Projects of two-story houses for the Far Eastern Federal University. Projects of small and small houses: choosing the best option

A two-story house is a common solution for everyone. Majorityhouse projects in our store made precisely according to this scheme, such solutions equipped with a garage or attic are in greatest demand and will be popular for many years to come.

What is so attractive to our customers in this solution, why do they choose projects of two-story houses for their family? Now we will tell you about this and select for you a suitable project for a two-story country house.

  • Economically justified solution- a two-story house, compared to a one-story house of the same area, has a smaller foundation and a smaller roof area.Less means cheaper, and price often plays a determining role when choosing a house project for building a country cottage.
  • Compactness– a two-story cottage occupies a smaller area on the site compared to one-story houses of the same area. A smaller house means more space on the site. Agree, if the plot is small, then every sq.m. it is very important and I want to use it as rationally as possible. The project of a two-story house will help to use the site with maximum benefit.
  • Safety– many people are not comfortable sleeping on the first floor; they feel more confident on the second floor. If the design of a two-story house is done correctly, then at night you can set the first floor to security, leaving the second floor free for movement.

Zoning of two-story houses

Our house designs are usually divided into two zones - the waking zone (first floor) and the sleeping zone (second floor). If everything is calculated correctly, then on the second floor you cannot hear what is happening on the first. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, living room, bathroom, garage, boiler room and, if necessary, an additional living room. This room is used for guests or elderly family members. Older people more often lead an evening lifestyle and will not disturb the rest of the family when they are already resting before the upcoming working day.

The second floor has bedrooms and one or two bathrooms. Additionally, dressing rooms or storage rooms can be located.

Also in In our catalog of projects you will find country houses equipped with a garage, terrace or covered veranda. Swimming pool with relaxation area and sauna.

Projects of two-story houses in different styles

Two-story houses give room for imagination. It is the projects of two-story houses that allow us to realize all the wildest ideas of our customers. A two-story house is timeless and out of era, it can take on any look you like, from empire style to classic chalet, from country style to high-tech. If in our catalog we did not find an option that suits your style, then we can change the project with the layout you like according to your wishes. We are always happy to help our customers realize their wildest ideas.

Is the second floor attic or full-height?

Tough choice, but it's just a matter of personal preference and architectural style. There are architectural styles where the second floor must have an attic, then the choice is obvious. If you are not limited to this, then let's understand each option.

  • Full floor- this is a solution that is familiar and understandable to everyone, a straight and even ceiling, the ceiling height is at your discretion. The attic space is usually cold. You can always inspect the condition of the roof from the inside, and use the under-roof space to store things that are not afraid of temperature changes.
  • Attic floor– the ceiling is usually sloping, often of complex shape, but many people like it. By lowering the roof a little we can reduce the height of the walls and save a little. The roof is warm, there is no attic space. The height of the walls in the rooms is uneven; towards the perimeter of the house it decreases, towards the middle of the house it increases. For additional or main lighting, special skylights are used.

Two-story houses with a flat roof

Similar solutions are also available in our catalog of country house projects. Many customers are no longer wary of such roofs. Such a roof is cheaper to manufacture, modern materials last a long time and, if design and construction work is carried out correctly, do not cause any trouble to its residents. An additional advantage of a flat roof is the possibility of its operation. You can make a terrace or just a green lawn.

What is better to build a two-story house from foam blocks or bricks?

There are two aspects to using materials to build a two-story house.

  • Load bearing capacity– if it corresponds to the parameters laid down in the project, then you can use the material you like; there is now a large selection of wall blocks on the market. There may be nuances in the nodes. In order to make the right decision, consult our specialists. We will show you how to properly use foam block or aerated concrete, how to replace brick with porous ceramics or any other material.
  • Thermal properties– the house design includes a wall structure that allows the cottage to be operated with minimal energy consumption. If you decide to change the design solution, for example, replace a wall made of foam blocks with a wall made of brick, then it is advisable to check whether the material you have chosen meets the necessary parameters. Perhaps changes are not necessary or additional insulation of the house will be required.

Experts say that a modern, comfortable home does not have to be large. In fact, 28 m is quite enough for a person to live a normal life. 2 . It turns out that a family of four will feel comfortable in a house with an area of ​​just under 120 m 2 . And such a house can rightfully be called small.

As a rule, small house projects are one-story. But at the request of the customer, a full second floor or attic can be completed.

In order to accommodate all living rooms in a relatively small area and ensure comfortable family living, the size of technical and utility rooms is reduced. Although the space is organized according to the same principles as in any other project. But there are features that are due to the need to strictly save usable space.

Large house project: fight for every square meter

  1. When designing small buildings, architects minimize the use of internal partitions. Thus, rooms with different functionality are combined into a single space. For example, the living room, dining room, and kitchen are grouped into a day area and separated purely visually - using design techniques. The design of a small house allows you to rationally use every square meter of usable space. At the same time, additional rooms remain isolated.
  2. The bedrooms of family members, bathrooms, and dressing rooms form the night zone and are located in such a way as to maximally protect the personal space of the residents of the house from strangers. If the house is two-story, then the night zone is located there.
  3. They try to design the utility area, consisting of bathrooms, a boiler room and other utility rooms, to a minimum size.
  4. In order to productively use non-residential space, they strive to limit the number of corridors and passages.
  5. If the house is two-story, there should be two bathrooms. In order to reduce costs when installing utility networks, they are placed one above the other. In a one-story house, the bathroom is placed so that it has a common riser with the kitchen.

Pros of small house projects

  • The construction of a small house does not depend on the configuration and size of the land plot.
  • Construction of such a house will also cost much less.
  • Short design and construction times.
  • Relatively low utility costs and easy home maintenance.

Small house projects: results

A carefully thought-out design of a small house allows you to rationally use every square meter of usable space. Thanks to this, the customer receives modern, comfortable housing for relatively little money. Therefore, we recommend choosing professional small house projects from Dom4m.

