Review of Sasha Frid's new album “Phantasmagoria. The mystery of Silva's disappearance: What happened to the actress who played the main role in the musical film by Jan Fried Sasha Fried biography

At the turn of the fall-winter seasons, the presentation of the original English-Russian album of the Moscow jazz-funk singer Sasha Fried “Phantasmagoria” took place. The record was recorded on Signon Records and consists of 2 EPs: the first is entirely in Russian and in the style of blues-rock, the second is in Russian and English, gravitating towards modern jazz and fusion. Sasha Fried, Ilya Kormiltsev, Sam Morgunov, Vanya Nanik participated in writing the music and lyrics.

“Phantasmagoria” by Sasha Fried. EP1

Tracklist: “On the minus”, “Exhale”, “In a dream”, “Zero”, “Get in touch”, “Possess”.

Musicians: Y. Perminova (keyboards), A. Kan (guitar), D. Belousov (bass, double bass), A. Kotrechko (bass), A. Kulkov and I. Ermakov (drums), T. Nekrasov (saxophone), A. Soloviev (harmonica).

Sasha Fried is one of those singers whose thoughts travel far beyond the boundaries of this world. And it is this ability that helps her create texts performed true love, burning passion and eternal values. You won’t hear any direct reference to these components in the lyrics of the first, just like the second EP. Everything happens at the level of intuition.

Do you need to know love in order to learn how to write poetry about it or compose music? The lyrical ballads of “Phantasmagoria”, sung in the blues-rock style, are what best characterizes Sasha herself. A combination of the incongruous. Main topic throughout the record - love in its various manifestations, but the main thing is that it is she who rules people before other emotions.

The mood of the first EP can be traced by the titles of the tracks that the singer invites the listener to follow. The album opens with the song “On the Minus”. There are feelings that do not represent an ideal example of a relationship, but still a minus on a minus gives a plus, which means opposites have a chance to attract each other and try to build their own world.

Smoothly moving along the melodic line of bass guitar riffs, the mood changes several times over the course of 3.5 minutes. The compositions “Exhale” and “In a Dream”, as if last hope“recognize each other” and fill every inhalation and exhalation with meaning.

The combination of the incongruous best characterizes the work of Sasha Fried

About the vicissitudes of love, about the game and reality, the story of the song “Zero”: “The filming ends - you turn into zero.” The text and music create a feeling of a living dialogue between the performer and the listener, involuntarily involved in the whirlpool of an event in someone else's history. However, the desire to get in touch and possess the world of your lover overcomes the torment. The chords of the final fusion composition echo into silence, leaving the listener in thought.

“Phantasmagoria” by Sasha Fried. EP2

Tracklist: Default City Queen, Sparrow, “Phantasmagoria”, “Toward”, “Sorry, Mom”, “Disco”, Stop Making Love, “Ballad”.

Musicians: V. Luiso, Y. Perminova (keyboards), A. Kan (guitar), D. Belousov (bass, double bass), A. Kotrechko (bass), A. Kulkov and I. Ermakov (drums), T. Nekrasov and A .Yazykov (saxophones), D. Savin (trumpet), A. Ruznyaev (trombone), G. Gevorkov (percussion), E. Petrova, A. Karpov, O. Weber (backing vocals), A. Soloviev (harmonica ).

The character of the previous EP is preserved in the first composition of Default City Queen of the second part of the release. Blues with juicy guitar solos in the best traditions of Western virtuosos for a moment makes the listener see in front of him urban landscape metropolis and recognize its invisible power.

Sasha Fried's album “Phantasmagoria” constantly keeps you in suspense. The stylistic diversity of the compositions, both instrumentally and vocally, varies from track to track. And now the next one includes country elements, and the good old plot unfolds right before our eyes.

Modern jazz with a pronounced “brass” section leads the listener through the entire EP 2, interspersed with vocal improvisations of the soloist in different registers. Witness s The sound is given by the recognizable harmonica of Alex Solovyov, creating volume and saturating it with soulful digressions.

2 EP is a collection of Sasha’s revelations about everything that worries her day after day

Phantasmagoria by Sasha Fried is a collection of songs that are ahead of their time. Always inspired by the second wave of funk, the singer sought to find her own style. This also applies vocal performance, and instrumental parts, therefore, performers in demand on the modern music scene took part in the recording of her first album of original songs. Such a creative collaboration turned out to be a success in the form of “Phantasmagoria”, claiming its right to the title of one of the best releases modern jazz outgoing 2016.

