Holidays on the Pacific coast of Russia. Beach holidays in the Far East The best resort beaches in the Far East review

Primorsky Krai occupies the southeastern outskirts of Russia. It is located in the southernmost part of the Far East on the shores of the Sea of ​​Japan. The resorts of Primorsky Krai attract tourists with their clear sea, sandy and pebble beaches and magnificent scenery. The swimming season here lasts until September, the water temperature in August reaches 23-25°C.

One of the popular holiday destinations in the Far East is Vityaz Bay. It is located in the southwest of the Gamow Peninsula, between capes Schulz and Tarantsev. The Far Eastern Marine Reserve is located nearby. The climate is temperate monsoon. The village of Vityaz itself is located in the apex of the bay.

A holiday on the bay coast is perfect for both young people and couples with children. There is a sandy beach, easy entry into the sea, and the depth gradually increases. Active recreation enthusiasts can go diving. A favorite place for diving is a rock dump. It is located near the three islands of Tarantsev. The depth of the stone dump reaches 30 meters. During the midday hours, when sunbathing is not recommended, you can take a walk through the forest of the Gamow Peninsula. Also, Vityaz Bay is famous among fishermen. There is a good catch of flounder, squid and sea ruffs here. During the beach season, on the coast of Vityaz Bay, more than twenty camp sites, boarding houses and recreation centers of Primorye are open to resort guests.

Also popular among tourists is the village of Andreevka, which is located on the eastern coast of Trinity Bay. Vladivostok is 200 kilometers away. The depth in Trinity Bay reaches 30 meters. The most popular are the sandy beaches of Trinity Bay, located next to Andreevka, in Risovaya Bay.

The village attracts tourists not only because of its warm sea. Andreevka has unique natural complexes. Near the village there is the Far Eastern Marine Reserve, as well as 20 other natural monuments of the Primorsky Territory, such as the Khasansky cascade of waterfalls, Lake Maloe Marble, Mount Sudari.

In addition, in Andreevka there are historical monuments that tell about the discoverers of Primorye and the heroic past of the region. Various exciting excursions are organized for guests of Andreevka. Tourists will be interested in visiting the 19th-century fortified house of the Primorye scientist and enthusiast M.I. Yankovsky, and seeing the artillery battery on Cape Gamow - a monument to the history of Soviet times. You should also definitely take an excursion to the Island of the Longing Heart, famous for its pine grove and stone that makes sounds when the sea is rough.

In addition, Andreevka has a diving school and various water attractions. Also available to vacationers is the rental of ATVs and watercraft. For the convenience of guests of the village, there are numerous recreation centers, guest houses and camp sites.

The best sandy beaches in the entire Far East are located in Triozerye Bay, which is located in the southeast of Primorsky Krai. It got its name because of the freshwater lakes located on its coast. Vladivostok is located 230 kilometers from the bay. The distance to Khabarovsk is 870 kilometers. The climate in Triozerye is monsoon. August is considered the warmest month. At this time, the water in the shallow waters of the bay warms up to + 24 °C.

The beaches of Triozerye stretch 2 kilometers in length. For the convenience of vacationers, they are equipped with tables, benches and barbecues. In the bay you can not only sunbathe and swim in the sea. Triozerye is an excellent place for diving, windsurfing, jet skiing, and kiting. In addition, tourists can explore the coast from a helicopter, fly on a parachute, ride on boats and catamarans. Fishing enthusiasts will be pleased with the large crucian carp that are found in the waters of the lakes. Also, excursions to the island-rock Cruiser are organized for vacationers. There are several comfortable recreation centers and equipped tent camps on the coast of the bay.

Published: 13.02.2015 Category: Author's essay

For residents of Central Russia and Europeans, the Far East seems extraordinary and practically inaccessible. Indeed, this region is unique in everything and is not like all the others. It is the farthest from the capital. The flight from Moscow will take almost 10 hours. The peculiarities of the Far East do not end there. It is located at the tip of vast Eurasia where the continent meets the mighty Pacific Ocean. This proximity gave the region unique natural and climatic conditions. Guests of the Far East never tire of being amazed by the diversity of local nature. On its territory you can see active volcanoes, geysers and glaciers, secluded caves, taiga and tundra forests, beaches covered with black volcanic sand, vast water areas with various types of fish, hills, mountain rivers and waterfalls.

