How the New Moon in Gemini will affect changes in romantic relationships. Lyudmila King - “Are you ready for this?” – New Moon in Gemini

You've probably heard the phrase “Connections are everything!” more than once. Well, about EVERYTHING, I don’t completely agree, but during the New Moon in Gemini, this phrase should really become your motto.

The New Moon in Gemini will occur on June 5th and its main theme will be establishing and expanding your network of contacts with people who can significantly help you achieve your goals and plans.

You've probably heard about the increasingly popular and in-demand concept of networking. Trainings, master classes, etc. are held on this topic. more people learn to consciously build a communication system and expand their circle of contacts. So, New Moon June 5 Gemini can easily be called a time of astrological networking. And, if you haven't started doing this yet, it's time to start! After all, the New Moon is always the time of the beginning of a new cycle and new themes in your life.

And since zodiac sign Gemini is characterized by duality and the need to do many things at the same time, then you will have to combine two completely different tasks in terms of energy. Indeed, at the moment of the New Moon, the Sun, a planet with masculine energy and is responsible for your conscious will, and the Moon, which has feminine energy and responsible for your ability to perceive and accept, are in exact connection. This means that you also need to combine the masculine and feminine in yourself and beautifully maintain a balance between the two sides of your personality, without giving preference to either of them. Moreover, precisely on the topic of expanding your communications with other people.

So, on the day of the New Moon, June 5, you need to clearly and clearly decide what goal you want to achieve within six months. To enhance Gemini energy, light a white or silver candle and, placing a piece of paper in front of you, write your goal on it. Then, for several minutes, gaze continuously at the candle flame and go through in your memory those people who are the very necessary link for your goal to be achieved.

Attention! This could be a person you don't know right now. Don't think now about how you can establish contact with him. Do not lower the level of your aspirations and do not give in to the thought that this person is unattainable for you and you are not part of his circle of acquaintances. Your task at this moment is to understand who he is. Once you understand who exactly you need to easily and quickly achieve your goal, write his name on a piece of paper next to your goal. After this, burn this sheet over a candle flame. Now you have two weeks at your disposal while the energy of the New Moon will help you. And during this time you need to do two things.

The first is in tune with the active and conscious energy of the Sun.

You already have the name of the person you need to achieve your goal. Now you need to get to know him.

I'm sure you already know about the theory of 6 handshakes. This theory is completely consistent with the natural energy of Gemini. Well, I have good news for you. If the person you need lives in your city, then no matter how unattainable he may seem to you, there are no more than 3 people between you and him. Your task is to figure out which of your personal acquaintances you should call or write to start this process in the right direction. And then, rest assured, the process will begin to develop on its own. And information about you will reach the person you need at a speed that you didn’t even suspect. And after just a few days, you will be surprised to discover that the person who seemed completely inaccessible and unattainable to you is listening to you attentively and with pleasure. And your goal is quite achievable thanks to his participation.

This is exactly how Gemini energy works when we use it in its active masculine form.

Remember, you will have to act and react quickly. Therefore, in order not to get into trouble and be ready for contact at any moment, keep yourself during these two weeks in the most in better shape. I mean appearance and cheerful mood.

But, at the same time, you should under no circumstances forget about the second very important thing, which is in tune with the feminine passive and receptive energy of the Moon.

Starting on the same June 6th, open your mind, heart and soul to any new contacts.

Attention!!! Don't think about how useful they can be to you and don't try to calculate the benefits. Don't be guided by your ideas about who you should meet and who you shouldn't. Just open up to any new acquaintances and catch the light and changeable impulse of instant attraction. Look strangers in the eyes. Smile at strangers and strangers. Be friendly and give light and unobtrusive compliments. Pause for a minute to exchange phrases or phone numbers. Comment on posts of people you are interested in on social networks, even if you haven’t dared to do so before.

Your task is to meet and establish pleasant contact with as many people as possible, leaving behind a pleasant, light and unobtrusive impression.

Believe me, in the near future, thanks to one of your new acquaintances, a problem that has been bothering you for a long time will be resolved or you will make a very serious breakthrough in achieving your goal.

Thanks to which of them is still unknown. But I hope that it is because of this unknown that you will treat everyone you come in contact with during this time more tenderly, deeply and thoughtfully.

