Indications for decay after embryo transfer. What analogue of "Pregnil" should I use? Comparison of analogues of "Pregnil" HCG or ovitrel, which is better

The drug Pregnil is prescribed when a hormonal disorder occurs. Used by men to produce testosterone. Women use estrogen and progesterone for the formation of estrogen and progesterone, for the final phase of follicle formation, leading to the release of the egg into the uterus.

An injection of Pregnil raises hCG levels after six hours if the injection was given intramuscularly. In the case of subcutaneous treatment, the result will be after 16 hours. However, the female body typically accumulates hormones only after 20 hours.

Moreover, the natural level of the hormone is always higher during the day. This is due to the fact that women have a larger layer of subcutaneous fat, so the effect begins later.

The drug accumulates mainly in the kidneys and leaves the blood after 33 hours. In this case, the dosages specified in the instructions must be observed. To find out how much of the drug has left the blood circulation, you can do a test to determine the hormone hCG.

The medicine is produced by the Dutch company N.V. Organon. Release form: powdered substance in bottles, later used for dissolution.

Produced in the following doses:

  • 500 IU;
  • 1500 IU;
  • 5000 IU;
  • 10000 IU,

This allows it to be used in the therapy of adults and children.

There are two release options, the first is one unit with the drug itself and an ampoule of saline solution. The second type of packaging already provides 3 doses of the product and 3 ampoules of sodium chloride.

In addition to hCG, Pregnil includes:

  • carmellose sodium;
  • sodium hydrogen phosphate;
  • dihydrate;
  • Sodium dihydrogen phosphate.


Injection of Pregnil is prescribed when problems arise in females associated with:

  • conception;
  • preparation for artificial insemination;
  • for stable activity of the corpus luteum.

For men and boys:

  • low activity of sex hormones;
  • delay in the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics (maturation);
  • absence of a testicle in the scrotum.

Gonadotropin: formula


The drug in question has contraindications for certain diseases (uterine cancer, prostate cancer), then it is unacceptable for use. Or if you are individually intolerant to its components, the medicine should not be used.

Contraindications that apply only to women are identified, these include:

  • congenital abnormalities of the genital organs;
  • benign tumors in the uterus;
  • bleeding of various etiologies;
  • cysts on the ovaries;
  • increase in ovarian size.

Adverse reactions

Due to the fact that Pregnil is a hormonal agent, it has side effects. Many women note that after starting to use this medication, their breasts began to hurt. However, this is not the body’s only reaction to the drug.

Below are some of the negative effects of the medication:

  • increased temperature and fever;
  • rash all over the body;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • frequent loose stools;
  • weight gain;
  • enlargement of the ovaries and cysts on them.

Men are more likely to experience:

  • breast enlargement (gynecomastia);
  • fluid retention in the body.

Signs of gynecomastia

There may be redness at the injection site, itching and pain may occur.

Correctly selected dosage

Before you start using Pregnil, you should consult a specialist. Due to the fact that it is a hormonal agent, the dosage must be selected individually. It is also important to determine how many injections to give per follicle. It depends on its size.

Following instructions

The attending physician should tell you about the correct use of the medication. But you should independently familiarize yourself with the side effects of Pregnil and the instructions for use.

The package contains the drug in powder, as well as an ampoule with sodium chloride. Before injecting, mix the ingredients and shake well. Pregnil is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

The result will come in about a day. It all depends on the body’s perception; in some cases, ovulation occurs within a couple of days.

Depending on why the drug is taken, the dose is calculated. In case of infertility or when preparing follicles for puncture, a dose of 5000-10000 units is administered. To maintain the activity of the corpus luteum - 1000-3000 IU, the procedure is repeated every nine days after ovulation.

In children suffering from cryptorchidism, the amount of medication used depends on age:

  • up to 2 years - 250;
  • up to 6 years - 250;
  • from 6 years and older - 1500.

Injections should be given twice a week.


The price for the drug in question varies, it all depends on how many pieces are in the package, as well as on the pharmacy where it is purchased. The average price varies by:

  • Pregnil 5000 IU - costs from 250 to 450 rubles. The package contains two ampoules for one injection;
  • Pregnil 1500 IU - found in pharmacy chains at an average cost of 1200 rubles, the drug is enough for three uses;
  • Pregnyl 10000 - many patients need a larger dose, but the medicine is not available in this form. In this case, it is recommended to use ampoules 5000 in double dosage.