Wellness holidays in the Far East have their own specifics. Most resort areas cannot boast of a developed infrastructure, and sanatoriums are often deprived of the usual comfort. This is especially true for hard-to-reach areas. This state of affairs is due to the fact that there are few tourists, and the district itself cannot even be called densely populated. But in such places you can concentrate on treatment, calm your nerves, and feel merging with nature. In addition, the medical staff, not spoiled by a large number of vacationers, is highly qualified and has a sincere attitude towards everyone.

The climate of the Far East is heterogeneous. In different places it can be subarctic, maritime, monsoon, temperate, continental. Winters are usually harsh and frosty, but quite easily tolerated due to the dry climate. Another mitigating factor is the abundance of sunny days. The best time to relax and travel around the region is the summer months.

The Far East has enormous resources to transform it into an all-Russian health resort that can compete in popularity with KavMinVody, Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory. There are several large resort areas in this federal district. Each of them has one, and often several, healing factors. In Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Primorye and the Magadan region they treat with climate, mineral waters and healing mud. There are several balneological resorts in the Khabarovsk region. A large number of sources with nitrogen-rich siliceous thermal waters, according to scientists, are concentrated in Primorye and the Okhotsk-Chukchi zone. At the moment, most of them have not yet been explored.

The resort business in the Far East arose thanks to the discovery of thermal springs. Travelers, exhausted from the long journey, quickly realized that swimming in them restored their strength. Later, local healing muds were found stored at the bottom of estuaries and lakes.

The largest number of sanatoriums are concentrated in Primorye. Their lion's share is located in the suburbs of Vladivostok, the most populous city in the district. These are “Sadgorod”, “Primorye”, “Amur Bay”. In them, vacationers replenish their strength by staying in a favorable climate, swimming in sea water, and using healing mud and mineral waters. “Sadgorod” is the oldest sanatorium in Primorye. Its construction began in 1924. A beautiful location on the shore of Uglovoe Bay was chosen for development. The sanatorium became famous for its beautiful sandy beaches and mud from Uglovoye, containing bromine and iodine. His main profile is the treatment of heart diseases.

The Shmakovka resort is also located in Primorye, but not near Vladivostok, but in the valley of the Ussuri River. It was founded next to mineral springs, the waters of which are similar in composition to the famous Narzan. The springs were discovered in the 1870s while digging wells. In 1907 they were explored and the first borehole was laid. Now there are four sanatoriums on the resort territory. An accompanying healing factor at the resort is the warm, dry climate in the summer season. Shmakovka specializes in the fight against diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

The Far East is famous primarily for its active volcanoes, geysers and thermal springs. Kamchatka is rich in all this, but there are also thermal springs in the Magadan region. This is where the unique Talaya resort is located. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is located beyond the Arctic Circle. In Talaya there are several springs with almost boiling water and deposits of silt mud in Lake Shchuchye. Surprisingly, the number of sunny hours in Taloy exceeds 710, which is uncharacteristic for the Magadan region.

People go to the Paratunskaya resort area of ​​Kamchatka to recover from nervous and skin ailments and to get their musculoskeletal system in order. The area is home to geothermal hot springs and sulphide mud. You can undergo a course of treatment in one of the three sanatoriums of the resort. The most famous of them at the moment is “Paratunka”.

Therapeutic mud and mineral waters are also used for treatment on Sakhalin. The resort area of ​​the peninsula is located at the very foot of Mount Dzhambul at a distance of 22 km. from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Carbonated mineral water, which has a high level of arsenic, is delivered to the resort sanatorium from nearby Sinegorsk springs. Arsenic waters are used in the treatment of many diseases and have a rejuvenating, tonic and analgesic effect. Mud is taken from Izmenchivyy Bay. They are used in the form of applications, tampons, and for electromud procedures. At the Sinegorsk Mineral Waters sanatorium you can try not only balneo-mud treatment methods, but also undergo a course of hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) and halotherapy (inhalation of table salt vapors).

The Kuldur resort was founded near wells with fluoride and radon waters in the Khabarovsk Territory. In this area there are sanatoriums with almost a hundred years of history (Kuldur) and modern ones (Sanus). The Kuldur sanatorium is considered one of the oldest in the Far East. The local population has known about the existence of healing springs since ancient times. Workers building the railway heard about them. They began to be successfully treated at the Kuldur mineral springs for the ailments that beset them. In 1924, the Kuldur sanatorium opened, which is still visited by vacationers.

