Treat pregnant women online game. Games for girls about pregnant women

It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely avoid the first, second and third even in the virtual world (let alone the ordinary one!). But it is in your power to make the experience as comfortable as possible for both the woman in labor and her baby. Moreover, this is precisely the goal that our new exciting Childbirth games set for gamers, offering to try on the role of an experienced online obstetrician.

For those who are not afraid of difficulties

So, having launched games for girls Childbirth, you will put on a virtual white coat, arm yourself with a stethoscope and go to examine a potential mother who is about to give birth to her first child. No one knows exactly when this will happen: in a day, five minutes or half an hour, so you need to be prepared for any surprises. But there is no need to be afraid. The process of each Rhoda game is equipped with super detailed instructions and tips that appear on the screen every minute. Thanks to them, you will not only not get confused in the sequence of actions, but you will also know exactly when to use which tool.

By the way, during the game for girls Childbirth, pregnant women will address you very differently. In addition to famous fairy-tale heroines like disney princesses others decided to have offspring cartoon characters, for example, the pony Twilight Sparkle from the cartoon “Friendship is Magic.”

Probably, when you started playing games about pregnant women, you imagined how they would give birth and how you could help, but you hardly thought that you would have to give birth to horses. However, the tips will help you out this time too. Yes, and horses will still give birth during the game differently than in real life. Twilight Sparkle you don’t even have to move from your cozy crib to the delivery room and, even more so, to a special table. Although this is rather an exception to the rule. Even in games, pregnant women usually give birth in a maternity hospital, where everything is available necessary equipment and the opportunity to provide them with any help in a timely manner, and not in their own bedroom. But what won’t you do for the pony princess! So, quickly roll up your imaginary sleeves and do everything possible to help Sparkle and other expectant mothers meet their long-awaited babies as soon as possible.

When the expectant mother finds out that she is having a baby, she is ready to flutter with joy. From the first days she prepares to meet her baby, buys toys, clothes, a stroller crib - all these are gifts for her cute little one. In her dreams, a woman imagines how her son or daughter will smile, say the first word, take a timid first step. How the baby will get to know the world, make progress, and she will become proud of him and with delight and enthusiasm convince her friends how special, unique, and unlike the rest he is.

In order for the baby to be born a real strong one, the mother tries to eat right, and after the birth of a new little person, she gives him all the attention, affection and care. The world begins to revolve around a small, defenseless creature. New mothers want to do everything right and are always worried. Being a mother is also a job that you need to learn. To teach parents how to handle their babies, there is a special school for pregnant women, and for girls who are curious to learn about the intricacies of the parental role, free games pregnant women.

Important Game Topics

Special clothes are sewn for pregnant women, books give all kinds of nutritional recommendations, physical exercise and general well-being, and games for pregnant girls play out aspects of the temporary state of a woman while she is expecting a toddler. Our section contains only fun things about pregnancy, which are divided into topics:

Waiting for the baby

If a woman is pregnant, she does not drop out of life, but continues to do the things she loves, but now she has an additional interest. A growing belly can be beautifully emphasized with stylish clothes, which are created in abundance by designers. Hairstyles, manicure and makeup are also relevant. But now you need to eat healthier food, rich in vitamins, and only occasionally treat yourself to baked goods, sweets and store-bought lemonade.

Games pregnant mothers open courses on cooking various dishes, including many delicious and healthy recipes. You will become the main assistant for the heroine, taking on the bulk of the work in the kitchen so as not to tire the expectant mother.

Cleaning will also fall on your shoulders. When a pregnant woman's belly becomes too large, it is difficult for her to bend down to pick up things from the floor. Sometimes too many of them accumulate, and then you will come to the rescue, because the cleanliness of the room also contributes to health. Laundry is also important, so this responsibility awaits you. Also, prepare the nursery by renovating it, placing new furniture and toys.

Shopping in the children's clothing department is a real festive event. Little vests, rompers, tops, blouses and hats are so cute and soft that you want to buy more new things. Our heroines also happily go shopping for children's things, anticipating how they will put this beauty on the baby.

Pregnant women acquire a special beauty, and some even become models, posing for magazines. Even the world-famous slender and blonde beauty decided to become a mother, as reported by the Pregnant Barbie games. Together with her you will go through the important stages of pregnancy. She remains true to herself and continues to dress stylishly, monitors the condition of her hair and skin, adheres to doctors’ recommendations in order to soon go to the hospital, where she will meet her wonderful baby.

