How to remove plasticine from clothes - the most effective ways. How to wash plasticine from clothes

Modeling from plasticine is a very exciting activity. Especially for young children. Still inexperienced “masters” sculpt their “masterpieces” from soft material with awkward movements, not particularly caring that the plasticine might cling to things. After the next work of the young artist, every mother wonders how to wash plasticine from clothes.

Before washing an item or using a plasticine stain remover, it must be carefully removed from the clothing. Knowledge about the properties of sticky material will help with this. Everyone knows that when exposed to low temperatures, plasticine becomes hard, and hot steam or a hot surface melts it.

Therefore, if a piece of plasticine sticks to the fabric, you just need to freeze it by sending the item in a plastic bag to the freezer. When the sticky substance becomes completely hard, it must be picked out with any blunt object. You should act quickly, as the plasticine may soften.

Plasticine embedded in knitted fabric or fluffy carpet pile is removed by melting. A napkin is placed on the contaminated area, the surface of which is heated with an iron or hot air from a hairdryer. The napkin is changed until the last particles of plasticine disappear under the influence of heat.

One option for removing plasticine from clothes is bright sunlight. If the weather is hot, place the contaminated product in the sun.

Under the influence of the rays, the plasticine will soften, and you can easily remove it with a cloth. Most likely, a stain will form on the cleaned area after any of the above methods. It can be removed with chemicals or improvised detergents.

How to remove plasticine stains from clothes?

Removing the sticky mass is only half the battle. The main task lies ahead. And it involves removing stains that resemble in appearance stains from oil or greasy cream. Coping with this challenge Known remedies will help everyone.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

A solution of these two components is also perfect for white items. To prepare it, pour 100 ml of water into a glass and add a few drops of ammonia or peroxide to it. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution and wipe away traces of plasticine. After this, wash the item as usual.

An alternative to ammonia that is not on hand can be isopropylene alcohol. It also works great on plasticine stains on denim.

Vegetable oil

The oily sheen from plasticine is the result of paraffin, which dissolves from any high-quality vegetable oil. It is applied to the stain and rubbed a little.

After the procedure, you need to remove the stain from vegetable oil. Regular dishwashing detergent will do the job.

Baking soda

Its required quantity is determined by the scale of the plasticine disaster. Before starting work, the stain must be washed with a solution of water and powder or laundry soap.

Sprinkle soda liberally onto the prepared wet spot, rubbing the powder in with light movements. Leave the fabric to “soak” for 15-20 minutes, rinse the item in warm water and wash it in the standard way.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap copes with many stains due to its alkaline component. You need to prepare a highly concentrated solution from it. Grate 1/3 of the block, add 3 liters of water, mix well. Dip soiled clothing into the solution and wait 30-40 minutes. Wash by hand or in a machine with added powder.

Laundry soap can be replaced with Antipyatin.

Wool sock

This is a rather unusual way to remove plasticine stains, but very effective. If the wool is high-quality and natural, then you just need to carefully rub the stain with a sock until the oily substance transfers from the stained clothing to your “helper.”


Kerosene, despite its unpleasant pungent odor, does an excellent job of removing plasticine stains. Rub a cotton pad soaked in kerosene onto the stain and leave for 3-5 minutes. Washing with regular detergent and rinsing the item with fabric softener will get rid of the smell.

Industrial stain removers

If using traditional methods you still haven’t solved the question of how to quickly wash plasticine, purchase industrial stain removers at a household chemicals store. They are sold for both white and colored items, as well as different types of fabrics.

Each purchased product must have instructions. Carry out cleaning work only in full accordance with it.

Black fabric of school or children's dress pants, despite its dark color, is very easily soiled. Any abrasions and marks are visible on it, including those from plasticine.

But even in such a situation, proven methods will come to the rescue. First, turn your pants inside out. Further proceed according to the scheme below.

  • Lay your pants out on an ironing board or any other flat, horizontal surface.
  • Place paper napkins on the stain above and below (under the fabric).
  • Preheat the iron.
  • Run the sole of the device over the napkins. You will immediately see that grease stains from the trousers transfer to the paper.
  • Change napkins and repeat the procedure until the stain completely disappears.
  • Treat the stained area with soapy water, then wash the item completely.

