Diet according to menstrual cycles: in which phase of the menstrual cycle is it better to lose weight? ​​​​​​​. When to start a diet according to the lunar calendar

For some reason, women always want to change something about themselves. Even in the best figure, a girl will always find something to adjust. We will not discuss the correctness of such perfectionism, but we note that most often such improvement comes down to the desire to lose weight. And the most difficult thing in losing weight is to start doing exercises and stick to a diet. How to start losing weight correctly? When is the best time to start a diet? We will talk about this in today's article. We want to warn you that these tips do not imply instant results, but they help you get used to a system that will help you lose extra pounds without harm to your health.

How to go on a diet correctly?

Forcing yourself to start losing weight is the most difficult thing in the process of improving your body. Our tips will help you go on a diet correctly:

When is the best time to go on a diet?

There is an opinion that the best day to start a diet is today. Once you have made the decision to start losing weight, immediately start doing what you have planned. It doesn't matter what you ate or did afterwards - it's best to start sticking to your diet and training plan while the fire is still burning in your eyes. All these tips are effective on days 4-15 of the menstrual cycle. During this period, a woman is on the rise, her energy is simply seething. But after ovulation, your mood and self-confidence begin to decline. It is especially difficult in the first days of menstruation and the week before them - these are not the most favorable days to start a diet. During such a period, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of eating chocolate and lying on the couch instead of going to a fitness club. Better re-read our helpful tips when you feel at your best again.

Many overweight people are interested in the question of how to go on a diet. After all, as you know, it is the process of starting that is the most difficult. What diet to go on is also a pressing problem for many who want to lose weight. Especially when you consider the huge number of diets that exist today. The main thing in the process of losing weight is not to make spontaneous decisions. It is important to think carefully and weigh everything here.

How to go on a diet: preparing mentally

It is necessary to prepare thoroughly for the process of losing weight, and, first of all, you should be mentally prepared for this. The important points here are: what diet to go on, what to eat during the diet, what set of physical exercises to perform, etc.

If you make a decision in a moment of anger and despair, then it is possible that you will lose your temper and all your efforts will go down the drain. But you don’t want that, right?

How to go on a diet: preparing physically

It's no secret that any diet, and even a change in lifestyle, is stressful for the body. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to enter and exit the diet gradually. So, if you are obese, then naturally the best option for you would be to follow the obesity diet menu. However, for an unprepared organism this is not just difficult, but practically impossible. Therefore, it would not be amiss to start gradually limiting the number of calories a couple of weeks before starting the diet, reducing them to the required amount. It is also necessary to do the same with limiting harmful products - gradually.

What diet to go on

This is a rather difficult question, since it all depends on what goal you are pursuing. For example, if you want to lose 2-5 kg, then, undoubtedly, some light, short-term diet will be more suitable for you, which, in combination with active physical activity, will quickly give the desired result.

If your goal is 20 kg or more, then you should not decide what diet to go on, but you should think about the lifelong diet menu for obesity, that is, about proper nutrition.

Nutrition rules: what to eat during a diet

So, let's decide what you can and should eat during a diet, and what foods are best avoided.

Separate meals are welcome. Separate nutrition means separate consumption of carbohydrates and proteins, vegetables and fruits. For example, protein foods (poultry, meat, fish, cottage cheese, cheese) should be combined only with vegetable dishes. Carbohydrate foods (bread, cereal, pasta, potatoes) can also be combined only with vegetables. But it is recommended to eat fruits on an empty stomach or a couple of hours after the last meal.

Thus, an approximate diet menu for obesity would look like this:

  • Breakfast: porridge and vegetable stew (or vegetable salad);
  • Lunch: vegetable soup (exclusively from vegetables, without potatoes and pasta) and a small piece of rye bread;
  • Dinner: vegetables and some kind of meat dish or vegetable salad and cheese;
  • In between, you can drink herbal teas with honey, water, and fruits.

