Salvador Dali: paintings with names and descriptions. Salvador Dali and his surreal paintings

Salvador Dali is rightfully considered one of the most famous representatives of surrealism. There is no person in the world who has not at least briefly seen his paintings.

"Surrealism is me"- Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali born May 11, 1904 in the Catalan city of Fineras. As a child, Salvador was smart, but very stubborn child, who has gotten into trouble more than once. Young Salvador always tried to stand out, but due to a large number of phobias he could not find mutual language with peers. Your training artistic skill Salvador started while still in school in 1914.

In 1921, Salvador Dali entered the Academy of San Fernando, where he continued to study painting. Despite his undeniable talent, Dali was expelled from the Academy in 1926, again due to obnoxious behavior.

After young artist goes to Paris, where he meets Pablo Picasso, who greatly influenced his work in subsequent years. In Paris, Salvador meets his future wife Galu.

Gradually, fame came to Dali, his paintings were exhibited, and later he joined the group of surrealists, from which he left in 1936 with a scandal. Everyone around him was amazed by Dali’s actions and views.

However, few people think about what these actions actually meant. Dali rarely sought to offend anyone, he simply lived in a different world, the world of surrealism. And it can only be characterized through the prism of surreal concepts.

Having visited Italy, Dali was delighted with the creations of the Renaissance, which could not but influence his further work. With the outbreak of World War II, Dali decided to move to the United States with his wife, where he actively collaborated with directors and film companies. Unfortunately, many of the ideas proposed by the artist were considered inappropriate and never saw the light of day.

Then Dali returned to Spain, then again conquered Paris. His activities were not limited to paintings. The artist worked on films, advertising, and costumes. In every idea he found a way to express himself.

In 1981, the artist began to develop Parkinson's disease, and a year later Gala died, which plunged the artist into a long depression that affected his work. His illness progressed, preventing him from living and painting. Dali moved to the castle when given to Gala, but after an accident he left for the theater-museum, where he met his death in 1989.

Salvador Dali - it's not easy talented artist, is an exceptional personality, shaped largely by his talent and his phobias. Each of his paintings is priceless and it is not possible to choose the best among them. Therefore, we decided to choose those paintings by the artist that are considered his most famous works.

The great Spanish painter Salvador Dali created more than one and a half thousand works throughout his life, among which one can find true masterpieces of the surrealist movement. But this man is familiar to many fans of his work not only from his paintings. He was a versatile creative personality who also found himself as a sculptor, writer, director and actor. Most big dream The master of the brush was to create his own museum, which would most closely resemble a theater, and he succeeded. Now in Figueres there is his Theater Museum, which houses many of the artist’s works not only in the form of paintings, but also sculptures.

Anna Maria

Anna Maria(1924). This painting shows younger sister Dali Anna. For a long time the artist and his sister were very close; in many ways they were united by spiritual kinship. On the canvas, the painter depicted Anna as a true beauty. The friendship between brother and sister continued until Dali met Gala on his life's path - the Muse of his life. The sister's jealousy of his chosen one destroyed all relatives and friendly relations between Anna and Salvador.

The Persistence of Memory

« The Persistence of Memory" or " Soft watch"(1931). This painting by the great surrealist is familiar to many. The work brought great fame to the painter. The canvas depicts several clock mechanisms, displayed in a flowing form. In this painting, the painter moves away from the linear concept of time frames. Here you can notice that the creation depicts the head of the artist himself, who is sleeping. It took the genius only a couple of hours to create the masterpiece. This work is now kept in the New York Museum of Modern Art.

Giraffe on fire

"Giraffe on Fire"(1937). The artist painted this canvas almost before leaving to emigrate to the USA. This work clearly demonstrates the artist's struggle against the politics of his country. Salvador Dali called himself apolitical person. This picture also reflects the painter’s premonition of an imminent war. The main character of the canvas, the burning plane itself, is in the background and actually symbolizes the premonition of military actions that will unfold in the near future in the state. In the foreground, the artist chose to depict two women whose structure is supported by crutches. Thus, the master of the pen expressed the human subconscious.

The face of war

The face of war(1940). This work appeared at a time when the surrealist was already living in the USA. The canvas shows an image of a head, which more closely resembles a skull, and around it there are snakes, as if emitting a hiss in the mouth, and each of the eye sockets contains another skull, clearly reflecting the entire terrible essence of the war. You can also see the handprint of Salvador on the canvas. The painting is now kept in the Rotterdam Museum.

Mae West face

« Mae West's face"(1974). The work relates to late works painter and made in a comic style. The painting depicts the face of a famous American actress. The woman's lips are made in the form of a red sofa, the curtains serve as hair, May's eyes are depicted in the form of two paintings, and the nose is a fireplace, on which a clock is placed, representing the bridge of the nose. The artist’s work occupies an entire room, which is an illusion: from a distance the actress’s face is clearly depicted, but as soon as you come closer, the objects from which the creator “assembled” West’s face immediately become clear.

