What is the name of the main character of the anime Beyond. Beyond

Silence and emptiness - these are the feelings at the end. Because it didn't cause any emotions. But I’ll be correct and good, and start with the positives.

Of course, there are advantages, and there are many of them. As has long been common in the studio - it is drawn more than beautifully, colorfully, lively, quite in the spirit of caramel stories about school clubs with cakes. If the genre included comedy, then the richness of colors would be appropriate. But for a given setting, they could have muted the tones. But why? People eats brighter. So just fireworks and riot in a story with deaths and monsters. Hmm, I wanted to praise, but it turned out that way.

In contrast to the beautiful, but slightly inappropriate art, the plot idea itself is really good. The execution let us down, but more on that later. The chosen section of urban fantasy also looks quite cheerful, although not new, but not completely hackneyed.

What other advantages? Yes, perhaps that's all. About the sound, voice actors, openings and endings - this is not for me, I always feel purple about them, to be honest, except that occasionally there is something so enchanting that even I can drop a few words. Let others talk about it.

Minuses. You can’t shovel it here with a spoon, you can’t rake it out with an excavator. In all my considerable experience of watching the products of the Japanese anime industry, I have never learned to attribute mistakes to “it’s an anime.” At least shoot, but I will never accept that blunders and mistakes are forgivable in anime. If this is not a parody, where the jokes are deliberately stuck out and exaggerated for the sake of laughter, or even satire, then please, do it well.

The most popular trend of this series was the technique “but in reality it was like this.” The joke is that such a technique works and looks organic only in cases where there were prerequisites for such a trick with the ears. As they say, an example in the studio. The most important “but actually”:

But in fact, at the beginning of the first episode, a cute girl in glasses, for no reason or reason, pierced the main character to death with a piercing knife. The fact that he did not die is not a question; even from the annotation they said that the boy is immortal. But the girl did not calm down and continued to poke the boy with her big knife. He told her “let’s be friends”, and she told him that she’s a bitch. We leave out the fact that the guy endured all this and continued to make friends. Probably a masochist. But that's not what this is about. We are talking about the reason for this girl’s behavior. In the ninth episode they tried to “throw us a bone” - they gave us an explanation. Rewind, watch the first episode again. Do you believe in the explanation based on behavior, emotions, premises? No. I can't believe it. “Tattoo, don’t lize”, “So in the glechik schatku...”, “So in the glechik not lize.” Here's a joke. Now, if little darling Kuriyama, looking around and seeing Akihito in front of her, uttered something like “So it’s you,” or “here you are” (the options are a little more than infinitely possible), then an explanation would fit, and everything would fall into place . The audience would wait for an explanation for this "recognition", and the picture would look realistic and logical in receiving what was expected. And so - a rabbit from a magician's hat.
Further. Personally, I still don’t understand why Kuriyama was afraid to fight with him, and poor Akihito crumbled into cabbage without blinking an eye. Or does she look good in human form, but she looks a little more monstrous, so her veins are shaking? This is what I definitely didn’t understand. No, of course, I guess that these “fears” were needed to bring Aki and Kuriyama closer together, like he helped her overcome these same fears. But heresy, heresy. They could have come up with something smarter. Fantasy gave up, or what?

The overall picture of what is happening regarding the behavior of the characters - make me unsee this. No, really, I want to forget about what I saw. Why did you watch? I'm a cactus lover this season. I gnaw and cry, I cry and gnaw. Because the characters behave, to put it mildly, inappropriately for the situation and their “position.” It seems like everyone is a monster hunter. And it’s not like it’s an absurd comedy. It’s just that it feels like they’re all part of a macramé circle. They live thoughtlessly, they eat Torites, cuteness and kawaii fly on the flag. And suddenly (!) some new idiot comes. Well, there is Silence or the Shadow of Emptiness. Our makramists don’t even freak out, they don’t understand what’s happening at all, but they don’t panic, and, dammit (!) - they don’t react. Just think, the threat is, if not on a global scale, then a little less, until we erase all the club news, we will not move. They won't itch. Only Kuriyama jumped up against the Shadow of Emptiness, and even then - due to “childhood trauma”. The rest don't care. Dear Aki doesn’t care either. In pioneer leader mode, he talked with Kuriyama and went home.
- Kuriyama, don't go.
- Senpai, I'll go.
-Kuriyama, you could die.
- Senpai, I'll go anyway.
- Well, okay, I’m going home.
Apparently he didn't finish the cake. I got home, suddenly changed my mind and rushed to save Kuriyama. Or did you remember that the cake was too hot, you finished it last time? It's beautiful, and there's nothing to add.
Adults are no less captivating than children. The shadow of emptiness has come, everyone is actually promised a big mess. What do adult hunters do? That's right, they waste all sorts of change for money. The freebie has arrived. And do serious questions? Nope, we don't have time. If the kids are not lazy, then let them flounder. It's cute!

