How to open tanks in full screen. How to make full screen mode

Modern programs, as a rule, automatically adjust to the display resolution - however, those who like to play old action games or arcade games may have a question about how to make the game full screen.

Because an application created 10, 15 or even 25 years ago can only be partially displayed on a modern one.

Sometimes such a question arises during startup.

There are a number of reasons why this happens, as well as several ways to get everything back to normal and play in full screen mode.

Method 1: Using hotkeys

Quite often, you can switch a game or any other application to full screen by just pressing 2 keys – “Alt” and “Enter”.

The method helps not only in old games, but also in modern ones - for example, in WoT.

The same key combination will return windowed mode back if necessary.

Method 2: Change startup options

Sometimes it happens, especially if you play on someone else’s computer, that the game starts in windowed mode due to the “-window” parameter set in the shortcut properties.

It can be written in the “Object” line of the game shortcut properties.

By removing this inscription, you can restore the standard launch to the entire monitor.

In this case, you should select the “Compatibility” tab in the properties of the shortcut or the application itself and select the operating system.

However, most often the list of operating systems ends with Windows Vista, and for the owner of a modern OS, for example, this method will not help.

Method 3. Setting up the video card

In some cases, outdated video card drivers prevent you from running games in full screen. The issue can be resolved by updating them or completely reinstalling them.

Each manufacturer's video card setup menu looks different.

For example, for company products, the user will have to open the Start menu/Control Panel.

Here select the nVidia Control Panel and select the scaling adjustment there. When you turn it on, the game should expand to fit the screen.

ATI brand video cards require the Catalyst Control Center application to be running.

And for integrated Intel Graphics cards, often installed on, you will need to run whole line actions described separately.

Method 4. Game settings

Some games on modern operating systems, for example, do not allow you to set full-screen or windowed mode in their graphics settings.

This possibility can be detected by launching a game that for some reason runs in a window, that is, not in full screen.

Solution to the problem:

  1. Go to settings;
  2. Find the item responsible for launching in windowed or full-screen mode;
  3. Enable the mode or check the box.

Sometimes after changing the settings the game has to be restarted. In this case, it usually doesn’t matter what the operating system is or the screen resolution.

Method 5. Change resolution

If all of the above did not help bring the game resolution to normal, the game may be old enough to run in full screen in .

Sometimes in this case the picture looks blurry.

And there is only one way to fix the problem - change the resolution of your screen.

After this, however, other programs, more modern and designed for normal parameters, will no longer run.

Therefore, after playing the game, you need to return the monitor to its normal resolution.

If the game requires a resolution of 640x480, but the monitor does not support it, there is another option. It is selected in the shortcut properties on the compatibility tab.

Important! It is worth noting that this function allows you to automatically return to normal resolution after exiting the game.

Many players and PC users are often faced with the fact that they do not know how to expand the game to full screen. There may be several reasons for this problem - from launch parameters to the year the game was released. This article discusses several ways to resolve this issue.

What is the reason?

This problem mainly appears when trying to launch old games or casual indie projects. Also, the reason may lie in the incompatibility of the latest operating systems with old games. In addition to everything, it is worth adding outdated drivers on video cards, which can also prevent the program from launching in full screen mode. Let's figure out how to expand the game to full screen in several ways.

Keyboard shortcut

If you have a window with a game open in a frame, then most likely it will help you, which allows you to maximize all system windows in full screen mode. On your keyboard, hold down the Alt and Enter keys at the same time and watch the game react. If this does not help, then move on to another method.

The second way to expand to full screen

After launching the game in windowed mode, do not rush into system settings. First, try to find a mode change in the settings of the game itself. Go to the menu, then go to Settings. It should have a “Graphics” or “Screen” column (depending on the game, the names may change, but the essence remains the same). Select and apply changes. In most cases, you won't even need to restart - the system will automatically expand the game to full screen.


If the methods described above did not help, then use the third method. Sometimes parameters are written into launches. The window prefix is ​​responsible for launching in a window. Go to the shortcut properties and check if it is added to the "Object" field. Next, pay attention to the “Window” item. It should say “Full screen”. Now you know how to remove the small screen in games using the property settings.

Problems with the game itself

Perhaps the game you need runs in a low resolution, which does not allow it to stretch across the entire monitor area. In this case, let's turn to the in-game settings again. Select the window resolution that is the default one on your monitor. In this case, the small screen in games will no longer be a problem for you. Even in windowed mode, the game will be stretched across the entire area. This method will most likely not work for older projects that do not support modern resolutions.

How to expand the game to full screen by setting up the driver?

Branded utilities from the video card manufacturer will help you solve the problem. In it you can update drivers to latest version and adjust the game resolution to your screen. This is done by scaling in the video card properties. After completing the gameplay, you should return the default settings.

If general description How to expand the game to full screen did not help you, then contact the forums that specialize in the project you need. Each program has its own characteristics. This is especially true for older games, so the methods described are not a solution to all problems with windowed mode in every case.

Many people ask the pressing question: How to switch to full screen mode? And this question applies to almost all games (Skyrim, World of Tanks, etc.), browsers (Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla, Internet Explorer), computer programs, various players. Let's consider the most known cases when full screen mode may be needed.

Full screen mode for video players

In principle, there is no mystery here - switching to full-screen mode is carried out by double-clicking on the program window. The same goes for video players in the browser. When watching a movie, you just need to double-click on the player window in your browser.

This method is classic, but if you have problems with this playback, then all video players have a screen icon (a square with diverging arrows inside) in the lower right corner (in most cases). Also, when you hover your mouse over some, the Full Screen message may appear.

For PC players everything is identical, however, you can use the right mouse button, then select “Display”.

Full screen mode in browser

In order to switch to full screen mode in your browser, you need to press the F11 key. For most browsers, this key allows you to launch the mode we need, but it also removes it. But if you go point by point to full screen mode then:

  • In Google Chrome, this is a small icon located in the browser menu in the “Zoom” line;
  • For Opera - go to the page section, select “Full screen”;
  • IN Mozilla FireFox go to the “View” section - “Full screen mode”;
  • For Internet Explorer, the same section, but the mode is called “Full Screen”.

How to make full screen mode in game

In order to make full screen mode in games, you should follow the following path:

  • Right-click on the game shortcut (on the desktop, for example).
  • Click on the “Properties” tab.
  • Go to the “Shortcut” tab.
  • Select “Window”, where we click on the item we need.

How to make full screen mode in Skyrim?

We bring to your attention the transition to full screen mode for the game Skyrim.

Full screen mode for World of Tanks

In order to launch the “Full Screen” function for our beloved game Tanks, you just need to go to the “Settings” of the game. Go to the “Graphics” item, and then select the “Full Screen Mode” item. You can also just press the key combination Alt+Enter