A wellness holiday in the Far East should be combined with excursions to natural and cultural attractions. Each region of this district has its own characteristics and is worth visiting. It is unforgivable to be in the Far East and not see Kamchatka - the land of volcanoes and geysers. In the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve, traces of giant meteorites have been preserved, and rare animals are found. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Vladivostok are interesting from a tourist point of view. In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk restaurants you can try seafood delicacies at affordable prices and visit one of the museums. The city has its own ski resort located right in the center.

Vladivostok is a port city with a unique architectural appearance, where a variety of styles are mixed. Here you can buy goods from Japan and China, and explore the 19th century Vladivostok fortress. The most amazing thing that the Far East has, besides its unique nature, is the unique atmosphere of the close interweaving of European and Asian cultures.


Far East: descriptions for travelers and reviews from tourists. Resorts and hotels, maps and attractions of the Far East. Tours and trips to the Far East

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Regions of the Far East

What to see

It cannot be said that the Far East is a mega-destination for domestic tourism. The conditions are still not the most suitable: a long flight from the European part of Russia, a rather harsh climate and not too much focus on loitering guests. However, the Far Eastern land still has its fans. For a patriot who is not afraid of difficulties, the Far East can offer crazy natural beauty: just look at the expanses of Avacha Bay, the majestic silhouettes of hills and clouds over the tops of volcanoes, beaches with black volcanic sand, islets lost in the ocean, favored by migratory birds, and harsh rocky shores, mountain lakes and “sugar” caves.



In winter you can go skiing here (fortunately, the gentle and long slopes of the “home” mountains are conducive to this), and in summer you can walk along the seaside, mountains and valleys, and go fishing (fishing in the fertile river and sea depths of the Far East is deservedly considered one of the best in Russia ), go hunting or hiking, climb, raft down the river, and finally, just get away from the hustle and bustle and breathe in the healing air of the “end of the world.”

Treatment in the Far East

Another thing the Far East is famous for is its healing mineral springs. For example, in the Kamchatka Territory alone there are almost three hundred of them! The infrastructure surrounding the life-giving springs may be somewhat inferior to European ones, but the doctors work the best, and the extraordinary hospitality of the local residents will give you the most carefree mood, which, as we know, is the key to recovery.


As for cultural tourism, historical attractions here come in two extremes: either very ancient artifacts from the sites of primitive people, or more or less modern buildings and museum collections. However, the shortcomings of the historical “excursion” are more than made up for by natural diversity - from glaciers to volcanoes, from icy lakes to boiling geysers. A land of contrasts, in a word!

In terms of the richness and diversity of mineral springs, the Far East ranks one of the first places in Russia. In the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, the Amur and Magadan regions, the Jewish Autonomous Region, Sakhalin and Kamchatka, there are more than 200 mineral springs, very diverse in physical and chemical composition, as well as many deposits of medicinal mud. On the basis of mineral springs and medicinal mud, balneological and climatic resorts, sanatoriums, balneotherapy clinics, and holiday homes have been developed in areas with a favorable climate.

The balneoclimatic type of area is distinguished by the amount of reserves, balneological suitability, degree of exploration and development. Taking into account the potential natural recreational opportunities of balneoclimatic areas, as well as the features of the already formed infrastructure, made it possible to divide them into four categories.

Balneoclimatic areas of category I are represented by explored deposits of mineral waters with protected reserves or medicinal mud, prepared for industrial development. Their medicinal properties have been well studied. Significant in size (1500 m 3 /day or more), or insignificant, but unique in composition, mineral waters make it possible in the future to expand the medical and recreational facilities, or to build bottling plants. This type of area is located in the suburbs of Vladivostok on the coast of the Ussuri and Amur bays with natural and climatic conditions favorable for year-round recreation, the longest swimming season (up to 120 days) and well-maintained beaches. The natural healing base is represented by the medicinal marine silt sulfide mud of the Uglovoy Bay, which has a wide range of applications: for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, digestive, respiratory, female and male genital organs, diseases of the skin, ear, and throat. Due to its geographical proximity to the mass consumer, this territory is currently used as a medical and health resort, and in the future it can take on the functions of beach and bathing recreation and some types of winter public recreation.

In the Shmakovka area there is a group of sanatoriums, the healing factors of which are a favorable climate for recreation and carbon dioxide bicarbonate-magnesium-calcium water, used in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Internal use has shown its high effectiveness in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic colitis and enterocolitis, chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, and metabolic diseases.