It was also amusing how our brave hunters didn’t even raise an eyebrow when they brought something else instead of the Shadow pebble. Nobody was even surprised. If the stone is not a Shadow, then was it a Shadow? And if there was still a Shadow, then where did its stone go? No one even asked such a question just for the sake of formality. Nobody cares about that. Well, yes, it’s a trivial question.
And with Tishya it’s exactly the same. Nobody is itching.
- Aki, mommy sent you a letter, it’s a scary time for you.
- Yeah.
- You take care of yourself, while we go shopping.
- Yeah.
Good friends and good hunters. If the time has come for Aki to be dangerous, then he must be left alone. Why look after him and worry? There are more important things to do. Is it true? And then we will lament.

This is not enough, so it is necessary to twist the character of the main character without any prerequisites. If a calm and reserved, patient guy also meets my own mother with a fist - this is normal, this is a joke, let's laugh together. And the fact that such actions are not at all in Aki’s character - who cares? It is necessary to add spice and shake up the viewer. And it doesn’t matter that over the previous ten-odd episodes the viewer was shown a boy who is incapable of even playful aggression: he can’t even push his friend away when he’s groping him. He is indignant, but does not give free rein to his hands, he is not even generous with a friendly poke. Not to mention attempts to defend against little Kuriyama. This guy is incapable of letting go. And mom means with a fist and for barges. Character, huh? I’m generally silent about the under-fetishes attached to the dog’s heel.

The final episodes are fabulous in a bad way. We are dragging pianos out of the bushes, concocting new mysteries to which we will not give answers, to add to the tragedy we are once again killing the nurse - senselessly and mercilessly. Touching speeches and self-conquest are included. We crumple, crumple, rush as if to a fire, I don’t know what’s happening. It’s understandable, of course, but it’s so crumpled and mixed up haphazardly that all one can do is chuckle skeptically. The adults, as always, were pleased with the lack of concern about a problem on a global scale. What? Just think, his immortal world will collapse. We hunt for small things. We drag in an unmotivated villain. Sorry, but what kind of hedgehog did he do this for? Or is this also some kind of joke? Yeah, and my older sister also has a dark one terrible secret- aka childhood trauma. But they won't tell us about it. And then suddenly in the finale, out of nowhere, we revive Nyasha. Well, yes, we need to make a happy ending, even if it doesn’t fit. And just so it happens.

Grade? Yes, I don’t want to evaluate this. If there were no joints, it would be candy. And so - there is a wrapper, but the presence of candy did not work out. Let everyone decide for themselves how to count the contents of the wrapper.

It often happens that when watching another anime, it is essentially impossible to say anything. It would be more precise to identify some feature that made the picture stand out from the rest. At the same time, she is very good and watchable. Then you’ll rather celebrate for yourself general character stories and characters. IN next case The epithet “cute” would be appropriate. Today I’ll tell you about one of the new products for autumn 2013 - “Beyond the Boundary” (Kyoukai no Kanata).

The plot of the anime "Beyond"

So, another and completely ordinary one appearance schoolboy Kanbara Akihito was leaving his educational institution, when at the same moment I saw a girl in bright glasses standing on the roof. Deciding that she was going to jump from her, she immediately hurries to the girl’s aid. Of course, all the other people at that moment either went blind or took out cameras to film how the girl deliciously stained the school asphalt.

After a short monologue already on the roof, the girl instantly finds herself next to the boy and seems to change her mind about jumping. But instead of words of gratitude, the guy only gets a sword in the chest.

After such a wound, any normal person should, at a minimum, spend some time in a hospital, and at most an eternity in a cemetery. But our hero is not one of such weak people, because he is... half a demon-yoma.

It turns out that in the world that the authors present to us, except ordinary people There are also demons-yoma. At the same time, people who have a certain gift and mana are able to kill them. The yoma themselves are most often a variety of monsters that are not very pleasant to look at.

How can a half-breed appear? As usual, using the method of conventional crossing. You shouldn’t be surprised at how you can covet a demon; it’s enough to remember that both gopniks and complete TPs always have someone to match them with.

