How to beautifully draw New Year on glass. Beer and magnesia. What to paint on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year at home, video step by step

Useful tips

Decorating your home or office for the New Year is not difficult at all.

You will need several simple materials, some interesting ideas and a little imagination.

Here are various simple ones and at the same time original ideas How you can beautifully decorate the windows of any room for the New Year holidays:

How beautifully you can decorate a window for the New Year: New Year's candles

You will need:

Flower box

Candles (low)

Large Christmas balls or large pompoms

* Pompoms can be bought or made by yourself.

Decorations (garlands, tinsel, beads)

Artificial grass or thin branches (optional).

1. Place artificial grass or several thin branches at the bottom of the box.

2. Place pom-poms or Christmas balls and candles alternately on top of the grass. You can put beads on top of the balls.

Now you can put the entire composition on the windowsill so that it decorates the window.

New Year's drawings on the windows

You will need:

A piece of foam rubber


Toothpick or skewer

1. Squeeze some toothpaste onto a saucer.

2. Take a small piece of foam rubber, roll it into a tube and secure it with tape.

3. Start dipping a foam tube into the paste and drawing New Year’s designs on the glass - a Christmas tree, New Year's toys, snowman and so on. You can also prepare different stencils that you can buy or make yourself.

*To draw a straight ball, first draw it on plain paper using a compass, saucer, or other small round object.

Cut a circle from a sheet of paper, and attach the resulting hole in the sheet to the window, then use a sponge to paint the round area.

*You can also print out animal silhouettes, cut them out, and use the cut-out sheets to display the animals on the window.

4. To draw thin spruce branches, use a skewer or toothpick (see image).

Drawing on the window with toothpaste for the New Year.

1. Make it out large sheet paper snowflake.

To find out various ways making snowflakes, visit our articles: How to make a snowflake and.

2. Moisten the snowflake a little and glue it to the window.

*Remove excess liquid using a dry cloth or sponge.

3. Dilute white toothpaste and a little water in any container.

4. Take the old one toothbrush, dip it in a solution of water and toothpaste and start splashing the snowflake on the glass. It is advisable to make the first splashes (which can be large and not very beautiful) into a container, and then continue to spray the snowflake.

*Try to spray on the holes of the snowflake and near its borders.

5. Remove the snowflake and wait for the paste to dry.

Decorate windows with paper snowflakes

Snowflakes can be cut out from plain paper, as well as from coffee filters.

For cutting, you can use curly scissors and a hole punch.

To cut a snowflake from a filter, you need to fold the filter in half several times and then work with scissors.

New Year's window decorations: glue figures

These transparent snowflakes can be easily removed from the window and can also be reused.

You will need:


Transparent files

PVA glue

Syringe without needle


1. Print on paper or draw snowflakes and other New Year's designs. Place the drawing in a file. It is better to choose simple snowflakes with few details.

2. Take PVA glue, fill it with a syringe and trace the design over the file with it.

*You can use a hot glue gun.

3. Wait for the glue to dry. After this, the glue will become transparent and you can easily separate it from the file.

* If necessary, use scissors to trim certain figures. Dried glue is easy to cut.

4. Now you can attach the figures to the window or hang them on a string near the window.

You can also use 3D paints to make colorful snowflakes and figurines.

Snowflakes made from glue

New Year's decorations for windows made of paper: paper snowflakes.

Use our instructions from the articles How to Make a Snowflake and Cutting Snowflakes from Paper (Templates) to create your own snowflakes.

Prepare some simple soap and a sponge. Wet and soap the sponge, then work it over the snowflake on one side.

Place the treated side of the snowflake against the window to adhere it. If you want to remove the snowflake, it will give in easily; you just need to tug a little on its edge.

* If you use snowflakes of different sizes and shapes, you can create amazing decorations on the window, for example, glue snowflakes to form a Christmas tree.

How else can you decorate windows for the New Year with your own hands?

On the eve of the New Year, everyone strives to decorate their home as brightly and festively as possible. As for windows, this is one of the most favorite places for decoration, because with their elegant appearance they will delight not only the residents of the house, but also people passing by. One of the simplest and most effective decoration methods is New Year's drawings on windows.