Great masturbator

"The Great Masturbator"(1929). One of the most famous paintings the artist reflects his contradictory attitude towards intercourse between a man and a woman. IN childhood Dali saw his father’s book on medicine, which showed photographs of the genitals of people suffering from sexually transmitted diseases. Since then, the young creator associated sexual intercourse with the process of decay, which is clearly visible in the work. Subsequently, this incident greatly influenced the artist, who for a long time experienced an aversion to sex. Until the end of Salvador Dali's life, the painting belonged to his museum, after which it was moved to the Madrid Museum.

Surreal composition

"Surreal composition" or "Meat of the Holiday Chicken" (1928). In this picture, many connoisseurs and fans of surrealism note the influence of Yves Tanguy, who was characterized by the same manner of reflecting space and floating figures. Currently, the composition is kept in the museum of the same name of the great surrealist painter, but under a completely different name - “Inagural gooseflesh”.

Portrait of Luis Buñuel

"Portrait of Luis Buñuel"(1924). At the age of 25, young Dali painted a portrait of a man who had a huge influence on his subsequent life. The young creator took part in several of Buñuel’s films, including “The Golden Age” and “Un Chien Andalou.” On the canvas, the painter depicted his friend as a thoughtful and very serious person. It is easy to notice that the painting itself is made in a gloomy tone, with which the artist wanted to emphasize Louis’s gaze, filled with deep thoughts. For a long time, the painting was owned directly by the person depicted in the portrait. Now the work is stored in the Reina Sofia Art Center, which is located in the capital of Spain.

Landscape near Figueres

"Landscape near Figueres"(1910). The picture belongs to one of early works famous artist, adherent of the surrealism movement. Dali created this painting as a child, at that time he was only 6 years old. Work is done oil paints. The painting clearly shows the features of impressionism - a popular movement at that time among creative personalities. The painter will create this kind of canvases in this direction until the 20s, after which he will move on to cubism and surrealism. Currently this painting is in private collection one of the admirers of Dali's work.

Atomic Leda

Atomic Leda(1949). At this time, the Spanish painter lived in California. The first sketches appeared 4 years before the painting was completed. On the canvas, the master of the pen depicted the ruler of Sparta and Zeus. In the work, all objects are depicted in weightlessness and do not touch each other, which is where the first word in the title “atomic” comes from. According to tradition, Leda is depicted in a nude form as the artist’s wife, Gala. Zeus in the painting is represented as a swan. In the background you can see the rocky coast of the Costa Brava. Currently, the original is kept in the Salvador Dali Museum.

We can say with confidence that people who have not heard of Dali simply do not exist. Some know him for his creativity, which reflected an entire era in the life of mankind, others for the shockingness with which he lived and painted.

All of Salvador Dali's works are worth millions these days, and there are always connoisseurs of creativity who are willing to pay the required amount for a canvas.

Dali and his childhood

The first thing that should be said about the great artist is that he is Spanish. By the way, Dali was incredibly proud of his nationality and was a true patriot of his country. The family he was born into determined him in many ways life path, features of the position. The mother of the great creator was a deeply religious person, while his father was a convinced atheist. From childhood, Salvador Dali was immersed in an atmosphere of ambiguity and some ambivalence.

The author of paintings valued at millions was a rather weak student. Restless character, uncontrollable desire for expression own opinion, too wild imagination did not allow him to achieve great success in training, however, Dali showed himself as an artist quite early. Ramon Pichot was the first to notice his ability to draw, and directed the talent of the fourteen-year-old creator in the right direction. So, already at the age of fourteen, the young artist presented his works at an exhibition held in Figueres.


The works of Salvador Dali allowed him to enter the Madrid Academy fine arts, however, the young and already shocking artist did not stay there for long. Convinced of his exclusivity, he was soon expelled from the academy. Later, in 1926, Dali decided to continue his studies, but was expelled again, without the right to reinstatement.

Huge role in life young artist played an acquaintance with Luis Bonuel, who later became one of the most famous directors working in the genre of surrealism, and Federico, who went down in history as one of the most prominent poets in Spain.

Expelled from the Academy of Arts, the young artist did not hide his feelings, which allowed him in his youth to organize his own exhibition, which was visited by the great Pablo Picasso.

Muse of Salvador Dali

Of course, any creator needs a muse. For Dali, she was Gala Eluard, who was at

The moment of meeting the great surrealist married. A deep, all-consuming passion became the impetus for Gala to leave her husband and for Salvador Dali himself to actively create. The beloved became for the surrealist not only an inspiration, but also a kind of manager. Thanks to her efforts, the works of Salvador Dali became known in London, New York and Barcelona. The artist's fame acquired completely different dimensions.

Avalanche of glory

As anyone should creative nature, the artist Dali constantly developed, strived forward, improved and transformed his technique. Of course, this led to significant changes in his life, the least of which was his exclusion from the list of surrealists. However, this did not affect his career in any way. Multi-thousand and then multi-million dollar exhibitions were gaining momentum. The realization of greatness came to the artist after the publication of his autobiography, the circulation of which sold out in record time.

The most famous works

A person who does not know a single work of Salvador Dali simply does not exist, but few can name at least a few works of the great artist. All over the world, the creations of the outrageous artist are preserved like the apple of an eye and are shown to millions of visitors to museums and exhibitions.

Salvador Dali's most famous paintings I almost always painted in some kind of impulse of feelings, as a result of a certain emotional outburst. For example, “Self-Portrait with Raphael’s Neck” was painted after the death of the artist’s mother, which became a real emotional trauma for Dali, which he repeatedly admitted.

"The Persistence of Memory" is one of the famous works Dali. This particular painting has several different names that coexist equally in art circles. In this case, the canvas depicts the place in which the artist lived and worked - Port Lligat. Many creativity researchers argue that the deserted shore in this picture reflects the inner emptiness of the creator himself. Salvador Dali painted “Time” (as this painting is also called) under the impression of the melting of Camembert cheese, from which, perhaps, the key images of the masterpiece emerged. The clock, which takes on completely unimaginable forms on the canvas, symbolizes human perception time and memory. The Persistence of Memory is definitely one of Salvador Dali's most profound and thoughtful works.

Variety of creativity

It's no secret that Salvador Dali's paintings are very different from each other. A certain period in an artist’s life is characterized by one or another manner, style, or certain direction. By the time when the creator publicly declared: “Surrealism is me!” - refers to works written from 1929 to 1934. Such paintings as “William Tell”, “The Evening Ghost”, “Bleeding Roses” and many others belong to this period.

The listed works differ significantly from the paintings of the period limited to 1914 and 1926, when Salvador Dali kept his work within certain limits. Early works The master of shocking is characterized by greater uniformity, measuredness, greater calm, and to some extent greater realism. Among such paintings are “Holiday in Figueres”, “Portrait of my father”, painted in 1920-1921, “View of Cadaqués from Mount Pani”.

Salvador Dali painted his most famous paintings after 1934. From that time on, the artist’s method became “paranoid-critical.” The creator worked in this vein until 1937. Among Dali’s works at this time, the most famous were the paintings “Pliable Structure with Boiled Beans (Premonition civil war)" and "Atavistic Remains of Rain"

The “paranoid-critical” period was followed by the so-called American period. It was at this time that Dali wrote his famous “Dream”, “Galarine” and “Dream inspired by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate, a moment before awakening.”

The works of Salvador Dali become increasingly tense over time. The American period is followed by a period of nuclear mysticism. The painting “Sodom Self-satisfaction of an Innocent Maiden” was painted precisely at this time. During the same period, in 1963, the “Ecumenical Council” was written.

Dali calms down

Art historians call the time from 1963 to 1983 the period “ last role" The works of these years are calmer than previous ones. They exhibit clear geometry, very confident graphics, and not smooth, melting lines predominate, but clear and fairly strict lines. Here we can highlight the famous “Warrior”, written in 1982, or “The Appearance of a Face in the Background of a Landscape”.

The Less Known Dali

Few people know, but Salvador Dali created his greatest works not only on canvas and wood and not only with the help of paints. The artist’s acquaintance with Luis Bonuel not only largely determined the further direction of Dali’s work, but was also reflected in the painting “Un Chien Andalusian,” which shocked the audience at the time. It was this film that became a kind of slap in the face of the bourgeoisie.

Soon, Dali and Bonuel parted ways, but their joint work went down in history.

Dali and shocking

Even the artist’s appearance suggests that this is a deeply creative, extraordinary nature, striving for something new and unknown.

Dali was never distinguished by his desire for a calm, traditional appearance. On the contrary, he was proud of his unusual antics and used them in every possible way to his advantage. For example, the artist wrote a book about his own mustache, calling it “antennas for the perception of art.”

In an effort to impress, Dali decided to spend one of his own meetings in a diving suit, as a result of which he almost suffocated.

Dali Salvador put his creativity above all else. The artist gained fame in the most unexpected, strangest ways imaginable. He bought dollar bills for $2, then sold a book about this action for a lot of money. The artist defended the right of his installations to exist by destroying them and bringing them to the police.

Salvador Dali left behind his most famous paintings in huge quantities. However, as well as memories of his strange, incomprehensible character and worldview.

Today, May 11, is the birthday of the great Spanish painter and sculptor Salvador Dali . His legacy will forever remain with us, because in his works many find a piece of themselves - that very “madness” without which life would be boring and monotonous.

« Surrealism is me“, - the artist shamelessly asserted, and one cannot but agree with him. All his works are imbued with the spirit of surrealism - both paintings and photographs, which he created with unprecedented skill. Dali proclaimed complete freedom from any aesthetic or moral compulsion and went to the very limits in any creative experiment. He did not hesitate to bring to life the most provocative ideas and wrote everything: from love and the sexual revolution, history and technology to society and religion.

Great masturbator

The face of war

Splitting the atom

Hitler's mystery

Christ of Saint Juan de la Cruz

Dali began to be interested in art early and took private painting lessons from the artist while still at school Nunez , professor at the Academy of Arts. Then, at school fine arts at the Academy of Arts he became close to literary and artistic circles Madrid - in particular with Luis Buñuel And Federico Garcia Lorcoy . However, he did not stay long at the Academy - he was expelled for some overly bold ideas, which, however, did not stop him from organizing the first small exhibition of his works and quickly becoming one of the most famous artists Catalonia.

Young women

Self-portrait with Raphael's neck

Basket with bread

Young woman seen from the back

After that Dali meets Gala, which became his muse of surrealism" Arriving at Salvador Dali with her husband, she immediately became inflamed with passion for the artist and left her husband for the sake of a genius. Dali but, absorbed in his feelings, as if he didn’t even notice that his “muse” had not arrived alone. Gala becomes his life partner and source of inspiration. She also became a bridge connecting the genius with the entire avant-garde community - her tact and gentleness allowed him to maintain at least some kind of relationship with his colleagues. The image of the beloved is reflected in many works Dali .

Portrait of Gala with two lamb ribs balancing on her shoulder

My wife, naked, looks at her own body, which has become a ladder, three vertebrae of a column, the sky and architecture


Naked Dali, contemplating five ordered bodies, turning into carpuscules, from which Leda Leonardo, fertilized by the face of Gala, is unexpectedly created

Of course, if we talk about painting Dali , one cannot help but recall his most famous works:

A dream inspired by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate, a moment before waking up

The Persistence of Memory

Flaming Giraffe

Swans reflected in elephants

Pliable Structure with Boiled Beans (Premonition of Civil War)

Anthropomorphic locker

Sodom self-satisfaction of an innocent maiden

Evening spider... hope

The Ghost of Wermeer of Delft, which can also serve as a table

Sculptures Dali brought his surreal talent to new level- from the plane of the canvas they jumped into three dimensional space, gaining shape and additional volume. Most of the works became intuitively familiar to the viewer - the master used in them the same images and ideas as in his canvases. To create sculptures Dali I had to spend several hours sculpting in wax and then creating molds for casting figures in bronze. Some of them were then cast in larger sizes.

Besides everything else, Dali was an excellent photographer, and in the century of the very beginning of the development of photography, together with Philip Halsman he managed to create absolutely incredible and surreal photographs.

Love art and enjoy the works of Salvador Dali!

Salvador Dali (1904-1989) is one of the most famous artists of all times. Dali is considered the most famous representative of such a movement in painting as surrealism. Moreover, surrealism and surrealism are so interconnected that they are considered almost synonymous. At the mere mention of surrealism, the artist Salvador Dali immediately comes to mind for anyone who understands painting. And this is not surprising, because it was Dali who made this movement extremely popular, in demand both among artists and among viewers.

Salvador Dali is a Spanish artist and sculptor. During my life I created a large number of paintings and sculptures, which today are considered true masterpieces of world art. His works literally turned the world of painting upside down. The artist’s talent is so obvious that even today he is considered a truly unsurpassed creator, whose paintings are a whole world of dreams and fantasies, symbols and allegories. Many of his works may be incomprehensible to the viewer at first glance, since it is necessary to know the history of a particular painting in order to understand what exactly the artist depicted. Also, to fully understand Dali’s work, it is necessary to know the language of images of surrealism, as well as the individual language of painting by Salvador Dali. However, even without knowing all these things, it is simply impossible not to admire the works of the greatest creator of the past.

During his life, Dali painted a large number of paintings, which today are in the most famous museums peace. Perhaps his most famous works are “The Temptation of St. Anthony”, “The Persistence of Memory”, “A Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate, a Moment Before Awakening”, the sculpture “Venus de Milo with Boxes” and many, many others. Next you can see Dali's most famous paintings, which are considered not only masterpieces, but also real " business cards» masters.

The most famous paintings of the Spanish artist Salvador Dali

Temptation of Saint Anthony

Geopolitical baby

A dream caused by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate, a moment before awakening

The Persistence of Memory

Crucifixion, or Hypercubic body

Premonition of civil war

Venus de Milo with boxes

Christ of Saint Juan de la Cruz

last supper