The group members are inveterate scammers now. Sergei Amoralov: biography, photos and interesting facts. Abilities and hobbies

In the late 90s and early 2000s, the domestic show business used a win-win formula for creating a pop group. The soloists, brought together according to the principle of “fair, red and brunette,” were wildly popular among the sophisticated public. , delighted the eyes and ears of Russian fans, appearing, it seems, in every music program, in glossy magazines, on school notebooks and diaries, and sounding from any radio.

And while the girls, fascinated by the voices and “cool outfits” of Sergei Amoralov, Tom Chaos Jr. and Garik, decided and argued about who was “cuter, ruddy and whiter than everyone else,” the guys, according to them, diligently fulfilled the mission of pioneers entrusted to them. Namely, they introduced the Russian listener to rap performed to dance rhythms. Gradually, the leader of the trio became its highlighted vocalist.

Childhood and youth

Sergei Surovenko (this is the singer’s real name) was born on January 11, 1979 in Leningrad. His father worked as a 5th grade mechanic at a defense plant, his mother raised two children - a son and a daughter. As a child, there were no prerequisites or desire to connect my life with the boy’s music. I dreamed of becoming a pilot, then I wanted to become a historian. During school, he excelled in his studies, was seriously involved in gymnastics, which he left due to an unfortunate injury, and was fond of painting.

When the time came to decide on a university, contrary to the wishes of my parents, the choice fell on the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. However, Sergei never graduated from the educational institution. Thoughts about the variety department of the Academy of Culture also did not materialize.

By the way, Amoralov has been friends with his red-haired colleague for a long time - they lived on the same staircase and staged not entirely censored performances for relatives. It was Garik who had the bright idea of ​​creating a boy band. We found the owner of a DJ console, called ourselves Backdraft, composed songs and went to the festival.

Sergei Amoralov and "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels"

Then they didn’t achieve the expected success, but they met their future producer Evgeny Orlov and DJ Slava Zinurov, who later became Tom Chaos. Thus began the chronicle of “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.”

“We rehearsed for a whole year without money, without a producer, on sheer enthusiasm. We didn’t even dream of becoming stars or getting rich. We considered ourselves a serious underground band, and not a pop group,” recalls Sergei.


According to the musicians, they didn’t come up with a name for the trio right away, but the situation was saved by the crime comedy of film director Frank Oz. On December 8, 1996, the first concert was given in Cherepovets, and a debut album was recorded a little later. Soon he attracted attention in Moscow.

Sergey Amoralov and "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" - "Love Me, Love"

Broadcast on all TV channels, the clips for the singles “I’m learning to dance”, “Otpetye” and “Everything and everything” brought all-Russian fame and adoration from the female half of the population. “Golden Gramophones” began to pour in, followed by tours not only in their native country, but also abroad.

In 2005, in parallel with his main activity, Amoralov, together with a DJ, organized the “Bootlegs” project, combining his own compositions with famous hits.

Sergey Amoralov and "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" - "All sorts of things"

And 6 years later, a new stage began in the creative biography of the Fraudsters, when DJ Repa replaced the departed Igor Bogomazov. The collaboration ended in 2011 due to an accident in which the new member of the group was involved. The accident turned out to be so serious that the man fell into a coma, and later underwent a long course of rehabilitation after illness.

Personal life

Despite the created image of a hooligan and numerous fans who stood guard at the entrance, Sergei’s personal life does not shine with an abundance of novels and piquant details. In 2000, soloist Daria Ermolaeva could not resist the handsome man’s charm. After 3 years of relationship, when fans were already expecting news of the engagement, the couple broke up.

“Our relationship was quite complicated. We are both artists, proud and ambitious. Honestly, I’m very tired and would like to start my personal life from scratch,” the singer admitted, adding that he no longer wants to date “popular young ladies.”

However, he did not keep his word - model Maria Edelweiss became his wife. The young people met in a nightclub, at first they just called each other, and then, by chance, they ran into each other again in an entertainment establishment.