Before you start painting the window space, you need to stock up on some equipment. The following tools may be useful to you (depending on the chosen decoration method):

  • water jar;
  • Toothbrush;
  • brushes for painting;
  • scraper or stick;
  • window cleaning cloth;
  • sponge.

In addition, you may need pre-prepared paper stencils. Although you can draw yourself if you have talent.

Before applying the design, clean the surface of the window with special glass cleaning products. They contain degreasing components, thanks to which the design will adhere more firmly and will look better when clean.

Drawing options

To create a New Year's picture on glass you can use:

  • artificial snow;
  • PVA glue;
  • toothpaste;
  • gouache or finger paints;
  • stained glass paints.

Never use watercolor. Unlike gouache or children's finger paint, it is very difficult to wash off.

The choice of stained glass paints should also be considered carefully. It will not be easy to clean the glass from the dried pattern. Therefore, it is best to use children's paints. However, it is worth considering that then you should draw not on the windows, but on a specially prepared surface. After the paints have thickened, the design is easily removed and can be transferred directly to the glass.

Method 1

Using PVA glue you can quickly and easily create simple designs.

  1. Apply the picture to the glass using glue.
  2. Evenly distribute glitter or tinsel on the adhesive base.

This way you get funny and fluffy holiday pictures.

Method 2

This method is suitable for painting on windows using gouache, artificial snow, aerosol cans or toothpaste.

  1. Roll a small piece of thin foam into a tube. Secure it with tape to prevent it from unraveling.
  2. Prepare toothpaste or paint by squeezing a little onto a saucer.
  3. Dip a foam brush into the paint and paint.
  4. When the drawing is slightly dry, you can add strokes to it using a stick with a thin end.

This method is convenient for drawing fir branches or other outline drawings on the windows for the New Year. For some details, you can use regular paint brushes to create fine strokes and details.

Method 3

For this method you can also use artificial snow, paints or toothpaste.

  1. Prepare stencils for drawing.
  2. Pour some gouache into a plate. If you use toothpaste, add a little water to it.
  3. Now attach the paper stencil to the glass. To do this, the workpiece must be glued to the window, slightly moistened with water or using tape (preferably double-sided).
  4. Dip the sponge into the prepared paint and apply it to the prepared surface using the stamping method.
  5. After 10 minutes, when the drawing is dry, you can remove the stencil. A beautiful New Year's drawing will remain under it.

Using a sponge, you can whiten the entire background of the window with gouache or toothpaste and water. And to create iridescence in the whiteness of the snow cover, you can spray the surface of the glass with a spray bottle of water before stamping. Then the background in these places will be more transparent.

Method 4

For the described method, it is best to use white toothpaste.

  1. Prepare paper stencils.
  2. Apply them to the glass, securing with tape or water.
  3. Dilute a small amount of toothpaste with water to a liquid consistency.
  4. Pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle.
  5. Spray the resulting white mixture onto the glass.
  6. When the drawing dries, you can remove the stencils.

The first spray from the sprayer is large and can ruin the whole look, so shake it off in the sink.

Method 5

This is another way to create an imitation of snow grains on the window. Use this method can be used to create a background with a stencil or simply to decorate the remaining unoccupied glass surface.

  1. Dilute some toothpaste with water.
  2. Dip the brush in the prepared mixture.
  3. Apply a layer of toothpaste to the glass using a splashing motion.

Method 6

This method is suitable for drawing stained glass paints, the advantage of which, compared to other drawing materials, is the ability to use different colors, as well as detailed drawing small parts.

You can create decorative elements with this paint using stencils as described above, or you can use pattern templates. Using a picture sketch, you just need to redraw the scene you like on the window. But if you have no experience in drawing, then you can simply glue the template onto the glass with reverse side windows in such a way as to draw along existing contours.

As already written above, you should paint with children’s stained glass paints not on glass, but on a prepared surface, for example, on a thick file.

Drawing options

Decorating a window for the New Year is always a pleasant pastime. Getting started with this interesting activity, you need to decide on the plot you want to depict. Here are some ideas for drawings:

  • snowflakes;
  • angels;
  • Christmas trees or forest landscapes;
  • Ded Moroz and Snegurochka;
  • sleigh with reindeer;
  • candles;
  • present;
  • biblical stories;
  • houses.