Games about pregnancy help the younger generation understand how women feel, what they want, what they worry about, how they behave, and how to take care of newborn babies.

Flash drives are opportunities for younger ones to feel like mothers. Games are useful for little ladies, because any girl can be lucky enough to be a mother. An important clue is that the characters leading important role, are the heroines of cartoons and stories. Princess Jasmine from Aladdin, Diana, Snow White, etc. attract children's interest. Girls have a chance to control their favorite cartoon heroines.

Games are often updated with new princesses, fairies, mermaids, and stars. Girls with a baby in their bellies take care of getting enough vitamins. Some worry about their own appearance. Others are about hard work. All of them are united by the need for care and attention.

During this period, pregnant women try to acquire more and more charm. They want to be beautiful with the crumbs in their belly.

Each player gets a unique chance to try themselves in the role of an excellent designer. The player transforms young girls, gorgeous women in pregnancy.

Dress up for pregnant women

All the heroines of the games have different tastes, they have different preferences in style. Therefore, it is difficult to cope with this task without the help of girls. The challenge is choosing a wardrobe. Take care of selecting elegant dresses, chic blouses or excellent trousers, as well as elegant accessories, bags, and comfortable shoes for expectant mothers. Thanks to stylish things, ladies will be able to emphasize their beauty even in their interesting position.

Games for girls hospital for pregnant women

You must take care of the health of the heroines, pay attention to healthy image life. After all, the life of the defenseless baby who lives in your stomach now depends on you. We need to put an end to harmful habits. Thanks to careful care, you can get a happy, healthy, cheerful baby. Pregnant women can often be capricious during these periods. Carefully and patiently take care of women in connection with their difficult situation.

In maternity hospital games, it is periodically necessary to take women to hospitals. There they will be able to get checked and find out about the baby’s condition. This is an exciting moment for them, they are concerned about the health of the baby, expectant mothers are waiting for your help, support pregnant women. Take care of the babies, bathe them, change diapers, feed them, put them to bed. Think about future plans with younger age. The game can be just as useful for adults. To gain experience in this topic, you should first of all play the games from the “Pregnant” section. Be prepared to experience everything you have gone through here and become an ideal mother.

Free Online Pregnancy Games

Mom's blog. Game for girls and girls! The heroine of the game - "Mom's Blog" - is pregnant. In addition, she is also a blogger. Our dear blogger devotes her posts to beautiful, fashionable clothes for pregnant women and other products for babies. Today, in order for mommy to do her favorite thing, she will need helpers. These helpers will be you, girls. Go with her to the store and buy jewelry, accessories and, of course, beautiful, comfortable outfits for pregnant women. And then do it spectacular photo and post it on your mom's blog. Mom's funds were not enough to purchase items from other departments. No problem! You can earn extra money on the Internet and return to the store again for the purchases necessary to display them on the pages of your mom’s blog. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Mom's blog

Pregnant Lady Bug goes shopping. Game for girls and girls! Ladybug is pregnant and will soon become a mommy. Today she plans to go to the store to buy the necessary things for the expected baby. You girls will accompany mommy to the store. First, help her earn as much as possible more money on the Internet. And then go shopping with her. Perhaps you won’t earn enough money and it won’t be enough for everything you need. It doesn’t matter, you can return home to earn more money. And having bought everything necessary for your baby, you can then see how it will all look in the children's room. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Pregnant Lady Bug goes shopping

Emergency: Treating a pregnant super heroine. Game for girls and girls! An emergency situation has occurred in our Internet country today. While carrying out her mission, the super heroine was injured and now she needs the help of a traumatologist. Of course, this happens quite often in the lives of super heroines. But the situation is dangerous because our heroine is pregnant. Therefore, when examining a pregnant woman, you must be extremely careful. Don't miss anything dangerous to the health of mommy and her unborn babies. Use the mouse to control the game.

