What to write in a notebook for a girl. What to write in a notebook, diary and notebook

Notepads are very convenient helpers for storing various information: they are compact, varied in shape, size and number of pages, which allows you to choose the most suitable one depending on the purpose.

Let's talk about what you can write in a notebook, and also consider which notebooks are best to choose for which entries.

Notepad as a diary

You can choose a medium-sized notebook of the desired thickness and turn it into a diary, where you can write down your daily routine. It is more convenient to use a separate page for each new day.

Notepad for recording thoughts, ideas, plans for the future

If you are full of various brilliant ideas, constantly find something new for yourself that you want to study better, etc., but are very forgetful, a notebook will help you. For this purpose, it is better to choose a bright, medium-sized notebook, divide its pages into several sections, title each one, and write down information according to the sections. Sections can be called, for example, like this: “My brilliant ideas”, “Plans for the near and distant future”, “Books”, “Movies”, “Music”, “Interesting events”, etc.

Notepad as a personal diary

If you want to keep a personal diary, then for this purpose you can use a beautiful, thick and large notebook, perhaps with bright and unusual pages inside. Keep personal notes as you please, most often write with the date. Entries can be diversified with additional memory items: a pasted photo, a concert ticket, an autograph, etc. Your personal diary is a hiding place of your thoughts, experiences, and memories.

Quote notebook

If you like to collect apt sayings, quotes, statements of famous people, then you can also write them down in a notebook. Any medium-sized notebook will do for this.

Notepad for recording income and expenses

If you are used to keeping strict records of your money, then get yourself a notebook to record your income and expenses. Dedicate each page to a separate day, divide it into two parts: the first - income, the second - expenses.

Notepad as a personal cookbook

If you are used to collecting recipes for interesting dishes, then you can choose a simple style and large notebook for this.

There are many options for what to write in a notebook. Choose any one you like and that suits you, or invent or even make your own. You can find information about this in our article.

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What can you write in notebooks?

    I also really like beautiful notebooks. Firstly, a notebook is very necessary for work (keeping business records). Secondly, you can write down the contact information of your friends (addresses, phone numbers, etc.). Thirdly, if you are a creative person, you can enter composed poems, lyrics of songs and, at the same time, decorate with multi-colored pens. Fourth, write down different recipes in a notebook (especially proven recipes from mothers and grandmothers). These are the four options I use. Of course, you can come up with many more options for using notebooks, for example, keeping a personal diary.

    Everything! And most importantly, if you want to start a notebook, don’t hesitate - start it! Write there your dreams, goals, list of books to read, phrases from books you liked, exercise plan for daily exercise!

    Oh, how I understand you! I also have a friend who is the same. Together, sometimes they almost fought over a beautiful notebook, who would buy it, when it was the only one on the counter. But in the end, both of them have not a single entry.

    In principle, I have a lot of ideas, but I’m too lazy to implement them.

    You can simply write recipes in notepads. It will be especially great to divide them by type of dish.

    If you suddenly write poetry, as I once wrote, you can arrange them beautifully in a notebook.

    For creative people, a notebook is generally a good thing. You can write down and sketch any ideas. If you have a penchant for modeling, and the notebook is the size of a notebook, it will be suitable for sketches, and they will not get lost.

    I also started to get interested in programming, and there was an idea to write down pieces of useful code, but then I thought - why? Everything in electronic form is well stored and conveniently copied))

    You can also just make some useful reference book. There are keyboard shortcuts for working on a computer, popular English idioms or something else - also depending on what you are interested in. If you do everything alphabetically, the reference book will be simply irreplaceable.

    In general, there are a lot of ideas, the main thing is to choose what is most useful to you.

    In notebooks, it makes sense to write information that is difficult to remember, but is periodically in demand, or simply one-time useful information that is difficult to remember. For example:

    • shopping lists;
    • thoughts and reflections;
    • details of bank accounts, credit cards;
    • addresses;
    • brief notes on work issues;
    • cheat sheets;
    • You can play tic-tac-toe with someone, after all.
  • Notepads- a good thing, actually!