There is, however, one little hint. Pay special attention to people born under the sign of Virgo. Especially if the first contact with them involves an open conflict. It may seem strange now, but they will be the most useful to you in the future.

But people born under the sign of Pisces will turn out to be absolutely useless for you and will only take away your precious time.

And since the time from June 5 to June 19 will indeed be very hectic and full of various contacts and rapidly changing circumstances, use these tips for every day to maintain a delicate balance and not lose touch with your intuitive nature.

If you were born under the signs of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces, . They will allow you to keep your attention truly important things and don’t waste your time on trifles.

If you were born under the sign of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius - the best hint for you. Receive them every day until the Full Moon. And use them as hints and peace signs for you.

And don't sit at home. Communicate with pleasure and every day in the evening find at least a couple of minutes to raise your eyes up and look at the beautiful growing Moon. Which will grow and increase every day. Just as your circle of new acquaintances will grow and expand, each of whom in the future can become the most important, the most necessary, the most important person in your life.

But now you don't know about it. Therefore, just enjoy new acquaintances and be light in your feelings and thoughts.

Have a good New Moon everyone and new acquaintances that have the potential to develop into strong, useful and reliable connections.

New Moon June 13, 2018 in the sign of Gemini brings to the fore communication, establishing connections, communicating and transmitting information, but due to the influence of Neptune - by introducing fog and hiding many things, incoming information may come in a distorted form or misinterpreted, and Saturn leaves questions unanswered, preferring silence. Therefore, in the next couple of weeks, important messages have a chance to arrive in the form hidden messages, the main thing is not to get confused and correctly understand the signs, because even silence is also the answer.
The influence of Calypso confirms this, because its function is to hide, deceive, cover, and important information erased or missing this moment, in order to find it, you need to be able to read between the lines, since it will not be presented directly. Nevertheless, communication with Uranus will make it possible to find the necessary information in right moment.
The decan associated with Orion brings intellectual sophistication, optimism, a desire to please, some theatricality, but also common sense. Imagine what you see in the stalls at an exciting performance where the plot unfolds through wordplay with double meanings. And your task at this moment is to solve the riddle of what is hidden behind the speeches of the actors. Who will be affected by the new moon will experience approximately the same thing, only in real life.
At the World level, the points of the three Army Generals, military advisers, are included, so in social events there will be news regarding military dynamics from leaders and representatives high positions. The points are responsible for self-control, dignity, inventions, experiments, commanding others, as well as for difficulties in government circles due to intolerance of people with their values, criticism, gloominess and bitterness regarding social services, religion and all power structures.
New Moon affects Milky Way with Orion’s belt, and on a personal level the most interesting thing begins here: Orion was a handsome, stately hunter, whose appearance even goddesses could not resist, but he was distinguished not only by his passion for captured animals, but also by his love affairs with beautiful and young maidens, with than often without asking their consent.
For mastering Miropa, he was blinded, but regained his sight. He was also seen in passion with the goddess Eos, and our hero lover also chased the Pleiades sisters, for which he paid, because Artemis, either because of her spoiled virgin honor, or because of jealousy of the Pleiades, or because he tried to rape the maiden Opida sent a scorpion to him, which fatally bit him on the ankle. In short, the guy jumped on the girls, because it doesn’t matter. Asclepius, of course, tried to revive him, but was struck by lightning by Zeus for this. Therefore, the story of mating games on the new moon will enliven many personal life, adding color to it through the actions of the main characters, as well as interesting events.
Orion in this context symbolizes relationships between people, based primarily on love and sexual themes, where there is the principle of hunting and the desire to take possession of an inaccessible forbidden apple. On the topic of the new moon, it manifests itself in the form of contacts and communication - this is flirting, flirting, seduction, excitement, sweet speeches to obtain the desired fruit.
The influence of the dove speaks of the news being received, returning to the beginning of the text of the article - you need to separate truth from lies and remove the noodles from your ears in time, since Neptune promotes brainwashing, lying and substituting facts. According to Saturn, it is better to use reason and logic rather than take your word for it. In general, this applies not only to amorous affairs, but also to business, since Orion is also responsible for commerce, exploration, competition and social status, so filter offers and contracts in the workplace too. But advice on how to live and what to think will not be received with a bang now.
The new moon can reveal two-faced and unreliable behavior due to Alkhayot Behenii - indicates what is hidden from view, and also manages temptations, verbosity, cunning, parasitism, by the way, is also responsible for kept women. In a positive version, it gives honors, income and profit, prosperity in business and many allies. And with honesty, openness and righteous deeds, Al Mintaqah will give good results and good luck in the partnership.
The sky shows that there are two options - follow the manners of Orion and face a crushing blow in response, or take a more honest path and increase the chances of bright prospects in the future.