Emergency: Treating a pregnant woman

Pregnant women: Photo album for the expectant mother. Game for girls and girls! The heroine of our game is so happy! She is pregnant and will have a baby very soon. The expectant mother would like to keep memories of this amazing event. A photo album with exclusive shots is something that will always remind her of this period of her life. Of course, the heroine should look amazing in the photo in the album. You girls will take care of this. Choose a chic hairstyle for her beautiful jewelry and maternity outfits. Then decide what background she will pose for the photographer. To finished photo V artistically looked more interesting, you can edit it using special buttons. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Pregnant: Photo album for the expectant mother

Moana and Maui are expecting twins. Game for girls and girls! Ever since Moana left the island to study on the mainland, she always returned here for the holidays. And she missed not only her family. Love awaited Moana here. School is over. The princess returned home and married her true friend– Maui. And now, the princess is pregnant and the young family is expecting an addition to the family. Moana and Maui will have twins. It seems that this time has come. Call an ambulance immediately. In the meantime, the ambulance arrives, try to distract Moana from discomfort. Call her beloved Maui to her, give her a drink of liquid. Pay close attention to the wishes of the pregnant princess and fulfill them correctly and in a timely manner. Then, with your support, the princess will be able to get to the hospital and give birth to charming babies there. And you will help her in caring for the babies. Play with the mouse.

Moana and Maui are expecting twins

Princess Anne becomes the mother of two babies. Game for girls and girls! Happy Anna and Kristoff are waiting for the addition of their family. This time they will have twins. The hour has come. Call 911 immediately. In the meantime, until the ambulance team arrives, change Anna into different clothes and try to distract her from the unpleasant sensations. Call Kristoff to her, give her an oxygen mask, or drink some liquid. You will try to do everything correctly and on time! Therefore, as soon as the ambulance arrives and takes the princess to the hospital, she will immediately give birth to two charming babies without any complications. And now, girls, you have to take care of mommy and the babies. Give the babies a belly button, move them to their cribs and perform the necessary postpartum procedures for them in such cases, and give the mother some medicine. Wow! Babies are already demanding something. This is true! Babies want mommy's milk. Give them to Anna.

Princess Anne becomes a mother of two

Princess Anne is pregnant. Game for girls and girls! Anna is pregnant, but her beloved Kristoff knows nothing about it yet. Such news will be a pleasant surprise for him. Today the princess is going to tell him about it. But she intends to do it in an unusual way. And you girls will help her with this. To begin, you will need to do original postcard and design a beautiful envelope for her, after receiving which Kristoff learns that he and Anna will soon become happy parents. And then you can all go to the store together to buy something for pregnant Anna new clothes. And at the end of the game you will have a pleasant task. You will have to start arranging a nursery for your unborn baby. Good luck! To control the game you will need a mouse.

Princess Anne is pregnant

Examination of a pregnant mother. Game for girls and girls! Every expectant mother should be observed at the antenatal clinic throughout her pregnancy. Carrying out a certain set of studies makes it possible to predict the course of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as prevent possible complications. In this game, you will play the role of the doctor with whom our heroine is being seen. girls. And so, during the examination you should be interested in the health status of the mother and her fetus. Measure mommy's temperature and blood pressure. Listen to her heart. After performing an ultrasound of the mother’s and baby’s tummy, take the necessary measurements in such cases. Once you are sure that everything is in perfect order with mom and her baby, send her home and make sure that she takes vitamins on time and includes vegetables and fruits in her diet. Use the mouse to control the game.

Examination of a pregnant mother

Taylor: History of the birth and care of a newborn child. Game for girls and girls! Girls, do you want to become part of the story of the birth of a newborn baby from the American mega star - country pop singer, songwriter and actress Taylor Swift? Then arm yourself with the mouse and hurry to her house. It's time for pregnant Taylor to give birth. Call an ambulance for her immediately and do not rush to leave Taylor in the hospital. There you will play the role of an assistant to the obstetrician attending the birth. And then you will have to care for your newborn baby. Decide for yourself whether it is a girl or a boy. Create an umbilical cord for the baby. Determine its weight. Put dry diapers on him. Wrap it in a blanket and place it on mommy's chest. And when the mother and baby return home, take care of his place of stay. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Taylor: History of the birth and care of a newborn

Helping pregnant Ellie do her shopping. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you and pregnant Ellie will have to go to shopping mall, to go shopping there for baby things for the as yet unborn baby. Before you go shopping, you will have to help Ellie earn money on the Internet. If the money you earn is not enough to make the necessary purchases, you can return home and earn extra money. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Helping pregnant Ellie do her shopping

Monster High: Gulia Yelps becomes a mommy. Game for girls and girls! Monster High. Gulia Yelps becomes a mommy - a cool Monster High game in which you, girls, as an obstetrician, will have to help the famous student of the School of Monsters - Gulia Yelps - become a mommy. The events of the game take place after Gulia graduates from the School of Monsters. She got married and is about to become a mommy. Today is the day when, with your help, she will give birth to an amazingly beautiful daughter. Play: with the mouse.