Photo by Gulnara Khamatova

Photos: Lyuba Kozorezova

FOR THE “WARDROBE” RUBRIC we photograph beautifully, uniquely or strangely dressed people in their favorite things and ask them to tell the stories associated with them. This week our heroine is singer Sasha Fried.

I remember in the eighth grade I came to school in my dad’s jeans, a velvet dress in the style of the 80s with a pink petticoat, open shoulders and a rose on the chest, a red adidas silk sports jacket with huge pink beads. On my head I had a cap embroidered with different buttons (hand-made), and on my feet were Converse high-top sneakers with inscriptions. I looked original. Kids from school asked me to decorate their backpacks with pins and badges. I felt great: they called me a “freak” and a “clown,” but I was not like everyone else.

At the age of seventeen I discovered the world of my mother’s things. I found hidden suitcases with velvet jackets, wide trousers high waist, boiled Levi's and her prom dress. It blew my mind, and at the right time - the fashion for the 90s and second-hand items had just begun. Since then, I decided for myself: I will never throw away or give away any of my clothes, especially jackets, which are my main passion. I collect them, and one day my grown-up daughter will find my suitcases and be ten times happier than me. I am very grateful to my mother. I have a love for vintage to this day and throughout my life.

In general, my family had a very correct policy - not to buy expensive things for a child who, firstly, clearly would not appreciate the quality, secondly, would tear it up in the yard, and thirdly, was simply unable to appreciate expensive thing and fourthly, it will quickly grow out of it. I remember my first signature item very well - these are yellow patent leather Marc by Marc Jacobs shoes, which they bought me for graduation.

Now that I am actively involved in artistic and concert activities, a concept called a “concert suit” appeared in my wardrobe. I always choose clothes for the stage based on the establishment, my character music program- I perform and compose music very different styles, which is based on jazz and rock. But in everyday life I dress calmly, focusing on bags, shoes or outerwear. I spend a lot of time at rehearsals or driving around the city - in both cases, comfort and freedom of movement are important to me.

Stella McCartney trousers, Nike sneakers, no name T-shirt, H&M jacket, Alexander Wang bag

A green jacket made of some supernatural materials. H&M is endlessly dear to my heart. I first bought it in Frankfurt in 2012, and lost it a couple of months later. It was traumatic and I was very sad. But after a couple of years I found exactly the same one in another H&M, only a size larger - since then I’ve been saving it and enjoying it. When the thing is yours, it will find you.

I just love trousers - you can wear them with sneakers, heels, roll in the mud, or go out into the world. Taking a closer look, you can see that they have been washed a million times, and the threads are sticking out at the seams.

The bag has survived many fun European parties - the strap is from a completely different model. It is unique and goes with almost everything. Bright and, it seems to me, brings good luck.

Vintage jeans from B'Noir Store,
robe no name, Vans sneakers

What can I say - these white leather slippers need to be erected as a monument. I bought them in London four years ago. They ran with sparkle and selflessness. But once you wipe them with a cloth, they are as good as new.

I bought the robe in Tbilisi at a carpet store. I wear it often in everyday life - it causes a special sensation at the entrance to the fitness center. It is of very nice quality and beautifully embroidered.

Jeans are perfect and my favorite. I wear it rarely and blow off specks of dust.

Vintage jeans and cap, mom's top

I really love this top, although it, too, is already falling apart at the seams. I stole it from my mom - she's a fan of everything striped; Suitable for both jeans and black trousers. Looks elegant with earrings. I really love caps/hats/hats, but they are often too big for me and fall off. This cap is the only one that stays on my head. It's a pity it doesn't heat up.

Topshop jeans, mom's jacket,
Saint Laurent shoes

The jacket is my favorite find in my mother's chest. He is already about 24 years old, but he is still relevant. He has character and charm. When I put it on, I feel some kind of confidence in myself. Cut, velvet, buttons - love. The most important thing about these sandals is that they are incredibly comfortable. I can easily ride them through the entire concert.

IRO jacket, Topshop jeans, Saint Laurent sneakers

I bought this jacket at Tsvetnoy - I saw it and fell in love, but I didn’t have the money. A couple of months later, there was one left on sale in my size for three times cheaper - naturally, I took it. In June of that year, my friend and I went to New York, and there people came up to me on the streets and asked me in which store I bought it. I associate her with that festival trip.