On June 13 at 22:44 Moscow time at 22°44’ in the sign of Gemini, a milestone New Moon will take place, which will determine which of our plans, goals, tasks and relationships we will leave in the past, and which ones we will transform and take with us into the future.

The New Moon in the sociable intellectual sign of Gemini will bring not only, as usual, revitalization in our lives and renewal in our plans, connections and contacts. This new moon will also become a kind of boundary line between the past and the future, because from this lunar month new the most important topics and energies that determine further development events of a fateful nature.

This lunar month will be characterized by the duality of Gemini. On the one hand, we will be in the mood for easy meetings, friendly communication, study, fun trips and exciting trips in order to get more interesting information, which we want to share and exchange with others. On the other hand, we will be forced to solve serious problems related to our relationships, family, career, and self-realization.

Ruler of the New Moon Mercury, which the day before moved into the family sign of Cancer and is moving into opposition with(exact aspect of June 16), in the new lunar month immediately sets the most important topic for intense conversations, discussions and reflections. The theme of family, children, parents, our duties, debts and responsibilities towards them, as well as maintaining a balance between the interests of family and our own goals of self-realization in outside world, will become central in the next two months under the influence Full Moon in Capricorn June 28 And Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 13th.

Planet of money, relationships and personal values ​​Venus, also on the eve of the new moon she changed her zodiac sign, moving to Leo, accentuating the second significant topic this summer - achieving recognition in the outside world, revealing one's creative potential, receiving well-deserved awards, and achieving a standard of living that is truly important and valuable to us. Moving towards the connection with the Vector of Development - the Ascending Lunar Node, and passing tense aspects from (June 15) and (June 21), it is included in the most important topics of the upcoming summer eclipses and, urging us to look for non-standard, unexpected, original ways achieving what you want.

Thus, on the one hand, in the new lunar month we will be busy discussing and deciding our family problems, on the other hand, to intensively seek opportunities for self-realization in the outside world, despite the difficulties, obstacles and restrictions that the tense aspects of Saturn and Pluto, as well as slow Mars in a retrograde loop, will create for us.

Mars reversal at Full Moon

The main feature of the new lunar month- stop and turn of Mars into retrograde motion on June 27, which occurs at the moment of culmination lunar cycle, on the full moon on the Cancer-Capricorn axis. This very difficult full moon (the exact aspect will take place on June 28) will take place under the intense influence of retrograde Saturn: the Moon in Capricorn will be in conjunction with it, and the Sun in Cancer will be in opposition.

This means that the beginnings of the lunar month or ongoing affairs that were initiated by us in mid-May 2018, when Mars entered its retrograde loop, as well as the problems, conflicts and contradictions associated with them, on the one hand, will approach June 25-29 to their maximum development, and on the other hand, will face the most difficult restrictions and obstacles of this year, re-testing our important goals and aspirations.

The beginnings of this lunar month will face the most difficult restrictions and obstacles of the year, retesting our important goals and aspirations.

In design options retrograde will focus on problem areas of our important life goals, projects, relationships in order to correct and adjust them. Solving the difficulties that arise during this period will require a lot of effort, but in the end the result will be worth it.

On the one hand, according to the principles of Saturn, it will be very important to comply with agreements and obligations assumed earlier, adhere to planned plans and deadlines, and carry out your work responsibly and accurately. Do not violate rules, laws and regulations.

On the other hand, Uranus in the earthly sign of Taurus will offer to expand the boundaries of our ideas about how things should be and help find innovative solutions to old, seemingly insoluble situations and problems.

