason to turn away a child with a pencil who wants to explore this world and learn everything.

By drawing, the child fantasizes, develops his abilities, and trains visual memory. Of course, drawing a person is much more difficult than a tree or a hedgehog, but even the most complex task can be broken down into simple steps so that it doesn’t seem so scary and impossible. Let's learn together!

How to teach a 3-4 year old child to draw a person


To a 3-4 year old child, you can explain the principle of drawing a human figure using a simple diagram as an example: head, torso, arms and legs, always a neck, hands and feet.

Let him practice drawing boys and girls this way. What is important here is, first of all, not so much the similarity as the development of a sense of proportion, the presence of all the “components”.


Then you can try to draw little people in motion. To clearly show your child how our arms and legs bend when walking, jumping, turning, etc., demonstrate all these movements in front of a mirror.

It is convenient to make a wire frame and bend it in different directions.


Let this wire model be your guide when teaching your child to draw a person in motion.


It's useful to do quick schematic drawings. We gave the wire model the desired pose and immediately drew it. Later you will explain to your child how to “dress” the little men. Now it is more important to understand how the position of the arms and legs changes during a particular movement.


To prevent little artists from being distracted from the main thing - conveying movement in a drawing - suggest drawing a moving person using a silhouette. To make it easier, make a cardboard model with movable elements.


Another tip for those who want to teach a child to draw a person well: sculpt! Yes, yes, in volume it is easier for a child to perceive proportions, he will quickly understand how to do it correctly. If he learns to sculpt a person well and quickly, it won’t be difficult for him to draw him - it’s been tested.

How to teach a 5-6 year old child to draw a person: proportions

Teach your child to see the invisible. Before drawing a dressed figure, you need to outline the frame, understand the position of the arms and legs, the direction and rotation of the body relative to the head, etc. Use diagrams; you can always remove extra lines from the drawing with an eraser.


When a child learns to think in diagrams, he will not have any difficulties when drawing a human figure.

Preschoolers aged 5-6 years can safely explain how the figure of an adult differs from the figure of a child. The module with which we “measure” the figure is the head. A lot depends on how many times the head is “placed” in the diagram of the human figure.


Show a photo of a child standing next to an adult. Offer to measure (with a ruler, strip of paper, etc.) how many times the child’s head “fits” in his entire figure. Do the same with the adult figure. The child himself will conclude that children have larger heads (relative to the proportions of the whole body).


In adults, the head “fits” 7-8 times (ideally). If you take this into account when drawing a person, the figure will come out proportional and similar.


Just draw it a few times simple diagram in order to draw thick and skinny people, men, women and children.

Men's and female figure are different. These differences can easily be shown in the diagram using geometric shapes. Men have broad shoulders, women have broad hips.

Very soon your child will learn the basics of drawing a person and will be able to portray the whole family!

How to draw a person step by step: video

Dear readers! Tell us in the comments about your children's funniest drawings. Do you know how to draw a person realistically? Did our diagrams and tips help you learn how to draw people?

Techniques for teaching a child to draw. Pictures that help you learn to draw objects, animals and people.

  • Every mother wants to raise her child to be at least talented and successful person. On the way to this dream, women strive to comprehensively develop their children, invest in them maximum knowledge and teach them as many skills and abilities as possible.
  • One of these skills is the ability to draw. Many kids get quite upset due to their lack of artistic talent.
  • In this article we will try to figure out how to teach a baby to draw certain things and animate objects.

How to gradually teach a child to draw at 3-4 years old?