No name top and boots, COS pants,
jacket April May

I bought this jacket in Paris - it is made of super soft leather, and despite the fact that it has clear references to the country style with fringes and characteristic clasps, it goes with absolutely any outfit. Boots from Tbilisi are like slippers, very soft and light. They cost pennies. The quality, of course, is sad, and I feel they won’t last long (I kill even high-quality shoes quickly), but for now I wear them.

Simone Rocha dress and bodysuit,
Miu Miu shoes, no name earrings

I love statement earrings - I think they suit me very well. This Simone Rocha mesh is part of the dress. I like it for its unusualness - a sort of “elegant peasant woman” who turned out to be a witch. She has one last party before the Inquisition.

Accordingly, the best party shoes are this silver pair that I've been wearing for years now. They went through more than one wedding, concert and party, but not a single sparkle fell off their heels.

COS tank top, Topshop jeans, Miu Miu shoes, vintage kimono and clutch

This pure silk kimono is a delight and shine. I found him and my friend in Berlin on my birthday, in honor of which they knocked off 50 euros for us. A nice bonus, this is where I celebrated my 25th birthday. In general, it is very inspiring to achieve heroic deeds. I bought the clutch on the same day in another store - it really suits the kimono.

Isabel Marant jacket, Topshop jeans

Your favorite beaded jacket is the finest work. It's very heavy. Fits both evening dress, and under jeans. An absolutely self-sufficient thing. It was an impulse purchase - bought in Tel Aviv on a friend's wedding day. I was going to wear a regular classic pantsuit, but my dad said I would embarrass him. As a result, we rushed to the shops - on a holiday I was wearing a simple silk dress and this jacket. Dad was pleased.

Vintage jacket Escada

It was given to me for my birthday by a friend and owner of the B’Noir store. It was just hanging modestly in a stall at a flea market in Berlin and cost 20 euros. When we saw him, the question of a gift disappeared by itself.

Zara jacket, Chanel bag

It is in this combination that a jacket and a bag bring good luck.

Prada shoes, mom's coat, Fendi bag

I've been chasing shoes for some time. I really wanted them completely in gold, but I couldn’t find my size and bought pink ones - I don’t regret a minute. They are super comfortable for the stage. I stole a Versace raincoat from my mother - this bright representative 2000s I love the slightly flared sleeves and stand-up collar - strict and playful. He looks very extravagant these days.

Vintage jacket

A find and a gift from my same friend from B’Noir Store. A frequent costume element at my concerts.

Dries Van Noten jacket

Every item of this brand is a work of art. But it’s difficult for me to wear Dries Van Noten clothes: they don’t fit the figure or the cut. However, this jacket stole my heart.

Suit of unknown brand

The golden suit of a Russian designer, whose name I forgot, had to be repaired. This is my first stage costume as part of the Sasha Fried project - I love it very much. It's terribly uncomfortable - it's hot in it. But the debutante’s emotions are connected with it.

She was called “our Marlene Dietrich” and one of the most beautiful actresses Soviet cinema. Everyone knows the actress Zhanna Glebova for her role as Silva in the musical film of the same name by Jan Fried, a film adaptation of the operetta by Imre Kalman.

Zhanna Glebova was the prima of the Riga Operetta Theater and played only a few roles in films, and soon after her triumph in

“Silve” disappeared from the screens forever. Only years later it became known real reason mysterious disappearance actresses.

Zhanna Glebova was born in 1950 in Donetsk, and after graduating from school she moved to Kyiv. There she entered the Theater Studio at the Kiev Operetta Theater, and then performed on the stage of the Kyiv drama theater them. Ivan Franko. Soon she married actor Efim Khromov and moved with him to Riga. At the Riga Operetta Theater, Zhanna Glebova became a prima singer - she played leading roles in the plays “Sister Carrie”, “Then in Seville”, “Man of La Mancha”, “My Fair Lady”.

The actress's film debut took place in 1978 in the film Open Country by Latvian director Alexander Leimanis. A year later, another film with her participation was released - “Behind the Glass Door”. But Zhanna Glebova’s real popularity came from her leading role in Jan Fried’s musical film “Silva.” Before this, the actress was known only in Latvia, but after the premiere of the film she became famous throughout the USSR.