    Now there are notebooks that are completely different in style and design that can be used anywhere.

    Personal diary

    If you want to organize an LD, then the notebook should be beautifully designed, original and have a large volume.

    Phone book

    I think this is the option that comes to mind first. In this case, it is better to choose a compact notebook, and the design is no longer so important.

    Book of recipes

    The notepad can also be used to write down your favorite recipes. I just like to write down recipes in a notebook.

    Lists and citations

    A notepad is good for writing lists of what you plan to buy/read/listen to...

    And if you like to collect various quotes and catchphrases, then a notebook will also come in handy here.

    If this is a large notebook, then write in them how you spent your day, that is, problems, joys, significant events. Just start, then you will like it. This way you can analyze your day. And just give small notebooks to friends and relatives. I also love different beautiful notebooks.

    If you write poetry, it is convenient to write them down in notebooks. Favorite recipes so that everyone is in one place. I record my expenses and income there - I keep records) Many mothers also record the stages of their child’s development: weight, height, when he started walking, etc. Many people write down phone numbers and addresses in case something happens to their mobile phone. You can also write down interesting words, expressions, jokes you hear - later. Really fun to re-read!

    Notepads are a good thing. You can use it in different ways, but the most important thing is to use it properly. Let's say you can do one good exercise every evening - write down a report about your day - which includes points about what you did today that leads you to your goal.

How often do girls receive cute diaries and notebooks as gifts! Blank pages make you want to immediately pick up a pen. But what should you write down in a notebook? It turns out there are thousands of useful and fun ideas. The recordings will be useful in everyday life, creativity and even spiritual improvement.

What to write down in a notebook?

What can you write in a notepad?

A miniature book with loose-leaf pages is convenient for taking notes. First of all, these are various household and practical lists. For example:

goals for today (tomorrow);

· products that need to be bought in the supermarket;

· necessary little things for family and friends;

· last names (who to call, who to invite).

For lists, a palm-sized notebook is useful.

At work, you often need to write down addresses, names, and meeting dates. In this case, a larger book with a strict, tight binding is convenient.

A large notebook with pictures of delicious dishes on the cover will be useful for cooking recipes.

Women who strictly monitor their weight need a “diet diary” - they include a menu for each day with calorie counts.

A notebook for a traveler is indispensable - it will contain flight schedules, addresses of attractions, foreign phrases.

Creativity and joys of life

A notepad is a faithful friend of all creative individuals. In it you can sketch out fragments of a future story, sketch something interesting. Poems born in your head during a boring subway ride will not fly out of your memory. The book will contain wise quotes and funny anecdotes.

Many talented people create lists for self-development:

· music for downloading;

· films to watch in the next month;

· unfamiliar words and their meanings.

The cover can be decorated with your own drawings or unusual stickers. And for poets, a book with a lock and key is suitable.

Psychological things: notebooks for personal secrets

Psychologists advise using recordings in the fight against your own complexes and mental discomfort. For example, record your feelings and experiences. After re-reading them a few days later, one sees things in a completely new light. It is useful to make lists of friends and enemies, noting “why I love them”, “why I hate them”.

18 ways to use a blank notepad? Many people have notepad mania. For example, I have :) A blank notebook is full of prospects. You can think, create, express yourself. When you look at a blank notebook, it is impossible not to be tempted to grab a pen and start filling its pages. Despite the fact that there are a great many notebooks, a large number of people literally pray for Moleskine notebooks from the Milanese company Modo & Modo. Moleskine notebooks are of high quality, they are portable, you can take them with you everywhere, and they have a pocket for storing notes. In addition, the pages have an excellent texture: it is pleasant to touch, and the pen does not leave a mark on the back side. Here are 18 options for what you can turn your Moleskine into to fully realize all your fantasies. 1. Journal of nutrition and exercise. Every evening, write one sentence about your day. It could be something like, “Today was a good day.” "A man talking on the phone while driving almost hit me with his car. My whole life flashed before my eyes." "Today I finally finished my story." If you do this for 5 years, you will have a 5-year summary of your life. 5. Start a Gratitude Journal. The simple habit of writing down ideas allowed Leonardo to examine them more closely and improve them over time. You can use a notepad to, say, write down the names of characters in your future story, the name of a color you just discovered, an interesting dialogue you heard, ideas for new blogs, poems you came up with, recipes you want to try, and any other thoughts. 10. Write down quotes that you like. One of the best ways to analyze your life is to ask yourself the right questions that will lead you to the right thoughts. 16. Make your Wish List. Take a blank notebook and make a list of what you would like to do in your life. Write down things like: Visit Paris in the spring; Go to the Rio de Janeiro carnival; Go to the Super Bowl; Take your family to Disneyland; Write a novel. You can also use a Moleskine or any other notebook to write your Book of Possibilities - a kind of “Guide to Dreams”. 17. Use it for writing exercises.

As I have said many times, what attracts me personally to notebooks is rather the form. My use of notebooks and notebooks is purely utilitarian - a diary for planning, a notebook for notes at work, and another book as a diary, which I keep extremely unevenly, in fits and starts.

For many, keeping a book (or rather several) has already become a system. I will introduce one of these systems in today’s article.

The power of paper notebooks

Everything I see and hear can be the spark for a new idea. I write it down immediately and then often leaf through old notebooks to find fresh ideas or make sure I haven't missed anything. I would advise all young people starting out in life to have a notebook with them. This is a good habit and worth getting into.

Richard Branson, founder of Virgin, billionaire

I carry a simple notebook with me everywhere. I write everything down there: ideas, thoughts, financial expenses, my actions during the day (timing). I don’t use electronic gadgets or a mobile phone, although there are such opportunities there.

Benefits of use

  • Availability;
  • Reliability;
  • Convenience.


  • Difficulty making changes;
  • High cost per unit of information;
  • Slow search in the archive.

How do notebooks help me?

  • Cache for the brain. As you know, no more than 7+-2 objects can be held in consciousness at the same time. Personally, I start having problems with four simultaneous entities. Writing on paper, visualization, and recording data help you abstract from details and see the whole picture; or, conversely, by capturing the overall picture on paper, you can work well with the details. Helps with everything from planning monthly tasks to developing the architecture of a large application.
  • Time management. I write a plan for the day in a notebook (page in half, plan on the left, timing on the right). A monthly plan is kept in a notebook at home, etc. And then, there is an opinion that when you write on paper with your hand, you have a good effect on the subconscious.
  • Recording income/expenses. For the day - arrival, plan, expense.
  • Recording thoughts. It is very useful when a thought, as they say, is on the tip of your tongue, to take it and write it on paper, turn it this way and that, and formulate it finally.
  • Recording ideas. How many ideas have I missed because I was distracted for a second - and that’s it, I forgot. Now, having grabbed the idea by the tail, I hold it, take out a notepad, write it down - and that’s it, it’s ready.
  • Recording conversations. During negotiations, I take notes of the conversation. It helps a lot to sketch out a plan of action later, without much difficulty remembering the main points.
  • Work records. You are communicating with someone, and suddenly you, or the person, has a need to draw/write - you take out a notebook, which is right there, and that’s it - mutual understanding has been found.
  • Sketchbook. Sometimes it’s interesting to draw something beautiful; it’s very convenient to do it on paper.
  • Address book. Writing down the phone number that is dictated to you on the other side of the receiver is much faster on paper (only a voice recorder is faster). And not: Contacts -> New -> Add -> Phone -> Mobile -> (entering a number), as, for example, I had on Nokia. Then, in quiet mode, I enter the number into the phone’s address book.


Using paper notebooks is a rather controversial idea in this age of high technology. However, having started using paper notebooks, I then got used to neither the iPhone, nor the Nokia organizer, nor various online notepads. There is something traditional and reliable about a small notebook that is always at hand, at home, at work, and on the road.