Step by step training drawing a baby with a pencil or pen:

  1. At the age of 3-4 years, the baby still cannot press hard enough on a pencil, so we select for him soft pencils. Such pencils are capable of leaving marks behind them even after very light pressure.
  2. We demonstrate to the child how to hold a pencil in his hand correctly. If the child is unable to pick up a pencil on his own, we help him with this. Subsequently, we constantly ensure that the baby holds a pen or pencil in his hand correctly.
  3. The first stage of training will be to instill the skill of drawing an even and clear line. At this age, kids are still quite uncertain when holding a pencil in their hand. Therefore, their lines turn out uneven and intermittent. We teach the baby to draw a line confidently and evenly
  4. It is advisable to purchase a special notebook for your child to trace pictures. In such notebooks, all drawings are depicted using numerous dots. The baby just needs to connect all the dots with one line. The result is a beautiful drawing.
  5. At first, we help the child trace the pictures, guiding his brush with our hand. Later, we let the baby independently connect all the dots on the piece of paper.
  6. At the next stage, we teach the child to draw the simplest geometric figures- circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval, trapezoid
  7. When the baby learns to draw simple figures, we teach him to create drawings from them. For example, using a square and a triangle we draw a house, using a circle and straight lines - the sun, using a rectangle and circles - a bus, etc.
  8. You can purchase or print children's drawing books from the Internet. Such manuals step by step depict various animals and objects familiar to children, created from simple figures. Subsequently, the child himself will learn to break all objects into shapes and create whole pictures using this technique.

  • If by the age of five the child has already completed the pencil training described above, you can begin the next stages of developing drawing skills
  • Now you can expand your little one’s creativity with the help of colored pencils, markers and paints. It is necessary to explain to the child that after sketching a drawing with a pencil, he can color it
  • On large sheet on paper, the baby can now create entire compositions and interconnected plots
  • An ordinary walk on the street can be an excellent help for the development of a child’s imagination. You simply need to ask the baby to capture in his memory pictures that are interesting to him for later displaying them on a sheet of paper. The baby will then very carefully and intently examine the objects around him in order to remember them. Parents can give their child some tips. To do this, you can ask him leading questions like: “What color is this or that object? What are its dimensions? What is the ratio of the sizes of several objects that the baby likes? What do objects feel like to the touch, according to the baby?”
  • All this will help the child to imprint it in his memory as best as possible. interesting points and then express them on paper

  • Upon arriving home from a walk, it is advisable to immediately give the baby all the items necessary for drawing and provide him with a place convenient for creativity.
  • If your child suddenly has any questions, you need to help him find answers to them.
  • Parents can also ask their child questions about what he intends to portray. You can ask what sensations the child experiences, trying to draw what he saw earlier
  • In such classes, you can give your child the right to express his emotions and show them through drawing. For example, you can ask your little one to draw his favorite animal in different moods. That is, the child’s task is to show how the dog laughs, how angry it is, how afraid it is of something. Such lessons will develop the child’s imagination and at the same time express the state of his psyche

How to teach how to draw a tree?

How to learn to draw a tree?
  • Any tree always consists of a trunk, branches and greenery
  • You need to start drawing a tree from the trunk. It is worth noting that the tree trunk expands from top to bottom. In other words, the base of the tree is thicker at the bottom and tapers towards the top.
  • The same applies to tree branches - at the base they are thicker, and towards their end they become narrower
  • The thickness of the trunk depends on the type of tree. If you want to draw a birch, then the trunk should be thin with bends; if you want to draw an oak, then the trunk should be thick and massive

  • After the trunk is drawn, it is necessary to cover it with branches. As a rule, the branches of a tree do not start from the root, but from a quarter of its height. The lower branches are usually depicted wider than the upper ones
  • The direction of the branches is always upward - they seem to stretch towards the sun
  • On large branches you can draw smaller branches
  • The crown can be drawn as a solid mass using paints, or it can be drawn with a pencil in the form of individual leaves
  • When all the elements of the tree are drawn, all that remains is to paint it over. To depict a tree, you will need at least two colors: trunk and branches - brown or black, crown - green

How to draw animals?

As mentioned above, to make drawing animals easier, their body must be visually divided into simple geometric shapes. Having drawn each of the figures one by one, you need to connect them smooth lines. This is how animals are made.

Machine drawing

How to teach a child to draw a person?

It would seem that drawing a person is very difficult. However, if you adhere to a certain scheme, even a preschool-aged child can cope with this task. So, step by step drawing of a person:

  1. Draw an oval. The oval will later become a human head
  2. Under the oval we draw a rectangle that will act as the top part human body(to the waist)
  3. We connect the oval and rectangle with two smooth lines. Thus we draw the neck
  4. Draw a second rectangle adjacent to the rectangle. Its width should be equal to the width of the first rectangle, but in length it will be slightly more oblong
  5. We divide the second rectangle in half with a line running exactly in the center from top to bottom. This line will help us create some kind of legs
  6. Along the first rectangle we draw one more thin rectangle. This is how we draw the hands
  7. Smooth the upper part of the rectangles with a smooth line - these will be the shoulders
  8. Now we draw the neck of the sweater, the triangle on the pants, shoes and hands. All extra lines need to be erased with an eraser.
  9. Video: How to teach a child to draw?

Drawing for children 4 years old - favorite hobby where there is an opportunity to express oneself. Therefore, it is important to involve children in this exciting activity as often as possible.

What do children draw?

Most often, drawing for 4-year-old children is connected with what surrounds them, what they know well, are familiar with and are interested in. In addition, the skills and capabilities of the children should be taken into account. Indeed, in case of failure, many children deeply experience their imperfection, their inability to do something well. Therefore, drawing for 4-year-old children is best to focus on what is around them: nature, pets or favorite toys. There are many ways to depict a chosen subject in a painting.

Drawing for preschoolers using a template

The most in a simple way is an image of selected objects using templates. In other words, this is practically coloring, only the contours of the object are not given to the child ready-made, as in so-called coloring books, but are applied independently when used. Drawing with the help of templates involves independently drawing parts of the drawing inside the contour itself, for example, an image of an animal’s face, a shell turtles, human faces, etc.

Drawing a Teddy Bear Using Geometric Shapes

The children receive their first drawing lessons. Children 4 years old can be asked to portray a loved one Teddy bear using circles and ovals. Moreover, you should not focus on the fact that the drawing will be constructed using geometry. But while working, you can call the parts by their scientific names.

  1. The bear's head can be depicted using a circle.
  2. The second circle may be a little larger - this will be the torso. Both figures should touch where the head meets the body.
  3. The two small circles located at the top of the head are the ears, they also touch the circumference of the head.
  4. It is better to draw all four legs oval. They are attached to the body, so they are drawn in such a way that the ovals are in contact with the bottom circle.
  5. Now the eyes and nose are drawn on the muzzle, arcs are drawn from the nose - this is the mouth.
  6. Color the bear in Brown color, leaving white the oval around the nose with the mouth, the circles on the ears and the large oval on the tummy.

Game-activity “Complete the picture!”

An interesting technique in teaching fine arts is finishing what an adult has done. For such an activity, you need to prepare pictures in advance for the children to draw by transferring the drawing through the glass. You need to draw the outline of the object with lines, but not completely, making them intermittent here and there.

The Tale of Francoise the Turtle

You can make such an activity more interesting and even fabulous by telling the kids an amazing story.

“The boy Fedya once had a painted turtle named Françoise. They were very close friends, went for walks in the park together, watched cartoons together, swam in the river together in the summer. But one day Fyodor forgot to put the drawn turtle in the album for the night. And the playful, stupid kitten got playful, played around with an eraser and erased almost the entire image from the picture. The next morning the boy cried bitterly: only a pale outline of Françoise remained on the piece of paper, and even that was completely erased in some places. Guys, let’s help the boy and finish drawing his dear turtle, color it with paints and return Fedya’s beloved friend!”

It is important, along with sketches, to give a sample picture for children to draw, so that they can compare their drawings with the original.

Master class “Drawing a turtle”

After the fairy tale about Françoise and Fedya, it is appropriate to invite the kids to depict new girlfriend boy. Children 4-5 years old perceive this kind of drawing as fun and exciting game. It will not be difficult for children to portray a turtle if they are offered a master class. The drawing can also be based on geometric shapes.