Before you go on a diet, start preparing your body. To do this, eat salads made from fresh vegetables. This way you will not only activate the process of losing weight, but also improve your body’s health. It is welcome to add as much greenery as possible to salads: dill, onion, parsley, celery, basil, lettuce. Season vegetables with vegetable oil (preferably unrefined).

If you decide to prepare a vegetable dish, do not fry it, give preference to steamed or microwaved vegetables. Before each main meal, eat a serving of vegetable salad. This will fill your stomach and prevent you from overeating.

How to go on a diet: what foods to avoid

We have decided what to eat during the diet. Now let's talk about what foods you should exclude from your diet.

Forget forever about various semi-finished products, sausage, sweets, smoked and fried. All these products are the worst enemies of not only a beautiful figure, but also general health. Sausage is not meat, but fats, flavorings, soy and spices. There can be nothing useful in it. Did you know that one glass of Coca-Cola contains 8 tsp. sugar, and fast food is incredibly high in calories. In addition, when consumed together, these products can cause a new wave of hunger.

Say no to salty foods. It makes it difficult for the kidneys to function and delays the removal of fluid from the body. Yes, at first lightly salted dishes will seem tasteless to you, but over time you will get used to it. After all, taste sensations are a matter of habit.

Caffeine in the diet menu for obesity should be kept to a minimum. Caffeine contained in green, black tea and coffee promotes the release of insulin, which significantly affects the absorption of glucose. All this leads to increased blood sugar levels (which subsequently causes diabetes) and a constant feeling of hunger, leading to overeating. Thus, preference should be given to herbal teas, mate, and chicory. Coffee is allowed, but only on holidays.

You should also not get carried away with alcoholic drinks. They not only cause appetite, but also strain the liver and pancreas.

So how to go on a diet? Yes Easy! Replace sausage with meat (just remember that you need to eat it separately from pasta, bread and potatoes, but only with vegetables), replace sweets and sugar with honey, nuts, dried fruits and fruits, and children's fruit purees. Under no circumstances should you go hungry. Eat small portions and often. And most importantly, remember, your goal is not only to lose weight and get a beautiful figure, but also to live for many years in excellent health!

The desire to lose weight is a terrible force, but it can sometimes transform into a pipe dream, the memory of which we can only sigh. Most women who want to get in shape never start a diet because they don’t know how to do it correctly. They are also very embarrassed by the fear of the unknown, the feeling of hunger and the torment of physical exercise. However, all these “monsters” of our consciousness can be easily dealt with.

Before you start eating in a special regime, you need to adequately assess the condition of your body. Look at yourself in the mirror, weigh yourself, take special tests that will help you determine your ideal weight, and make sure that you really have fat deposits that you need to get rid of. Often girls are too self-critical and try to lose weight even when this is not necessary, and even impossible.

If you are completely convinced that there are still excessive fat reserves in the body, then you need to be very scrupulous in choosing a technique that will allow you to get rid of them.

The ideal option is to visit a nutritionist who will create an individual diet for you personally, taking into account your initial and desired weight, health status, food taste preferences, daily routine and many other factors.

If for certain reasons you cannot trust a specialist, you should use ready-made diets, of which there are more than ten thousand on the Internet.

Rules for choosing a diet:

A real solution to all problems with excess weight occurs only in 18% of people who decide to try diets. A quarter of all those who lose weight cannot withstand more than a month of diet, and 10% can follow the diet for 2 months.

Therefore, express diets and mono-diets, which involve a very strict and meager diet, following which you can lose in a matter of days everything that you have been “eating” for many months, or even years, are not suitable for you.

Such methods do not work, since all the kilograms that you manage to get rid of through backbreaking work will return immediately after the diet. This is explained very simply - while following the weight loss system, weight will go away, but it is not fat, but water, toxins and muscle tissue.

Favorable days and positive attitude

With such a nutritional system, metabolism slows down significantly, and after returning to a normal diet, the body begins to very carefully convert every calorie into fat cells and store them under the skin in case of another hunger strike. In addition, even a week spent on buckwheat, apples, kefir or other low-calorie foods can cause irreparable harm to health.

You need to choose only balanced and long-term diets, which, after stabilizing your weight, you can stick to for the rest of your life.

When you have decided on a diet, you must undergo a medical examination to make sure that you do not have any contraindications to following it. Only after this can you proceed to the next stage of preparation.

There is such a thing in dietetics as “favorable days” to start a diet. For women, this will be the first phase of the menstrual cycle, since it is at this time that metabolism accelerates, a surge of strength and energy is felt, and the body is in perfect order. During PMS, it is generally not recommended to start losing weight, since during this period hormonal surges can greatly affect your mood, and combining them with culinary deprivation, you can even fall into depression. Choose one of the Mondays at the beginning of your menstrual cycle and become slimmer from that day on.

Try to mentally prepare yourself for the fact that the diet will benefit you and become a reward for your body, and not a punishment for it. Don’t think that you won’t succeed; believing in yourself will not only cheer you up, but will also help you lose weight faster.

Psychological preparation includes the following points:

  • attitude towards a positive result;
  • perception of diet as improving the quality of life, and not as a punishment for gluttony;
  • eating with pleasure and without self-flagellation;
  • complete absence of irritating factors and psychological pressure.

Mistakes you shouldn't make when losing weight

Determination is undoubtedly a wonderful trait, but sometimes it can play a cruel joke with those losing weight. When you are serious about losing weight and choosing the most suitable diet for yourself, it may happen that a special diet does not seem enough to achieve results. Remember that laxatives, diuretic pills and all kinds of dietary supplements will not bring any benefit for weight loss, in addition, they can be harmful to health.

The same goes for grueling workouts in the gym. If you weren't particularly fond of sports before losing weight, excessive physical activity won't do you any good. Not only will they stimulate the breakdown of carbohydrates rather than fats, but you can also get serious injuries.

It is best to replace gym classes with brisk walks, jumping rope and other simple exercises that will be easy for you. This will help maintain muscle and skin tone and will not make you feel worse.

Sample diet menu for weight loss

To lose weight, it is important to adhere not only to the eating regimen, but also to the drinking regimen. It is very simple to calculate the amount of clean water you need per day; for this you need to take your actual body weight - for every kilogram there are 30 g of liquid. You need to drink in small sips, half an hour before eating and an hour after it.

By starting a diet correctly and following all its rules, you can smoothly switch to healthy eating and never worry about being overweight again. Reviews and results of those losing weight confirm that after 2 months of the nutrition system, completely new, correct eating habits appear. You will no longer want to eat your fill, feast on sausage sandwiches and cakes, but it is precisely these foods that spoil our body with ugly folds of fat. Eat tasty and healthy and stay slim!

When to go on a diet?

Any woman is familiar with the obsessive thought of forbidden chocolate, which for some reason begins to haunt us precisely when we decide to go on a diet. But literally a few days pass, and the chocolate successfully leaves our fantasies. Do you think it's a matter of willpower? Well, in it, of course, too... Although the main violin in the appearance and disappearance of such desires is played by our hormones and the biorhythms created by them.

For some reason, most women who go on a diet are convinced that they can do it any Monday, and that their all-consuming desire to lose weight will cope with absolutely any obstacles. And sometimes it really overcomes them. But at what cost?

If you really decide to lose weight, but don’t want to ruin your health and character, you should still listen to yourself sometimes. Or more precisely, to the hormonal biorhythms, in accordance with which the female body lives. What are they and how can they help us lose weight?

Actually, it’s no secret that the amount of our energy, emotional background, appetite and even metabolism changes greatly during the month. These changes occur strictly in accordance with our menstrual cycle. And fighting them is almost pointless! Therefore, any diet should not be built “from Monday,” but based on the needs and condition of your own body. You have only one and you should learn to love him and listen to him!

So, on average, the full cycle of changes happening to us takes 28 days and includes three phases. For some it is a little longer, for others it is a little shorter. But the laws of changes occurring in the female body are absolutely unchanged and coincide for everyone. It’s just that in more emotional and sensitive people they are more noticeable, but those with an “impenetrable psyche” sometimes don’t even notice the changes happening to them. However, when going on a diet, both should know when it makes sense to do it and when it doesn’t.

Phase 1: Time to go on a diet

This phase begins approximately on the 2-3rd day of CD and lasts about 2 weeks. During this period, the amount of female sex hormones (estrogens) gradually increases in the female body. These two weeks are the best time not only to start a new life and stick to a healthy diet, but also in general for any feats that require a lot of energy and a good mood. During this period, you can especially actively engage in sports, and if you are not involved in it yet, then start this useful activity.

During these two weeks, as a rule, we do not suffer from an uncontrollable craving for nightly communication with the refrigerator, we are not tormented by dreams in which we eat a huge chocolate cake, and a visit does not turn into an evening of gluttony.

What is no less pleasant is that during this period we not only want to eat less and exercise more, but the effect of all this becomes more noticeable. The fact is that metabolic processes in the body in this phase also accelerate, which means you have a chance to get quite a noticeable effect from your active program to shed extra pounds. On average, the loss can be about 2-2.5 kg. This is subject to a completely reasonable diet that does not involve starvation.

Phase 2: Time to relax a little

As you know, all good things come to an end sooner or later. And already from the 15th day of the cycle, the level of estrogen in the female body begins to gradually decrease. At the same time, other changes are taking place, the result of which, alas, leads to a gradually increasing desire to break the diet that was so aggressively started.

Don't blame yourself for being weak-willed! It’s much better to listen to your body, slightly increase the number of calories you eat and reduce physical activity. This does not mean that you can indulge in a frying pan of fried potatoes before going to bed, and that you need to put your sportswear and sneakers away! If, having listened too closely to your body, you suddenly relax, all the kilograms lost in the first two euphoric weeks will immediately return.

In this phase, you can only slightly increase the number of calories, occasionally allowing yourself to deviate from the diet. As for sports, during this period it is better to abandon exercise equipment and strength exercises, giving preference to aerobics, shaping, swimming, running and cycling. And watch the scale arrow carefully! If she suddenly treacherously crawled in the opposite direction to the desired direction, it is worth limiting the number of culinary indulgences and extending the time allotted for sports. Ideally, none of the kilograms you lost in the first two weeks should return during this period. Most often, you even manage to lose 0.5-1 kg. That is, the total weight loss can be 3-4 kg.

3rd phase: time for a little gluttony

The main thing is that this gluttony does not become uncontrollable! Otherwise, in just over a week you will not only gain back everything you lost, but also gain new kilograms! And the risk of such developments in this phase is very high. How many high weight loss impulses and brilliant diets have crashed on the reefs of PMS! Unfortunately, the third phase, which begins about a week before the CD, is usually overshadowed by this unpleasant three-letter phenomenon. With all the problems that accompany him, including his constant desire to cry (for any reason) and eat (everything and more, mainly sweets).

As you understand, only a crazy person can go on a diet in such a state! A normal woman will try not to aggravate the situation and will realize those, sometimes quite strange, desires that appear in her during this period. Of course, now I’m talking exclusively about culinary oddities!

Although you should be prepared in advance that by the end of this phase your weight will inevitably increase a little. But usually this growth has to do with an increase in water reserves, and not at all fat. The fact is that during this period our body retains a fairly large amount of fluid, which it will safely get rid of as soon as it moves into the next phase.

Laws of Gluttony

Since this period has been called the gluttony phase, it is worth dwelling on some laws that will allow you to overcome it with the least problems.

Glazed cheese law

It consists of this: if you suddenly desperately want to eat, for example, a fairly high-calorie glazed cheese, you should not replace it with low-fat yogurt. Will not help. Tested many times! The mood will not lift, and the cheese will begin to appear in your dreams. As a result, you will simply eat not one, but 5-10 pieces (it all depends on the colorfulness of your sleep and the depravity of your mood), which will become a real disaster for your figure. As a result, your mood will deteriorate even more. The body will still take revenge for inattention to its needs, so it is better to respond to them in a timely manner!

Law of Carbohydrate Love

This law is even simpler and more universal than the first: switch from a protein diet to a carbohydrate diet at this time. That is, limit the amount of meat, fish, eggs, etc., and increase the amount of vegetables, fruits and cereals. At the same time, the diet should be composed so that the total calorie content does not increase significantly. In reality, this is not difficult to do, since the calorie content of a very average piece of meat is comparable to a giant portion of vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice or a plate of boiled potatoes, and an egg has the same amount as a fairly large banana or a huge apple.

Law of Small Doses

The more often you eat, the less fluctuations in blood sugar levels, mood swings and hunger pangs. And for the PMS period this is very important! Of course, eating often does not mean a lot. It’s just better not to eat the usual amount of calories in one sitting at dinner, after which you will fall exhausted on the sofa and fall asleep, but to divide it into 5-6 meals. Unfortunately, if you are not sitting at home, but spend all day in the office, this can be difficult to accomplish. But believe me, it’s worth it!

The law of an unstretched stomach

Eat often, but little by little is also important in order not to stretch the stomach. Alas, often after a period of gluttony, our stomach, stretched by a large amount of food, continues to demand the same volumes of food. And it can be quite difficult to return it to a “dietary” state. And since it’s difficult - carbohydrate foods are more voluminous than protein foods, you will inevitably have to switch to fractional meals.

The Law of No Salt

Well, if not a complete refusal, then certainly reducing its quantity to a minimum. Research in this area shows that significantly reducing salt intake about a week before KD leads to the body retaining less fluid. This means that you can avoid the appearance of these very “liquid” extra pounds and swelling.

I can’t go on a diet... How often do we say this phrase, how often do we hear it from other women who want to lose weight. And all this is accompanied by one main and universal “excuse” about the lack of willpower. This article is for those who want to cultivate this very willpower in themselves and train it to benefit your slender figure. Here we will also tell you the secrets about when and how best to go on a diet: they will help you lose weight faster and more effectively, regardless of what diet you have chosen.

How to properly go on a diet to lose weight?

If before you decided to go on a diet you were eating rather randomly, eating whatever you wanted at any time of the day, and now you want to strictly limit yourself in your diet, most likely you will quickly fall apart. In order to go on a strict diet, and even more so if you have chosen a mono-diet (where the basis of all nutrition is one product), you need to prepare your body for the coming stress.

To do this, try to limit yourself to non-essential nutrition for some time:

  • eliminate meals before bed,
  • reduce portion size by 1/3,
  • add more vegetables, fruits and fiber to your diet,
  • Eat simple carbohydrates only in the first half of the day.

This preparation will be an excellent basis for your new eating routine, in addition, when you go on a stricter diet, the body will no longer be so surprised and will not store any food that comes into it as fat.

So, the right way to go on a diet:

  • having prepared your body;
  • motivating yourself correctly;
  • choosing the right diet;
  • at a certain period when it is easier to lose weight.

If the thought has crept into you that you need to arrange a farewell evening with your favorite treats before sitting on kefir for a whole week, urgently drive it away. Having eaten your fill in the evening, in the morning you will experience a brutal feeling of hunger, and this will significantly complicate your diet.

What do you need to know before going on a diet to lose weight?

Dietary restrictions are not always good for everyone. First of all, it is important not to harm your body through diet. Therefore, before you go on a diet, make sure that:

  • you are absolutely healthy, in particular, you have never complained about the functioning of your stomach or intestines;
  • you do not suffer from constipation with a normal diet, since constipation is a companion to most diets;
  • you are not pregnant or planning to become pregnant;
  • if you are a nursing mother, make sure your baby is getting enough breast milk;
  • Strict diets are contraindicated for a growing body; it is enough to simply streamline your diet.

In addition, there are certain periods when you go on a diet during which you will lose weight faster, more effectively and without pangs of hunger. We will tell you more about these periods below.

What to do if you don’t have the willpower to go on a diet?

How many times have you sworn to yourself: “That’s it, start on a diet from Monday,” and then Monday came, by its evening your fighting spirit was gone, and your promises remained promises. Of course, there are so many temptations around, especially food ones, and you are not one of the cohort of purposeful and strong-willed people. But you can take charge of yourself, even without enormous willpower, you just need to approach the issue of diet with self-hypnosis and the right motivation.

On the other hand, our body is very smart and knows when and what it needs. If he doesn’t “let” you go on a diet, then you probably don’t need a diet. Just try to rebuild your diet, make adjustments to your usual diet. For example:

  • consume more drinks that make you lose weight;
  • if all your willpower is limited to a diet for one day, try 1-2 times a week fasting days, so you will lose weight on your own without exposing your body to stress;
  • check out the lists of the most healthy and unhealthy foods and, accordingly, make changes to your menu;
  • eat the same thing you ate, but twice as much less and until 19.00: this way you will “appease” your willpower a little and help your dreams of a slim figure come true.

How to set up and force yourself to go on a diet: 7 rules of motivation

  1. Most often, we want to lose weight for something or someone, although it is quite possible that it is just for ourselves - so that we can like ourselves from the outside and in the mirror, so that our favorite things fit better, in order to feel better. Or maybe your true goal is to attract more interest from men or an upcoming event where you want to look perfect in a new size 44 dress? Remember the reason for your weight loss, cultivate it in your head, punish yourself for every thought about “jumping off the diet.”
  2. Before you seriously go on a diet: try not to eat after 18.00 for 3 days, and during the daytime, indulge yourself less in unhealthy treats. You will see how during these days your stomach will tighten, your waist will appear, your cheeks will disappear, your hips will become less rounded. This is after 3 days, imagine what will happen if you stick to the whole diet. Seeing results is the best incentive for you!
  3. They say that when you fall in love, willpower, the necessary incentive, and a quick effect appear unexpectedly. When you're in love, you don't really want to eat, so if you're in love, it's time to go on a diet!
  4. Look at the “before and after” photos of fat girls who were able to lose weight, read their stories on blogs and forums, get inspired by it, and maybe you’ll want to repeat their feat!
  5. Now on weight loss forums there are many different groups that girls join who want to find like-minded people to lose weight. Register in one of them, chat with girls and lose weight together - it’s easier and more fun, and by supporting each other, you can achieve more.
  6. Tell everyone that you are going on a diet - your friends, colleagues, family. Let them, firstly, stop tempting you, and secondly, let them make sure that you don’t eat something extra that is not prescribed in the diet: shift part of your motivation and responsibility for your weight loss to them.
  7. Dream! Think about how slim you will become, what beautiful clothes you will be able to wear, imagine that you are already like this, and that there is just a little left to make your dreams come true... Well, really, for the sake of this happiness, won’t you endure a week or two on a diet?

How to go on a diet: where to start?

You need to start by preparing your body and mind for a diet. We described above how to prepare the body. As for consciousness, the right psychological attitude will stimulate willpower and spirit, allowing you not just to “go on a diet”, angry at the whole world around you, but to confidently and positively move forward along the dietary path. Therefore, make a firm promise to yourself not to retreat one step from your chosen vector.

If the chosen diet involves a specific menu or set of products, stock up on them in advance. This will additionally stimulate you - don’t waste any food. Let there be no harmful things in your refrigerator, at least let them come into your sight as little as possible.

What diet to go on to definitely lose weight: how to choose?

Whether you can go on a diet and stay on it also depends on your choice of diet.

  1. Choose the one for which you are completely satisfied with the set of products.
  2. You should not be allergic to foods from the diet.
  3. Don't go on diets that are too hungry or too monotonous.

Paradox: it is easier to maintain a short weekly diet or an express diet for 3 days, but their results will not last long - the kilograms will return as soon as you start eating normally. It’s not easy to maintain a diet that lasts 14 or 28 days, but during this time you will not only see an impressive plumb line, but also maintain the result for a longer period.

Remember, in order to lose weight quickly and for a long time, diet alone is not enough, you need an integrated approach, which includes:

  • building a low-calorie diet;
  • competent physical activity and sports;
  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • eating enough fiber;
  • timely cleansing of the body.

Astrologers advise starting a diet on the waning moon - this will contribute to rapid weight loss without much effort on your part. As they say, everything eaten at this time will not be harmful. Also, the full moon is the best day for fasting; during this period it is recommended to arrange fasting days.

The most favorable days to start a diet are in 2017-2018.

The ideal time to say goodbye to extra pounds is the period from the full moon to the new moon.

Should a woman go on a diet during her period?

During menstruation, the body retains water more than usual, so almost all women notice a weight gain of 1-2 kg in the period before menstruation and during menstruation. In addition, many suffer from the so-called PMS, the onset of which, in addition to bad mood, increased tearfulness and susceptibility to stress, is also characterized by attacks of brutal hunger. This is not just a strong appetite, but a desire to eat something spicy, smoked, salty or sweet - that is, all the most unhealthy things, the opposite of what is customary to eat on any diet.

This is why during and before menstruation it is so difficult to force yourself to go on a diet: the female body loses blood, and we also “offer” it a significant restriction in its usual diet. In addition, due to the body’s accumulation of excess fluid, the scale will show us how reluctant it is to part with the extra grams, which is certainly not the best motivation for those losing weight who want to lose weight as quickly as possible.

If you nevertheless decide to go on a diet during your period, but are worried that there will be no result, do not be discouraged: the body will certainly please you with a good plumb line, but not in the first days of the cycle, but after the critical days come to an end.

When is the best time to go on a diet to lose weight: the best time to diet

To summarize, we can say that the best time for a diet would be (it’s best if all the items on our list are combined):

  • the period from the new moon to the birth of the new moon;
  • period of the cycle, immediately after the critical days;
  • the time when you are least stressed;
  • when the body is already a little prepared for a change in diet;
  • when you are in love or stimulated in some other reliable way.

How to go on a strict diet and not break?

  1. You need to be mentally prepared for a strict diet. You must understand that this is why it is tough, that you will not be able to snack on whatever you want at any time. Is this diet suitable for you?
  2. Keep a weight loss diary where you will record your successes, recipes for dietary dishes, changes in your weight and volume in centimeters as a result of following the diet, your photographs, tracking the dynamics of your weight loss.
  3. Step on the scale as often as possible - before bed, before bed, before meals and after meals. They say that on a diet you need to weigh yourself once a week, but this is not in your case. If there is no willpower, you should see every gram that you lost and every gram that came back - this is better stimulating.
  4. Do not give in to the anti-advice of well-wishers that you are already slim, and one piece of candy or cake will not play a role in your diet. Firstly, this is usually said by those who are jealous, people who are interested in your mistakes. And secondly, you know better whether you need to lose weight.
  5. Don't tighten up your already strict diet over time and don't skip meals. Often, noticing the first good plumb lines, you feel joy and an upsurge of strength, and you really want to enhance the result and tighten your diet even more. It is unacceptable. At some point, hunger will outwit you: your appetite will increase, you will overeat, and everything that you have achieved previously will be lost.

What to do if you really want sweets while on a diet?

In almost all diets, sweets are contraindicated for those losing weight, so lovers of chocolates and cakes have a hard time. If you belong to the category of those who cannot do without sugar-containing products for a long time, do not choose strict diets with a menu clearly defined by days and hours.

If your diet involves making adjustments to your diet, and you really want something sweet, dried fruits will help, choose the ones you love. And although many dried fruits have a fairly high calorie content (for example, dates), only 4-5 fruits are enough to slightly “discourage” the desire for sweets. In addition, if you really can’t bear it, then with a not too strict diet you can afford the following delicacies in small quantities:

  • marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade;
  • jelly;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • maple syrup (very tasty with baked apples).

If your diet is still strict and does not include eating sweets at all, then if you have an irresistible desire to eat something sweet, just brush your teeth - this will slightly reduce the craving for desserts.

I went off the diet and ate too much: what to do?

This happens quite often. In fact, there are two options for the development of further events.

  1. If you still feel the strength to fight for a slim figure, you can continue the diet from tomorrow, or better yet, start it again, as this is stated in the main principles of many diets, for example, the Maggi diet. If you lose your temper, eat something that doesn’t match the menu, or accidentally mix up the ingredients, start over.
  2. Your body is simply not ready to diet right now. You can choose a more appropriate time to start a diet, or give preference to a different, more loyal diet. A reference on how to choose the best time to diet is given above.

Why does your head and stomach hurt when you go on a diet?

A headache may accompany you during a diet if the diet does not suit you: either it is too strict and “hungry”, or maybe you do not have enough carbohydrates and sugar, because Without the proper amount of glucose, normal brain activity is impossible . Therefore, if you still do not want to consume sugar directly, add fruits, honey or dried fruits to your diet.

Many of those losing weight admit that headaches haunt them for the first 3-4 days, then the body gets used to being content with less food, and the pain and dizziness go away.

Any diet for weight loss does not have a good effect on the functioning of the stomach, and many of those losing weight also complain of periodic pain in the stomach and intestines. The gastrointestinal tract may hurt when losing weight due to:

  • too abrupt transition to limited nutrition;
  • too little food;
  • non-compliance with diet, too long intervals between meals;
  • if the amount of food varies significantly from meal to meal;
  • if there are contraindications to the diet or stomach diseases, even in their infancy.

When can you go on a diet after childbirth?

It is not recommended to strictly limit yourself in nutrition immediately after the birth of a child: the body is already very weakened, and besides, it puts enormous effort into producing milk for the newborn baby. During the month when postpartum discharge (lochia) occurs, following a strict diet is unsafe both for women’s health and for the development of the baby if the mother is breastfeeding.

After childbirth, the weight will go away quite quickly: the body will get rid of excess fluid, all processes will return to normal and stabilize, and fat deposits will be burned more intensively if the woman begins to breastfeed the baby on demand. It has been proven that milk production causes the body to burn calories much faster.

And yet, it is quite possible for a nursing mother to lose weight through a diet without harming the health and development of the child.

Can teenagers go on a diet?

Adolescence is a period during which the rate of development of the body is especially high, and this applies not only to psychological development, but also physiological. It is obvious that any intervention in the physical condition of a teenager is fraught with serious problems and unforeseen consequences.

An unfortunate fact: by the age of 15, 70% of girls have tried diets.

The transitional age is characterized by special euphoria in adolescents, maximalism, as well as inflated demands on oneself. These qualities, coupled with aesthetic stereotypes imposed by modern media, lead to the fact that 12-year-old girls want to look like fashion models. Often, low self-esteem and the desire to meet beauty standards become the cause of a dangerous disease - anorexia.

Why diets are contraindicated for teenagers:

An exception is when the diet is necessary for medical reasons, and the child’s diet is carefully compiled after consultation with a nutritionist.