Poem "alone among human noise" Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov. Poem "alone among the human noise" Lermontov Mikhail Yurievich Alone among the human noise history of creation

Select poems... July 10 (Again you, proud ones, have risen...) June 1831, 11 days (My soul, I remember...) January 1831 (Pale fogs are thinning...) A.A. Uglitskaya (Ma chere Alexandrine...) A.D.3. (Oh you, whom...) A.O. Smirnova (I want without you...) Alyabyeva (You have beauty to shine...) Angel Ataman Ballad (In the hut late at times...) Ballad (They leave the gate ...) Ballad (Over the sea, a beautiful maiden...) Barteneva (Tell me: where did she adopt it...) Bashilova (You are the foreman of the assembly, right...) Gratitude Thank you! Shining, the clouds pass... Fight Borodino to Bulgakov (You're no stranger to nonsense and pranks...) Bukharina (Isn't it wonderful...) To the album (No! - I don't demand attention...) They stood in the ranks in a silent crowd. .. Valerik (I am writing to you by chance...) Venice Spring Branch of Palestine Evening after the rain Look at this face... Vision Airship Will Everything is quiet - full moon... You didn’t know Prince Peter... I go out alone on the road... To Mr. Pavlov (What is your name?..) To the stupid beauty I look at the future with fear... To Countess Rostopchina (I believe: under one...) Ossian's coffin The thunderstorm The thunderstorm is rustling in the seas from the end to end... Hussar Gifts of the Terek Two giants Dodo Treaty (Do you know how to disturb hearts...) Duma Jewish melody There are speeches - meaning... Desire (Why am I not a bird...) Desire (Open the prison for me...) Delusion Cupid Forget your hopes again... Forgetting the excitement of a rebellious life... Testament Testament (Alone with you...) Star (Alone at the top...) Star (Shine, shine, distant star...) Call hope a dream... . And bored and sad to I. P. Myatlev (On our frosty ladies...) From Karamzina’s album (I loved too...) From Goethe (Mountain peaks...) From Patkul From under a mysterious, cold half mask.. Confession (I believe...) K *** (Be with me, as you were before...) K *** (The Almighty said...) K *** (My friend, your efforts are in vain!..) K *** (We met again...) K *** (Don't say...) K *** (Don't think that I am worthy...) K *** (Don't attract me with your beauty !..) K *** (Oh, don’t hide it!..) K *** (Leave vain worries...) K *** (Sadness in my songs...) K *** (You are too much for sweet innocence..) To *** (I will not humiliate myself before you...) To the stupid beauty To D...vu (I ran through the countries of Russia...) To the heavenly maiden To friend V. Sh. (Until better days !..) To the book. L. G-oh (When you coldly listen...) K L.- (At the feet of others I did not forget...) K N. I. (I’m not worthy, maybe...) To Neer To the portrait of K Su [shkovoy] Caucasus Caucasus! a distant country!.. Cossack lullaby song Like the spirit of despair and evil... Dagger Cemetery If only in the humility of ignorance... When the yellowing field is worried... When rumors come to you about the story... Kropotkina (I am slandered before you... ) Who on a winter morning, when it falls... Who saw the Kremlin at the golden hour in the morning... Leaf Love of a Dead Man by Martynova (When you have to argue...) The blizzard is noisy and the snow is falling... My demon Prayer (In the minute of life difficult...) Prayer (Don't blame me, omnipotent...) Prayer (I, Mother of God...) Monologue My prayer to N. F. I. (God grant that you never know...) On secular chains... In the wild north stands alone... On silver spurs... Nadezhda Napoleon Naryshkina (Everyone feels sorry for you...) The day will come - and the world condemned... Don't trust yourself, Don't laugh at my prophetic melancholy... Forget-me-not Often people scolded... No, it’s not you I love so passionately... No, I’m not Byron, I’m different... Nobody, nobody, nobody has pleased... Beggar Novgorod Night. II Alone among human noise... Loneliness He was born for happiness, for hopes... She sings - and the sounds melt... They loved each other... Fear Excerpt (Hope for life...) Why Eyes N.N. In memory of A.I. Odoevsky's Sail First of January A leaf lies in front of me... Song (A yellow leaf beats against a stem...) Song (Rejoice, friends...) Song (Bright ghost of days gone by...) Cry! cry! Israel's people... Repentance It's time to sleep your last sleep... Dedication to N.N. Listen! remember me... In the midst of the heavenly bodies... Poet (When Raphael is inspired...) Poet (Golden trim...) Prediction You are beautiful, fields... I greet you, warlike Slavs... Prophet Farewell, unwashed Russia ... Let me love someone... Separation Repentance We parted, but your portrait... To a child Motherland Romance (In those days...) Romance (Innocent with a tender soul...) Romance to I... ( When I take you away...) Rusalka Russian melody by Saburova (How? You upset the poet...) St. Helena It’s finished! full of expectation... September 28 I am sitting in an ancient room... Silhouette Blind, inspired by suffering... Do I hear your voice... Feel free to believe in what is eternal... Death of a poet Advice Dream (In the midday heat... ) Neighbor Rushing north from afar... Stanza's dispute (Look how calm my gaze is...) Stanza (I love it when, fighting...) Stanza (Instantly running through my mind...) Happy moment Tamara Tolstoy (No wonder she, no wonder...) Three palm trees Reed to Trubetskoy (No! the world has completely gone wrong...) Clouds You could have been a better king. .. Uvarova (You once told me...) The terrible fate of father and son... Prisoner Cliff Morning in the Caucasus The Cup of Life Plague in Saratov Shcherbatova (Will I believe you want...) Epitaph I once saw her in a cheerful in the whirlwind of the ball... I saw a shadow of bliss; but quite... I want to live! I want sadness.. I am not for angels and heaven... I don’t love you; passions... I'm happy! - secret poison flows in my blood...