The Hungarian composer Imre Kalman wrote the operetta “Silva” back in 1915 (in Europe it was called “The Queen of Czardas” or “The Gypsy Princess”), and in the same year it was translated into Russian. But since the First was going on at that time world war, the title of the operetta and the names of some characters were changed. On stage, the operetta enjoyed such success that it was staged on both sides of the front - both in Austria-Hungary and in Russian Empire. Later, based on the operetta, several films were made in Austria, Hungary, Germany, and Norway. The first was shot by an Austrian director in 1919, and the film by Jan Fried was the last, it was released in 1981 and gained incredible popularity in the USSR.

Jan Fried for a long time couldn't find the actress on main role. Zhanna Glebova said: “I came to Fried completely by accident. He was looking for a leading lady for a long time. He wanted her to be an actress... a synthetic one - so that she would not only act, but also sing, and dance, and know how to wear costumes. So that, as he said, there would be a breed in it. Apparently, he was looking for someone like Gurchenko, but younger. Yes, Gurchenko could play the variety show actress Silva, but in general, among dramatic actresses such a combination, such a fusion is rare. At that time we were staging the play “Love All Ages” by the Leningrad composer Zhora Portnov, and Zhora really liked me. When he returned to Leningrad and met with Fried, who was already in a panic due to the lack of the actress he needed, Zhora suggested that he go to Riga and see one “girl”. The girl at that time already had two children and the title of Honored Artist. In a word, they called me.” The actress did not know who her partner would be in the film. Nikolai Karachentsov and Anatoly Vasiliev auditioned for the role of Edwin. She accidentally met Ivar Kalnins on the plane and only there it turned out that they were flying to shoot the same film.

The famous actress Tatyana Piletskaya, who played the role of Edwin’s mother in Silva, spoke about Zhanna Glebova: “This was that rare case when the actress combined beauty with dramatic talent and in a wonderful voice. Zhanna graduated from the conservatory.” This was indeed the case - Zhanna Glebova at that time was the prima of the Riga Operetta Theater and had excellent vocal abilities. But in the film, the audience never heard her voice - according to the director’s decision, all vocal parts were performed by opera artists. And instead of Zhanna Glebova, Evgenia Tselovalnik sang.

After her triumph in cinema, the actress suddenly disappeared from the screens. Only years later it became known that in 1990 Zhanna Glebova left for Israel with her husband. The actress later spoke about the reasons for this decision: “

A year before moving, I visited Israel. And I fell in love with this country so much that I even saw it in my dreams. And then I didn’t care - there is an operetta here, there is no operetta here, it doesn’t matter... The fact is that the situation in Latvia at that time was creatively unstable, and I think that we made a very right decision. In Israel, we learned that our theater was closed; it existed without us for only about a year. Wonderful actors were left without work. Who went to sell vegetables, who went into some other business, and who... works in Israel in their specialty...”

In Israel they settled in the city of Rehovot. There, together with Khromov, they staged the play “The Merry Widow,” held joint concerts, and took part in the “Israeli Operetta” program. Zhanna Glebova and her husband Efim Khromov were called the flagships of operetta in Israel. IN recent years The 67-year-old actress lives with her daughter in the USA and is raising her grandchildren.

Sasha Fried is a very mysterious and extraordinary singer performing songs in a jazz, funk and soul style filled with charm, flirtation, intelligence and aristocracy. Her music forces the listener not only to share their impressions, but also transports him to a virtual cinema world with a unique plot and soundtrack, in which literally everything is performed to musical words and notes that make this action magical. Alexandra’s musical program includes songs by such world performers as: Arechi Franklin, Lyn Collins, Janis Joplin, Ella Fitzgarald and many others.

Performer Sasha Fried is very eccentric and ambitious, but the manner of performing her jazz-funk strikes many with its impeccability. Moreover, according to many music critics, which note her perseverance and hard work, she has great prospects of becoming a real jazz star. If you want to get a sea of ​​drive and dance exhaustion, then you just need to buy tickets to her upcoming concert. After all, the music that Sasha performs can sharpen not only all emotions, but also help you break loose and run to save the whole world.

Sasha Frid is a young jazz-funk singer representing a new take on classic funk and soul in Russia. The artist’s repertoire includes hits by Aretha Franklin, Mary Jane Hooper, Cheryl Lynn, Lynn Collins, as well as rhythm and blues compositions by Janis Joplin and Cream in funk versions. Sasha is supported by her large band, which includes a guitar, double bass, saxophone, trombone, keyboards, drums and a trio of backing vocalists.

Sasha Fried's debut concert was sold out at the Shakti Terrace club last winter with the participation of the famous jazz musician, trumpeter Vadim Eilenkrig. In the picture, it resembled either a performance by the Grammy winners - the Chicago group, or a jam of black New York bluesmen, where the young beast Frid burns, flames and soars across the stage, like Iggy Pop and the Scissor Sisters combined.

During the current spring-summer season, Sasha performed a solo program at many capital venues - from the “Workshop” to the Alexei Kozlov Club, sang at the “Night at the Museum” in the Museum of Moscow, the “Chiffoniere” festival in Gorky Park, and took part in the event "Yoko Ono's Morning World 2015" at the Museum contemporary art"Garage", gave a joint concert with "Sense of Sound" and Groove Etiquette, and also went on her first tour to St. Petersburg. At the presentation of the project at the Durov club, held in mid-May, the singer presented a duet with the fashionable disco-funk band Guru Groove Foundation. At the beginning of July, Fried sang as the opening act for the famous American musician David Brown (Brazzaville) and at the closing of the Voices European Film Festival in Vologda.

Since childhood, Sasha was extremely active, inquisitive, although restless - she dreamed of saving African children and working as a journalist in hot spots; played tennis and piano, sang in the choir vocal ensemble, however, due to the same restlessness, the fidgety Frid was kicked out of the circles. Her serious passion for music began at the age of eleven, when a curious girl found the albums Jamiroquai and Marvin Gaye. To sing a duet with Jay Kay is still one of the singer’s cherished desires. Also among Sasha's musical preferences: Barbra Streisand, Tom Waits, Dinah Washington, David Bowie, Serge Gainsbourg, Gil Scott-Heron, Billie Holiday, Sarah Vaughan, Etta James, Jill Scott, Moby, Stevie Wonder, The Doors and Zhanna Aguzarova.

However, having matured, Fried opted for a less extreme profession and entered the Faculty of Art History at Moscow State University. The girl received a well-deserved red diploma for qualifying work"John Cage and the visual art of the second half of the 20th century." In parallel with her studies at the capital’s university, Sasha studied vocals at variety studio“Signon”, where he drew attention to the extravagant soloist artistic director school Alexey Moskalev, who later became the singer’s producer.

Sasha Fried: “Fanny Brice is the person I strive to become!”

Remain indifferent to talented singer and the pretty girl Sasha Fried - impossible. Her strong sexy vocals and frantic energy make even the most modest listener dance, and her beauty, inner charm and girlish spontaneity captivate both men and women. This girl not only performs the golden hits of jazz and funk, but also, having an encyclopedic knowledge of all the compositions and performers she takes on, introduces the sophisticated Moscow audience to a huge layer of “black” musical culture last century. Russian funk princess Sasha Fried talks about her favorite teachers, “funny and sad” pop music, idols and self-improvement in an interview with the Jazz Map portal.

Sasha, where and how did you receive it? music education? What can you tell us about your music teachers?

For the last six years I have been studying at the Signon School of Vocal and Performing Arts. I came there five years ago on the recommendation of a friend. The first teacher kicked me out for being late, and he was also an ardent fighter against smoking. That’s why our relationship didn’t work out (laughs). Then I changed five more teachers: it was very difficult to find one until I ended up with Galina Leonidovna Filatova - jazz singer, one of the first in the Soviet Union, and very, very famous in musical circles. The first lesson she taught was about the blues. She asked questions: what is blues, what is jazz, how do you understand it, what is rhythm? And she began to read all this to us, showed the film “Blues School” - about how harmony is built. Entered new item"Harmony. Jazz harmony. Blues Scales” - I’ve been actively going there for the third year now, but I’ll probably stay for the second year (laughs). She taught me the correct sound, correct breathing, and with her I began to find my sound. My director and music producer Alexey Moskalev also pays a lot of attention to searching for my sound. Lesha and Galina Leonidovna are the most important teachers for me: how much these people give me, I cannot get at any university!

What achievements are you really proud of?

When I was studying vocals, Alexey and I decided to make this a professional project. We came to this in small steps over five years, and over the last two and a half years - to conscious, serious work on preparing the concert program. And now - to active artistic activity. I am very proud of this whole process and its results!

Personal musical tastes and preferences - what kind of music did you like 10 years ago, what has changed now? Which is closer stylistically? What great names influenced your development in the profession?

Until the fourth grade, like all children, I listened to what I heard in fits and starts from my classmates, because until the age of 14 I was forbidden to watch MTV: my grandmother stood and checked what was on my TV. And they didn’t let me on the Internet under any pretext - my family is so conservative! Of course, I was adored and pampered, but I had restrictions on some things. Until I was 16, I didn’t even leave the house alone, I went on the subway with my grandmother - such a hothouse child... But one way or another, information from outside still leaked to me. Until the fourth grade it was " Inveterate scammers", "Hands Up" - it was fashionable among my peers. At the age of fourteen I began to study vocals in children's ensemble, where my teacher, in order to develop my taste, let me listen to The Beatles and read the “yellow book”: biographies The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Deep Purple and AC/DC. With him, we sang children's songs of Michael Jackson from the time of the Jackson 5. This is how my taste began to form... And my preferences in music do not change now, they are only expanding: I study what happened in the 20th century - this period is most interesting to me musically. And all this, of course, is not in isolation from culture: I am not so much interested in the biographies of musicians as in the atmosphere - what was happening in a particular cultural environment... When the question arose in “Signon”, what should I sing, I discovered Etta James and Aretha Franklin. And this music was unlike anything else: not pop, not soul pure form... It's funk! A huge layer of culture that I discovered for myself when I was eighteen...

Who is the ideal, idol, role model?

Ideal? Idol? Yes, there is such a word - “idol”. For me, this is not a person, not a living person, but a character. For example, the heroine of the musical film “Funny Girl” Fanny Brice performed by Barbra Streisand. Here is my idol! When I don’t understand what I’m doing and why, when I have questions about who I am in this world, I always rewatch Funny Girl, and every time I find many, many answers for myself. Fanny Brice is the person I aspire to be!

In general, about culture - what do you read, do you watch TV, what recent movie made a strong impression? Which last one? musical event(concert, play) was there, what did you like, remember and impress?

IN last time I was at the play "Cavalry" in theater center Meyerhold. Modern production according to Babel: very extravagant, provocative, striking, wildly unpleasant in places, touching in others... This is such a modern performance. My teacher acting taught me the difference between theater and performative theatre. A mixture of electronic music, video installations, theatrical performances... The performance began, by the way, with John Cage, about whom I wrote thesis. At the Black Mountain School in Seattle with Schoenberg and Cowell, they started making performance art: one played a prepared piano, another read poetry, someone danced... And now there is classical theater, where they stage productions without such experiments - and such as the performance in Meyerhold: the action is associated with electronic music, there is absolute nudity on stage, the actors talk about the event as it really happened, without embellishment. The young actors also amazed me: they are all no more than 22, but how they play it all! The boy dies and shouts: “I’m coming to an end!” - an incredibly strong word... The young boy is coming to an end - it was said so from the inside! Nowadays there are a lot of venues where they give preference to performance productions, although many people don’t like this trend, but I really like it.

I haven’t gone to the cinema for a long time, but I’m planning to go to last movie Roy Andersson "A dove sat on a branch, reflecting on existence."

About self-improvement - what strengths can you highlight in yourself, and what do you have to work on?

We all have to work! It seems to me that I don’t have one strong side. I try to develop myself all the time, every day! You can’t be one hundred percent sure of something, you need to work on yourself. I try, I want to do something good, improve and be better, more interesting... Probably this desire to develop is my strong point. You have to work on laziness: it’s hard to lose weight, play sports, achieve musical harmony... Every year it becomes more and more difficult to persuade yourself - there are a lot of other interesting things around, but you need to force yourself!

Where do you see yourself in five years, what goals do you set for yourself?

I see myself successful woman, happy, loved, perhaps a good mother and an improving successful artist!

Share your creative plans: are there any albums, singles coming, who would you like to collaborate with, maybe perform together, record, and what venues to perform at? And are there any plans to take part in Russian or international competitions?

I'm currently working on a new one concert program: There used to be a lot of jazz-funk, but now there will be more blues. We are working on original material with the composer, and in the fall we plan to release the first EP with a couple of our own songs. We are also negotiating with a DJ: we want to make a more electronic disco-funk project. And, of course, I will continue to develop and work on myself!

Interview prepared by Maxim Vertuzaev / Kushnir Production