  1. First, an oval is depicted.
  2. The lower part of the oval is cut off with a straight segment, the excess is erased with an eraser. This will be the body of a turtle in its shell.
  3. Just above the lower section of the shell you should draw the turtle's head. Its shape can be round, oval or uneven, but from below it, like a shell, is limited by a straight segment.
  4. Along the edges of the lower part of the shell, you need to depict the paws in short straight segments, which are slightly wider at the bottom than at the top. They can be made not even, but with several fingers.
  5. A short tail must be drawn on the back of the reptile.
  6. You should definitely put eyes and a mouth on the face, otherwise Françoise will die of hunger and will not be able to see her best friend Fedya!
  7. The animal's shell has a pattern, so you need to ask the children to apply the design on the picture as well.
  8. Shades of green and brown are suitable for coloring.

From simple to complex

After mastering the simplest drawing skills, it is appropriate to move further in this direction. Take, for example, the subject of the image is the cat Maruska, who lives in the neighboring yard and often basks in the sun next to the playground while the children are out for a walk. The kids probably had a good look at it a long time ago. To reduce problems with drawing, we can suggest young artists master class, where detailed step-by-step instruction. Although drawing together will bring great benefits. For 4-year-old children, it is very important to observe from the outside how adults themselves do what they ask the kids to do.

We bring to your attention a series of educational educational tasks in pictures aimed at preparing preschoolers for school

Exercise 1

Compare by size

The tallest of these three boys lives in the very small house, the shorter boy is in the longest house, the shortest boy is in the tallest house. Draw an arrow from each boy to the house in which he lives. Color the ball with the longest string red, the ball with the shorter string blue, and the ball with the shortest string yellow.

Task 2

Choose by shape

Connect the dots in order. What geometric shapes did you create? Color them.

Task 3

Preparing your hand for writing

Task 4

Color page

What color are each of these items? What colors were mixed to create these colors? Show with arrows.

Task 5

Be careful

Count and write down how many times each figure appears.

Task 6

Remember the pictures

Name and remember all the items in the table. When you remember, open the previous picture.

Task 7

Remember the pictures

Which items disappeared from the table and which ones appeared again?

The beginning of the task in the next picture

Task 8

Walk down the path

Circle the pictures first along the dotted lines, and then yourself.

Task 9

Fun account

Count how many stars, how many leaves, how many berries, how many petals. Tell me how the numbers are made up.

Task 10

What kind of cube can be glued from this blank?

Task 11

Magic picture

Draw gradually increasing figures around the small figure, and gradually decreasing figures inside the large figure.

Task 12

Compare by size

Which clown has wide striped pants and which has narrow ones? Which ball has narrow stripes and which has wide stripes? Color the umbrella with wide stripes red and the umbrella with narrow stripes green.

Task 13

Choose by shape

Find each geometric figure its new place (walk along the line to the desired square and draw exactly the same figure in it).

Task 14

Preparing your hand for writing

Finish the pattern and color the pictures.

Task 15

Color page

The artist decided to paint the objects and chose these colors. What did the artist get wrong? Color the objects in the right colors.

Task 16

Be careful

Find a pair for each picture. Tell me how they are similar different pictures and how they differ.

Task 17

Walk down the path

Help the animals walk along the paths.

Task 18

Fun account

Will all the monkeys have enough banana?

Are there enough keys for all locks?

Task 19

Brain teasers

Without breaking the rules, choose from the proposed options the one that fits in the empty cell.

Task 20

Magic picture

Trace the picture dot by dot and color it.

Task 21

Compare by size

Connect the books with arrows in order from thinnest to thickest.

Task 22

Choose by shape

Volumetric geometric shapes are called geometric bodies. Name these bodies and find objects similar to them.

Task 23

Preparing your hand for writing

Finish the pattern and color the pictures.

Task 24

Color page

Choose pairs (cups and saucers). Color the desired pair with your color.

Task 25

Be careful

How many times are the selected fragments repeated in the frame? Color these fragments in the pictures in the frames.

Task 26

Remember the pictures

Remember the diagrams that correspond to the pictures. When you remember, open the previous picture.

Task 27

Remember and draw what was drawn in the empty frames.

Start of the task (see above)

Task 28

Walk down the path

Help the boy drive along the path.