Soloist Oleg Yakovlev biography. Oleg Yakovlev: biography and obituary. There were no bad feelings

Oleg Yakovlev was a public figure for many years, but few of his fans knew the real him. We have selected 12 interesting and touching facts from his biography.

Oleg's parents met in Mongolia. Mom was then about forty years old (she gave birth to a son at 42), and father was only eighteen. The woman flatly refused to get married, and soon Oleg’s father left for his homeland, Uzbekistan. Yakovlev never saw Papa. Later the family moved to Buryatia.

As a child, my mother affectionately called her son “hoorhen”, which means “darling” in Buryat.

At school Oleg played the piano beautifully. His music teacher liked to repeat that if the guy continued his career as a pianist, he would have a great future. By the way, even after becoming a star, Yakovlev did not forget his teachers and, when coming to Ulan-Ude, he enjoyed meeting them and giving them gifts.

After school Oleg graduated from the Irkutsk Theater School as a puppet theater actor.. But he didn’t like being behind a screen, so he moved to Moscow and entered GITIS in the acting department.

Few people remember that Yakovlev, already being the lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International”, together with Renata Litvinova starred in Alla Pugacheva’s video “River Bus”.

All my life he was a little superstitious. For example, according to him, before a long journey, he made salamat (a traditional Buryat dish) and sat on the path, saying “Burkhan, Burkhan, Burkhan.” That's what his mother once taught him.

The singer's chosen one, Alexandra Kutsevol, has been his fan since she was 11 years old.. By the way, it was she who persuaded Oleg to leave “Ivanushki” and start a solo career.

After the start of his solo career, ex-“Ivanushka” changed not only his repertoire, but also his image. He changed his color from blond to brunette.

Oleg supported his former bandmates good relationship . Kirill Andreev and Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov always came to the presentations of his videos.

Oleg Yakovlev always dressed fashionably and well, but few people knew that He chooses his own clothes, without the help of stylists. At the same time, the singer preferred to buy things abroad (in particular in London, where he regularly flew), believing that prices in Moscow were unreasonably high.

Oleg Yakovlev did not celebrate his birthday for fifteen years, and only decided to celebrate the 45th anniversary on a grand scale. Moreover, the guests did not immediately understand why the birthday cake was decorated with a figure of Santa Claus, and why a huge Mickey Mouse walked around the hall. Only later did the singer explain with a laugh: they just celebrate their birthdays on the same day with him main character New Year and cartoon mouse.

Former member of the pop group “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev died in intensive care without regaining consciousness. The musician’s lover and producer Alexandra Kutsevol told our portal about this on Thursday, June 29.

“The man just didn’t come to his senses,” Kutsevol said.

Sudden demise popular singer Oleg Yakovlev continues to remain central theme V Russian show business. A huge army of fans of the group Ivanushki International, part of which long time Yakovlev was trying to understand what really happened to him.

The reason for numerous conversations about the causes of Oleg Yakovlev’s death was the fact that immediately after the performer’s death there was no accurate information in the press about what ex-soloist Ivanushek died from. Soon conflicting data appeared, which only aggravated the situation and confused Yakovlev’s fans.

Oleg Yakovlev died: what really happened to him

Only a few hours after the death of the 47-year-old musician, his common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol admitted that the cause was double pneumonia. The disease had been developing in the artist’s body for a long time, but each time Yakovlev preferred to be treated at home. It is possible that if he had promptly sought help from doctors, the fatal consequences could have been avoided.

The cause of death was double pneumonia, so he was connected to the machine all this time. During this time he never even regained consciousness. It was an advanced stage, he was treated at home himself. We didn't call an ambulance before, you know, coughing and coughing. “Everything happened too quickly, none of us had time to come to our senses,” said Oleg’s beloved, who is in a depressed state.

The number of unofficial versions about the death of Oleg Yakovlev is multiplying on the Internet, but the singer’s true fans are trying to turn a blind eye to the rumors.