Today, developers are increasingly using two-story house designs to develop their suburban plots of land. Such buildings are considered the golden mean in terms of size, usable area, and type of placement of rooms. The classic version of buildings on two floors involves the traditional placement of premises with the organization of general purpose rooms and a kitchen on the first floor, and bedrooms and a bathroom on the second.

Two-story house project: layout

Projects for two-story houses come in a wide variety, and developers can adjust them at their own discretion:

  • select the construction material (a two-story house, the layout of which is any, can be built from aerated block, wood, foam blocks, ceramics, brick, etc.);
  • independently determine the dimensions of each room;
  • add additional structural elements at your own request (attic, terrace, veranda, attic, bay window, garage).

Layout features

When developing the layout of two-story houses (photos attached), it is worth considering that residents spend most of their time on the ground floor, so it is very convenient to use the living room as a common room, a nursery or an office. The family goes up to the top floor only in the evening to sleep, so it is worth providing the common space with the most comfortable conditions in order to create convenience for everyone.

Advantages of houses with two floors

The construction of two-story houses has the following advantages:

  • Significant savings in site area, which is especially important for small land areas. On the saved space in the local area, you can build additional structures for recreation (for example, a gazebo, a bathhouse, a canopy, a summer kitchen, a flower garden, etc.) or buildings for utility purposes (a barn, a carport...).
  • Aesthetic appeal. A two-story house (the layout can be very different) allows you to implement the most unusual design solutions affecting the exterior. Using the services of an architect or professional designer, you can build an interesting structure and design the site in the same style.
  • Possibility of zoning space. The layout of two-story houses (photo attached) allows you to divide the living space into a day zone and a night zone. Day room - on the ground floor (living room, kitchen/dining room, boiler room, various utility rooms, etc.). The second floor is the night area, where bedrooms are usually located, and where you can go and relax in silence at any time, without the intrusion of strangers.
  • For construction, you can use a variety of materials - brick, aerated concrete, timber (laminated, profiled), logs, and also use frame technologies.

  • The facade can be diversified with a beautiful balcony (railings can be made of natural stone, wood decorated with carvings, durable glass, metal, complemented by artistic forging, etc.).
  • There is a wide variety of possibilities for interior design.

Disadvantages of two-story projects

The construction of a house with two floors requires more funds than in the case of one-story buildings. And this is due to many factors. First of all, this is the need to build a strong foundation. To support the weight of several floors you will need a strong and reliable foundation. For two-story buildings, a strip foundation made of concrete is provided. The cost of its construction is quite high, but it is capable of supporting the weight of a building with an attic and furniture filling even in a small building area.

In a two-story house, a staircase structure must be created, which leads not only to additional costs, but also significantly complicates the technology of building the house itself.

Difficulties in planning two-story houses

There are other factors that increase the cost of construction. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • due to the large weight of a two-story house, additional reinforcement of the interfloor floors is necessary, otherwise living in the room will be quite dangerous;
  • the communication system and heating in such buildings has a more complex branched scheme, requiring the laying of additional water pipes, sewage drains, and the installation of a special circulation pump, which facilitates the normal movement of the coolant within the circuit to ensure complete heating;
  • construction, finishing and facade work requires the installation of scaffolding to ensure the ability to lift materials to the required height;
  • for families with children and elderly people, special projects are being developed, where the rooms belonging to these residents and the necessary premises are located on the ground floor, since moving up stairs can be dangerous and problematic for them;
  • the cost of purchasing insulation increases, because the wind load on the walls increases.

But, despite the listed disadvantages, if you have sufficient funds for construction, you can build truly reliable and very comfortable housing on a small plot of land. To do this, you can choose a free project or use the services of a specialized company that deals with design development.

Materials for the construction of country houses

For the construction of two-story buildings, different building materials are used, which are presented in a wide variety on the modern construction market.


  • log;
  • beam;
  • piece materials (bricks, foam blocks, gas blocks).

Among developers today, frame construction technology is the most common, but other options are also used. The choice of raw materials for housing construction depends solely on the budgetary capabilities and taste preferences of the future owners.

Two-story houses 6 by 8

Despite the fact that the house is 6 by 8 two storeys (the layout is described below), the building is small, it can offer comfort and quite normal living conditions.

We suggest you consider an excellent option for a small family.

The main entrance to the premises is located from the porch. The large living room is combined with a compact kitchen adjacent to the bathroom.

From the living room you can take a staircase to the upper floor, where there are two bedrooms. One of them can be easily converted into a guest or children's room. The rooms are separated by a dressing room, which is intended for common use.

In this project, the total area is increased due to the long terrace adjacent to the living room. This area of ​​the house can be used as a dining room in the warm season. From the terrace there are two entrances leading into the house, thanks to which the owners and guests can easily enter the building from the street.

House 7 by 7 two-story: layout, photo

Two-story houses 7x7 are perfect for a family of 5-6 people. This cottage very harmoniously combines all the amenities for permanent residence outside the city. Ready-made projects of this size are very popular among private developers.

Let's consider one of the classic options.

The layout of a 7 by 7 house (two-story project) is quite functional and includes all the premises necessary for a comfortable family stay.

The first floor of the premises is reserved for receiving guests.

Here is located:

  • living room;
  • dining room;
  • kitchen;
  • full bathroom;
  • hallway and dressing room.

If desired, you can significantly increase the usable area by combining the space of several rooms (for example, a living room, kitchen and dining room).

The two-story house, the layout of which is being considered, has two porches. The first serves as the main entrance from the street. Upon entering the room through the hallway, there is immediately a dressing room in which you can leave shoes and outerwear. Another porch is located on the other side of the building, at the exit from the living room.

This option is beneficial for many reasons. In the backyard you can always create a recreation area or a flower garden. You can also create a play area for children in the backyard, which they can access through the living room. There is no need to walk around the building.