We talked until 6 in the morning, rode in an empty trolleybus, and went on a romantic walk to the Cultural Park. Then Amoralov went on tour, which turned out to be a test of nascent feelings. After returning, the lovers decided to live together. The musician proposed to the girl in an extravagant way - he staged a search and checked documents.

Sergey Amoralov now

In addition to tours and concerts, where the two remaining “Dirty Rotten” successfully organize a return to the 90s for their audience, Sergei tried to develop his own packaging production business.

The stars do not indulge in daily posts and long thoughts about everything - photos from travels, performances, meetings with colleagues are rarely posted here, and sometimes footage of childhood and turbulent youth is flashed here. The entries under the photographs are short, concise, but very emotional. Buckwheat – “Love me love”

In 2017, the hit “Fraudsters” sounded new: the singer recorded a song in which she sang the chorus “Love me, love me.”

In 2018, scandalous information leaked to the media that former soloist Alexey Rednikov was not being taken back to the group after treatment. Sergei himself is surprised by this statement and denies it in every possible way.


  • 1997 – “From colored plasticine”
  • 1998 – “All sorts of things”
  • 1999 – “Bullshit”
  • 2000 – “Sticky Hands – 2”
  • 2002 – “Provocation”
  • 2005 – “All sorts of songs about different things”
  • 2008 – “Despite the Records”
22 June 2016, 14:17

Sergei Amoralov was born on January 11, 1979. His father worked at a factory as a 5th grade mechanic, his mother was a housewife. Sergei's real name is Surovenko, nickname is the Bully Philosopher.

As a child, he wanted to become a pilot, but this quickly passed. At the age of seven, he began training in the gymnastics section and even received the 1st adult category in gymnastics, but due to an injury, Sergei had to stop playing sports. Then he began to get involved in painting. According to people who had a chance to see his paintings, he painted quite well. He also did well at school, although he was not a “nerd” at all; once he even got into a fight with the labor teacher. He does not have a musical education, since at school he wanted to become a historian, and his parents wanted him to become a specialist in the field of electronics. As a result, he entered the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, from where he left without graduating. The desire to enter the Academy of Culture in the pop department also gradually passed away.


The official date of birth of "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" is considered to be December 8, 1996, when the group gave its first big concert in the city of Cherepovets at the "Dancing City" festival. The main characters of the team met much earlier. Sergei Amoralov and Garik Bogomazov had been friends since childhood and even lived on the same staircase. The first money they earned was for chocolates by giving home concerts with their families.

True, the work of young artists was then too unpretentious: Garik with feeling, sense, and arrangement read obscene poems heard somewhere in the yard, and Seryozha shouted not quite decent songs in a bad voice. Around the same time, in the pioneer camp "Ogonyok" near Leningrad, there was an ensemble "Sinkopa", where two young musicians one day met - Slavik Zinurov and Zhenya Orlov.

After finishing his shift with Zhenya’s gentle hand, Slava went to music school, where he successfully completed the required number of years. Zhenya, meanwhile, delved into production matters, creating his first group “Neon Boy”. After serving in the army, Slava worked as a dancer there for five years, and after the breakup of the group, with the help of Zhenya, he became one of the first DJs in St. Petersburg. At the same time, Evgeny Petrovich began to think about creating a new project... The connecting link between all the musicians was Klava MC, well-known in the St. Petersburg crowd, who was dancing at that time in one of the largest night clubs in the northern capital.

She introduced Seryozha and Garik to Tom Chaos, the young hooligans showed Tom their text compositions, he quickly concocted a couple of simple tunes, and with all this creativity the trio headed to Evgeniy Petrovich. Using all his talent as a producer, Orlov plunged headlong into mental work, while Seryoga, Garik and Tom began writing their debut album, which was released in early 1997. Today, she has firmly occupied her niche on the Russian stage for more than 11 years.

"Dirty Rotten" has 17 video clips and 6 albums. The group toured half the world. In 2005, Sergey Amoralov and the famous St. Petersburg DJ Repa (aka Andrey Repnikov, author of many “inveterate” songs) created a new musical project “Bootlegs”. In parallel with their “inveterate” activities, Amoralov and Repa are promoting to the masses their own dance compositions, created with the help of old, well-known songs and melodies.