In destructive variants, the conjunction of the Moon with Saturn against the backdrop of opposition to the Sun and stationary Mars can give an acute feeling of loneliness, a feeling of abandonment and uselessness. Problems in business and finances, cooling in relationships, may seem dead-end, and instead of the desire to act, they will plunge you into depression and force you to give up. Conflicts and contradictions that have accumulated up to this point will be manifested to the maximum, so breakups, divorces, collapse of plans, disruptions of important matters and projects are very likely.

Since Saturn activates the Cancer - Capricorn axis, it is important that the opposite energies of these signs “family - work” in your life are balanced, without being skewed in one direction. Otherwise, it is possible that during the lunar month we will either have to give up family vacation, household chores and events for the benefit of work, business, business trips, implementation of important projects; or, family circumstances and problems will greatly interfere with our ability to achieve important business and personal goals.

Thus, the main task of the new lunar month is to find the optimal balance between the requirements of the two poles: related to career building and self-realization, which we defined for ourselves in December 2017, when.

The main task of the new lunar month is to find the optimal balance between the requirements of the two poles: family values and important long-term goals

Retro Mars and the Moon without a course: one step forward and two back

Be also prepared for the fact that all new endeavors undertaken after the new moon on June 13, as well as ongoing affairs, will develop very, very slowly due to the practically stopped Mars, which personifies our external activity and personal energy in achieving goals. This circumstance is also indicated movement of the Moon without a course, which will begin immediately after the exact moment of the new moon at 22:44 Moscow time on June 13 and will continue until 10:20 Moscow time on June 14.

Also, at the moment Mars stops and turns into retrograde motion, the Moon will again go on a long “idle” voyage, which will last more than a day from 15:53 ​​Moscow time on June 26 to 18:52 Moscow time on June 27. This time is not at all suitable for important matters, meetings, negotiations, signing papers, opening a business, dating, starting a relationship, starting projects. However, this only applies to those undertakings from which you expect specific results. If you are not looking simple ways

From Full Moon in Capricorn to Solar Eclipse in Cancer

The second half of the lunar month will be colored by the approaching July 13 Solar Eclipse at 20°41‘ sign Cancer, which will take place at 05:48 Moscow time in confrontation with retrograde Pluto in Capricorn.

If by this moment the accumulated contradictions and problems that Saturn will raise before us on the full moon on June 28 are not resolved in a constructive manner, then the powerful, transformative energy of Pluto can forcibly cut off with a sharp surgical knife everything that prevents us from moving forward and developing.

In destructive scenarios increased emotional tension, unmotivated aggression, internal anxiety and unaccountable fears can result in serious conflicts, lead to injuries, emergencies, divorces, dismissals, termination of agreements and contracts. And again, dramatic changes will affect our home, parents, children and relatives, or will affect the opposite pole - our career plans and ambitions, large long-term projects, finances and real estate.

On new round conflict may arise from long-standing complex family or career issues that are considered insoluble and are a stumbling block. In particular difficult cases things can escalate to assault and violence.

Constructive scenarios involve control over emotions, self-control, directing increasing disturbing energy to creation, conflict resolution, and reducing tension in relationships.

All in our hands

In any case, all the events that will take shape during the lunar month, be it a breakthrough in important issues and the achievement of important goals and results, or vice versa, a severance of connections, relationships, termination of contracts and closure of projects - all this will be a consequence of our value systems and priorities, how we show our energy in the outside world.

Therefore, everything is in our hands. Approach the important ones life decisions and actions consciously, and remember that everything that happens during the period of eclipses will become an integral part of your life for several years to come. Now you and I are closing one door to the past and opening a new door to the future. And it depends only on us what we take with us and what will make up our life in the future.

Happy and creative lunar month in Gemini everyone!

© Marianne Vergeles

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On June 16 at 17:04 we will see a new moon at 25°07" Gemini (14:07 GMT). The Sun and Moon begin their new cycle together with Mars. The aspect gives an incentive to travel, new initiatives in business and life. This beautiful time learning something new, for dating, exchanging information, business contacts. The day of the new moon gives a charge to the whole month. The focus of this period will be the importance of information and how you deal with facts. You may receive an important message that turns out to be the piece of the puzzle you are looking for and will help you make the right choice and decision. Circumstances may prompt you to set new goals. This new moon is ideal for planning and the remainder of June for starting new projects. This is X It's a good time to start playing sports.However, the activity of Mars in the new moon chart gives this lunar month the energy of Mars, and he is a difficult guy.