The layout of such a small two-story house takes into account the needs of the whole family.

Two-story houses 8x8 meters

An 8 by 8 two-story house (layout, photos attached) is a cozy home where each family member has personal space in the form of a room. A cottage with such dimensions can easily fit even on a fairly small area.

The layout of an 8 by 8 house (two-story project) may be as follows.

On the ground floor there is a kitchen, living room, hallway and bathroom, and the upper floor is completely dedicated to bedrooms or there are three bedrooms and another bathroom. It is very convenient to arrange a dressing room for storing things on one of the floors or under an interfloor staircase.

Future owners can adjust the following in the house at their discretion:

  • room layout;
  • facade and interior decoration;
  • arrangement of a garden, yard or local area, etc.

Two-story house 9x9

The non-standard layout of a 9 by 9 house (two-story project) proposed here will appeal to any family.

The entrance to the premises will begin with a stone porch with an area of ​​5.7 square meters. m. Then there is a corridor and a hall (8 sq. m.). For design, you can use an unusual combination of colors, for example, a gray tone in combination with a green tint in the hallway will give a beautiful style that will be remembered by every person for a long time.

First floor

From the hall there is an entrance to the kitchen, which passes through an arch into the living room. It is well lit and has access to the terrace. Both rooms are decorated in blue and silver. The drawing of this house has a small corridor (area 2.5 sq. m), behind which there is a bathroom with shower (4.5 sq. m). On the ground floor there is also an office (10.2 sq. m) and a boiler room (2.1 sq. m).

Second floor

The two-story house, which has a non-standard layout, has a corner corridor on the second floor. This is the distinctive feature of this project. You can decorate it with photographs, paintings or mirrors hung on the walls.

From the corridor there is an entrance to three bedrooms. Their design is unusual; they are all placed around the corridor.

This two-story house is an excellent option for a family of 5-6 people.

Two-story house 10x10

The layout of the house is 10 by 10 (two-story option) suitable for a large family. The project can be implemented from timber, foam blocks, logs, stone and other, no less high-quality materials.

The set of premises for the first floor is standard. Rooms for different purposes can be located here, but some of them are mandatory:

  • hallway or hall;
  • living room;
  • kitchen;
  • bathroom;
  • boiler room

After adding the required premises to the plan, there may still be some free space on which additional rooms can be organized, for example:

  • cabinet;
  • guest room;
  • dining room

The layout of two-story houses (photos are posted in the article) may include a garage under the roof of the building with two entrances, one of which runs from the house through the hallway, the other from the street.

Achieving a comfortable placement of rooms is not at all difficult. The main thing is to exclude long and narrow corridors in the layout. This can be achieved by combining the area of ​​​​several rooms. As for long corridors, the space they occupy cannot be considered useful and functional.

The second floor of the house in classic layout options is given exclusively to a family recreation area.

Here are located:

  • bedrooms;
  • bathroom;
  • children's rooms.

If there is enough space, you can create a family room and dressing room upstairs.

Just as in the case of the lower floor, it is better to avoid the formation of corridors.

Combining living room and kitchen

Quite often the living room is connected to the kitchen and dining room. This type of placement has many advantages.

  • space and usable area increases;
  • boundaries are visually expanded;
  • comfortable conditions are created for family communication during a joint vacation or dinner;
  • convenience of receiving guests;
  • When preparing food, people who are in the kitchen are not separated from other residents.

There are also disadvantages:

  • unpleasant odors from the kitchen may spread throughout the house;
  • the need to increase the frequency of general cleaning.

The tradition of designing them was formed back when city residents were allowed to have private homeownership only in garden partnerships. In a small area you can’t really turn around, so the houses stretched upward. This is easy to explain - the desire to increase living space and save space in the garden. Otherwise, there was no room left for garden beds.

Today it is possible to build any house. But projects of two-story houses continue to be popular among developers, and especially among those who plan to build a house for two families.

It is quite obvious that it is better to order a two-story house project if you are building housing on a small plot. But such projects have other advantages.

Advantages of 2-storey house projects

  • Projects of two-story houses will help to significantly save on roof installation. After all, compared to a one-story house, its area will be significantly smaller.
  • A clear division into day and night zones is assumed. First floor - living room, dining room, kitchen, separate toilet and utility rooms. Sometimes an additional living room is added and. On the second floor there are bedrooms for family members, dressing rooms and a bathroom combined with a laundry room.
  • You can reduce costs by using interfloor insulation. Due to the fact that warm air rises, the bedrooms will be warmer than the rooms on the first floor.
  • As practice shows, the cost of 1 m2 of usable area of ​​a 2-story house project is cheaper than the cost of 1 m2 of a one-story house of the same area. For example, the benefits are felt even on rough and finishing floor screed.
  • There will be no significant savings when laying the foundation. Although a two-story house does not require a large foundation, the need to make it more powerful to accommodate increased loads makes the cost of laying it equal to the cost of a foundation for a one-story house.


There are no ideal projects. With all the advantages, you can also find disadvantages.

  • The need to equip a staircase leading to the second floor is not the most rational use of living space. Typically, losses are 8-14 m2.
  • To ensure that the walls can withstand the loads of the second floor, they are reinforced during construction. And these are additional costs for construction materials and payments to workers.
  • In order for the second floor to be functional and meet modern ideas of comfort, another bathroom is needed. To reduce these costs, bathrooms are designed one above the other. Thus, although small, additional costs are expected.

Choosing a two-story house project - summing up the results

  • It is more profitable to build a two-story house on a small plot of land - the savings in plot area are obvious. The developer receives not only modern housing, but also the opportunity to rationally manage the land. In addition, there is room for the construction of additional utility rooms: a garage, a summer kitchen or a bathhouse.
  • Projects of two-story houses with an area of ​​over 200 m2 are the most economical option.