Zodiac sign - Capricorn.

According to the eastern horoscope - Goat.

Height is approximately 1 meter 75 cm.

Hair color: brunette, now bleached.

Eye color - blue.

Dream: jump with a parachute.

Sergei has not forgotten about playing sports, and that’s why if there is football or Formula 1 on TV, you simply can’t tear him away from the screen. Sergei loves to drink Baltika Troika beer, but he simply cannot stand lemons and herring. Sergey really likes to listen to the group "Prodigy", as well as rock music, in particular: "Cure", "Nirvana", "Garbage", "DDT", "Spleen", "Alice", "Kino", "Tequilajazz", “Zero”, “Beastie Boys”, “Portished” also respects RAP, and generally listens to completely different music. As a child, I really respected the Beatles. Sergei loves tall, fashionable girls, two heads taller than himself. He believes that without psychological compatibility there can be no long-term relationship: The longest love affair lasted 3 months, although, as Sergei assures, he doesn’t even know what love is. Despite this, he is already talking about what he wants his future children to be like (although he does not intend to have them in the next 10 years). “If a guy is born, let him be the same as me,” says Sergei. (old information)

Now Sergei is married. His chosen one is Masha, with whom he has been together for more than 4 years. The couple met at a club, where Sergei came to relax with friends, and Masha was celebrating her best friend’s birthday. The acquaintance was marked by a walk through the central park and a trolleybus ride through Moscow at night.

The lovers chose their wedding day “08.08.08” together six months ago. For Masha, this step was especially exciting, because she had never been to a wedding, and did not even know that the groom should not see the bride’s wedding dress - Sergei himself warned her about this. Following tradition, he specially ordered a formal suit for the ceremony. True, immediately after the registry office I changed my classic shoes to sneakers.

Masha chose an ivory dress and an original absolutely round bouquet for the ceremony. Known for his hooligan antics, Amoralov even ordered a symphony orchestra for the ceremony, Paparazzi reports. The ceremony took place in the Moscow registry office No. 4, where the bride and groom arrived in a luxurious white limousine. The “fraudster,” unusually dressed in a black suit, tried as best he could to cheer up the visibly nervous bride. But as soon as the guests entered the building, Sergei himself began to get seriously nervous. At the moment when registration was supposed to begin, the bride and groom... remembered that they had forgotten the most important thing - their passport and wedding rings, which were left in the car. Sign? It’s unlikely - he’s “inveterate.” In addition, Masha almost tore her veil.

The girl got caught on the rough wrapper of the bouquet. The apotheosis was the cries of Amoralov’s bandmate Tom House. The fact is that Tom was supposed to get married on the same day with Sergei - but his relationship broke down and the wedding did not take place. Upset Tom decided to ruin his friend’s holiday and shouted: “Sergey, don’t get married, don’t make a mistake!” But it was too late to rush around. After the registry office, the newlyweds went to the “Bear” restaurant, which resembles a hunting lodge and is located in the forest. True, this place ceased to be quiet and calm immediately after the arrival of the “immoral” guests. Congratulations immediately began - from Dirty Rotten colleagues Garik and Tom, the producer of the "swindlers" Evgeniy Orlov, Dominic Joker and other guests.

The official date of birth of "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" is considered to be December 8, 1996, when the group gave its first big concert in the city of Cherepovets at the "Dancing City" festival.

In St. Petersburg at the beginning of 1997, Sergey, Garik and Tom released their debut album, and then everyone learned about the dangers of smoking: with the song “Quit Smoking.” In December 1996, a video clip was shot for this song.

The group was noticed in Moscow, and the further fate of the “swindlers” was practically decided.

A year later, a video for the song “I’m learning to dance” appears, and after another six months, the “scammers” shoot their third video, “Everything and Everything,” which reached the top of all possible charts.

This hit leaves no doubt about the success of the group's second album of the same name, which was released in 1998.

