Timur Kizyakov after the closure of “While everyone is at home”: They got rid of us as dangerous competitors interfering with their business. “Channel One” abandoned “While everyone is at home” because of the scandal with orphans Why the program was closed for now

The average Russian TV viewer, turning on the TV on Sunday morning, will no longer see a positive person, drinking tea. As RIA Novosti reports, citing a source familiar with the situation, Channel One will no longer purchase entertainment program"", which has been running for many years.

According to the source, this decision is related to the results of an audit, during which it became clear how the program was financed.

The program that sent the country “crazy”

“While everyone is at home” - real symbol era. The first episode aired on November 8, 1992, during the period of traumatic shock from the collapse of the USSR. There was very little positive stuff on TV at that time. Therefore, Sunday gatherings with tea were a real outlet for the audience, and the host Timur Kizyakov quickly became a star no less than those to whom he came.

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For the poor of the 1990s, the column “Crazy Hands” was a godsend, in which the inventor Andrei Bakhmetyev, together with Kizyakov, created simple crafts from scrap materials. The most popular of them were, of course, plastic bottles, from which Bakhmetyev seemed ready to assemble anything - even a space station.

In 1996 and 2006, “While Everyone is Home” won the TEFI Award in the “Best Educational Program” category.

Over a quarter of a century of existence, the program has become so recognizable that, perhaps, there have been no major humorous projects where they did not joke about it, starting from parodies in “” and ending with hurricane numbers in.

“While everyone is at home” spoiled the “children's question”?

TV critics frowned, believing that the format of the program was outdated, just as Timur Kizyakov himself was outdated after 25 years of continuous tea drinking. And yet, at first glance, nothing foreshadowed the current turn of events.

However, back in December 2016, at a seminar-meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva drew the attention of the regions to the dishonest work of foundations for placing children in families. Vasilyeva also mentioned the “While everyone is at home” program, in which since 2006 there has been a section “You will have a child”, which helps in the adoption of children left without parental care. The program prepared so-called video passports of children, and the minister noted that filming video passports of orphans for adoption funds is big problem. According to Vasilyeva, it is precisely because of such funds that there is a high return of children in the regions.

At the same time, information surfaced that the column “You will have a child” allegedly receives additional funding from the funds that Minister Vasilyeva spoke about.

Timur Kizyakov: Channel One’s methods are unacceptable to us

Sources at Channel One claim that the decision to terminate cooperation with Timur Kizyakov was made back in the spring. The “hole” in the Sunday broadcast schedule is called upon to be filled by the new show “”.

The program “While everyone is at home” is an old-timer on Channel One. Its story began back in 1992. Many residents of the country could not imagine their Sunday morning without watching this TV show. Her presenter received twice

What is the program about?

Viewers like to learn new things Interesting Facts about the lives of their idols. The host of the “While Everyone is Home” program visited various celebrities. Over a cup of tea and refreshments, there was a conversation about the lives and careers of the program guests. Famous people talked about their family life and plans for the future. They boasted about the achievements of their children and grandchildren.

Difficult to find famous actor, athlete, singer, presenter, politician, whose guest was not visited by Timur Kizyakov. The program “While Everyone is Home” had several sections. The most popular for 18 years was “Crazy Hands”.

In it, Andrei Bakhmetyev made devices useful in everyday life from completely ordinary and sometimes unnecessary things.

Why did this section disappear?

What happened to the program “While everyone is at home” and where did Bakhmetyev disappear? More often there is a version according to which the culprit for the closure of “Crazy Hands” was the host of the program “While everyone is at home.” Timur Kizyakov thus freed up time to expand the “You will have a child” column, which was hosted by his wife.

Viewers perceived this innovation negatively. Because Andrey Bakhmetyev brought a lot of humor and positive emotions to the program. Also, his inventions and devices were in demand among the residents of the country.

Now Andrey is in China and is successfully using his skills in large companies. He left television quietly and without scandal, which once again proved that he had the qualities of a real man.

What happened to the program "While everyone is at home"?

Dom LLC was involved in the filming and production of the program. Timur Kizyakov was a co-owner of this company. He had 49% of the shares and resolved many issues independently. Recently, his decisions largely did not coincide with the opinion of the management of Channel One and minor quarrels occurred on a regular basis.

Also, in the rating of “100 Russia” (from 4 years old), “While everyone is at home,” according to viewers, took a place below 50. This indicates that people’s interest has noticeably decreased and it is necessary to look for a new vision and concept of the program. Kizyakov strongly disagreed with this turn of events and considered this result to be a machination of competitors.

Why the program “While everyone is at home” was closed: version of the management of Channel One

With the emergence of the “You’re Having a Child” section, the concept of the program was somewhat changed. claims that Dom LLC received funding from the state, sponsors and directly from the channel.

Thus, the company earned huge money from running this section. According to reports, filming one video about an orphan child cost 100 thousand rubles. In total, the Dom company received about 100 million rubles for running this column, and this is only government funding.