Layout of two-story houses: developers are increasingly using plans for two-story houses to develop suburban plots of land. Buildings of this type can be considered as a golden mean in terms of dimensions, usable areas, and type of placement of rooms in the building. Structures with two floors are considered classic. They assume a traditional type of placement of premises with the organization of kitchens and general purpose rooms on the first floor, bedrooms and bathrooms on the second.

A two-story house is the best option for a large family

Layout of two-story houses, their features

Traditional placement of interior spaces has its pros and cons. Plans for two-story houses are presented in a wide variety, and the developer can adjust them at will:

  • select materials (construction based on aerated blocks, wood, foam blocks, bricks, ceramics, etc.);

Small two-story house with an external staircase to the balcony

  • independently set the dimensional parameters of each room;
  • add additional structural elements to the building (terrace, veranda, attic, garage, attic, bay window).

Helpful advice! Brick cottage buildings are the best way to solve the problem of living in a country house during the summer season. They will also be convenient as a permanent place of residence, as they have all the parameters necessary for comfort: durability, good thermal insulation level, strength, high sound insulation and other equally useful advantages.

This is a very important step - carefully consider the location and area of ​​​​the premises in the future home

Advantages of planning to rent on two floors

Building a cottage with two floors has the following advantages:

  • saving area - this issue is especially relevant among owners of small land plots. Thanks to saving space, it becomes possible to install additional structures in the local area for utility purposes (a shed for storing firewood, a carport) or for recreation (a gazebo, a canopy, a bathhouse, a summer kitchen, to organize an area with benches and flower beds);
  • ample opportunities for design solutions affecting the exterior. Using the services of professional designers or architects, you can build an interesting building, design the entire local area and garden in the same style or using the same materials;

A building with two floors provides ample opportunities for various design solutions

  • the opportunity to diversify the facade and architecture of the cottage with beautiful balconies (as a material for railings, you can use natural stone, wood decorated with carvings, durable glass, metal, complemented by artistic forging, or use combinations of these materials);
  • There are more possibilities regarding the design of interior spaces and their decorative improvement.

Combined living and dining room located on the ground floor of a private house

Disadvantages of two-story houses

To build a cottage with two floors, a larger budget is required than in the case of one-story buildings.

This point is determined by many factors. First of all, these are the features of the construction of the foundation part. To support the weight of several floors, you will need a reliable and durable foundation. For these purposes, strip foundations made of concrete are provided. The cost of their construction is very high. But the characteristics make it possible to maintain the weight of a house with furniture and an attic even on a small building area.

The presence of a second floor obliges the developer to create a staircase structure. This not only entails additional costs, but also complicates the technology of building a house.

The presence of a second floor creates the need for additional expenses for the construction of a staircase structure

Important! According to statistics, staircase structures and landings act as the main sources of danger and cause many accidents that occur in country and private homes. Moreover, the ranks of victims are often joined by the builders themselves, since the process of erecting a two-story house is accompanied by the use of stepladders.

Statistics of accidents on stairs for the last 6 years:

A certain number of falls is associated with careless operation by the owners themselves of the finished staircase leading to the second floor, as well as with violation of technology and safety standards during its construction, which leads to the collapse or breakage of individual parts.

Staircase structure in a private house with two floors

This can be easily avoided if you entrust the work to professionals who will draw up the correct drawings, calculate the parameters, and select the appropriate materials for the railings and other parts and their fastenings.

How complicated is the layout of two-story houses?

The cost of construction also increases due to other factors. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • the large weight of the building requires additional reinforcement of the interfloor floors, otherwise future living in the house will be accompanied by increased danger;

  • elements of communication systems and heating in two-story buildings have a more branched and complex scheme. Because of this, it will be necessary to lay additional water pipes, supply sewerage, and install special circulation equipment that will facilitate the normal movement of the coolant within the circuit in order to provide adequate heating. Such equipment includes a circulation pump;
  • at the stages of construction, as well as finishing and facade work, the installation of scaffolding will be required to ensure the ability to lift materials to the required height;

Two-story house in Art Nouveau style with an underground garage

  • Special projects are being developed for families with elderly people, children, and people with disabilities. It is not possible to use absolutely everything. In such a house, rooms belonging to the specified categories of residents must be located on the ground floor, since moving up the stairs can be problematic and dangerous;
  • the cost of purchasing insulation increases due to the fact that the wind load on the walls increases.

Note! The cost of project development also increases due to the design of staircase and balcony structures, foundation parts, structural and key elements.

An example of the layout of a two-story house with a small area

Photos of two-story houses: projects with plans of different sizes

In fact, it turns out that building a cottage with two floors has more disadvantages than advantages. But basically all the disadvantages relate only to additional costs. If you have the necessary budget, constructing a building will be a profitable solution in any respect.

Part of the costs relates to documentation related to:

  • creating a strong foundation;
  • arrangement of staircase structure;
  • increasing complexity of design solutions;
  • strengthening the floors between floors.

Two-story house with a seating area on an open terrace

Having sufficient budgetary resources for construction, you can build a truly reliable and comfortable house on a small plot of land. To do this, you can use free projects or use the services of a specialized company engaged in design development.

Projects of two-story houses and cottages, free drawings and photos

Using the example of the layout of a two-story house 6 by 8 m, you can see that even a small building can offer normal living conditions and comfort. The main entrance to the cottage is located from the porch. For convenience, a dressing room is equipped here. A large living room is combined with a compact kitchen, which is adjacent to the bathroom.

Project 1. Facade of a two-story house 6x8 m

From the living room, a staircase leads to the second floor, where there are two bedrooms. One of them can easily be converted into a nursery or guest room. The rooms are separated by a dressing room intended for common use.

Note! The total area of ​​the cottage is increased due to the long terrace adjacent to the living room. This area of ​​the house can be used as a dining room in the warm season. The terrace has two entrances to the house, thanks to which guests and owners have the opportunity to move freely from the street to the building.