In Kazakhstan, the group shoots a video for the song “Hali-Gali”, and in between tours writes a third album, which is released in the summer of 1999. Before the release of "Bullshit", the group manages to fly to Spain to film the fifth video clip - "If you're tired of it."

In the spring of 1999, the video work for the lyrical composition “Love Me, Love” breaks all records for the number of airplays and highest positions in the music charts!

In July 1999, the mysterious video “I Moved My Body” was filmed.

In the fall of 1999, "Dirty Rotten" will film "Mu-mu" - the story "that Shurik told you."

From 1999 to 2001, 4 video clips were shot: “I love”, “Don’t tell me anything”, the video was filmed in Spain in the Canary Islands. The plot of the video used materials from the creative activity of “Dirty Rotten”, filmed from 1996 to 2000, “Girls Are Different”, filmed in France, dir. A. Igudin, “And by the River” is the last video clip for today, dir. - Mironov.

The group consists of three people:
Sergei Amoralov, aka Surovenko, is a soloist, author of many lyrics for the songs of “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”. S. Amoralov has the first adult category in gymnastics and the category of candidate master of sports in sambo. He dreams of jumping with a parachute and does not miss a single football match, from time to time going out onto the field himself to kick the ball with friends. He loves Formula 1 and constantly watches news broadcasts on TV to keep abreast of the internal political situation in the country and the world.

Tom-Chaos Jr., aka Sr., aka Vyacheslav Zinurov, is the main “inveterate” choreographer, the music and arrangements of almost all the songs of “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” are his work. Tom-Chaos has vast experience in stage work. In 1996 he took first place among St. Petersburg roller skaters. For five years he worked in the teenage show "Neon Boy" (danced and played the trumpet). His DJ past also makes itself felt: Tom has retained a reverent attitude towards vinyl.

Garik, aka Igor Bogomazov, is the author of lyrics for the songs of "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels", reading nasal rap. For 8 years he studied at the St. Petersburg football school of the Zenit team, and for 2 years he studied pop vocals at the Academy of Culture. A year and a half ago, Igor got married, and soon a daughter was born, who was named Varvara.

Awards and prizes:
1998 - presentation of the Golden Gramophone award at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses
1999 - presentation of the "Stopudovy Hit" award
1999 - presentation of the second Golden Gramophone award
1999 - presentation of the "Stylish Things" award
2000 - presentation of the “Stopudovy Hit” award (2nd)
2000 - presentation of the third Golden Gramophone award
2000 - presentation of the Popov Prize
2000 - laying of a star on the Avenue of Stars on Arbat
1997 - 2000 - participation in Songs of the Year

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In our youth, it was fashionable to cover the walls of your room with posters of popular bands and performers, despite the protests of your parents. And at all times, girls gave preference, of course, to handsome singers and soloists. And if almost every magazine of the 1990s and 2000s was full of photographs of “Na-Na” or Smash!, then the fans of the late 80s had to work hard to get the coveted poster with “Tender May”.

website I remembered the hot guys from domestic pop groups of past decades and asked what they look like now.

1. Tender May

The flamboyant producer Bari Alibasov founded the Na-Na group at the end of the 1980s, and this boy band turned the show business of the 90s on its head. The group still exists today, but its members have changed. From the canonical composition, only Vladimir Politov (second from left in the second photo) and Vyacheslav Zherebkin (second from right) remained.

The main vocalist of the group since its founding, Vladimir Levkin (first on the left in the first photo), left the group in 1998. The artist began performing solo and acting in films. Now Vladimir can often be seen on television in entertainment programs.

Another former lead singer of the group, Vladimir Asimov, lives in Spain and does not communicate with former colleagues and journalists. He continues to record songs, including in Spanish.

3. Ivanushki International

The group "Ivanushki" has existed since 1995. In 2013, the “little white” member, Oleg Yakovlev, left the group, deciding to sing on his own. His place was taken by Kirill Turichenko. The group still performs with this composition today.

Unfortunately, Oleg Yakovlev passed away in 2017. This is not the first death of ex-members of Ivanushki International: in 1998, lead singer Igor Sorin tragically died.