The combination of external (in the form of baths) and internal use of mineral water has a preventive and therapeutic effect on obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The climatic and recreational potential of the Shmakovo resort area makes it possible to expand the health-improving base of the resort through the wider use of the climatic factor - in combination with other non-drug treatments. Within the mountainous region of the southeastern and eastern Sikhote-Alin, there are significant natural resource prerequisites for the development and expansion of the Chistovodnoye balneotherapy facility on the basis of a unique compositional deposit of nitrogen thermal hydrocarbonate sodium waters containing fluorine, silicic acid, and radon. Currently, the balneological hospital in Chistovodny is designed for 200 patients with skin diseases, circulatory disorders, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In the lower reaches of the river. Amur, on the basis of the Annensky nitrogen thermal hydrocarbonate-sulfate sodium water deposit with a high content of silicic acid (up to 60-96 mg/dm 3) and fluorine (up to 7 mg/dm 3), the Annensky balneoclimatic area is located. Mineral water is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, skin, and gynecological diseases. The balneoclimatic potential is complemented by sludges of the chloride-hydrocarbonate-sulfate calcium-sodium type, which can be used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, and in gynecological practice. In the picturesque intermountain depression of the spurs of the Lesser Khingan there is the Kuldur balneoclimatic area. Therapeutic factors are high-thermal (temperature up to 74 ° C) alkaline (PH up to 9.3--9.4), low-mineralized sodium chloride-bicarbonate, siliceous (H 2 Si0 3 up to 124 mg / dm 3) with high (12--22 mg/dm 2) fluorine content of mineral waters and peat deposits. Mineral water is used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system and the consequences of injuries to the peripheral and central nervous system, skin. The location of the area in an intermountain depression at an altitude of 500-600 m creates a unique landscape complex interspersed with fragments of the Ussuri taiga in the northern nature, which can contribute to the development of a small tourist complex.

In the south of Sakhalin in the valley of the river. Sinegorki at the foot of the spurs of the Western Sakhalin Range on the basis of chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium, enriched with arsenic, orthoboric (H 3 B0 3) and metasilicon (H 2 Si0 3) acids, the Sinegorsk medical and recreational area is located. Mineral waters are used by the Sinegorsk Mineral Waters resort for the treatment of skin problems. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders. Internal intake of water has an effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and has a preventive and therapeutic effect on obesity.

Balneoclimatic areas of category II are located in places with favorable bioclimatic conditions for year-round or seasonal recreation. The reserves of medicinal mineral waters were previously studied at the exploration stage. The healing properties are determined by analogy with the waters common in Russia. The ecological condition is most often satisfactory or with easily removable pollution (waters are poorly protected from surface pollution).

The balneoclimatic area "Gornovodnoe" is located in the south-eastern recreational area with a climate favorable for year-round recreation. The healing factor is the carbonic hydrocarbonate magnesium-sodium-calcium ferruginous waters of the Gornovodnoe deposit. Mineral water from the deposit is used in a specialized balneological hospital of the regional subordination for external procedures for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic liver diseases, metabolic diseases, biliary and urinary tracts. Water has common indications for external use with the Shmakov type, but has a wider range of internal use. The high therapeutic effect of mineral water is manifested in the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, in particular gastric and duodenal ulcers, diseases of the stomach and duodenal ulcer operated on. Mineral water is promising for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.

A similar type of medical and recreational area is located on the basis of the Dmitrievskoye deposit of medicinal mineral waters with reserves of 170 m 3 /day. Currently, the healing resource of the area is not used.

The reserves of the Pokrovskaya health-improving area are estimated preliminary and amount to 86 m 3 /day.

This medicinal table mineral water can be used externally in the form of carbon dioxide baths for diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, musculoskeletal endocrine systems and connective tissue, and metabolic diseases. When used internally, water can be used to treat chronic gastritis not complicated by gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, and metabolic diseases.

In the northeast of Primorsky Krai there is the balneoclimatic area “Amgu”. Based on nitrogen-thermal medicinal waters, similar to those from Chistovodny, there is a balneological hospital designed for 10-13 patients with skin diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and circulatory disorders. Balneotherapy can be combined with climate therapy and various forms of health tourism. In winter, balneotherapy can be combined with skiing and sports activities.

In the Khabarovsk Territory, on the basis of nitrogen thermal weakly mineralized sulfate-hydrocarbonate sodium waters of the Tumninsky deposit, there is a medical and recreational area with the same name. Unlike other waters included in the group of nitrogen thermal carbonate-hydrocarbonate waters (Chistovodnoye, Kuldur), the waters of the deposit are weakly mineralized, weakly radon. Tumninsky waters are used to treat the peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal system, and gynecological diseases. The increased (up to 44 °C) water temperature allows it to be used for balneotherapy without additional heating. The deposit's reserves make it possible to turn a “wild” resort into a health resort of regional importance for 600-700 people, and for residents of adjacent areas to improve their health in local climatic conditions, excluding long journeys and the acclimatization period.