Project 1. First floor plan: 1 – vestibule, 2 – living room, 3 – kitchen, 4 – bathroom, 5 – terrace. Second floor plan: 1 – bedroom, 2 – dressing room, 3 – bedroom, 4 – staircase hall

An example of a convenient layout of a two-story house 6x9 meters

The rectangular layout is no less convenient than the square one. In this project, with dimensions of 6x9 m, the first floor is a reception area. There is a kitchen with a small dining room, a full bathroom, and a large living room, which solves the problem of placing the stairs to the second floor. The rooms have an optimal location, thanks to which you can rationalize the movement of people around the house. The kitchen and living room have access to the street.

Project 2. Facade of a two-story house 6x9 m

On the second floor, the layout provides for two bedrooms, one of which could well become a children's room, the other a parent's bedroom. The nursery is adjacent to a small room that can be equipped with:

  • under the dressing room;
  • for a small gym;
  • under the pantry for storing things.

This layout option, like any other ready-made projects, can be adjusted taking into account the wishes of the future owner. You can always change the purpose of the rooms, as well as their placement and size.

Project 2. Ground floor plan: 1 – kitchen-living-dining room, 2 – bathroom. Second floor plan: 1 – corridor, 2 and 3 – bedroom, 4 – balcony

Layouts of two-story houses 7 by 7: photos and drawings

The layout of a two-story house 7 by 7 m, shown in the project below, is quite functional. It includes all the premises necessary for a comfortable stay for a family with two children. The lower floor of the cottage is reserved for receiving guests.

Here is located:

  • kitchen;
  • dining room;
  • living room;
  • full bathroom;
  • hallway and dressing room.

Helpful advice! By connecting the spaces of several rooms, you can significantly increase the usable area. Using the example of this layout of a two-story house 7x7 m, you can see how successful the combination of rooms such as a living room, kitchen and dining room looks.

Project 3. Facade of a two-story house 7x7 m

The cottage has two porches. One acts as a main entrance from the street: immediately upon entering the house through the hallway there is a dressing room where you can leave outerwear and shoes. The second porch is located at the exit from the living room on the other side of the building.

This solution is beneficial for many reasons. Firstly, you can always set up a relaxation area or a small garden with a flower bed in your backyard, where it will be pleasant to relax with guests. Secondly, the backyard can have a play area for children that they can access through the living room. This eliminates the need to walk around the building.

Project 3. First floor plan: 1 – entrance hall, 2 – corridor, 3 – kitchen-living room, 4 – bathroom. Second floor plan: 1 – corridor, 2 – children’s room, 3 – bedroom, 4 – bathroom

The plan of a two-story house 7 by 7 m takes into account the needs of the whole family, while the total area of ​​the building is small. On the second floor there are rooms for relaxation: a parent's bedroom with a large bed and a children's room. The children's room was intentionally left large, which allows you to organize two beds, a work area and a wardrobe at once. There is also a large bathroom with a jacuzzi and shower.

Features of the layout of a two-story house 7 by 8: photo and drawing

In construction, shapes close to a square are often used. Externally, such buildings, as shown in the example of the project below, look square, but the extra meter allows you to freely install a staircase without cutting down on the usable area of ​​the living room and providing the opportunity to organize an additional bathroom on the second floor.

Project 4. Facade of a two-story house 7x8 m

This project is notable for the fact that the main building has a small extension at the main entrance, where a porch with several convenient approaches is installed. The building is also equipped with another entrance from the porch located behind the house.

The space on the second floor is completely occupied by bedrooms. The two large rooms are separated from each other by a small hall leading to the bathroom. Thanks to this, none of the rooms intended for relaxation is a passageway, which ensures comfort, peace and privacy. The plan shows that one of the bedrooms is equipped with a large bed. Therefore, this room can be considered as a parent's bedroom. While the second bedroom is reserved for a children's room with two beds.

Project 4. Ground floor plan: 1 – entrance hall, 2 – living room, 3 – kitchen-dining room, 4 – storage room, 5 – bathroom. Second floor plan: 1 – corridor, 2 – bathroom, 3 – children’s room, 4 – bedroom

Note! One of the rooms has access to a balcony. The possibility of installing such structural additions to the building is one of the most attractive advantages of structures with two floors and this particular project.

Materials for the construction of country houses

For the construction of two-story cottages, various building materials are used, which are presented in a huge variety on the modern market.

For these purposes the following is used:

  • beam;
  • piece materials (foam blocks, bricks, gas blocks);
  • log.

Frame construction technology is most common among developers today, but other options are also used. The choice of raw materials for building a house is limited solely by budgetary possibilities, as well as the taste preferences of the future owner.

Two-story home with attached carport and backyard pool

Features of cottages built of wood

Wood is considered a traditional raw material used for the construction of suburban housing.

It has several advantages:

  • reliability;
  • warmth;
  • environmental friendliness.

Cottages made of wood retain heat well. The building heats up very quickly even after it has completely cooled down. This benefit will be especially beneficial for owners of homes used only seasonally.

Interior decoration of a two-story house built from logs

As for interior decorative finishing, wooden cottages practically do not need it, since the material of the house itself looks beautiful and very natural. Most developers prefer to leave the building in its original form, since complete repair work may require a significant amount.

Helpful advice! Wooden structures have a lightweight structure, which makes it possible to install the building on a lightweight foundation. Use a strip foundation. It is better if it is shallowly buried. It is possible to use a pile foundation with strapping or a solid slab.

The following materials can be used as raw materials for building a house:

  • laminated veneer lumber;
  • log;
  • solid timber.

The wooden structure is environmentally friendly and naturally beautiful

Even a small width of the walls can retain heat inside the house quite well. The disadvantages of buildings of this type include the need to maintain the assembled box for 3-12 months. During this period, work stops, since it becomes impossible to install double-glazed windows and door structures in openings that can still move to the side due to shrinkage.