Money from the TV channel and sponsors is added to this amount. According to experts, shooting videos cannot be worth such expenses. Therefore, it was decided to terminate the contract with Dom LLC and stop showing the program “While Everyone is Home.”

On August 15, there was an official announcement that the project would no longer appear on the screens of Channel One. The management considers the situation with the financing of “You’re Having a Child” scandalous and does not want to spoil its image.

Version by Timur Kizyakov

The presenter insists that the reason for the closure of the project was a slightly different reason. Why was the program “While everyone is at home” closed according to his version? With the start of the “You will have a child” project, Kizyakov bought a license for this type of activity. Therefore, other directors could not shoot similar videos. Even if such daredevils appeared, the Dom company sorted things out with them in court.

Kizyakov notes that during the entire existence of this section in the program, more than two and a half thousand children were adopted. He believes that for the sake of such results you can work more and more, and it doesn’t matter what monetary costs are needed for this. The presenter points out that high-quality videos with complete information about the child were shot with the money allocated. After these stories, future parents responded in a very short time.

Kizyakov also claims that sponsors’ money was used to buy a significant gift after each video and give it to orphanage or the boarding school in which he is brought up little hero plot.

Timur insists that he was the first to submit for consideration the termination of the contract with Channel One. He had long been dissatisfied with the management's attitude towards his transfer. According to the presenter, no one answered his letters with work questions about filming the program and he had to persistently seek a meeting with the managers. There were also delays in financing the project by Channel One, which Lately became regular.

Will the transmission continue?

Kizyakov believes that the audience’s love has not diminished and they are still fans of the “While Everyone is Home” program. The presenter claims that he will negotiate with other television channels in order for the program to continue to air.

He also points out that all the conspiracies and intrigues are being woven by his competitors, who want to start filming videos about orphans. Timur is not going to give up and together with his wife they will continue this business.

The presenter has plans to continue filming with celebrities in the future and has several scripts ready. All financial fraud he denies the shooting of videos and considers this just negative activity of competitors in his direction.

Media reports that the television program “While Everyone is Home” will no longer be broadcast on Channel One. Press representatives report that the television company has terminated its contract with the third-party organization Dom, which was involved in content production. Official data regarding the possible closure of the program has not yet appeared, but sources of correspondents confirmed this information to journalists.

Insiders said that the contract was terminated based on the results of an internal audit. It was organized after publications in the media that the show’s hosts, Timur Kizyakov and his wife Elena, allegedly took money for producing videos about orphans in the “You’re Having a Child” section.

"It is a fact. And the decision to terminate the contract with the company was made not today, but about a month ago. The channel began checking as soon as the first publications appeared in the media. As a result, the information about the fraud was confirmed, and it was decided to close the program. main reason– spoiled reputation of the program. And everyone was waiting for some action from Channel One,” correspondents quote an informed source.

As a result, according to sources close to the management of Channel One, it turned out that Dom received money not only from the TV channel for outsourcing the production of the program, but also from the state, as well as from sponsors. According to journalists, among those who allocated funds for the creation of a column about orphans was a manufacturer of ceramic tiles.

The Dom company, registered in 2015, belongs to Timur Kizyakov and Alexander Mitroshenkov. A very small share of Dom LLC in the amount of 1% is also owned by the head of the organization, Nina Podkolzina. Correspondents contacted the business partner famous TV presenter, but he said that he did not have information about the financial scandal. “I’m away,” RBC quotes the man.

“StarHit” contacted representatives of Channel One, but they said that they were hearing about this for the first time and could not yet comment on the publication that appeared in the media. Probably, TV viewers will learn news about the future fate of “While everyone is at home” in the very near future. According to some unconfirmed reports, Timur Kizyakov may switch to Russia 1.

Later, the presenter commented on the current situation to reporters. Timur Kizyakov said that the Dom company itself terminated the contract with Channel One back in May. According to the man, the sponsoring companies transferred funds not directly to the accounts of the television project, but to the guardianship authorities. In addition, strict reporting was in effect during the transfer. Kizyakov denied rumors that he enriched himself by creating videos about orphans.

“There was a huge splash on the Internet about the fact that, it turns out, we are making a lot of money from this. Now I believe that Channel One is trying to save face when programs with a long-standing reputation leave. And, to be precise, the “scandal” that these business organizations involved in placing children tried to stir up happened in December. And for some reason, at that moment, Channel One simply stepped aside and pretended not to know us. And now, in order to somehow save face, they found a reason,” said Kizyakov.

The TV star also explained why he decided to stop working on Channel One. “The main reason is that we do not accept the methods of the management of Channel One that are currently being practiced there,” says Kizyakov.

IN currently employees of “While everyone is at home” are thinking future fate project, the radio station reports "Moscow speaks".

Let us recall that the popular program first appeared on Channel One in 1992. The “You’re Having a Baby” section began to be published fourteen years after the start of the television show. Timur Kizyakov is the permanent host of the program.