Biography of Oleg Yakovlev

Former vocalist of the group "Ivanushki International" Oleg Zhamsarayevich Yakovlev was born on November 18, 1969 in Choibalsan (Mongolia), when his parents were on a business trip in this country. (The passport shows the city of birth - Ulaanbaatar). After he graduated from first grade, the family returned to Russia. He studied at a regular school and at a music school, where he studied piano. He sang in the choir at the Palace of Pioneers.

He graduated from the Irkutsk Theater School with honors, specializing in puppet theater actor, then State Institute theatrical arts named after A.V. Lunacharsky (GITIS, now the Russian Institute of Theater Arts) with a degree in actor drama theater and cinema", where he studied in the workshop of Lyudmila Kasatkina.

After graduating from the institute, he became an actor in the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater. Participated in the plays "Cossacks", "Twelfth Night", "Lev Gurych Sinichkin".

In 1997, he starred in the video clip for the song “Doll” together with members of the group “Ivanushki International”. Since March 1998, he became a full-fledged soloist of the group.

The first song for Yakovlev was one of the most popular compositions group "Poplar fluff". In 1999, the group’s album “I’ll Scream About This All Night” was released, in the recording of which Oleg Yakovlev took part as a full-fledged soloist. The group's next album was the disc "Wait for Me" (2000), followed by "Oleg, Andrey, Kirill", released in 2002. It included such hits of the group as “Golden Clouds”, “”, “A Drop of Light”. The group's next album, "10 Years in the Universe", was released in 2005.

In the second half of the 2000s, due to a sharp decline in popularity, the group went into the shadows for some time. For several years the group did not record new albums, focusing only on concert activities and appearances on various television shows.

Oleg Yakovlev starred in episodes in three films: “One Hundred Days Before the Order” (1990), “1st Speedy” (2006) and “Election Day” (2007).

In 2012, the singer began his solo career. After the success of the song "Dance eyes closed"temporarily retired from working in the group to prepare a solo program. In 2013, he officially left the team, focusing on solo career. He released the videos “Dance with your eyes closed” (2013), “Call me after three champagnes” (2013), “The blue sea” (2014).

Oleg Yakovlev was a candidate for master of sports and was involved in athletics.

On June 28, 2017, the singer was hospitalized in in serious condition with bilateral pneumonia.

On June 29, his girlfriend Alexandra Kutsevol reported that he had died.

Mysticism in the death of Oleg Yakovlev

Yakovlev’s predecessor, Igor Sorin, also decided to leave the group and perform solo in 1998, after which he fell from the sixth floor and died.

An enchanted group - this one goes into free swimming, the other one can’t cope, write Internet users. Many of them refuse to believe in the randomness of the tragic events.


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At the end of June last year, the ex-soloist of the group “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev died in one of the Moscow clinics. The singer’s common-law wife, Alexandra Kutsevol, told reporters that the artist had an advanced form of pneumonia and died as a result of cardiac arrest.

After Yakovlev’s death, his common-law wife stated that she was the only relative of the deceased, saying that Oleg had no other relatives.

And only then it turned out that the singer had a niece in Irkutsk.

I am Oleg's only relative! Kutsevol, in fact, is a nobody,” Tatyana Yakovleva announced. - Oleg’s heirs are only a few people. And Alexandra is not among them.

After these words, it became clear that Alexandra Kutsevol and Oleg Yakovlev’s niece had a difficult relationship.

Meanwhile, the fate of the musician’s inheritance is now being decided. As KP ​​has already written, Oleg still has several apartments in Moscow (total value of 50 million rubles) and real estate abroad.

Tatyana Yakovleva herself told KP about her beloved uncle and her relationship with his common-law wife. This is her first conversation with reporters.