Monster High: Gulia Yelps becomes a mommy

Police officer Judy Hopps becomes a mom. Game for girls and girls! There's news in Zootopia (Zootopia)! Police officer - bunny Judy Hopps - got married. She is pregnant and is already about to become a mommy. It's time for the bunny to go to the hospital. Girls, today you will play the role of an obstetrician for Judy. Begin your responsibilities by assessing the condition of the rabbit. Then deliver her baby. And when her baby comes into this world, make sure that he is healthy. To control the game “Police Officer Judy Hopps Becomes a Mommy” you will need a mouse.

Police Officer Judy Hopps Becomes a Mom

Ariel and Eric are adding to their family. Game for girls and girls! Girls, it seems the pregnant princess is going into labor. Call her an ambulance immediately. In the meantime, while there is no car, help Ariel change clothes and pack the necessary things into her bag. try to distract her from unpleasant sensations. Call her beloved Eric to her, give her an oxygen mask, or drink fluids. Well, the ambulance arrived and Ariel was taken to the hospital. Everything happened on time! Once in the maternity ward, the princess immediately gave birth to a charming daughter. Decorate the baby's belly button, carry her to the crib and take care of her and her mommy. Give mommy medicine, and perform the necessary care procedures for the baby. Order! The baby is well-groomed and healthy. It's time for everyone to go to daddy. Use the mouse to control the game.

Ariel and Eric are adding to their family

Snow White: Birth of a daughter. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to take care of the pregnant princess Snow White. She's getting ready to go to maternity hospital and begins to collect the necessary things for this. As you can see, she succeeds with difficulty. But will you help her?! Place a dress for the unborn baby in her bag. The princess began making a toy with her own hands for her baby. Help her finish her work. Then go with Snow White to the store to buy vegetables and fruits, which the hospital will need to make fresh juices. And, of course, don’t forget about princess makeup. Yes! Snow White has too many things planned today. Call her an ambulance immediately. To prevent the ambulance crew from wandering along the road, escort the car all the way to the hospital. We are confident that you will be able to deliver the princess on time. Snow White will give birth to a wonderful daughter. And you will be able to look after a happy mother and her wonderful baby. To control the game "Snow White: Birth of a Daughter" you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Snow White: The Birth of a Daughter

Elsa and Ariel: Pregnant girlfriends. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses Elsa and Ariel are pregnant and very soon awaiting the birth of their newborn babies. During this period, expectant mothers need special care. At this stage, you girls will take care of the pregnant princesses. When sending pregnant Elsa and Ariel for a walk, worry about their outfits. Outfits should be quite beautiful and comfortable. Perhaps during this period the princesses will need different hairstyles, think about it. Do not recommend that princesses wear high-heeled shoes for a walk. During pregnancy, the princesses' legs will quickly get tired from such a load. Do you want to give the princesses a special treat? Then take care of their unborn children - design their children's rooms. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Elsa and Ariel: Pregnant Girlfriends

The pregnant princess is hosting a reception. Game for girls and girls! Princess Elsa is pregnant, but she continues to lead an active lifestyle. For example, today she is hosting a reception in her castle. Like any other day, Elsa wants to look stunning today. And you girls will help her with this. Choose outfits for the princess so that against their background the tummy looks like a natural decoration for the princess. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Pregnant princess throws a reception

Clothes for pregnant princesses. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Elsa, Ariel and Jasmine - are pregnant. There is very little time left before the birth of their babies. However, in their interesting position, the princesses are still active and sociable. They visit each other and take walks together. And sometimes, like today, princesses even throw friendly parties. Of course, in such a situation, the princesses will need help. Girls, choose beautiful outfits, hairstyles and jewelry for them. And also work on the design of the room in which the princesses intend to have a party. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Clothes for pregnant princesses