In general, our hero does not even go to the hospital, because such wounds are not capable of causing him any harm. However, an amazing fetish for glasses makes him not only not turn away from the girl, but even try to get closer to her.

Mirai Kuriyama, that’s the name of the crazy woman with the sword, one of the Youma hunters. She is able to control her blood (I’ve already seen this somewhere) and transform it into any object, but instead her imagination is only enough for this cleaver and... blood splashes - how original.

But as we understand, this is all the beginning. The real trials and destruction are yet to come. They can only be dealt with by uniting as a team.

Viewing impressions

Initially, before the creation of the anime, a series of light novels was published in the summer of 2012. By the way, unlike the series, publications continue to this day. The short stories managed to grab several awards from various exhibitions and it is not surprising that after a very short term it was decided to release an anime adaptation on screens.

The narration of the picture as a whole proceeds very measuredly and gradually accelerates as it approaches latest episodes. There is more of everything, more fights, “epic” scenes, more monsters, more insoluble problems. In other words, the director competently leads the viewer to the culmination of the entire action. So, in my opinion, there are no particular complaints about the direction. Of course, perhaps it was possible to create your own ending a little, but this is not done very often. And so, in general, it turned out to be a completely finished product. And personally, I don’t understand the fans’ demands for a second season. But these are fans.

As for the plot and the world created by the authors, I think it is quite interesting. Compared to what the industry did throughout the summer and fall of 2013, it is clearly a winner. However, just such an “Ah!” he doesn't call.

And in general, it seems that there are two camps here. One of them is schoolchildren who are true to their pure impulses and concepts of teenage honor. On the other hand, there are adults who always keep things back, hide things, and play behind-the-scenes games. This isn't the first anime to play on this. In my opinion, this trend is not beneficial, but it has a right to exist.

The characters themselves are very clichéd. Moreover, this applies to both good people and the “villain”. Although in general it cannot be said that there is truly negative character. And this is not enough.

What I would like to criticize the creators for is the monsters. They are very dimly depicted and without much imagination. We can see such monsters in every second anime. It is not known what the artists were inspired by, but the feeling of complete borrowing does not leave you when viewing it.

Actually, the fighting scenes are shown rather weakly; most often it ends with the hero jumping from above and defeating someone. At the same time, the drawing of the resolution of the buildings and landscape turned out quite well. Why such a imbalance happened, I personally cannot understand. The characters cannot be said to be drawn perfectly, but rather just that they are cute and pleasing to the eye.

  • We will search among the fandom characters

Total characters - 12

Ai Shindou

0 0 0

Yomi is a cat who lives with Ayako. She usually takes the form of a human, but when she gets too strong she reverts to her Scottish form. fold cat with two tails. Helps Ayaka around the house and with photo models. Very friendly and nice.

Ayaka Shindou

0 0 0

Ayako - Yomi - is a nine-tailed fox who works for the warriors of the ghost world, appraising and ransoming the Yomi they capture. She even has a license to do it. Knowledgeable and a little mysterious. Always calm and balanced. Her sense of humor can be called harsh or even dark.

Izumi Nase

1 0 0

Izumi is a member of the Nase family, a skilled warrior of the ghost world, and the older sister of Hiromi and Mitsuki. As the face of the Nase family, Izumi appears very elegant and reserved. Very strong. He wants to preserve the position of his family, for which he fights with the council. As a rule, he does not let anyone in on his plans and plans.

Akihito Kanbara

0 3 0

Second year student high school. Half-human and half-yoma. Immortal. Member of the Literary Club. He has a fetish involving glasses. At the first meeting with Mirai, he shouted out to her that a girl who wears glasses like that cannot die. Collects her photos. He is very worried about his other non-human half, because when he transforms, he loses control of himself and no one can stop him.

Mirai Kuriyama

0 0 0

A recently transferred first-year high school student who has the ability to control her blood, which is rare even among spirit world warriors. The last representative of the cursed clan. Because of this she for a long time was isolated from society. Before meeting Akihito, she couldn't even kill Youma to earn money for housing and food. Gradually she realized that she was not the only loner in the world, she became friends and became very attached to Akihito, although she tried to kill him first. She likes to eat a lot, explaining this by the fact that during battle she loses a lot of blood. When something strange happens, she writes her thoughts about it on her blog.

Miroku Fujima

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An investigator from the department of the Council of Ghost World Warriors. Keeps an eye on the Naze family, as well as Akihito and Mirai. With the help of Sakura he wanted to kill Mirai. Has unusual abilities. Conducts a lot of different types of research.

Mitsuki Nase

0 0 0

The second daughter of the Nase family, a warrior of the ghost world. Fights Yomi with the help of his pet Yomi, also has the ability to create cells. A sadistic second year high school student. President of the Literary Club. As the daughter of her family, she is assigned to watch over Akihito, but in reality she worries about him. She's always been alone, so being friends with someone is new for her. He speaks unflatteringly about Akihito and Hiromi's fetishes.

Sakura Inami

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Yui Inami's younger sister. She doesn’t have any otherworldly powers, so she couldn’t see Yomi like her sister. He loves and knows how to cook well. I was very jealous of my sister and her strength. After her death, Mirai decided to take revenge. She was given a weapon capable of absorbing killed Yomi, with which she wanted to kill Mirai due to the lack own strength. Subsequently, she herself was almost absorbed by him. She was saved by Mirai, who sincerely felt guilty towards her. After this they became friends again.

Hiroomi Nase

0 3 0

The eldest son of the Naze family of ghostly spirit warriors. Third year high school student. Has the ability to set up barriers or cages, and also use the scarf to attack Yomi. Sensitive to cold. Something happened between him and Akihito in the past, but it doesn't stop them friendly relations. He often makes fun of him and warms his hands on Akihito's waist. He has a complex younger sister, he simply adores his sister Mitsuki, for which he receives her contemptuous glances.

Date of: Today, 01:07

ooooohssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss] purposes- variety 1) Anime goes well-to-cookies (no, because it’s 18+)2) art is top notch3) plot almost completely coincides with the manga4) 3D is awesome5) GG (no complaints)6) (spoiler just watch until the end there will be a surprise in episode 12)

Date of: Yesterday, 02:32

Unlike the above-mentioned Eromangas, all sorts of Oreimo, Umaru and other food for sister lovers, you don’t want to grab this little sister by the backs, lean her against the door frame and hit her with the door until her skull turns into crumbs. Weak dialogues, weak art, so be it, okay, but we were finally given a nice little sister, and not trash like Saigiri or outright scum a la Umaru. The anime deserves 7/10 as a solid, unpretentious daily affair against the backdrop of a very dull season.

Date of: 8-03-2019, 15:06

I couldn't stand it on the third episode. Otherwise, I would just choke on drool. So I rushed to the refrigerator, took out one pork sausage and one beef one, put the pan on, seasoned it with Adyghe salt, barbecue seasoning and Korean carrot seasoning, then added onion cut into rings, zucchini rings, and some canned tomatoes. Half of the BigLunch portion went for ramen. Pour the prepared broth over the noodles. Added butter and a soft-boiled egg. never before soup instant cooking was so divine. Thanks to this anime!

Date of: 8-03-2019, 14:04

Great anime, very funny and enjoyable. Unexpected turn that one of the main characters was a Russian girl. I also liked the fact that the texts that come across in Russian are devoid of grammatical errors, which the same Americans suffer from in relation to the Russian language. Although some template elements could not be avoided - winter, nesting dolls, bears, Russians folk motives and so on. (How often can you, for example, find a nesting doll in an ordinary Russian family?) However, although “cranberry” is present, it is not an eyesore. And by the way, this is already the second anime where male name Misha is given to a girl (Magic Index - Misha Khrushchev - girl) Probably the Japanese perceive the name Misha as more feminine than masculine. Although there is something in this (Let the Mikhails not be offended by me). It was a blast to watch, and in some places I even laughed out loud. It's a shame there are only 12 episodes. I'm sure I'll watch this anime again and again.

Date of: 8-03-2019, 01:26

However, soon my service ended. The next day the old man was found dead in bed, He was all blue, and my shoe was clutched in his teeth... How pathetic these noble gentlemen can be! (Octave Mirbeau “The Diary of a Maid”) Real a hymn to fetishism, perhaps the most relevant spectacle to the international women's day! Looking at all this, you understand that it was not in vain that Clara Zetkin fought with the men... Surprisingly, the Japanese are so captivated by dance shots that they even distinguish them as a separate spectacle... What could this be connected with? With a passion for seafood (say, mussels are in a shell - like sirloin parts in panties)? What kind of national habit is this? In addition, the subject suggests other thoughts. Perhaps the vaunted Japanese politeness is not natural after all - people want something tough. So the local hero (whom the viewer is masquerading as) does everything to turn cute and sugary-friendly girls into aggressive, contempt-filled bitches. Celebration...