New youth movements. Subcultures. Main characteristics of the youth subculture

Top 10 youth subcultures, according to the American agency

a youth subculture that emerged in the United States in the 1960s. The movement flourished in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Initially, hippies protested against the puritanical morality of some Protestant churches, and also promoted the desire to return to natural purity through love and pacifism.

stylistic direction in rock music (a variant of “new wave grunge metal”) and youth subculture, which became one of the most noticeable phenomena of alternative rock in the late 1980s - mid-1990s. The birthplace of grunge was the city of Seattle (USA, Washington state), the most prominent representatives of which are four Seattle bands: Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Nirvana and Soundgarden. These groups are known as the "Seattle Four". Grunge refers to heavy music along with heavy metal and hard rock.

the emo subculture can be classified as the latter a new style, although it looks very similar to Goth and Glam Rock. Inspired stripes with long names, such as The Day My Dog Went to Town, sickly young men everywhere decided to wear their hair slicked to the side, neckerchiefs, black eyeliner, and jeans hugging their legs.

a youth subculture that emerged in the mid-70s in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia, the characteristic features of which are critical attitude to society and politics. The name of the famous American artist Andy Warhol and the Velvet Underground group he produced is closely associated with punk rock. Their lead singer Lou Reed is considered the founding father of alternative rock, a movement that is closely related to punk rock.

The style is revived every few years, with the last one still in full swing, with Johnny Depp and Justin Timberlake being prominent exponents, plaid trousers, sneakers and a T-shirt tucked into the trousers.

Rockers emerged in the mid-60s and reached their peak in the late 60s and early 70s, both in England and on the continent. Rockers come primarily from families of unskilled workers, without education, and often from single-parent and “problematic” families.
A rocker's clothes are a leather jacket, worn jeans, rough big shoes, long hair combed back, sometimes tattoos. The jacket is usually decorated with badges and inscriptions. The main element of the rocker subculture is the motorcycle, which is also decorated with inscriptions, symbols and images. The motorcycle is a symbol of freedom, power and intimidation, the main source of intense sensations. At the same time, rockers highly value technical knowledge and driving skills.

Gangsta Rap began its development in the late 80s. This trend originates in hardcore rap. The gangsta rap style featured a hard, noisy sound. Lyrically, it was as sharp as the rappers' crude tales of urban unrest. Sometimes the texts were accurate representations of reality, and sometimes they were simply comics filled with exaggeration. This direction became the most commercially successful in the history of hip-hop from the late 80s to the early 90s. During its development, gangsta rap became the source of considerable controversy, as some conservative organizations tried to ban the distribution of albums by these musicians.

New Romantic (Glam Rock),
a musical movement that emerged in Great Britain in the early 1980s and (as part of the new wave) had a significant influence on the development of the English pop and rock scene. “New Romanticism” arose as an alternative to the asceticism of punk culture and not only did not carry social protest, but also (according to the Virgin Encyclopedia of 80’s Music) “celebrated glamor

an outgrowth of British Teddy Boy culture - can be described as: Skinny jeans, tight T-shirts and slicked back hair. Jukeboxes, cocktail bar and travel in cars.

Dandy Flapper,
Dandy Flapper girls prevailed. Red lipstick, hair stuck to the head with hairspray and sequined dresses were the order of the day for girls, and for men only a tweed suit with a bowler hat.


One of the oldest, but still popular subcultures is hippies. They preach freedom in all forms (from inner freedom to free love), pacifism, and strive for independence and creative realization. They look bright in appearance, wear jeans, loose T-shirts, and vests. Both women and men wear long hair and bright baubles on their arms. They can leave home and travel with almost no means of support; in the summer they live in tent cities.

Similar to hippies and close to them in philosophy are Rastafarians or Rastafarians. Modern Rastafarians, especially in Russia, do not live according to the principles that the Rastafarians originally promoted. They just listen to reggae music, love Bob Marley, have dreadlocks, wear a red, yellow and green hat and have a negative attitude towards subservient material values Western culture.

Emo culture is popular among younger people. The name of the culture is derived from the word “emotional” and reflects the emotionality of the adherents of this movement. Adherents of the subculture are called emokids. They have a bright appearance: long side bangs, heavily lined eyes, piercings, black and pink clothes, black nail polish, a lot of bracelets and badges. They strive for self-expression, but are often perceived as vulnerable, depressed, whiny teenagers. It is also believed that these guys are prone to suicidal behavior.

Young people who love life and at the same time constantly risk it because of the pleasure they receive are called extreme people. This may include various directions extreme sports: roller skaters, parkour or tracers, skateboarders, etc. Even graffiti artists who risk being caught can also be classified in this group. Their clothing style is usually sporty, free, and may resemble that of a rapper.

The philosophy is close to one rather old subculture - punks. Their slogan that there is no future determined their position: nothing can be corrected, and therefore life can be given up. It won’t be difficult to recognize a punk in a crowd - a mohawk on a cropped head, torn and dirty clothes. They often gather for parties with huge amounts of alcohol, drugs and fights. Initially, the movement was born out of a love for punk music.

The Goths have quite a lot in common with punks. At first this one developed due to a passion for gothic music, but then its own appeared. They perceive themselves as opponents of bad taste, diversity and mass consciousness, and therefore choose black in clothing, the symbolism of death as a reminder of life, and going to the cemetery with friends. Outwardly, Satanists are often confused with them, who are dangerous to society because they support violence against people and sacrifices.

Another subculture is considered dangerous to society - skinheads. Already from their name you can understand that the feature is a shaved head. Preaching a cult strong personality, ideas of National Socialism and anti-Semitism. They hate adherents of other “bright” subcultures: emo, hippies, majors, as well as people of non-European type, and beat them. Most often, the head of such a youth group is mature man with pro-fascist views.

One more similar group, but without ideology as such they are. Usually these are guys from the outskirts of the city, engaged in petty robberies, thefts, hooliganism, etc. These are disadvantaged representatives of modern youth who use slang words and profanity in their speech, and imitate people who served sentences in prison. The appearance is usually unkempt: tracksuit, black leather jacket, cap. They are aggressive towards people oriented towards Western principles of life.

The role-playing movement has become a fairly new phenomenon in modern culture. These are young people who gather in large groups and play role-playing games. The philosophy is quite simple to explain: if you cannot change the real world, invent your own, believe in it and change it. These also include Tolkienists, guys participating in historical reconstructions, to some extent anime fans, even Barbie girls. Anyone who plays a character, even if not all the time, can be classified as roleplayers.

Another subculture that older people become adherents of is bikers. Unlike ordinary motorcyclists, for bikers their bike is part of their life. Fans of rock, beer and motorcycles are always recognizable in the crowd: leather jackets, jeans or leather pants, bandanas, tattoos. They gather in large groups at festivals and on night roads.

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Not every youth association can be considered a subculture. So, they are still arguing whether hipsters are considered a subculture or are they just people who follow fashion trends. The issue with hackers and gamers who lead a certain lifestyle and follow certain principles, but do not unite in groups in real, not computer life, has not been fully resolved.

Just 30 years ago in our country everything was the same - furniture, music, and even the people themselves. But even then, deep underground, there were subcultures whose adherents identified themselves as antagonists to the existing system. This contradiction was manifested in the style of behavior, in clothing, in music and in special slang. So, one after another, hippies, metalheads, punks, rappers, goths, emo appeared - in a word, informals. In parallel with the musical subcultures, criminal and gop culture developed, which over time appropriated chanson music, which became their trademark.


So, who should you classify yourself as? You wear long hair, are interested in henna, listen to Cher, Sonny and the Rolling Stones. In your wardrobe exclusively with ethnic motifs or flared shirts, you are hung from head to toe with baubles, beads made of sandalwood, you like to hitchhike with a guitar on your back and without in your pocket. If your motto in life is “Make love, not war,” then you are a typical hippie.

If you still have long hair, a guitar behind your back and jeans, but wear sweatshirts and T-shirts, preferably black, like “Metallica”. On your wrists are wristbands with metal spikes (antigopes), large claw-type rings, and on your feet are Cossacks from Camelot, Grinders or Martins. You love driving fast, and generally don’t part with your Harley, listen to “Aria”, “Master” and “Corrosion of Metal”. So you are a metalhead.

Still the same long hair, but black, lips painted with lipstick of the same color? Do you wear a long black coat or dress with a corset, spend your leisure time exclusively in the local cemetery, and wake up to the wonderful music of Cradle of Filth or Lacrimosa? Then you're goth.

Do you like black melodies interspersed with recitative? Are your idols people from Harlem who wear pants that they inherited from their older brothers and therefore constantly slide down to their knees when walking, wide T-shirts and hats that slide down onto their foreheads? You are hung with gold chains and finger-thick rings, on which your name is written in large letters. Did you grow up listening to Decl's songs? IN free time do you write “2Pac is alive” on fences and take part in battles, bottom-dancing or top-breakdancing? So you are definitely a rapper.

Every day you are in the area where the boys from the neighboring mikrash pestered you. From the radio that you borrowed from the friend, you can hear the sweet sounds of songs by Katya Ogonyok or Mikhail Krug. You wear stylish sweatpants from the local market and Abibas sneakers, carry a kapar and a purse and spit very accurately through the gap in your teeth, you have a blue tattoo that you got in the army or in prison. So you are a gopnik.

Subculture is patterns of behavior, lifestyles, specific values ​​and their symbolic expression of a social group.

Not only age cohorts and special layers of youth have their own subcultures, but also professional groups. Subcultures Doctors, astronauts, actors, TV people, teachers have them... The usual teacher words “window”, “clock”, “rusichka”, “extension” are not understood by all representatives of other professions. Try to decipher the slang of TV journalists: “brick”, “canned food”, “live”, “ruler”, “parquet”...

youth subcultureThese are patterns of behavior, clothing styles, musical preferences, language (slang), specific values ​​and their symbolic expressions characteristic of groups of young people (12−25 years old).

Youth subcultures have existed for a long time, at least since the second half of the twentieth century. In our country, they attracted the attention of society and the media in 1980s. In those years, bearers of such special cultural practices were usually called participants in informal youth associations. Most famous exampleshippies, punks, rockers, metalheads.

The main socio-psychological feature of informal youth associations is the symbolization of appearance, lifestyle, behavior, in particular, clothing, speaking style. For example, long hippie hair is not only long hair, but also a symbol of freedom; the English-language layer of hippie slang is an orientation towards Western patterns of behavior; an apartment where informal people gather is not just a room, but a flat, where everyone is their own, united by an unpretentious style of everyday life.

Types of subcultures

Alternatives - formed in the first half 90s. It included representatives rappers, metalheads and punks. Of all the youth musical styles, they stand out for their friendliness towards representatives of any subcultures. Unlike everyone else musical movements, The alternative combined several styles at once, which made it possible to create a completely separate subculture. The style was taken as a basis HardCore, were later involved Grunge And Industrial.

Closer to the turn of 2000, a new style hit the mainstream and began to spread massively throughout the world. A huge impetus in the development of its popularity was provided by such groups as: Linkin Park,Korn, Limp Bizkit.

The appearance of the Alternatives immediately catches the eye. They are easy to distinguish from representatives of other subcultures. They wear loose clothing and piercings. This subculture did not have a special ideology; everything rested on a musical experiment, which radically changed the development of world music.

Anime people- came from Japanese anime series, which began to be filmed on a large scale in the twentieth century. Followers and adherents can be easily identified by bright things and symbols. As a rule, Anime people do not hide this, but rather show it off. As for ideology and philosophy, within this subculture it is completely absent. This movement is well developed in large cities, which cannot be said about settlements with a small number of people.

Of all the existing, modern youth subcultures, this name is the most harmless, not bearing any danger, both for society and for its followers. The main thing that Anime people do is watch a lot of Anime and discuss it in their circle.

Bikers- the subculture has deep roots around 60-70s It was then that this direction began to take shape. The members of this class are usually men over 30 years old who cannot imagine life without the following things: motorcycle, beer and rock music. All these three elements are inextricably linked.

Distinctive features bikers is from other types of subcultures – this motorcycle, long hair, leather, beard and beer belly. As a rule, they travel in groups; it is rare to see them alone. Every self-respecting biker belongs to a club. You can tell which one you are wearing by the stripes on his clothes. This is the main sign of how representatives of this class differentiate themselves from each other.

They are distinguished from other representatives of various subcultures by their more or less calm character (relatively), they are not the first to get involved in fights, they live on their own, but if you touch a motorcyclist who is a member of a biker club, nothing good will come of it.

Today, the biker movement has also been supplemented by scooters. As a rule, only the younger generation rides them, who do not have the money to buy a good motorcycle. Now they are already accepted into clubs, moreover, there is a separate movement in individual clubs.

Vanilla girls or Vanillas- This new subculture, which arose quite recently (compared to all youth subcultures, just a few years ago). Moreover, this direction covered exclusively girls. The main distinguishing feature from other youth movements is Carrying a camera all the time, (by and large mirror), in all places. Also, such girls are characterized by increased emotionality and sensuality. Using a camera, Vanillas convey their emotional mood, and this is the only way they can do it.

Glamor - is one of the youngest subcultures of our time. It was formed on the basis club life and social parties. The most important feature that distinguishes Glamor from other subcultures is unquestioning adherence to the latest fashion trends. Huge amounts of money are spent on your appearance. What do glamor girls wear? – these are global brands – Adidas, Guchi and others. Moreover, both women and men can get into this subculture. Each gender has its own dress code.

Gopniks - The subculture arose in the last years of the USSR. In their ideology and behavior, they are extremely close to hooligans. Gopniks stand out from other youth subcultures prison slang, increased violence and low IQ. The term Gopnik itself arose from the word "GOP stop"- sudden robbery. The attitude towards other subcultures is aggressive, i.e. Long hair makes Gopnik aggressive. They are wearing tracksuits and short hair.

Goths- like any modern movement of youth, it originates from music. In appearance they are distinguished by the predominance (monotonous) black in clothes and cosmetics(If we're talking about about girls), and also symbols related to death - teeth, crosses, inverted crosses, pentagrams, and so on. Throughout the existence of this Goth subculture, its adherents have never developed their own ideology to follow. The only thing that remains unchanged and eternal among the representatives of this movement is gloomy appearance and a predominance of decadence in the mood.

According to established traditions, the favorite place where people who adhere to this subculture gather is cemeteries(urban, rural, suburban, etc.).

Also, after 2000, another, more modern one, separated from the Gotha subculture. Cyber ​​Goths.

Grangers- one of the oldest subcultures, they arose under the influence of the musical movement grunge, from where they actually emerged as a separate culture around 1990-1991. Its ancestors Nirvana group, who were able to promote not only their style to the masses, but also give birth to a whole generation of their followers. By their appearance, Grangers can be easily distinguished from representatives of other subcultures; as a rule, they dress like their idol Kurt Cobain, those. plaid shirt, sneakers and long hair- these three elements completely form the image and image. Moreover, preference is given to worn-out clothes. Often, such things to create an image, style and image are bought at second-hand stores.

They are completely harmless to others. The grunger subculture is also distinguished by its conservatism, its reluctance to change its ways of life, norms, philosophy or value system. As for age, there are no restrictions. Among the grangers you can meet both those aged 15 years (youth) and fully formed and established people (25-30 years old). As mentioned above, this is the safest and most non-aggressive social movement in our time.

Graffitiers - appeared from the street artistic artsgraffiti, at the end 1960s. At that time, this direction was called modern avant-garde. Later from USA graffiti began to spread rapidly throughout the world. As a rule, young people are involved in this movement, i.e. It's quite rare to see adults with a can of spray paint. Different places are chosen for graffiti. Graffiti artists willingly draw on both abandoned buildings and subway cars, and often create works contemporary artists can also be found on the central streets of large cities.

Cyber ​​Goths - is the youngest and most developing subculture. Approximately, the origins of the origin fall on the year 1990. The origins themselves were taken precisely from the Gothic movement, but in short term were completely reoriented. Like most subcultures, Cyber ​​Goths were formed due to musical trends in particular style Noise, and Industrial which was radically different from other existing styles of that time period.

The main hairstyles used are: dreadlocks, dyed hair different colors, are not uncommon among representatives of this movement and Iroquois, but they have nothing in common with the punk subculture. The color range ranges from green to black, but bright ones are predominantly used. Word Cyber, is used for a reason. If you take a closer look at their appearance, you can see microcircuits, involved as an element of clothing design, i.e. own style.