Princess Rapunzel will have twins. Game for girls and girls! Life goes on! Princess Rapunzel is pregnant again. This time, Rapunzel and Flynn, to their great joy, are expecting twins. Apparently, this time has come. Rapunzel is going into labor! Girls, urgently call 911. In the meantime, until the ambulance arrives, change the princess into different clothes, pack her the necessary things and try to distract her from unpleasant sensations. Call her beloved Flynn to her, give her an oxygen mask, or drink fluids. Well, the ambulance has arrived and Rapunzel is admitted to the hospital. Everything happened on time! Once in the maternity ward, the princess immediately gave birth to two adorable babies. Decorate the babies' belly buttons, carry them to their cribs and take care of them and their mommy. Give mommy medicine, and for the babies, follow the necessary care procedures. Order! The babies are well cared for and healthy. It's time for everyone to go to daddy. Use the mouse to control the game.

Princess Rapunzel is having twins

Belle and Ariel: Pregnant princess beauties. Game for girls and girls! Disney beauties Belle and Ariel are friends and both are pregnant. Now nothing prevents our princesses from spending a lot of time together. Such communication is beneficial for girlfriends. In addition, in their interesting position, both princesses need outside care and it will be more convenient for you, girls, to keep an eye on them while they are together. Use the mouse to control the game.

Belle and Ariel: Pregnant princesses are beautiful

Pregnant Princesses: Golf Outfits. Game for girls and girls! Princesses from Frozen Elsa and Anna are pregnant. The princesses follow all the doctors' orders, so they feel great and even allow themselves to lead a fairly active lifestyle. And now Elsa and Anna decided to take a walk on fresh air and take up golf. No matter how the princesses feel in their situation. girls, it’s best for you to help them get ready for the walk. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Pregnant Princesses: Golf Outfits

Pinkie Pie becomes a mommy. Game for girls and girls! ATTENTION! TO ENTER THE GAME, FIRST CLICK ON THE PINK STRIP AND THEN ON THE YELLOW BUTTON WITH THE WHITE JOYSTICK INSIDE. Pinkie Pie becomes a mommy - best game for girls from a series of games about a hospital, in which, girls, you, as obstetricians, will help a pregnant Pony girl from Equestria in the birth of her child. Time does not stand still. The Pony girls we know are growing up and getting married. As expected, they have children. Now it's time for Pinkie Pie to give birth. Girls, urgently prepare the necessary things for her for the hospital. Don't forget to check if the stroller is ready for her baby. Now take Pinkie Pie to the hospital. In the hospital, first of all, make sure that everything is okay with the mother and her unborn child: listen to the baby’s heartbeat, measure the mother’s temperature and blood pressure. Everything is fine! Girls, the time has come important point. Give mommy a stimulating injection, offer her an oxygen mask and begin to control mommy's contractions. You will succeed! Pinkie Pie will give birth to a healthy daughter. Now, girls, all you have to do is perform all the necessary procedures for the baby in such cases. Play with the mouse.

Pinkie Pie becomes a mommy

Princess Belle in a beauty salon for pregnant women. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you are faced with a difficult task. In your beauty salon you will have to serve the pregnant princess Belle. As you understand, in this case you will have to show maximum attention and caution when prescribing certain procedures for your ward. You can allow pregnant Belle to enjoy aromatic baths, but do not forget that a hot bath is dangerous for her. A water temperature of 36-37 degrees will make this procedure not only safe, but also useful. If a woman is pregnant, this does not mean that she should forget about cosmetics. It's just that cosmetics for people like Princess Belle should be very high quality. When caring for the princess's face, you will use exactly this one. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Princess Belle in the beauty salon for taking

Birth of a Unicorn: Welcome to the world. Game for girls and girls! A pregnant unicorn mommy is waiting for her baby to come into this world. You are her doctor. The child should be born healthy and you girls will take care of it. And when the baby is born, you will have to provide care for this lovely baby. In this matter, the mouse will be a reliable assistant for you.

A Unicorn Is Born: Welcome to It

Elsa and Anna: Golf outfits. Game for girls and girls! The princesses from Frozen - Elsa and Anna - are again expecting an addition to their family. Despite their enlarged bellies, pregnant princesses behave quite active life. So now Elsa and Anna decided to take a walk in the fresh air and play golf. Girls, do you mind helping the princesses of Arendelle choose suitable sports outfits for this occasion?

Elsa and Anna: Golf Outfits

Pregnant Barbie is shopping. Game for girls and girls! Barbie is pregnant and will soon become a mommy. She decided to devote today to shopping for her future baby. In this situation, Barbie should not go shopping alone, so you girls will accompany her. Start caring for Barbie by making money on the Internet. IN children's world You can find everything you need for a newborn baby. And if you don’t have enough money, when you return home, you can earn more money. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Pregnant Barbie shopping

Princess Anne: Birth of a child. Game for girls and girls! Princess Anne is pregnant and will soon go into labor. Girls, urgently pack Princess Anna’s things and take her to the hospital. There you will have to help her with the birth of her child. But first, make sure that everything is fine with the fetus. Then, after inducing labor, deliver the baby. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Princess Anne: Childbirth

Pregnant cat Angela is shopping. Game for girls and girls! Our beautiful Angela is pregnant again. Her grown belly can hardly fit into her old outfits. Which means it's time to start shopping. Girls, before you go shopping with your kitty, help her stock up on currency. Then try to make purchases for the entire amount obtained. Choose for her beautiful dresses, comfortable shoes, handbags that match the color of the chosen outfits. When you return home, help your cat organize her shopping. Watch Angela's reaction. If she doesn't like something, you will understand it by her behavior. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Pregnant cat Angela is shopping

Elsa: The birth of a child. Game for girls and girls! Elsa and Jack are again expecting a new addition to their family. And you, girls, in this game got the role of an obstetrician. And so, Elsa is pregnant. The hour has come for the baby to be born. The princess was taken by ambulance to the maternity hospital. A healthy mother gave birth to a magnificent Baby weighing almost 4 kg. Cut the baby's umbilical cord and start caring for his little body. Listen to Baby's heart. Give him the injection prescribed in such cases. Wrap him in a blanket. Throughout all procedures, the child cries loudly. Advise Princess Elsa to breastfeed him. Well, the Kid satisfied his hunger, and, having had his fill, immediately fell asleep in his crib. Mommy can be happy for her son: an excellent appetite is a sign good health. After so many important things, the happy mother and tiny child can now sleep... Play with the mouse.

Elsa: Childbirth

The golden-haired princess Rapunzel is pregnant. Game for girls and girls! "The golden-haired princess Rapunzel is pregnant" - interesting game for girls from a series of games about different hospitals. In this game, girls, you will play the role of a antenatal clinic doctor who is observing the pregnant golden-haired princess Rapunzel. And so, Rapunzel is at your reception. It is your responsibility to make sure that everything is okay with the pregnant mom and her unborn baby. To do this, you will have to perform a number of procedures for the princess. Get to work! Play with the mouse.

Golden-haired princess Rapunzel is pregnant

Golden-haired princess Rapunzel becomes a mommy again. Game for girls and girls! "The golden-haired princess Rapunzel becomes a mommy again" is the best game for girls in the series of games about princesses, the hospital and the birth of a child. Happy Rapunzel and Flynn are expecting a baby. Perhaps labor will begin today. Yes, this has already happened! The princess went into labor. Girls, call an ambulance immediately. In the meantime, until the ambulance arrives, try to distract pregnant Rapunzel from unpleasant sensations. Give her an oxygen mask or drink fluids. Call her grown son to her. His gentle kisses will be able to calm mommy down for a while. We are sure that you girls will do everything right. The ambulance will arrive on time. Rapunzel is taken to the hospital and gives birth to a healthy baby. And then you have to take care of mommy and the newborn baby. With his loud crying, the baby announces his arrival into this world and already persistently demands something. This is true. As soon as the baby was at his mother’s breast, he immediately calmed down. Use the mouse to control the game.

The golden-haired princess Rapunzel is back again

The birth of Pony Fluttershy's child. Game for girls and girls! Pony Fluttershy's baby is born - new game for girls, in which you girls have to help pregnant Fluttershy become a mommy. And so, life goes on. Pony Fluttershy is about to have a baby. But before you take Fluttershy to the hospital, help her collect the things she needs to take with her to the hospital and take care of designing a stroller for her little one. Start Pony's stay in the hospital with her examination and preparation for childbirth. And when Fluttershy gives birth to a charming baby, perform a number of procedures necessary for her in such cases, and, making sure that everything is in order, send mommy and the baby home. Play with the mouse.

The birth of Pony Fluttershy's baby

Barbie is having a baby. Game for girls and girls! Barbie is having a baby - cool game for girls from a series of games about pregnant Barbie. Until some time, Barbie and Ken could only care about their beloved cheek. He was like a child to them. But a happy event happened in the family of Barbie and Ken. Barbie is pregnant and they are about to have a baby. Now you and Ken will take care of Barbie. girls. First of all, take care of her outfits. Due to her enlarged belly, she will have to put away her old outfits for the time being. And then start designing a children's room for her future baby. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Barbie is having a baby

Pregnant: Cat Angela and Lady Bug. Game for girls and girls! There is a happy event in the families of the cat Angela and Lady Bug. They will soon become mothers. While Tom the Cat and Super Cat at work, you girls will take care of them. Give them vitamins on time. Include vegetables and fruits in their diet. Encourage unborn children to listen to music. It has a beneficial effect on their development. Try not to deny pregnant mothers anything. Even if it's a tattoo for the tummy. Use easily washable paints for this. This tattoo is harmless and can be removed at any time. Pay special attention to outfits for pregnant women. They should be beautiful and comfortable at the same time. Good luck! Use your mouse.

Pregnant: Cat Angela and Lady Bug

Flynn takes care of the pregnant Rapunzel. Game for girls and girls! Flynn received some good news this morning. His beloved Rapunzel is pregnant. From now on happy husband takes care of the expectant mother, and you girls will be his assistants. First of all, make sure that Flynn includes in the diet of the pregnant princess only those fruits and vegetables that will not harm her and her fetus. At times, Rapunzel's tummy will bother her. A special massage for pregnant women will help eliminate this discomfort. Help Flynn complete it correctly. At the very end of her pregnancy, Rapunzel tells Flynn that her water is starting to break. Flynn calls an ambulance to the house. In the meantime, there is no ambulance, the prince begins to help the princess, but he does not know how to do it correctly. Hoping for the beneficial effects of water, Flynn tries to help the princess in the bath. Girls, in this situation, it is important that Flynn does not get confused and continues to provide help and attention to the princess for a long time. An oxygen mask, a glass of refreshing drink, a light tummy rub and Flynn's gentle kisses can save the situation. Make sure the prince does this until the pregnant princess Rapunzel feels better. It is important not to let the fetus’s and mother’s well-being strips run out! If everything is done correctly, you will be able to switch to final stage games. Good luck! Play with the mouse. Flynn takes care of pregnant Rapunzel - the best game for girls from the Disney couples series.

Flynn takes care of pregnant Rapunzel

The original life story of restaurateur Emily. Game for girls and girls! The original story of restaurateur Emily is fascinating, big game about business, family and a business lady who is ready to combine her business with pregnancy. The family of Emily and Patrick dreamed of having a second child. But their hopes seemed not to come true. And so: Emily is pregnant and will soon become a mother. Girls, join this original, family history and help Emily combine successful business restaurateur with the upcoming difficulties of her pregnancy. Watch the miracle of new life being born and don't forget to support the lovely restaurateur Emily in all her new and old projects. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

The original life story of restaurateur Amy

Monster High: Unscheduled examination of pregnant Draculaura. Game for girls and girls! Monster High: Unscheduled examination of pregnant Draculaura is the best game for girls in the series of games about hospitals about motherhood and pregnancy. Draculaura is delighted with the thought that she will soon become a mother and looks forward to this event. Today, feeling unwell, upset Draculaura hurried to an appointment at the antenatal clinic. Girls, you are the doctor who must resolve the doubts of the pregnant Draculaura about the state of health of her and her fetus. Start her examination immediately. Take her temperature and blood pressure. Listen to her heart. After performing an ultrasound of the mother’s and baby’s tummy, take the necessary measurements in such cases. The examination showed that everything was in perfect order for the mother and her child! Send the calmed Draculaura home and make sure she takes vitamins on time and includes vegetables and fruits in her diet. Play with the mouse.

Pregnant Catwoman. Game for girls and girls! Girls, we have good news. In the family super heroes Women - cats and Batman are expected to add to the family. Today the expectant mother will have to visit the antenatal clinic to undergo another examination. Girls, give the pregnant mother juice to drink, fortify her with fruit and accompany her to the consultation. Then, as an obstetrician, examine the mother and the unborn child. Play with the mouse.