The Khasansky district has significant natural potential for the development of the sanatorium and resort recreation industry. In Posiet Bay there is a deposit of medicinal silt mud similar to Sadgorod.

The Yasnoye deposit has more favorable sanitary conditions, but the limiting condition for use is the high (50-70%) contamination with remains of mollusk shells. The range of applications is similar to the Sadgorod medicinal mud.

Balneoclimatic areas of category III are represented by sources and manifestations of mineral waters with a high content of specific components. Waters similar to Kuldur waters are found in the valleys of the rivers Byssa, Mutnaya, Ulmi, Tom and others in the Amur region. Methane and nitrogen-methane, weakly mineralized chloride and sodium bicarbonate on Sakhalin, cold carbon dioxide in the Amur region, cold carbon dioxide hydrocarbonate in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories. The medicinal properties of these waters are due to the high content of carbon dioxide, iron, and sometimes silicic acid.

This category of areas is located far from populated areas and main roads in ecologically clean areas with favorable bioclimatic conditions for year-round and seasonal recreation. Forecast reserves range from 10 to 50 m 3 /day. allow the construction of small hospitals on their basis, specializing in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. Currently, the healing resource is used spontaneously, without medical recommendations, the balneological properties are determined by analogy with the known ones. The focus on the use of local natural factors in improving the health of the population of the region should certainly lead to the development of medical and health infrastructure in balneoclimatic areas of this category. The construction of small-capacity dispensaries and balneotherapy clinics on their basis will expand the needs for preventive treatment of the “middle strata of the population” and residents of nearby areas in need of sanatorium-resort treatment.

Balneoclimatic areas of category IV are poorly studied and developed due to their remoteness from developed infrastructure.

The Russian Pacific coast stretches from north to south for thousands of kilometers - from the Bering Strait to the Kuril Islands. The nature of the Far East amazes with its diversity of natural zones - arctic deserts, tundras, coniferous forests, coniferous-birch forests, coniferous-deciduous forests and even subtropical forests in the very south. The Far East seems to most residents of other regions of Russia to be an eternally cold land. Yes, the north, Chukotka, is an Arctic desert, but the south of Primorsky Krai is located at the latitude of Abkhazia. On the Pacific coast there are the following Far Eastern regions: Chukotka on the coast of the Bering Sea, the Kamchatka Peninsula, washed by the waters of the Bering Sea, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean, the Magadan Region and the Khabarovsk Territory, overlooking the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Sakhalin Island also in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Primorsky Territory, having access to the Sea of ​​Japan. The nature, climate, flora and fauna, attractions and opportunities of these regions are so diverse that each needs to be discussed separately.

Chukotka is located in the very north of the Pacific coast. This is a very large, remote and harsh region of our country, almost all of which is located beyond the Arctic Circle. There are only two seasons here - a short summer and a winter that lasts almost ten months. There is a polar night and a polar day. The local relief is mainly plateaus, above which high mountain ranges rise.

The Kamchatka Peninsula has an area of ​​about 470,000 km², its length is 1,200 km and several European countries could easily fit on its territory. Kamchatka is home to more than 300 volcanoes, including 36 active ones, as well as the famous Valley of Geysers. Kamchatka has a mild, maritime climate with a slight temperature difference from +13°C in July to -16°C in January. In the eastern part of the island the weather is very unstable and changes frequently. Summers here are very cool, with frequent rain and fog, and winters are quite mild with numerous thaws. The coldest place is in the center of the peninsula. There are no severe frosts on the coast. There is a lot of precipitation here - on the east coast up to 260 cm per year.

In the Magadan region, the duration of winter is from six to eight months. Winter is frosty. Snow lies from the beginning of December until the end of May. In winter there are often strong winds, and snow drifts sometimes reach enormous sizes. Summer lasts two months, but nature has time to bloom. The seasons change quickly with rain, snow, frequent storms and fog.

On the coast of the Khabarovsk Territory the climate is temperate. The proximity of the sea and the terrain influence it. The autumn-winter period is long. Natural conditions are influenced by the proximity of the sea and the nature of the relief. Far from the coast, the climate is more severe - temperatures in winter can reach minus 30 - 40 degrees. In summer - + 15 - +25.