Six months have already passed since my dear and loved one. It's incredibly painful and difficult. Please take care of your loved ones, communicate more. Life is so unpredictable. Thank God that I have my sons who bring me joy and support me,” Oleg Yakovlev’s niece Tatyana tells KP. - Oleg was (how difficult it is to talk about loved one in the past tense) amazing, extraordinary, smart, incredibly talented, incredibly kind and caring, immensely loving and attentive. You can't even imagine how much I love him...

It’s incredible, but he could do everything, absolutely everything. He cooked excellently, played the piano wonderfully, wrote poetry and music, sewed, knitted, could make something, could repair something around the house, and the way he painted, I am sure that his paintings could have been successful.

By the way, uncle sounds like something distant, but Oleg was much closer to me, even my children have a greater age difference than he and I. He replaced my father, he was a brother, a friend, in a word, everything. I affectionately called him dear.

According to the musician’s niece, her uncle raised her from the cradle, which is why they were so close.

From birth Olezhenka babysat me. And when I grew older, he always told me: “You must listen to me, who changed your diapers and braided your hair?!” “I was practically his child, whom he raised,” recalls Tatyana Yakovleva. - When I went to first grade, only Oleg worked with me, braided my hair, sewed on collars and ironed my uniform, since the beautiful half of our family worked a lot. God, how hard it was for him to be with me. The multiplication tables were so difficult for me, Oleg worked with me a lot. He was a strict teacher, but very loving. Now that I am a mother myself, I understand him perfectly.

As Tatyana says, her mother Svetlana Yakovleva was not only a sister for the artist, but also a second mother.

When Olezhka was born, my mother was 13 years old, and she was the one who did all the upbringing,” Tatyana told KP. - Oleg was a favorite in the family. I think Olezhka is so incredible well-read person, because my mother instilled in him a love of books. Grandmother (Oleg’s mother) worked as a librarian then, so we had the opportunity to be the first to read good books. According to my mother’s stories, Oleg was silent until he was 3 years old, and then he spoke sharply, and not simple sentences, but polysyllabic, from books. Mom went through school with him initial program, so in primary school he was bored! My mother always believed that Oleg would become a respected person: “It was a pleasure to work with him, he grasped everything on the fly. I immediately realized that this boy was crazy gifted child, he will definitely achieve a lot in life.”

A relative of the singer says that after Yakovlev went to conquer Moscow, and then got into the group “Ivanushki,” he maintained relationships with his loved ones and did not catch any star fever.

He and I always kept in touch, wrote letters to each other, so warm and sincere, I told all the news and always wrote: “Olezhenka, please eat well, dress warmly!” He always sent telegrams of congratulations. He always came to us for summer holidays, sent parcels with gifts. I still have some letters, postcards and telegrams,” Tatyana shares with KP.

Oleg introduced me to the guys from “Ivanushki” in 1998, then they came to Angarsk with a concert,” says Tatyana Yakovleva. - And in 2000, when I first flew to Moscow with my eldest son, Oleg introduced me to his close friends - Roman Radov (they became friends as soon as Oleg arrived in Moscow, upon entering GITIS), Philip, Andrey. Later I met Dmitry Minaev, he works as a sound engineer for the group “Ivanushki International”. Moreover, Oleg gave the phone numbers of Roman and Dmitry just in case. I think that says a lot. Apparently these were his most faithful friends.

Tatyana initially developed a normal relationship with Oleg Yakovlev’s common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol.

During that period, I communicated with Sasha very sincerely, we corresponded every day, we became such friends, I was sincerely happy, I supported her in everything. We couldn’t stop talking, I was very happy about our communication and understanding, I even thought that Olezha was probably happy too. When my eldest son flew to Moscow for burial (the artist was buried 40 days after cremation), I told him to help and support Sasha in everything. But, unfortunately, she ruined everything. I didn't have time to sign the agreement regarding creative heritage Oleg, Sasha yelled at me because of this. This is where our communication with Alexandra Kutsevol ended. As far as I know, Sasha Kutsevol recently turned to the guys from Ivanushki for financial help...

According to Tatyana Yakovleva, the musician left a will, with which he was dissatisfied common-law wife.

Is it true that Oleg made a will? They say that he left several apartments, some of them abroad? - we clarified with Tatiana.

Yes, there is a will. Sasha Kutsevol is going to challenge Oleg’s will, since her name is not in this document. The second is also true,” Tatyana Yakovleva told KP.

- Tatyana, but the media wrote that Alexandra Kutsevol refused to fight for your uncle’s inheritance...

No, it's not true. Judging by her actions, Alexandra is not going to give up her inheritance and is waging a very active fight in this direction.

Musician Oleg Yakovlev, best known for his work in the group "Ivanushki International", on the morning of June 29 in one of the capital's clinics. He was 47 years old. The musician’s biography is a repeating history of departures: moving to Moscow from Irkutsk, leaving the troupe of the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater, leaving “Ivanushki” for a solo project. Each time he was looking for something more interesting. On the day of Oleg Yakovlev’s death, the site publishes his biography with quotes from an interview with the musician.

Oleg Yakovlev was born on November 18, 1969 in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia). His parents were there on a business trip. When Oleg was seven years old, the family moved to the Moscow region; later the Yakovlevs lived in Kazakhstan, then in Buryatia.

After working in Mongolia, my father was sent first to Podolsk, Moscow region, then we moved to Kazakhstan, where we lived in Semipalatinsk, then Novosibirsk, and when we wandered around, looked where, what and how, then somehow fate led us to Ulan-Ude. We were immediately given an apartment, I lived in a boarding school for a while while we somehow settled in. But I remember this city well, I know all these left and right banks, and I know everything, everything there. My childhood was spent in the village of Selenginsk, Kabansky district, where I lived and studied until the eighth grade, about 15 years old. (From an interview with the portal "My Ulan-Ude", 2013)

After graduating from school in Irkutsk, Oleg entered the local theater school and graduated with honors. But I decided not to stay here for long - the habit of changing places, acquired since childhood, and the desire to do something more than the small Siberian city could offer took its toll.

From the memoirs of Oleg Yakovlev:

I studied at the Irkutsk Theater School as a puppet theater actor. But I didn’t really like being behind the screen. And thank God that I graduated from college with honors. Otherwise, he would have to work in his specialty for three years. And I went to Moscow and entered GITIS. (From an interview with MK-Sunday, 2006)

Oleg Yakovlev graduated from the workshop of Lyudmila Kasatkina. After GITIS he entered the theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, whom he later called his second father. He was involved in many theater productions, including -
"Lev Gurych Sinichkin", "Cossacks", "Twelfth Night". Despite a good relationship with the artistic director of the theater, Yakovlev left his troupe. As he said in an interview with the Muz-TV channel in 2010, his acting salary was not enough to live on, and he had to work as a janitor. But the real reason His departure from the theater was not the need for money, but the same desire to do something more.

From the memoirs of Oleg Yakovlev:

I worked in the theater with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan - my teacher, a great man. And one day I got a role that didn’t suit me. I realized that for the next year and a half I would play the role of a third shadow in the background. I felt sorry for myself: my best years were leaving! (From an interview with MK-Sunday, 2006)

Even before joining the group “Ivanushki International”, Yakovlev starred in the video for the song “Doll” (1997) together with Kirill Andreev, Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov and Igor Sorin. Fans of the group were surprised - who is this fourth? In 1998, when Sorin left the group and his place was taken by the new “Ivanushka”, the fans would be indignant - where did he come from? – demand “the return of Sorin” and endlessly compare him with the one whose place he took. One can only imagine how he experienced this - an actor who left the theater so as not to play “the role of the third shadow in the background.”

From the memoirs of Oleg Yakovlev:

On TV I saw an advertisement that a new lead singer was needed for the group. I had a cassette with recordings of two songs. I recorded them when I worked in the theater with Alexei Rybnikov. I sent it by parcel post and completely forgot about it. And after a week and a half, Igor Matvienko calls me back and invites me to the studio. At this moment, Igor Sorin decided to leave the group and waited until someone was found to replace him. And here is my cassette, which miraculously pulled out from a million others by the director. For a whole month Igor handed over matters to me, as they say, and then left. From an interview with "MK-Sunday", 2006)

After the release of the videos for the songs “Bullfinches” and “Poplar Fluff,” everything returned to normal - Oleg was accepted. He spent 14 years with the group. As he himself later recalled, a split in the group appeared much earlier - at the beginning of the 2000s, all three “Ivanushki” felt that the project had been exhausted. Through the efforts of producer Igor Matvienko, the group existed in this composition until 2012. And then Oleg Yakovlev made the final decision to leave.

From the memoirs of Oleg Yakovlev:

At that time, I had accumulated some baggage that I wanted to implement. I felt the potential in myself, that I could write songs, that I could sing other music. Unfortunately, we are not all eternal, and there is some kind of time limit. Sometimes you just need to go somewhere to do something good and enjoyable, including for yourself. Of course, I feel embarrassed in front of the guys, but going on a solo swim was my dream, and in 2013 it came true. (From an interview with Follow Me, 2016)

The decision to leave the group was influenced by the success of the solo song “Dance with Your Eyes Closed”. According to some media reports, to do solo career The singer was finally convinced by his common-law wife, journalist Alexandra Kutsevol, who starred in the video “Dance with Your Eyes Closed.” Together with her, Yakovlev has hosted the “VKontakte LIVE” program on the TV channel since 2015

Published 06/30/17 08:28

Oleg Yakovlev, latest news: Journalists learned details of the health status of the late former lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International”.

The cause of Oleg Yakovlev’s death is still of interest to the media

Ex-member of the Russian pop group "Ivanushki International" Oleg Yakovlev, on the morning of June 29, was sick with AIDS. Express-Gazeta reports this with reference to a competent source.

According to the singer’s friend Alexandra Kutsevol, the cause of Oleg’s death was cardiac arrest. At the same time, the publication’s source claims that the artist’s heart problems were a consequence of immunodeficiency.

His colleagues didn’t even know about Oleg Yakovlev. Other participants" Ivanushek International"noted that Oleg always intkbbach was in excellent spirits. He was always thin and pale, so no one could even think that the singer was sick with something. However, Alexandra Kutsevol, on the contrary, knew about her beloved’s poor health and repeatedly recommended that he see a doctor, but Yakovlev preferred to self-medicate.

Previously, the singer’s common-law wife said that Oleg had been experiencing health problems for a long time, and an unexpected deterioration in his health occurred a few days ago. He was urgently hospitalized and placed in intensive care with bilateral pneumonia. Doctors connected him to an artificial respiration apparatus, but they failed to save the star’s life.

Oleg Yakovlev and his sudden death became the theme of the “Let Them Talk” program

To the deceased former soloist"Ivanushek" was dedicated to Oleg Yakovlev new release talk show "Channel One" "Let them talk." According to the program participants, in 2010 the singer had a hard time with the death of his older sister Svetlana, who passed away from cancer. The artist’s friends noted that the misfortune crippled the artist, who was very worried about the loss, but never showed it and kept everything to himself..

The wife of the lead singer of “Ivanushki International” Kirill Andreev, Lola, said that Oleg Yakovlev did not share his problems and experiences with others, and certainly did not talk about his health problems, so his sudden death was a real shock for his colleagues.

“You can’t help a person who keeps everything to himself. He didn’t say that he felt bad, so no one helped him,” a psychologist invited to the studio as an expert reasonably noted. "I am firmly convinced that evil rock in our destiny we create our own with my own hands", said the wife of Kirill Andreev.

"Let them talk", Oleg Yakovlev: VIDEO

The artist performed as a member of Ivanushki International from 1998 to 2013. He then left the group and pursued a solo career.