If you are not an expert in drawing, then it is best to use a paper stencil. You can take it from the Internet, or you can make it yourself by simply transferring a picture you like from a book or magazine onto whatman paper or cardboard. All that remains is to cut out the design from the paper along the contour and apply the image to the glass. The main thing is that the process of decorating a window brings joy to you and your household.

Drawings on glass are fun, beautiful and festive. By making such a New Year's decoration on all the windows in your apartment with your children, you will not only give a festive mood to yourself, but also to all those who, passing by your house, glance at your windows. And it’s also beautiful and very affordable way, so that and .

New Year's drawings on windows: draw with toothpaste

Drawings on windows made with regular toothpaste are the simplest and most cost-effective way that kids will really like, and you won’t have to worry about how to clean the windows, because the paste washes off well with water. There are two ways to draw with toothpaste on glass.

To create on a window, you will need:

Roll up a piece of sponge and secure it with tape. Squeeze the toothpaste into a bowl and dilute it with a little water. Dip the resulting “brush” into the paste and draw patterns on the glass with it. You can paint with or without stencils. After the paste has dried a little, use a toothpick to draw in the details. And with a thin brush you can draw threads for toys.

For next method To draw with toothpaste on glass you will need slightly different materials:

  • toothpaste;
  • water;
  • old toothbrush;
  • stencils.

This method is often used to decorate not only windows, but also mirrors in the house for the New Year. To begin, select design stencils. These can even be ordinary snowflakes cut out of paper. , you will find it at the link. Moisten the cut out stencil with water and glue it to the surface of a window or mirror. Remove excess moisture with a dry cloth.

In a container, dilute the toothpaste with water until smooth. Apply the mixture generously to the brush and bring it close to the stencil. Run your fingers along the bristles, thus sprinkling the paste onto the stencil of New Year's drawings until you completely fill the drawing.

Leave the drawing along with the stencil until almost completely dry. When winter drawing will be ready, the paper stencil will easily separate from the glass surface and the design itself will not be smeared.

What else to draw on windows: techniques for New Year's patterns on glass

For drawings on glass for the New Year, special washable paints for painting on glass, gouache with a brush, artificial snow in a spray can, regular soap, PVA glue and glitter are also ideal.

Drawings on windows for the New Year 2019: stencils and templates

To make New Year's drawings on windows neat, it is better to use stencils and templates. You just need to choose the scene you like, download the picture to your computer, print it and cut it out along the outline and in the required designated places. And then everything is as described above in the master class to draw with toothpaste on the windows.

How to paint windows for the New Year: 13 ideas for New Year's drawings on glass

We offer you several options for what you can draw on the windows in winter. You can look at such pictures with New Year's drawings on windows for hours and be inspired by these wonderful ideas.

Christmas tree, decorated, hanging around the house, " Frost patterns"on the windows, painted with my own hands- all this will create a feeling of miracle and the approaching New Year 2019.

There is just over a month left until the New Year. This means it’s time to stock up on ideas on how to decorate your home. The easiest way to create a fabulous mood is to decorate the windows of your apartment or office. How to do this, see our photo selection.

1. Window stickers. The easiest way is to purchase special stickers in the store and decorate windows, window sills and even walls with them. Fortunately, the variety of such jewelry today is great and combining them will allow you to show your individuality.

2. Drawings on the windows. This method is also simple, although a little more labor-intensive than buying stickers. This method was also used by our grandmothers and mothers. It is very sincere and truly filled with a feeling of magic, the expectation of a holiday and a miracle.

So, we stock up on toothpaste or tooth powder, a toothbrush, white paper and foam sponge. Let's start the magic step by step:

Cut out snowflakes. If you have forgotten how to do this, you can download the template on the Internet.

We wet the snowflake a little with water and glue it to the window. Wherein excess water need to get wet.

Dilute toothpaste and tooth powder with water in a small container.

Having dipped a toothbrush into the solution, shake it (to remove the first large drops), and then run your finger along the bristles, directing the splashes onto the glass and snowflake.

When the spray has dried, carefully remove the snowflake from the glass.

Toothpaste is washed off from glass easily and simply.

With its help you can simply draw on windows fabulous paintings. And if you involve children in this, their delight will know no bounds.

Stencils will help speed up the process of painting on windows. To draw small details, when the solution on the window dries a little, use a dry brush or toothpick. You can paint the design on top of the toothpaste with colored paints.