To ensure that the color of your pants remains charcoal black for a long time, add special products to the powder during washing that are responsible for preserving the shades. Fortunately, there is now a wide selection of them in stores.

Plasticine stains are not the most unpleasant thing for you and your clothes. If you act quickly and carefully, you will be able to return things to their store-bought appearance.

Mother of two children. I have been running a house for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

How to wash plasticine if a child gets it all over it while modeling? Don’t be upset, there are many ways to remove plasticine from clothes and wash your child’s favorite toy.

Most often, children's skirts and trousers get dirty. How to wash plasticine from trousers? Try freezing the item. Freezing is a very common technique for removing plasticine from clothing. The item is placed in a bag and then placed in the freezer for several hours. Once frozen, the sticky substance will become very brittle and you can easily wipe off the plasticine. The blunt side of a knife will scrape off the substance. It is important not to rub the dirt with your hands, as the warmth of your fingers will melt the substance, and the dirt will eat even deeper into the material.


A good way to wash plasticine is ammonia. Ammonia is especially good at cleaning plastic surfaces and colored stains on clothes. Rub the stained area with ammonia and leave for 30 minutes. The marks on the plastic will come off immediately. We clean the table with a piece of rags and wash the board, and then wipe it with a wet rag.


Not everyone knows how to wipe plasticine off clothes with sunflower oil. A piece of cloth is soaked in oil, and then it is used to gently wipe away the stain from the edges to its center. But another problem will arise - fat on clothes. You can get rid of oil traces using dishwashing detergent, which will remove stains when washed.

Laundry soap

How to wash plasticine from household clothes. soap? You should soak the item for 20–25 minutes in warm water, and after soaking, rub the affected area with soap.

If the contamination is too strong, then try preparing a steep household solution. soap and dip the fabric in it. The solution should have the consistency of sour cream. After soaking in a strong soap solution for half an hour, the clothes are washed and sent to the washing machine.

Cleaning the carpet

Very often, children, in a creative impulse, stain carpets and furniture in plasticine. Of course, you can’t put the carpet in the freezer overnight. But there are products that will wash the modeling mass.

Take a white sheet or paper towel and place it over the stain. Then heat the iron to medium heat and iron the stain so that the modeling compound sticks to the paper. The greasy mark that remains on the pile can be removed with any degreaser.

You can remove the sticky mass by simply scraping. A rag should be soaked in gasoline or kerosene, and then use it to wipe the material off the carpet. The procedure is repeated until the mark disappears completely. Finally, the carpet is washed with warm water and powder.

We save furniture

If cabinet furniture and plastic parts are dirty, you can clean them with dishwashing detergent. But the real problem arises if the child gets the upholstered furniture dirty. What to do in this case?

On upholstery, the modeling compound can be removed by simply heating it. Cover the area to be cleaned with a paper towel and iron with a moderately hot iron. Change the towel when it gets dirty. Remember not to put newspaper under it, as paint will remain on the upholstery, especially light-colored ones.

As you can see, there are many ways to quickly and easily clean plasticine from clothes and furniture. Choose the product that you have on hand and start cleaning the house after children's creativity.

As such, plasticine is not very scary for clothes. It comes off easily, leaving, however, particles of pigment and fat in the fibers of the fabric. This is where problems arise.

Effectively removes stains from jeans without damaging the color of the fabric

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Mechanical cleaning

To remove plasticine from clothing, freeze it. Just put the shirt, T-shirt or trousers in the freezer for half an hour, and then carefully clean the plasticine from the fabric with a stiff brush. If the item is large, use an ice pack. You can treat the stain with dry ice if it is not possible to put the product in the freezer. After the procedure, plasticine, as a rule, comes off quite easily from the item. The same can be done with carpet or upholstered furniture.

If ice is a problem, simply dry the play dough. Leave the item in the open air for a couple of days, during which time the moisture will evaporate and the oils will begin to lose their chemical properties. The only condition: when drying it should not be hot, otherwise the plasticine will only melt and become limp. That's why you can't use a hairdryer. Dried plasticine crumbles well (especially children's “bouncy” plasticine, consisting of small balls and plastic mass), just pull the fabric in different directions, lightly clean it, the fibers, moving, will destroy it and push it out.

Dissolving and washing

To get rid of plasticine stains left on clothes after sculpting mushrooms and dolls, use proven home methods.

The following will help you dissolve plasticine:

  • ammonia,
  • isopropyl alcohol,
  • WD-40 product,
  • refined kerosene,
  • iron and a couple of napkins,
  • and, as an option, a wool sock.

A plasticine stain can be treated with ammonia. To do this, 10 drops of ammonia should be diluted in a glass of cold water. Soak a soft cloth or cotton swab with the resulting solution and apply the stain until it is thoroughly wet. Rinse the item in cool water. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Instead of ammonia, isopropyl alcohol is also used; it removes fat well, which is part of any plasticine. Isopropyl alcohol perfectly removes plasticine from clothes made from natural fabrics and jeans. To do this, you need to pour a little alcohol directly onto the stain, leave it for a minute, after which you can start removing the plasticine from the clothes - it will come off quite easily.

If we are talking about synthetics, try using WD-40; it is often used by motorists. After a short treatment (3-5 minutes is enough), the plasticine is easily removed. All that remains is to wash the product; if necessary, white items can be bleached.

Fat is dissolved by substances such as purified kerosene, which is sold in hardware stores. You can also ask for special products for removing plasticine stains or products for greasy stains. True, plasticine cannot be removed simply by washing, so you still have to make some effort.

Playing with plasticine is a fun activity not only for children, but also for their parents. Such creativity has many positive aspects: the development of fine motor skills, perseverance and imagination in children, spending time together between adults and children, etc. But after such interesting creativity, the remains of plasticine surprisingly end up on clothes and furniture.

How to wash plasticine is the main question for mothers after working with this sticky material. Because regular washing is powerless here. It is necessary to use special products to remove stains from your favorite item.

Many children love to play with plasticine

Preparatory work

Before proceeding directly to washing, it is necessary to rid the item of plasticine mass as much as possible. It contains paraffin or wax molecules that soften at room temperature. For this reason, cleaning plasticine by hand will be ineffective. The mass will simply melt from the warmth of your hands and penetrate even more into the fibers of the fabric.

Freezing is considered the most effective way to get rid of the remains of creativity. You will need to place pieces of ice in a metal bowl to place the stain, or put the clothes in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer.

The bag will protect the item from additional odors and dirt. After half an hour or an hour, the mass hardened by the cold temperature should detach from the fabric. You can help remove it with the blunt side of a knife. But actions are carried out with great caution, because matter can be damaged.

You can also use the completely opposite method - heat treatment. It is usually used to remove grease stains from trousers. The action plan in this case is as follows:

  • Apply several layers of napkins, paper towels, or multi-layer dye-free toilet paper to the stained area on both sides. The area of ​​the blotting paper should be larger than the size of the soleplate of the iron.
  • It heats up until warm. If possible, select the heating mode for silk fabrics.
  • Then the dirty area is gently ironed so that the melted fat is absorbed into the paper. Paper pads should be changed until they stop absorbing fats.

Experienced mothers are not afraid to give their children plasticine, because they know how to wash it off the baby’s things

Another thermal method is blow drying. But it's not as good as using an iron. It is used for small spots, which are dried with a stream of hot air until a crust forms. Then the plasticine is removed with a brush.

Additional treatment before washing

After the first preparatory measures have been carried out, there is a high probability that a greasy stain will remain, which can be removed with chemical means. However, it is worth using the available substances available in any housewife’s home.

Method No. 1: washing with laundry soap. The recipe for laundry soap contains alkali, which copes well with fatty molecules. The soap is grated and a concentrated soap solution is prepared on its basis. 15-20 minutes of soaking is enough. The contaminated area is additionally soaped and gently cleaned with a soft brush.

The proposed method is especially good for plain fabrics in light colors. If an excellent result is not achieved, you need to sprinkle the dirty area with baking soda and repeat the brushing.

Method No. 2: treatment with ammonia solution. A solution based on ammonia can only be used on natural fabrics in light shades and with colored prints. The recipe for the required solution is as follows: 200 ml of water, 0.5 teaspoon of ammonia. Use a moistened cotton swab to thoroughly wipe the dirty area until traces of plasticine completely disappear. During the procedure, tampons are regularly replaced with clean ones to speed up the process. Next, you will have to rinse multiple times to get rid of the ammonia smell and wash the clothes.

It is permissible to replace ammonia with isopropyl alcohol. It is not diluted, but used undiluted. The important thing is that only this component can cope with plasticine on denim.

Family educational games

Method number 3: using vegetable oil. Any type of vegetable oil can rid fabric of oily sheen after modeling mass. Use an oil-soaked cloth to thoroughly wipe off traces of stains until they are completely removed. Now the treated area requires cleaning from oily fatty substances. Liquid or gel intended for washing dishes will help. The oily trace is generously watered with product. It will take some time to break down fats. Next you need to rinse from foam and wash in an automatic machine on the appropriate fabric program.

In addition, vegetable oils will become indispensable if plasticine ends up on the child’s skin or hair. Fat is applied to the problem area. The soft substance is removed from the hair using a thick-toothed comb, and the skin is washed with soap.

Method number 4: the effect of modern stain removers. Modern brands of stain removers can easily cope with removing plasticine stains. You should work with them according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Although the general scheme of actions is as follows: initially the clothes are soaked in an aqueous solution with a stain remover, and then washed automatically or manually with the addition of a chemical stain remover to the powder.

Note that special stain removers are actively used, on which they leave unpleasant marks.

Direct wash

Having tried the proposed methods and removed plasticine contaminants, the items need to be washed as usual. The automatic washing program corresponding to the type of fabric is suitable for this. It would be a good idea to add a suitable bleach or stain remover.

Having learned how to wash plasticine, you should not be afraid to create with your children: sculpt figures, create plasticine cartoons and paintings. If, after joint creativity, you follow all the agreed recommendations, then even washing will not spoil the good time spent.

Plasticine that gets on clothes is removed in several stages - first, the fabric is cleaned of material residues, and then they begin to remove grease stains and traces of dyes. How to remove plasticine from things? Which remedies are most effective?

First actions

It must be remembered that heat softens plasticine, so trying to collect the remains of the colored mass with your hands will only make it worse - the straightened substance will penetrate deeper into the fibers of the fabric.


First, they try to clean the clothes as much as possible from the substance adhering to them. To do this, place the soiled item in the freezer (half an hour will be enough). Another option is to apply ice to the plasticine.

Once frozen, the mass can be easily separated from the fabric using a knife. You need to work with the blunt side of it so as not to ruin your clothes.

When most of the plasticine has been removed, rub the problem area with your hands to get rid of its remnants.

A greasy stain and traces of coloring matter will remain in the place where the colored mass was. Now we have to get rid of them.

Napkins and iron

To remove grease stains from trousers and other clothing, turn the item inside out.

The iron is set to a heating mode designed for ironing silk.

Place paper with good absorbent properties (blotting sheet, paper towel or napkin) under the area to be treated. Place another sheet of paper on top and iron it on top. During this treatment, the fat will melt and flow down and be absorbed by the napkins. As soon as the paper becomes dirty, it should be replaced with fresh one. The fabric is ironed until all traces of fat disappear.

These manipulations will help get rid of oil stains, but colored plasticine may leave behind dye.

Final fabric cleaning

A product that will remove residual contamination is selected based on the color and type of material.

Natural fabrics

In this case, ammonia will be required.

10 drops of it are diluted in a glass of water, the resulting liquid is moistened with a cotton pad. Use it to treat traces of plasticine.

If the area of ​​contamination is extensive, you can place the item in a basin, apply an alcohol solution to the entire stained area and leave for 30 minutes, and only then begin cleaning.

When the stain disappears, rinse the item well and then wash it.

Light fabrics

For plain light-colored items, laundry soap is suitable. The alkali included in its composition copes well with traces of fat and removes traces of coloring matter.

The bar is grated on a fine grater and added to hot water to form a concentrated solution. The water temperature should be as recommended on the label of the clothing being cleaned.

Place the product in the prepared solution and leave for 20 minutes. To improve the quality of washing, you can additionally soap the stained area. In particularly difficult cases, apply a small amount of soda to the stain.

Take a clothes brush and gently rub the problem area with it. Rinse, then put in the washing machine.

Remove a plasticine stain from the fabric