The presented drug has quite a few analogues, some of the popular ones are:

  • Horagon;
  • Utrozhestan;
  • Ovitrel;
  • Duphaston;
  • Chorionic Gonadotropin.

All of the above analogues are similar in their action. Therefore, it is not possible to say which has a better effect, for example Ovitrel or Regnil.

When choosing an analogue, you should take into account the individual tolerance of the drug and its components.

Ovitrel or rotten, which of them is better, the attending physician will tell you after passing the tests. They differ mainly in price, but many note that the use of Ovitrel is more convenient.

In the process of in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer is the final stage, after which the doctor will necessarily prescribe medications to support the luteal phase. These drugs help improve implantation. This includes hCG and progesterone medications. When the transfer has taken place, the patient experiences a difficult and stressful period. It is still unknown whether pregnancy will occur or not. Therefore, many patients are interested in why pregnyl is prescribed after embryo transfer.

Embryo transfer

The onset of pregnancy is determined using a certain test after two weeks. According to the analysis, the hCG hormone is measured. It is synthesized only by the cells of the embryo. Consequently, these are very long days in the life of a woman who wants to get pregnant.

After the embryo implantation process, experts do not advise taking a hot shower or bath, not performing heavy physical activity, and also avoiding sexual intercourse for now. But the very next day the girl can go about her activities and return to her usual routine. But some women don't get out of bed for two weeks until they take the test. They get up to eat and go to the toilet.

Perhaps this is necessary so that, when pregnancy does not occur, you do not reproach yourself for anything and be calm that everything has been done. But it is worth remembering that standard activity does not affect the likelihood of pregnancy. After embryo transfer, the doctor prescribes hormonal medications.

Naturally, the menstrual cycle becomes longer. The drug is excreted from the body individually for each patient. This process is influenced by metabolic processes and weight. This usually happens around five days.

Pregnil after embryo transfer affects the increased work of the corpus luteum.

Doctors say that with the help of rot, the own functions of the ovaries are activated and maintained. The dosage is prescribed to each patient individually. The doctor sets the dose based on how active the ovaries are, what the hormone levels are and how the stimulation was performed.


In the treatment process, the timing of hCG administration is considered a serious issue; accordingly, the medicine must be administered at the exact time that is calculated. Hands should be washed and dried thoroughly. Initially, prepare a syringe, cotton balls with alcohol and the drug.

The ampoule with the dry composition is pulled out of the box, and the plastic coatings that protect it are removed. Each ampoule is treated separately with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.

Insert the needle from the syringe into the very center of the rubber cap of the jar where the solvent is located. Turn the ampoule over. Draw 3 ml of solvent into the syringe. Then remove the air from the syringe and perform an intramuscular injection. After embryo transfer, Pregnil or Horagon injections are prescribed.

Why is Pregnil injected after embryo transfer:

  • 3⁄4 Induce ovulation;
  • 3⁄4 The egg matures in the artificial insemination program;
  • 3⁄4 After ovulation has occurred, the corpus luteum appears. The drug helps the ovaries secrete progesterone.

Experts say that pregnancy in support increases the chance of a successful pregnancy.

Horagon and rotted

How long does it take for ovulation to occur after taking pregnil? This drug not only initiates ovulation, but also controls it. Therefore, ovulation should occur no earlier than 35 hours. If this happens earlier, then such cases are an exception. So about half of the artificial insemination processes would not produce results. Thus, pregnyl is applied 35 hours before the puncture. Some women claim that the hCG level decreases after pregnyl 1500, and the test begins to give positive results.

How much does pregnil 1500 cost? This is individual, perhaps some patients drink a large amount of liquid. But basically this process lasts about twelve days.

In a situation where the follicle has grown but does not rupture, choragon is used. The active substance is human hCG, according to which the onset of pregnancy is determined.

How to breed choragon? Can be diluted with one ampoule. Pour the solvent into the dry substance, dilute it, and put it into a syringe. Haragon 1500 after embryo transfer is prescribed to deceive the body. It seems to the body that it has become pregnant, so it works for the embryo. HCG is produced in the blood when a woman is pregnant.

Thus, many are interested in what is better: rotten or choragon? According to opinions, the drugs are not particularly different from each other. Some clinics prescribe only pregnyl, while others only prescribe choragon. If you pay attention to the reviews, patients don’t really see much of a difference. What is better ovitrel or pregnil? Medicines are prescribed individually. The difference is that ovitrel is injected into the stomach. Each patient tolerates the drug differently.

On various forums, women often discuss the effectiveness of medications that are most often used in the case of in vitro fertilization. For a long time, doctors have developed special protocols that describe all the procedures and drug use regimens necessary for this. Until the finished embryo is transferred, the woman must take a large number of medications. Since a very important result is at stake, patients simply storm the Internet with questions about what is best to choose. Among such discussions one can also find discussions on the topic: Ovitrel or Pregnil. Let's try to review the main characteristics and find the differences in these drugs.

Pregnil is obtained from the urine of pregnant women. Ovitrel is a gonadotropin that is produced using recombinant DNA technology. It follows from this that Pregnil has a more natural origin.


Ovitrel in a dose of 250 IU is identical in activity to 5000 IU or 10,000 IU of gonadotropin, which is obtained from urine.

Side effect

Negative reactions after using Ovitrel or Pregnil are the same and manifest themselves in nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, but the most serious side effect is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.


Human chorionic gonadotropin has low toxicity, therefore Pregnil and Ovitrel, with the correct dose selection, do not provoke the appearance of overdose symptoms.


Pregnil 3 syringes in a dose of 1500ME can be purchased for 1250-1330 rubles. Ovitrel 1 syringe in a dose of 250Me can be bought for 2100-2200 rubles.

Most often, it is the cost that encourages women to purchase Pregnil. Also, patients who have experience using these medications describe that Ovitrel (unlike Pregnil) does not cause such a strong reaction in the body.

All women should understand that each person has a different body and, accordingly, the reaction may simply not be predictable. Before deciding to use analogues, it is important to consult with your doctor. You should not rely on brief reviews on the Internet and reviews. The main adviser should only be an experienced specialist.


If ovulation is disrupted, planning a child is impossible. The pathology is corrected with medications, one of which is Ovitrel. It is necessary to consider the method of use of the drug and how Ovitrel works during ovulation.

What is Ovitrel?

Ovitrel is a drug containing an analogue of female chorionic gonadotropin. Available in the form of injections or powder. The synthetic analogue of hCG does not differ from the natural one in properties.

The main purpose of taking the drug is to stimulate ovulation, after which the mature germ cell leaves the follicle. In addition, the drug accelerates the production of progesterone in the female body.

The medicine contains auxiliary components:

  • purified water;
  • mannitol;
  • phosphoric acid;
  • methionine

Distribution of the solution in the body occurs 4.5 hours after its administration. The half-life of the drug is 30 hours.

Using the drug during ovulation

In case of an anovular cycle, treatment with Ovitrel is carried out comprehensively. Initially, therapy is carried out using luteotropic and follicle-stimulating hormone. This is necessary for normal growth and maturation of the egg. A few days after hormonal therapy, Ovitrel injections are performed.

The drug greatly increases the chances of pregnancy, but preparatory measures are necessary before using it. A woman should not suffer from hormonal imbalances, otherwise the fertilized egg will not be able to attach to the endometrium of the uterus.

It is prohibited to independently select the dosage of Ovitrel. This may cause worsening of the condition or death. The use of the product is possible only under the supervision of a gynecologist. The doctor monitors the development of the follicle and the effect of the drug on the egg.

If a woman injects Ovitrel at home, then it is important for her to adhere to some rules:

  1. Wash your hands with soap before the procedure.
  2. Prepare several swabs soaked in alcohol.
  3. Fill the syringe with the medicine in the dosage recommended by the doctor.
  4. Wipe the area of ​​the body where the drug will be injected with a swab. Gynecologists recommend performing an injection in the abdominal area or the front of the thigh.
  5. Place the needle at an angle of 45 degrees. This rule must be followed to prevent the drug from entering the vein.
  6. Do not use the remaining solution for secondary injections.

If the dosage is accidentally violated, you should consult a doctor. The same applies to cases where one or more injections were missed.

The daily dosage of Ovitrel is 250 mcg. To stimulate ovulation, 5000 IU of hCG is needed, and to ripen the egg - 10,000 IU of hCG.

How quickly will ovulation occur?

How long does it take to ovulate after Ovitrelle? It is believed that after administration of the drug, the maturation of the female reproductive cell occurs within 36 hours. In practice, there have been cases where ovulation occurred on the first day after the injection.

After Ovitrel injections, you can immediately begin planning your child. Sperm that enter a woman during sexual intercourse remain viable for up to 1 week. 36 hours will be enough for them to fertilize the egg released from the follicle.

The medicine is injected before IVF. The drug allows:

  • accelerate the maturation of follicles;
  • stimulate the maturation of the corpus luteum;
  • contribute to the rupture of the capsule in which the egg is located.

Injections are prohibited in the following cases:

  • in the presence of tumors in the ovaries;
  • with inflammation of the reproductive system;
  • in case of intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects from injections include:

  • symptoms of intoxication;
  • headache;
  • feeling tired;
  • allergic rashes;
  • change of mood.

Before treatment begins, both partners are examined. After all, conceiving a child depends not only on the lady.

An ultrasound should be performed 2-3 days after the start of treatment.

How does ovulation occur after Ovitrel?

In the second phase of the cycle, the medication enhances the production of hormones involved in the ovulation process - estradiol and progesterone. A course of treatment is prescribed after taking medications that stimulate follicle growth.

The process of ovulation becomes impossible if the level of sex hormones in the female body is insufficient. Ovitrel contains all the necessary substances to stimulate egg maturation.

Why doesn't pregnancy occur?

The long-awaited pregnancy does not always occur even in the presence of ovulation. For this reason, Ovitrel does not guarantee a 100% chance of conceiving a child.

Among the negative factors that negatively affect the possibility of conception, it should be noted:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. Occurs during emotional exhaustion or after viral diseases.
  2. Endocrine disorders.
  3. Incompatibility between women and men. A woman’s immune cells can react negatively to sperm by producing antibodies against them.
  4. Inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system.
  5. Illiterate douching.
  6. Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  7. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  8. Endometriosis of the uterus is a disease in which the endometrium grows relative to the mucous membranes. As a result, neoplasms of a benign nature are formed in the reproductive organ, preventing the implantation of the fertilized egg.

At the initial stages of these pathologies, a woman does not observe characteristic symptoms. In this case, it is possible to identify the reason for the impossibility of conceiving a child only after a complete examination of the body.

Pregnancy may not occur due to health problems in the man. This happens due to:

  1. Insufficient sperm activity. This indicator is determined using a spermogram. Normally, a man should have at least 50% mobile “tadpoles”. The following factors negatively affect sperm activity: advanced age, previous infectious diseases, eating spicy food, staying in a hot bath.
  2. Varicocele diseases. Manifested by the expansion of the seminiferous tubules. In pathological conditions, spermatozoa die due to an increase in temperature in the testicles.
  3. Sexual infections – trichomoniasis, gonorrhea.

Cost of the drug

Ovitrel can be purchased at any pharmacy or ordered from an online store. The average cost of the drug is from 2200-2800 rubles per package.

Women leave positive reviews about the drug Ovitrel. Thanks to the medicine, it became possible for them to successfully conceive a child during an anovular cycle. Among the side effects of the drug, ovarian hyperstimulation is noted. The consequence is observed quite rarely - in 5 cases out of 100. Adverse reactions are observed due to an incorrectly drawn up therapy regimen or when the female body is intolerant of the components of the drug.

After treatment, pregnancy is determined by a test or blood test. If conception has occurred, doctors prescribe additional therapy for the normal functioning of the corpus luteum and preserving the life of the embryo.

Ovitrel is a drug to stimulate the maturation of eggs. Injecting a medicine is a serious hormonal effect on the female body. For this reason, self-medication using medication is unacceptable.

During pregnancy, after implantation of the embryo, the amount of a special hormone in the blood increases - human chorionic gonadotropin. Choriogonadotropin alpha, which is the basis of the drug Ovitrel, is produced using recombinant DNA technology and resembles natural gonadotropin in its amino acid sequence.

Thus, the effect of choriogonadotropin alpha on the body is identical to the effect of hCG. This allows you to prescribe Ovitrel before IVF puncture for:

  • stimulation of the final stage in follicle maturation;
  • the formation of the corpus luteum, which is responsible for the secretion of progesterone and estradiol.

Before prescribing the drug, the patient undergoes a full examination to exclude the following pathology:

  • bleeding from the genital tract of unspecified cause;
  • benign and malignant formations in the ovaries, uterus and mammary glands;
  • tumor of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland;
  • recent or currently existing thromboembolic diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • used with caution in cases of identified chronic diseases of various organs and systems (for example, disruption of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc.), when pregnancy, regardless of the “method” of onset, can provoke a severe exacerbation.

Important! Ovitrel is not prescribed during postmenopause, pregnancy and lactation.

Ovitrel for IVF in a natural cycle

The IVF program includes several stages. Treatment regimens in different clinics may differ, but the basis is the same.

At the first stage, superovulation is stimulated to obtain a large number of eggs. For this purpose, from the 3-5th day of the menstrual cycle, drugs are used that affect the concentration of FSH and LH, which activates changes in the ovarian follicular apparatus (gonadotropins, GnRH agonists and antagonists, clomiphene). The protocol is selected by the doctor individually.

When choosing, this group of drugs is not used. Basically, this regimen is selected for patients with infertility with preserved normal ovulatory cycles. Of course, this method has the advantages of low cost, simplicity and the possibility of repeated repetition, but there is a risk of premature ovulation or empty follicles during puncture.

During the entire period, ultrasound monitoring is carried out, the number, diameter, growth of follicles and thickness of the endometrium of the uterus are determined.

At the second stage, when the follicle reaches 18-20 mm and the thickness of the endometrium is about 10 mm, Ovitrel is administered to support IVF for the final maturation of the eggs. The main condition for prescribing the drug is the presence of mature follicles in an amount of at least 3. 35-36 hours after choriogonadotropin, follicle puncture is performed. If you do not puncture, then ovulation will occur within 42-48 hours.

The next step is fertilization of the eggs and cultivation of the embryo.

On days 3-5 after puncture, the embryo is transferred to the uterus with the administration of hormonal drugs.

The final stage is confirmation of pregnancy (after replantation, determination of hCG in the blood on the 12th day, and on the 14th day in the urine; ultrasound).

Pay attention! During the administration of Ovitrel, there will be a false-positive reaction in the blood serum and urine for the presence of pregnancy during the first 10 days.

How and where to inject Ovitrel during IVF?

The drug is a clear or light yellow solution of 0.5 ml, which contains 250 mcg of choriogonadotropin alpha. Available in ready-made form, in syringes with a needle for single use.

Before the procedure, the anterior surface of the thigh or abdomen is disinfected, the skin is folded and the needle is directed at an angle of 45°, avoiding the vein. The medicine is administered slowly, and after removing the needle, the injection site is treated with alcohol.

The medication should be stored in the refrigerator; if stored at room temperature, Ovitrel should be used within 30 days.

Ovarian pain after Ovitrelle: reasons

When using the drug, you may experience discomfort in the lower abdomen on the left or right in the area of ​​projection of the ovaries where ovulation occurred.

But severe pain can be the result of the development of (OHSS), which is a serious complication when many follicles are formed in the ovary, reaching the size of large cysts, followed by rupture and a pronounced clinical picture.

To avoid such consequences, dynamic ultrasound and blood tests for estradiol are performed throughout the entire period of stimulation, including before the start of injections.

Pay attention! If you have any complaints, be sure to see a doctor.

What is better for IVF: Ovitrel or Pregnil?

The therapeutic effect when using these drugs is identical, but there is a difference in the active substance and dosage. The composition of the drug Pregnil includes human chorionic gonadotropin, 1 ampoule of which contains 500, 1500, 5000 IU in powder form, which must be mixed with 1 ml of solvent. Each box contains 3 sets.

Ovitrel contains an analogue of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - recombinant chorionic gonadotropin alpha with a dosage of 6500 IU per 0.5 ml syringe.

Both drugs are used in IVF protocols, but the use of Ovitrel ensures final maturation of oocytes with a reduced risk of developing severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

Application details.