3. Paper snowflakes. An ancient, but no less fascinating and colorful way New Year's decoration. Fold a sheet of paper, cut out the lace beauty and stick it on the windows.

By the way, from snowflakes of different sizes you can create various paintings, for example a Christmas tree:

Or this beauty:

4. Paper decorations. You can also involve the whole family in this painstaking task. It’s a very exciting process to create magic from plain white paper.

Download special stencils from the Internet, apply the design to paper and carefully cut it out. Now all that remains is to stick it on the window. Of course, you know how this is done: using soapy water or tape.

By the way, the owner of the coming 2017 is the rooster.

5. Garlands of New Year's toys. Garlands made of Christmas decorations. You can collect them in various ways:

You can also create garlands from snowflakes:

6. Electric garlands. A window decorated with an electric garland creates a special holiday feeling. Today huge selection garlands By calling on your imagination to help, you can create a real fairy tale on the window.

The idea of ​​painting on windows arose even before the appearance of curtains - this was how to ward off evil spirits. A little later, when decorating glass with patterns, people simply hid personal life from prying eyes. Ornate figures of animals - dogs, horses, birds - were applied to glass before the holidays, bringing into the house a joyful atmosphere of expectation of something kind and good. If you also intend to create beautiful drawings on windows for the New Year 2018, examples of images on glass applied with brushes and stained glass paints, as well as toothpaste, will inspire you to create real masterpieces. Find out how and what you can draw using stencils at school and kindergarten— master classes with photos and videos will give you great ideas.

Thematic drawings on windows with toothpaste for the New Year 2018 Dogs, stencils

The simplest and quick way create “frosty” windows and bring the spirit of the upcoming holiday into your home - use stencils. By applying them to the glass and painting the part not covered by the stencil, you will get neat, even patterns. In general, the history of stencils goes back tens of thousands of years. Even before our era, templates were used to apply rock paintings. In France, stencils reached their peak of popularity between 1700 and 1800—they were widely used in mass production items such as playing cards, fabrics and wallpaper. With the advent of new computer technologies in the 21st century, designers have the opportunity to offer consumers the most intricate patterns. Modern thematic drawings on windows for the New Year using stencils for 2018. Dogs can be created using acrylic paints, gouache, and toothpaste. Under no circumstances should you paint with oil - then you simply won’t wash the glass.

Ideas for drawings on windows for the New Year 2018 Dogs using stencils

Since the New Year 2018 is under the sign of the Dog, you can make or buy ready-made templates with dogs and, using a sponge, transfer the image of the symbol of the year onto the glass. We also have photographs of other templates related to thematic drawings on windows for the coming New Year and ideas for stencils for 2018 Dogs.

Drawings of patterns on windows for the New Year with toothpaste - Ideas and examples

Since childhood, many people remember how their parents and grandparents prepared for the New Year and painted the most incredible curlicues, delicate snowflakes, and funny Santa Clauses on the windows. Of course, decorating windows with paints or paste for a holiday is every child’s dream. However, since children cannot always accurately depict their plans, adults should help them draw patterned designs on the windows for the New Year with toothpaste. See ideas and examples of such New Year’s “glass illustrations” here.

Examples of New Year's drawings on window glass using toothpaste

In December, everyone begins to actively prepare for the upcoming New Year's holidays- decorate the apartment, buy original jewelry for interior decoration. However, there are those who are in no hurry to make purchases. These people know for sure: the best patterns on windows for the New Year are made with ordinary toothpaste . Try to save on purchasing window stickers and other decor and you - Ideas and examples of how to turn a window into a magical one with the help of a simple toothpaste winter picture, you will find in our photos and videos.

Beautiful gouache drawings on windows for the New Year 2018 - Master class with photos and videos

If you want to give your home a festive look, start decorating the windows a week or two before December 31st. Some may choose special New Year-themed stickers for this, while others will prefer more economical ones. budget options. One of them is to create beautiful gouache drawings on windows for the New Year 2018. You won’t need anything other than paints and brushes, and a master class with photos and videos will help you choose the theme of the window painting.