4. Nancy

The idea to create the group “Nancy” came to the mind of Anatoly Bondarenko, who became its lead singer and producer. He gathered several members for the group, including keyboardist and vocalist Andrei Kostenko. In the person of Bondarenko and Kostenko, the mega-popular group of the 90s still exists.

5. Hands Up!

From its founding in 1996 until 2006, the group consisted of Sergei Zhukov and Alexei Potekhin. Then the band’s songs flowed “from every iron.”

But in 2006 it was decided to stop operations. Many new groups have appeared with which “Hands Up!” could no longer compete. Sergei Zhukov began releasing solo albums, and after some time he began to tour alone, using the name “Hands Up”. Things are going well for his musical group now, and the interest of the audience does not dry up.

News about Alexey Potekhin appears infrequently. It is known that he produces young performers and tours Russia with a group he calls “Raise Your Hands Up.”

6. Revolvers

The Revolvers gained popularity when they released the song “You Are the Only One” in 2000. The track instantly became a hit, and the handsome soloist Alexey Elistratov became the girls' favorite.

The group's last video was released in 2006, then the Revolvers disappeared from show business radars. Elistratov continues to act in films (he is an actor) and periodically performs with the group at nostalgic music festivals.

7. Disco Crash

“Disco Crash” won our hearts as a quartet, but after the tragic death of the charming Oleg Zhukov it turned into a trio. The team existed in this form for many years.

22 years later, in 2012, Nikolai Timofeev left the group to go on a solo voyage. Now at concerts he performs songs of his own composition.

In the same year, Anna Khokhlova joined the team.

8. Dynamite

The Dynamite group was born in 1999. Shortly before this, Sochi DJ Ilya Zudin (pictured in the center) suggested that producer Yuri Aizenshpis create a male trio. He agreed, and Zudin became one of the soloists. Soon Leonid Nerushenko joined the team, and then Ilya Durov.

After Nerushenko left the group in 2003, Ilya Danilchenko took his place. Two years later, Leonid Nerushenko died in an accident.

Now Ilya Zudin is busy with his own creativity. Ilya Danilchenko develops business and conducts training seminars. Little is known about Ilya Durov; he does not run social networks and does not communicate with the media; he is involved in directing. And the group “Dynamite” no longer performs, does not record new songs and actually does not exist. But we will remember their hit “I Won’t Forget” for a long time.

9. Prime Minister

In the early 2000s, Vyacheslav Bodolika, Peter Jason, Zhan Grigoriev-Milimerov and Marat Chanyshev were at the peak of popularity as the group “Prime Minister”. In 2002 they represented Russia at Eurovision. But after 4 years, due to disagreements with the producer, the guys decided to leave and work on their own. Since they did not have the right to use the name “Prime Minister,” the young people began to call themselves the “PM” group.

The team still performs, only Vyacheslav Bodolika left it.

10. Plasma

The permanent members of Plazma are Roman Chernitsyn and Maxim Postelny. The group was formed in 2000 and delights fans with its creativity to this day.

11. Smash!

Smash! existed for only 6 years, from 2000 to 2006, but managed to fall in love with thousands of girls. She also gave the domestic show business two independent talented singers.

Sergey Lazarev is one of the most popular Russian pop artists. He represented Russia twice at Eurovision, and both times very successfully.

Vlad Topalov also performs solo. He recently married TV presenter Regina Todorenko, and the couple had a long-awaited first child.

Sergey Amoralov (Surovenko) is a Russian artist, known to the public as one of the members of the group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”. Performing as part of this group, this extraordinary guy managed to prove himself as a talented artist, a good composer and lyricist. That is why it is almost impossible to imagine the group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” without him. But what else do we know about the life of our today's hero? This biography will answer this question.

Early years, childhood and family of Sergei Amoralov

Sergei Amoralov (then Sergei Surovenko) was born on January 11, 1979 in the city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg). He spent his entire childhood in the northern capital of Russia. It was there that the future artist first began to dream of a big stage.