If the energy of Mars is not spent constructively, it results in a desire to argue with and without reason, and, as a result, quarrels and conflicts, and in in some cases- into uncontrolled aggressiveness. This is the period active actions and bellicose sentiments. I already wrote about this June new moon in the spring in the material, below is a quote from that forecast:
“In the second half of June and early July, transit Pluto will intensify the degree and his energy. The power points of the year fall at the same time - June 16 and July 2. In the events of that period, the effect of spring eclipses will be manifested, the development of themes identified in the spring. The fact that Pluto again enters into dialogue with the degree of eclipse indicates an increase in tension, an aggravation of problems and contradictions that have not been resolved. In the new moon chart on June 16, Mars is conjunct the Sun, and in the full moon chart on July 2, Mars is conjunct the Sun oppose Pluto. In mid-July, Mars conjunct Mercury will be in exact opposition to Pluto, and they will all be a large cross to activate the degree of this eclipse, exact aspects on July 16-17. These are aspects of irreconcilable confrontation, disasters, violent actions, military conflicts, clashes involving the army or police. During this period there is reason to expect dramatic events in the world."
Now about what you need to remember in personal matters. Impulsive actions and irritability will not contribute to maintaining peace and harmony in the family and personal relationships. Avoid aggressive actions towards children.Caution is needed, as the willingness to take risks can push rash steps, and excessive spontaneity in reactions threatens injury and increases the risk of accidents while driving. The danger of fires remains, caution is needed with explosive substances, and careful handling of mechanisms and sharp objects.

In the new moon chart, Uranus will trine Jupiter—exact aspect on June 22—and Venus and Jupiter will join forces in a conjunction that will become exact by the end of the month. This is a good period for starting Internet projects, implementing innovative technologies, for programmers, projects related to information and printing. But not everything is rosy during this period. On June 23, Mercury will enter its third square with Neptune and in the days around this date, as throughout June, caution is needed in contacts, connections and affairs. On days near the exact aspect, you need to be careful with new people and new ideas. During this period, poisoning is likely, since the body’s susceptibility increases along with the likelihood of buying low-quality products. Caution is needed when taking new medications and their exact dosage is important. It is better to abstain from alcohol.

Uranus trine to the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in the last week of June is a great time for business and romantic acquaintances, including online dating, the beginning of novels, for creative projects. This is a favorable time to try something new, to break out of routine patterns into romance, communication, and open a new page in life, even if this page is your personal innovation and concerns only you.

The second half of June brings the wind of change and can offer each of us new opportunities or joys in one area or another, depending on our personal horoscope. But also depending on our previous and current efforts, because as Lucius A. Seneca said, “he who does not know which harbor to sail to, has no favorable wind.”

What to do on a new moon

From the book “Lunar Eclipses” by D. Pessin:

“During the new moon, we should be creatively adventurous. You can go somewhere we've never gone before, attend a seminar dedicated to absolutely new topic. You can do something inspiring: sign up for new courses, read new book and most importantly, be attentive to all the new people we meet during the new moon.

If you are a representative creative profession, start new project and watch him live his own life. Write a new poem, compose a song, create a new color palette or a new studio arrangement. Work in different lighting or different time day. Write down your dreams and thoughts. Get out of your normal routine to find inspiration. Commit sentimental journey to use old memories for new emotional works. Organize a random idea competition with people around you.

In business, at this time it is better to observe the cycles and do some research. Create a pilot project, but do not have any illusions and monitor its development closely. The beginning of new real projects may cause major unforeseen failures. Create a “thinking center.” Consider hiring a consultant or commercial trainer for inspiration and guidance. Organize a work network. But remember that hiring new people during a new moon can bring problems later.

Beware of making promises at this time as the enthusiasm is great but the real output is limited. Do not make final choices or make final commitments at this time.

For personal and spiritual growth“plant a couple of real seeds” related to your desires. Take care of these seeds and monitor their growth. Write down your wish list and come back to it in nine months. For a few days before and after the new moon, write down all your dreams and refer to this recording nine months later. This is also a great time for meditation and yoga, personal “inventory” and working on your image.