Features of the layout of a two-story house 9 by 9: photo and plan of a building made of aerated concrete

Structures built from brick, foam blocks or aerated concrete, as in the layout of a two-story house 9 by 9 m, are reliable and durable. But this is only possible subject to strict adherence to construction technology.

The construction of such structures assumes that the finished building will have an impressive weight, which means that a thorough approach should be taken to organizing the foundation. It is worth considering that houses made of piece materials will not allow you to save money. A foundation of poor quality will cause the cottage to “walk,” which will ultimately lead to cracks and make further operation not only dangerous, but also impossible.

Project 5. Facade of a two-story house 9x9 m made of aerated concrete

In such a house the temperature is well maintained, but this can only be possible if the building is not cooled. Like any other stone building, the two-story house 9 by 9 m shown on the plan needs to be heated for a long time to ensure comfortable temperature conditions, since the material is able to absorb heat for a long time.

Buildings made from piece materials provide a certain freedom in design matters. A stone structure can be supplemented with architectural elements:

  • arch;
  • bay window;
  • balcony;
  • rounded corner areas.

Project 5. First floor plan: 1 – entrance hall, 2 – corridor, 3 – office, 4 – living room, 5 – kitchen, 6 – bathroom. Second floor plan: 1 – corridor, 2 – children’s room, 3 – bedroom, 4 – children’s room, 5 – bathroom

Houses made of timber or rounded logs can also be built using these elements, but it will be extremely difficult to complete such work.

Using frame construction technology

Frame building construction technology can be characterized in three words: cheap, fast, simple.

Note! As is the case with brick and block houses, the construction of a frame cottage is accompanied by a certain freedom in relation to the distribution of internal spaces and architecture, and the operational characteristics have much in common with buildings made of wood.

The construction of cottages using frame technology has many advantages

Advantages of frame-type cottages:

  • low construction costs;
  • lightweight structure;
  • the opportunity to save money at the stage of organizing the foundation;
  • high construction speed;
  • no need to hold the box, giving it time to shrink;
  • practicality and ease of operation;
  • almost complete absence of restrictions regarding the shape of the building and its dimensions.

If the construction is accompanied by the use of environmentally friendly materials, the cottage will be no worse than a wooden one.

Two-story frame cottage with a small area

Features of designing cottages by floor

The minimum building area with optimal dimensions is equal to a square zone with parameters of 8x8 m or a rectangular plot on which the plan of a two-story house 8 by 10 m can fit.

These dimensions allow the construction of a small country house with a rational distribution of interior spaces. It is possible to use a smaller foundation, but in this case the layout will be ineffective and not very convenient.

The layout of a two-story house 8 by 10 m fully accommodates a staircase. There is enough space to accommodate not only the kitchen and living room on the first floor and the master bedrooms on the second, but also to receive guests.

After adding the required premises to the layout, there may be free space left that can be used to organize additional rooms

The upper limit of size is limited only by the wishes of the owners and the size of the suburban area. For a comfortable stay for a family consisting of two adults and several children, you will need a cottage with an area of ​​110-130 m². This figure can be increased to 200 m² by organizing a garage.

Building a larger home will entail additional costs, not just during the construction process. Maintenance and operation of large cottages is very expensive, and most of the rooms will be rarely used by the owners.

The first floor of a country house and its layout

In most cases, the set of premises for the first floor is the same for all layout options. Rooms for various purposes can be located here, but some of them are mandatory:

  • living room;
  • kitchen;
  • guest bathroom;
  • hallway or hall;
  • boiler room

Layout option for the first floor of a two-story house with a large veranda

Helpful advice! Organize a small vestibule at the entrance to the house, then cold air will not directly enter the house when the doors are opened. This way, you can maintain comfortable temperature conditions even in winter.

After adding the required premises to the layout, you may still have free space. It can be used to organize additional rooms, for example:

  • office;
  • guest;
  • dining room

The layout of a two-story house 10x10 m may include a garage. This room is included in the general drawing of the first floor and is included under the roof of the building, and is also equipped with a separate entrance to the cottage. In most cases, the garage space offers two entrances. One of them can run directly from the house (through the hallway), the second - from the street (through the roller shutters).

Layout of the first floor of a compact house

It is not difficult to achieve successful placement of rooms. The main condition for success is to exclude narrow and long corridors from the plan. This can be achieved by combining the spaces of several rooms. As for corridors, the space they occupy cannot be considered useful and functional.

How to combine several rooms correctly

The problem of the small area of ​​the first floor is solved by removing some partitions, which will maximize the free space. This method of combining rooms is called a studio layout. In practice, it turns out that the living room, kitchen and hall spaces are connected into one large room, which has a purely visual division into functional areas.

The combined spaces simultaneously serve as the same corridors, from where you can get to the guest room, bathroom or office, if the layout provides for the presence of these premises on the ground floor.

Studio layout allows you to expand the interior space of the house

Note! The staircase is an indispensable attribute of a building with two floors. It can be used as a natural partition.

In rare cases, the kitchen is a passage room. In such conditions, the workspace has an island type of arrangement. It must be equipped with a bar counter, the design of which depends on the shape of the room itself.

The combined living room and kitchen spaces are separated by a bar counter

Most often, bar counters are installed in the following shapes:

  • triangular;
  • semicircular;
  • U-shaped;
  • arbitrary.

The classic version of the distribution of internal spaces, where each room has clear boundaries, is only possible if the rooms have a large area. Then it becomes possible to complicate the structural shape of the rooms by adding internal partitions that will not be able to create the effect of closed spaces. The kitchen and living room can be combined, while the latter of them can be a completely independent room.

An example of the layout of the first floor of a house without the use of internal partitions

Second floor of a country house and its layout

In classic layout options, the second floor of the building is designated as a recreation area for the whole family.