However, this did not happen right away. At first, Sergei dreamed of becoming a military pilot, and later... a mechanic, like his father. However, our today’s hero quickly abandoned these thoughts. A more serious hobby in the young guy’s life was sports. While still in elementary school, our today's hero began training in the gymnastics section and even managed to get his first adult rank. Perhaps one day Sergei Surovenko would have been able to grow into a professional athlete, but this, after all, was not destined to happen. As a teenager, he suffered a serious back injury, and therefore was forced to say goodbye to sports. At first the guy was very worried about this. However, at some point, he still managed to find another hobby for himself.

This (not surprisingly) became painting. It was this direction in art that Sergei Surovenko discovered for himself before anyone else. The process of creating paintings and sketches fascinated the young guy. But teachers (and he himself) never noted that he had any special talent. Despite the fact that at some point Sergei still managed to achieve certain successes in art, his paintings could hardly be called real masterpieces.

The first songs of Sergei Amoralov

As for the love of music, it has always existed in the artist’s soul in parallel with other hobbies. Sergei liked the work of the groups “Prodigy”, “Nirvana”, “Cure” and some others. His friend and neighbor Garik Bogomazov also held approximately the same views on music. Together they often gave impromptu concerts near their entrance, but they mostly sang obscene songs.

Sergey Amoralov - Inveterate swindlers - All sorts of things

Only much later, after Sergei Amoralov became a student at the Leningrad University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, did his love for music acquire more conscious features. Having left the university after the first year, our today's hero began to prepare to enter the Academy of Culture, but still did not enter there. Everything changed by a chance meeting with the young musician Vyacheslav Zinurov, who very soon became the “creative” basis of the entire group. It was he who managed to direct the guys’ energy in a more or less decent direction at first. So, in fact, the group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” was formed. Sergei and Garik wrote simple lyrics, and Slava composed no less simple melodies.

Paradoxically, it was precisely this approach to creativity that ultimately provided the guys with their first real contracts. The well-known producer Evgeny Orlov took over the production of the group. From that moment on, a completely new stage began in the life of Sergei Amoralov and other members of the musical group.

Sergei Amoralov and “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”

The official date of formation of the team is December 8, 1996. On this day, the group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” appeared before the public for the first time as part of the “Dancing City” festival in the city of Cherepovets. Soon their first hit, “Quit Smoking,” was heard on all radio stations in Russia. This composition made a name for the group, and also became the main hit on the group’s first album, “From Colored Plasticine.” However, real success was still ahead.

The “Fraudsters” group became truly famous and popular after recording the radio hit “Everything and Everything.” Perhaps it was the deliberate unpretentiousness and simplicity of this song that predetermined its success among radio listeners. After this, the group began to tour frequently, appear on various television projects, and also give interviews to various publications. During this period, Sergei Amoralov moved to a leading position in the team and, in fact, became its face. In most of the videos he played a central role. He also performed as a lead soloist when recording songs.

Amoralov got married!!!

Perhaps it was his charisma and charm that brought “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” huge success. Their songs “Love me, love”, “Girls are different”, “Pay attention”, “And by the river” were once sung by fans throughout the post-Soviet space. That is why the group’s concert performances were always sold out. Over the course of several years, the group recorded six successful albums and also shot countless videos. Over the years, “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” became laureates of the “Golden Gramophone”, “Song of the Year”, “Stopudovy Hit” awards and some others. The period from the late nineties to the mid-2000s became a golden time in the history of the group. However, things subsequently went downhill.

Sergey Amoralov today

In 2008, the group recorded their seventh studio album, “Spite the Records,” but it never became truly successful. The group began to appear on television less frequently. The band’s latest single at the moment is the song “Russo Touristo”. The composition was recorded in 2012, but it did not become a definite breakthrough.

Personal life of Sergei Amoralov

In the early 2000s, Sergei Amoralov dated for a long time with the lead singer of the group “Slivki” Daria Ermolaeva. Their romance lasted about three years, but later broke up.

In mid-2008, our today's hero married his new girlfriend, ex-model Maria Edelweiss.