// Photo: Shot from the “Tonight” program

The average Russian TV viewer, turning on the TV on Sunday morning, will no longer see a positive person drinking tea with the stars.

According to the source, this decision is related to the results of an audit, during which it became clear how the program was financed.

The program that sent the country “crazy”

“While everyone is at home” is a true symbol of the era. The first episode aired on November 8, 1992, during the period of traumatic shock from the collapse of the USSR. There was very little positivity on TV at that time, and Sunday gatherings with tea became a real outlet for viewers, and presenter Timur Kizyakov quickly became a star no less than those to whom he came.

For the poor of the 1990s, the column “Crazy Hands” was a godsend, in which inventor Andrey Bakhmetyev together with Kizyakov they created simple crafts from scrap materials. The most popular of them were, of course, plastic bottles, from which, it seems, Bakhmetyev was ready to assemble anything, even a space station.

In 1996 and 2006, “While Everyone is Home” won the TEFI Award in the “Best Educational Program” category.

Over the quarter century of its existence, the program became so recognizable that, perhaps, there were no major humorous projects where they did not joke about it, starting from parodies in “ Big difference” and ending with hurricane numbers at the Comedy Club.

“While everyone is at home” spoiled the “children's question”?

TV critics frowned, believing that the format of the program was outdated, just as Timur Kizyakov himself was outdated after 25 years of continuous tea drinking.

And yet, at first glance, nothing foreshadowed the current turn of events.

However, back in December 2016, at a seminar-meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets Head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva drew the attention of the regions to the dishonest work of foundations for placing children in families. Vasilyeva also mentioned the “While everyone is at home” program, in which since 2006 there has been a section “You will have a child”, which helps in the adoption of children left without parental care. The program prepared so-called child video passports, and the minister noted that filming video passports of orphans for adoption funds was a big problem. According to Vasilyeva, it is precisely because of such funds that there is a high return of children in the regions.

At the same time, information surfaced that the column “You will have a child” allegedly receives additional funding from the funds that Minister Vasilyeva spoke about.

Timur Kizyakov: Channel One’s methods are unacceptable to us

Sources at Channel One claim that the decision to terminate cooperation with Timur Kizyakov was made back in the spring. A new show aims to fill the “hole” in the Sunday broadcast schedule Yuri Nikolaev"Honestly".

In turn, Timur Kizyakov, in an interview with RBC, confirmed the termination of cooperation with Channel One, but at the same time stated that this was done on the initiative of the team creating “While Everyone is Home.”

The television company Dom, which produces the program, sent an official letter about the termination of cooperation to Channel One on May 28.

Earlier it also became known that Alexandra Oleshko was also in the new season on Channel One. Malakhov goes to maternity leave, oh, and he moved to NTV.

Channel One reported that when purchasing the program “While Everyone Is Home” from the production company, it was not aware of the production of the “You’re Having a Child” section at the expense of the state, the participation of the program creators in tenders and the registration of the “video passport” trademark, they reported RIA News .

Earlier, information appeared in the media that for the production of so-called video passports of orphans for the section “You will have a child” as part of the “While everyone is at home” program, money was taken from several sources at once: from the state, from the TV channel and from sponsors.

On Wednesday, an official representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation said that the department has organized a check of information previously published in the media about violations during the filming of the TV show "While Everyone is Home" on Channel One - in particular, they will check the use of 110 million rubles allocated, according to media reports, by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the videos about orphans.

“Channel One bought the program “While everyone is at home” from the producer - the company “Dom”, including the section “You are having a child.” The channel did not know that the section was produced at the expense of the state, as well as about the participation of the program creators in tenders and registration of the “video passport” trademark. Based on the results of publications in the media and public reaction, we decided to close the program. this moment The contract with the producer of the program has been terminated,” the press service of Channel One said.

The program “While Everyone is Home” first aired in 1992 and has since been broadcast every Sunday at 10.30 am, according to the project’s website. The program is served “just in time for a family breakfast: on one side of the screen at the table there is a family of viewers, on the other famous artist, writer, athlete or musician." The permanent presenter of the program was Timur Kizyakov. Kizyakov's wife Elena hosted the section "You will have a child."

In December 2016, at a seminar-meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva drew the attention of the regions to the dishonest work of funds for placing children in families that are not related to the corresponding program and give up to 30% of the return of children, recalling the work TV presenter Timur Kizyakov, who prepares appropriate passports for orphans and helps place them in families.

In August 2017, it became known that Channel One would not purchase the program “While Everyone is Home” in the new television season. According to a source familiar with the situation, this decision is related to the results of an audit, during which it became clear how the program was financed.

TV presenter of the “While Everyone is Home” program Timur Kizyakov said that sponsoring companies did not transfer money to the program’s accounts, but sent it to the guardianship authorities. According to him, strict accountability was provided for government funds allocated for the program. As noted, the TV presenter considers reports about the sources of the program to be slander.

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