The climate of Sakhalin is moderate monsoon. However, the weather, regardless of the time of year, differs significantly in the north and south of the island. Summers are very humid with frequent precipitation. The west coast is warmer in summer due to the proximity of the Tsushima Current.

Winter is cold with heavy snowfalls; in the south there are also powerful snowstorms and hurricane winds. The island is separated from the mainland by the Tartary Strait, and from the Japanese Islands by the La Perouse Strait. In the south and far north of Sakhalin there are mountains, and between them there are lowlands.

The coast of Primorsky Krai faces the Sea of ​​Japan, so the climate there is humid and monsoonal. The weather in winter is cold, up to - 15 degrees, and there is little snow. Spring is cloudy with fog and rain. Summer is cloudy with rain and showers. Autumn in Primorye is called “golden” - the weather is dry, warm and sunny. Cold weather arrives at the beginning of November.


The nature of all regions of the Pacific coast of Russia is very diverse.

Chukotka is located in the zone of tundra, forest-tundra and deciduous taiga. Almost half of the area is occupied by alpine tundra, stone deserts and semi-deserts. However, more than nine hundred species of higher plants grow in Chukotka, including a large number of flowers, more than four hundred species of mosses and lichens. There are more than 400 species of fish in the Bering Sea, fifty of which are commercial. Also commercially available are four types of crabs, four types of shrimp and two types of shellfish. Freshwater inland reservoirs are home to up to thirty species of fish - salmon, char, whitefish, grayling, smelt, whitefish and burbot. Many birds - about 220 species - ducks, geese, swans. On the shore there are “bird colonies” - guillemots, eiders and gulls. A variety of animals - polar and brown bears, reindeer, sable, lynx, wolf, arctic fox, wolverine, ermine, hare, fox, mink and others. There are walruses, seals and whales in the sea.

In Kamchatka, nature has been preserved almost in its original form. This is a country of volcanoes, alpine meadows, taiga and tundra, mountains, valleys and sea bays. The nature of the peninsula is unique. In winter frosts, flowers bloom here and the grass turns green next to the hot springs, and in the sultry summer caps of snow remain on the tops of extinct volcanoes. The rivers in Kamchatka are born in glaciers, so they are clean and transparent, and fish come to spawn in them. The grass grows taller than human height. The shores of the peninsula are indented with countless bays. The forests contain a variety of animals and plants, among which the Kamchatka bear is the most famous.

In the Magadan region, most of the territory is occupied by mountains and highlands of medium height. Cold winds blow here all year round. On the coast, conditions are more moderate, but in the interior of the region the climate is continental. Winter on the coast lasts about 5.5 months, inside the continent up to 7.5 months. Frosts can reach -50°, heavy snow. The average July temperature is + 12°. Due to the harsh conditions, there are not very many species of animals, and they all have thick fur. Here live ermine, white hare, wild reindeer, brown bear, fox, wolf, wolverine, elk, lynx, chipmunks, lemmings, arctic foxes and other animals. In winter there are few birds, only partridges and snowy owls are visible. In spring, ducks fly to the lakes, and “bird colonies” form on the coast. There are a lot of fish in rivers and lakes.

The relief of the Khabarovsk Territory is mainly mountainous - more than sixty percent of the territory is occupied by slopes and mountain ranges. The climate is moderate. Winters are quite cold, but summers are long and hot. The most picturesque landscape, many species of rare plants. Maple, fir, oak, Daurian rhododendron, Eleutherococcus and pointed yew grow.

The forests are home to foxes, wolves, lynx, Amur tiger, Manchurian hare, wapiti, roe deer, brown and Himalayan bears, deer, wild boars, elk, and musk deer. Fur-bearing animals include squirrel, wolverine, weasel, muskrat, and otter. a variety of birds - wood grouse, nutcrackers, waxwings, partridges, pheasants. On the ponds there are geese, mergansers, and ducks. There are even Indian cuckoos, Ussuri pheasants, blue flycatchers, common thrushes and rock thrushes.

Most of Sakhalin Island is covered with taiga forests. This taiga is unique in its species diversity - about two hundred plant species. The main plant of the island is Gmelin larch. A unique feature of the local flora is a combination of southern and northern plants. In the south of the island you can see tropical vines, larch, hornbeam, and cherry trees together. Elderberry and mountain ash are among the polar birches, near the spruces there are lemongrass and rhododendron, cedars are adjacent to cork trees. A riotous mixture of firs and blooming hydrangeas, rose hips, aralia, honeysuckle in thickets of tall ferns. The animals are the same as on the mainland: weasels, stoats, brown bears, three types of foxes, hares, squirrels, river otters, musk deer. There are up to seven hundred (!) species of birds - guillemots, puffins, puffins, gulls, geese, mallards, whelks, pintails, long-tailed ducks. Swans live on the most remote lakes of the island. Sakhalin is home to one of the world's largest fur seal rookeries. Sea otters and several species of seal live here. Sperm whales, killer whales, belugas, and blue whales often swim to the shores.

The nature of the Primorsky Territory is incredibly rich and diverse; about 250 species of trees and shrubs and more than 4,000 species of plants grow here. The Primorsky Territory is unique in the number of plants that are not found anywhere else - Amur velvet, shrubby birch, aralia, Komarov lotus. More than two-thirds of the region is occupied by taiga. Thanks to the mountainous terrain, seven altitudinal zones were formed, with different compositions of trees and plants. In Primorye, species of different geographical origins coexist - these are species of the Manchurian fauna, plants of the subtropics and Siberia. There are many Red Book species in the region, including the famous Amur tigers.


Due to natural and national diversity, traditional food in different regions of the Pacific coast is also very diverse.

In Chukotka, traditional national dishes are - stroganina from meat and fish, dolbanina from meat, fish, yukola (dry unsalted fish), dumplings with broth, prerem (boiled and frozen venison), opane (soup), kergipat (undercooked meat in its own juice ), frozen kidneys, etc.

In Kamchatka - Fish telno (filled fish cutlets), Kamchatka fish soup, caviar, fish salad with berries, yukola (dried fish). Search engines find 182 (!) restaurants in Kamchatka, mainly in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The first in the search results are Korea House, Da Vinci, Cinnabon, San Marino, Herets Pub.

In the Magadan region, the national dishes of the Evenks are traditional - Uman (raw bone marrow from the tubular bones of a deer), Nimyn - blood porridge (deer blood is boiled and seasoned with deer fat), Boiled blood with blueberries, Squirrel meat, Kulni (boiled lingonberries, shiksha with red caviar), pickled fish heads, Porsha - unsalted fish meal... Well, those who don’t like this exotic food can order a chicken Kiev or schnitzel... There are several dozen restaurants and cafes in Magadan - Torro Grill, Pronto, Kavinskaya Dolina, Terrace , Golden Lagoon, Steakhouse and others.

Traditional dishes in the Khabarovsk Territory: Dachshund - fish pate, Byansi - fish dumplings, Nettle soup, Far Eastern salad with salted fish, Fern with beef, wild garlic with tomato paste. There are more than 500 restaurants and cafes in the Khabarovsk Territory, most in Khabarovsk - Flowers, Satsivi, Luga, Pani Fazani, Muscat Whale, Amur and others.

In the Primorsky Territory, the main ingredient in most traditional dishes is fish, fish roe, shrimp, crab, and seaweed. The local cuisine is also influenced by the proximity of Japan, Korea and China. There are more than a thousand restaurants and cafes in the Primorsky Territory, of which 656 are in Vladivostok - Zuma, Farm Restaurant "Ogonyok", Studio, Mumiy Troll music bar and others.

Traditional dishes of the inhabitants of Sakhalin are: pink salmon fish soup, game soup, caviar soup, put (seaweed in fish broth). Also dishes made from yukola (dried fish or reindeer meat): finely chopped yukola, yukola kebab, dried yukola. Fish dishes: fish kebab, boiled bull, boiled chum salmon innards. Seal dishes: boiled meat, brisket shish kebab, boiled small intestine. Fish and berry dishes: mos (sweet jelly), crushed lingonberries with boiled fish, vyzkh chari (blueberries with milk), cloudberries with fish. There are 255 restaurants and cafes on Sakhalin - Pak Degam, Nihon Metai, Bermuda Triangle, Furusato, Prince Bagration and others. Mainly in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

How to get there?

The only way to get to Chukotka is by plane. You can travel by sea from Vladivostok in the summer, but on a dry cargo ship. You can fly to Chukotka through three airports: to Anadyr from Moscow. From Anadyr there are local flights of local airlines. The second airport is Pevek. From here there are helicopter flights to the villages of the Chaunsky district, to Cape Shmidt, as well as air transport to Anadyr. To Bilibino from Magadan on medium-haul AN-24.

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is located 11,876 km from Moscow; you can only fly by plane. Flights from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Novosibirsk, Magadan, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk and Irkutsk, as well as from the USA and China.