How to make New Year's drawings on windows with gouache - Master class with photos and explanations

If only white images can be made with toothpaste, then with the help of gouache an artist who knows how to deftly combine different colors, will be able to create a real multi-colored winter's tale! Why not put on the glass Santa Claus in a red fur coat, a green Christmas tree decorated with yellow, orange, blue, purple balls, red foxes and gray bunnies? To create the most beautiful drawings on the windows with gouache for the New Year 2018, take advantage of our master class with photos and videos. Given here general description correct work with gouache when applying it to glass.

Prepare a template drawing for work (you can use only your imagination), gouache of different colors, a brush and an onion.

  1. Before starting work, grease the window glass with an onion cut in half. This way the paint will adhere better to the glass and will wash off faster after the New Year.
  2. Place the stencil on the window and paint over the open parts of the design with gouache of a suitable color.
  3. Wait for the paint to dry. After that, draw the details of the image by hand.

Patterns and drawings for the New Year with paints on the windows

Using a bath sponge you can apply patterns and designs for the New Year acrylic paints on the windows and create a whimsical, festive picture. This technique is quite simple and does not require much experience. To work you just need to cut it out of a sponge New Year's figure(snowman, Christmas tree, star), prepare all the necessary materials and start working.

How to draw Christmas trees on windows with a sponge - Master class with photos and explanations

Before you start applying patterns and designs for the New Year with paints on the windows, purchase liquid soap or dishwashing detergent from the store. By mixing it with acrylic paint, you can then quickly wash the drawing.

What to paint on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten with a brush

Before New Year's colors Teachers invite children to decorate the group room with garlands, balls, and decor. What can preschoolers and adults paint on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten with a brush? It could be funny snowmen, and funny Santa Clauses with their granddaughters Snow Maidens, hares, foxes, dogs. When decorating windows, adults must help their students.

Examples and ideas of drawings for the New Year 2018 in kindergarten

Since 2018 is under the auspices of the Dog, this animal of the Eastern Zodiac will give you the idea of ​​what to paint on the windows for the New Year in a kindergarten with a brush. Draw on glass with your kids funny puppies V New Year's hats, doggies in the snow, or even dogs carrying Santa Claus on a sleigh.

What to paint for New Year 2018 on the window at school and at home with paints

Do you want to feel the real New Year's atmosphere, but are not yet sure what to paint for the New Year 2018 on the window at school and at home? Our ideas will tell you how to choose a design and how to transfer it to glass.

Ideas for New Year's drawings on glass

Think about what you want to get in the coming year and try to draw it for the New Year 2018 on the window at school and at home using paints. Before you start, imagine what you associate with the coming year. What would you like from him? Perhaps you can try to draw a Map of Desires on glass? Then, with the chiming of the chimes, Santa Claus will learn about all your cherished dreams and help you realize them. However, no one canceled the traditional New Year's theme.

What to paint on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year 2018

It is very rare to find stained glass windows in modern apartments. They cost a lot, and it’s difficult to find them in stores. But how fantastic they look at home! Find out what you can paint on glass with acrylic or stained glass paints for the New Year 2018 and create an atmosphere New Year's magic!

When thinking about what to paint on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year 2018, look at examples of how people who are not professional fine arts, created truly enchanting paintings on the windows. Do not chase the size of the picture - the windows should let in enough light. Use black in minimal quantities; Don't get carried away with red. When painting stained glass, choose more blue-green and yellow shades.

How to paint patterns on a window for the New Year with a brush and sponge - Step-by-step steps and instructions

If you want to decorate your apartment in a special way for the coming 2018, remember how to draw patterns on the window for the New Year with a brush and sponge. The step-by-step steps and instructions of the master class and accompanying photographs will help you understand simple technique even a novice artist can apply paint on glass.

We draw New Year's patterns on the window with a sponge and brush - Master class with photos and explanations

If you have a dish sponge, toothpaste and a brush in your home (preferably all new), you can create the most beautiful window decoration. They will tell you in detail how to carefully draw these patterns on the window for the New Year with a brush and sponge. step by step steps and instructions from our master class .

Important: there are now pastes on sale in different colors - you don’t have to limit yourself to just the white version.

So, start painting on glass...

Having decided to create drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 Dog, stock up not only with New Year-themed stencils, stained glass and acrylic paints, gouache, toothpaste and brushes, but also a lot of patience. You will need it when you study our master classes with examples and photos explaining how and what to draw on glass for the holidays at school, kindergarten and at home. Create the most incredible patterns, and with them, a unique New Year's atmosphere.