Here are located:

  • bedroom premises;
  • full bathroom with bathtub for shared use;
  • children's;
  • additional bathroom for parents.

If there is enough space, a room for family recreation is set up upstairs, which is analogous to a living room, but used exclusively by people living in the building. A dressing room is also installed here.

Layout of the second floor with four bedrooms of a large two-story house with an attic

Helpful advice! If the cottage has a garage, children’s rooms and bedrooms should not be located above the area where it is located. It is recommended to place there an area intended for storing things, a landing or a dressing room.

Layout of a two-story house: rules for combining rooms on the second floor

Just as in the case of the first floor, the formation of corridors should be avoided. The most common solution to this problem is to organize a small area with free space. It can be located in front of the stairs and serve as a passage room between other rooms on the floor.

Bedroom with access to a recreation room, located on the second floor of a private house

Much less often, the patch is used as a passage room between the children's and parent's bedrooms. This is due to the fact that such a solution is only possible if there is a sufficiently large amount of space. In small two-story cottages, only one bathroom is installed downstairs, so that the space upstairs can be used exclusively for bedrooms.

The parent's bedroom is often adjacent to one of the small rooms. Such planning methods are relevant for families with small children. The smaller room is set up as a nursery for a child up to 3-4 years old. As the child grows up, he moves into his own bedroom, which may also have an adjacent room.

3D model of a small two-story house

If the layout includes bedrooms with adjoining smaller rooms, each family member can have their own dressing room. The small size of the house will not allow such a decision, so the option of arranging one dressing room for everyone, divided into sectors, where each section is intended for an individual family member, is allowed.

Examples of successful layouts of cottages with two floors

When developing the layout, it is worth considering the fact that residents spend most of their time on the ground floor. This allows you to use the living room as a common room, office or nursery. The family goes up to the second floor only to sleep, so it is recommended to provide common spaces with the most comfortable conditions in order to create convenience for everyone.

Option for a successful layout of a two-story house 8 by 8 m

Two-storey cottage with attic and veranda

Layouts with an attic and veranda are considered the most successful. And if you also equip a basement in such a cottage, there will be space for storing things or conservation. On the layout of a two-story house 10 by 10 m, you can see how advantageously the basement space under the house can be used. And the presence of an attic floor allows you to improve living conditions and add an office on the first or second floor.

Helpful advice! In any of the layouts, the main rooms are the dining room and living room. Use their space to maximum advantage by installing an exit to the veranda, patio or garden. This will make evenings in the living room with friends or with family more comfortable.

Two-story cottage with attic and open veranda

Attics are used to accommodate bedrooms. Their number depends on the size of the attic floor, as well as the needs of the family. Often other premises are set up here:

  • a guest room;
  • billiard room;
  • gym with exercise equipment;
  • cabinet;
  • jacuzzi, etc.

In the attic of a two-story private house there is a bathroom with a jacuzzi

In houses with an attic, the first floor has a more massive structure than the second. If the layout involves placing several rooms upstairs at once, do not forget that the cottage will be subject to a high weight load. Therefore, for safety reasons, it is recommended to carefully make all calculations, taking into account the total area of ​​the building, as well as the size of the site where construction will take place.

Features of a building with an attic floor

Great attention is paid to the layout of the attic floor. Since this space is intended for people to live and relax, the attic should be as comfortable and convenient as possible. The material for roof construction deserves special consideration.

Arranging the basement, garage and attic are effective ways to increase the usable area of ​​the house

The most common roof designs:

  • single slope;
  • with two slopes;
  • broken line (with two slopes).

Roofs with two slopes are very simple to implement and require lower construction costs. This point is determined by the fact that the roof slopes are used as sides, and the end zones are used as gables.

Helpful advice! The cladding of the gables should be done using the same material as the finishing of the first floor. The type of roof and roofing material must be decided in advance - even at the stage of drawing up the project. The filling of the attic floor is also thought out in advance.

Children's bedroom located on the attic floor of a private house

Advantages of the attic:

  1. Saving money - building a two-story cottage with an attic will cost much less than building a three-story house. Even taking into account the cost of the roof.
  2. Attractive design - with the help of broken roofs and slopes, which are placed at various angles, you can create a unique architectural appearance of the house.
  3. Interesting interior design - provided the forms are well chosen, the owner of such a house will be able to create an original interior.

In the attic of a two-story house there is a cozy seating area

Advantages and disadvantages of an attic in the layout of a two-story house 10 by 10: photo

The layout of a building with parameters of 10x10 m, which is presented below, has both advantages and disadvantages associated with the construction of an attic floor.

The house plan provides for the placement of three bedrooms (parent's and two children's) on the attic floor. Due to this space under the roof, a family with two teenagers can comfortably live in a cottage. Each bedroom is equipped with a wardrobe and a work area. All rooms open onto a long hall.

Project 6. Facade of a two-story house 10x10 m

The placement of the rooms is done rationally, but there are a number of disadvantages associated specifically with the attic. Most of them appear during the construction stage.

Firstly, the installation process of the ventilation system, as well as all thermal insulation elements, becomes more complicated. Any error in technology can cause the premises to freeze or cause excessive humidity, which will lead to disruption of the comfortable climate and the formation of condensation and mold.

Secondly, there are difficulties with natural light, which must reach each room in the required quantity.

Helpful advice! If we limit ourselves exclusively to vertical windows installed in a special structure called a “birdhouse,” the level of natural light will be extremely low. It is recommended to install specialized window structures designed for these purposes.

Project 6. First floor plan: 1 – entrance hall, 2 – hall, 3 – office, 4 – living-dining room, 5 – kitchen, 6 – bathroom. Second floor plan: 1 – corridor, 2 – bathroom, 3 – children’s room, 4 – bedroom, 5 – children’s room

Disadvantages associated with the operation of premises

The attic space is called the “dead zone”. Despite the fact that the attic rooms are no different from similar rooms on the ground floor, they have much less usable area, since the sloping walls do not allow furniture to be placed closely. The way out of this situation will be custom-made furniture. These products are designed taking into account the structural features of the room. On the one hand, such a technique will allow you to furnish the room in an unusual way, on the other hand, it will entail additional costs.

The attic is almost always used as a space for bedrooms and children's rooms, but this area cannot be called a suitable place. This is especially true for offices and children's rooms, since sloping walls can create a feeling of anxiety, inner restlessness and threat in a person.

An office located in the attic of a two-story house

Features of the layout of a two-story house with a garage

Wood is often used to build country houses. If this is what is chosen for construction, then the plan for a two-story house with a garage will require some additions. In this case, the wall panels will need to be covered so that the garage does not visually stand out from the general appearance of the building and is in harmony with it.

The garage can have a separate room, but this is only possible if there is a large local area. To organize the roof of the cottage and garage, you need to use the same materials so as not to disturb the overall exterior of the yard. In addition, unity should be observed in terms of roof construction. The slope should be the same.

Two-story house with an attached garage

It is difficult to develop a project for a two-story building with a garage on your own. It is recommended to use a ready-made plan, which can be ordered from any construction company or downloaded for free online.

Helpful advice! In two-story buildings, a staircase must be installed. The space underneath can be effectively used for storing things. Having correctly completed all the calculations, you can place a small storage room under the stairs or install shelves for books, etc.

Plan of a two-story house 12 by 12 m with a garage

The project presented below takes into account the needs of families with children. The first advantage that catches your eye is the presence of two entrances to the house, located on different sides of the building.

Project 7. Facade of a two-story house 12x12 m with a garage

One entrance is located at the front of the cottage. Having climbed onto a small porch, the owners of the house and their guests find themselves in a vestibule where they can take off their outerwear and shoes. This zone serves to retain heat in the house and is separated by a door from a small hall into which all other rooms on the first floor open. For convenience, a wall hanger with hooks for guests’ clothing can be installed in the vestibule. In the hall there is space for a wardrobe belonging to the owners.

The second entrance to the house is located on the opposite side of the building. The large porch can be used for outdoor dining. It wouldn’t hurt for the owners of a country house to purchase a set of garden or folding outdoor furniture for the summer. The convenience of placing the second entrance is due to the fact that you can get directly into the living room from the backyard. This is the best combination if home owners like to relax outside and receive guests.

Project 7. Ground floor plan: 1 – entrance hall, 2 – staircase hall, 3 – living room, 4 – kitchen-dining room, 5 – storage room, 6 – toilet, 7 – garage. Second floor plan: 1 – corridor, 2 – children’s room, 3 – bedroom, 4 – children’s room, 5 – bathroom

Combining the living room and kitchen: advantages and disadvantages

The layout shows that the large living room is connected to the dining room and kitchen. Quite often, this type of placement is recommended by the designers themselves, who see many advantages in this solution.

Advantages of combining spaces:

  • increasing space and usable area;
  • visual expansion of boundaries;
  • comfortable conditions for communicating with family during dinner or relaxing together;
  • comfortable conditions for receiving guests;
  • During the cooking process, people in the kitchen are not separated from other residents.

An example of combining a living room and kitchen on the ground floor of a house

This technique has several disadvantages:

  • the frequency of general cleaning will have to be increased;
  • Unpleasant odors from the kitchen can spread throughout the house.

Note! The combined spaces in the layout of a two-story house 12 by 12 m have one significant drawback - the design of all three rooms (kitchen, dining room, living room) must be coordinated, but at the same time it is necessary to visually delimit the rooms according to their purpose.

Methods for visual division of space

  • installation of a bar counter;
  • a certain placement of kitchen furniture, as a result of which a kitchen hood with a protruding structure will play the role of a separator;

The kitchen-dining and living room spaces are separated from each other by furniture

  • installation of different types of flooring. For example, stone tiles or tiles are suitable for the kitchen; it is better to decorate the floor in the living room with laminate;
  • the use of unusual colors when decorating walls. In addition to this, colors can be duplicated on the floor.

In this case, the demarcating element is a closet, partially separating the spaces of the dining room and kitchen from the living room. It is better if the pieces of furniture have the same or similar colors. This will allow you to avoid mistakes when decorating the interior of the living room, kitchen and dining room. Using accessories, you can focus attention on certain areas of the room or individual objects.

Specifics of garage placement

Depending on the size of the local area, as well as the specifics of its use (whether additional structures will be installed on it or a garden will be laid out), the garage room can be separate or included in the building of the house. In our case, the layout provides for a garage room, which is adjacent to the house as an extension.

Layout of the first floor of a private house with a large garage room

Helpful advice! A garage combined with a cottage will save space on the site. Thanks to this solution, construction costs are also reduced, since a separate premises will require higher financial investments.

During the design process, it should be remembered that it is recommended to place the garage on the north side. Don’t forget about a high-quality ventilation system, which will prevent exhaust gases, unpleasant odors and fuel fumes from entering the house.

Advantages of a garage combined with a house:

  • saving money spent on construction;
  • quick and convenient access to the residential part of the house;
  • the formation of a usable area above the garage, which can be used for various purposes;
  • saving space on the site.

Two-story private house with a two-car garage

The only disadvantages include the possibility of gases entering the living rooms from the garage.

The garage, attic and veranda are far from the only elements that can improve the layout, make it functional and comfortable. On large plots, you can add a winter garden to the building plan. Most often this element is attached to the kitchen.

Such premises are accompanied by high energy and heat costs. If you install a fence from other rooms and increase thermal insulation, these problems can be avoided. Thanks to the winter garden and other structural additions, you can create a unique home that will be a pleasure to live in all year round.