The capital of the Magadan region can be reached by plane, car and water transport. There is no railway to Magadan. The most convenient way is by plane; there are regular flights from Moscow, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Krasnodar. You can also get there by car, but it is long and risky, and the weather can make the road impassable.

The flight from Moscow to Khabarovsk takes seven to eight hours. Trains also run from Khabarovsk to Vladivostok, Blagoveshchensk, Moscow, Komsomolsk-on-Amur; trains from Penza, Novokuznetsk, Sovetskaya Gavan and other cities transit through Khabarovsk. The federal highways "Amur" and "Ussuri" and the regional highway P454 pass through Khabarovsk. But the distance from Moscow is 8300 km and the trip will be very difficult.

The easiest way to Vladivostok is by plane, but it still takes nine hours. There will be a wide variety of flights not only from Moscow. The airport is 38 km from the city; you can get to Vladivostok by bus, taxi or train. A fast train travels from Moscow to Vladivostok for six days. You can also get there by car, but it is 10,000 km and ten days of travel and it is advisable to travel in a group of cars.

The most convenient way to get to Sakhalin is by direct flight from Moscow or St. Petersburg. There are also four passenger airports on Sakhalin, from which regular flights depart: (from Moscow - 131 hours), then in Khabarovsk take a train to Vanino station (about 1 day), from Vanino by ferry to Sakhalin. There is an option to Vanino by road - from Moscow to Khabarovsk, then 509 km through Lidoga to Vanino. In Vanino you can take the ferry with your car.

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In Chukotka, good roads are only in the cities of Anadyr and Egvikinot. There are roads in the cities of Blibino and Pevek. Between populated areas there are only dirt roads, mostly winter roads. In the summer, not on all-terrain vehicles, you can confidently drive along good dirt roads in small areas between cities and satellite towns - 20 - 40 kilometers. Other local communications are by helicopter from three local airports.

There are no railways on the Kamchatka Peninsula, there are very few roads, but they are quite good. The main route of Kamchatka runs from north to south from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Ust-Kamchatsky. Several roads branch off from the highway, connecting it with cities and towns on the peninsula. Most attractions are located near the Kamchatka capital, so there are no problems with roads.

The road network in the Magadan region is poorly developed. The Federal Highway “Kolyma” runs through the region, connecting Yakutia and Magadan, with a total length of 2000 kilometers, of which 1200 km are in Yakutia, and 834 km in the Magadan region.

In the Khabarovsk Territory, the road network is concentrated mainly in the south. The length of roads is more than 6,000 km, of which 97% are paved roads. Along with the federal highways Ussuri and Amur, a network of regional roads has been developed. The length of railways, including sections of the Trans-Siberian and BAM, is more than 2000 km. Between the coast of the region and Sakhalin there is a ferry crossing Vanino - Kholmsk. The largest airport is Khabarovsk. There are also airports in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Okhotsk and Sovetskaya Gavan.

On Sakhalin, intra-island air service is only available on the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - Okhoi route. Almost all major cities of Sakhalin are connected by roads and bus services. There are rail connections along a small section of the island's west coast and along most of the east coast. Ships sail from the island to the Kuril Islands and Japan.

In the Primorsky Territory, all cities and towns are connected to Vladivostok by good roads. From the marine terminal in Vladivostok, passenger boats and ferries depart at any time of the year to the islands of the Primorsky Territory and settlements on the coast. There are domestic flights on the routes: Vladivostok - Plastun, Vladivostok - Kavalerovo, Kavalerovo - Plastun, and also back. Also, MI-8 helicopters fly from the village of Terney to the most remote areas of the region two to three times a week.

Types of recreation on the Pacific coast

Beach holidays in these areas are common starting in June. Just by this time the water warms up to an acceptable temperature. Locals call the beaches bays. Recreation by savages with tents is very common. And for those who love solitude, there are hard-to-reach bays where the average person will not go. They are located near Vladivostok, behind the Ocean pioneer camp.

One of the best beaches near Vladivostok, which can be reached by public transport, is Shamora. Its length is three kilometers and it has different depths, which is convenient for both families and swimmers.

Although the water rarely warms up above 23 degrees, one of the favorite outdoor activities in this area is scuba diving. Primorye is considered one of the best places in Russia for diving.

Another type of active recreation is surfing. And although the local waves are not so high, many beginners come here to practice their skills. Particularly desperate ones challenge even the winter sea.

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    Summer holidays Russia Tourism Excursions active recreation