"ALONE AMONG THE NOISE OF HUMAN", youthful verse. L. (1830). The nature of the meditation and the image of the disappointed hero verse. to a certain extent anticipates certain motives of the “Duma” (“... I will not find in my soul / Neither ambition, nor participation, / Neither tears, nor fiery passions”). Found among papers from the archives of A. M. Vereshchagina (see Vereshchagins), kept by prof. M. Winkler (Germany). Autograph - GBL, f. 456 (archive of A. M. Vereshchagina). For the first time - Izvestia, 1962, December 15, in Art. I. Andronikov “Treasures of Hochberg Castle.” Dated according to L.’s note in the autograph: “1830 at the beginning.”

Lit.: Andronikov(13), p. 198-200.

  • - one gene - one polypeptide hypothesis - the theory of “one gene - one polypeptide”...

    Molecular biology and genetics. Dictionary

  • - "...The density of human flow: the ratio of the number of people evacuating from premises to the area of ​​the evacuation route..." Source: "SP 118.13330.2012. Code of rules. Public buildings and structures...

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  • - Wed. I am alone like a finger in the whole world, I have no wife, no children, no stake, no yard, no one to shelter me or caress me... Saltykov. Provincial och. 5. Christmas tree. Wed. So I live... exactly like God in a poor place...
  • - From the poem “Among the Flat Valley” by the poet Alexei Fedorovich Merzlyakov, which later became the words of a popular song: Among the Flat Valley, At a smooth height, the mighty oak blossoms and grows...
  • - The title of a feature film directed by Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov from a script written in collaboration with Eduard Yakovlevich Volodarsky...

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  • - quietly, unnoticed by others Wed. Ohne Rumor. Wed. Und er suchte Gelegenheit, dass er ihn überantwortete ohne Rumor. Luc. 22, 6. Wed. At this they found me, having cleansed myself in the temple, not with the people and not with noise. Acts Apostle 24, 18...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - see They live like brother and sister...
  • - Cm....

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See LIFE -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - One jumps, one cries, but everyone is alone...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See ROSE -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - One hundred and one brothers, all in one row, tied together...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See GROOM -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Zharg. school Iron. New student in the class. ShP, 2002...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

"Alone among human noise" in books

A man from Salzburg living alone among Africans

From the book Hitler's Personal Pilot. Memoirs of an SS Obergruppenführer. 1939-1945 by Baur Hans

A man from Salzburg living alone among Africans After landing, we were alone on the airfield. But about ten minutes later a car pulled up, which was a real rarity, but, nevertheless, it could drive, and several blacks and one white rolled up in it. White

Epilogue One child, one teacher, one textbook, one pen...

From the book I Am Malala by Yousafzai Malala

Epilogue One child, one teacher, one textbook, one pen... Birmingham, August 2013 In March, our family moved from an apartment in the center of Birmingham to a mansion rented for us on a quiet green street. But we all feel that this is our temporary refuge. Our home


From the book Balzac without a mask by Cyprio Pierre

ONE FATHER AMONG ALL OTHERS “Every man has his own truth, but the writer expresses the universal truth,” writes Madeleine Fargeau. This is extremely fair. In all this tangled tangle of feelings, a part of Balzac’s personality has been preserved, thinking soberly and even


From the book by Moliere [with tables] author Bordonov Georges


From the book by Moliere author Bordonov Georges

ENEMY OF THE HUMAN RACE From all that has been said, it is obvious that Alceste cannot in any way claim the title of “decent person” - except perhaps as a caricature. Having exposed hypocrisy and vice to ridicule, Moliere takes up excessive virtue. "The Misanthrope", "Don Juan" and

Chapter 11. The river of human grief and the first miles of Victory

From the book 1941–1945. Holy War author Eliseev Vitaly Vasilievich

Chapter 11. The River of Human Woe and the First Miles of Victory The war changed the appearance of Zagorsk. The heart of the city of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the golden top of the bell tower, crowned with a cross, rising high up, the blue domes of churches with golden stars, which previously shone dazzlingly

CHAPTER 2. Alone, alone, all alone. Economic situation of an isolated individual

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CHAPTER 2. Alone, alone, all alone. Economic situation of the isolated

About accepting human imperfection

From the book Clear Words author Ozornin Prokhor

On accepting human imperfections. Be able to accept the shortcomings of others, or there will be no common bonds.