Since this is the most modern subculture, the passion for computers is considered here by default. 90% of representatives of this informal trend are well versed in today's computer technologies.

Metalheads– the subculture was formed at the beginning1960s. This direction was bornmetal music style, or to be more precise, styleHeavy Metal. The term metalheads refers to all adherentsheavy rock musicand all types of metal, starting from classicalHeavy Metal ending with Thrash Metalother more difficult directions. From this subculture, another one subsequently separated -satanists , which completely separated itself and became an absolutely independent movement. Modern metalheads, however, like the founders of the movement, they love a free life, living for their own pleasure. In these circles, it is generally accepted to drink alcohol and attend heavy rock concerts; as for drugs, this is not accepted, although there are isolated cases. The main constituent mass of this subculture are teenagers, aged 16 to 20 years, as well as “old” (old) representatives of this trend; often there are metalheads aged 45 or more.

From the image metalhead the following can be distinguished: leather clothes(mostly black) a large amount of metal on the body(chains, spikes, bracelets, etc.), big boots, piercing(usually in the left ear), bandanas. From symbolism, often found skulls. Adherents of this trend introduced the most popular informal gesture called "Goat".

New Age -its essence lies in spiritual self-improvement. Hereread books, and it is believed that whathigher intellectual and spiritual level of a person, then the higher his status within this subculture. The differences from ordinary people lie not only in this, but also in religion. Standard religions, Islam, Christianity or Buddhism are completely rejected by them. Based on world teachings, each member of the New Age creates his own movement, interfering with the teachings of mystical vices with the rituals of manism, neo-paganism or occult movements.

Punks- how a separate subculture began to form back in 1930, at that time there was no such thing as rock music, but it was then that the lifestyle and appearance of its adherents began to become this direction. The place of origin of Pankov (homeland) is England. The first punks were people from inner cities in Wales. Their entertainment was robberies, hooliganism, fights, rowdy. At that time, in these circles the so-called "Black Jazz" As for their ideology, almost all ideas and worldviews boil down to ordinary anarchy, i.e. the existence of people without laws and state control.

Iroquois- symbol of the punk movement, leather jackets on naked bodies or torn T-shirts, massive facial piercings and neglect of baths and showers- all this distinctive features of this subculture.

At rock concerts, Punks behave aggressively, causing Slam, drinking alcoholic beverages in large quantities.

Fedots (or another name for Pendovka)- appeared quite recently, around 2008 - 2009 year, this term became firmly established in informal get-togethers. They call them fagots girls(usually young people up to 20 years of age, to be precise, then from 12-17 years old- this is the peak age at which the wave of this youth movement occurs). In their appearance and behavior, they try to combine the “positive” aspects of different subcultures, for example ready, emo, punks, and others. In particular, they create an image for themselves glamor girl, trying to attract as much attention as possible with their appearance. Of all the youth subcultures, they are one of the youngest and most despised.

In appearance, they can be easily distinguished from representatives of other movements; for example, they wear modern clothing 12 months a year. skate shoes and clothes from specialized stores (board shops), preference is given to brands like Fallen. The hands are hung with various cheap bracelets purchased in McDonald's, Euroset or Svyaznoy, as well as a large abundance icons. Also drawing on your own body, with a black marker, various expressions or “pictures”. Among this movement there is an active piercing, and everything that is possible is pierced.

Rastafarians- the subculture formed around 1920s. The culture itself began its spread with African territories, later covering Caribbean. Ideology is built around hemp cult(cannabis), excessive consumption of this natural product and listening to songs recorded in the style Reggae.

The appearance is very simple, but at the same time very striking, i.e. ordinary T-shirts with images or symbols of cannabis, manually tied hats or robes, dreadlocks. The color scheme in clothing, attributes and symbols consists of three colors: red, yellow, green. It is not uncommon for various objects to be woven into hair: balls, threads and so on. Majority Rastafarian, wears long dreadlocks, emphasizing his attitude to his subculture. The meaning of the breakup subculture is as follows: smoke marijuana, expand your consciousness, comprehend life meaning, do not harm others, promote reggae to the masses.

Ravers - subculture represents endless night parties, where they perform most popular DJs, and from the speakers it sounds electronic dance music . Ravers – party-goer subculture. The source of youth priorities is dance music, and their way of life originates from their idols - musicians. "Rave" translates as a mass disco where DJs perform.

Rockers- the subculture appeared in 1960 year on the territory England. It was originally applied to young people who rode motorcycles.

The image of the rocker subculture is practical; in principle, it has survived to this day. They are wearing leather jackets (leather jackets), decorated with various stripes, iron buttons and other paraphernalia. Of all subcultures, rockers stand out for their kind attitude towards others and a complete lack of aggression towards representatives of other youth movements. The only ones negative traits rockers is a strong passion for drugs, alcohol and drugs(cigarettes). In our time, this subculture has practically ceased to exist, as other musical trends and subcultures have replaced it, such as alternativeists And metalheads.

Rappers- the most common of all existing youth trends in Russia. Mass fashion, which came from the United States, has firmly established itself in our country.

By appearance, it is quite easy to identify rappers; they are wearing clothes several sizes larger, i.e. she just hangs down. Accepted in rap circles pathos, i.e. The more pretentious a person is, the more harshly his environment treats him. Modern rap dictates the rules for its followers - the main emphasis is on sex, violence and coolness.

Among this youth movement it is widespread basketball, beatboxing, graffiti, break dancing and other areas.

Skinheads- are one of the youngest directions. They got their name due to their appearance - bald voice(shaved). Moreover, the first followers did not come from Nazi Germany, as is now commonly stated. It began to actively emerge in Germany in 1960. Skinheads began to actively spread throughout the entire globe, by the year 2000, completely taking over the entire world.

Separately, it should be mentioned that in general the skinhead subculture is aimed at preservation of the nation, and the modern political system is trying to mix all peoples and nations. This is the main reason why skinheads fight so hard for the purity of the blood of their people. The swastika began to be used after the era Adolf Hitler, as a symbol of the movement of his ideology. In the early 1980s, representatives of this movement often decorated their bodies with swastika tattoos.

Hipsters- considered a Soviet movement of the second half 40's – 50's years. At this time, on the busy streets of cities one could see young people dressed indecently in provocative clothes. Supporters of the movement of that time were distinguished by cynicism in their judgments and indifference to Soviet standards of behavior and morality.

Subculture dudes- this is a peculiar protest against standard stereotypes of behavior, monotony in clothing and style. After two decades of alienation of the USSR from the West, in the 40s, the “window” to the new world finally opened. Fashion magazines and jazz records began to be imported from Europe, and the first foreign films were shown in cinemas. Therefore, the model of behavior of post-war youth became a contrast reflecting the “Western way of life” in films.

About where the newfangled word at that time came from "hip" It's hard to understand now. According to one version, it was “born” on the pages of the popular magazine "Crocodile"(1949). In it, the falletonists called the dressed-up people dudes "listening to jazz and hanging out in restaurants." Within a few years, the word “hipsters” came into use and, in fact, became the name of a new youth movement.

The style formed by the 50s was significantly different from communist ideology. Men wore tight pants(famous “pipes”), long double-breasted jackets, bright shirts combined with colorful ties, pointed boots and sunglasses. It was typical for girls: sewn bows and dominations large quantity trinkets. Light costumes were complemented with all kinds of accessories (sticks or belts). Particular preference was given to colors in checks, polka dots or large stripes.

Straight-age(sXe) - formed from a subculture Punk, gradually separating as a separate direction over time. Abbreviated straight edge, written and sounded like sXe. The ideology of this youth subculture is very simple - an obvious, not hidden call for a healthy lifestyle, giving up meat and alcohol, i.e. maintaining your health not only physically, but also spiritually. The date of origin (formation) is considered to be 80s.

« Food instead of bombs“, this is how the followers of straight edge interpreted themselves until 2000, however, after this milestone, their ideals did not change too much, except that they began to give a different musical preference than ordinary punk or hardcore.

From clothing and symbolism, they are distinguished from other representatives of various subcultures only Cross (X) or using a shortened abbreviation ( sXe). Later the symbolism became the subject of tattoos.

Tolkienists– the direction appeared approximately 1960, its idea, it is completely obliged writer D. Tolkien. The first origins were formed in the United States. As a rule, all works and movements of Tolkienists are scientific and research papers, in which the languages ​​of the created fantasy world, the intricacies of writing a series of books, and controversial issues in the plots that emerged as they were being written are studied. It was from the Tolkienists that a new direction came - role players(role-playing, not to be confused with a sexual term). They completely imitated the image of their fantasy character with their appearance - orcs, elves, hobbits and other inhabitants of the Mediterranean. They completely got used to their image, and sometimes to such an extent that they practically lost touch with the real world.

The main feature that distinguishes them from other subcultures is passion for literature, and this manifests itself not only in reading, but also in writing your own books, dedicated to the themes of its legendary writer.

Trash models- sees struggle as its goal against glamor. Thus, trash the girls through your appearance strive to clutter up the glamorous style that is fashionable today, to create a ironic and harsh caricature. In order to stand out from the crowd, the youth of this trend will do everything possible - they will combine absolutely incompatible things: leopard print with cartoon T-shirts, lace and military, checks and stripes, rhinestones and spikes, creepy skulls and cute flowers, as well as butterflies, tiaras , anarchic and satanic symbolism...

Also widely and universally used tattoos, piercings(including, " tunnels"- wide holes in the ears and not only in them), "snake language". Besides bright makeup, false eyelashes, drawn eyebrows(or their complete absence), the challenge to the glamorous world of trash models is thrown through uneven asymmetrical hairstyles(ala “I fell from a dump truck...”). At the same time, the desire to outdo the rainbow is clearly expressed in hair color. Among this trend, both traditional colors (acid pink, purple, yellow, arctic white) or mixed with each other, as well as “raccoon tail” and “exotic raccoon tail” (black and white or any other colored striped hair) are popular. For complete chaos, sometimes they add to all this dreadlocks or afro braids.

Their favorite pastime is to photograph themselves from a very close distance in order to appear in all their shocking beauty. The main rule of the trash movement is the absence of any rules. They do not force themselves into the framework of any particular subculture. It's more of a lifestyle.

Freaks(Freak) – the subculture was formed in XX century, in the territory North America . Until now, her followers adhere to one main idea - stand out among the crowd of people around you. To do this, they not only use clothes, but also use different behavior and philosophy. The term Freak itself comes from English word Freak, which means – a strange man . Each follower of this trend creates his own image and in no way adheres to public standards.

I often join this subculture creative people musicians, actors, artists, writers and other representatives of creative professions.

Fans(or football fans) – the subculture was formed at the beginning 1930s, after Football has become a popular game all over the world, the number of followers of this trend has increased exponentially. It so happened that each football club had its own staff of fans who supported their favorite team at games and tournaments. Main feature, which distinguishes this subculture from others is minimal idealism - Anyone can become a football fan, and no significant effort is required from him.

Fans are especially active after major football matches, when in the immediate areas of the stadium, almost everything is literally heard. This movement gave birth to a network beer bars targeted specifically at one group or another. Subsequently, they became a kind of headquarters and a gathering place for regular fans.

Hackers- is one of the youngest trends of our millennium. As a rule, these are people (young men and people under 30 years old) who masterful use of computers. It is difficult to identify them on the street by their appearance. Most of them prefer to sit at home at the computer rather than spend time in the company of peers on the street or in entertainment venues. First of all, these are the people who can hack programs or entire websites, they easily bypass any security systems. A hacker should not be confused with programmer. These two directions are significantly different from each other, although they have much in common with each other than might seem at first glance. It’s worth saying right away that not every programmer, maybe Xaker. As a rule, not all of them reveal their identities. They hide behind online fictitious names and names called Nicks.

Hippie– the subculture arose in the territory America during 1960s years. Overall it was a solid youth movement of white people. Its main difference was a separate concept of society and social foundations. They were also distinguished peacekeeping position(pacifists), they hated nuclear weapons and any forceful influence on people. Parallel to the political context, Hippie made a great contribution to the development small religions, promoting them to the masses through their movement. Moreover, they have had a huge impact on the spread of drugs among young people, motivating it as an expansion of consciousness. Among drugs, it was common to use marijuana (hemp) and LSD, usually for meditation. Appearance subculture The hippie stood out loose clothes, a lot of baubles on his arms and long hair.

Hipsters - the main contingent of adherents of this direction was taken from the listeners jazz music. Subsequently, the scope of action was expanded to include indie styles, alternative music, films of the genre art house And modern literature. Hipsters' ages range from 16-25 years old, mostly representatives of the middle class who are looking for new forms and methods of social self-expression.

It is quite easy to recognize such people on the street; they are wearing T-shirts with prints(massively common nowadays) sneakers, notepad, SLR camera,iPhone (or tablet computer).

They are passive to politics, riots, protests or other ways of youth expression. Complete apathy towards the entire social world is a constant feature of this subculture stratum. They like to take a lot of photos, posting in most cases - in social media, for general viewing. They love to keep online diaries on such popular blog services as LiveJournal(LJ), Blogs Mail, Twitter.

Emo boys- the most beautiful representatives of the male half of all the followers of rock. Many girls are attracted to bright tight T-shirts, torn, side-swept bangs and eyes lined with black eyeliner. Today it is no longer uncommon to see an emo boy on the street with his nails painted black. Excessive neatness in clothing and well-groomed appearance (which is quite rare among ordinary teenagers) attracts the attention of girls. Emo boys, just like girls, lead a healthy lifestyle. Currently, there are quite a lot of emo groups. Many have won the love of their fans not only with the lyrics of their songs, but also with the beauty of their voices.

Take material from the site

A young man is always in an active search for his “I”. He is trying to find something from which he will get maximum pleasure, which can fill his leisure time with meaning. Sometimes this results in opposing oneself to society. Finding people who are inclined to the same views, a person joins the so-called “subculture” - an insignificant part of public culture, which differs in many ways from the main social contingent.

The youth subculture is aimed at young people, as it represents their interests. The subculture is very different from traditional society; it contains only those people who sharply contrast with ordinary people in society.

We present to your attention the 10 largest and most famous informal organizations.

Hippies are representatives of one of the oldest subcultures among young people. This movement was formed in San Francisco around the sixties of the twentieth century, and its original goal was to express protest against everyday routine.

The basis of this ideology was the philosophical teaching that was associated with Jesus. Hippies had pacifist opinions and views, and believed that evil could not be resisted with violence. Most of them are creative people.
The hippies' favorite way to spend time is various parties, endless polemics and playing music. Hippies also consider drinking alcohol and drugs in unimaginable quantities a must.

Boys and girls who liked the hippie ideology often leave native home, going on a journey without money, food or other means of survival. Hippies support and free love, with all its consequences. Their ideology is still alive today.

The first punks appeared in England when it was in a state of severe economic crisis - i.e. approximately in the mid-seventies of the last century.

The main slogan of punks sounds like: “There is no future!” Their philosophy is simple - they are lost generation, for which there are no rules. This is also expressed in their political direction– anarchism. It was from there that their symbol arose - the letter “A” in a stylized form.

Punks are sure that the world cannot be changed better side. They are also fans of parties, alcohol and drugs and, of course, fights.

Gothic as a movement originated in the seventies of the last century, at the peak of post-punk. The earliest Goths adopted a lot from them, the only difference being that the Goths still had a predominant color in appearance and clothing.
Initially, only fans of gothic music communities were considered goths, but over time, they built their own lifestyle, value system and mentality.

Today, the image of a goth is very complex and includes many components: clothes, jewelry, shoes, accessories, hairstyle and much more. Their aesthetic is eclectic.

Also, over the years, followers of this ideology have developed their own, unique style in makeup and make-up. Typically, young people give their faces pale tones, use a lot of eyeliner (also black, of course), varnish, and the like.

The name is an abbreviation for the word “emotional”.

Also, a similar term is usually used to refer to a separate genre of hardcore music, which is based on the expression of strong emotions by the vocalist. Emo music is characterized by squeals, moans, whispers, and so on.

Over time, this style of music acquired many branches: emocore, screamo, punk-emo and several more. Fans of these genres stood out in separate subculture, and were called “Emokids”.

However, in addition to special, bright makeup, outfit and unusual hairstyle, these guys have many other ways of expressing themselves. Through any creativity or emotions, they can tell their feelings about what is happening in the world and their lives.

Hackers are usually called computer users who adhere to active, even offensive tactics of behavior on the network.

Hackers mainly attack a variety of websites and servers, hacking them and disabling them. In 1988, one of the most effective weapons of hackers emerged - a computer virus that still torments people today.

Hackers are usually students or schoolchildren, people who oppose corporate behavior and value self-will and complete freedom of action.

These types are distinguished from others increased level dangers to human health, or even life, many acrobatic performances, and an overwhelming dose of adrenaline produced by an athlete during extreme sports.

Parkour is just the above-mentioned extreme sport. It is based on the principle of performing various unsafe stunts, without any insurance. These include jumping from great heights or climbing high-rise buildings.

Tracers (French Traceur - a person who lays new way) consider parkour not a sport, but a whole way of life and their philosophy. The name came to young people from equestrian sports, its translation sounds like: “obstacle course.”

The founder of the ideology and the first tracer is David Belle. He also introduced the parkour motto: “There are no boundaries, there are only obstacles.”

Initially, such people were called “Harleyists.” It’s not hard to guess why – the reason was the famous brand of motorcycles “Harley”. These motorcycles gained recognition and love from the crowd in the thirties of the twentieth century in America.

Beer has become the favorite drink of bikers. In clothing they prefer jeans, black comfortable T-shirts and leather jackets or vests. Tattoos that cover the entire human body are also common.

Modern youth culture offers us many options for spending our leisure time. One of them is role-playing games. And, I must admit, they have many fans, since a lot of people are disappointed in real life, trying to find solace in imaginary worlds.

Role players are an informal community, however, they are rightfully identified as a separate subculture, since these guys have long acquired their own unique style, jargon, music and literature.

For many years now, roleplayers have often organized various festivals that are dedicated to discussing games, communicating, and even tournaments.

This word is Italian in origin. Translating into Russian, you can get the literal “scratched”.

Almost anything can fit under such a description - even rock art However, it is still customary to remember the huge “spray can” masterpieces on houses or in the subway. Sometimes, for such actions, you can use simple markers.

These kind of street artists, in the jargon are called writers or graffers, and they appeared in the States in the late sixties of the last century.

Subculture concept

What are modern youth associations, what are they based on and how do they influence the formation of the personality of adolescents and young people - these are the questions that most teachers ask. The answers to them, we hope, will tell adults how to use the attributes and elements of youth subcultures for pedagogical purposes.

Subculture concept

On one of the Internet sites there is a list of common phrases modern man, for which in 1990 a person was threatened with ending up in a psychiatric hospital. For example, “I’ll call you back from the forest.” Another example: in a bookstore, up to two-thirds of books have titles and genres that were impossible a couple of decades ago.

In the lives of teenagers, boys and girls, young people, these socio-technical innovations and cultural influences take shape in the form of modern youth subcultures and activities.

Subculture - these are patterns of behavior, life styles, specific values ​​and their symbolic expression of a social group.

Not only age cohorts and special layers of youth, but also professional groups have their own subcultures. Subcultures Doctors, astronauts, actors, TV people, teachers have them... The usual teacher words “window”, “clock”, “rusichka”, “extension” are not understood by all representatives of other professions. Try to decipher the slang of TV journalists: “brick”, “canned food”, “live”, “ruler”, “parquet”... Distinctive cultural features are also inherent in political associations: the subculture of the same communists is not very similar to the subculture of liberals.

youth subcultureThese are patterns of behavior, clothing styles, musical preferences, language (slang), specific values ​​and their symbolic expressions characteristic of groups of young people (12−25 years old).

Youth subcultures have existed for a long time, at least since the second half of the twentieth century. In our country, they attracted the attention of society and the media in the 1980s. In those years, bearers of such special cultural practices were usually called participants in informal youth associations. The most famous examples are hippies, punks, rockers, and metalheads.

The main socio-psychological feature of informal youth associations is the symbolization of appearance, lifestyle, behavior, in particular, clothing, speaking style. For example, long hippie hair is not only long hair, but also a symbol of freedom; the English-language layer of hippie slang is an orientation towards Western patterns of behavior; an apartment where informal people gather is not just a room, but a flat, where everyone is their own, united by an unpretentious style of everyday life.

Gromov Dmitry Vyacheslavovich, candidate of psychological sciences “Youth subcultures”

The predominant orientation of those youth and youth groups was asocial. Asocial, but not antisocial! Asociality in this terminology is interpreted as non-acceptance of the norms of appearance, behavior, communication, and pastime prevailing in official society. While antisociality is the orientation of an individual, a group containing an aggressive principle opposing society and tending to merge with a criminal culture.

The number of young people, teenagers belonging to youth subcultures 15–20 years ago, even in big cities, was small. According to a number of surveys in the early 1990s, 1-3% of boys and girls definitely considered themselves to be informal groups.

In the 2000s youth culture Significant changes have occurred and are occurring. First of all, this is the increase, the growth of youth groups, united by new, sometimes very unusual, types of activities, such as role-playing games (role-playing games), mountbacks, fire shows, photo crosses, city games (watches, encounters, quests), parkour, street dances, street balls, graffiti, paintballs, bikers, stretchers. Some of these groups, the same bikers and racers, significantly go beyond the youth age.

Sometimes a subculture of its own arises around such activities: its own clothing traditions (the same cap for mountain bakers or the gloves of fire fighters), its own idols, gathering places, traditions, rules of “hanging out.” But often young men and teenagers, getting carried away by new activities, do not perceive themselves as belonging to any special group. For them, activity is just activity.

Modern youth subcultures

The main distinctive features of modern youth subcultures are, firstly, an increase in the number of activity associations (that is, those in which some specific, relatively new youth activity is organized); secondly, the immersion of modern youth subcultures in the vastness of the Internet, where they look for “their own,” organize meetings and events, identify idols, and use its capabilities to organize relevant activities.

From a pedagogical point of view, several bases can be identified for the classification of modern subcultures.

First of all, this is the attitude of a particular youth subculture to the social values ​​​​accepted in society. We can talk about three social and value orientations of youth subcultures:

  • procultural (prosocial) subcultures: most musical styles and role-playing games);
  • antisocial: hippies, punks, metalheads, emo;
  • countercultural (antisocial): youth groups close to the adult criminal subculture, skinheads in their radical form.

Another basis for classification is the degree of inclusion of activity in a young person’s lifestyle. Based on this criterion, it is possible to divide youth subcultures into behavioral and activity-based.

Behavioral subcultures include those in which the main features (the core of the subculture) include styles of clothing, appearance, behavior, and communication characteristic of representatives of these groups. For these communities of teenagers and young people, constant engagement in any activity is not an important group characteristic (for example, goths, emo, hipsters).

Activity subcultures include those teenage, youth, youth communities in which the main feature is a passion for specific youth activities that require individual activity to one degree or another (for example, role-players, parkour artists, graffiti artists).

Modern youth activities themselves, which are more or less subcultural in nature, can be divided into sports, art activities and games.

Sports activities:

  • parkour – cross-country with natural obstacles in settlement;
  • mount bake – jumping and “acrobatic” exercises on special (“mountain”) bikes;
  • frisbee - throwing a plastic disc;
  • sox (footbag) - games with small balls filled with sand;
  • skateboarding – exercises on a board with rollers;
  • snowboarding - exercises on a board on a snowy slope.

Art activities:

  • streetdance – dance styles that develop the traditions of breakdancing;
  • fire show - juggling with luminous objects, including fire;
  • graffiti - drawing on buildings, fences, etc. in a specific visual technique.


  • role-playing games - role-playing by a group of people of situations based on the content of a book (or film) in the form of spontaneous actions of player characters corresponding to the original plot;
  • historical reconstruction - role-playing games played out on location historical events;
  • urban orienteering (encounters, photocross, patrols, etc.) - games in the form of competition between teams in orienteering in a real rural or urban environment, completing tasks along the route;
  • computer online games.

But let us repeat: participation in these types of activities does not necessarily mean that a boy or girl belongs to one or another subculture; often the activity remains just an activity.

Reasons why subcultures are attractive

At the personal level, youth subculture is a way of compensating for a negative attitude towards oneself, lack of self-esteem, non-acceptance of one’s own body image and behavior style (including inconsistency with masculine and feminine standards).

The fact of joining a subcultural group allows you to exaggerate your dissimilarity, giving yourself an aura of exclusivity and specialness.

Socio-psychological reasons are associated with the emotional attractiveness of the informal lifestyle, which does not (unlike the normative, school one) impose increased demands on focus, dedication, and responsibility.

We can talk about three groups of probable consequences, trends in the influence of youth subculture on the socialization of a young person:

  • a positive trend is evident in the development social roles in a group, social and cultural self-determination, creative self-realization (in specific subcultural forms), social trials and social experimentation;
  • a socially negative tendency is found in joining criminal or extremist subcultures, alcohol and drugs;
  • the individual negative tendency manifests itself in the avoidance of social and cultural self-determination, self-justification of infantilism, and escape from social reality.

Determining which trends prevail in a particular subculture, and even more so in the life of a particular young person, is very difficult.

Sources and influence

There are several sources for the emergence of a subculture in Russian youth reality.

It's no secret that over the past 15–20 years, the daily lives of adults and children have changed a lot. The transition to a market-oriented social system, accompanied by openness to Western (Europe, the United States of America) and Eastern (Japan, Korea) cultures, has shaken and even dissolved many traditions, values, and stable relations of Russians. No less a force changing people's lives was the new scientific and technological revolution, embodied, first of all, in the phenomena of the computer, the Internet, and the mobile phone.

One of the ways of broadcasting youth subcultures is their relatively spontaneous spread. However, spontaneous spread is often a by-product of quite purposeful activity. social institutions: Media, parties, fashion distributors, etc.

Another way is for youth and commercial organizations to take spontaneously existing forms of youth leisure and turn them into completely organized ones (for example, a commercial street dance competition). And this process requires special technologies. According to experts, when interacting with potentially positive informals, it is necessary to maintain at least three rules: negotiate with leaders, provide them with funds and opportunities for actions, events (time, platforms, technical means) and agree on restrictive norms of behavior and activity (which should be minimal!) during organized events.

From the standpoint of social education, that is, education in schools, camps, and additional education structures, three main pedagogical strategies can be distinguished in relation to specific types of youth activities: not to notice, to expect spontaneous penetration into social life and then work with it or purposefully analyze the educational potential of youth activities and use it in the interests of personal development.

Educational potential of youth subcultures lies in the fact that the forms, types, directions of teenage and youth activities that have arisen in the non-pedagogical sphere, including in the sphere of free communication of young people, which have the potential, with appropriate pedagogical instrumentation, of a socially positive nature.

The practice of modern education rather timidly comes into contact with such teenage and youth realities. Moreover, most often this contact occurs in situations of summer camps, in children's public associations and much less often at school.

Mikhail Lurie “Youth subcultures are the path to yourself or an escape from reality”

Probably one of the main questions, the solution of which will show whether practical pedagogy is coming to terms with the lives of modern teenagers and high school students or whether they (pedagogy and life) are increasingly moving away from each other, is whether class teachers and educators will acquire the desire and ability to see, pedagogically comprehend and involve new youth activities and hobbies into the circle of their actions.

Sergey Polyakov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk.