The most interesting places on the planet. The most beautiful places in the world

It is impossible to choose the best place on Earth, since in every part of the world, in every country there is something to see and something to feel. But every tourist and person who loves to travel and is looking for inspiration is obliged to visit the ten places that will be presented below. Photos will never be able to convey the unimaginable beauty that each of the listed places conceals.

Tenth place is occupied by unusual colored rocks, which are located in China, Gansu province. UNESCO World Heritage has listed this natural wonder under its protection, as the amazing rocks look like they were painted by Pablo Picasso. The rock formation, consisting of colored sandstones and conglomerates of the Mesozoic era, looks impressive, especially against the backdrop of the grayness of the large cities that are located near the province. Artists come here to gain inspiration, and ordinary people come to see this unusual phenomenon with their own eyes.

Ninth place is occupied by the horizontal twin waterfalls in Talbot Bay, Australia. The continent itself boasts a large number of places that truly seem to be natural wonders, untouched by man. But those who are looking for thrills and love extreme sports simply must visit unusual waterfalls. Their horizontal flow is due to the fact that a huge stream of water rushes at high speed through the mountain range and gorges, creating a temporary waterfall. Daredevils will probably appreciate such a dangerous journey through seething streams of water and will be able to fully enjoy the beauty of this unusual phenomenon.

Eighth place in the TOP is occupied by one of the largest caves on the planet - Hang Son Dong, which is located in Vietnam. This miracle of nature is so magnificent that, even looking at the photo, you get the feeling of how small people are, because the height of the cave is 240 meters and the width is almost one kilometer. In such a huge area you can place an entire airport with several aircraft. But it is useless to describe this miracle of nature, because you need to see such a creation of nature yourself.

Volcano Erebus is on the seventh line of our hit parade. For humanity, volcanoes pose a danger, but this does not make them any less incredible and amazing. Many people risk their lives in order to take a couple of shots of active and dormant volcanoes on our planet. People are accustomed to volcanoes looking standard: a green base and a snow cap. But Erebus Volcano is an exception to all the rules, since it is a block of ice on the coldest continent on Earth - Antarctica. Yes, getting to it is quite difficult, because expeditions to the South Pole are not carried out very often, but whenever possible it is worth visiting this miracle of nature. Ice caps peeking out from under the mountain ranges release gas and even lava, which looks amazing even in photographs among the permafrost and permafrost.

The sixth position is rightfully occupied by flower valleys in India. For the fair sex, plantations of various flowers listed in the Red Book will be the best gift. But the stronger sex will not be left without impressions, because the beauty of this paradise on planet Earth is mesmerizing. When you find yourself in a flower valley, you get the feeling that this place is completely untouched by man.

The most beautiful places on the planet: top five

The fifth position among the most unusual places is occupied by Plitvice Lakes that are in Croatia. The crystal clear water flowing along the green slopes is mesmerizing. The flowers of India are undoubtedly beautiful, but as it was once said: “You can look at three things: a working man, fire and water.” Anyone can get inspired, plunge into the clear water of lakes and simply see pristine nature with their own eyes. The blue waters will rival the lagoons of the Pacific Ocean in their beauty.

The fourth place rightfully belongs to the reed flute cave in China. It is Asia that has always attracted travelers because of its unusual structures and beauty that cannot be found in other parts of the world. China is full of mysteries, and the Reed Flute Cave is proof of this. Those who have been there claim spiritual cleansing and complete relaxation that cannot be found anywhere else on Earth.

Chocolate hills in the Philippines are ranked third in the TOP. They are named so not because of the cocoa beans, but because these hills resemble truffle candies. Those with a sweet tooth will absolutely appreciate such a “delicious” place. But in fact, the basis of the hills is one of the varieties of limestone, which in the summer gives the hills their color.

The penultimate, second place in the hit parade of beautiful corners of our planet is occupied by Pink Lake, which is located in West Africa. This name of the reservoir was given for a reason: its color is bright pink at any time of the year. The salinity of the water in this lake is several times greater than in the Dead Sea, and among its inhabitants there is only one bacterium, which gives the reservoir such an unusual color. From a bird's eye view, the lake looks impressive, because it is surrounded by African jungles and a deep ocean.

Earth is the most beautiful planet in the solar system, and perhaps in the entire universe. The nature of our planet surprises with its beauty, bright colors, unique views and diverse landscape.

Beautiful caves and golden beaches, beautiful forests and majestic mountains make up the beauty of the Earth. Some of the corners of our planet never leave the pages of fashion guidebooks. But there are places that can rarely be found in such literature.

We open our review with the symbol of the mysterious Myanmar - the ancient city of Bagan. It is called the city of thousands of pagodas. This place was the capital of the Bagan kingdom. His greatness was so strong that the best minds and masters of antiquity flocked to Bagan. Thanks to them, Buddhist temples and other beautiful buildings were built.

Only a few of them have survived to this day. The most significant structure of these is the Shwezigon Golden Pagoda. It was built in 1057 on the site indicated by a white elephant carrying a bandage, a tooth and a rib of Buddha. These same relics are still kept in the temple.

Other attractions of Bagan must also be included in the photos of the most beautiful and amazing places in the world: the temples of Ananda, Htilo-Minlo, Shweleikto and the Bu-paya pagoda.

Colored rocks of Zhangye Danxia (China)

The most amazing places on the planet can be built by man or nature. Colored rocks, which are located in the Chinese province of Gansu, are natural formations of multi-colored sandstones. Recent studies show that more than 100 million years ago there was an ocean here. The silt colored the sandstone and made the rock formations look so original.

Today, the Danxia mountain peaks near the town of Zhangye are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. So that tourists can admire the views of these mountains, local residents have built many boardwalks and paths with which you can walk between these amazing mountain peaks.

Yusupov Palace (Russia)

But, let's return to man-made miracles. In any almanac of the most beautiful places in the world you will find such an architectural monument as the Yusupov Palace. It is located in the very heart of St. Petersburg on the Moika River. Built in the 18th century for the niece of Peter the Great, Princess Praskovye, it only came into the possession of the Yusupovs in 1830. But, since then, he has been associated only with this legendary surname. This palace is the site of the murder of Grigory Rasputin.

Li River (China)

Another beautiful place in China is the Li River. This is one of the most picturesque water bodies on our planet. Starting as a small stream in the Mao'er Mountains, it runs like a "silk ribbon" through the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China. Locals call this river Lijiang. It is recognized as the cleanest river in the Middle Kingdom. Its main attribute is the majestic karst giants. They were formed with the help of water and wind over many centuries. These mountain formations have poetic names and attract tourists from many countries of the world with their beauty.

You can enjoy the beauty of the Lijiang River by taking a cruise ship or using the service of local gondoliers.

Monastic complex of Meteora (Greece)

There are many amazing places in our world. If we talk about architectural monuments, then most of them are in Greece. This country, which became the founder of modern Europe, is proud of its legendary “ruins”. But the monasteries of Meteora are no less popular. Their main feature is their amazing location: they crown the high peaks of the mountains of Thessaly.

Christian hermits hid in the mountains from Albanians, Turks and ordinary robbers. Over time, students gathered around them, who built monasteries for themselves and their teachers, amazingly beautiful and reminiscent of the nests of huge birds. The word "Meteora" is translated as "floating in the air."

Volcano Erebus (Antarctica)

One of the most interesting places in the world is the Erebus volcano. It is famous for the fact that on its territory you can see a lake made of real lava. This natural phenomenon is unique. The volcano was named after the ship of the James Clark Ross expedition, which discovered this natural phenomenon. The glow of this volcano attracts everyone who travels to Ross Lake. It is a kind of calling card of Antarctica.

Rice Terraces (Philippines)

The list of the most interesting places in the world must be continued with the rice terraces of the Philippines. They are even called the eighth miracle of counting. And this is not surprising. These man-made gardens were built by the ancestors of modern local residents more than 2000 years ago. The plowed, multi-level fields not only fed the Ifuago people, but were also an excellent defensive structure.

Union of Fire and Ice (Kamchatka - Russia)

When talking about interesting places on Earth, one cannot ignore Kamchatka. On the territory of this peninsula you can find 28 active and 160 extinct volcanoes. If you want to climb fire-breathing mountains, watch salmon spawn and see the largest bears in the world, then be sure to go and temper your spirit with the help of Kamchatka. The amazing nature of this place is conducive to hiking, extreme and sea tourism.

Death Valley (USA)

Another natural monument is Death Valley. It must be included in all lists of interesting places in the world. We won’t miss this unique place either. Formed many thousands of years ago at the bottom of the sea, this valley amazes with its natural phenomena. There are literally stones walking here. Leaving bizarre traces on the petrified silt. But, if you decide to come here, you need to prepare for extreme heat. During the day, the thermometer here rarely drops below 50 degrees.

Guam Gorge (Russia)

The gorge is located in the upper reaches of the Kurdzhips River in the Krasnodar Territory. The natural beauty of this gorge attracts tourists here all year round. But here you can engage not only in contemplating the magnificent flora and fauna, but also in extreme tourism. Rock climbing is especially well developed in the Gumsky Gorge.

Beach with caves near Algarve (Portugal)

One of the most amazing places in the world, undoubtedly, are the Portuguese caves, which are located in the southernmost province of the country of port wine and the birthplace of Cristiano Ronaldo. The most famous of them is the Algarve de Benagil cave. It is called the most beautiful cave in the world. Wind and sea water - these two creators have created a magnificent example of one of the best travel destinations in the world.

Sagano Bamboo Grove (Japan)

Many of us associate the beauty of the Land of the Rising Sun with cherry blossoms. In this country, special tours are even created with the help of which you can observe the alternate flowering of this plant in all provinces of Japan. But another, no less popular symbol of Japan is the Sagano Bamboo Forest. Looking through photos of the most beautiful and amazing places in the world, you will definitely find several images of a picturesque grove of evergreen bamboos.

These majestic plants make sounds when the wind blows, reminiscent of the popular wind chimes. This beautiful park was created in the 14th century at the behest of the monk Muso Soseki.

The nature of Sokotora seems like a setting for science fiction films. Charming vegetation, many examples of which are found only on this island, divine beaches and silence. This is exactly what you need for happiness and a serene paradise holiday.

Lake Baskunchak (Russia)

It is called the saltiest lake in the world. In terms of salinity, Baskunchak exceeds the famous Dead Sea. This reservoir is located in the Akhtubinsky district of the Astrakhan region. Not far from this lake is the Baskunchak Cave. Its one and a half kilometer length attracts speleologists.

The most beautiful places on Earth, photos of which you see in the article, are sometimes hidden from ordinary tourists and are difficult to find. But it also happens that they are nearby, and not everyone manages to see them. If you travel often, and your vacation is not limited to lying on the beach or studying the ceiling in a hotel in detail, then try to find something interesting in the country where you came to relax or for a business meeting. In every corner of the world there is something interesting.

The most beautiful places on Earth that are worth seeing with your own eyes, and not just in photos

Zhangjiajie (Avatar Mountains), China

This area became a source of inspiration for the creators of the world famous film Avatar. They used the prototype of this park to recreate the nature of the planet Pandora in the film. By the way, the park did not enjoy such wild popularity among tourists until James Cameron’s film masterpiece was released. It’s just that few people knew about such a beautiful place on Earth.

Please note that Zhangjiajie National Park is only part of a unique territory called Wulingyuan, which boasts many wonderful and beautiful places.

Bamboo forest, Japan

Bamboo is a plant that we associate with Japan. But we are more accustomed to seeing it as a material from which rugs, sushi chopsticks, various interior decorations, etc. are made. But not everyone knows how this plant grows in nature. This is a wonderful sight! If you find yourself in Kyoto one day, take the time to visit the Sagano Bamboo Grove - one of the most beautiful places on Earth, which you see in the photo above. Thousands and thousands of bamboo trees create an extraordinary atmosphere - just perfect for walking and admiring such beauty. This natural attraction attracts many tourists thanks to the magnificent sight and unusual sounds that arise as a result of the contact of bamboo stems with the wind. Many visitors claim that it is here that they feel as peaceful and calm as anywhere else on Earth.

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

The castle in the photograph can safely be called fairy-tale-like - it seems to have come straight out of the pages of a children's fairy tale about princesses and princes. This is one of those places on Earth that looks equally beautiful both in summer and in winter - the beautiful view and unique architecture turned the castle into a real masterpiece. The green forests that surround it on all sides also add to its charm.

Built by King Ludwig II, the castle is a symbol of the Bavarian ruler’s veneration for the work of the world-famous German composer Wagner. This idea is successfully reflected in the interior design of Neuschwanstein, in particular, it is decorated with tapestries with illustrations to the composer’s operas. But it's not just the tapestries that entice you to visit the castle - there are many elaborately decorated rooms, including the famous Singers' Hall. And also a room in the form of an unusually realistic cave with a waterfall. It seems that you are deep underground, when in fact the room is located on the third floor. The castle and its photos can be described for a long time, but until you see it with your own eyes, you will not be convinced of the veracity of the enthusiastic praise of one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

Provence, France

This place has gained well-deserved popularity - here are the most beautiful lavender fields on Earth. There are many photographs of lavender fields on the Internet, but do you want to see this beauty with your own eyes? Go here in July or early August - that's when the lavender blooms. Most of these fields are in the Valensole Valley. Nearby, in the town of Custelle, there is even a Lavender Museum - here you can buy a souvenir with lavender as a gift to your loved ones. By the way, it is not only lavender that attracts many tourists to Provence. This historical region of France has very beautiful architecture, magnificent natural landscapes, and simply excellent cuisine.

Yosemite, USA

And again one of the most beautiful corners of the planet! It is beautiful here at any time of the year. Yosemite National Park is famous for its magnificent views: high mountains, green forests, clear lakes, noisy waterfalls, etc. Yosemite Valley is considered the most popular in the park. Here it is recommended not to stray from the tourist trails - this way you will see the most interesting things. It is also worth visiting the Glacier Point observation deck, admiring the magnificent natural views along Tioga Road, admiring the giant sequoias in Mariposa Grove, and taking a selfie photo as a souvenir. There are many other attractions here - you can’t see everything in a day, so it’s worth going here for several days at once. Then you will not only admire nature, but also have the opportunity to go fishing, have a picnic, go mountain climbing, rafting or ride a horse.

Meteora, Greece

If you are planning not just to travel the world, but to do it for the benefit of your soul, try to visit Meteora. Many monasteries are gathered here in one place - this is one of the largest monastic complexes in the country. It is also famous for the fact that the monasteries are located on the tops of rocks, so there is a unique atmosphere of peace and quiet solitude. And, of course, you can always admire the local architectural and natural views.

Tulip fields, Netherlands

Of course, tulips, like lavender in Provence, do not bloom all year round, but still this place deserves to be called one of the most beautiful on Earth. The Netherlands has been exporting tulips for a long time, and in huge quantities. Here you can find more than 3,500 varieties of tulips. Therefore, many people associate this country with this particular flower.

The best fields with a large number of flowers are located near cities such as Delft, The Hague, Leiden, Enkhuizen, and also on the North Sea coast. The ideal time to visit the tulip fields is from mid-April to mid-May. Although if you didn’t get to the Netherlands during this period, it doesn’t matter - you can always visit the Keukenhof flower exhibition - it is open for 2 months a year, starting from the twentieth of March and almost until the end of May. Naturally, the best gift you bring for your friends will be tulip bulbs, which are sold at the flower market in the capital of the Netherlands.

Kauai, Hawaii

The island of Kauai is considered one of the most beautiful not only in Hawaii, but throughout the world. It’s not for nothing that it’s called a garden island - there’s a sea of ​​lush vegetation here. Delightful tropical forests, snow-white beaches, colorful waterfalls, and blue ocean waters attract many guests to this, one of the most beautiful places on Earth. And the indigenous inhabitants of the archipelago also do not mind sometimes relaxing here to enjoy the splendor of the local flora. By the way, it is the beautiful nature that is the reason why films are often shot on the island - in total, Kauai has become the backdrop for more than three hundred films and photographs.

Salt Flat of Uyuni, Bolivia

It is called one of the largest natural mirrors in the world. Indeed, the world’s largest salt marsh after the start of the rainy season, when filled with water, becomes like a huge mirror. The ideal season to visit is from November to February. To experience the true atmosphere of this place, experienced tourists advise staying in a hotel whose walls and furniture are made of salt. By the way, it’s worth taking warm clothes - it’s quite cold near the salt marsh. And don’t forget to take a good camera with you - here you can not only capture the most beautiful place on Earth, but also take a couple of dozen creative photos.

Mu Cang Chai, Vietnam

This is simply a paradise for sushi lovers - here you can not only learn everything about growing one of the components of this dish, but also admire the extraordinary beauty of the rice fields. It seems that there can be something beautiful in agriculture? Only someone who has never been to the rice fields of Vietnam can say this. The best time to visit is September-early October.

From bold and vibrant to sublime and deserted, we present to you a list of the 20 most beautiful places in the world. All these amazing places will be located in no particular order, since it is hardly possible to objectively assess how much more beautiful one place is than another. In the future, we will continue this selection, telling you about the most interesting corners of our amazing planet called Earth.

Let us note once again that the places here are not arranged according to a list, but simply in random order. Many of them have already been mentioned several times in our other articles, which we will refer to in the article. If you want to learn more about any of these wonders, just follow the links, where numerous photographs and fascinating stories await you. Let's start with the famous Lake Uyuni (Salar de Uyuni), the largest salt marsh in the world, where after the rain a very interesting mirror effect is created. Uyuni is very popular among tourists and travelers; there is even a hotel built entirely from salt.

The most beautiful places in the world can be listed endlessly, which is why we will divide this selection into parts. LifeGlobe has previously written about the beautiful ancient temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia, the country's most famous tourist attraction.

Next we go to Italy, where we have already visited virtually several times. We will visit the Cinque Terre in Rio Maggiore, which is famous for its colorful houses built on picturesque cliffs by the sea.

In the middle of the list of the most beautiful places on the planet is St. Lucia, a luxurious tropical island and country of the same name, part of the Caribbean Archipelago.

Another representative of the colored cities of our planet is Santorini in Greece. Recognizable blue and white houses are located right on the cliffs by the sea.

A representative of numerous castles in the world, one of the most beautiful castles in Germany, Neuschwanstein, also made it onto our list. The majestic castle of the kings, more like a fairy-tale structure.

Marble Caves in Chile (Marble Caves of Chile). Thanks to the marble, the water here appears perfectly blue. All this is achieved thanks to the reflection of light and marble.

The largest fort in India looks like it is lost in time. Among the attractions of India, Chittorgarh Fort is not often mentioned, however, in its beauty and grandeur it is not inferior to other beautiful places in the world.

We move again to Europe to see a settlement called Giethoorn in the Netherlands. It is also called the place where there are no roads. All houses here are accessible only through special channels by boat.

Another representative of Iceland on our list is the Crystal Caves. These are amazing ice caves that are dangerous to visit in summer but attract many visitors in winter.

Japan should not be neglected either. In particular, there is the mysterious island of Aogashima, which is of volcanic origin. In its crater there is a small village isolated from the outside world.