Pregnant Catwoman

Pregnant Elsa and Anna visit an antenatal clinic. Game for girls and girls! Sisters from the frozen kingdom - Elsa and Anna - will soon become mothers again. Today they once again have to go for examination at the antenatal clinic. The role of the doctor who will examine the princesses will be played by you, girls. And when the consultation visit is over, feed the princesses with berries and fruits so that after such a load they can recover faster. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Pregnant Elsa and Anna visit the women's clinic

Best friends Ladybug and Barbie are pregnant. Game for girls and girls! Best friends Lady Bug and Barbie are pregnant and both of them will soon become mothers. They have something to talk about and something to do, so today they decided to be together. Girls, join your pregnant friends and help them complete the program planned for today. First of all, accompany them to the antenatal clinic, where the girlfriends will have to undergo another examination. After these procedures, make a fruit and berry mix and give it to expectant mothers. After this, it's time to start listening to music with your unborn babies. This procedure has a beneficial effect on the development of intrauterine baby. Now, girls, decorate your friends’ bellies with temporary tattoos. Such a whim is completely harmless for mothers, so do not interfere with their desires. Play with the mouse. Good luck!

Best friends Lady Bug and Barbie are pregnant

With development virtual world Now every girl has a unique opportunity to play the role of a stylist on the website. The task of the stylist is to transform pretty expectant mothers who are in the most beautiful state given by nature - pregnancy. Each heroine of the game is a girl with her own character, her own preferences in clothing, but you can’t do without the help of a stylist. You will have a really difficult task: you need to choose a wardrobe. You need to help expectant mothers choose the most suitable dress, or maybe elegant trousers that will highlight their beauty expectant mother, or a light blouse. You can and should also choose beautiful accessories that will highlight the unique image of the expectant mother, and stylish shoes.
Not all games are as simple as they might seem at first glance. For example, a girl may take it into her head to give a rating on a 100-point scale for the image that you have chosen for her. A young mother needs to try to please, because she must be beautiful and irresistible among all the other girls, delight her loved ones and passersby with her unique beauty future mother. You have a chance to play pregnancy games and give wonderful sensations to virtual expectant mothers absolutely free!

In the life of every woman, sooner or later this wonderful state occurs - waiting for the birth of a baby. Happiness can be different for each person. Some people dream of a luxurious home, others - large quantities money, but all values ​​change dramatically after the birth of a baby.
Children are the meaning of life, the most important component for all parents. That is why every mother tries to give her child the best that she is able to provide: warmth, affection, care and much more. It is thanks to everything that parents give to the baby that the child grows up grateful and able to pass on this warmth, affection and care to his children.

The best pregnancy games for young mothers

Pregnant games are a good opportunity for girls at any age to feel like a mother - even virtually. Surely every girl, from childhood, understands that someday she will become a mother, and she will need to surround her baby with care, giving him all of herself. However, before diving into adult life while expecting a baby, the girl must be ready for this. The best mom You can be in the world when you are ready for motherhood.

Pregnant Games

Do you like to play mother and daughter? Do you like taking care of children? Do you like medicine? Pregnant games for girls are a great option for exploring the world of motherhood. You can help here fairy tale characters and bear and give birth to a baby, and also help in caring for the children. For beautiful expectant mothers, you can choose unusually beautiful outfits, as well as buy things for children.

Waiting for the baby

When a woman finds herself in an excellent state of pregnancy, she does not drop out of life at all - she may well continue to exercise business as usual, it’s just that additional interests and even additional meanings appear in life. The belly is getting bigger - and you need to choose a new wardrobe for it. Makeup, manicure and new hairstyles are also relevant. Pregnant games even allow you to adjust the virtual menu of virtual mothers. To protect yourself from additional worries in the kitchen, you can completely take on even part of these worries.
With the help of the Pregnant game, you can feel absolutely all the worries of an expectant mother, including even cleaning the house. It is so interesting that girls literally stick to the monitor and happily explore the features of motherhood. This is really useful, because with the help of such a game it is quite possible to adapt to the role of a mother in life. This is useful because it allows you to prepare for motherhood. The girl will not be afraid of motherhood, as often happens.