Strangers among our own (“One of our own among strangers, a stranger among our own”)

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Chapter 20. One in the role of the other. Much ado about nothing Kant has a thought, which he formulated as follows: “Laughter is an emotion [arising] from the sudden transformation of intense expectation into nothingness” (Kant, V, 352). This phrase is often quoted, and always critically.

A very strong conspiracy against human evil

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A very strong conspiracy from human evil Here are his words: Sky, earth, water, sand. Hello, South, North, West, East. Church ministers, Judicial rulers, Guardian Angels. Some are going to hunt, some are from the hunt, Some are going to war, and some are in the infantry, Some are going to a wedding, some are from a feast. Who is to be born, A


From the author's book

REPORT OF A SPECIAL MEETING ON THE APPROACHING EXHAUSTION OF HUMAN RESOURCES By the end of 1916, the contingent of second-class militia warriors was approaching exhaustion. Russia faced what seemed to be an unacceptable difficulty in replenishing its armed forces.

One among the few

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"The Curse of the Human Race"

From the book Critique of Impure Reason author Silaev Alexander Yurievich

“The Curse of the Human Race” Symptom: this world hurts a person separated by labor from his essence. “Human existence is death living human life.” Our essence is the practice of non-identity. But work is the opposite. Lifetime death

Psalm 46. One Lord, one king, one people

From the book New Bible Commentary Part 2 (Old Testament) by Carson Donald

Psalm 46. One Lord, one king, one people The comprehensive control of the Lord (Ps. 45) is not exercised to suppress nations, but to support them spiritually. Ps. 46 calls upon all nations to give glory to such a God (2), to glorify the Lord as King of all the earth. The reason for this

Alone among the noise of people,
I grew up under the shadow of an alien.
And proudly creative thought
It was ripe in my heart.
And now my torment is over,
Ardent friends were found
But I, lacking inspiration,
I was bored with the fate of existence.

And again the torment visited
My resurrected breasts.
Treason has infected the soul
And they didn’t let me rest.
I remembered past misfortunes
But I won’t find it in my soul
No ambition, no participation,
No tears, no fiery passions.

More poems:

  1. Alone, among the river bends, At the calls of the late cranes, Today again I am taught The silent wisdom of the fields. And thoughts became more secret, stricter, And the rustling of the reeds became more timid. A fallen leaf in a sandy bed buries...
  2. Alone in the darkness, among the branchy houses I pick out a strand of wavy strings. So it’s okay that the shoulders turn green, That ulcers flare up on the dried fingers. Goodbye to the beautiful Selena, I will appear to posterity as a nightingale, Slightly...
  3. I celebrated the New Year alone... A glass of sparkling wine did not sparkle in front of me, Only old thoughts, with a melancholy familiar to me, Like old friends, without a call, the whole family Came to me with...
  4. I remembered the gloomy waves, Flying past and away! I remembered the gloomy piers, I remembered the gloomy night. I remembered the gloomy bird that took off to guard its prey. I remembered gloomy faces, I remembered gloomy...
  5. There are sufferings more terrible than torture itself - These are the torments of sleepless nights, the torments of strong but vain impulses of the mind to freedom from heavy chains. These moments of spiritual thunderstorm are terrible: Thought goes numb from a long...
  6. Night. You can't hear the city noise. There is a star in the sky - and from it, like a spark, a thought sank secretly into my sad heart. And this thought is bright, transparent, As if the eyes of sweet eyes are sharp...
  7. I remembered you, solemn sounds, But applied it not to the knight of war, But to the valiant people who died in the midst of torment, For the cause of the free people and country; I remembered five heads executed with a noose...
  8. Yes, I am alone, they don’t understand me, And I am a stranger to my brother people. In vain I try to express myself: My voice is not clear to them. Yes, I'm alone; So I will renounce the world, My dreams in...
  9. Again I am alone... Again without meaning Day runs away after day, My heart fearfully awaits desolation, Like an abandoned house. The shutters are locked, the gates are clogged, the garden is rotting empty... Where do you shine and warm...
  10. Black demons, one after another, circled over my bed for a long time. Bony wings tormented my chest, iron claws pierced my heart and carried away God’s shrine and God’s praise into the sightless darkness. Guest...
  11. With your dangerous kindness, the magical sweetness of your speeches, you reminded my soul of a distant land, a beautiful land. I remembered the gloomy oak groves, I remembered the good fellow countrymen, their hospitable morals and the joy of noisy feasts. I...
  12. And in the attic - try one! Here is the silence of the all-encompassing dust, Dusk settled among the cobwebs, Where it was once forgotten. From the hot, feverish roofs, the soul is sweet and sick to the brim. Sleeping...
  13. The objects of my heart, Peace of mind, priceless leisure! Will I ever hug you? When will people give me time to speak to my soul at home and take a break from all my worries? When again I, not with strangers,...
  14. It's time for love among the fields, Among the melting sunsets And in full view of the cranes, Flying over the field. Now it's all far away. But in a sad heart, will the burning go away simply and easily, How...
  15. Life and death have one archive - There is a break between the past and the future. Life and death have one route: To the singing of different planes Flowing through the veins at the same time, Life is hot, and...
You are now reading the poem One among the human noise, poet Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov